Trad Gang
Topic Archives => Build Alongs => Topic started by: wingnut on January 02, 2008, 09:58:00 AM
Well a few years back we came out with our bamboo backed bow blanks and they have been a big success. The only problem was that most trad bowhunters use glass bows.
This past year Jason has been working with a glass bow (contamination from his time working with Mark Horne) and we decided that it was time to offer a solution to the guy or gal that wants to build there own bow but doesn't have all the stuff to do it.
The basic blank will have maple core limbs and black glass. It will be offered in osage, bocote or cocobolo risers and in 62, 64 or 66" ntn. You can specify target weights and we will build them to order.
Here is a pic of the blank.
We are introducing this at a special price of $250 delivered to your door in the US. Outside of the U.S., we will have to add a little shipping.
Watch for a build along with pics later today to show how easy it is to complete the project.
Mike and Jason
Although the basic blank is maple with black glass, you can upgrade to tonkin bamboo core for $50 and get clear glass for an additional $50. We're talking about offering veneers too.
Way to go guys! I was thinking I might sale a few bows this year..................
Great idea, and long overdue. This is a great opportunity to get into a quality glass bow for a small investment, and enjoy the pride of of being part of the process.
Well dang Brent I'm sure you'll still sell a couple of bows. Unless we can come up with a 48" recurve blank that is. LOL
We haven't even got these on the website yet. So if you want one give us a call.
Very nice Mike!
Any ideas on upping the ante to a nice lam and clear glass?
We have it priced but don't have any clear glass on hand yet. For maple core with veneers and clear glass it would be $100 upgrade.
Are you guys planning on an option for an installed sleeve or bow bolt on these?
We sure could put the bow bolt in them. Jason and I discussed it and would need to charge the same as we do for putting the bolt in our bows. $200
Now that looks interesting....
I knew when I emailed you a few weeks ago and you said wait to see "something new and exciting" at the turn of the year, you weren't kidding, I'm going to look for the Build along. Very Nice!!
That bow looks like it will be a shooter. Will they come already tillered or will they require a little finessing? Do you have a pattern/template for the riser and shelf cutouts?
Looks great, can't wait for the build along. I'm looking for a project or two for the summer. This could fit the bill.
We will be posting a build along that covers the handle and tips tomorrow.
The bow is tillered and weighed before it leaves here. It will only need handle, tip and finish work.
YEAH BABY! That is BIG NEWS Mike. Great deal and something I may have to take a real hard look at. I really like the looks of the blank.<><
Your profile looks identical to my form so I would say the bow should definately be a great shooter.
A person should be able to finish the bow in an evening or too. (without finish) I'd say it is a great value. Good idea, Chad
We figure about 4-5 hours and it's a bow. That depends on skill level and tools. With power tools we can have it shooting and ready for finish work in an hour.
Going to shoot the build along today. Lighting was bad yesterday and when we got to it.
Uploading pics and writing. Should be started to come up in a couple of hours.
Dang it Mike, I've always admired your you go and glass blank all tillered and ready for a little work, I will have on of these later this year......can't wait for the buildalong.
Mike, you have my undivided attention!!!
What bow weights will be availiable? Might just need one for my whole clan :scared: ....Terry
This is gonna be good. That bow looks as though it will have some good performance. Really nice lines.
Mike thanks for the info!
And as for that "power tools" and taking an takes me an hour just to look at the stave and figure out where to make the first sanding stroke...LOL!!
Take Care,
very nice, cant wait to see it finished
Would this be a good project for a newbie? I want to build a bow someday.
This should be good! I'm standing by...
Ok, Here we go. This bow is almost done before we get started. All we really have to do is the tips and the handle / sight window.
Lets start with the tips being that's the pics I have ready.
As you can see in this pic the string groves are almost there. We cut them to check tiller and weight but put the overlays on top and now it won't hold a string so it's a blank not a bow.
The first step is to taper the belly side of the tip from just outside the string grove to the end of the bow.
Now we are going to trap the belly of the tips section for the last 6" or so to prep for our transition to a round tip profile.
Now we are ready to shape our tip overlays. First take the bow and put it in a vise to hold it steady. Using a strip of 36 grit belting about 1" wide (flexible rasp) and a shoe shine technique we will round the overlay section of the tip.
It's easy to follow progress on the blank because you have two colors to balance.
It should look like the above pic after this step.
Now it's time to shape our tip to a bullet. We like a sanding block with course grit to do this work.
When done it should look like this and be balanced
Awesome! Keep on...
Now using your chainsaw file or rat tail file cut in the top string grove following the one in the bow.
When completed it should look like this:
Turn the bow over and shape the under side of the tip by removing the ridges with the sanding block.
Use the flexible rasp to blend the rectangular profile to a round.
Finally use the file to complete the string grooves.
Now we need to blend the front of the overlay into the limb. We use a rather large sander for this, but a rasp will do the trick.
The finished tip should look something like this
Now flip the bow and do it the same on the other end.
We'll do the handle tomorrow.
Great Job Mike ! This new idea may be one that will keep you way too busy... :) I just finished my bow oven today but this might be a way to get myself a pattern... :)
Excellent... Looking forward to tomorrow's installation!
Good stuff there Mike and Jason. I hope these become real popular and you get to spend the profits hunting. Looking forward to the rest of the story.
Real nice of you Mike to take the time to share your knowledge.- Ray/mamba
Thanks much for sharing!
When will the blanks be available?? Looks great to me so far.
you can order your blanks now!! Each blank is built to order. We tooks some orders yesterday. We will be building them in the next week or so.
Wingnut, looks like you might have done that once or twice. Nice job, nice looking bow.........stabow
Actually the tip and handle work is Jason's balliwick. We had one of our customers drop by today and asked him to shoot the bow we built in the build along. He was very pleased and surprised that we are not offering it as a finished bow.
wingnut, are you guys going to have a booth at the k-zoo show in January? The bows look great, would like to see them in person. It looks like I have to add another project to the list. z-man
Nope not K-zoo, we are just not ready for shows that early. We will be at Compton though.
I am just waitin for the rest of the build-a-long. :coffee:
Lookin good Mike,really like the looks of the tips!
OK mike I'm waiting to see the site window work done. When can we see. PLEASE!!!!
Heck of a bargain and a nice how to section on working the tips down, be carefull with the big sander:)
Ok, here we go. Sorry about the delay but Jason's girl came up for the weekend and we didn't get to this one on the "to do" list. LOL
First step is Layout
Strike a line on the back and sides of the bow at the center, one inch above center and three inches below.
Then double and triple check that your right or left handed and then use your calipers. We are going to mark the depth and length of the sight window. We like to maintain about 7/8" of material on the bow when the window is complete so we mark it at .86".
Mark it on both the back and belly and extend the line up the bow about 3 inches
Always mark the waste side of the line with and X or something so you know what to remove and what to leave. Nothing like doing a great job and ending with a left hand bow when you are right handed. LOL
We are going to use our BIG sander for the next step but you can do it with a small one or hand tools with a little time and effort.
Remove material on an angle on the back and belly to the line.
carefully remove the center section until you have the area clean between the belly and back line.
Now we are going to remove the arrow pass excess material with a hacksaw. (Do not use your bandsaw as the glass will ruin your blade)
Cut outside the lines so you have some room to work. Remember it's easier to take it off then put it back on.
Again we use a "power tool" in the next step but a rasp will do it slower. Our tool is a high speed pneumatic with a carving burr.
Remove the excess wood and radius the window for and aft leaving .83" of material at the high point. (never go below .80)
Now do the same thing to radius the shelf front and back
Clean it up with the fine side of the rasp
With the window complete it's time to move on the the grip. We like to radius the grip edges with a round over bit on the router. Not recommended for the faint of heart.
As we move to the grip we will use the small edge sander. Starting on the none window side of the bow and alining with the center line remove wood top and bottom rounding to the center until you reach about 1.3 inches.
On the window side, do the same thing being careful of the edge of the shelf. Take it down to around 1.15".
Connect the top edges of the two sides.
radius from the trough of the grip to the palm swell.
Time to go to work!! We'll finish up later this afternoon.
Mike and Jason
Mike and Jason, this is great!!! Keep it coming. Thank you so much for sharing your knoledge and skill!!!!! Bob
Hellooooo... It's afternoon already...
Hello, we just finished work. If you could convince these customers waiting for bows that I should be on the computer instead of building their bow, well we'd be done but broke. LOL
Gotta get dinner on the stove and then we can wrap it up.
Just curious what length do you make your tips?
Tip overlay length?:
Length from string groove to tip?:
Mike the tips are two inches, overlays the same, groove is 1" down.
Lookin good guys. I am liking this thread.
O.K. I just told my wife I need a new power sander, a router table, a bandsaw, some calibers, more rasps, all different sizes of sanding paper and an air compressor....Total $4000.00 but I told her the blank is only $250.00 and I would save money by buying the blank.....You think she would fall for it? She said " Didn''t you just get a bamboo bowblank a year or so ago" ? Now I gotta go to the bowaholic counsling class's guys and have to turn in my credit card and give her all my paychecks and she gave me timeout from Tradgang again. Thanks alot Fellas ! Keefers <")))><
Sorry guys I forgot about the game. We'll get-r-done in the morning.
P.S. you really can do it with hand tools.
Ok, we are back. Where were we?
Oh yeah, time to layout the rest of the grip.
Draw the 4" line on both sides of the riser
And on the belly side of the handle
We use a 3" pvc piece to do an arc for the transition base of the grip. Connecting the belly and back lines.
Draw the shape you want for the finished handle on the back and belly
Now it's back to the power rasp (big sander) to remove more wood. Radius the handle on the belly towards the back leaving it thicker in the middle while takeing the material off down to the belly line. Do the same on the other belly side of the handle removing the same amount of wood.
Now on the back of the bow, follow our lines radiusing towards the center.
Now like working a puzzle it's time to connect the dots and see what we have. Smooth the corners between our cuts leaving the roundness of the handle. This is probably best done with a rasp.
We now have the roughed in grip ready for smoothing and sanding. You can make small changes at this time to fit your hand.
Smooth the lines and radius with a fine rasp and the "flexible rasp"
Do the same to smooth the areas of the window.
Mike this is an great project! I'm following it close!
turn the bow over and do the same on the back side.
Now the back side of the window.
Time to blend the handle overlay into the limbs. Use your rasp and only hit the overlay. DO NOT DIG INTO THE GLASS.
Your bow is ready to string and shoot. We will do sanding and finishing in a couple of days.
Excellent build-along. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. :thumbsup:
you guys are really wizards
Looks great
That osage really looks great with those black limbs guys... Thanks for the step by step instructions and not sure if someone asked this yet but here go's.. Will there be a D.V.D with the blank and will Jason be learning a new word like Cementry, cemitree, or simantree. I crack up every time I watch that....Heck I don't even know how to spell that word yet Jason... Just havin a little fun with ya ... You guys did a great job explaining how to do this and what I liked best of the D.V.D you guys were all natural with no additives, preservatives or imatations...Keep it coming...Keefers <")))><
Well after you mentioned it today I just had to look. This is an excellent how-to explanation. I've already called a friend of mine to tell him to look at this. Look forward to seeing you.
I've edited out everything but the build along I'm saving it as a pdf file. I do this because I've gone back to check out some online and all the pictures or the whole thing is gone. When it's complete and if anyone wants it send me a pm or e-mail & I'll send you a copy. That is if that's OK with you wingnut.
Awesome build along Mike and Jason! I really like your procedure for shaping the grip area. Looking forward to the finished product! Cheers, Matt
Very interesting, turning out real nice,
and you guys are lucky,it is January and you work outdoors in the sun. Most of us is showeling snow like the devil. Bue--.
Looking great guys. The courage level is building, I think I can, I think I can. zman
Guys, that was just way too cool. I tell you, that is one heck of a deal for the archer that wants t.....................did you say Jason was getting married?
Thanks for the lesson. That's a great project! You sure make it look easy. Hope to see you and some of those blanks at the trad expo in April in Ohio.
We will be there with both the glass and the BBO blanks. Plus as many bows as we can get done by then.
Mike, great build along,would it be possible to see a pic of how you glue on the riser overlay? I have a real hard time getting them glued on without them sliding all over the place.Bob
This just blows me away! A couple of master bowyers (and don't let 'em tell ya otherwise) sharing a build-along of this quality and detail is just amazing!
Mike and Jason, thank you!!! :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Putting them on is easy. The key is lots of tape. Set the overlay in place, tape it with masking tape and clamp it down. Also cut your overlay a bit wide so that if it slip a little, your still ok.
Thanks Mike, Your build along was great and good timing too. I had a fresh blank off my new r/d form and used your build along for the tips and riser.Your explanation and pics really helped me and I was able to make the best looking tips I've ever done with your method.Thank you again for sharing, it really helps!!! Bob
I'm glad the instruction worked out for you. Now your supposed to buy the blank from me not make your own. LOL
I've admired your "all natural" bows ever since I saw your website, but I thought I would save some money and build my own.Now about $3000 worth of material and countless hours of work later I still don't have a bow anywhere as nice as you build.However I guess its the journey not the destination. I just can't stop building bows except to shoot them once in a while. Thanks again for sharing. Bob
Yep it's both a pation and an addiction. One thing about trad bowyers though. We'll spend thousands of dollars to make it rather then hundreds to buying stuff. LOL
Mike is there any chance you might be offering a blueprint of that bow so that we could make our own form? Looks like a really good design.
Well I guess a blueprint would be if you buy the blank.
Here's the pics of the finished bow using this process.
front overlay:
Braced Bow:
Well there ya go. Easy bow to build and a good shooter. We'll take it along on the Javie hunt this next week and let ya know how it does.
Thanks Mike & Jason, terrific build-a-long. I'd say you have another winner, thats a dang good lookin bow. :thumbsup:
Looking forward to hearing how you do afeild with it. Good luck hunting the Javies
This has been a great thread. I have just started using the flexable rasp on my tips. After this thread I will be usig it a lot more now. I got some good info on the riser shaping also. Thanks guys. One may be in my futher.
Wow, makes knife making look like a piece of cake! I got all the grinders guess I need a blank. Great job Mike & Jason. Will you be back at Denton again this year? Thanks...Doc
Great job guys!!!
Thanks for the kind words!! We shot it some at Curtis' place this week. Gotta say it's a shooter and very sweet in the hand.
Nice build-a-long! That bow sure is easy on the eyes!!