Trad Gang

Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Ron LaClair on May 09, 2005, 07:41:00 PM

Title: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 09, 2005, 07:41:00 PM
Here's a couple of photos taken BC (before color)

My 1st deer with a bow taken in 1961 and a lucky shot on a fox in 1958.

Any of you old duffers got pictures of game taken in your early days? I thought it might entertain the younger generation.     :)
       (      (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: nick_the_tinkerer on May 09, 2005, 08:07:00 PM

Thats what I love about this site. While most read about it, from a book, we can actually ask the people that lived it.     :)

Thanks for sharing Ron.

By the way, you always seem to have a beagle around  you.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: joe skipp on May 09, 2005, 08:13:00 PM
Ron, brings back some memories. Is that an original St Charles quiver in the deer photo? I have one but its pretty beaten up. What bow were you shooting? Again, nice pics.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: shick on May 09, 2005, 08:17:00 PM
Ron, great pics; you are quickly getting to 'legend' status.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: sticshooter on May 09, 2005, 08:17:00 PM
This is way to cool!<><
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 09, 2005, 08:45:00 PM

Yes the Quiver is a St Charles, I had Glenn sign it some years back when he visited my shop. The bow with the deer is a 1960 Kodiak Special, 66"  60#@28", I still have it. The bow in the fox picture is a 1955 Bear Kodiak 52#@28", I bought it new in 55 along with the Bear centerback quiver that I converted to single strap. I've still got the quiver but the bow got swapped off years ago.   :(
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Steve O on May 09, 2005, 08:58:00 PM
Just don't start posting "Tarzan" pictures  :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 09, 2005, 09:50:00 PM
Here's one from about 1962.
From 1963   (
and 1964

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 09, 2005, 09:50:00 PM
YA,!  now that's what I'm talkin about.    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on May 09, 2005, 10:04:00 PM
Com'on fellers it cain't stop here.  Braing us some more of them there fotygrafs.  Wish I'd started when I was in my youth instead of waiting till I was in my 30s.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Guru on May 09, 2005, 10:08:00 PM
This is real cool,keep them coming boys!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 09, 2005, 10:15:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 09, 2005, 10:38:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Pat B on May 09, 2005, 10:46:00 PM
These are great photos. What's the chances of starting a perminent photo album of old personal archery photos. One of my favorite things in the old archery books is the photos and one that comes to mind is Chet Stevenson with his character bow and crooked arrow. That crooked arrow has started another obsession in me. I've made 2 and one shoots very well.
 I was almost 30 before I started shooting a bow (I'll be 55 this July)so I'm intrigued with the stories and pictures of you guys as kids hunting with trad equiptment or sticks and string.     Pat
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 09, 2005, 10:53:00 PM

around 1966
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: luv2bowhunt on May 09, 2005, 11:04:00 PM
Ya!! This is one cool thread.... keep 'em comin' boys (and gals  :)  )!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on May 09, 2005, 11:34:00 PM
see, now that's how families are suppose to behave together.

pure deee harmony.  well good fishin fun anyway
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Chad Edgar on May 10, 2005, 07:25:00 AM
Thank you very much for sharing all of those with us.  Great pics and I second PatB's idea about a "TradGang Photo Album, The Classics".
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: swamprooter on May 10, 2005, 08:43:00 AM
Fellas  this is the best thread of all time, I am really enjoying these old pics.

Warren I am sure friends still give you a hard time about that deer, if you spend any time at all around my dad he will tell the story about my big hog. I shot a pig that I could almost put in the cargo pocket on my hunting pants, he looked bigger in the brush, my dad still has a good time giving me a hard time about it, I didn't get any pictures, thank goodness, or my dad would have framed it I bet. Thanks for the great pics, Chris.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Dirteater on May 10, 2005, 09:17:00 AM
What a great thread!  Thanks fellas for sharing your photos with us.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: TexMex on May 10, 2005, 09:26:00 AM
Great pictures, thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: lilbobby on May 10, 2005, 09:30:00 AM
I could look at this for hour's, thanks to everyone!  Great photo's, hope you post somemore, really nice! Pure enjoyment!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Dave Bulla on May 10, 2005, 09:33:00 AM
Wow!  Keep them coming guys!  I haven't been doing this long enough to have any vintage pics like those, someday though... Got some cool old gun huhnting pics but not bow.

Warren, I realize the deer down south are not as big as those up north but was that a yearling?  Guess practicing on small game really does help on deer.  "[laffsmyl]"  

Just kidding.  I'm guessing you have lots more where that one came from, get them puppies scanned and posted.  You too Charlie.

Where's Van on this one?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 10, 2005, 10:29:00 AM
I know there's a bunch more "older" guys out there with pics... besides me, Troy and Ron. Give it up guys!

This one from 1967

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WildmanSC on May 10, 2005, 01:02:00 PM
"Braing us some more of them there fotygrafs"


They look more like fifty, sixty and maybe in a case or two seventygrafs!!    ;)    :bigsmyl:  

Old Duffers,

If when we were younger we would have taken a little better care of our bodies instead of thinking we were indestructable, we would be a younger old duffer, today!  If you know what I mean!

I'm sitting at the keyboard the fifth day after having arthroscopic surgery on my right knee.  Right now I feel real old!!!  My knee is doing the best it has since surgery, but it is still worse than before the surgery!!!  The surgeon removed a bone chip from the joint that is about 3/8" L x 5/16" W x 1/4" H.  I'm not sure where it broke off from, but may find out when I go back for my post-op visit tomorrow and see at least portions of the video of the operation.

I can verify that getting old is not for sissies!!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 10, 2005, 01:33:00 PM

Next is total knee replacement, I've got two of them. Had to go through airport security this morning, I thought they'd never quit waving that wand over me.      "[tunglaff]"    

Here's a picture from deer camp 1959, the first year my wife and I hunted together. We stayed in that 9x9 umbrella tent for two weeks and drank out of a clear stream nearby. You can't drink outa those streams anymore.

I had a blind by a wild apple tree and two coons came in to get apples. They ended up in our cook pot. Notice the bare broadheads in the National bow quiver. Those are old Goshawk broadheads.

My face is darkened with burnt cork. Any of you remember that?

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Huntrdfk on May 10, 2005, 01:36:00 PM
These are awesome guys!  :thumbsup:   I love looking at these.   Ron, I was two when you shot that fox!!! My grandfather left behind scores of photos of his life and the city and state we grew up in, they are among my favorite photographs. It's just so neat to look at them,  these remind me so much of those.

Thanks guys, keep 'em coming.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 10, 2005, 01:43:00 PM
First bow kill, early 70s.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 10, 2005, 02:43:00 PM
I think I got one of my dad with an alligator in 1957   :saywhat:   I'll look this evening. Yeah I know, there was no alligator season back then   :D   It made the front page of the hometown newspaper though   :bigsmyl:    ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Al Snow on May 10, 2005, 02:48:00 PM
Great thread!  Van, can you post a larger version of your avatar pic?  That one fits the category.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: David M. Mathis on May 10, 2005, 04:26:00 PM
Everyone has alot of hair back then.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WildmanSC on May 10, 2005, 04:50:00 PM

I know I'm facing double knee replacement at some point in the future.  I would just like to hold it off a bit.  It's sorta funny, I haven't even noticed my left knee hurting the past 4 or 5 days.  Of course, that is because my right knee is hurting so much!!

How are you doing with the knee replacements?  Did you have them both at the same time?  Have they put any limitations on your hunting?

Take care of those artificial knees!!  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 10, 2005, 06:44:00 PM

I had my knees done a year apart. A year after the last one I went back to Colorado, it was great to go up and down mountains again without pain. Do it, you won't regret it.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: jared s on May 10, 2005, 06:46:00 PM
Here's the question Ron's coon picture brought to my mind: Anyone buy lard by the crate anymore?   :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 10, 2005, 06:48:00 PM
Here's me shooting my 1958 Kodiak Special. It was 68" 45#@28" and was my tournament bow back then. My hunting bow was the 52# Kodiak.

Man I wish I had that slim build again    "[tunglaff]"  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 10, 2005, 07:22:00 PM
Boy I love to look at old archery pics.  Here's that gator my Dad shot in 1958 on the way to work.  He shot it with a regular broadhead first.  It sunk immediately.  Then he shot it with a fish arrow to drag it to the bank.  Stalking gators from the bank... Cool.  I had a pic of it in the back of his 1954 Chevy Belair but I can't seem to find it   :bigsmyl:    


Keep 'em comin'.  This is cool  :thumbsup:  ...Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on May 10, 2005, 07:45:00 PM
I think Van was borned rurnt.   :bigsmyl:  

Nice pics Van.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 10, 2005, 08:03:00 PM

In the background my Dad's 1954 Chevy.  Dang, that suckers 6 years old by then  :)  ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 10, 2005, 08:07:00 PM
Van,yer paw is a cool lookin feller,I bet he didna change oil fer a livin...
As a matter of fact he did  :bigsmyl:    :bigsmyl:  ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 10, 2005, 08:39:00 PM
This is the early 60's (color film) Kodiak Special, 66", 60#@28. Shootin them new fangled fiberglass Micro Flights. The word Traditional haden't been invented yet.   :bigsmyl:

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 10, 2005, 08:54:00 PM
The word Traditional haden't been invented yet.  
I like that    :saywhat:    

Nice pic.  Nice group    :thumbsup:        :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Bear on May 10, 2005, 09:12:00 PM
This thread is even more confirmation that I was born 50 years too late, at least. I could easily go 100-150 but thats another conversation.

Thanks for the great pictures guys. They remind me of the pictures in the "old" books that I used to read as kid. Those were the pictures that captured my imagination and gave me the hunger for bowhunting.

Wish I could have shared a few of those camps with you guys. I was born into a day and age that I am not terribly proud of. These pictures are a bittersweet reminder of that fact.

Keep em' coming. And thanks to all of you who passed the tradition along to us, even if you never met us.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 10, 2005, 09:15:00 PM
can you juice us some o dem buckskinner photos of yerns,Theyr thu BEST!
85# Hill bow, dark whiskers and full buckskins...ahhh those were the days.   "[tunglaff]"

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: John Nail on May 10, 2005, 09:25:00 PM
Some really wonderful stuff on this thread. Most of my family's pictures were ruined in a flood in the early 60s, but there are a couple you might like.

circa 1962 coon hunters. I'm on the left with the skunk hat. Interesting aside: the guy on the right is now Dr. Ron Mcdaniel(retired). He made the glasses for Mel Gibson for the movie "The Patriot"

bow - three squirrels with three shots. probably never happen again

From my Florida guiding days. largemouth bass

Much of my life has been blessed by walking behind a fine birddog with a gun.

And here is the best one I ever saw..."Old Sue"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on May 10, 2005, 09:25:00 PM
Thanks for all the pics!!! Love too see and hear about the "Good Old Days"  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:

  Ron, love the Buckskins, and nice shot on the treerat!   :thumbsup:  

  Hope to see more good pics..............Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 10, 2005, 09:40:00 PM
I HATE ta see a set o hides,all clean,an red lukkin..
Thet shiny black iz the badge of wearin an honor for sech clothes...
Those buckskin pants hold the grease of many camp cook fires. When I retired those skins they almost stood by themselves.     :)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Mark Fedrizzi on May 10, 2005, 09:49:00 PM
...........Excellent thread.........thanx...  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 10, 2005, 09:50:00 PM
1st place trophy for hawk throwin at rendezvous.


Some more buckskinner pictures with flintlocks.
   (     (     (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 10, 2005, 09:54:00 PM
This one was taken around 1970

I think I got this rabbit (my first) in 1958 or 1959
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 10, 2005, 10:02:00 PM
1969... groundhog and 83# Hoyt Pro Hunter
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: kyle on May 10, 2005, 10:17:00 PM
great pics fellas.  Thanks so much for sharing.  I'm doin my best to have some of those type pics for my sons to show their sons.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WildmanSC on May 10, 2005, 10:18:00 PM
"This is the early 60's (color film) Kodiak Special, 66", 60#@28. Shootin them new fangled fiberglass Micro Flights."


Is that picture an inverse image?  If not, when did you switch to shooting from the portside (err, lefty)?

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 10, 2005, 10:42:00 PM
Bill, I've always been a lefty.

Here's me with my bare face hangin out and that 66" Kodiak Special with a couple bunnies and the ever present beagle.     :) ....  1961?

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Steve O on May 10, 2005, 10:55:00 PM
These old pictures are guys should see the stuff Ron has hanging in his shop.  It is an archery history treasure trove.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Joseph on May 11, 2005, 01:26:00 AM
Good stuff  :thumbsup:  Thanks,  Joseph
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Swamp Yankee on May 11, 2005, 06:57:00 AM
Thanks guys, started looking at this thread and now I'm late for work!  Wish I'd saved some of those old pics.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 11, 2005, 08:39:00 AM
Here's a couple shots from the tournament days. Wilson Brothers Black Widow bow 1964. The other pic is of a team I shot with, I think about 1961 or 62, anyway it was the first year the Bear Tamerlane came out. I'm on the right if you can't tell. Crew cut's were the haircut of choice in the summer.      :)  

My nickname back then was "Slim" Nobodys called me that for years     "[tunglaff]"    

     (        (,%20Doug,%20Joe,%20&%20Joe,%20CMAA%20team.jpg)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 11, 2005, 09:15:00 AM
A rabbit with the 1958 Kodiak. Man, look at that baby face.   :D

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Doug Campbell on May 11, 2005, 09:57:00 AM
Sorry no bow in this'n but it's my Gr Grandpa in bout 1915 with a Montana mulie.   (
Bout 50 years later his Grandson, my Uncle, Eliotski's dad, built me a hickory longbow, sure wish I had pics of that stuff!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 11, 2005, 10:29:00 AM
Man! I love these pics. Just wish my computer wasn't doing weird things with them... even the avatars are pixilated and Doug's photos come up "solarized". What's up with that?

Anyway, here's one from the early sixties.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 11, 2005, 10:36:00 AM
And here's one from the 80's for Sparta   :D  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 11, 2005, 10:45:00 AM
here's another from the 80's. That's my 82# Big Five... not only can I not draw that bow from THAT position, I can barely draw it from any position. Not to mention I can't squat like that anymore either!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Shaun on May 11, 2005, 10:47:00 AM
Don't know if I qualify as an Old Duffer yet, I'll be 56 next week. Here's the oldest photo I can find on short notice of me with a bow.


My son turned 26 a couple days ago so I would guess 1982. Yes that bow has wheels - it would be several years before I switched back to the bows of my youth and today. That 1979 Jennings grew attachments yearly until it looked like the Starship Enteprise and was permanently parked.

Many deer later, I can still recall the shot and watching that deer run full speed 10 yards, stop and look around, stagger and then leap sidways 20 feet and lay dead. Clean pass trough 2016 with Savora Wasp head.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Skinner on May 11, 2005, 10:56:00 AM
Great thread Ron!  Did you wear an arm guard with those buck skins on?  With my luck if I were to take a shot with those fringes, I would end up tying myself up in the middle of the bush.  LOL


PS. That SS Gold I picked up at Kzoo is a real nice shooter.  Thanks again for building such a great product.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 11, 2005, 11:27:00 AM

Yes I wore an armguard and had the fring trimmed short on my bow arm. Maybe you can see it in the picture. Being a lefty my right arm is my bow arm.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 11, 2005, 11:32:00 AM
Here's a 1980 picture with my 75# Yew English longbow. Hunting with that bow was like trying to fish brook trout with a cane pole.   :D

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: DarkeGreen on May 11, 2005, 11:32:00 AM
I'm thinking someone should print all of these in a special issue magazine. Neat stuff!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Flinttim on May 11, 2005, 12:43:00 PM
I swear, I think John Nail still has that hat !! (the one with the birds and shotgun)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Dan Worden on May 11, 2005, 12:53:00 PM
Just like a Ferret to start out on rabbits.  :D  

This is just waaaay too cool guys.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ray Lyon on May 11, 2005, 01:02:00 PM
Ron could have been the actor double for the Grizzly Adams t.v. show, although I don't think Ron's kill it/grill it/wear it style would have fit in with the animal lover mentality of that show.

Cool pictures. I have a "slim" version of myself with my first deer back in 1978 when I was a senior in highschool. I'll scan it and ad to the collection.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 11, 2005, 01:05:00 PM
I know this isn't a bow picture but I thought it might be of interest. This was taken in 1951. It's my first deer, a nice 8pt. I was 15 (quick do the math)   :D  The car is my dad's 1948 Nash
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Blaine on May 11, 2005, 01:11:00 PM
It doesn't bother me to see pictures with wheels and guns in this thread.  Makes me realize that whatever the method, we are all sports men and women.  Gotta stick together.  Thanks for the thread.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: yth-mnstr on May 11, 2005, 01:15:00 PM
This is the best thread I've ever seen!  Thanks for sharing the pics and stories.  That's what it's all about.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 11, 2005, 01:18:00 PM
Dang, we didn't have any deer in '51, much less a deer season  :saywhat:    :thumbsup:  ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ray Lyon on May 11, 2005, 01:30:00 PM

I can see Gene Wensels response already. "That's not ham hands, his fingers are too skinny!"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: BillW on May 11, 2005, 02:41:00 PM
Very cool pictures guys! I did not get into archery till 1997 and the started traditional about 5 years ago so not a lot of history/pictures. Being born in 1959 I sure do enjoy those BW photos. Reminds me of growing up in the early 60's. I think we got a color TV in 1970. I remember the old Polaroid cameras. Those were high tech back then. LOL

Keep em coming!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Bear on May 11, 2005, 03:06:00 PM
Sure is a great thread. Great idea Ron.

The first picture of me with a bow I was 9 years old...

The picture was in color and the bow had wheels    :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WaKeDa BT on May 11, 2005, 03:09:00 PM
Very neat thread. Thanks guys for sharing so many of your memories with us.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 11, 2005, 04:21:00 PM
I talked to Gene Wensel on the phone this morning and ask him if he could post some pictures. He said he had sent most of his old pictures to the person that is building their web site (   He said he didn't know how to post pictures anyway. I explained how to do it and he said, "right click? do you right click?" ...   :knothead: ..    "[redneck]"    "[tunglaff]"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: albertakid on May 11, 2005, 05:20:00 PM
Awesome Post Love the Pics!!!!!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 11, 2005, 05:51:00 PM
A picture of my son and I with some of the fur we took one fall. That little boy is a 44 year old man now.    :eek:  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on May 11, 2005, 05:52:00 PM
ron i found some howard hill pics thank youuuuuu
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 11, 2005, 08:20:00 PM
and he said, "right click? do you right click?" ...  ..  
Ron, that's funny   :scared:      :bigsmyl:  
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 11, 2005, 08:49:00 PM
Here's a pretty old one.  My Dad shooting indoor Chicago Round.  He was a pretty good target archer.  Just didn't have the time to devote.  Had too many mouths to feed   :D   41# Palomino, Microflite #5's.....

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Steve O on May 11, 2005, 09:16:00 PM

I sure hope that was a clip on tie  ;)  I know if I shot my bow that dressed up, the boys would be picking my head up near the target.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 11, 2005, 09:41:00 PM
Van, I shot with your dad at the Howard Hill shoot in Alabama and at the GLLI in Michigan. If I remember right he was left handed   :confused:  Did he switch?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 11, 2005, 09:45:00 PM
Steve, not a clip on.  Don't know why but grown ups for some reason dressed up for everything back then. (Well, maybe not Ron) It's really strange  :bigsmyl:    :bigsmyl:  .....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 11, 2005, 09:58:00 PM
Ron, I was wondering if you noticed.  My Dad hunted all his life lefthanded but he was right handed and right eyed. In the late 50's when we got interested in tournament shooting (though he had shot target archery in the 40's) he switched to right hand target bows but continued to shoot lefthanded hunting bows.  I sort of did the same thing but later in life except I was left handed and right eyed.  Some times I put the shooting glove on the wrong hand   :bigsmyl:  

He loved the Howard Hill and GLLI shoots.  I got some pics of y'all there   :wavey:   ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 11, 2005, 11:30:00 PM
Did a lot of my own dark room work in the day. Here's one I got in the carrier upside down and it makes me look left handed.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 11, 2005, 11:35:00 PM

Thanks for confirming that I'm not losing my memory, not totaly anyway.

Your dad was a real gentleman and I enjoyed talking with him. One time at the GLLI he had a big box of Pearson Deadheads. I liked the Deadheads and had taken a lot of game with them but they were hard to get after they stopped making them. I ask Sterling where he got so many Deadheads. He just smiled and said, "Ben Pearson was a friend of mine."   ;)  Then he gave me a handfull of them.   :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 11, 2005, 11:40:00 PM
An old photo of the St. Louis Bowhunters. I think these were the winners after a tournament.
In the group are Tom and Owen Jeffrey.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 11, 2005, 11:49:00 PM
Road? Ya mean the frozen creek?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Razorbak on May 12, 2005, 01:56:00 AM
is my imagination but doesnt Ron look like the original Grizzly Adam..  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 12, 2005, 07:39:00 AM
is my imagination but doesnt Ron look like the original Grizzly Adam.   :bigsmyl:  
When the Grizzly Adams show was popular I was long haired and bushy bearded. I got called Grizzly Adams  quite a lot. I don't know what Dan Haggerty looks like today, I wonder if he got fat and grey too?   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 12, 2005, 07:56:00 AM
Here's one from 45 years ago, me with a good mess of Red Horse suckers

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 12, 2005, 08:45:00 AM
Here's one of a weasel... shot a bunch of those little beggars over the years.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 12, 2005, 08:50:00 AM
Had to shoot a porcupine...cause I'd seen Fred Bear do it. Killed a couple in those early years. Even skinned one... ONCE!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Blue Moose on May 12, 2005, 09:47:00 AM
Great thread. One of my regrets is that I didn't do a better job of documenting my hunting life. NOTE TO YOUNG FOLKS: Take pics! 40 years from now they'll be cool like all these;) TM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 12, 2005, 10:30:00 AM
Charlie, you said you skinned a porky once, did you eat it? If not you should have, they're mighty tasty.

When I was a kid I used to shoot them and my grandma would cook em in the oven. I nailed the skins on the outhouse and dang near had it covered until they made me take em down.   :knothead:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 12, 2005, 10:35:00 AM
Here's a couple more 1966 and 1959

   (     (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Whip on May 12, 2005, 10:46:00 AM
Ron, It looks like you are amazed at the size of that group   "[tunglaff]"  Looks like one of mine!  OK, maybe you were standing a little further away from the target.  ;)  

Love the old pics guys - as has already been said, this is a thread that needs to stay around.  It really is a classic.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 12, 2005, 01:25:00 PM
Looks like the 30 yarder on a field round. Longest shot for a 12" target face. Gets pretty small at that range barebow.  I was happy with a 12 or better  :wavey:  ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 12, 2005, 02:00:00 PM
Ron... didn't eat the porky. Probably should have. By the time I got done skinnin, I was a little tired of looking at him.

Once put a few quills in my hat band cause I thought it would look cool... it did! I also "pinned" my hat to my head one day while puttin on my shoulder quiver. Duh!!   :knothead:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 12, 2005, 02:03:00 PM
By the way Ron, we've only met once. At a shoot in Michigan I think. You and Jay Massey were sittin on the tailgate of a station wagon having a "beverage". I ended up sharing a BIG bottle of wine with Jay and the night got to be real fun.    :D

Hope we can visit one of these days.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 12, 2005, 02:57:00 PM
That must have been the GLLI. Jay came to several of those and we always had a good time.

You should come up here to Michigan again, either the GLLI or the Compton Rendezvous. Heck Missouri isn't too far from Michigan.    :)

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Roughcountry on May 12, 2005, 04:12:00 PM
Really love this thread guys, super pictures. Shore wished I'd a taken some a few years back.

No chance of me lookin like Warren so I'd settle for actin like him, or Charlie or Ron and the list go's on  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ray Lyon on May 12, 2005, 04:30:00 PM
"That must have been the GLLI. Jay came to several of those and we always had a good time."

Hey Ron,

You mean like the one where our buddy Tim Cosgrove took on Dick Robertson in the wrestling match and later that night Jay Massey took on G. Fred in a debate about an entry into Pope and Young by a certain Alaskan bow hunter?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 12, 2005, 04:38:00 PM
Ya Ray, those were fun times. Almost as much fun as we have now at the Compton Rendezvous every year.   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 12, 2005, 06:05:00 PM
Ray... that was EXACTLY the get together! I always felt a little responible for Jay and Fred's "discussion" and if I remember right, ended up in the middle of it.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ray Lyon on May 12, 2005, 06:12:00 PM

I still remember that conversation and can picture the scene. I left out the name of the individual on purpose (no one that visits here by the way). It would be good for you to come north for a visit again. The Comptons shoot is first up on the schedule.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Rico on May 12, 2005, 06:58:00 PM
Enjoyed those old pics thanks for sharing. I wonder how many old pics will survive the digital age, you know the ones stored on a computer instead of in a shoe box. I've already lost a few that I forgot to transfer,or deleted by mistake
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 12, 2005, 07:20:00 PM
This one's from 1965, the year I broke my wrist and figured out a way to bowhunt. It wasn't easy, I had to cut down the brush and weeds for a shooting lane because I was so close to the ground. I had several shots that year but didn't connect. At least I was in the woods and not sitting home feeling sorry for myself.    :)    

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on May 12, 2005, 07:38:00 PM
ron looks like a lot of FUN
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 12, 2005, 07:58:00 PM
Ray and Ron... I'd love to get up that way again. Not sure of the dates and more than likely will be huntin.

Here's a snowshoe hare pic. Like Ron I've spent my share of time on snowshoes. About as good as it gets.


Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 12, 2005, 08:47:00 PM
Ron...Cool.  My Dad did it later.  Must have copied you   :bigsmyl:  1989

Here's an old one of my Dad with a big doe.  68" Bushmaster bow with socks, barrelled and footed POC, natural turkey feathers, with a suicide bow quiver.  Man those were the days   :bigsmyl:  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 12, 2005, 08:53:00 PM
Me and my Dad loadin' a deer in the pickup.  Dang, what's up with that tie?  "[laffsmyl]"    "[laffsmyl]"  ....Van

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Desert Rat on May 12, 2005, 09:23:00 PM
This thread keeps getting better.  Thanks guys!  I love this stuff.  I need to take more pictures.  We can repeat this thread in 20 yrs.  :)

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Chris Steele on May 12, 2005, 09:43:00 PM
Troy,did you ever hunt or shoot with C.L.Wilson from Chelsea,I went to school with Ricky and Wade Yates.I never knew their dad shot bows,C.L. got me started bow hunting,I used to go with him and Jerry Simmonds hunting ground hogs.Do you know Ron Coleman he was an other bow hunter from Chelsea.Chris
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 12, 2005, 09:49:00 PM
Here's one a guy (Kelly) sent me a couple of years ago that he found in an old Archery mag.  I had never seen it and don't even remember it.  It's heck gettin' old   "[laffsmyl]"   I must have been 15 or 16 years old ...Van

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Flinttim on May 13, 2005, 07:38:00 AM
Love this thread. I would put up some old pics of me and archery but they would only be about 4 yrs old. LOL. We don't save enough stuff like this. I have tons of pics from my early muzzleloading days and think I know where they are, but you never know for sure.
 For you guys with the old pics, I'd suggest you burn them into CDs and that way have a back up of the old stuff.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 13, 2005, 09:59:00 AM

Here's one of my favorite places on earth. Doubt I could get there anymore.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Joey Ward on May 13, 2005, 10:20:00 AM
When I get young, I wanna look just like Van.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Dave Bulla on May 13, 2005, 10:23:00 AM
Hey Charlie, is that beaver the one ya fell into the icy river trying to retrieve?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 13, 2005, 10:27:00 AM
You younger people be sure and take lots of pictures, todays young are tomorrows Duffers.    ;)  

This picture only goes back 15 years or so but it's one of my tresured one's. Glenn and I shooting together.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 13, 2005, 10:48:00 AM
Here's another favorite picture taken in the early 80's.  This is my wife Nancy, my bow hunting partner for the last 45 years.  We were on a winter rabbit hunt in northern Michigan and Nancy's feet got cold so we stopped and built a fire. She's pretty tough and the cold usually dosen't bother her. She still hunts with me and she's already talking about this coming season.

Check out that converted bow quiver I'm using.    ;)    

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on May 13, 2005, 01:19:00 PM
are the bow howard hill longbows ron
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on May 13, 2005, 01:19:00 PM
sorry i have typo are the bows howard hill longbows
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 13, 2005, 01:33:00 PM
Cody, our bows were Hill "style" bows made by Ron Maulding of Big Horn Archery in Montana.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on May 13, 2005, 01:44:00 PM
cool ron i love all the old pics you have do you have any more or any one with fred bear
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: David M. Mathis on May 13, 2005, 02:11:00 PM
Van, you wear a tie at the office, what better place than the outdoors.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 13, 2005, 04:58:00 PM
Dave... Nope! Not the same one. I took this one in the spring. Dang things sure do die poorly! Still have the hide.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on May 13, 2005, 05:44:00 PM
Thanks so much for taking the time to post these, they are incredible!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 13, 2005, 08:37:00 PM
This is me as a kid on the farm. The date on the back of the photo is 1945. I had a lemonwood longbow, a pinto pony named "Scout", and an Indian outfit.       :cool:     I roamed the woods and fields pretending to be a mighty hunter living off the land. I always went home when I got hungry.      "[tunglaff]"    


The picture below was my 1st archery award that I won at summer camp in 1947. My folks wern't rich but they sent me to a fancy boys camp that had classes teaching all kinds of outdoor activitys. Riding horses, rifle shooting, wood craft, canoeing, and archery. You were supposed to go to a different class every hour. I wouldn't go to the other classes and stayed in the archery class shooting with a different group of boys every hour.

When they ask me to go to the other activitys, I refused and told the instructors all I wanted to do was shoot the bow. I foung out later that the  camp director called my parents to tell them of the trouble they were having with me. My dad told him, "if all the boy wants to do is shoot the bow, then let him shoot the bow".

The last days in camp when everybody had to shoot to qualify for a Bowmans certificate with a score of 100 or better. I shot 189, the highest score in camp.      ;)    

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: mich-mtnman on May 13, 2005, 08:58:00 PM
man this thread is great.
 im glad that you took lots of pics. very cool
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Donavan Daniel on May 13, 2005, 09:11:00 PM
Mr. LaClair, this is the best thread that I have seen yet! Thanks for sharing the memories every body! Keep them coming!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on May 13, 2005, 11:32:00 PM
Concrete bridges are tough on arras!!!
"[tunglaff]"    "[tunglaff]"    "[tunglaff]"    "[tunglaff]"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WildmanSC on May 13, 2005, 11:41:00 PM
"Here's a younger, leaner and meaner Ferret circa 1958 or 59 (will have to scan some others)"


That's a nice pic of your son.  How about some of you?
  ;)    :bigsmyl:  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WildmanSC on May 13, 2005, 11:45:00 PM

I would guess that sometime between now and deer season you will be 69.  Would have never guessed.  You are in great shape!  Congratulations!!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bayoubowman on May 14, 2005, 12:22:00 AM

I remember your dad doing those shooting demos.  He did one for our church group one time.  I remember him shooting an arrow off a ramp and busting a balloon.  Thanks for sharing the pics.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: cajunbowhntr on May 14, 2005, 01:37:00 AM
This is gotta be the best thread ever.I really regret not taking enough pictures "back in the day".
Of course to me that was 1980 not 1950 something LOL.keep em coming.

Thanks for sharing


PS Warren you gotta share your secret for stayin in such good shape after all these years.probably ain't got nuthin to do with hikin in 2 miles to hunt ehhh.    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: cjones on May 14, 2005, 03:37:00 AM
Unbelievable pics. Thanks so much guys for putting these up.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 14, 2005, 07:54:00 AM
Ya Ron, I remember brunt cork, I used to have a brunt cork in my pocket all the time back then, even used a piece of a brunt stump a few times, when I forgot the cork. I had a ton of old pictures, but lost most of them in a house fire in 1979, still have a few if I can find them.
Great thread, thanks.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 14, 2005, 08:20:00 AM
This one is of my best bud (gone for 5 years now and I miss him) and a bear we teamed up on. The story is in the articles and stories forum... The Bear and the Bouncing Bow (;f=4;t=000008)  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 14, 2005, 08:30:00 AM
One of many badgers...


A winter Jackrabbit hunt. The temps that day were way below zero.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 14, 2005, 08:38:00 AM
Ron, I seen Dan Haggerty at a biker gathering a while ago, and he is indeed grey & old.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Randy Morin on May 14, 2005, 10:05:00 AM
Ron, I saw Dan Haggerty on TV the other day.  He's on Robbie Knievel's reality motorcycle show thats been airing recently.  

I've always loved looking at pictures and this has been a real treat.  Thanks, all. RM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on May 14, 2005, 11:45:00 AM
Ron when i was at a camp back in 2003 we had
a archery shoot.  I had won the shoot with
a old bear bow it was a lot of fun seeing the
other boy stop to see how i shoot becuase i
was get a bulleyes with my bow and i did win
the archery shoot.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 14, 2005, 12:16:00 PM
Good for you Cody.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: sgrogg on May 14, 2005, 02:07:00 PM

Something tells me you've got a lot more of those pictures to share!  Please, keep 'em coming.  I think I may have to save and print all of them, they're so neat.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 14, 2005, 03:19:00 PM
I just dug up some more and will need to crank up the scanner... may take a while.

Here's one to keep ya goin.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 14, 2005, 03:22:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on May 14, 2005, 03:41:00 PM
Charlie, LOVE that last pic!  :thumbsup:  Shows good form and FOCUS! You can tell you burning a hole in something.   :eek:  Good stuff!............Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Neil Reeves on May 14, 2005, 08:45:00 PM
Thanks for all the great pics, guys.  I've really been enjoying them.  :thumbsup:  

This is also a great reminder to document our hunts and our lives.  :D  So remember, when you grab your bow and quiver and head out the door, grab the camera too!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 14, 2005, 09:07:00 PM
John and Randy,

When you saw Dan Haggerty at the biker gathering did he look like this?

This is Nancy and I on our way home from a shoot. We stopped to eat and someone took our picture. That's a bear head helment, it get's a lot of attention.   :D  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 14, 2005, 09:14:00 PM
Ron, Yep! Dan did look a lot like that, but you got him beat. That helment is something else, nice bike to.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bayoulongbowman on May 14, 2005, 09:15:00 PM
Dang been workin alot , how yall been ? This has got to be another great thread!...makes me want to go get my hair cut in a buzz.FLAT-TOP!...LOL
  :)  ...Marco#78...All the pics are so dead-gum great! Charlies snow bunnies are still some of my favs...
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: el cazador on May 14, 2005, 10:14:00 PM
Wow! Just made it through th eentire thread. Awesome stuff! Thanks for sharing your memories.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 14, 2005, 11:04:00 PM
( I lost most of my old pictures in a fire, but this was taken about 25 years ago, on one of my buckskinning hunts.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 14, 2005, 11:08:00 PM
(  Onther one in a little better weather, of one of my camps.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 14, 2005, 11:15:00 PM
Sorry, that should have been (Another one in better weather) Brain isn't working good.  :o
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 14, 2005, 11:41:00 PM
( Here is one doing some disk shooting, that's a old solid glass Ben Pearson bow, that I started with many moons ago.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 14, 2005, 11:43:00 PM
(  Here is one more.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 14, 2005, 11:56:00 PM
The Old bowhunters den (mine)

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 14, 2005, 11:58:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 14, 2005, 11:58:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 14, 2005, 11:59:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Holm-Made on May 15, 2005, 12:22:00 AM
Ron, you've lived a life that all of us are envious of.  I admire your lifestyle.  Chad
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on May 15, 2005, 01:54:00 AM
Archer 1, nice pics, love your camp!  :bigsmyl:    :thumbsup:  

  Ron, what can I say but, WOW! Nice den!!  :thumbsup:    :notworthy:    :notworthy:    :notworthy: ....................Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Flinttim on May 15, 2005, 08:43:00 AM
If you get the Grizzly Tools catalog, 'ol Dan Haggerty is right there in the front of the catalog. He and some big ass bear are the spokesperson(bear) for Grizzly) I tried to bring it up from there website but could not find it on their site. But anyway , Dan looks good and looks for the world like Ron LaClair !
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Shaun on May 15, 2005, 09:01:00 AM
Man o man, that den looks like a place I could put my feet up and hear some tales of hunting and rest my eyes on bows and photos. I have one of your Shrew quivers for carrying on the Harley, but from the pic I have been wearing it wrong.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Randy Morin on May 15, 2005, 09:22:00 AM
Ron, you need to start doin some interior design consulting.  If you could send my wife one of your "cards"  and recommend we decorate our basement similar to the above photos she just might agree to it.  She listens to strangers way better than she does me anyhow.  Worth a try.   :thumbsup:    :notworthy:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: DarkeGreen on May 15, 2005, 09:25:00 AM
Here's to wish'n we could go back and do it all over again. I sure as heck wish I'd started shooting long bows earlier.

A long bow and a steel horse...can life get any better?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: nanook712 on May 15, 2005, 09:41:00 AM
A blast from the past , my first deer with a bow 1974. I used a 45lb. Shakespeare Kaibab bow with Bear broadhead and Herters alum. arrows. He came in with two does on the other side of a ravine, I was sitting on a root ball of an overturned tree. (http:// [IMG] )[/IMG]
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: nanook712 on May 15, 2005, 09:42:00 AM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 15, 2005, 09:49:00 AM
She listens to strangers way better than she does me anyhow. Worth a try.
Randy, it's a "wife" thing...God love em   :D

Here's a couple pictures of my best hunting partner

       (     (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: nanook712 on May 15, 2005, 09:55:00 AM
Let's try this.  (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: nanook712 on May 15, 2005, 09:59:00 AM
Double Darn!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 15, 2005, 10:20:00 AM
This buck fell to a 70# Osage laminated longbow. Shot was 30 yards quartering.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 15, 2005, 10:37:00 AM
Good story Warren    :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 15, 2005, 10:48:00 AM
Buck taken with my favorite longbow... "Crow Wing", 65#. Shot him at 10 yards through the heart.


Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: mich-mtnman on May 15, 2005, 10:56:00 AM
man. thats what im talkin about charlie! great pic!  :thumbsup:  
 and ron... your house is awesome!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 15, 2005, 11:11:00 AM
Good shot Charlie    :thumbsup:

I've got a center shot heart in a jar of formaldehyde (had to look up the spelling on that one)   :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 15, 2005, 11:17:00 AM
A buddy and I ran onto these spawning suckers in a creek when we were turkey hunting about 25 years ago. We shot them with wood arrows with no string attached. Had to hit em in the head or gill plate, then snag them in with the longbows. I was shooting 80-90 pound bows back then   :scared:

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 15, 2005, 11:17:00 AM
Ron... sure makes an impressive trophy!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 15, 2005, 11:19:00 AM
Love those suckers too!! Bet they eat good from that clear cold water up your way.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: JasonV on May 15, 2005, 11:23:00 AM
Originally posted by Ron LaClair:
 I was shooting 80-90 pound bows back then  
I guess you don't need a string when you pin them to the stream bed!!!

I bet that was a blast!  (And it doesn't even look like you got your feet wet)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 15, 2005, 11:31:00 AM
Charlie, when we get a good bunch like that we usually smoke em   "[redneck]"    ;)


The stream was only 6 to 8' across, so we didn't even need boots, we just ran up and down the bank. I've even got some good video of it. Those first video cameras were big heavy things that you rested on your shoulder and carried the power pack over your shoulder   :eek:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 15, 2005, 01:44:00 PM
Here's a couple more. Some  rabbits sometime in the 70's and a caribou taken in 1983.


Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: nanook712 on May 15, 2005, 01:51:00 PM
One more try

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 15, 2005, 01:53:00 PM
Wow!, that turned out kinda big didn't it?   :eek:

The shot on the Boo was one of the prettiest shots I've ever made. He was running full bore at 30yd's + as I swung a lead with the 80# flatbow. The all white cedar arrow and the caribou met for a perfect double lung hit.   "[dead]"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Guru on May 15, 2005, 06:54:00 PM
This is a great history lesson...AWESOME!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 15, 2005, 07:31:00 PM
Thank you for reducing my pic   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 15, 2005, 10:00:00 PM
This is good stuff.  Thanks guys!

Here's a few of my Dad and friends.
Dad and Fred looking thru an old archery scrapbook.

Dad and Roy Hoff at a hunt in TX


Dad and Ben on a hunt in Louisiana.  May have been one of Ben's last hunts.


Dad and Ben on a ATV (before Honda)   :bigsmyl:  


Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 15, 2005, 10:40:00 PM
( Here's a forkhorn taken 15 years ago. It was a 25 yard shot, with my 62# longbow, cedar arrow, and old Bear Razorhead.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: timbow on May 16, 2005, 05:54:00 AM
thanks for all the photo's guys!!!!!!!!i love this thread......i love old photo's!!!!!!let's see more!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 16, 2005, 06:32:00 AM
Another buckskin picture. I'm not sure of the date but it must have been early because my beard wasn't grey    :D  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 16, 2005, 06:54:00 AM
This is the early 80's on an elk hunt in Colorado. A different set of buckskins and I was hunting with a pair of heavy osage selfbows that I named "Bodacious" and "Bo Derick", 87 and 90#. Bo Derick had a hole from a knot through the bottom limb     :eek:   ...  It makes me hurt to think about shooting those heavy bows now     "[dntthnk]"  

The hat is otterskin, a copy of the one worn by Charlton Heston in The Mountainman movie.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 16, 2005, 06:56:00 AM
[IMG]  Here is one of Mr. Bear and myself taken at the Michigan Bow hunters shortly before he passed away. What a great gentleman he was.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 16, 2005, 07:00:00 AM
( Don't know what happend, I'll see if it works this time.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: 2-BIG on May 16, 2005, 07:29:00 AM
Wow this stuff is awesome! Soon as I get purty nuff I'm gonna take a lot of pictures for a future Duffer thread!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Dan Worden on May 16, 2005, 07:54:00 AM

I gotta ask. It's been a couple years since I've been in the shop so, have you straightened up some, or are those old pictures.   :p  

BTW - you're shop and my buddies gun shop are two of my favorite places to hang. I think it's becuase you have the same wood stove...Can't be the history all around you.

Awesome thread. Makes me wish I used a camera a whole lot more.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 16, 2005, 08:52:00 AM
This doe came by the day before firearms season opened. Time to stop huntin bucks and make meat.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 16, 2005, 08:56:00 AM
Here's a pretty good longnose gar for these parts.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 16, 2005, 09:06:00 AM
I stalked this coyote. Only took one arrow with me on the stalk.... turned into a rodeo!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Irish on May 16, 2005, 09:29:00 AM
I just went through the posts again.  I have enjoyed watching this as much as any subject on Trad Gang.  It gives us a small picture of the history of our sport.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Tracy McQueen on May 16, 2005, 09:47:00 AM
Great thread guys. I have seldom enjoyed one more. I don't have a single picture from all my years of hunting. Most of the time didn't have a camera. The few I did have were destroyed by getting wet.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 16, 2005, 10:30:00 AM

Coyotes are tough. I called this one in by kissing on the back of my hand. Didn't lead him enough and took him through the hams. I got him, but only after a looong tracking job and two more shots.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 16, 2005, 10:46:00 AM
Ron... same as the one in my pic...EXCEPT the one arrow deal.
I never expected to stalk as close as I did, so that's why only one arrow. First shot on the trotting dog hit across the bridge of his nose. Had to run out in the field and retrieve the arrow. Second shot at 40 yards, coyote now running, hit through hip. He holed up and waited for me and after retrieving the arrow I finished him.
Lesson learned on that one.  :knothead:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 16, 2005, 11:47:00 AM
I love hunting in the snow.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 16, 2005, 11:49:00 AM
I even love hunting in the rain   :D

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 16, 2005, 11:53:00 AM
Nice weather too...I just love hunting

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on May 16, 2005, 02:17:00 PM
nice pics ron
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: N.O.S.guy on May 16, 2005, 02:42:00 PM
This is probably one of the best threads I have been to ever. I love this site, there is no bashing of each others gear, no snide remarks, and none of this opinionated garbage that all the other sites have. If I can find it I want to post a picture of the person that introduced me to Archery, my grandmother. She was half Cherokee and the youngest of two daughters to my greatgrandfather. She was his Tomboy, so he taught her how to shoot and when he passed away, she got his longbow.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: leftbow on May 16, 2005, 03:07:00 PM
Ron. Who makes your buckskins and hats? Nice pics. Read something here about you moving and taking apart that den. Don't know how you could do it.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: John Nail on May 16, 2005, 06:08:00 PM
On my way to Friendship,IN for the NMLRA shoot About 1959/60--hard to believe I was ever that young!

1964- Canada had just opened Superior/Quetico area. Ron McDaniel and I spent a month in there. I wrote a story about it called "Clouds"(for Shooting Sportsman)
The hat is homemade from a fox I killed with a spear on our Farm.

Dr. Ron on the same trip. We had an old Grumman magnesium canoe....and a lot of stones for a couple of Hoosier weedbenders. We wandered around lost for a week, and I loved it.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 16, 2005, 07:28:00 PM

In the older pictures I posted I'm wearing buckskins I made myself. Teresa Asbell has made some nice skins for me, pants and shirt and also a couple of elkskin jackets, and an otterskin hat. She also makes some nice fur quivers. I've got one made of Wolverine and one of Bobcat she made for me.

If you're interested her email is [email protected]  She'll also have a booth at the Compton Rendezvous next month.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: HARL on May 16, 2005, 07:59:00 PM
This has been GREAT !!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: insttech1 on May 16, 2005, 10:31:00 PM
Thank you guys SO MUCH for sharing!
I know it's a pain to post pic's, so I want to say that it is VERY MUCH appreciated!

I'll take some time and show this to my kids later this week...

Thanks Again,
Marc and Family...
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 16, 2005, 10:55:00 PM
Took this muley in the rimrock country of eastern Wyoming.

I was able to work in ahead of this buck and another, plus two does.
The does ended up standing above me as I hunkered on the edge of a wash. I stood up between them and shot the buck at 15 yards. Double lung, watched him pile up in 50 yards.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 16, 2005, 10:59:00 PM
Sometimes I think about the pictures I could have had and didn't get!!   :knothead:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 16, 2005, 11:13:00 PM
Sometimes I think about the pictures I could have had and didn't get!!   :knothead:   ]
Me too Charlie   :(
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 16, 2005, 11:18:00 PM
I shot this buck in a snowstorm and had to take him out the next morning in a canoe.

   (     (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 16, 2005, 11:25:00 PM
Never have used my canoe for deer hunting. Always think about it beforehand, just don't ever get around to it.
I should fix that.  :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 16, 2005, 11:37:00 PM
Since I've shot away a lot of arrows into the tree tops (and way beyond)squirrel hunting, I kinda like this one.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: jeff w on May 17, 2005, 07:24:00 AM
Ron, your pics are fantastic-I especially like that canoe photo!  Keep them coming.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Terry Green on May 17, 2005, 07:30:00 AM
I just hope we can find the time to save all these as a Trad Gang image....or on a CD...or something.

We'll figure it out.

Great stuff guys.....really great stuff.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 17, 2005, 07:37:00 AM
Here's one taken with a static recurve

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 17, 2005, 07:48:00 AM
This is early morning on a late season hunt in upper Michigan. It got so cold that night that the water in the wash dish froze solid. I've been in many camps when the water froze on the surface but not many when it froze solid. I think it went down to 20 below zero that night.   :eek:

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Danny Rowan on May 17, 2005, 08:22:00 AM
Seeing all these pictures makes me happy to be seeing them and sad that all my pictures were lost in a fire in a storage unit several years ago. Had some good memories there. Hunts and fishing trips with my bestest friend, My Dad. Sure do miss him.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: archerskid1 on May 17, 2005, 11:21:00 AM
Archer1, I Love the Picture of you and Fred Bear,
It's one i haven't seen befor. It's awsome!
  your kid, Archerskid1
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 17, 2005, 12:16:00 PM
Archerskid 1, Thanks, I found that one a while ago, Lost most of the really old pictures in that fire years ago, sure glad I didn't lose that one. I'll keep looking for some more.
Archer 1
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: jhgamemaster on May 17, 2005, 12:29:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: jhgamemaster on May 17, 2005, 12:34:00 PM
Young Guy--Now Old Guy, Can't remember when or
where.     Jack
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 17, 2005, 12:56:00 PM
Welcome Jack   :thumbsup:  I'm sure you've got a lot of old pictures. This thread could go on for a long time.    :)

It's hell getting old isn't it? The first thing to go is your memory....I can remember what the second is.   :confused:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: leftbow on May 17, 2005, 02:34:00 PM
Thanks for the info Ron. Keep those Pics coming boys.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 17, 2005, 04:28:00 PM
Jack... very nice picture. If I looked hard enough I could probably find where you got it.

Here's a pic of one of my not so super elk... in a time long ago in a land far, far away.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on May 17, 2005, 04:34:00 PM
Charlie, there's nothing wrong with that elk.  Be happy you had the health to take such a fine critter.  Some of us only dream of the chance to hunt as much as those of you who do.

Keep entertaining us.  I gave my chances for an outdoors bio to Uncle Sam.  Now I'm playing catch-up.    :eek:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 17, 2005, 04:40:00 PM
Tracy... know what you mean!! Took a test for the military once. They asked, "do you like to camp", I said yeah. "Do you like to hunt", I said yeah.
It was all down hill from there!!!  :D  

Ran across this guy during some of my ramblings. Sure wish I'd have had a permit and a bow. Enjoyed the stalk anyway!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: John Nail on May 17, 2005, 05:50:00 PM
Charlie, I'd draw on that Elk anyday!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 17, 2005, 09:27:00 PM
Jack, very cool old photo  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:  What's that thing you are carrying broadheads in? It looks interesting. Thanks......Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: jhgamemaster on May 17, 2005, 10:49:00 PM
Van, Glad you liked the picture. The thing I was
carrying my broadheads in was my patented quiver.
Incidently, this was the very first quiver on the
market that held broadheads seperately. They stayed sharp.  Jack
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 18, 2005, 06:40:00 AM
Some of the fur hats I have known

   (     (         (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 18, 2005, 10:15:00 AM
More bowfishing...

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 18, 2005, 10:19:00 AM
Wyoming desert huntin...

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: leftbow on May 18, 2005, 10:26:00 AM
Nice pic Charlie. Nice cache of enemy weaponry in your service pic. Did the NVA helmet make it home?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 18, 2005, 10:28:00 AM
Then there is the one I chose for my Avatar... a great day elk hunting.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 18, 2005, 10:37:00 AM
Leftbow... the helmet didn't make it home. Neither his nor mine! Rough day for us...rougher for them!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: leftbow on May 18, 2005, 11:08:00 AM
Charlie... It looked like it was a long day. The important thing is you made it home.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: OH at work on May 18, 2005, 11:13:00 AM
Have you changed your grip on your bow over time? Looks like you were gripping the bow more on the elk hunting pic than you did on the Wyoming pic.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 18, 2005, 11:38:00 AM
Joe... no grip change. I was gonna point that out.

What happens with the appearance of my grip is this. The more comforable with the draw weight I am, the more relaxed my grip. If a picture shows me with my fingers closed on the grip, then I'm not as strong with the bow as I could be.

The elk hunt shot was a cold day and the bow quite heavy (78#)... plus I hadn't been shooting a lot.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: OH at work on May 18, 2005, 11:50:00 AM
OK, know what you mean there.  Cold day and 78#  :notworthy:    I'm lucky to get past 60# these days!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Autumnarcher on May 18, 2005, 02:22:00 PM
Wow! Lots of great pics. Ron, thanks for starting this thread, I hope it keeps going for a while.
I just wish I had the time to hunt you have.

Like others have mentioned, I wish I had more pics of my earlier years hunting. I have a few here and there, most of them with my old wheel bows, but good memories just the same.

I've spent most of my years hunting solo, so not too many pics, other than that ever running video tape in my head.

Now I spend more time taking pics of my kids adventures, of which I have lots of pics.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ironfist_Canada on May 18, 2005, 07:26:00 PM
Awesome Thread.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 18, 2005, 09:15:00 PM
Remembering a good day, 20 years ago..

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Shaun on May 19, 2005, 12:04:00 AM

Ron & Nancy at the 2004 Kalamazoo archery expo.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 19, 2005, 07:00:00 AM
Shaun, when Nancy see's that she'll wanna shoot you with a dull broadhead for posting a bad picture of her    :mad: you got my bad side    "[laffsmyl]"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 19, 2005, 03:26:00 PM
Here's one I took with a Strunk Osage selfbow and a flint point. There's that otter hat again   :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on May 19, 2005, 03:44:00 PM
NICE! Like your camo!  ;)  Looks just like the deer  :eek: ............Raven  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bayoulongbowman on May 19, 2005, 03:49:00 PM
TRacy , thats funny !...
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 20, 2005, 09:47:00 AM
This one is from an awesome day hunting ground squirrels. My compound bow shooting buddy...who shot his bow clean and with wooden arrows... later became a missionary in the upper reaches of the Amazon river in Peru, living in the jungles there for 15 years.
I'll be bear hunting with him in a couple of weeks. Yeeehaaa!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: kyle on May 20, 2005, 10:18:00 AM
ok let me just say this charlie


now that's a good day of huntin.
looks like them pictures of guys who duck hunt down in mexico and just pile 'em up.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 20, 2005, 11:04:00 AM
The place we hunted had a problem with ground squirrels for sure... not so bad after we left!  :D  

We actually killed 230 squirrels that day.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: DarkeGreen on May 20, 2005, 11:18:00 AM
Talk about pratice shots! Did your arm fall off at the end of the day?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: John Nail on May 20, 2005, 04:10:00 PM
Question for the "old duffers":
I used to shoot bows in the 60ish pound range and think nothing of it. Now(at 58) I've dropped to the lower 50s and my joints thank me.
What poundage are you "elders"(say over 55) shooting?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jason R. Wesbrock on May 20, 2005, 04:47:00 PM

Is that the friend of yours we had in elk camp last year? Good luck on the bear hunt.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Doug Campbell on May 20, 2005, 04:54:00 PM
Hey Charlie, after a couple days of gopher shootin Johnboy has a whole new perspective on your 100 gopher day   :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 20, 2005, 07:51:00 PM
It'll sure open a guys eyes, Doug.   :D  Hope he appreciates it! Nothin more fun.

Jason... same guy! We have a long history of bear huntin together... not to mention the g.squirrels and elk and deer and jackrabbits!

John... I'm 58 and though I have some aches and pains (lots of broken bones, and holes poked in me over the years) None of it is really affected by my bow shooting.
I'm currently shooting bows from 62-68# with the edge going to the heavier end. I can get a 600-650 grain arrow rockin down the line at around 180fps and that'll be more than enough for the critters I'll be shootin.
I shot stuff in the 80# range when I was young and am experiencing no problems from that. In the days that I could handle them, they were amazingly effective hunting arms.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jason R. Wesbrock on May 20, 2005, 08:03:00 PM

Cool. I'm glad you're getting a chance to hunt together again. Please tell him I said hello. I sure enjoyed his stories in camp.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 20, 2005, 08:48:00 PM
Good grief what a bunch of squirrels  :thumbsup:  ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 21, 2005, 01:04:00 AM
John, I'm 63 and still shoot my longbows, which are all 62# & 63#, and my recurves are 65#, so far with no trouble. KNOCK ON WOOD!

Good Shootin,
John B
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Danny Rowan on May 21, 2005, 07:08:00 AM

I am 54 and can still shoot 72#+, but I choose to shoot 58/60#.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Kip on May 21, 2005, 07:28:00 AM
John Will be 55 in one month always shot a bow in the mid 50's plus or minus couple lbs. my go to bow now is 57. I wish I could post some of my old pictures not nearly as impressive as some on here but I will try to get my son-in-law to scan some. Kip
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Littlefeather on May 21, 2005, 09:14:00 AM
Charlie, Is that a HH Longbow you are shooting in the ground squirrel pic? I cant believe after that many shots with a Hill straight limbed bow you have any connective tissue left in your shoulder.

John Nail, What Charlie doesn't say when he says he shoots 63-68# bows is the he is BIG. Charlie is about as big as a Semi Truck. 63# shouldn't be too much problem at his size. CK
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 21, 2005, 09:38:00 AM
Curtis... yep, that's a Howard Hill Big Five that was made when John Shulz was the bowyer for  them.
It is 82# at my draw, was a new bow to me at the time of the hunt and left scars on my fragile little body.
I was real sore after that hunt!!!

Just posted a story I wrote about this hunt on Articles and Stories forum for those interested. Here's the link...  Great Squirrel Massacree (;f=4;t=000117)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Littlefeather on May 21, 2005, 05:06:00 PM
Good to see you weren't under-bowing yourself for those blood-thirsty ground squirrels. How was bowfishing today? Lets see some pics. CK
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 22, 2005, 10:13:00 AM
CK...never underestimate your quarry!  :D  

Chris and I had a nice ride yesterday, but didn't come up with any fish. Turned cloudy and windy. Not good for fish around here.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 22, 2005, 10:18:00 AM
Here's one of my first bear solo. Larry is on the left and Russ on the right. I left the bear overnight and they came back with me early the next morning to pack it out.
They took the body parts on their frames and left me honored to pack the head and hide. Coming down the trail I had a light pack and a light heart.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 22, 2005, 10:32:00 AM
A long time ago I would often drink from mountain streams like I'm doing on this Wyoming elk hunt.

I filter the water these days...just smarter!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 22, 2005, 10:38:00 AM
Larry and I had a pretty good romp with these Jacks.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on May 22, 2005, 10:45:00 AM
Charlie, I miss the days when you could take a drink out most any stream. I used to do it all the time, back then. It's a shame what has happened to all the streams, and lakes. Better to be safe then sorry now days.  "[dead]"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 22, 2005, 05:12:00 PM
John... I miss it too. Here in Missouri, it's hard  tellin what kind of pollutents are in the water. Even pristine streams out west can have Giardia and that's a bad one for sure.
Got a dose of it elk huntin once... about 5 miles from the trailhead. It was a very unpleasant time!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 22, 2005, 05:23:00 PM
This is the only antelope picture I have that's not on a slide... no way to copy those!
I killed a number of bucks, but always made sure I shot some does each year for freezer goodies. (multiple tags)

It was often very cold in the late antelope season and contrary to what's commonly associated with antelope hunting...weatherwise. I hunted them in the snow. That's kinda cool!  :D  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Killdeer on May 22, 2005, 05:37:00 PM
You mean you have more pics on slides, and we will never see them? I scan slides on my flatbed scanner, and I hereby formally announce that I will start with a ten buck donation to get you a scanner too!

Or, we can get Curtis to make you one.  :)  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on May 22, 2005, 07:30:00 PM
How about a combination scanner/feather burner  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Killdeer on May 22, 2005, 07:41:00 PM
OOH! Scanner, Feather and CD Burner!

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled program.  :rolleyes:  

Killdeer (sorry)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 23, 2005, 09:33:00 AM
I used to hunt during the firearms season with my bow... these days I retreat to my bunker!

If you don't think there are some idiots out there carrying firearms, talk to Guru!


The bloody spot is the exit wound. 650 grain arrow pushin a big ole Magnus I with bleeder.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 23, 2005, 09:47:00 AM
and since I brought it up here's another "aftermath" photo of the big Magnus.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: leftbow on May 23, 2005, 09:58:00 AM
Charlie's catchin up to you Ron. Better post some more pics. Your both puttin on a great show.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: ZIP-R on May 23, 2005, 11:18:00 AM
These picture are super great. I now have two new heros...Charlie and Ron, I'm probably a little partial to Ron as he has the home court advantage   :)  

Charlie, It might take some work but, take a pic of the slide while it is projected on a screen. Then you could possibly scan or download the pics from the camera. Don't know if the lighting would be an issue with the camera though.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jeff Hren-Renegade on May 23, 2005, 12:03:00 PM
I have a question. you all should put a photo album togather. the question is how old do I have to be to be an old duffer??
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Chuck Wyatt on May 23, 2005, 01:30:00 PM
Charlie Lamb,

I've enjoyed all the pics you guys have posted, but my fave so far is that mountain goat on page 20.  That is an amazingly beautiful pic.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: TexMex on May 23, 2005, 01:40:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 23, 2005, 02:00:00 PM
Chuck... here's another critter.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jumper on May 23, 2005, 06:46:00 PM
You guys are making my day! This is SO AWESOME!!!!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 24, 2005, 08:42:00 AM
Scotty... glad you're enjoying them!! Sure wish some others would put some pics up... I'm about out. (in a couple more days)

Here's one of my favorite elk meadows. Not far from the scene of the bear and the bouncing bow and my first bear kill.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 24, 2005, 08:52:00 AM
Don't know if this one will come through.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Chuck Wyatt on May 24, 2005, 11:09:00 AM

I've saved a lot of this thread's pics to my harddrive becuase most of you guy's pics won't be a mag or book.  

The "goat' was retitled to "High-lonesome".  The little ferret critter is called "wanna-fight".  :)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: John Nail on May 24, 2005, 05:18:00 PM
Both of these hogs weighed 215lbs. The one on the left was killed by the one on the right.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 24, 2005, 08:40:00 PM
OK, here's an old one for you target archery buffs.  This was the 1961 NFAA Nationals at Crystal Springs Arkansas.  Ben Pearson (and others) hosted it for two years.  It's normally held way up north.   Since it was close, we went.  Me and my Dad are in there somewhere.  There were approx 1000 competitors.  This is a few of them.  You won't see a longbow.  I didn't   :bigsmyl:  The photo was a wide angle which broke in half years ago after being folded in a scrapbook.  I scanned the left and right halfs....Van

Left half


Right half


Trad archery was pretty big back then  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on May 24, 2005, 09:04:00 PM
dude, that's a lot of lemonwood!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Philip Morris on May 25, 2005, 10:48:00 AM
I sit in awe of the great stories and photo's that have been posted here.  Most were before my time.  I would like to be able to post one photo and story as great as what each of you have.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Donavan Daniel on May 25, 2005, 09:14:00 PM
I love the story behind to photo! Awsome pics guys!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: stikbow on May 25, 2005, 11:21:00 PM
This thread has to be one of the neatest things I have ever seen.  It really makes me step back and appreciate all my parents and grandparents did to get me in the woods and started down this road we call hunting.  Again, great thread guys.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 26, 2005, 08:54:00 AM
Here's a picture of some of the participants at the first Great Lakes Longbow Invational in Michigan in 1985. That white screen in the background is my shooting screen that was a backstop for targets tossed in the air.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 26, 2005, 09:07:00 AM
Here's Fred Anderson, myself and John Lee discussing bow design at the 1st Great Lakes shoot.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 26, 2005, 09:09:00 AM
Some folks enjoying the canoe shoot at the GLLI.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Hammerhead on May 26, 2005, 09:16:00 AM
This has to be my favorite thread so far. I hope someday I can look back at my life and have, oh maybe half, the good memories of friends and adventure that you "Duffers" enjoy.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 26, 2005, 09:37:00 AM
Another picture from the GLLI. Maybe some of you old timers remember this 90 yd novelty shot across the pond. Everybody paid $1.00 for 3 shots and the closest arrow to the center of the kill split the pot. You couldn't believe the arrows floating in the water after a round of shots.

A good shooter could make enough to buy his lunch and gas for the trip. Of coarse it wouldn't buy nearly as much gas today    :D

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ray Lyon on May 26, 2005, 10:27:00 AM
"Maybe some of you old timers remember this 90 yd novelty shot across the pond"

Dang, I remember that, but I didn't think I was an "old timer" yet!  :rolleyes:  

90 yards across the pond.....hmmm, that was before range finders. Who could hold their breath long enough to pace it off?   :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 26, 2005, 10:52:00 AM
Ray, I remember you back then. Wern't you that kid that kept pestering me, wanting to try to pull my 85# bow.   :p    :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ray Lyon on May 26, 2005, 11:10:00 AM

Sorry, I went right past you to the big guy himself; Denny Sturgis, Jr. He had a 100# bow there and at the time I was shooting my own 85# Howard Hill longbow. I drew his bow back to full draw! A few years ago, I drew back Steve Turay's (Northern Mist Bows)95# longbow that he keeps on hand at shoots. That was my last time being macho.

Of course I younger and foolish then. Now I'm (still) young and wiser, shooting my 58# Samurai.   :help:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 26, 2005, 11:35:00 AM
Ray, I think you're talking about later years. I'm talking about when you and Denny Jr were both just snot-nosed kids. The first time I saw D. Jr he looked like the guy that got sand kicked in his face in those old Charles Atlas ads.   :D  That was a lot of boxes of Wheaties ago.   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: frankb on May 26, 2005, 12:43:00 PM
One of my favorite threads.  Thanks, fellas!


Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Olebow on May 26, 2005, 12:54:00 PM
Without a doubt, the finest thread I've ever seen on any web site!
Thank you -- to all you other old duffers out there who have lived the life of the bow.

Sincerely, Olebow
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 26, 2005, 01:05:00 PM
Olebow,...stop that your embarrassing me    :o    :o
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: RTR Dave on May 27, 2005, 12:26:00 AM
THis hast to be the best thread I have seen....To see the momories y ou guys have gotten to make really brings joy to my heart and the desire to quit my job move back home and HUNT

Dave at RTR
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Holm-Made on May 27, 2005, 01:57:00 AM
I've been checking in everyday.  This thread has been motivating.  Cool stuff.  Chad
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: ber643 on May 27, 2005, 06:50:00 AM
OK I've been looking at this and the other thread (a tad younger members) and I see pics of all nature so here is about 3 oldies of meinself for consideration (from my web site)

16 years old in 1951 - running my own riding stable in NH

1st buck - taken at Camp Pendleton, CA 1959 I was 24, the buck was 5 1/2 (I was a late starter)

Lunch break at Cherry Point, NC in 1965 @ 30 yoa
I didn't get into Bows enough for pictures until I was 56 and then not trad bows 'till after 2000 (Told ya I was a late starter)

(Oh, if the pics aren't suitable subject matter just pull the handle marked "Flush" - remember those?)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 27, 2005, 08:43:00 AM
Bernie, if you were 16 in 1965, how could you be 24 years old in 1959    :confused:  

That's really Leanardo DeCapreo (sp) in the 1st picture isn't it?    :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: ber643 on May 27, 2005, 08:58:00 AM
LOL Ron, (My gosh, I did look a little like he would in later years, huh?) I knew I was flirtin' with the danger of runnin' out of fingers doin' all that cipherin'. It is just my multiple entities - ha-ha. Actually it was a mis-type mis-take (since edited) and I was 16 in '51 Thanks for cathing it, Ron.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 27, 2005, 09:24:00 AM
LOL, I figured it was a type-o on your part. Man you are an old duffer aren't you, you're a year older than me    :eek:

You sure do look like that Leanardo guy. When I was  young everybody thought I looked like Elvis     :saywhat:    :cool:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: ber643 on May 27, 2005, 09:42:00 AM
That'll work - (note to self: don't let wife see pic of young Ron - LOL)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 27, 2005, 11:28:00 AM
(note to self: don't let wife see pic of young Ron  

23 years old...ahhhh, those were the days my friend   ;)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ray Lyon on May 27, 2005, 11:53:00 AM
Ron, you look pretty good all cleaned up.

Was that photo taken with one of those old, black powder flash camera's?    "[tunglaff]"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 27, 2005, 12:04:00 PM
Was that photo taken with one of those old, black powder flash camera's?  
Oh a wise guy eh?   :smileystooges:

Fast forward 20 years to the mountain man period.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: DCM on May 27, 2005, 12:43:00 PM
Should have been more careful what you put in that pipe.  ;-)

Great thread.  Thanks to all.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 27, 2005, 01:02:00 PM
Should have been more careful what you put in that pipe. ;-)  
It was Prince the can    :p
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: ber643 on May 27, 2005, 01:22:00 PM
I used to have someone in the family that smoked that (I think my Grandfather on Ma's side). Anyway I always had plenty of those nice flat cans to put earthworms in to go brook truoting when I was a kid - slipped in the back pocket great.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 27, 2005, 01:39:00 PM
This is a two part picture story.


I was walking down the road at my hunting club when I ran into a guy carrying what looked like a limb with a string on it. I asked him if he hunted with "That", "yes" he said. Kill deer with "that"? Again he replied in the affirmative. I had to learn more about "that". He invited me to his house and taught me the basics of bow making.

At a family gathering a later I over heard my wife's cousin talking about going to the farm. After the company left I asked my wife about the "farm". She said" I forgot, Marie inherited a farm years ago". We had been married for 15 years and this important info had been gathering dust all this time.

Turns out the farm was only 15 miles from the house, 185 grown up acres with 5 acre woodlots and honeysuckle patches all over it. The wood lots had 3ft diameter white oaks in abundance.A quick look at the property showed it to be a deer paradise.

I obtained a permit to hunt the land from Marie, set up in a woodlot and saw 12 deer the first evening in the stand. I was carrying my first functioning selfbow, a 70# hickory bow, made with instruction from a great guy who took the time to show me how to make a bow.

On my next trip the doe in the picture walked right under my stand, first selfbow and wood arrow kill. Yep you can kill deer with one of those "things". Been bunch of years since this picture was taken and lots more deer have fallen to my selbows.

The land sold the following year.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on May 27, 2005, 01:47:00 PM
Ron, Did you star in the movie "The Mountain Men"  :saywhat:    :cool:  Nice pic!!...........Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 27, 2005, 02:12:00 PM
Raven, No I didn't but if I'd of had an agent back then maybe I could have been an extra.   "[tunglaff]"

Bernie, I carried worms like that too when I was a kid fishin trout on the creeks. I think those tobacco cans were pretty much of a standard for carrying worms in those days.   :)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: leftbow on May 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM
Ron. You could have given Bill Holden err.. I mean that Leonardo Decaprio guy a run for his money.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: ber643 on May 27, 2005, 07:47:00 PM
Yep, Ron - my Pop showed me to use them, and to put wet leaves in his (and later, my) creel to keep the delicate skin of the trout from drying out before ya got home.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 27, 2005, 08:26:00 PM
This one is from 1968. I hunted crows on a roost near St.Louis at night. What a blast! I think that place is a tourist center now.

Not bad form... 83# Honkin Hoyt Pro Hunter 58".

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Islandlongbow on May 27, 2005, 08:51:00 PM
Eric thats a great story. Funny how you just fall into things..

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 27, 2005, 10:06:00 PM
Here's a picture of the MLA's first rabbit hunt in 1983. The thing I remember most about that hunt was that it was 20 below zero early that morning and we had to wait until almost noon before it warmed up enough for the dogs.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: JimE.IV on May 27, 2005, 11:05:00 PM
I've read all 28 pages and I just wanted to say thanks.

This absolutely the best thing I've ever seen or read on an internet messageboard.

Van:  Was really nice to see those pictures, especially the ones of your dad. I just love to see pics from 50's and 60's of people just having fun with archery on those field rounds, I'll never get tired of seeing them.

Ron: I collect old Archery periodicals and have seen you in many of them, to get a first hand pictorial review of the history is awesome, Thanks.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: ber643 on May 28, 2005, 06:18:00 AM
What a nice accolade, JimE IV - and for a very special ol' "Mountain Man" to all of us (even if he does take pleasure in reminding me I'm a year older'n him - LOL - I feel like a kid at his knees when it comes to Archery and all the frontier doings  I used to read about in books and dream of as a kid.)Like Ron once "said" to me of his wife's thoughts, I think he actually was transported to us from another life/time frame - LOL (Also nice mention for Van and his Dad).
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 28, 2005, 07:57:00 AM
Here's an early "catch" of frogs. Circa 1964. The bow is my little Kodiak Magnum (1962) and I still have it.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 28, 2005, 07:58:00 AM
Oh yeah! That's a machine stitched Howard Hill back quiver I'm wearing...still have it too!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 28, 2005, 08:48:00 AM
When my son was little he loved to shoot bows and I took him everywhere. He's just now coming back to it after losing him to cars and girls for a while.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 28, 2005, 08:52:00 AM
This was his very first game. Taken with his longbow and a little broadhead I made him.

This quail ran up a little ditch in front of Theodore and stopped about 10 feet away. He drilled him!! Still makes me misty thinkin bout it!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 28, 2005, 08:56:00 AM
Good stuff Charlie   :thumbsup:  thank you
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 28, 2005, 09:05:00 AM
For a while I had a monthly column in this magazine. Got the cover photo this month.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on May 28, 2005, 10:00:00 AM
Nice pic of you and your son Charlie! I'am just getting started with my son Luke, he is only 2 1/2 and already loves shooting his bow. When he see's me with my bow he always asks if he can shoot too.  :D   We shoot everyday in the backyard, and on the weekends when we go camping.
  Thanks!!.............Raven  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 28, 2005, 10:09:00 AM
Here's one of my favorite photos of all. Theodore drawing down on a frog...

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 28, 2005, 10:15:00 AM
Theo and I went camping and frog hunting with a bunch of buddies. The first day when we came into camp (we were day hunting them) Theodore had his limit of 8 as did I. Some of the other guys had 4 or 5 apiece. I was bustin at the seams.
I always taught him to concentrate, use good form and there are no limitations to what you can do with the bow.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bayoulongbowman on May 28, 2005, 10:16:00 AM
Charlie , I have to tell ya , I love that one too, and I love reading that frog story to my son, many thanks!!!Marco#78
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Killdeer on May 28, 2005, 10:22:00 AM
I am loving every bit of this!

Killdeer~there is no icon that portrays the grin I have on my face!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 28, 2005, 10:48:00 AM
This is what I call my snowstorm buck. One afternoon near my camp in Michigans U.P. I was sitting near a  scrape on a typical late fall day. I had been watching this scape for several days hoping to catch the buck that made it when he came in to check it.

About an hour before dark it started to snow, light at first but soon it was coming down so hard you couldn't see 30yd's. At this point the ground was bare but the snow was coming so heavy it soon covered the ground. I was about to head in because I thought the deer wouldn't be moving in this storm when I saw him coming through the white screen like a ghost out of the fog or in this case snow.

I barely had time to get ready and put an arrow on the string of my 72# osage selfbow. As he circled the scrape to get downwind I sent a cedar shaft tipped with one of Glenn Parkers big two blade broadheads. The shot took him in the neck and he went down thrashing. I was elated for just a few seconds and then much to my surprise he was up and running. He headed down hill towards the "ArmStrong Creek" and I heard him splash as he crossed into the heavy cedar swamp.

I took up the trail right away because I thought I'd lose it in the heavy snow if I waited. He was leaving a pretty good trail in the snow but after I got across the ArmStrong  into the dark swamp there was no snow on the ground yet and the trail was hard to follow. With my flashlight and on my hands and knees I picked up his trai and slowly followed deeper into the swamp.

After losing the trail several times then finding it again I finely came onto him well after dark. Having no rope and too far from camp to drag him out that night, I dressed him and hung him off the ground the best that I could with my bowstring. As it turned out if I hadn't hung him off the ground that night he would have been buried in the snow and I may not have found him.

I got back to camp at 11:00pm that night as it continued to snow very hard. There was no one to greet me as I was camping alone. I crawled into my sleeping bag not realizing what was in store for me the next day.

When I stepped outside the next morning I couldn't believe the amount of snow that had accumulated during the night. A foot and a half of the fluffy white stuff lay on the ground. I thought, how in the world am I going to get my deer out of that swamp, and am I even going to be able to find him.

I knew there was a fellow bowhunter camped a mile or so from me and he had a canoe. I thought if he would let me borrow his canoe I could float down the "ArmStrong Creek" and get close to my buck. I pushed snow with the bumper of my 4x4 to the fellows camp and found him snuggled by the fire  enjoying a cup of coffee.

It ended up the fellow offered to go with me and help. I gladly accepted his offer and luckly we remembered to bring a camera. Here is the results.



Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on May 28, 2005, 11:13:00 AM
Great story! I could read this stuff all day! But, I'am heading out to go camping with my familey and make some memories of my own.  :thumbsup:  Keep them coming, I'll be checking back monday eve.  :)  Everyone have a safe weekend!!.............Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 28, 2005, 09:46:00 PM
A lot of guys don't think of me as a longbow guy. Now that you've seen a few pics?

It goes way back for me. This is a longbow I made around 1964. What a club!!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 28, 2005, 09:56:00 PM
An old friend owned a licenced shooting area and we'd often hunt the birds the guns didn't clean up...usually the ones that were prone to run. Lots of fast action on chukar and quail with a bunny to sweeten the pot.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 29, 2005, 08:29:00 AM
1969... just returned from the tropics. Shootin ground squirrels is good stress relief.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 29, 2005, 08:41:00 AM
Then the years went by and they invented color film... who'd a thunk it!!

I have a passion for photos of fall colors. The trouble is I don't seem to ever bring out the real look or feel of the moment.

I thought this cover would be brighter...

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 29, 2005, 09:12:00 AM
Sometimes the best part of huntin is not huntin at all. A nap in the woods is more than relaxing..

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 29, 2005, 10:24:00 PM
This Red squirrel (Pine squirrel) got lodged up in the tree after I shot him.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 29, 2005, 10:37:00 PM
Shot this antelope from the top of the hay bales in the background. It was the first of many "goats" and an affair with hunting them!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 30, 2005, 11:02:00 AM
You had to be there!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 30, 2005, 11:41:00 AM
1970 the Mississippi river got out in the bottoms in St. Louis county. I think there is a strip mall in this spot now... hmmmm!!!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Doug Campbell on May 30, 2005, 03:21:00 PM
How bout one Old Codger and a couple good lookin young pups  :D    :D  Gopherin last year.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: John Nail on May 30, 2005, 05:04:00 PM
...."You had to be there."

I hear ya Charlie. That looks like Wyoming. I lived at Glenrock for awhile, but Missed the big woods too much.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 30, 2005, 06:46:00 PM
You "Nailed" it John!!  :D   About five miles from Glenrock and some fantastic mule deer huntin.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 30, 2005, 06:51:00 PM
Doug... now that's a sweet picture.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 31, 2005, 08:41:00 AM
Well guys, interest in this thread seems to have waned... but I'm gonna ride this horse till it's dead!!

Sure wish some more of the "Old Duffers" would post some pics.

This one is from my first bear hunting trip to Ontario, Canada.
I've made two trips to Ontario and two to northern Minnesota but killed most of my bears in Wyoming on my own.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 31, 2005, 09:11:00 AM
After having the situation "blown" by bad wind the day before I moved my stand, put out a little doe in heat stuff and shot this buck dead at 10 yards.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 31, 2005, 09:31:00 AM
Heck! Photobucket is wanting money from me now that I'm using up all the space! I wondered how far I could go with that.    ;)  

Anyway.... still hunting for deer in Hickory County, Missouri. Had a pretty good morning with the squirrels and couldn't miss. Picked one off the side of an oak, brained one that was peeking over a limb fork waaaaaaaay in the top of an oak and punched another as he ran along a limb.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 31, 2005, 09:33:00 AM
Probably should mention the deer I missed at 15 yards....broadside... looking away... standing still...just minutes before!   :knothead:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 31, 2005, 09:49:00 AM
I've always had a problem with turkeys... just have a hard time hittin em good. This fall hen fell to a large broadhead fashioned to replicate the head that Saxton Pope preferred.
The bow is "Yellow Girl". A 70# laminated osage bow I made.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: cajunbowhntr on May 31, 2005, 09:56:00 AM
Thanks for sharing charlie!I've enjoyed it.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: countrygirl on May 31, 2005, 11:41:00 AM
This past long weekend I took a little bit of time looking at old hunting pics of Tom.  I tried to find some where his hair was mostly black..    ;)    had to settle on some pepper with some salt.  It was a challange since he started turning gray when he was 16 years old.

Pics to follow!

Oh no...having trouble scanning pics in will retry later.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 31, 2005, 12:18:00 PM
I took off for a few days to do some fishing.. blue gills are my favorite breakfast food.   :D

I see ole Charlie has kept the thread rollin, good for you Charlie.   :thumbsup:

Here's another snow picture. As you can see I like hunting in the snow and here in Michigan we usually get our share of the white stuff    :)

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on May 31, 2005, 12:36:00 PM
A lot of majic... huntin in the big snow, Ron! Also a severe butt kickin at times.    :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: JC on May 31, 2005, 01:44:00 PM
No waning interest Mr. Lamb, please keep em coming. Awesome shots, especially the black and white goat shot, looks like something I would have seen in a Fred Bear catalog.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Donavan Daniel on May 31, 2005, 02:04:00 PM
My interest hasn't wanned in the slightest either!

Awsome photos, love seeing them!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on May 31, 2005, 02:22:00 PM
I'am still here  :bigsmyl:  I love this stuff, I could look at old pic all day. My late friend Jim Emerson had some huge picture albums stuffed full of old hunting pics from the 60 to to just a couple of years ago. I would sit for hours looking at them. Like some of you, he had hunted everywhere and everything. I sure do miss him!

 Hey Charlie, we may have to start a fundraiser so you can keep on posting your pics.  :D  Thanks for all the pics.  :thumbsup: ..........Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: kyle on May 31, 2005, 03:52:00 PM
I'm still here and still enjoy the pics.  Thanks to all and especially Mr. Lamb for sharing these momentos from your past with all of us.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WaKeDa BT on May 31, 2005, 03:53:00 PM
I'll echo Kyle. Great stuff guys, thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 31, 2005, 03:57:00 PM
Bowhunting the high lonesome. I'm using a special rig I had made for horse back hunting. It holds a bow quiver and a take down bow.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jeff Strubberg on May 31, 2005, 04:02:00 PM

I was browsing and stopped quick when I saw your fish shot on page two.

I know that spot!  Pity a guy can't shoot 'em anymore.  There would be records set every other day.

Great thread.  makes me feel younger after spending the last week looking for a car for those girls of mine!   ;)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: JC on May 31, 2005, 04:14:00 PM
Ron, sorry forgot to tell you "Thank you" for your great shots too! You and Charlie keep em coming, us whipper-snappers are hangin on every story/pic...or at least the ones with brains are.

Jeff, you ain't old enough to have a kid driving are ya?  :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on May 31, 2005, 04:27:00 PM
Keep it coming guys, I check this thread first every time I log on. Thanks and thank God you all took pictures, some really old duffers are drawn on cave walls but they aren't around to tell the stories.  :smileystooges:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: BillW on May 31, 2005, 04:28:00 PM
Enjoying every page.
Thanks guys!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jeff Strubberg on May 31, 2005, 04:32:00 PM
Heck JC, I have THREE driving!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 31, 2005, 06:34:00 PM
Another target shooting oldie  "[laffsmyl]"

American Round practice in front yard about 1959 or 60.  Guess I was 14 or 15 years old   :eek:    :eek:  


40#, 66" Ben Pearson Javelina, #4 Micro-flites  ;)  ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 31, 2005, 06:44:00 PM
This one is not that old.  Maybe 15 years.  Can anyone guess who these folks are. All are archers, some are still with us. If you guess all correctly I'll fix one of your broken arrows.  You pay shipping    :bigsmyl:        :bigsmyl:    ...Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 31, 2005, 06:56:00 PM
And another archer who is no longer with us,  My Dad of course and guess who?.  This is a bonus question.  I'll fix 2 broken arrows.  Same shipping deal  "[tunglaff]" ......Van

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on May 31, 2005, 07:53:00 PM
Van, that's your dad and Jay Massie, probably at the GLLI at Marshal. The picture above is Mrs Pearson and Glenn Parker on the left. I guess I don't recognize any of the others with your dad.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 31, 2005, 08:20:00 PM
You done good Ron  :scared:    Another sort of looks like Mr. Ben  :bigsmyl: ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: timbow on May 31, 2005, 08:28:00 PM
Van======i have that shot on video, wasn't the guy a doctor??????
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 31, 2005, 08:45:00 PM
You got it Tim.  The guy with the cap.  Now  what is his name?    :wavey:     And who are the others?     :D     ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: John Nail on May 31, 2005, 09:01:00 PM
The good Doctor. Is that rascal still alive!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on May 31, 2005, 09:05:00 PM
Gosh I don't know John.  If he is he's an old'un  :D  ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Lambow on May 31, 2005, 10:40:00 PM
I recognize Mrs. Pearson, Glen Parker,Dr. Smith, your father Sterling, the man to the right of your father sems familiar, but i can't place him, and the fellow behind and to the left of Sterling, i have no idea.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jason R. Wesbrock on June 01, 2005, 12:57:00 AM
I could spend all day on this thread. Thanks for sharing, everyone.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Danny Rowan on June 01, 2005, 02:08:00 AM
This is the best thread. I sure wish all my old hunting pics had not been lost in a fire several years ago, would love to post some here for all to see. Not near as good as Ron's, Charlies and Van's, but would have been nice.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on June 01, 2005, 09:50:00 AM
Van, I have that pig shot video also. The doc's name is-----DANG, I CAN'T REMEMBER! guess I'll have to dig out the video.   :knothead:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on June 01, 2005, 04:45:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: JimE.IV on June 01, 2005, 06:14:00 PM
Very Cool Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on June 01, 2005, 06:23:00 PM
Van you a mean'n.  :mad:  

Keep 'em comin
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 01, 2005, 07:13:00 PM
More clues later.  I really like this one though.  It's one of my favorites of Ben and Dad.
Louisiana deer camp (Spring Bayou) early 60's.

I can just hear Ben saying " This thing (Deadhead) is like a hand grenade....all ya gotta do is git close "

  :bigsmyl:    :bigsmyl:  
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 01, 2005, 07:23:00 PM
Here's a series of pictures taken when we went to the World Longbow Championship shoot at the Howard Hill Archery club in Alabama in 1981. Before the shoot Jerry Hill took a bunch of us on a tour to see Howards home and afterwards to see all the Howard Hill memorabilia at Jerrys home.

Mrs Ben Pearson is standing next to Jerry in the center of the photo. I'm over on the left in shorts holding up a post.    (

Howard set these post to hold his target bales. The wood was a little rotten so I put a piece in the bottom of my quiver for luck


At Jerrys place I'm holding one of Howards bows, "White Eagle", I could feel the Mojo    :D       (

 When I put on Howards glove I felt a warm sensation go up my arm. I remember saying, "I can feel Howard in this glove,.. I'm going to win this shoot tomorrow"

The next day we arrived at the shoot      (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 01, 2005, 07:27:00 PM
Dang, got goose bumps on that one Ron  :thumbsup: ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 01, 2005, 07:29:00 PM
Here I am taking a long shot on the range with a bunch of onlookers. Pressure?....naw     "[dntthnk]"    

 The results, the title of World Longbow Champion  1981....thanks Howard   ;)  
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 01, 2005, 07:54:00 PM
Another favorite of mine.  Dad giving Ben Jr. some pointers on instinctive shooting  :p    Just kidding  :)  Ben Jr. had the best teacher there was  :knothead:    :D  .....Van

Deer Camp South Arkansas (Between Eldorado and Hampton)

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ibow on June 01, 2005, 08:09:00 PM
This has been the most enjoyable thread I have ever looked at on this site (or any other for that matter). Thanks Ron, Charlie Lamb, VanTx and all the others that have posted the great picts here. I have really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 01, 2005, 08:38:00 PM
Early in 1982 Nancy and I went on a trip and passed near Poplarville Mississippi where Bob Wesley lived at the time. I had never met Bob or even talked to him by phone but decided to stop by and say hi. I called from a pay phone in town and he said stay right where you are, I'll be right there. In a few minutes Bob showed up, we shook hands and he told me to follow him to his house. What started out to be a quick stop to say hi turned into a two day stay. Bob and his wife Fran were most gracious host and wouldn't take no for an answer when they ask us to spend the night.

After sleeping in the same bed as Howard Hill when he visited his friends the Wesleys we were treated to a fine southern breakfast then Bob took me to his private shooting course for a round of shooting. If I remember right I trounced him pretty good but Bob said he hadn't been shooting much lately. I told him about the Howard Hill shoot in Wilsonville Alabama and encouraged him to to come to the shoot that summer.

After we left Bob did some serious practicing and showed up at the World Champaionship shoot that year. No one was happier than I when Bob won the title in 1982. It couldn't have happened to a nicer gentleman. I haven't seen Bob for a number of years but we email on occasion and I still consider him a good friend.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on June 01, 2005, 08:55:00 PM
Great Stuff!!!!  :bigsmyl:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on June 02, 2005, 07:54:00 AM
I think this one was spring of 1970. I was turkey hunting and found this snapper swimming down the creek. Shot from up on the bank and put the arrow through his shell.
I came back for him an hour later only to find him gone! Finally spotted my arrow (with binoculars) moving like a periscope down the creek a hundred yards away.
A blunt through the back of his head did the trick that time.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on June 02, 2005, 08:02:00 AM
Lots of hot springs flow from the hillsides along the Green river in Northwestern Wyoming. In an effort to capture it on film I took this photo and didn't do it justice.  :D  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: TexMex on June 02, 2005, 08:19:00 AM
Boy, all this photos would make a great screensaver.   ;)      ;)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Otto on June 02, 2005, 12:57:00 PM
I've been going to Cloverdale now for 12 or 13 years, and every year I tell myself I'm gonna take a camera and every yr I find an excuse not to.  This thread has been the motivation I needed.

All of this is a link to the past history of the sport and all of us appreciate what you have done.

To Ron, Van, Charlie and others, thanks so much for documenting the past and for providing all of these incredible images.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on June 02, 2005, 01:11:00 PM
cool Ron
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 02, 2005, 02:46:00 PM
Here's a shooting demonstration in the early 80's. That's me in the buckskin shirt doing the old foot shot. I learned how to do that years before when I broke my arm during hunting season and had to shoot with my foot if I wanted to hunt that year.   :)

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on June 02, 2005, 03:16:00 PM
   Who's the guy in the leather vest?? I remember seeing a video of you two shooting a speedround, you ran out of arrows and began shooting some of his  :readit:    :D    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: StanM on June 02, 2005, 03:18:00 PM

That's Norm Blaker, unless I'm mistaken.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on June 02, 2005, 03:22:00 PM
Thanks! Who is he?  :confused:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Danny Rowan on June 02, 2005, 05:16:00 PM
Hey Charlie,

I think photobucket is trying to tell you something. Last two pics say Photobucket Bandwidth exceeded.LOL

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: StanM on June 02, 2005, 05:40:00 PM

If that is indeed Norm, then I'm going to wait until Ron, or somebody more knowledgable can chime in.  I know him only from the articles that he's written (the last I read was from a while back).  What I seem to remember about him was that he was a hardcore traditionalist, a bowyer, and a heckuva shot.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on June 02, 2005, 06:03:00 PM
Yeah Danny, they want money from me now! Hope this next one comes through.

It's a picture taken sometime in the mid 50's. In this group of real old timers is Earl Hoyt Jr. and Paul Jefferies. Founding fathers in this state.

Any guesses?

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: StanM on June 02, 2005, 06:07:00 PM

I'm getting the same message instead of a picture.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on June 02, 2005, 06:09:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Tracy McQueen on June 02, 2005, 06:24:00 PM
I don't think I have ever enjoyed a thread more! At least not since "Bow test on a dead cow"...
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 02, 2005, 07:49:00 PM
Charlie, reduce the resolution of your pics to 72 and then set the width to 600 pix  before loading to Photobucket (if you haven't already)  You can load a bunch more pics for free and the quality when posting is not effected   :wavey:   .....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 02, 2005, 07:57:00 PM
Here's one.  Wish Dan Q was posting here.  He's probably got a bunch of photos  :saywhat:    :bigsmyl:    :bigsmyl:  
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 02, 2005, 08:03:00 PM
Here's the last shot of the Wingshooting tournament.  This is 20 yards mind a fast moving target from a machine  ;) ....Van

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Archer 1 on June 02, 2005, 10:55:00 PM
Van, The doc's name in the photo is "Doctor Jim Smith" Did I get it right?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: JC on June 03, 2005, 08:30:00 AM
For you guys that want to see charlie's pics: right click on where the pic should be, click properties, then highlight and paste link can see them that way.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: OH at work on June 03, 2005, 09:07:00 AM
Where was that camp located at?

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 03, 2005, 02:57:00 PM
Raven, Stan had it right, the guy in the vest is Norm Blaker. For several years Norm and I did shooting demonstrations together at various events shooting targets from unorthodox positions including shooting stuff out of the air. For the Grand Finale we would shoot an aspirin tossed in the air.

If you go to the main forums and click on Vintage Videos, then click on my name, then Saco Speed Round, you can see Norm and I shooting a speed round together.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on June 03, 2005, 03:03:00 PM
Thanks! I did a search on the net and found out more about him. Sounds like one heck of a guy!  :thumbsup:  You two need to find a "Time Machine" and get back home.  ;)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 03, 2005, 03:48:00 PM
Here's a younger looking Glenn St Charles and also a younger looking me at a PBS banquet about 15 years ago.


The late Glen Parker in front of his broadhead collection at the same banquet.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ranger58 on June 03, 2005, 04:28:00 PM
What an awesome thread!  You all are to be commended!  Thanks for sharing in your history and saving it here.  Sure wish I had all of my family's old photos; but, they were lost in a fire that destroyed my parents home 5 Jan 1990.  Love the old black and whites!  Wish Jack Howard would put some more up, I'm sure he has a bunch that he's holdin on to.  Thanks guys, keep them coming....
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ranger58 on June 03, 2005, 04:34:00 PM
Hey Charlie,
What happened that you surpassed your bandwidth on Photobucket?  I can't see your posted pics.  Anyone have an answer?  Would like to see his pics, too.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 03, 2005, 08:12:00 PM
Just a scan of an old piece of paper filed away in the scrapbook.  1962 NFAA National shoot.  I'm on the practice butts waiting to start but Dad is walking around BSing with archers carring around this piece of paper and having folks sign it.  I don't know why but glad he did.  If you are young you will recognize a few names.  If you are old you will recognize more.  Right Ron?    :bigsmyl:

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jim Spencer on June 03, 2005, 08:21:00 PM
I just wanted to chime in and say thanks guys,I've really enjoyed this thread....Jim.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 03, 2005, 09:03:00 PM
Right Van.   That's quite an impressive group of  signatures.    :)  A whos who in 62.   ;)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 04, 2005, 07:10:00 PM
Here's a picture from the early 1980's taken at Anderson Archery Bowhunters Clinic in Grand Ledge Michigan. The picture was taken by Roger Combs of Bow & Arrow Magazine and was printed in the Magazine.

They had a chronograph set up and a long line of people with compounds waiting to shoot through it. In those days Compounds didn't shoot much over 200 FPS and some didn't even hit 200. I got in line with my longbow. Mine was the only traditional bow  in the line and nobody expected much out of my straight stick.  I had my 104# Big Horn longbow shooting port orford cedar. When my turn came it put three arrows through at 218,220, and 222 FPS. That was better than most of the compounds had done and as I pulled my arrows and walked away a fellow said, "what weight is that bow?" and I replied, " one hundred four pounds" everybody laughed, I supposed because that explained why a longbow outshot so many compounds. Later I wished I had said it was 50#...that would have left them scratching their heads.     :D    

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 04, 2005, 07:18:00 PM
Another picture of the 104# bow I called "Brute" having fun shooting a 38" "mock" elephant arrow.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on June 04, 2005, 08:12:00 PM
:eek:    :eek:    :scared:    :scared:    :eek:    :eek:  Big bow and a BIG arrow................Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: JC on June 04, 2005, 09:10:00 PM
Big men, big young fellers got a lot of steppin to do to carry on what these men have done.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Woodduck on June 05, 2005, 12:35:00 AM
Just wanted to give my thanks to all y'all who are posting pictures here for us to enjoy...being over 50, I'm really enjoying this thread. Thanks again.
I have just a few and will try to get them scanned, to share.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Guru on June 05, 2005, 06:55:00 AM
JC, Very true...very true.Awesome thread!!  :notworthy:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bayoulongbowman on June 05, 2005, 11:43:00 AM
Ron , Glen Parker one heck of bowyer , I always wanted a Glen Parker bow, just for my wall!..mark#78....
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 05, 2005, 12:03:00 PM
Yes, Glenn was a good bowyer and a one of the nicest men I ever met.

 His love for traditional archery shined like an aurora and he loved talking about it to anyone who would listen. It was a great loss to the traditional archery community when cancer took him from us.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: el cazador on June 06, 2005, 12:05:00 AM
Man oh man, what a thread! Thanks to all of you for sharing your memories. I haven't missed an entry on this one. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 06, 2005, 01:27:00 PM
I think most of you know who Hugh Rich from California was. Hugh was an early archery pioneer that was a friend to men like Nubby Pate, Howard Hill and the Wilhelm brothers.

In the early 1980's I corespondent quite a bit with Hugh, both by phone and letter. Hugh loved to write letters. If he were alive today I'm sure he would love this computer stuff.

Anyway, in 1983 Hugh sent me this autographed picture of Walt Wilhelm that I though might be of interest to some of you.

I don't know if the writing will show up so I'll copy it here.

Walt signed the top right,    "Old Chief" My   favorite  hunting horse in 1934, Walt Wilhelm"  

Hugh wrote below,   " To Ron LaClair
  Born in 1893-we lost him in 1981-Walt Wilhelm was what ARCHERY is all about- I wish YOU could have spent an hour with this man in 1981 as I did     ....Best Hugh Rich      

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 06, 2005, 01:34:00 PM
I think this picture of Howard Hill with Nels Grumley, Fred Bears first bowyer is a rare one.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Woodduck on June 06, 2005, 02:16:00 PM
Here's my 1st longbow, I think it was made by Indian Archery & Toy Co...around 1957. I thought I was playing Robin Hood, but looks like some fringe on my pants; so I was an Indian.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Woodduck on June 06, 2005, 02:36:00 PM
This is a Ben Pearson Hunter recurve and the picture was taken around 1973. Took that little Indian a long time to get some game! (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Woodduck on June 06, 2005, 02:42:00 PM
Oops, here's the bow, and the face... (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Woodduck on June 06, 2005, 02:51:00 PM
As many did, I joined another camp that shot faster and flatter...Bow was a Bear Alaskan and it was a good 'fingers' bow...until it exploded! Picture taken in late 1970's.  (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ray Lyon on June 06, 2005, 04:02:00 PM
The closest I ever came to switching to the "dark side" (couldn't resist, I took my son to the new star wars movie last night) was when I saw a used Bear Alaskan compound at the local shop. I remember that picture on the cover of the Bear catalogue with Fred at full draw with a Bear Alaskan compound and Razorhead tipped arrow in a woods setting. About the same time, I read an article about John Schultz in bow hunter magazine (this was about the same time the original Star Wars movie came out!) and the longbows of Howard Hill Archery (I got my first Hill longbow in the fall of 1977) and the temptation was quelched forever. I was shooting recurves at the time so the transition wasn't too bad to the longbow.

May the force (of the longbow) be with you.    :help:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 06, 2005, 07:09:00 PM
Here's a picture of Del Austins buck taken in 1962. I remember reading the story about it in a magazine. There was an artist depiction of Del shooting the buck from a tree stand with a recurve. The story fasinated me, I cut the picture out of the magazine and framed it. At the time I only had two bow killed deer under my belt so Dels buck was a dream buck for me.... it still is    :)    

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 06, 2005, 07:41:00 PM
Good Grief what a deer  :scared:

Cool pics Woodduck  :wavey:  ...Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on June 06, 2005, 08:40:00 PM
He must be kin to the Wensels! Thanks for sharing your treasures Mr. LeClair.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: TexMex on June 07, 2005, 02:32:00 PM
Hey, does that license plate say "The Beef State"?
Do you even see deer like that anymore, wow.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: RayMO on June 07, 2005, 02:36:00 PM
Now that is a deer!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 07, 2005, 08:30:00 PM
Magazine covers... Who knows why, I'm not that good lookin.   :p  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on June 07, 2005, 08:52:00 PM
:bigsmyl:  You sure you didn't have a part in that flick???  ;)  Good stuff, love the "Buckskinner" pic!!

 Is the Buckskinner a new mag.?? Looks like a good read  :thumbsup:  ..........Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Neil Reeves on June 07, 2005, 11:00:00 PM

On the cover of "Traditional Bowhunter" what kind of bow do you have there?  It looks really short.  At first I thought maybe it was just the cant, but I think it's just really short.

And if I'm making it out in the pic, it's from a '93 issue?

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: leonard on June 08, 2005, 04:01:00 AM
this thread has sewn together a lot of lives and has stirred my memoreis of days gone by with friends and family.some of wich are still here and some of wich are gone but never forgotten.thanks for this thread we need more like it.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: ber643 on June 08, 2005, 07:05:00 AM
What treasures have been posted here!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 08, 2005, 08:14:00 AM
Neil, That's a 62" yew wood flatbow made by John Strunk from Oregon. It was a beautiful little bow backed with diamondback skins. I was shooting self nocked flint tipped cedars and the back quiver is wolverine skin. The picture was taken early in the morning along Armstrong Creek near my hunting camp in the U.P. in the fall of 92. That's a little snow on the ground.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Olebow on June 08, 2005, 07:25:00 PM
Well said Leonard, and I certainly agree!  I hope the younger members enjoy and remember it for it is there heritage too!

Wow, what memories.  Glad I made lots of them, cause no one can take them from ya.

My sincere thanks to all of ya who have all this old and interesting stuff and have shared it with all the rest of us.
Sincerely,  Olebow
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 09, 2005, 12:04:00 PM
Well it looks like things are winding down. Charlie, Van, and others haven't posted for awhile. I guess all good things must come to an end. I've had fun with this and I hope everyone else has too.

I'd like to thank Rob of Trad Gang administration for his help. He probably cussed me a few times for the work I caused him.    :rolleyes:   Also my web guy Brian Cole did a lions share to make it possible for me to post these pictures.

Here's a picture of Brian. He's the little guy between G Fred and I.    :p  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Littlefeather on June 09, 2005, 12:29:00 PM
I really enjoyed this thread as well. I supposed I've learned to start recording more of todays moments because of watching this thread. I have always liked the Armstrong Creek pic. It has become a historic pic that will surely span many more generations. Id like to see a close-up of that Tat on your left shoulder Ron. Please post one more pic. Thanks. Hope to share a hunting camp sometime Ron. Till then thanks for the pics. Curtis
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on June 09, 2005, 01:33:00 PM
Thanks for all the pics, this has been the BEST thread so far!!  :wavey:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jake on June 09, 2005, 01:51:00 PM
Great thread and sure did enjoy it.  Let's see the tat Ron...Please????
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: kyle on June 09, 2005, 02:56:00 PM
If that's the end of it THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!  You guys wasted not your time sharing your memories and treasures from the past.  there are many of us out here who hope to experience only a fraction of what some of you have.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WaKeDa BT on June 09, 2005, 03:04:00 PM
I, personally, would like to see this thread archived in a forum called the Heritage collection or something like that. Don't know anything about adding a forum but if ever a topic deserved its own this one does. A heartfelt thank you to all the contributors here.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: JC on June 09, 2005, 03:53:00 PM
Yep, we definately need to save this one for posterity. Thank you all for the trip back in time with you.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 09, 2005, 04:48:00 PM
For you guys that wanted to see a closeup of my skin art, here it is.

                  "Spirit Bear"  

 "The Grizzly Bear is a symbol of great strength and stamina. It was traditionally a sign of an Indian man's courage if he battled with a bear and emerged victorious. The Grizzly is an elder spirit, here before us, and from whom we can learn much. The bear paw is a symbol of good fortune."

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: High Plains bowman on June 09, 2005, 05:48:00 PM

 You continue to gain my respect and admiration. I have always felt a connection to the native American peoples. I have had a fascination with them and their way of life. On top of that connection to you I am also a lefty as you are.  I will forever be indebted to you for your contributions to archery and bowhunting.  I hope to someday own one of your fine bows. Again thank you.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: randy grider on June 09, 2005, 07:05:00 PM
where can i get a subscriptio to that buckskinner mag ? i believe i'd like it.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 09, 2005, 07:10:00 PM (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 09, 2005, 08:37:00 PM
Ron, great thread.  Thanks.  Probably the most responses of any thread on the site since it started. I may have a few more old pics to post just have to dig 'em up, scan 'em and post 'em   :wavey:  ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Woodduck on June 09, 2005, 10:44:00 PM
We'll keep comin'back for more, Van, and all...
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on June 10, 2005, 01:32:00 PM
Old Duffers! Old Duffers! Old Duffers! Old Duffers!  :bigsmyl:  Just trying to keep her alive  :D  Hope it helps, this is my #1 thread to check everyday a few times at that.  :)  ...........Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 12, 2005, 08:03:00 AM
Here's a old picture I've had for years of a bowhunter in Michigan. Any old car buff's that know the year and make of the car?

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 12, 2005, 08:10:00 AM
A buckskin clad hunter with his flintlock squirrel gun and a mess of good eating. That couldn't be me because the beard isn't white.   ;)

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on June 12, 2005, 08:43:00 AM
:bigsmyl:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:  ........Raven
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ranger58 on June 12, 2005, 01:55:00 PM
Really cool pics! Keep them coming.  I love them!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on June 13, 2005, 09:03:00 AM
Ron, this last B&W photo, I don't know who it is, but, he sure looks familiar.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Danny Rowan on June 14, 2005, 02:41:00 AM

Do not know the year, but is that a Kaiser/Frazier?

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: redruger on June 14, 2005, 02:49:00 AM
You guys are awesome!!!  I wish I had photos to send.  I have a ton of 70-80's photos but the EX has them!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 14, 2005, 09:10:00 AM
Danny, I used to know but I forgot. (forgetting is a common thing as you get older)     :o  

Here's the crew of modern day Voyagers in the early 70's just back from a weeks trip in a 26' North Canoe along the north shore of Lake Superior. It was over 100 miles  of wilderness shoreline on the treacherous Lake noted for it's sudden storms. At one point we passed about 5 miles of sheer bluffs with no place to beach if a storm came up. For the most part things went fine except for one day as we were crossing a wide inlet, a storm blew in and we barely made the shore. The canoe was surfing on the whitecaps and it was pretty hairy for awhile.

This was a reenactment excursion so no modern stuff like matches, plastic, or   life preservers  were allowed on the trip.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: The Dutchman on June 14, 2005, 10:49:00 AM
Hi Ron, please correct me but was't "Voyagers" French Free Trappers. I liked the mounain men magazenes and often bemoaned the fact that we did not have something simmular here in South Africa.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: frankb on June 22, 2005, 07:11:00 PM
Eyes are ready to bleed... but I still want to read more!

Breath taking... amazing... awe inspiring... I could go on for days... but I'd rather sit back and read a little more.

Thanks again for these posts!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on June 22, 2005, 08:34:00 PM
What bowhunter hasn't dreamed of Alaska. I made this trip for Caribou several years ago. Loved the hunt, but got really tired of the river.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on June 22, 2005, 08:43:00 PM
Not such an old photo... desert cottontail taken in Montana.


I have these little lists of stuff I've shot or would like to. On the rabbit list are eastern cottontail, mountain cottontail, desert cottontail, snowshoe hare and whitetail jackrabbit.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on June 23, 2005, 09:33:00 AM
Charlie, I just can't see me riding an air raft with sharp pointy objects.  A canoe?  Yeah.  Air raft?  Hmm.  I know it's fairly common, but, I've been known to "oops" from time to time.    :smileystooges:    "[nope]"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 23, 2005, 06:02:00 PM

Of the early European explorers, the French were the ones that traveled the northern regions by river in bark canoes. The were mostly traders and trappers, some living with the indians taking a native wife.

The Voyageurs on the other hand were canoe paddlers, hired by the fur companys to freight trade goods and return with loads of fur. The canoes they used on the rivers were called North Canoes and were about 26' long made of birch bark. Even larger canoes were used on the Great Lakes. The French Voyageur was a hardy indivivual that could paddle and portage around falls and rapids all day long fueled by a bowl of gruel made of peas and salt pork.

 This is a picture of a painting done by a lady artist who had snapped the shot of me at Fort Michamackinaw in the early 70's. I was there to participate in a North Canoe race in front of the fort. I didn't know she took the picture until she sent me a picture of the painting. I bought the painting and it now hangs in my mothers house.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Donavan Daniel on June 23, 2005, 07:01:00 PM
That is so cool! What a fantastic painting and very neat to not even know about it till it was done!

Fantastic thread!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 28, 2005, 06:35:00 PM
This thread is still going?   :p     I found an old photo that I like.  It's about 41 years old I believe.  

Story behind it -  Late November 1964, Ruston, La at the local airport (tiny airport).  Ben Pearson and his long-time photographer Jack Adkins fly in from Pine Bluff Arkansas in Ben's Piper Cub (Ben is the pilot) to hopefully get some film of Ben shooting a Buck the next day.  My Dad and I had scouted out a place a few miles from the house a few days before and hoped that the deer would cooporate.

The weather turned bad but we got set up a bit after daylight the next day.  Ben was in a pine tree sitting in a tree stand that swiveled 360 degrees around the trunk.  He designed and built it but it was just a prototype at the time.  Jack was set up in a tree a few yards away.

Me and Dad gave them plenty of room and hunted a couple of hundred yards away in a pine thicket.

After several hours we went to check on 'em.  No shots fired, no deer seen by anyone that day.  On a tight schedule they had to return to Pine Bluff the next morning as I recall.  Ben left that tree stand at our house.  I have no idea what happened to it.  It was something else.  Hindsight is 20/20   :knothead:      :knothead:  


From left to right is Jack Atkins (Ben's photographer), Jeff Lane (local hardware store owner that stocked Ben Pearson products), Me, Ben Pearson, Dad, Red Reeves (hunting buddy of Ben and Dad), and the 2 guys on the right I can't recall who they were.  Probably local civic leaders of the small town.   :D   ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: jeff w on June 28, 2005, 07:30:00 PM
Ron, you are right-the lady that painted that is an artist!

Van, I really have enjoyed the pics of you, your dad, and Ben Pearson.  Maybe I've missed it, but how did your(and your dad's) association begin with Mr Pearson?  

Keep them coming!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: RayMO on June 28, 2005, 07:34:00 PM
Ron, The painting is really great!

whats that old saying...something like born hundreds too late..   :D  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 28, 2005, 08:35:00 PM
Jeff, my Dad started a kids archery club in 1960.  He wanted to expand and set up a NFAA 28 target field round to host shoots state wide.  Since Ben Pearson was "Archery" at that time he called him up for help.  Ben flew down, laid out a field range (no charge).  They became close friends from that first meeting and hunted together every year until Ben went to a better place.  I'll post a pic of the kids archery club members later   :wavey: ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 29, 2005, 06:35:00 PM
And here is the Archery club.  These were grade school kids.  I was a bit older and didn't shoot balloons any more    :thumbsup:   .....Van

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bayoulongbowman on June 29, 2005, 06:41:00 PM
those were some good ole days........
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: gregg dudley on June 29, 2005, 09:26:00 PM
Van, you have posted some great shots of your family and friends on this thread, but that last one is outstanding.  Those kids had a great mentor in your father.  The fact that some of them still shoot and even hunt is a testimony to his effort.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: 7 Rivers on June 30, 2005, 01:52:00 PM
Thanks for posting your memories Guys.....
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on June 30, 2005, 08:42:00 PM
Thanks Gregg  :wavey:  .....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: hey on July 02, 2005, 12:18:00 AM
Steve Pray told me to look at your bow for our b for4 kids hunt why?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: The Dutchman on July 02, 2005, 07:19:00 AM
Hi Ron, that's an incredible painting, it surely does you justice.
Thanks for the information, I found that part of the American and Canadian history very intresting.
as the men who re-enact that time, those men were made of steel.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: 12Ring on July 02, 2005, 04:09:00 PM
them some cool pictures. and i just wanted to be number 600.  :)

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on February 26, 2006, 01:17:00 AM
cool pics
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Cody Roiter on February 26, 2006, 03:21:00 AM
I have some Pics of me just shoting how do i put them on here or i could email them to someone
to put them on here.
Thanks for the help.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Killdeer on February 26, 2006, 06:55:00 AM
Cody, are you an old f@rt? Gotta be an old f@rt to post your younger-days stuff here. Modern shooting pics can go to the Shooter's Forum, under "Pics of the Week" at the top of the page.

Killdeer~middlin' old f@rt  :wavey:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Trevor on February 26, 2006, 12:15:00 PM
Well, I wasnt even into shooting when this thread was started, other than shooting when i was a kid,I just sat in front of the puter all morning looking at the pictures posted here.It is incredible to see such a wonderful record of the history of this sport. I just got my 5 year old son into shooting and this thread has impressed on me the importance of taking pictures to document the passing of time and the memories made. EXCELLENT Job to all of you who posted!! Appreciate the time you spent. Now I gotta go get some eye drops, i think my eyes are stuck from looking at this screen for so long..
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: IB on February 26, 2006, 03:09:00 PM
This thread needs to stay here on page one always  :scared:  

  up and comming Old Duffer...........vance
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 26, 2006, 05:05:00 PM
up and comming Old Duffer...........vance
What? Like tomorrow?  :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Huntschool on February 26, 2006, 07:00:00 PM
No pics but first trad deer kill was my senior year of HS.  1965.

I was not smart enough to have a camera......
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: IB on February 27, 2006, 10:23:00 AM
Charlie..... Some of us may only Aspire to reach  "OLD DUFFER" status  :p  
 Unlike YOU.. who has carried the  CREDENTIALS a lifetime  :knothead:    :knothead:  ........vance
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on February 27, 2006, 11:07:00 AM
Some of us may only Aspire to reach "OLD DUFFER" status  
Who in their right mind would   aspire to be old???   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: IB on February 27, 2006, 12:20:00 PM
Now I ain't buying into this "OLD DUFFER" stuff but a couple of photos from the 1900s. The first is not far from Rich Bakers in OR.

This one is of a painting of me a bit older, that now hangs in the Hall of Justus in DC

please enjoy........vance
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ray Lyon on February 27, 2006, 12:48:00 PM

70 years qualifies you for the young side of old, so don't feel bad. Besides our buddy Greg says you did a great job cooking that venison loin a couple of nights ago (rare and without flour), so I guess you still can learn some new tricks.    "[laffsmyl]"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Goose on February 27, 2006, 12:53:00 PM
I found this picture in an old box after my dad died.  It was taken on July 30, 1953, my 7th birthday.  Dad got me a new bow and some arrows to help take care of the rabbit problem in his "Victory Garden."  He still called it that even though mom was the one taking care of the garden while he was over seas in the Navy during WWII.  By fall, the rabbits had taken a serious hit, as had my arrows.  I can still hear dad telling me, "Those arrows cost $.35 apiece at the hardware!"  Yep, cedar with real barred feathers.  Now one feather cost more!  Brings back some good memories.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on February 27, 2006, 01:26:00 PM
Cool more photos!  :cool:    :thumbsup:  

 Iron Bull, Nice portrait, them Buckskinning days must have been something!  :)  If ya have anymore I would love to see them.

 Goose, cool pic. Looks like ya have good form, and a nice side quiver.  ;)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Goose on February 27, 2006, 01:46:00 PM

I agree, Iron Bull's portrait is fantastic, and in the Hall of Justus in DC.  Unbelievable!

My form has gotten a little better.  Lowered the anchor point some, and no longer wear Buster Brown shoes.  Probably not many here that remember that foot gear!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on February 27, 2006, 01:48:00 PM
Raven,..he's got more,..he just needs a little coaxing.    ;)

70 years qualifies you for the young side of old, so don't feel bad. Besides our buddy Greg says you did a great job cooking that venison loin a couple of nights ago (rare and without flour), so I guess you still can learn some new tricks.
Ray, I was cookin venison that way before you waz weaned.   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on February 27, 2006, 02:09:00 PM
Very neat painting Vance, you look like the real McCoy.    :thumbsup:    

Here's a print from an original oil done by Marian Anderson in 1995 for the Naitional Wild Turkey Federation. The title of it is "Longhunter" It hangs on "The Wall Of Fame" in my mothers house.     :)  

Marian was contracted by the NWTF to do a Mountainman series. Each painting had to have a turkey in it. She did one a year for seven years. I met Marian at a Sports show and when she found out that I had a real birchbark canoe and all the other geegaws needed, that was all it took.     :D    

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bayoulongbowman on February 27, 2006, 02:09:00 PM
Goose , my birthday is July 30 th too!!!1955
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on February 27, 2006, 02:15:00 PM
Thanks Ron!  :)  That painting should do the trick.  ;)  I just love looking at and reading about Mt. Men and buckskinning. I'am just finshing up the "Frontiersmen" by Allan W. Eckert for the 100th time.  :rolleyes:    :)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: IB on February 27, 2006, 05:13:00 PM
Having a hard time keeping with the Archery Theme with many of my photos, I don't want to get this locked down it's way to cool. I'll keep looking.
  Ron.... at 70 that means you got 20 more hunting seasons for ya even start thinking of slowing down, sides that's ONLY a NUMBER  :scared:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on February 27, 2006, 05:16:00 PM
:thumbsup:    :thumbsup:  Good point on keeping on topic.  :)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on February 27, 2006, 06:17:00 PM
Who's the guy that started that  70 crap??   I'm not 70   yet  ...won't be for another 3 weeks and 2 days.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on February 27, 2006, 07:00:00 PM
Great photo Goose....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Goose on February 27, 2006, 07:10:00 PM
Thanks Van.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: IB on February 27, 2006, 07:34:00 PM
Goose..... 35 ct arrows  :scared:   That's like picking up pop bottles for gas money  :bigsmyl:  OOPS almost dated myself.  GREAT Photo and thanks for shareing.

  Ron.... Fist I saw that # was from some one who wishes he wasn't just  Shrew X cook, me thinks..........vance     a:bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jake on February 28, 2006, 12:07:00 AM
Keep going guys!!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WildmanSC on February 28, 2006, 07:18:00 AM
Age is a state of mind.  The only challenge is remembering what State you're in!!    :knothead:    :bigsmyl:  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ryan Rothhaar on February 28, 2006, 07:59:00 AM
Wow, this is a big thread.  Guess I'll put my 2 cents in....

I'm not an "Old Duffer" but I feel like it sometimes!  Here is a pic of me demonstrating Ohio buck big enough to ride!


And another I found in Dad's old photos.  Kind of neat....who is the svelte, good looking guy with the bear?  I believe that's Mr. Wensel in a former day.  The guy leaning against the tree looks pretty Dwarfy to me...only change in Paul is that he has lots less hair nowadays.


Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ryan Rothhaar on February 28, 2006, 08:13:00 AM
Here's a picture from early 1980's on the Moose John River.  Dad is on the right, Jim Emerson in the middle, and I think that's Dick Robertson looking through the glasses.  Dad and Jim floated the river with Jay Massey, Doug Borland, and Dick Robertson.  Dad said it was a great time.


Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 28, 2006, 08:30:00 AM
Great pics Ryan!!  :thumbsup:  

Here's one of Vance "Iron Bull" Brewer a long time ago... pre gray.  :D  

He took this nice western Wyoming buck by stalking.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 28, 2006, 08:33:00 AM

When you're elk hunting, it's a requisite to smack a grouse whenever you run across one. This one is a ruff... tough target by any standards.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 28, 2006, 08:38:00 AM
I may have put this one up already. I'll wade through the pages and check later.

Around 1978 I broke my freakin neck in an auto accident (temporarilly paralized me on my entire left side) This is the first hunt I made after the accident.
No bear, but good times with good friends in northern Minnesota.

I'm the one in the felt hat and soft brace/collar.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Raven on February 28, 2006, 02:21:00 PM
Ryan, nice pic's!  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:  I bet Roger has some cool old photos. I know Jim did. I use to look at them every fall/winter. Matter of fact, I just went thru them all a few weeks ago.   :)  Roger and Jim sure did alot of hunting togeather.  :campfire:    :archer:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on March 03, 2006, 08:40:00 PM
Charlie, you are lucky to be here.  Glad you are  :wavey:  ....Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: IB on March 03, 2006, 09:02:00 PM
Van.....Those words are truer than you know  :eek:  

 In all HONESTY, Charlie has had more broken bones than Asby's Buffs. He truly amazes me what he still does after what he has done to himself  :thumbsup:    :notworthy:    :notworthy:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Charlie Lamb on March 03, 2006, 10:58:00 PM
If ya can't be smart, it helps to be tough!  :knothead:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: NightHawk on March 04, 2006, 07:19:00 AM
Dang Charlie...We got more in common than good looks and a refined palet for smooth tequilla   :bigsmyl:  

 I have broken more bones than Carter hasliver pills I've broken both arms wrist numerous times most fingers ankle, legs, collar bones, back (twice)and several toes. Lets just say I should own stock in an aspirin company  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Al33 on March 17, 2007, 06:01:00 AM
This awesome thread deserves a bump. Thanks for sharing all the old pic's and I am so glad so many documented so many wonderful moments with the camera.

This is my first whitetail, 1976, taken with a Ben Pearson 55# Hunter.  (
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Bonebuster on March 17, 2007, 07:27:00 AM
I found this site about a month ago. I can`t stay away. My wife can`t believe it.
I found this thread, and was just gonna take a quick look. Now I`m late!!!! 40 plus pages of archery history, from all over our country! To everyone who took the time to get those pictures on here, THANK YOU. I haven`t checked them all out yet, but I`ll be back. Thanks again, Don
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Al33 on March 17, 2007, 07:36:00 AM
Charlie, after my motorcycle accident in November of 1981 I thought my hunting days were over and many thought my LIFE was over, but by the grace of God I made it. I had to learn to walk in the woods again without running into trees.     :D    I guess when the passion is strong little can keep a man from pursuing it. Glad you were able to return and pursue yours.     :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Gene Wensel on March 17, 2007, 06:10:00 PM
 You'll notice that Too Short is exactly the same length as my arrows in that picture. I wore that wool hat on only one hunt. Bought it used from a surplus store. Broke out in a rash completely around my forehead where it touched. Not a good sign....
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Gene Wensel on March 17, 2007, 06:13:00 PM
It also made all my hair fall out.....
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: adeeden on March 17, 2007, 06:42:00 PM
This first one is of me and my Dad when I was 5 years old. If you look close just behind my knee you can see the old bear quiver and polar recurve laying down.
Then this is one of Dad and my son Scott when he was 5 years old. The tradition lives on and the old man is still hunting them big bucks with the stckbow!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bentpole on March 18, 2007, 08:23:00 AM
Great photos
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Over&Under on March 18, 2007, 10:34:00 AM
How come I didn't see this thread earlier!

Great pics guys!!  Just goes to prove the wisdom and years of experience there is on this site.

Glad to be here and enjoy learning from all you guys.  

Again Thanks for sharing, just plain cool!!!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Forester on March 18, 2007, 05:17:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Sneakypete on March 18, 2007, 06:07:00 PM
Ah, so true. But try to tell that to the young bow babes! "Once," sad to say, is the operative term. I am 61, going on 18!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Benha on March 18, 2007, 07:46:00 PM
This is an awesome thread!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: woodchucker on March 18, 2007, 08:59:00 PM
Tonight is the first time that I have sat down andlooked at ALL of the pictures,and read ALL of the posts. To say that I have "enjoyed" myself is a great understatement!!!!!

I would like to thank you gentlemen for sharing your stories and pictures,we certainly do have some BIG shoes to fill!!!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: John3 on March 18, 2007, 10:01:00 PM
This may be the best thread I've ever seen on Trad Gang. Thanks to all for sharing the pics and the history.

John III
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: longstick on March 18, 2007, 10:01:00 PM
This has to be the TOP thread of the year! Thanks for sharing your memories with us guys, I really enjoyed them and saved a few for my pesonal being along the way
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Gordy on March 18, 2007, 10:15:00 PM
Well, I sat down at the computer about an hour ago to do something else... then this thread pops up and I went through the whole thing again !  :)

great stuff, thanks    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: TexMex on March 19, 2007, 10:10:00 AM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Linc on March 19, 2007, 01:21:00 PM
:campfire:    :campfire:    :campfire:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: The Whittler on March 19, 2007, 07:13:00 PM
I just love looking at pics, old and new. Alan
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Budog56 on March 19, 2007, 08:08:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: billy on the road on March 19, 2007, 11:05:00 PM
this thread started 2 years , more or less; ago I hadn't gotten even a good start in traditional what i've missed!!!
thank you to all who posted pics.
not coming from a hunting family, i appreciate the parent/child stories. they make me glad that i've included our two boys in the learning with me. now i need to include a camera!
Thank You, just falls short sometimes.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Talondale on March 20, 2007, 04:34:00 PM
Originally posted by Ron LaClair:
(note to self: don't let wife see pic of young Ron  

23 years old...ahhhh, those were the days my friend     ;)   [/b]
Mr. LaClair was that during your Papa Hemingway years?  Cause I don't remember Elvis smoking a pipe and having a beard.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Izzy on March 20, 2007, 11:08:00 PM
Hemingway lookalike for sure,thats exactly what I thought when I saw that pic!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Nakohe on March 21, 2007, 12:48:00 PM
Man what an awesome thread. I sure wish I had a camera in the '60s when me and my brother Danny and our friend used to go hunting with the old fiberglass bows. Lots of rabbits, squirels shot in the trees,turkeys on the fly, gar and carp in the rivers. I finaly got a early take down curve to shoot in the late 70's and took deer in Michigan and Texas. You young guys have it made with the digital cameras of today. Please take pictures others will cherish them  in the years to come. I love this thread.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Tree man on March 21, 2007, 10:38:00 PM
Ignore the insults Ron-You are much better looking than Hemingway.

He's dead you know....  ;)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Biff on March 22, 2007, 03:56:00 PM
This was a big club tournament in Calif, Marin co. I was 14 , 6 foot tall, and 140 lbs. All that hair has re-grouped to my back and butt!

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Over&Under on March 22, 2007, 05:18:00 PM
Biff - Not a mental picture I wanted, I was just fine with the pic of hair on your head...

Looks like some long distance shooting, fun-fun-fun.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Terry Green on March 22, 2007, 06:44:00 PM
Gene Wensel asked me to post this one.......

Frank Garske, taken in the 1930's.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Killdeer on March 22, 2007, 07:40:00 PM
Wow, didn't know they made 'em like that back then...

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on March 22, 2007, 07:49:00 PM
Killy.... Down Girl! It's a good thing he's not wearing a loin cloth    :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Bowspirit on March 22, 2007, 07:51:00 PM
Alright, feel kinda foolish asking this, but: Who's Frank Garske?   :(
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Van/TX on March 22, 2007, 07:52:00 PM
Biff, was that '55 or '65   :D  Great form, nice bow  :wavey:  ...Van
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Killdeer on March 22, 2007, 08:02:00 PM
Ooh! That reminds me, now where did I stash that pic????

Sure could use a sweet li'l shrewbow.  :saywhat:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Killdeer on March 22, 2007, 08:05:00 PM
Ron, how did you know he wasn't wearing a loincloth? Were you there? To tell the truth, I am sure that he would be more presentable with one than without.

I'm STILL Killdeer.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: paleFace on March 22, 2007, 08:26:00 PM
i 2nd the best thread ever!  read on another thread about a trad gang book, well this thread is much like the book in envision. except for the part about Biff's butt & back hair that

awesome stuff here.  being a photo guy, i would love to see some more images from the past. i have looked through the photos on this thread at least a half dozen times already....
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Gene Wensel on March 22, 2007, 11:02:00 PM
Frank Garske is one of the neatest guys I've ever met. I made a special trip to his desert home many years ago to meet him. One of the truly unknown pioneers of bowhunting. He used to go into the Bob Marshall Wilderness alone and bowhunt in buckskins for up to a month every September way back when it was really a wilderness. Routinely made and shot 100# plus longbows. He was a student and master of every aspect of archery and bowhunting. He was an INCREDIBLE shot. He mastered at least two trick shots that Hill couldn't. A Garske quote: "No such thing as a trick shot...just hard targets." He could also keep more arrows in the air at one time than anyone I ever heard of, including Howard Hill. Probably killed more wild sheep with a bow than any man in history. Beat the Arabs at their own game before WWII while stationed in Egypt, beating the fastest Arab climber in a race to the top of one of the Great Pyramids when the Arabs issued a challenge to the U. S. Army. By the way, he carried his longbow and arrows during the race and then proceeded to hit his own quiver laid in the sand with a flight shot from the top of the pyramid. No Pharaoh in history had ever cleared the base! VERY interesting unknown legend. I know, I know, you want to hear more. Some other time. A book needs to be written about this guy. Just look at his photo and tell me he wasn't one of a kind.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jim now in Kentucky on March 23, 2007, 12:14:00 AM
Does Frank Garske yet live? Found an article that mentioned him in the same breath with Dr. Grayson.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: The Whittler on March 23, 2007, 05:45:00 AM
Gene, I would like to here more about him when you can get the time. Alan
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: RayMO on March 23, 2007, 08:22:00 AM
Biff, those stabilizers bring back some memories, I owned some of those myself.   :D  

Thanks for sharing Ron and Gene.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Leland on March 23, 2007, 04:39:00 PM
I'd also like to hear more about Mr. Garske.To look like he did (longhair)back then had to be taboo. Leland
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Nakohe on March 24, 2007, 01:08:00 PM
I have searched and searched, but could not find any old photos. I had some of squirrles taken when I was young and of a bobcat I took about 20 years ago, but cannot find them. I do have this from a couple of years ago.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Nakohe on March 25, 2007, 07:10:00 AM
Let's keep this going. TTT
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bentpole on March 25, 2007, 08:03:00 AM
Great facts Gene thanks that's amazing.When I first saw the pics I said to myself man the guy looks like me the year I graduated High School 1930's wow he was truely a rare breed.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: northern fisher on March 25, 2007, 10:49:00 AM
Ijust spent my whole sat morning going thru this thread for the first time and boy was it worth every minute.I just wish there were another 41 pages
I now have a new group of "duffers" to look up to.Thanks for sharing your past
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jim M on March 26, 2007, 10:34:00 PM
more please! absolutely the best thread ever
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: TexMex on March 27, 2007, 09:47:00 AM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: John3 on June 15, 2008, 09:28:00 PM
I just sat for another hour and looked at every pic again.  Awesome.

Anyone that missed this, check out every page.


Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: shikari on June 15, 2008, 10:04:00 PM
I was definately a duffer growing up,dad is still convinced i am,just the word duffer triggered some very happy memories of me and my dad for me.Iam a dad myself now and hope my little duffer smarts up,lol.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Weekend Warrior on June 15, 2008, 10:58:00 PM
WOW !!!!
Great post Ron   :thumbsup:  

Thanks to everyone for sharing..  :clapper:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bowhunterfrompast on June 16, 2008, 12:58:00 AM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Benny Nganabbarru on June 16, 2008, 05:07:00 AM
Frank Garske...fair dinkum! I do hope you write a book about this fellow, Gene.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 16, 2008, 08:59:00 AM
Since this thread's been's another story from the 70's

I call this one the "Miracle  buck". I stalked him late one afternoon by cover of the corn as he fed out in the hay field. When I got within range I stepped to the edge of the corn and put an arrow through him with my 85# HH Big Five. The shot was a little far back and zipped right through him. He ran a short distance,stopped and looked around trying to figure out what stung him. Then he dropped. As I approached him he tried to get up but fell back down. I decided not to shoot him again and backed off and headed out to get the truck and drive back and get him. I was sure he'd be expired by then......WRONG!..When I got back he was GONE! I found a faint blood trail that I followed down the center of the hay field until it got dark and I decided to come back in the morning to continue the tracking job. Another wrong decision because it rained that night washing out all the little sign there was.

I figured he had gone into the corn field as it was the closest cover, so I went into the field to look for him. I knew he had to be dead and I didn't want him to go to waste. This was one of those huge corn fields that was from road to road and the chances of finding a dead deer in it was like finding a needle in a hay stack.

I crossed the field by waking cross rows looking up and down each row with binoculars, the same as I do when I hunt the corn fields on windy days. After criss-crossing the corn a couple time I realized the futility of my efforts and stopped  to try and figure a better way to find my buck. I've always found that at those times when I'm at my wits end ,  If I ask the man upstairs for advice, many times he'll point me in the right direction. This time when I said "Lord, I could use some help if you've got the time.", he told me to go home and get my wife and kids to help  in the search. With that in mind I struck out at an angle through the corn in the direction of my truck. After covering a couple hundred yards  through the thick corn, I suddenly walked right to my buck in that maze. I was astounded, I couldn't believe my luck...then I realized it wasn't luck  and I said, "Thank you Lord"

The lessons learned that day was #1...NEVER walk away from a live deer, and #2 Never be afraid to ask for a little help.   :readit:  

This little 4 pointer may not be a trophy to be mounted by some peoples standards, but non the less, he looks down at me in my living room as a constant reminder of the lessons learned that day.        

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: frassettor on June 16, 2008, 09:52:00 AM
GREAT THREAD! Thanks to all who contributed  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: SouthMDShooter on June 16, 2008, 11:44:00 AM
This is the best thread ever created on TG!
   :clapper:    :clapper:    :clapper:    :clapper:    :clapper:    :clapper:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Rubiolio on June 16, 2008, 05:45:00 PM
Thanks for the great photos and stories. Made me late for work 2 days in a row :-)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Bowspirit on June 16, 2008, 05:50:00 PM
Hands down, one of the best threads on this entire site. Can't begin to tell how many times I come back here and let it all just sink in...
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Harmless on June 16, 2008, 06:25:00 PM
Ron you look like Grizzly Adams !
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: sendero25 on June 16, 2008, 08:36:00 PM
Wow,....Just Wow!
I am soon to be 49, and have only in the last year come back to trad shooting. So much has changed since I picked up the compound in the late '70s,...carbon arrows, so many new and fantastic bowyers, high priced camo and ghillie suits, atv's, two way radios, gps, trail cameras, QDM, and I am not bashing the new stuff at all, but this thread has been a walk back into my youth when I watched Curt Gowdy with Fred Bear on TV,and all I wanted to do was hunt with a bow.
Ron LaClair's atv was a canoe in the snow! Now that is what I dreamed of doing all of my life!
I really enjoy learning all of the precise ways to tune arrows and set them up for perfect flight,
but this thread has convinced me to not make it too complicated!
Shoot a strong enough bow, with well tuned arrows, with sharp broadheads.....and then just ENJOY!
Great Pics! and thank all of you for sharing, made me feel 14 again reading "Outdoor Life True Adventures" or watching "American Sportsman with Curt Gowdy" with my dad.
So many of these pics you all have shared look like the pictures I saw in hunting magazines when I was young and really made me proud to come back to trad shooting,
Love ya all!
Thanks again and can't wait to see more,
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 16, 2008, 10:55:00 PM
When I was younger and gooder lookin.    :goldtooth:

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Jesse Minish on June 16, 2008, 11:53:00 PM
Wow! I just read through all 42 pages while listening to some old forgotten Johnny Cash. That was cool. Keep it coming guys.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: WidowEater on June 17, 2008, 12:27:00 AM
I thought that was you on that Kustom King catalog cover, only bc of being a lefty though.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: pseman on June 17, 2008, 12:31:00 AM
Thanks to JDS3 for bumping this thread. I just spent a long while going through the pages. Thanks to all who added pics. Ron and Charlie, I hope one day I can have even a fraction of the  memories and pictures that you guys have. Thanks for sharing, it made my day looking through those pictures. And by all means, if you have any more, please share.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Killdeer on June 17, 2008, 05:38:00 AM
Ron, were you still using suction cup arrows?  :confused:  
Killdeer  ;)
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Irish Archer on June 17, 2008, 10:05:00 AM
Troy, What year was the Hill photo?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Biggie Hoffman on June 17, 2008, 03:38:00 PM

"I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now"

Bob Dillon
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 17, 2008, 04:24:00 PM
"I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now"
Big E, My favorite lyrics.   :clapper:

Killy, I was using HTM blunts....cheaters for bustin aspirins.    :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Ron LaClair on June 17, 2008, 04:34:00 PM
This one doesn't seem that long was 1990 on the Bloody Grand River. My friend that was with me that day in my Birch Bark canoe has gone on to the the big river in the sky. We were both wearing "Breech Clouts" (Loin cloths) and Our primitive bows were in the canoe between us.

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Firstarrow on June 17, 2008, 04:41:00 PM
Originally posted by Jason R. Wesbrock:
I could spend all day on this thread. Thanks for sharing, everyone.
I've just spent all day on this thread!!! HUGE HISTORY LESSON FOR MANY OF US.

The truth be told of the "old timers" too many of the stories are not written down, and too few get passed on.

Thanks to all of you for making your print on the pages of history.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: bowhunterfrompast on June 17, 2008, 08:34:00 PM
Interesting thread, enjoyed the pics and stories. I don't have quite the history as Ron and Charlie but will try to post some old pics later.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: TomK on June 18, 2008, 11:42:00 AM
TTT.... not ready to let this one fade away.  Can't believe the old memories that have been stirred with this thread.  God how I would like to go back and do it all again.  Thanks to all that have shared their past in this great thread!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: NoCams on June 18, 2008, 10:20:00 PM
Ron, if ya got anymore old pics, please post them. This is a great thread. Most of us only read about this stuff, you have done it ! Love that pic of the birch bark canoe and also the shot of the snow, buck and canoe. Awesome sight of the snow, the buck being brought home in a canoe.   :campfire:  

Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Joe D on June 18, 2008, 11:17:00 PM
You take the best photos! Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: alligatordond on June 19, 2008, 09:07:00 PM

Thats a cool pic of "Kirk Douglas" shooting a longbow a few posts back  :D
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: adeeden on August 16, 2008, 08:54:00 PM
Back to the top for awhile, I just can't get enough of this one!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: SouthMDShooter on August 16, 2008, 10:58:00 PM
Ive looked through all 42 pages of this thread three times.
My all time favorite
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: longbowray on August 17, 2008, 08:10:00 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: upatree on August 18, 2008, 04:16:00 PM
Just finished every page, AWESOME!!!
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Mitch-In-NJ on August 18, 2008, 07:56:00 PM
I was just finishing my work day and was checking in before heading out to cast some arrows when I found this thread - thanks to those who bumped it up.  Now, 2 and a half hours later it's too dark to shoot but I can't think of a better excuse for missing practice than this.

The year after I got my first bow I got my first copy of The Archer's Bible.  I was 6.  I remember how enthralled I was by that book and how I would have dreams about hunting and shooting.  Sometimes I would just look at the pictures and imagine great adventures.  Me, the mighty hunter providing food and protection for the town with nothing more than my yellow glass bow, cedar arrows and Barlow pocket knife.  Indeed.

This has been the most nostalgic and inspirational thing I have seen in a long time.

Thank you guys for this.  It's better than the book.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Terry Green on December 05, 2023, 07:45:11 PM
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Terry Green on December 06, 2023, 01:28:01 PM
OK, so I have to ask..... how old do you have to be to be an Old Duffer?
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: M60gunner on December 06, 2023, 04:07:57 PM
I am 78. I started considering myself an old person a couple years ago. I had to give up my 60# limbs. Now it seems 55#’s is to much. Heart issues, back issues, don’t help.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: JakeD on December 07, 2023, 10:08:01 AM
Thanks for bringing this back up Terry.  I love looking through all those old pictures.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Terry Green on December 08, 2023, 01:16:11 PM
Sure thing Jake, I just was wondering about the age. Because I have allowed non bow hunting pictures on this thread, which is very rare for me to allow.

That being said, I have a picture to add as well. That is non-traditional Bowhunting. And I want to know how old you have to be to qualify to post on this thread.

Therefore I am asking the members for an age before I post and break my own rules. My post would be to show a picture of why I turned traditional which is a big deal for me.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Blackstick on December 20, 2023, 09:51:34 AM
Not knowing you, I doubt that you qualified for that title.

 Myself, I'm 71 and have taken back up marathon canoe racing. I gave it up 35 years ago, but last July I beat half the pack.

 My draw weight has dropped to 45 lbs. in the last few years, so maybe that would be a sign.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Wudstix on December 20, 2023, 10:25:34 AM
Perhaps when your body starts to tell you to back it off a tad.
 :campfire: :coffee: :archer2: :campfire:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: mnbwhtr on December 20, 2023, 12:44:01 PM
I'm 75 now but started in 1965, here's one from 67
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: mnbwhtr on December 20, 2023, 12:54:10 PM
Catalina Island 1970. I spent 3 yrs in So.Cal with the USAF
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Kirkll on December 20, 2023, 01:43:11 PM
I think age is a matter of mind.... If ya don't mind...It don't matter.  Id say after age 65 comes and goes you have your young days, and you have your feeling old ones more often. I shot 80# bows until i was 55 and had to turn it down a few notches after that. At age 68 my 60 pound bows wear me out quickly, and are not used very often. But.... i was fortunate to stay in pretty good shape over the years with very few shoulder and upper body strength issues.....But If ya dont use it, ya loose it. Now days it's my legs and lower back giving me issues. i have my good days, and my bad days. 

But I don't think i'll ever wrap my head around being called an old duffer though. I'm still young at heart...    Kirk
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Wudstix on December 20, 2023, 02:30:14 PM
You're right at 65, I still backpack on AT, Mt Bike, shoot fairly heavy bows.  Until this last Mt Bike "drop" I have been fairly lucky to stay healthy.  Seem to be rebounding fairly quickly, Christmas Day will be two months and I am already drawing a 60# recurve.  Taking it easy and hanging.  Hoping to get back to the 66-71# bows.
 :campfire: :coffee: :archer2: :campfire:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Terry Green on May 14, 2024, 08:54:27 PM
This thread is just too good not to revive it.....

I'll have to post on it soon as I guess I'm now approaching duffer status.  :campfire:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Terry Green on May 14, 2024, 10:38:19 PM
Perhaps when your body starts to tell you to back it off a tad.
 :campfire: :coffee: :archer2: :campfire:

Well that hasn't happened yet for sure, and for that I am thankful.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Hud on May 14, 2024, 11:19:42 PM
To quote Butch Cassidy; after looking for himself: "They're beginning to get on my nerves. Who are those guys?"
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Wudstix on May 14, 2024, 11:21:55 PM
Still working at it like I was thirty.  I know the day will come when that will change.  Just keep going until it does.
 :campfire: :coffee: :archer2: :campfire:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: frassettor on July 29, 2024, 08:34:09 PM
Enjoying this thread  :campfire:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: David Mitchell on July 30, 2024, 10:47:51 AM
At 80 I'm an old duffer.  Have had to drop down in draw weight a good bit but still in the game after 60 years of bow shooting.  BUT, when I say 80 I just can't believe it.  I still feel a bunch younger than that on the inside--like about 45  :saywhat: I am in great health for my age but dealing with some shoulder impingement at the moment.
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: Tim Reese on August 16, 2024, 05:33:01 PM
I might not be a “old duffer” just yet, but I did hit the big five o this year so I’m working on it!

Keep after it everyone!! :archer:
Title: Re: Old Duffers were young once.
Post by: blacktailbob on August 16, 2024, 06:24:51 PM
David I know exactly how you feel. I read about different adventures of hunting exotic place and fishing trips to the Dry Tortugas, surfing big hollow tubes on a tropical location etc. and Yeah, I want to do that!
NO NO Bob remeber your age (70) and that you've been thrown under the bus a few times in life and have arthritis all over too many surgeries (this summer included) and I can't do that stuff anymore.  Fortunately my shoulders are holding up and I'm shooting way less poundage but I'm shooting.

Dang, reality sucks sometimes. Do it while you can I've always said. At least one day when you can''ll have the memories anyway.