Trad Gang
Topic Archives => Build Alongs => Topic started by: hera on November 29, 2007, 02:26:00 AM
This is my first longbow building attempt.
I wish I can do it well.
point 1,2,3 all in line,and just a little bit deflex reflex.
Excellent - looking forward to this one.
Lookin forward to this one. I really enjoyef your first build a long.
Can't wait for this one. I'll be watching with great interest. Thanks Hera! :thumbsup:
I want see this one!
Looking forward to following this Hera! I'm sure it's going to be great!
I realy enjoyed the recurve one, so I am sure I will enjoy this one. Thanks hera.
I enjoyed your last build along and am looking forward to this one. After seeing what you used to cut that plywood, you should be an inspiration to everyone that has limited use of fancy tools. Desire, perserverence, and alot of hard work can overcome many obstacales. Can't wait to see this one. Mike
I got 2 longbow meterial.I didn't have any longbow building experience, just go slow .
0.050"clear E glass
0.050"mepal or osage.
Hera, where do you get all your supplies from. I am very intrestead in trying this and wonder where I could buy the materials. I hope I didnt slow down your build log. Just llooking where to get supplies
Loved your last build along, this one is going to be just as good. I cant wait to see the finish product
Good day everybody,I'm 土法煉鋼 in my bow building way,it's mean I'm not a porfessional or expert in building.And if you find any failing in my building,please let me know.
Hi RedTX
all my meterial come from Bingham.
and I order next 3TD recurve meterial from Fedora,just because Fedora provide more wood block and lam core choice.
Original design in my PC,and print it out.
62" AMO.
It',s not easy to print out a right ratio blue print.(just because I know nothing about PC and software.LOL.)
I useing PAINT SOFTWARE and resize the pic to 5562x,the blueprint total length is 145cm.
Love your work Hera.
Sorry,busy clinic day,no pic today.
very hard work without bandsaw.
the wood's name is 檜木.very similer to ceder but harder then ceder.
bottom portion of 花梨木,it's hard and beautiful. (
oh yes looks like i might have a new years project thanks to this, keep it comming mr yu chang Lin.
looking forward to every bit
cheers andy :thumbsup:
Kool... keep them coming..........
make sure fade out must be paper thin.
paper tape to protect the glass surface.
dye the core wood by air compressor spray.
air hose test run.
No air tight.
2 epoxy rasin + 1 hardner---> mix well.
ready to apply.
clamp by tape.
ready to cook. :rolleyes:
Hera, You are an inspiration to us all. :thumbsup:
( skinning ! :p
So whats next?
Today is sunday in Taiwan--->family day.
no building.
I cant wait till Monday. Have a good Sunday with your family Hera!!!
Love the way this is going...keep it up, can't wait!!!!!
Amboyna is a marvelously luxurious burl from the tree that is commonly known as narra. Some reports say that the name amboyna only applies to the veneer made from the burl, but if so that rule is honored only in the breech since all the dealers I am aware of refer to both the solid burl pieces and the veneer as amboyna or amboyna burl, but not narra burl.
A rare, exotic hardwood that grows in Southeast Asia and has a fragrant aroma. It can vary in color from yellow to golden brown to red, and is generally considered excellent for both turning and finishing.
Originally posted by RedTx:
I cant wait till Monday!!!
Me too. :rolleyes: :banghead:
Originally posted by hera:
Today is sunday in Taiwan--->family day.
no building.
I like that. :thumbsup: good on ya!
Enjoying it already Hera! :bigsmyl: :campfire:
Hi Leopard
when did you start to building?
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I'm leaving for Bulgaria this Tuesday, Hera, and will be there for nearly 2 months. So I'll hopefully start something in the new year! ;)
Have a nice trip and good luck to you.
I'm waiting 2008 project too.
Nige if your keen i might try get my hands on some bow building materials when im over in the states? see if we can make a few longbows.
hera looking good, you do make it look so easy!
where do you get your materials from?
thanks Andy
Yer Andy, sounds like a good plan bro. See if you can get some material while you're over there, and we'll try build some bows in the new year when I'm back from Bulgaria! :bigsmyl:
I get all my building meterial from Bingham.
Beautiful amboyna wood.
But I think I have to stop this bow building,because of the limb thickness problem.
(glass 0.050x2)+(wood0.050x2)= 0.2".NOT thick enough.too weak.
Bingham do not offer 0.060 wood or glass any more,is that mean I should buy 2 recurve meterial to build 1 longbow ? ? ? ?......
I feel not good.very bad.
Is the limb thickness a problem because of final poundage or possible breaking? Can another layer of Fiberglass be added?
Originally posted by hera:
But I think I have to stop this bow building,because of the limb thickness problem.
(glass 0.050x2)+(wood0.050x2)= 0.2".NOT thick enough.too weak.
Noooooooo! :biglaugh:
I don't want you to continue something you find unsafe. I just really enjoy your build alongs.
Originally posted by always89:
Is the limb thickness a problem because of final poundage or possible breaking? Can another layer of Fiberglass be added?
No breaking,just because of low poundage due to the thin limb thickness.I have to order another glass to add it.
BTW, I don't like the color I dyed,just too deep.So I will add thin venner on it to change the color and grain,that will be several weeks later. :knothead: hera
hera, a longbow needs more wood in the limbs than a recurve, most longbows have 3 or 4 , even more lambs. in the limbs, i use 3 in most of my longbows but some boyers use as many as 5 ,keep going it looks good good luck harold
Originally posted by shaft slinger:
hera, a longbow needs more wood in the limbs than a recurve, most longbows have 3 or 4 , even more lambs. in the limbs, i use 3 in most of my longbows but some boyers use as many as 5 ,keep going it looks good good luck harold
Thank you very much for the advice.
I thought glass must much then wood,or equal to the wood at least.
I think too much wood will cause low cast efficiency.
this is my first longbow,I learn from error again.
hera :knothead: longbow
Originally posted by MI_Bowhunter:
Noooooooo! :biglaugh:
I don't want you to continue something you find unsafe. I just really enjoy your build alongs. [/QB][/QUOTE]
I learn from error again.
Hera glass weighs way more than most woods and the poundage goes up significantly with the thickness. You will find that additional wood will actually improve the cast of a longbow. Many builders indicate that the glass does the majority of the work and the wood is used to hold them apart. Supposedly the weight goes up 8 times faster with thickness than width.
Trad Gang is a good place to stay.
I learn a lot from here.Thank you Benbow.
Yes it is hera and thanks for the very good and detailed build alongs.
Well, hera you can either cut the limbs off the handle and try to reuse the handle or you can finish the bow and introduce some youth to the art of archery. Make your negative a positive.
I decide to repair my poor longbow.
Thin oak veneer and 0.050glass,and cook again.
Do something to kill time.
Buffalo bone.
I think all of you know what I'm doing.
Keep up the pictures,I bet they will look pretty on your limb tips.
It is not easy to cut a cow bone,I use an old blade to cut it.
This is my oven.
good work, can't wait to see more.
Originally posted by Talondale:
Well, hera you can either cut the limbs off the handle and try to reuse the handle or you can finish the bow and introduce some youth to the art of archery. Make your negative a positive.
Thank you .I still struggles with this bow.
Oven job done this afternoon.
Rough tiller to the primary shape.
Not too bad with oak veneer.
so if I read this right, you added a layer of wood and another layer of glass to the back of the bow after it has been baked once already? I didn't know you could do that. COOL. :)
Originally posted by bbassi:
so if I read this right, you added a layer of wood and another layer of glass to the back of the bow after it has been baked once already? I didn't know you could do that. COOL. :)
Originally posted by hera:
Originally posted by bbassi:
so if I read this right, you added a layer of wood and another layer of glass to the back of the bow after it has been baked once already? I didn't know you could do that. COOL. :)
Yes,it is. [/b]
cool hera
Thank everyone.I still struggle with this bow,.....
Rough tiller .
eye ball check .
wood work.
cutting window by hand saw.
file working on window,cut to the center.
Riser work.
Looking good so far Hera! I hope it works out! :bigsmyl:
What a man can do with such simple tools is TOTALLY IMPRESSIVE!!!!!
Package from Bingham this afternoon.
Riser length 13.5"
another view.
:wavey: :notworthy:
Beautiful :clapper:
very nice :0)
This is what I say blood sandal wood.
smell good,but the red color will turn into black
few weeks later.
blood wood with bone plate.
I change my mind just because the blood wood too oily.
I remove meterial from my finger. :mad: :scared:
Rough shaping,can't wait to see the draw shape.
Seems the outer 1/3 of the limbs aren't working enough. But that's my amatuer opinion. Great job BTW. Love the wood used in the handle.
Hera, Your doing another great job. Thanks for posting.
ps. If I let my wife see this, she will never let me buy another power tool. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Talondale:
Seems the outer 1/3 of the limbs aren't working enough. But that's my amatuer opinion. Great job BTW. Love the wood used in the handle.
Good opinion,thank you.I'll tillre it tomorrow.
Finally,I accomplished my dream since 5 years ago.
I builded 5~6 TD recurve 5 years ago,but w\\o longbow and 1 pc recurve.After long long break,I encourage my self to start again.
My TD recurve are fast,stable and highly accurate,and turly no hand shock.
My 1 pc recurve as good as my TD.
I underestimate the endeavor of longbow building,and I make a BIG basic mistake on longbow structure ! I almost give it up.
I have to say THANK YOU to those who gave me some opinion and advice.This longbow is my first one and perhaps last one.
Now I need to take a break in order to catch my breath.And I have to say THANK YOU to those who join in this thread.
I received arrow building meterial from Bingham yesterday,and another 3 TD bow meterial from Fedora in the air,but I need a rest to heals my sore finger.
You're doing a great job again Hera! :bigsmyl: :thumbsup:
Great job Hera! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
Hera, man you got some serious skills bro!! Thanks for the build along I have it booked marked so when I start building a long bow in a couple months I'll have something to use a reference.
I encourage my self to start again
Hera my freind, You have encourged many I am sure. In fact I hope to get my self together enough to try to build one this winter.
BTW what is the saw you use? That is a nice looking saw. Seems to be just the trick.
Great job hera but don't give up on the longbows you do good work and you will get it right.
Amazing work hera. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us :thumbsup: Glenn
love it hera, im goin to be making one next year thanks to you! looking forward to the rest, i recon we'r gonna get some nice arrows along with it to! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Hera, that is some good stuff. I thought I saw blood on the handle of the bow in one pic. Heal up quickly! Great job!
Great looking bow hera!!!
Some friends want to know the detail of my saw,here come the picture.
Please visit thair web site.
Great detailed build-along Hera, everything looks pretty good and is clear to me.
Hats off. :notworthy:
V-Archer :archer:
Good day V-Archer,you build best looking bow and I love to copy one if my skill improve enough.