Trad Gang
Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Guru on March 17, 2009, 02:03:00 PM
Check this first..;f=98;t=000055
The form took quite a bit of work to get the right fit... this buck was huge! The head that came on the form was terrible, so I changed it out with a much nicer version.....ready to go....
Some clay work...with out a doubt the part of a mount that "makes or breaks"..."The window to the soul"....
Getting the skin "taxi'd" get the skin on the way it was cut to be mounted, the head/neck had to be cut off and then re-attached after it was put into the skin....
The long sewing process getting started....
Upper and lower lips tucked as well as the nostrils.....
hang on,more coming....
Looking good Curt!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Eyes tucked, but will need some touching up later...
More sewing,ugggggh!
I ran out of time, so I wrapped this leg with plastic to keep it hydrated for the final sewing the next morning(Cade laughed when he saw it, said it looked like the deer had a cast)....
Mounted, but still needs to dry for final finish work....then will be hand delivered!!
This guy was a real warrior, scarred all over. Both eye lids had been cut and healed, one nostril had been gored and healed, and he had fresh fighting wounds all over his head, neck and shoulders. The rack looks more like a Sask. buck, dark, gnarly, a heavy bases.....he's everything a big mature buck 'ought to be....a true traditional trophy....and he fell to a very deserving hunter...congrats again bud :notworthy:
That's AWSOME!!!!!!
WOW! I am in awe! I think I got drool on my keyboard. That is excellent work on a great buck. Congrats!
Thanks for the ride guys! That is a great buck Terry!
That is incredible artwork! Thanks for sharing!
Nice buck Terry! And Awsome!!! work Curt. You have great skill dude.
You sure do nice work, Curt and apparently so does Terry! The eyes do make the mount, don't they.
Curt, thats awesome , God's blessed you bud!!mark#78 :wavey:
WOW< Curt, T :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: hat is some real nice work there!!!
Great job Curt. That is what I call a "roman" nose on that big boy. What a speciman. Terry should be proud. :thumbsup:
man thats nice!!!'
hey curt, it looks like your grass is starting to green?? im jealous, i can just start to see mine under the 18" of snow i still have...
You've got a heck of a talent, Curt!
Outstanding Work! :notworthy: Congrats Terry. :clapper:
Beautiful work and a labor of love, Curt!
You have captured that 'wary buck' essence in him.
We can only wonder if this is how he looked just before Terry took the shot!
Congrats to you both. :clapper:
yer awesome! period.
Nice work, Curt!
I am really, really impressed! Fantastic work.
Skilled Artisan at work.
I ever kill one that good I'm gonna send it all the way to NY just to get you to mount it. Awesome work!
Very nice as always!! You get to do all of mine from now on, hope I can keep ya busy!! Shawn
Well done!
You ain't just another pretty face. Fine labor of love there Curt. You done good!
Very nice!
Beautiful! That is a fitting tribute to a great buck!
Are you delivering it down there, or is he coming north for a visit?
Awesome work Curt. I'm sending all mine to you also from now on. Here's an idea. Why don't you just become the Tradgang certified taxidermist. Of course since it was my idea I would expect 50% off my first mount.
Outstanding! :clapper: :clapper:
What a work of art !! Terry what a prize to have. Congrads to you both.
:thumbsup: :clapper: :clapper:
Really nice Curt....REALLY NICE!!!
It all happened so fast that I had no idea what I had shot. I've walked up on a many of deer I've downed, but when I walked up on him I thought I'd shot a Shetland Pony!!!
I'll cherish that mount for sure.
Thanks Curt....I think I got the better end of the deal sir!!! :campfire:
Great job, Curt!
Nice work.I like it.
Thank you all so much for the kind words :notworthy:
Terry, No way man....we both made out just fine and hope we can do it again :pray: SOON!
Jim, coming from you that means a lot ;)
Guru..fantastic..I really like that.
Terry..congrats again on such a great buck.
Very nice work Curt.
Curt, You're quite an artist! Doc
I've never seen a 3-D target with so much detail!
Just kidding!
Great job GURU and Terry, beautiful deer!
Fine work there, Curt :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Makin' memories is what its all about. Terry, you did good on that one!!
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clapper:
Stunning work Curt........
Very nice Curt :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Curt that is very fine work.
Fine work!!!!!
Curt I swear to you thats one of the finest mounts both buck and mounting work I've seen in some time.Outstanding job...bowdoc
Beautiful mount, as always! :notworthy:
You're still the best Deer taxidermist I've seen yet...I swear the bucks you've mounted for me stick their tongues out when my back is turned!! :D
very nice work :notworthy: :notworthy:
Nice job Bud :clapper:
I have just become Curt's exclusive AGENT :readit:
We're fixin to go far Curt!.....You and ME
Beautiful animal and great job bringing it back to life.
That is amazing looking! I thought Terry said that buck was a 140 class. It's hard to tell in pictures, and I could be wrong but that buck looks bigger than 140's to me. I did not know they made them that big down there!
WHOOOOAAAHHHH! :eek: :eek: That's stunning Curt!
I don't suppose you'd fancy a go at a Black Wildebeest, would you? :readit:
Very Very Nice buck. Nice bag Terry, Nice work Guru.
Great work on a great deer. Congats Terry.
Darn it Curt! Now it's gonna be a long time before you can get to mounting my bobcat! You're gonna be so backed up it'll be years!
Awesome work as always. I'm so fortunate to get to go home at night and look at the work you did on the Booner for my son! Amazing work Curt.
Obviously, I've got to get the bobcat to you soon.
If I ever manage to pick a spot on a nice deer...
Great work Curt! Great deer Terry!
Seems like you guys make a good team...
Awesome work!! :notworthy: :notworthy:
Boy, you got skills! Is this a full time gig for you.
a nother taxidermist cool ive been doing it for about 8 years now love teh pics of the step by step walk thru nice job! On your head mounts do you tube them or cut down the back of neck?
I think the 'looking away' angle is pretty I'm not going to worry about having the perfect 'spot'.
Thank you fellas, again I appreciate the very kind words.....
Here's a much more detailed "mount-a-long" I did a couple years ago on one of my's in the "Build Along" forum.....;f=40;t=000093;p=1
A little backround....
No, I don't do it full time anymore. At one time in my life I was full time taxidermist and competed all over the country. I was blessed with some skill in the field and won the Joe Bruchac award for the best Whitetail shoulder mount in the nation 2 years in a row. An accomplishment I'm very, very proud of. I think I might still be the only guy to win two of those awards, but I'm not sure. Kinda fell out of touch with that sorts stuff. That was the end of my competition days though....
"Life" caught up to me and I took a "real job" with bennies back in '95. Then wife, house,and kids, and haven't had time to compete since. But wouldn't have it any other way......
Curt you are the man :thumbsup:
Nice buck Terry, Hopefully Curt will do some of my bucks for me in the future. Put me on that list Vance ol buddy. ;)
Thanks for sharing Curt. Looks great man!
Finished him up last night and we'll be headed south tomorrow....
A little closer.....
This one really shows the mass....
Closer yet....
Hopefully he'll be hangin' in his new home tomorrow evening.....
Fantastic work man!!
WOW That is some kinda unreal eye work there Curt....What's better than "OUTSTANDING and ASTONISHING" ????
I don't know a lot about taxidermy, but I do know that deer looks like its about to walk away......very nice sir!
How do you ship something like that :confused: :eek: :eek: :eek: :scared:
Nice work Curt! That's a beaut for sure! :thumbsup:
Great eye detail! I always have trouble with deer eyes fidn myself re-claying like 3 times before i get it just right great job!
Yep, that about sums it up really.
That is a beautiful mount Curt.....Skyler said you were gonna do the next big one that he kills :) ......BRING a good rain suit, we'll need it the first couple of days.....headed to the funeral home tonight and will call you in the morning.....
Beautiful work bud! Truly one of the best mounts I have seen. Looks like he is getting ready to turn around and ghost on out of there...
Great job Curt. Thanks for taking the time to post all the pics. That's the best -a-long I've seen. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Beautiful job Curt! Just beautiful!!
Great work Curt!! Looks like ya did that fine buck justice!
outstanding work.bowdoc
Curt, Just caught up to this thread. That is some real work!! Something to be very proud of. That is a buck of a life time Terry, congrats!! You picked the right guy to preserve the memory. Great team work fellas!
Really fine work there and great trophy Terry.
Terry, Curt, that's the stuff dreams are made of! Congrats too both of ya!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
:clapper: VERY NICE
Everytime you post a thread I am impressed. You always have great pictures and details. I'll look forward to the next installment.
Hat's off to you! :thumbsup:
Eyes look as real as I have ever seen, very nice work.
Today is the day!!!!
Can't wait!!!
Thanks again for the comments guys....yep, this was a special hunt, special deer, and a special mount by a special friend that came about by a special site. :campfire:
Nice work. What a great buck.
Awesome work Curt and great deer Terry!
Great work! :notworthy:
Really nice Curt.
I agree with everyone else.. :thumbsup:
Curt is about an hour my wait is almost over!!! :jumper: :jumper: :jumper:
Curt & Terry I hope you don't mind me posting again but I had to come back for one more look at that monster and some super fine taxidermy work.Nice going guy's.bowdoc
Terry, tell Curt I said hello! I know you two must be heading out to shoot at something and so I wish you both the best of luck.
Curt just left to go to Joe Coot's house....I gotta tell ya...I'm pumped about the mount. I gotta take out a shelf cabinet to make room for it in my office.
Its a hoss of a ten pointer for sure. One heck of a trophy for a longbow anywhere in the country....and one heck of a mount!!!
I hope to meet up with Curt again before he leaves for a little hunting....but my oldest daughter has a staring role in a play this Friday and Saturday night, and its a big deal. These only come around once, and I aint even gonna miss that. Maybe I'll get to play on Sunday.
wow, what an amazing mount! curt, you are an incredibly talented artist! :thumbsup:
WOW! Very nice Curt!
Nice buck Terry, Guru you truly have a gift! :thumbsup:
Dad and I have plans for the CREW....Terry, JC, Chase, Conner, Curt and his Father....It involves "Water and Scales" and "Feathers and Flu-Flu's"........Stay Tuned for updates....
Well, Curt and I 'temporarily' affixed him to the wall till I could 'make' a place....gotta say I'm glad I chose the half body mount. This size bucks don't come around very often.
I'll get some pics up in a bit so Curt and see how he looks in his new home.
I think I speak for everyone when I say it has been great to follow you two through this entire story, with the threads and photos. :thumbsup:
Awesome. I bet your heart beats a bit faster each time ya look at hime Terry....doesn't it? :D
Sky.....Don't take ALL the hunt out them boys :goldtooth:
I wanna shot at em later on this year :biglaugh:
Have Fun...................
Yeah boy!!!
Here's the pics of his new hide out.....
Final Touches.....
Very nice!
Curt if the back half hadn't been missing I would have swore this buck was still alive. You do beautiful work.... thanks for sharing... Terry, man what a nice deer. the whole story is awesome. couldn't have happened to better folks great job Curt & Terry.....
SWEET!! I have that same paneling in one of my rooms, now I just need a buck like that to set it off!! Congrats Terry, very nice buck!! Shawn
Very nice Terry.
Curt WOW..What else can I say..Hats off
Awesome mount! Maybe I'll take one some day that nice. Then I'll have him mounted.
That is AWESOME Terry, you gotta be one happy man right there! Top notch work Curt! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Curt Awesome looks great.Blake
That looks Sweet!!!!! I really like the half body mount. You don't see them often, but they are way too cool, and that is brute of a buck too!!!
Thats Great!!!
It looks like he just burst through the wall and is saying, "ARE YOU GUYS KEEPING A HOT DOE IN HERE? I CAN SMELL HER GIVE HER UP!" :thumbsup:
Nice work Curt :thumbsup:
So wheres the other half? Livin room? :biglaugh:
Nice buck Terry, great job on the mount too Curt, looks like hes alive..