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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Biathlonman on January 22, 2017, 10:04:00 PM

Title: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Biathlonman on January 22, 2017, 10:04:00 PM
It would appear several models of the Grizzly Bruin double bevel are available on the website.  Anyone order them yet?  I'm thinking I need to try them!
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Holm-Made on January 23, 2017, 12:11:00 AM
I'd like to try them too.  Brad, if you want to split a pack I'll buy 3 of whatever size you want to try.  Chad
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: KentuckyTJ on January 23, 2017, 08:35:00 AM
Here is a link to them  

Bill is working on the 125 grain now. They will be available soon as well.

Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Alexander Traditional on January 23, 2017, 08:49:00 AM
Nice looking head. Thanks for the link I couldn't find anything.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: ChuckC on January 23, 2017, 08:50:00 AM
Funny, just yesterday I altered an older El Grande Grizzly to look very much like that one ( but single beveled yet).  I reduced the length and widened the point, with very similar angles.  I like the head and wanted to use it, but dislike how long it is, both in terms of my enjoyment of my equipment as well as the fact that they stick out of all my current bow quivers.

Never noticed that design difference before.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: zipper bowss on January 24, 2017, 07:27:00 AM
Chad, If you want something other than a 6 pack of glue ons just give me a call. I know the guy that packages them and I'll bet I could persuade him to sell you 3.    :D  

Chuck, The 125 grain Bruin is just about 2 1/2" long. The 150,175,200 grain Bruin's are all 2 3/4". The same as the single bevel Grizzly's.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: zipper bowss on January 24, 2017, 07:32:00 AM
I have been getting some questions about the make up of the Bruin. Because the Grizzly is made of 2 equal halves.It is confusing some folks on how we are grinding the Bruin to a double bevel without having the braze line in the center doing the cutting. That is simple. The Bruin has 3 pieces of steel in it instead of 2. If you look closely at the picture KentuckyTJ posted you can see that the braze line is not in the center of the grind. It is the third piece of steel that is in the center.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: ChuckC on January 24, 2017, 08:49:00 AM
Thanks Bill.    
Grizzlys, in all their iterations, are fine heads.

They get really sharp if you have a mind to it, they fly really well, and, well, they work !

As you can tell, I have this bad habit of tweaking many things to look or do it " my way".

Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Longtoke on January 24, 2017, 09:45:00 AM
those look awesome, I like the tips.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Pat B. on January 24, 2017, 11:32:00 AM
Very nice!

How wide are they?
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Holm-Made on January 24, 2017, 01:43:00 PM
Bill, I am not too tight to buy a whole pack of 6 but Brad is kind of a tight wad so I offered to help him out.   :   :biglaugh:    I'll take a pack of the 125 grain and a pack of 75 grain steel adapters when your ready to send them out.   Thanks, Chad
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Holm-Made on January 24, 2017, 01:47:00 PM
TJ. Is the one you have pictured the 125?  I like that color hunter green.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Biathlonman on January 24, 2017, 06:48:00 PM
Good thing I've got thick skin, tough crowd around here!  lol
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: KentuckyTJ on January 24, 2017, 06:49:00 PM
Yes it is Chad.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Holm-Made on January 24, 2017, 07:56:00 PM
Good deal TJ.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Jeff D. Holchin on January 24, 2017, 10:24:00 PM
Bill sent me a 3-pack of 200-grain Bruins to test drive on some hogs next week...

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I am hosting a PBS membership hunt in coastal Georgia and Bill himself will be there, testing the heads on those swamp rooters..

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I think the hogs are in for a bad time of it, these heads look devastating.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Jeff D. Holchin on January 24, 2017, 10:26:00 PM
Darn, my photo quality is not the greatest, but you get the gist..

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Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: CHENRYIV on January 25, 2017, 11:05:00 AM
I've been a long time Grizzly Broadheads fan and have taken game with both the single bevel and the Instinct. I can't wait to add the  Bruins to my arsenal.   I just got off the phone with Bill and have a set on the way to Georgia.
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Tajue17 on January 26, 2017, 07:48:00 AM
I wish they made a 2" wide head,, can you picture a grizzly tapering up to 2" wide and being single bevel,,, it would be wicked for sure!

oops sorry back on topic 8^)
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Jeff D. Holchin on February 09, 2017, 08:31:00 PM
I got to try out the 200 grainers with 75 grain inserts last week in Georgia.  I was very impressed - this hog made it about 50 yards...

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So on the next hog, I really focused on my aim and this hog only made it one yard..

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Awesome broadheads!
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: Jwilliam on February 10, 2017, 09:21:00 AM
Now that's what I call field testing !!!    :thumbsup:   Congratulations Jeff
Title: Re: Grizzly Bruin broadhead
Post by: on February 10, 2017, 11:52:00 AM
I need to have a pack to test out, too.  There is a stray cat that is trying kill my pet cottontail.   My wife looked in my box of broadheads.  We cannot say what came out of her mouth.  When she is not looking I am going to get some more.