Trad Gang

Main Boards => Trad History/Collecting => Topic started by: Sean Butler on July 25, 2010, 09:29:00 PM

Title: Bear Kodiak Hunter questions
Post by: Sean Butler on July 25, 2010, 09:29:00 PM
I found a good deal ($40  :)  ) on a Kodiak Hunter.  The only thing i know about older bear bows is that they are shooters.  Here is the info i know:

the number on the bow is 8T10074, AMO 60, 43@28"

The bow is very dark green with white tip overlay and the same white overlay on the riser.  The bow also has a gold coin in it, but it looks like it may have fallen out and glued back in.

The bow looks like it has never been shot, just a little jossled around.  
The pics do not do the bow justice.
Does anyone have any info on it?

Title: Re: Bear Kodiak Hunter questions
Post by: smokin joe on July 25, 2010, 09:41:00 PM
That is a 1968 Bear Kodiak Hunter. I have one just like it (same bow, same draw weight) in my modest Bear collection of 6 Bear recurves. You will find that it is a sweet and stable bow that is a pleasure to shoot.
Mine shoots very well with 50-55 wood arrows at 29.5 inches with 125 grain points. I don't shoot it as much as I should because this time of year, with hunting season getting close, I only shoot the 50# bow I am going to hunt deer with.
You got a great deal on a classic bow. Enjoy it.
Title: Re: Bear Kodiak Hunter questions
Post by: Sean Butler on July 25, 2010, 09:46:00 PM
Thank you so much!

I'm taking it to my dad's tomorrow to string it and shoot it for the first time.  The guy i bought it from says he finds lots of used bows in his junk hunting travels.  I gave him my phone number in case he comes across any more.
Title: Re: Bear Kodiak Hunter questions
Post by: PAPALAPIN on July 25, 2010, 10:10:00 PM

Ya got a great deal, and it sounds like ya also found a good source.  Very important to an addict.
Title: Re: Bear Kodiak Hunter questions
Post by: Sean Butler on July 25, 2010, 10:29:00 PM
He was a good guy to deal with.  He also had some older broadheads but i don't know anything about those so I looked but couldn't tell one from the other.

The other bear i bought this year was an alaskan.  I was told over the phone that "it's not mint condition but it's pretty near it"  The bow was far from 'mint' the lamination was cracked, it had scratches all over and a small gouge on one of the limbs.  I still bought it. For $30 i figured i could hang it on the wall if it couldn't be shot.  I showed my dad the bow and he said it was a steal for $30 so we strung it up and it was a sweet shooter!