Trad Gang
Topic Archives => Member Interviews => Topic started by: Terry_Green on January 16, 2007, 09:29:00 PM
Real Name:Cody Roiter
Home State:Charlotte Michigan
TradGang member number:5588
Years trad bowhunting:3
(TG) - Tell us about yourself.
(Cody Roiter) - I like school a lot. I love to Shoot my longbows and aslo make my own longbows and wood arrows
(TG) - How long have you been bow hunting with traditional gear?
(Cody Roiter) - 3 years
(TG) - Any heroes? Any role models?
(Cody Roiter) - Howard hill and Ron Laclair
(TG) - What got you started bowhunting?
(Cody Roiter) - affer seeing TEMBO I want a howard hill longbow aslo i got one of the fred bear books and when i seen the pic
of him shoot stuff out of the air i went a got my pearson jet bow and went a tryed it BOY WHAT FUN THAT WAS.
(TG) - Do you have any favorite memories or kills that stand out? Tell us about it!
(Cody Roiter) - i was out shooting my 3-D deer and seen a black bird in a tree and my friend was there and i let er fly and hit the bird in the head. i won 10 bucks one time a guy was shooting a compound and was talking about how good he was
and told me he could hit a bulleye at 50 yards he missed it LOL
(TG) - Do you remember the first animal you took with a traditional bow? Tell us about it!
(Cody Roiter) - i dont shoot any thing i cant eat Black bird
(TG) - Can you tell us a bit about your preferred hunting combo?
(Cody Roiter) - 50-70 longbow
wood arrows
H.H B.h
(TG) - Do you have a mentor that helps with you bow hunting?
(Cody Roiter) - Ron Laclair aslo way talk to me when i need help Thank you Ron
and Mr.John lee that talk to me about Howard hill
(TG) - What is your favorite animal to hunt?
(Cody Roiter) - small game deer
(TG) - Does any of your family hunt or fish?
(Cody Roiter) - my hole family hunts
(TG) - What or who first got you involved in traditional bow hunting?
(Cody Roiter) - i have a old ben pearsom jet bow that i shoot all the time
(TG) - What are your bowhunting goals?
(Cody Roiter) - to shoot a lot of deer with my bow
(TG) - Do you make any of your own gear?
(Cody Roiter) - yes longbow,arrows
(TG) - Do you do any small game hunting?
(Cody Roiter) - yes i love to hunt small game
(TG) - Tell us what your dream hunt would be.
(Cody Roiter) - if i could hunt with Howard Hill,or Ron Laclair
Cody with John Lee