Trad Gang
National Bowhunting Orgs => Compton Traditional Bowhunters => Topic started by: instinctivebowman on December 07, 2011, 12:36:00 AM
I am going to be attending the Rendezvous this year for the first time, Ive heard its a treat. I love chili and hear there are some old pro's at that sport gonna be there. Looks really kid friendly from the pictures, I would love to bring my troops.
You'll have a great time. It really is one of the year's best events.
Where is it going to be
Where is it going to be
The annual Compton Rendezvous is going to be held again in Berrien Springs, MI unless something changed. That being said, they are having another "satellite shoot" somewhere down south. Here is the info for the new satellite shoot...;f=1;t=109370
You will love coming to the rendezvous....this will be my fourth one this year and I can't much to see and do...... :archer2:
Right, the rendezvous will be back at Berrien Springs June 15,16,& 17th. We have Monty Browning and Fred Eichler as the main speakers - it is shaping up to be another fantastice event!
And for the first time we will spread beyond the upper midwest by joining forces with All South Archery in Alabama with the Pre-Spring Arrow fling at Tannehill State Park. Can't wait!!
One of best events ive ever been to, trad or not.
Please bring the kids. We work hard at making their shoot fun and interesting. Big kids will have fun too as you'll have 4 3-D courses to shoot. Vendors by the score. Trade blanket on Sat. evening. Areial targets to shoot til midnite.
Most of all you'll have new traditional archery friends to make. There will be no strangers in the crowd. Come by camp and share a Dutch oven dinner w/ us. It is one of the "Can't miss" shoots of the summer.
I would like to come up to this event for the 1st time do you need to make camp ground reservations ? is there fire wood avalable?
Originally posted by CAST IRON:
I would like to come up to this event for the 1st time do you need to make camp ground reservations ? is there fire wood avalable?
No need to make campground reservations, as there is plenty of camping space. As for fire wood, there is usually some available (not sure if it's for sale or free, but there will be wood there I'm sure).
I will be coming to the Rendezvous for the first time, and yet I know I'll meet old friends. Looking forward to it.
This will be year 5 for the family and I ... My oldest son request to go every year for his birthday. How can you say no to that! :campfire:
Its big and busy and soooooo much fun!!
Saw some nice new Tshirts and merch pics on Compton's FB page.
Will be getting mine at the Rondezvous !
So, did everyone have a good time? My wife and I have had a blast so far and look forward to more tomorrow (Sunday) before heading home.
I was there Thursday night until Saturday night. I helped the Asbells in thier booth, it was a great time. I enjoy working a booth at Compton (I often help either the Asbells or Ron LaClair) because of all the folks you get to meet.
I love seeing all my buddies, we bid on and won a 10 day hunt in Idaho, so at least some of Shrew haven might be headed west :bigsmyl:
I was a little disapointed in the vendors this year....too many non archery trinkets. Also, I did not enjoy (or stay for) Fred Eichlers 'infomercial". I love Compton, love the rendevous, but I think they are allowing this event to slip a bit.
Listening to Monty Browning was awesome, that is one fellow I would like to go on a hunt with someday.
There are good folks on the board at Compton, I'm sure they will straighten it out.
My Dad and I were there on Saturday. As Roger mentioned above, I wish there were more archery related vendors. This was the first time attending for the both of us. I bought my Dad one of the new Compton hats and a couple Rendezvous t-shirts...same for myself. I have to admit CTB did a great job on their new hats. They are the same as the TBM hats and they are perfect! The CTB staff member that we talked to was super nice.
I think the Kalamazoo show had more archery vendors.
Still will support CTB, no doubt about that. :)