Trad Gang
Topic Archives => Build Alongs => Topic started by: hera on February 16, 2008, 11:22:00 AM
For those who have never build their own bow,hope your next trophy might well be shot by your own handcrafted bow ,even though I didn't have any outdoor shooting experience . :banghead: ;) (
Rosewood santos = pau ferro.
Lookout! I think Hera's getting inspired! I hate whatever that was bored a hole in a nice block of wood. I bet you'll figure a way to use it anyway. Love to see your work.
Here is the original design.My favor
Originally posted by Jedimaster:
Lookout! I think Hera's getting inspired! I hate whatever that was bored a hole in a nice block of wood. I bet you'll figure a way to use it anyway. Love to see your work.
The wood block I received was defective. It came with a through worm hole. I have to try to use the best of beautiful grain of the wood and avoid the hole at the same time. I think that's what "read wood" means.
I think that worm hole will cut off in window work.( I'm not 100% sure.if not,I can repair that defect)
(( May be that worm hole is a good natural sight bushings hole. LOL))
Hera, you are "reading the wood" in a wise way. That hole will either complement the bow, disappear in the sight window or be covered by the rug and strike plate (maybe an insert on the out side for a quiver). This is a fun build-along. Thanks for posting it! :bigsmyl:
Alway look forward to these.....
Angle 1 = angle 2
It's not easy without bandsaw.I have to do it carefully when I cut it by pull saw and sander.
Lookin good bud
You have my full attention Hera!!
I'll be tuned in again, for sure!! :notworthy:
In this picture, original shaft design seem 1" above the deepest grip(correspond to center line),but I prefer 1/2".
Knife eraser !
Why I lower that distance? In my callow opinion,it will get more power and balance if arrow close to the center line.
I always enjoy your build alongs. You are indeed an artist! Wells
Hera, be careful with the Santos, pretty, heavy, ....but toxic too . I had to stop bows building, after I've done an ILF riser with Santos .The riser is in my garrage, I can't touch exotics woods now ....and so sorry about
I'll be checking in alot to watch your progress.
Glad to see another build along Hera! ;) Thanks for sharing! I'll be watching closely as usual! :D :thumbsup: :campfire:
Wedge let the saw work easier.
Done .
whew!!! :notworthy:
Damage and greasy 0.045" parallel natural boo lamination
Very interesting Hera!
Do you use inch or cm bolts/inserts?
Impressive saw work again :notworthy:
you are this gonna be a recurve or longbow 3pc.
Another great build along!
I'm glued to my computer do amazing work!
Hey Art
This is a 3pc recurve.
Originally posted by philil:
Very interesting Hera!
Do you use inch or cm bolts/inserts?
Impressive saw work again :notworthy:
Hey Philil
This is great stuff. I love following this thread!!!
More,,,,,,,,,,,,,,More....I love it. Keep up the good work. Out Door Dan
Hera you so amazing work with a pull saw. I can't cut that straight of a line with a band saw!! When you say the bamboo is defective what did you mean? Defective and not good for a lamination or just some cosmetic thing?
Originally posted by madness522:
When you say the bamboo is defective what did you mean? Defective and not good for a lamination or just some cosmetic thing?
I only have clear glass,it will be ugly if the damage and greasy strip under clear glass :banghead: .in the other hand,I didn't have other thin strip as the riser inlay,so.... :(
Let's call it a day.
Very nice work Hera !!!!
Take care
Hello Hera; Thank you for another great build along, it's very nice of you to include us ( tradgangers) via pics in your bow building. I'm again following this build with interest. I have however a question concerning the use of the 2 bamboo laminations in the riser accent stripes. Do you have any concerns about the bamboo's strength ?? I've never built a bow so i cannot offer an opinion as to whether bamboo is strong enough to hold the riser together. Perhaps some one versed in bow building can offer some advice. just interested and concerned. Great build Hera!
Thanx Hera, can't wait to see this one finished
Originally posted by SERGIO VENNERI:
Hello Hera; Thank you for another great build along, it's very nice of you to include us ( tradgangers) via pics in your bow building. I'm again following this build with interest. I have however a question concerning the use of the 2 bamboo laminations in the riser accent stripes. Do you have any concerns about the bamboo's strength ?? I've never built a bow so i cannot offer an opinion as to whether bamboo is strong enough to hold the riser together. Perhaps some one versed in bow building can offer some advice. just interested and concerned. Great build Hera!
I don't know is bamboo strip strong enough or not,in my thinking,BL use thin maple strip as the riser inlay,so I think bamboo is ok.And,rosewood are tough.
IMO,I don't worry about the riser is straight or not,I care the wood expand and constrict cause by humudity and temperature.
That is amazing that you use hand saws! It looks great!
Love your work its very inspiring!
Hera, not only can you cut straighter with a hand saw than most can with power tools, you say more with fewer words than anyone I know and I can understand everything you are saying! Love your build-alongs. You have a big fan base over here. When I see your posts, I know they are worth a look. Mike
Dang, I'm dyin to see the rest!!!!
Let's call it a day.
Looking good bro,,this should be in the how to section after your done,,You've gone into great detail,,J
Amazing. Keep up the work.
Center line working.
Hera, you're the man! There is no way I could drill a straight hole by eyeballing it. This bows gonna look great! Mike
Great Build along! :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing it Hera. Your skills with hand tools and simple power tools are impressive. :notworthy:
I'm very satisfied with my latest yew limb TD,it so balance.So I do it again in this time.
Beautiful work Hera. I really like those tip overlays. Mike
This is fantastic, the bow work is unbelievable, I am in awe. To top it off, the camera shots are the work of a prefessional. We need more.............
Originally posted by Bodork:
Beautiful work Hera. I really like those tip overlays. Mike
Here is another pic about my latest limb tip, (
It is not easy for a CNC riser to keep good balance,because of the riser wood density diversity.Handcraft bow can do that.
I think everybody tired about this thread.
Let me post these 2 semi-product photos as the end.
Hera why the limb pads? Is it not possible to cut riser at the required angle to begin with.I love your threads---- dont stop.Thanks Curt
Great job, followed this thread all the way through :notworthy: :notworthy:
Not tired, Hera ... Speechless!! Awesome work!!!
Dont' stop Hera! We're enjoying this thread as we do all of yours! Please show us the rest of your build! ;) The bow is looking very good! :thumbsup: :clapper:
Are you kidding? Tired? This is a great thread! Thanks for the close up pics of those tip overlays. They are really neat! I like your mosiac stripe on that riser also. Mike
Originally posted by curtinmo:
Hera why the limb pads? Is it not possible to cut riser at the required angle to begin with.I love your threads---- dont stop.Thanks Curt
I think the main reason is reduce the impact between pin and belly side glass while releasing.
Second reason,make the limb butt surface parallel.
If any wrong,please correct me.
Great work Hera!! Keep 'em coming!!
Let's back to the limb pads building.
Limb butt .
I had been gone and just caught up on this entire thread. Unbelievable! Great work as always Hera. Your craftsmanship is an inspiration! Keep it coming please!
Hera your attention to detail is amazing. Your pics tell more than words could. Thank you very much for taking the time to share this build with us. I really enjoy watching you build a bow with hand saws. You, Sir, are a true artisan!
In pic 1,add 1 drop super glue at both tip edge,in addition the wood cleavage when file work on it.
Go slow.
when I feel the drill tip just come out at another side by my finger,stop drilling and re-start at another side.That prevent wood cleavage.
Unbelievable Hera, I love these threads.....
Thanks for showing this to us.
you are such a craftsman, I think most of us forget how to work with out powertools. Thanx for all your effort
Thanks all of you.
I'm very very injoy this stage building process,I like riser work,tip overlay and limb butt work.
A lot of design image flashed across my mind,.....
Simple and elegant is my gole,but I haven't enough ability to do it everytime.
My clinic office are not big enough to setting more power tools such as bandsaw or bigger power sander,my bow building table is an old TV table,only 2 tools need plug: sander and drill,all they are small size.
I,m not as good as you said,I just solve problem by my hand and make my design thinking come true.
Hera, great job!
I have a question about the limb pad wedge. Why dont you just originally cut the limb pad to 15 degrees instead of 18? Was that a change you decided to make after getting everything done?
Originally posted by Lewis Brookshire III:
Hera, great job!
I have a question about the limb pad wedge. Why dont you just originally cut the limb pad to 15 degrees instead of 18? Was that a change you decided to make after getting everything done?
I using limb pads base on 2 reason.
I think the main reason is reduce the impact between pin and belly side glass .
Second reason,make the limb butt surface parallel to help the limb bolt stable.
Some bowyer have a parallel limb butt design, they don't use limb pads,such as Morrison bow.
This thread is terrific! I have been making selfbows because I love using the hand tools to make them. I now have a new affinity for your bows as well. Thank you for posting this build-along, and PLEASE don't stop now!
I like numbers 3, 5 and 7
I am with lewis. I like 3,5,7 as well.
I am not a bowyer Hera, but I can apreciate a well made bow for sure! I am mighty impresed.
I am enjoying reading about your bow making very much.
No.7 is needle shape,an old style surgical needle tail shape.
Who else?
My die only has six sides so I pick number seven.
Yes Hera, add the white drop! I think it looks great and unique! This bow is looking very good! ;) :thumbsup:
Originally posted by LEOPARD:
Yes Hera, add the white drop! I think it looks great and unique! This bow is looking very good! ;) :thumbsup:
In fact,I can add small solid block or any color powder ,even feather.I did it before in my fishing gear.
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
I love your build alongs. You are a true artist.
Your Simply Amazing Hera!!! GREAT job once again!
Hera, what do you do with the bows after. Do you keep, sell, or just give them away. They sure are very nice.
I keep them all. :)
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I'm Speechless!!
Cut the bamaoo veneer by bandage scissors.
Thank you Jim,you gave me these fantastic lacewood veneer as a gift.TKS again.
Yes,I using my hand as a clamp.
Since I using wenge and bamboo as the riser inlay,I should use them as the riser overlay.
My wenge plate are thick(0.3cm),so I have to sanding it to 0.1cm in thickness.
Sorry Jim,I grinding the lacewood away.
Wenge wood are stiff,I have to use a real C clamp.
Very beautyful Hera !
What sort of glue did you use for that veneers please ?
Very impressive work, Hera! What is the purpose of riser overlays? Is it functional or decorative?
Very inspiring to watch you work Hera. Thank you for taking the time to take pics and post all of your efforts.
Originally posted by philippelobo:
Very beautyful Hera !
What sort of glue did you use for that veneers please ?
Is super glue.
Super glue work well on tip overlay and riser overlay ,fast and reliable.
Originally posted by knife river:
Very impressive work, Hera! What is the purpose of riser overlays? Is it functional or decorative?
For decorative.
(May be as the foersight :) )
Originally posted by NEW GUY:
Very inspiring to watch you work Hera. Thank you for taking the time to take pics and post all of your efforts.
Thank you Shane.
Can you tell me is that any different? :p
Originally posted by hera:
Originally posted by philippelobo:
Very beautyful Hera !
What sort of glue did you use for that veneers please ?
Is super glue.
Super glue work well on tip overlay and riser overlay ,fast and reliable. [/b]
Thank you for your answer Hera, I 've to try, I alway do it with smooth on, and it need long time .
Very nice bow Hera !!! Congratulations !
I'm very envious of your skill with hand tools You make it look easy.
Love the "defect repair". That will be used in my shop some day.
You are welcome Philippe.
Originally posted by Marvin M.:
I'm very envious of your skill with hand tools You make it look easy.
Love the "defect repair". That will be used in my shop some day.
You should choice the right super glue,some super glue are clot slow.some are fast,I like fast super glue,they are strong.
Wow Hera I really have to admire your creativity, resourcefulness, and craftmanship. You have another very nice bow to be proud of. I love your threads. I always learn some thing and pick up a trick or two.
Hope you don't mind a few questions. What type of archery do you practice? Indoor, outdoor, competative? Do you have any opporotunities to hunt, or would you even hunt?
Great thread.
Originally posted by Greg Szalewski:
Wow Hera I really have to admire your creativity, resourcefulness, and craftmanship. You have another very nice bow to be proud of. I love your threads. I always learn some thing and pick up a trick or two.
Hope you don't mind a few questions. What type of archery do you practice? Indoor, outdoor, competative? Do you have any opporotunities to hunt, or would you even hunt?
Great thread.
any question are welcome.
I got some Grizzly broadhead,but I never have a chance to hunt,never go out with my bow. :banghead:
Hope I can hunt someday,I practice indoor.
Wow Hera! That is one really nice bow! It turned out really nice! ;) Well done! Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:
0.045" clear Bo tuff E glass
0.045" stained natural bamboo veneer
17.5" rosewood riser,cut pass center.
58" nock to nock.
47lbs @ 27"
BH 7'~7.75"
Absolutely amazing work! Very impressive. thank you for such a wonderful tutorial!
Looks like another masterpiece, Hera!!! Thanks for sharing. Let us know what the final specs are. That is one gorgeous bow!!.
Thanks again,
Very wonderful work Hera ! whaoooooo !!
Thanks Hera. If you could make it to the states I would be pleased to take you hunting.
Thank you all.
This bamboo limb TD are faster then my BL TD,I think boo core is the main reason.Now she is 46 lbs,more sweet and comfortable.
I like rosewood santos,grain are elegant .
AS I said at first,you can build a bow without high dollar power tools,you need detail plan,slow down building process,.....
Hope everyone can build their own bow.
Go hunt in USA is my dream,I will give it a try someday.
Feel free to e-mail me and I can give you some info. on what you could expect if you would ever want to hunt with me.
I haven't been on here in a while and the first thing I see is Hera making another awesome bow.
Very cool!
Thanks for including us.
I still have not used that saw Hera. Been to busy with hunting season and the kids.
Hey Jason,how are you.
Doing good here. How is the family. Thats one good looking bow my friend.
We are fine. :goldtooth:
Hera, if you dont mind me asking what did you use for the finish on your bows?
How do you get your edges so crisp and clean?
Just a flat out, super dang nice, bow!!
Wow. Beautiful work Hera. I have been deluding myself into thinking I can't get started on building a bow until I get all the fancy power tools. It would be neat if you arranged all the tools you used to build this bow and took a picture to post here. Such an inspiration.
Originally posted by brent d.:
Hera, if you dont mind me asking what did you use for the finish on your bows?
You got me ! :( :p
I always do the bad finish.
Not much finish coat I can find here in Taiwan like true oil or epoxy,I used to finished my works by super glue or clear acrylic,but I bought polyurethane last month,I will use it.
Originally posted by razorsharptokill:
How do you get your edges so crisp and clean?
In fact,it's not difficult to do.
After rough shapping on riser by power sander,I use several files to shapping the riser,and check it not go too far, go slow on edges,and so as to the sand paper work.
That is one fine looking bow Hera; the work you do amazes me. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Steve Kendrot:
Wow. Beautiful work Hera. I have been deluding myself into thinking I can't get started on building a bow until I get all the fancy power tools. It would be neat if you arranged all the tools you used to build this bow and took a picture to post here. Such an inspiration.
Hey Steve
Try to do it.Not difficult.
I have one TD bow meterial,I'm not sure go for it laterly or build a bamboo selfbow.
I have been totally amazed following along on this but that last picture of the tools you used really brings it all home! You have certainly taken craftsmanship to the highest level and created not just a bow, but a work of art :clapper: :clapper:
Thank you for sharing your skills with us. I have learned much from your posts and the time you took to add detail of each step. It is very much appreciated Hera!
Hera, you Sir have my respect.
Another great buildalong!!!
I´d be hapy to see you building a bamboo bow.
Whatever you´ll do next, I´ll watch with great interest.
I've been following along... speechless...
Outstanding work!!! :clapper:
Very nice! You do incredible work!
I can't wait till you build another one.
You are talented!
You have a cool avatar.
I order some bamboo column today,hope big enough to build a laminate recurve selfbow, and hope no modern meterial in it except glue.
Thank you.
I'm not as good as you said.just struggle to make some shootable stick. :)
WOW..........truly amazing.
Thank you for sharing
That bow is so ugly you should send it to me right now so you don't have to look at it anymore.
Awesome job and thank you for the great pictures and taking the time to show everyone your progress. That bow will have a little bit of all the Trad Gang crew with it for ever.
absolutely amazing and beautiful work!! well done friend.
Thanks for the tool pics! Do a bamboo bow next... I'll follow along with you!
Hera, WOW!!!! just amazing build-along.
I have a few questions...
How much time or how many hours does it take you from start to finish on this type of bow?
What is your avatar? it looks like pac-man
Do you get to bow hunt in Taiwan?
Thanks and be cool
bow balance analysis by video picture.
(as same as last time,not holding the grip tightly,just push the grip throat and let bow free jump after release,then see what happen....)
another arrow.
another arrow
Originally posted by Kingwouldbe:
Hera, WOW!!!! just amazing build-along.
I have a few questions...
How much time or how many hours does it take you from start to finish on this type of bow?
What is your avatar? it looks like pac-man
Do you get to bow hunt in Taiwan?
Thanks and be cool
1~3 hrs per day.
3~6 days per week.
about 3~4 weeks from start to finish,but not good in finish work. :p :banghead:
My avatar is a bow building tillering block.(I'm not good enough for that tillering block, so I think that avatar is not suitable for me.)
I wish I can go out with my bow and shoot something,but I never have a chance.
I can learn a lot from Hera.
The man uses hand tools and produces bows that look way better than mine with power tools. A true craftsman.