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Main Boards => The Shooters FORM Board => Topic started by: TFM on January 01, 2008, 03:27:00 PM

Title: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: TFM on January 01, 2008, 03:27:00 PM
Do you feel that a quiver on your bow effects accuracy? or not?
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: Migra Bill on January 01, 2008, 03:54:00 PM
Let me prefice this by saying I am new. I am so new I have never answered a question before. But I have been told by those that are not new that a quiver will not effect your acuracy if you practice with it on the bow. What hurts is if you shoot with no quiver in the back yard and then put a quiver on before you go in the woods.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: jhansen on January 01, 2008, 05:28:00 PM
Bill, you may be new but you are correct.  I don't like or use a bow quiver but my friends that do keep it on all the time and load it with arrows minus one.  The one empty slot is for the arrow that you will have on the string.

Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: TFM on January 01, 2008, 06:26:00 PM
curious as to why you dont perfer them. I am torn between a bow mounted quiver as i do not want it to affect the bow. I dont see a info on if it does?
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: Matt E on January 01, 2008, 06:41:00 PM
It throughs a bow out of balance.I tried one but it just felt to awkward to me. If you use one and tune the bow with it on ,I suppose it would not hinder your
performance. If you take one arrow out it changes everything again. To much of a hassle for me, I will stick to my hip quiver. I have heard of archers useing them until they got to their stand then taking them off.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: Fletcher on January 01, 2008, 06:42:00 PM
A quiver full of arrows is going to affect how the bow shoots and balances and the effect is greatest with light riser bows like longbows.  As long as you shoot the bow with the quiver on and tune it and the arrows that way, it doesn't matter.  Some folks just don't like the feel of the quiver on the bow so they choose another quiver style.  

Like many things, there is no perfect quiver and whatever you choose is going to be a compromise to some degree.  You just have to figure what works best for you.  I've been shooting a Great Northern bowquiver on my longbows for more years than I can remember and it is what works for me.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: jhansen on January 01, 2008, 07:40:00 PM
It's a personal thing.  I use a Plains Indian style soft quiver that I wear with the strap running diagonally from my right shoulder to my left hip.  (I'm a lefty.)  The quiver itself is carried with the nock end of the arrows forward.
I color code my nocks so I can tell what's on the other end.  Broadheads have red nocks.  Field points have green.  Blunts have white.  Since I carry an assortment of arrows when woods walking the color makes it easy to grab the right arrow.  The soft leather of the quiver means that the arrows don't rattle and I can clasp the quiver to my side when moving through brush.  It works for me.  By comparison, a bow quiver makes my bow feel off-balance and heavier not to mention that most of them only hold a maximum of 5 arrows.

Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: ksbowman on January 01, 2008, 08:20:00 PM
Different brands of bow quivers act different on your bow.Some will cause the bow to torque and shoot to one side or the other and others will not.  Ben
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: J P on January 01, 2008, 08:27:00 PM
I hunted for years with side and back quivers, almost any kind of quiver you can think of. This year I went to a strap on quiver for my long bow and love it. It's always on the bow from 3-D's to hunting. I find it very handy and haven't seen a down side to it yet, didn't have any problems getting use to it. Maby just because it's new to me and I want to like it. Give one a try and you might like it to.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: laddy on January 01, 2008, 09:14:00 PM
I have never found a recurve that had good balance without a bow quiver, had good balance with one.  I always felt the need to squeeze on release.  After spending enough money experimenting to buy a backquiver, I bought a backquiver.  I could see how it would be less of a deal with straight gripped longbows, since a good squeeze doesn't hurt the accuracy with them as long as bow arm is bent.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: pseman on January 03, 2008, 12:25:00 PM
As stated above, the bow will shoot fine with or without a bow quiver. Just practice with one if you plan on hunting with one on the bow.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: Naphtali on January 03, 2008, 01:37:00 PM
One additional thought. When using a bow quiver with five or more heavy arrows, you will have a difference in point of impact between first arrow, quiver filled and last arrow, quiver empty. How much? Dunno. Varies.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: HATCHCHASER on January 04, 2008, 08:43:00 AM
I wonder about the extra movement it takes to get another arrow from a non-bow quiver while on stand.  I am gonna go to a 3 arrow bow quiver and carry extra arrows in my side quiver next year. It really depends on what you are doing and some personal preference. Just a thought.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: Matty on January 04, 2008, 11:38:00 PM
I Have not found a BOW QUIVER that works well, I want to because hunting with a hip/ side quiver is very cumbersome, MY shooting Goes to POT with a quiver on my Bow...ALL OF THEM.  I'm going to try one of the tiny light weight ones from eagles flight here soon enough.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: Bear Heart on January 05, 2008, 09:44:00 PM
I like to cant my bow and have found that a bow mounted quiver makes it feel even more comfortable.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: bm22 on January 05, 2008, 09:55:00 PM
i love my selway quiver. i hated it at first be then decided i needed to have a quiver for my hunt that was coming up so i stuck it on and haven't taken it off. it adds weight but it is not a discomfort. keeps my arrows quite while walking and stalking threw the south texas brush. and holds 6 arrows, if you can't get it done with 6 arrows you don't need to be shooting a bow.

the only down side i have found is if you aren't careful you can smash your feathers transporting the bow.

i had to use a back quiver this past weekend because i was hunting with a longbow without mounts in it and it was the most hideous worthless thing i have used. i don't see how anyone can stalk up on a heard of cows with that thing. it was noises and would stag on any brush i tried to duck threw.

i could see where a hip quiver would snag on brush too. so for me there is no other option that a bow quiver.

also removing arrows doesn't change your point of impact at all, it only changes the weight not the speed of your bow, and it doesn't change your sight picture so it won't change you instictive sights.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: TFM on January 06, 2008, 08:07:00 AM
If i decide on a bow quiver, It will be one of the strap on styles. Others say it helps quite the bow. I have a Whip being built for me and wonder what Dan thinks about putting one on his bows
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: acadian archer on January 06, 2008, 09:49:00 PM
I use a Selway also and it's just so natural now. In years past I used a hip quiver but when I bought my new Chek Mate I decided to try a bow quiver. For me it's worked out great
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: Scott J. Williams on January 07, 2008, 12:38:00 PM
I have always enjoyed the way a quiver on my bow feels.  At least for me, it give a little extra mass weight to the bow that allows me to hold it a little steadier.  

I have used, and continue to use the Selway slide ons, bolt ons, and  a big fan of the Great Northern quivers.  

I use these quivers even when I have my Cat Quiver on my back.  I most often carry my Cat Quiver when small game hunting, or when packing into the high country for several days.  

I can then carry a variety of heads,  I do practice with my quiver on my bows, with one arrow out or with the quiver full.  

It is just my preference, I just feel I can load a second arrow faster from the bow quiver than I can from a back, or side quiver.  I also believe that for the most part, a bow quiver is easier to get through the brush than most quivers, and have a tendency to be quieter.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: bow'narrow on January 07, 2008, 04:01:00 PM
Have been using some kind of quiver for over 40 years.  (I have eleven of them).   Mostly back quivers, side and center-back, but also St. Charles type, tube,hip, plains, you name it.  Also bow quivers.  What I'm saying is that after all this time, I still don't have an answer about quivers.  I  do know that I just don't feel right putting a quiver on a longbow.  Suptoya!  Whatever helps you shoot best.    Bow'narrow
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: Danny Roberts on January 10, 2008, 07:19:00 PM
I shoot rt. handed and carry the same type quiver on my left side. It works better for me pulling them out and going straight to the string. I just never liked arrows in a bow quiver. Take care.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: carlr2s on January 13, 2008, 01:30:00 AM
I agree with Scott J Williams.
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: chrisg on January 13, 2008, 05:13:00 AM
We all are in the same general zone, some do some dont. I got a bow quiver after seeing so many of my friends using them, they are quiet and easy to remove an arrow from. I could not get used to the swing away to the left on my long bow, the extra weight out on the side makes a difference but on a recurve it's fine especially the heavier riser types like take downs. I finally made an ultra light one for my long bow that takes two arrows and is snug against the bow-less leverage from torque. I use a back quiver for 3Ds, stumping, long trips and hiking into hunt area.

Funnily enough as a kid I shot with two arrows in my bowhand like the horse archers all the time. Dangerous with broadheads,never had an accident shot mostly blunts and field points but then I was a kid having way too much fun, what you don't 'know' never bothers you, you just shoot until it gets dark...
Title: Re: quivers affect accuracy?
Post by: JL on January 13, 2008, 01:19:00 PM
I have a Thunderhorn Boa quiver and it is on any bow I take out of the house. make sure you attach it past the fadeouts and you'll be fine. I prefer having a quiver on my one piece bows for the extra weight/stability. I try to shoot as much as I can and consider it pratice for hunting so the quiver is on the bow.

Some don't like the added weight of a bow quiver. To each their own. Nothing other then pratice will make you a better shot, quiver or not. Some adjust faster than others.