Trad Gang
Topic Archives => Build Alongs => Topic started by: hera on November 10, 2007, 11:37:00 AM
My next bow is a TD recurve,no more footage or grain wood,aim to build a highly accurate bow.
cool,i'll try to keep up
thickness of 1/2" bamboo.Thick enough to build the wedge.
cutting the boo plate .
I'll try to keep up too. It's getting to be bow building season!
Grinding peripheral (external) to flatly.
( remove interior meterial,the fiber of interior portion not as strong as external portion.
can't wait for more!!! this one should be added to the "How To" section
The riser shape are not totally my own design,but I paint the majority line.
( Tons of bamboo dust on my glass ! !
I didn't have band saw,so carefully design and cut by hand saw is important.
( You know what I'm doing.
Looking good hera! Keep the pics coming! :-)
Cool stuff, yes, keep it coming!
sanding wedge to paper thin slowly . (
I think it is OK.
check the taper degree per inch. (
This is going to be a nice bow Hera.I would gladly volunteer to field test it for you!LOL :knothead:
OK ! come to Taiwan and to be an volunteer tester.LOL.
I am NOT expert.all my power tool just electric hand drill and a small electric sander.Even though thus and so,I still injoy in it.
Where I build my bow? just on my PC desk and tea table.
Tons of great bowyer out there,I'm just an ordinary person,started to builded my TD recurve 5 years ago,several bad bow,only 3 TD recurve constrainedly archieve shootable level.Even though thus and so again,I still look forward and injoy in building and shooting.
Very nice work--especially with limited power tools.
Thanks for sharing, Hera!
Have a good weekend,
I order one straw plate(japanese style bed plate),cut it to 6 piece(70x45cm).And then stitch it together.Straw plate is a good target . ( ( (
Good stuff! Can't wait to see what you use for clamps, forms, and such.
very cool!
Long way to go.
Yea,it is a GOOD idea.
Aluminum tape to protect the form.
( are slippery,use a pin to fix them all .
I useing such laughable method to control my oven temperature.If I close the oven door,temp will up to 180C,Too high temperature can destory fiber glass.
180C ! 3hrs. :banghead: :(
(5 years ago)
This is a great thread Hera! Thanks for sharing and keep it coming!
It's look good.
Very good. Enjoying the build along with simple tools.
Keep them coming Hera...looking great!
Looking good. First time I see bamboo used in the fade out wedge, I guess you have a good supply of it where you live. Waiting for more.
looking good, I have never seen bamboo used for the wedge either.
Taiwan is a subtropical country,bamboo is very commen plant.I never use bamboo to build selfbow.
bamboo selfbow or bamboo lamination bow is my 2008 project.
A little bit bend around fade out area are not my own design,I copy that from my BL custom bow.
I didn't have a TD drilling jig,So I have to be very carefully.
I love this thread. That is some mighty fine work with hand tools.
push Allen Head Screws by a screw.
I had an urge to assemblage my gray TD recurve,even though not tillering yet. :p :biglaugh:
Great job Hera, looking awesome!
Keep it coming. Looking at what you are doing with limited equipment is inspiring me.
Good evening everybody.
One great bowyer in USA said: over poundage w\\o control mean nothing.
I shot my bow up to 55#,not feel sweet at that draw weight.It's OK around 50#.I feel good at 45# and that is enough in Taiwan.
My last bow is my first 1 pc recurve,45#@27",56".very comfortable and very accurate.I builded that bow last month.
Now I decide to tiller that gray TD to around 45#.
This pic is that 1 pc recurve. (
really enjoying this mate thanks for taking the time to share! some nice bows you building there!
great build along, i can relate very well as i too build bows with very limited machine tools. Keep the pic coming.
You know what I'm doing. (
It is important to find center line.after that,screw tightly,then drill the pin hole.
good stuff hera,,, keep em coming! :thumbsup:
apply few super glue to insure the pin stably.
( My home made shooting glove.
Hard work again ! :( (
##xx%*^&%#xx........ !
( Keep moving !
You do some amazing work Sir!
Holy cow can you guys imagine what kind of bowyer this guy would be with some real tools...bandsaw, oscillating spindle sander,drill press and a belt sander ? ha ha
Awesome job Hera :notworthy:
Hera is that a Kawasaki 6N in the background (650 parallel twin)?
Awesome! I am enjoying the hand tools immensely, and am impressed with the straight cut you made to thin the riser down! Three cheers for Hera!
Yeah, chicks dig Hera because he has skills. Bowhunting skills, motorcycle skills, nunchak skills, hand saw skills....
glue these two plate together by superglue.
I am VERY impressed, hand tools and all!!!! :notworthy: :notworthy:
Expert PM me ,told me some skill about bow building.I learn a lot from PM.Thanks again.
Just like geological lesson :p :biglaugh: . LOL.
This is some great stuff :thumbsup: :notworthy:
I hope this thread ends up in the archives :pray:
You sure have more patence than me by using that hand saw. But that thing is lookin goood.
This thread is awesome!!
I second the archives. You sir have talent
Hera , i pull my hat to you , you're a great craftman !
I'm cabinet maker and admire your work , it's the second bow building , i follow from you and seeing what you have done , may be i should try to make my own bow too !
Felicitations , Eric .
Thanks for sharing, I thought I was doing pretty good,I have all the goodies; thickness planer, band saw, jointer etc.
My hat is of to you Sir !!!
Thanks again.
Regards, Bert.
All my excuses just went puffff! :notworthy:
Awesome work!
very nice !!!!
twist check.
Awesome Hera! You've got realskil mate! Great job!
All these building processes didn't have plan previously.
This is amazing to watch, keep it coming Hera.....and thanks for sharing it with us.
I now have a new winter project.
MI bowhunter,keep moving.
sanding the hole edge,and apply few super glue in the hole wall to prevent humidity.
let me show you how I repair a tiny ( or larger ) defect. (
super glue is a kind of resin,coagulate very fast. But one drop super glue will take few minutes to coagulate.
really iv got to say again this is very good work!!!
Looks great Hera!!
Very nice work!
This is cool to watch. What was the bicycle pump used for?
Blimey! :eek:
Amazing work Hera, just amazing!
No any coating on string nock yet.
apply thin super glue on the surface of string nock.but not sanding yet.
after sanding.
Incredible! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
I cant cut that straight with a bandsaw! Amazing!
Really amazing work Hera! I love those tips! What is the white part?
I decide to use cow bone at the first,but the bone I have just not wide enough,may be next time. white part is phenolic.
Even though just finish one string nock,but like to see what this gray bow look like.
test pull,i guess it is about 55~60#,need tiller down.
How do you determine the amount of taper to put into the limbs? Do you use a template of some sort or do you just eyeball it so the tips look good?
Hera thats some awesome craftsmanship. I dont know how you use that hand saw the way you do.
MI bowhunter
no template,just eyeball check,rough tiller at first.when you order bow meterial,you should know what draw weight you need,for example,I need 45~55#,so my order is (0.050 glass x 2)+(0.050wood core x 2).
outstanding !!!!!!
The saw must be thin and sharp.
actionwood are not very hard, grain straight,so, if you cut vertically,it is very easy,if you cut parallel,awry is impossible,but parallel cut is hard work.
This is my first attempt to build inlay string nock.
Sorry for the confusion, by taper I guess I meant width not thickness of the limbs.
At what point in the limb do you start narrowing to get to the width needed for the limb tips?
Beautiful tips there.Incredible!
Yes,I mean width.
I never builded a bow in thickness taper.(I only builded about 8~9 bows)
You can get bow width shape blueprint from bow supplies company,but I just rough tiller instinctively,not final tiller.
Yes,I mean width.
I never builded a bow in thickness taper.(I only builded about 8~9 bows)
You can get bow width shape blueprint from bow supplies company,but I just rough tiller instinctively,not final tiller.
I think this is the most interesting build-along we have had, looks like you are almost done, nice work. I like your Padauk floor also. Bue--.
You have a great eye for detail and beauty. Lines of the bow, limb butt overlays shape, tip overlays all lovely. Very nice work.
INCREDIBLE!! I just read through the whole thread and Hera you do great work!! I cannot wait to see the final product! Shawn
Looks great!!!!!
I'm happy to share my own experience,I'm not expert,I'm just a veteriarian.
Let's start to build .It is not difficult,just be patient(like you hunt,LOL.)
Sorry about my poor English.
Hera, Your doing a fine job. I think this has been the best build along I've seen. Your a true craftsman. Gilbert
No twist.
Even though not final shape the riser and final tiller,I always keep the balance,bottom limb and top limb have same length and weight.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
looking great when are you taking orders. I like the look of that riser shape... matty
Again you are awsome with that handsaw. You should be way proud of that bow when its done! :clapper:
When should I send my address for shipping?
Thats going to be a beautiful bow, and i suspect it will shoot like a laser.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :clapper:
This is just amazing! It makes me appriciate my bows even more. You do great work!!
Absolutly Amazing!
Excellent craftmanship!
Best bow build along ever! With hand tool at that! Great job!
Can't wait to see the finished bow! Great job Hera!
All I can say is...WOW.
I have my bandsaw all picked out and ready to order. If my wife sees this she will say: Bandsaw, you don't need no stinking bandsaw.
Hera you are a fine craftsman.
Build for my hand.
funny curve.
Looks as if you're almost dome hera. I have to agree with everyone you're doing a fantastic job.
I also have to say that you never need to apologize for your English. You are better in your English than we are in our Mandarin or Cantonese.
Ok hera you have had a long enough break. More please ! :D
Good morning Crooked stic,2 days break.
pic to be continue.
swiss army knife! i love it lol, looking forward to see it done!
final tillering.
another tip work.
thin acrylic paint.
Beautiful bow and super photos. You have inspired many!
INCREDIBLE. I want you to know how much I enjoyed that entire process. From the looks of your form you also know a little something about how to shoot it. Not bad for an animal doctor with only simple hand-tools. Nice job, Doc.
New bow,first arrow,not too bad.
So many red target,which is my aim? LOL.
Hey Hera, is that you in my Bingham's catologue as well? Bravo on the bow!
Great job Hera! Bow looks awesome! Thanks very much for taking the time to share with us! You're a great craftsman!
Hi ninja,yes,I'm that guy on the Bingham catalog,you have a good eye.
LEOPARD,try to build your own bow,I can do it ,you can do it too.
Holy Crap.
Trad Gang has been elevated to a new level of awesome creativity.
Shall we coin the term "awesomtivity" and as a definition show Hera's picture?
I am literally blushing here. Thank you for your compliment, but really, I am just at normal average. I believe everyone can do as well or even better than me.
Very Nice Hera. And with hand tools. Very impressive. You got some talent, even though your trying to be modest, Its true.
Hera, awesome build along.
:notworthy: :notworthy:
You made it look too easy.
also from Germany I can only say, unbelievable work
and awesome build along.
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Tip work on my armrest ! :rolleyes:
Excellent work and build along! Your modesty makes it even better. :thumbsup: :notworthy:
Hera, Beautiful bow and the way you made it with hand tools was incredible. :notworthy: Thanks for showing us your build along. Glenn
Great work hera! This has been an eye-opening build-a-long. Inspirational to say the least.
Thanks again, hera. When's the next one start? I'm hoping the next one is LH. BTW- just curious, are you located in Taipei?
Originally posted by Moengo:
Thanks again, hera. When's the next one start? I'm hoping the next one is LH. BTW- just curious, are you located in Taipei?
Hi Moengo,I live in Shin chu,80KM away from taipei.
what is LH?(left hand bow? LOL,just a jok.)
I don't know when,but soon.
I second the definition of AWESOMETIVITY !!!
What a great build along!! and you have inspired so many. Congratulations Hera!!
compare with my last two bow,1 pc recurve and TD recurve,I think TD is a little bit batter in arrow speed,as good as my BL classic.
I was busy with order next bow material, footed riser TD recurve next time maybe.
hera, this has been simple amazing to read and view. what you have done with the tools you have is very impressive to say the least. i love the look of your limb tips!!
thank you very much for sharing your build along. wow and double wow.