Trad Gang

Trad Gang Highlights => Highlights 2005 => Topic started by: Littlefeather on January 01, 2005, 08:45:00 AM

Title: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on January 01, 2005, 08:45:00 AM
Well, we rolled out of 04 at Midnight which ended the daily hunt pics for the year. It was fantastic! Lets start seeing those hunt pics for this year, 2005. Good luck in the year ahead! CK
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Joseph on January 01, 2005, 09:55:00 AM
A wonderful idea, unfortunately I probably won't have any hunting pictures to post until this spring but I do love seeing other folks adventures.  I think the 04 version of this is the best thread I have seen on the internet!    :thumbsup:   Joseph
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on January 01, 2005, 10:03:00 AM
Curtis , you are so right sir, I tried out a new bow shop in Baton Rouge yesterday and guys said ya dont kill anything with those do ya ...I didnt pay the young lad any mind....all I wanted was some feathers to make Mason some arrows ...and I got 10 min lecure on how it doest pay for him to stock them...well I will never go back, Im sorry...nice guy , he was just hell bent on his way of thinking...I just the pics fixing to make some of my hunts very shortly...mark
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Steve Humphrey on January 01, 2005, 10:19:00 AM
:thumbsup:  Curtis, glad to hear this thread is continuing it's one I look for everytime I log on. Seems there is an open season somewhere all the time. Anxiously waiting for new pics.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Terry Green on January 01, 2005, 12:25:00 PM
I had fun this 1st morn of 2005.  Decided to hunt on the ground about 5 yards from my treestand.  The leaves hung on the trees through the 1st week in December for some reason this season, but now my tree in the saddle leaves me feeling a little skylighted.

I hunkered early in hoping to catch them moving just at daylight, and figured they'd move/feed again mid-morn since the moon was out late last night.

About 8:15, I decided to sneak back to the truck during the lull, and get my camera...and the thermos of coffee my dad gave me when we split up this morning.  Coffee in ground blinds is a treat at times.

I snuck back in, and took the pic with my camera on my tree stand back in 'the hole', and poured me a cap of coffee.  One more sip left, and I caught movement.....coming out of the thicket .....right on que.

"Here they come"......'hey, whats up....why are ya'll not going through the saddle?...why are ya'll coming straight at me?...turn left gals turn left!!!?

Well, 3 of the 4 lined up just on the other side of my tree stand bout 8 yards from me...and facing me, and the fourth was about 4 yards behind them....they were just milling around going nowhere fast, and I have no idea why they decided to walk the ridge instead of going through the saddle....the acorns have been long gone.....the lead doe turned right and started meandering...yep, on a course to meet up with "Mr. Down Wind".  As usual, he escorted them to safety...rather quickly I might add.

I tried my dangedest to get the bow drawn, just too many eyes just too dang close....but I sure had a fun 10-12 minutes with them.

Here's the pic I took just a few minutes before the action started as I'm guarding one of Great Granddad's Saddles.......

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on January 01, 2005, 12:34:00 PM
T...thats cool pic bro  :thumbsup:  good luck in 2005
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Timo on January 01, 2005, 09:16:00 PM
Cool pic Terry!

Here's a pic of my first 05 hunt.I'm standing at the fork of the logging roads,waiting on the wind to decide which one to take! I choose the left.Had a deerless hunt,but lots of other critters out.


First time that I every remember hunting in Jan, and having "spring peepers" peeping! Just ain't right!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on January 01, 2005, 09:24:00 PM
Cool photos.  Terry, it took me a minute to figure out that was an uprooted tree. You guys that can hunt into January, enjoy it, even squirrel season is closed here.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Doug Campbell on January 01, 2005, 11:26:00 PM
Getting a great start, nice pics guys. No spring peepers here Tim, it was a big zero here today but still felt nicer than those "cold" 20's and 30's last week back in MO.

Mark Baker, Walt Francis, and I left the wives back at the house talking about us and went out to brave the cold this afternoon on the first TBM Bunny Hunt. Headed up the Shields River lookin for a few. It was a beautiful day to be out but no bunnies bit the dust or snow in this case. We all got shots and Walt even hammered one that got into an impenetratable brush pile. A great time was had by all!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on January 02, 2005, 08:05:00 PM
you guys look like ya need a cup of hot chocolate or cup of java...  :D  that had to me fun in the snowy areas...mark#78
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on January 02, 2005, 11:59:00 PM
Got my winter cat camp in today. Here's a couple pics before the snow gets bad. Lots of coyote and snowshoe rabbit tracks so their on the list also.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on January 03, 2005, 02:34:00 PM
Been an awful dry winter so far, hasn't it Robin!? I've been waiting for some low level snow east of Mt Hood to go look for lion tracks on the deer winter range. Good luck and be careful up there!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on January 03, 2005, 03:04:00 PM
Nothing better than listening to a long bawl down in the canyon while a cold track is worked out..

 Well maybe the short excited chops of,


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on January 03, 2005, 03:56:00 PM
It dang sure has been dry. Can't beleive I drove the pickup into my camp yesterday. It's at 4200 Ft for cryin out lowd.
I'm hoping to hear that sound tomorrow  :D  

Tom, I'm trying to force myself ta pack the camera. I really like seein the differnt country myself. Was just looking at Terrys pic again, Those leaves look a foot deep. Deeper than my snow right now   :)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: kojac on January 03, 2005, 07:04:00 PM
quality is not the best but here's a couple photo's of some mule deer on a -30 degree day in Eastern Montana.


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Steve Humphrey on January 03, 2005, 09:50:00 PM
Our deer season closed yesterday (Sunday) so I went out to try and fill my doe tag. The only critters I saw were a rabbit and a skweerl, no shot at either one, But I did find sign there is still a buck in the area.  (

The woods were very peaceful,  (

The remnants of last weeks 33" of snow and the days 60 degree temp gave the feeling of walking through the clouds along the stream.  (

Walking my little piece of heaven, Steve.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on January 03, 2005, 11:10:00 PM
MAN!!!! I can just FEEL the mojo comin' out of those pictures. Those are awsome pictures. Thats my kind of spot.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on January 03, 2005, 11:19:00 PM
I see the Ghost of Armstrong Creek ...can anyone else...mark#78  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on January 04, 2005, 03:22:00 PM
I wasn't out hunting these sheep with a bow, I was armed only with my cameras. These are the California subspecie of bighorn sheep. They don't get quite as large in body and horn as the Rocky Mountain subspecie. Oregon has both the California and Rocky Mtn. bighorns.  Ron

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jason R. Wesbrock on January 04, 2005, 04:31:00 PM
On New Year's Day, two friends of mine--Dave and Jim--and I headed up to Dave's property in Central Wisconsin for the last weekend of deer season. About the time we hit Madison we got into freezing rain. Deer camp was another 80 miles away. By morning we'd have over 1/2" of fresh ice covering everything in sight.

Once we arrived at Dave's place, we quickly unloaded gear, suited up, and headed out to our respective stand locations. Jim and Dave were hunting opposite ends of a 40-acre woodlot, and I elected to sit a field edge on an 80-acre tract a little further west. Dave only saw one deer that evening, but Jim stopped counting around 50. Unfortunately, a shot never came together for him, but the look on his face made it clear he'd had a great evening. That's why I like these guys, they don't have to kill something to have a sucessful hunt. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself...

The freezing rain persisted, and wasn't due to stop until about 4 am, so I put some rain gear over my wool and got into my stand for the evening. Earlier in the season, the field I was hunting by served as a reliable food source for deer. But now it looked like an ill-kept ice skating rink. I would have gotten down and moved elsewhere, but with the east wind there was no where else to go, except back to the house, which sounded like a great idea.

I usually sit on stand with an arrow nocked and my bow across my lap, but with the freezing rain I had to hang it under a pine bough. Otherwise, I'd have to keep rubbing the ice off my arrow every ten minutes or so.

I only saw one deer while hunting that evening, and when he offered his chest at 14 yards I sent an arrow through both lungs and his heart. He went about 30 yards, stopped, stood for a few seconds, and fell over. He never knew what happened, except that something hit the ground by him--the arrow after it passed through his chest.


L to R: Dave Shumway, Jim Gellner, and myself.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on January 04, 2005, 05:12:00 PM
Great story, great buck! Looks like the new year is off to a great start. At the risk of repeating myself GREAT!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on January 04, 2005, 05:21:00 PM
All these great photos and now Jason's story and photo, that's why I love this thread so much.  Great photos, and great job Jason.  Looks like the house wasn't such a great idea afterall.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Rich Baker on January 04, 2005, 05:43:00 PM
Originally posted by Tree Killer:
I wasn't out hunting these sheep with a bow, I was armed only with my cameras. These are the California subspecie of bighorn sheep. They don't get quite as large in body and horn as the Rocky Mountain subspecie. Oregon has both the California and Rocky Mtn. bighorns.  Ron

Ron, did you see those along 84 I saw a group there the other day
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Terry Green on January 04, 2005, 08:21:00 PM
Way to start the year off Jason!!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on January 04, 2005, 08:28:00 PM
Man if you dont like this thread I feel sorry for you this is so cool...way to go guys!!!  :D    :wavey:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Shaun on January 04, 2005, 10:14:00 PM
Like the Dodge commercials... SWEET.
I felt like I was there, great work and good story w/ picture. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: the Ferret on January 04, 2005, 10:48:00 PM
Love these threads but being on dial up the pics take for-ev-er to load. When I have the patience to wait the pics are worth it.. All dandies.

Nice buck Jason. Didn't know they had deeer like that in Wisc. Love the smile   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on January 04, 2005, 11:02:00 PM
Heck of a buck Jason!  :thumbsup:  

Can't believe you guys are still hunting deer back there! Won't they be dropping their antlers in a couple weeks?

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jason R. Wesbrock on January 04, 2005, 11:31:00 PM

It's funny how some of our best days afield happen when we'd like to be anywhere else.



Yeah, I should tone down that smile a bit next time. It's getting rediculous.   :D  



Archery deer season in Illinois runs through this weekend, but I'll probably spend my time losing squirrel arrows in an oak thicket somewhere.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on January 05, 2005, 12:20:00 AM
Another hunt behind me and more pictures to share. This hunt was at Bayou Cocodrie NWR, La.

There was lots and lots of water, in the form of sloughs and breaks.




Besides all the water, there was also wall to wall, head high Palmetto.


I found a few scrapes.


And, I found a few rubs.


Saw plenty of Armadillos.


But I didn't see any deer. Maybe the 75 degree weather had something to do with it.

I did see a great Sunset, this evening.


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Timo on January 05, 2005, 07:25:00 AM
Warren, great pics....but I thought you were deer hunting? Looks like you need to take your tape on bowfishin reel?  :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Carcajou on January 05, 2005, 08:25:00 AM
Great story and man what a buck! Nice goin!
Warren, great photos!
Tree Killer those sheep were sweeet!
Keep those pics comin!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Ryan Rothhaar on January 05, 2005, 11:08:00 AM
Glad to see an '05 version!

That's not a bad buck for a gap-shooter from Chicago!  Congrats on starting '05 right!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jason R. Wesbrock on January 05, 2005, 11:31:00 AM
" from Chicago!"

Oh man, not you too? You've been hanging around Cagle too long.   :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: gregg dudley on January 06, 2005, 10:09:00 PM

THis is a hot spot for deer activity.  I have already killed two deer ( 8 point and a doe) this season.  The ridge runs down from over my right shoulder and spills into a bottom in front of the stand.  Deer travel both directions in the morning and I have yet to really figure out where they are going either way.  Hunting woods without agriculture is sometimes a mystery, but when you find a spot that produces consistent sightings, you stick with it.  Both of the deer that I have shot this season came down the slope from the right working down in front of the stand on the left.  I will be in this stand again on January 15.  It will have had a 16 day rest.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Guru on January 07, 2005, 05:17:00 AM
Jason,  Nice buck!!

Warren,  great pics       Thanks
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tom Lagatol on January 07, 2005, 06:30:00 AM
It sounds like jealousy Jason! LOL  Personally, I've found over the years that it's the guys who miss more than hit are the ones doin the name callin. Don't think the deer cares one way or the other.
  :bigsmyl:  tomL   (Just teasing no offense intended at all!)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Doug Campbell on January 07, 2005, 10:25:00 AM
Dang Warren bet you guys haveta slap skeeters all year!! Great pics!

Congrats Jason, great late season buck!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on January 08, 2005, 12:22:00 PM
I went over to one of my favorite places this morning to try and catch up with the hogs. It obviously wasn't my day to shoot a pig but it was a nice walk in the woods. Temps were in the 30's and the wind was very mild. I did find a neat hive full of bees that were too cold to fly. Sorry the pic wasn't very clear. CK


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on January 08, 2005, 12:42:00 PM
Curtis...what kind of bees are those, plain ole honey bees?

About 10 years ago I fell a big(6ft dia.) western red cedar tree that had a schoolmarm at about 60 ft up. The base of the tree was hollow which is quite common for big cedars. When it hit the ground the schoolmarm(two tops) split open the lower section of the tree revealing a huge bee hive. The hive was abandoned, but had piles of honeycomb! We brought in packboards and garbage bags the next day and packed out over 200lbs of honeycomb which we rendered in my friends shop. Can't remember how many gallons of honey we ended up with, but everybody I knew received a quart of good honey for Christmas that year.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BOFF on January 08, 2005, 01:41:00 PM
Jason, Great story and buck! :thumbsup:

Warren, love your pics- as always! Give me an armadillo anyday over a deer, I don't have a use for em, as they eat our turkey eggs, and tear our woods apart. Kinda like the pigs. They can be tough on the arrows though.

Curtis, neat pics. Wish the bee hive was clearer, but don't think I'd stay there too long for the photo myself.

Keep em coming guys.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SteveMcD on January 08, 2005, 01:53:00 PM
This has been my favorite deer hunting spot for several years. Not a lot of deer and one heck of a drag around this beaver pond. But, I have spent  (and with the help of our Lord) will spend many memorable days to come here.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Shaun on January 08, 2005, 02:12:00 PM
Can you see Mr Bushytail 20 yds up in this elm? (He's right in the middle of the photo)


Here is the zoomed in view with nutter ready.

Gave this fox skerl the salute afet about 100 shots and a few lost nutters and left him for another day. Lots of near misses, limb hits and ducking. This shoting straight up is harder than you'd think. Different muscles, have to aim a little low since there is no drop in arrow flight and of couse the fear factor of nutters coming back into earth orbit.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Terry Green on January 08, 2005, 03:28:00 PM
Please keep your pics NO MORE than 600 pixels wide.  Any wider that that disrupts the format, and they will likely be deleted.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: on January 08, 2005, 05:10:00 PM
Great Squirrel Pic! Hope to contribute some soon myself.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on January 08, 2005, 10:05:00 PM
Pictures from, this evening's hunt.




Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on January 08, 2005, 10:09:00 PM
Warren , how was the sketters...?? cant wait to show ya my new bow bud! pics..
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Doug Campbell on January 08, 2005, 10:11:00 PM
Just another beautiful day in Montana   :D  A few of us TBM guys got together and tried to thin the doe crop in a late hunt up here. We saw tons of deer but didn't manage to take any home   :(   I think the temps ran from 5º up to a balmy 12º, remember it's a dry cold  :D    (
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on January 08, 2005, 11:04:00 PM
Mark, No skitters at all. Was a nice change. I look forward to seeing your new bow. I'm sure it's a shooter.


Doug, Great picture. A lot of difference in the pictures that I posted and the one that you did.

It was a cool 60 degrees for my hunt. I don't think I'm tough enough to hang with ya'll, under those conditions.

I have only had the opportunity to hunt with snow on the ground, one time. I was lucky enough to kill a deer and loved the way the blood trail looked.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on January 08, 2005, 11:09:00 PM
Doug yall look like one of them hot oatmeal commericals  :p    :D do ya stay warm...burrr...I bet thats a real hoot!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Timo on January 08, 2005, 11:20:00 PM
Doug, looks like ya had to get out some more wool?

You missed the snow here.Got 3" yesterday.Went down to Erics tonight, and hunted on the ground.Saw several,spooked several!

Did manage a rabbit though!  :thumbsup:

The deer have moved their feeding trails from where I took you. I found them tonight,after a bit of looking.

Be back tomorrow night.I'll try to get some pics.

Warrren,seems you are always in, or around water.You got a special boot you wear?

Loved the reflection pic!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on January 08, 2005, 11:57:00 PM
Warren, I sure enjoy looking at your country. Thanks

Doug, that shot just made me put some more wood in the stove. I think I'd have ta hear a hound bay ta be out in that.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Traxx on January 09, 2005, 12:10:00 AM
Every time i look at Warrens pics,i start hummin that Charlie Daniels song,about the wooly swamp.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on January 09, 2005, 12:40:00 AM
Timo, Yea, Ankle boot, Knee boot, Hip boot, Chest Waders......... You gotta remember this is Louisiana, Bayou Country.

I was kinda of partial to the reflection picture, myself. Thanks

Roughcountry, I never miss a chance to check out one of your Post. I always find them to be interesting.

Ain't it great to be able to visit other parts of the entire world through this media?

2traxx, Here's one for you. Start hummin.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on January 09, 2005, 07:08:00 AM
2traxx, Thanks for putting that song in my head!! As much as I love Warrens photos I'll never look at em the same again   :bigsmyl:

That last photo really sings the song  :)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Guru on January 09, 2005, 07:30:00 AM
Doug,  Boy that looks like fun bud,cold......but fun  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on January 09, 2005, 07:57:00 AM
  Thanks for starting this thread! It is great to live just a little of everyones hunt. And to all those who posted pictures and or a short story, thanks!
  Fire me off some hog pictures if you have any Littlefeather. Don't care if they are this years or not. Getting close now, I can almost smell Texas!
 Take care all and God bless!  Scott
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on January 09, 2005, 08:39:00 AM
For Jumper. Stay safe Bud! Im saving a few porkers till you get Stateside. We'll do em in proper when you get home! This pic was taken last July 4th. Independence Day. CK

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on January 09, 2005, 11:24:00 AM
Thats cool Curt...get back safe Jumper...always in our thoughts  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Doug Campbell on January 09, 2005, 07:40:00 PM
Warren, not sure if I'd be tough enough to keep up with you. That heat and humidity just kills me anymore. No skeeters here yesterday either.   :D  

Robin, ya had better have a cold nosed hound there yesterday, bet it was dumping three or four inches and hour.

Yea Tim broke the heavy wool and boots. Congrats on the bunny and the snow.   :thumbsup:  

And your right Curt, when ya stopped she be a little cool.  ;)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on January 10, 2005, 12:17:00 AM
  Sounds like I need to try and hand carry one of my bows back with me instead of putting it on the ship with the rest of our gear! I'll figure something out, you can count on it!
Take care, Scott
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Terry Green on January 10, 2005, 04:06:00 PM
Views from Pine Log WMA in N GA....

Wide hog crossing..


Creek sparkle and Mountain top....


I found a nice place to set up for the last hour and a half Sunday evening.  I didn't see any hogs except those in my mind trotting in from both left and right of me.....

Left....Note the waller between the saplings beyond the obvioius trail.

Right...Note the trail leading into the crossing from the 10 O'clock position.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Kip on January 10, 2005, 04:33:00 PM
Darn Warren were you in my hunting club this weekend seems like I was at that spot in Goldust between Ville Platte and Bunkie your pictures are great see it real every weekend had deer and hogs near me Sunday morning no shots. Kip
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Kip on January 10, 2005, 04:35:00 PM
I wanted to say the picture in the palmatto swamp Kip
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on January 10, 2005, 05:44:00 PM
Here are some more pics of my buddy and his son and I shooting nutria.  Two of them are pretty dark, maybe one of you confuser (er, computer) literate folks could lighten them up for me?

This one is my buddy's son with his first trad bow kill.


This is my buddy's son and I with a couple of nutrias.  Note that the larger one is an albino.


This is one of my buddy and his son.  The newt on the tree was head shot from 20 yards by the boy with a broadhead made by his pops.  About as cool as it gets.


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on January 11, 2005, 03:10:00 PM
Thanks, Bill, for fixing the pictures!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on January 11, 2005, 03:30:00 PM
Terry...I think I'm a gonna cry....I kin practically smell bacon fryin lookin at those pics.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: gregg dudley on January 11, 2005, 08:48:00 PM

Nutria are listed as legal to take every place I have ever been and I do not think I have ever seen one.  Are they mostly nocturnal or am I just not paying enough attention around the swamp?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 12, 2005, 10:43:00 PM
I walked back into the swamp today. This is 7 Mile Island Mgt Area, bow hunting only, open the last month of the hunting season.

First is my swamp buggy ready to go.


This is a small part of the walk around the sewage holding ponds to get to the swamp. About a mile total.


Next is the before picture, before the tornado wrecked my favorite hunting area.


This is part of the area after the twister rampaged through. The deer are still there but it is impossible to hunt them in this section.


And more damage


Into the undamaged part.


The view from my tree. I was watching a draw off the ridge into the swamp. I heard a deer walking behind me on private land but saw nothing else.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on January 13, 2005, 10:44:00 AM
Heres my little corner of heaven from last Saturdays hunt with Kyle. It was a beautiful spot, downright scenic. I wish I had gotten the creek in the pic better. It was rushing through there, and I was watching a crossing. The creek lulled me to sleep for about 30 minutes, no telling what I missed...deer?...bucks?...Elvis? I dont care, it was one of the top five naps of my life   :D  .

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: McGeeM on January 13, 2005, 11:29:00 AM
My friends and I have been doing deer drives efevry Saturday since the start of the new year. We have had many shots, but no kills until last weekend. After finishing a drive we were talking about what to do next when one friend took off walking down a creek bottom found a place to sit and waite. Ten minutes later he comes back to the truck and reports that he shot a doe. Thinking he was joking we walked down and sure enough she was laying 30 yards from where he shot her. You just never know.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on January 13, 2005, 11:39:00 AM

Nutria are mostly nocturnal, but we shoot a lot of them in the last hour before the sun goes down.  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on January 13, 2005, 11:57:00 AM
Guys, Hopefully Im not out of line asking this of you. I was thinking one picture per posting would be much easier and enjoyable for those viewing this post. I ask this because I for one cannot even think about viewing this thread on my home computer because of the download time. When I open the thread to view the pics and my poor, slow computer goes to work, I just close the thread. It just takes too long to download 4-8 pics in each post. Also, I think this would make sure that all the pics we post are truly special and not just everything we see outdoors. Its just my thoughts. Nothing written in stone if you still want to show bunches of pics. Maybe Administration will have suggestions. Thanks, Curtis
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 13, 2005, 01:19:00 PM
Us folk with cable modems somtimes forget what it was like before we sped things up a bit, sorry.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on January 13, 2005, 01:35:00 PM
Makse sense to me. I have friend who say's he wishes he could view this thread, but it takes to long with his dial-up.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Mike Falkner on January 13, 2005, 05:47:00 PM

You gotta love a guy who can rate the top 5 naps in his life.  I think you have your priorities just right!  Great pic, too.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Swanny in MD on January 14, 2005, 03:17:00 PM
Found this 2.5 yr old buck when I was out ground stalking the other day.  

Picked him up and was walking with him in my left hand and my bow in my right...went down a gulley, ground was very wet and I slipped backwards.   :(

Bow and the rack went way up...bow came down in the leaves and the rack in my face.  Punctured my face a couple times right below my cheekbone and scratch me up badly.  Didn't know I was bleeding until I tasted a trace of blood in my mouth.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on January 14, 2005, 06:22:00 PM
ken, Glad you're all right. It don't take but a second, for an accident to change your whole life.

Sounds like, what's left of a nice buck, drew last blood.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Al Kidner on January 14, 2005, 10:03:00 PM
G'day fellas,

  My first post on this years thread. Just love it! Here is another Camel that was spoted on a scouting trip out west. Must sweet talk the owner a l ( more to be able to hunt them. Enjoy...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on January 14, 2005, 11:15:00 PM
Alan, That must be a non-typical camel.

Looks like he's got a tree growing out of his hump. LOL...

I look forward to seeing more of your pictures. I always enjoy them.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Al Kidner on January 15, 2005, 03:50:00 AM
Yeh, I put it down to Camel
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Timo on January 15, 2005, 08:12:00 PM
Me and Greta, on the last night of season. Sorry for the scare folks,it was very cold,(10 below wind chill)and I was all iced up.


Should've killed tonight! Sat on the edge of a rye field,and had deer around me for an hour.Just a bit out of range.Maybe in warmer weather,but with all the cold stiff muscles????? I've been there and done that.I mostly watched.Saw over 20 deer!

Made the mistake of picking up my bow to early.Never got the chance to hang it up again.Finally had to do something,as my fingers were numb stubs!The deer boogered out!

Great way to end the season!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Guru on January 15, 2005, 09:08:00 PM
Not so scary bud,but that bow sure is better looking than you    ;)    :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on January 15, 2005, 09:53:00 PM
Dang Tim you look froze buddy....marco#78 love that bow...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on January 15, 2005, 11:52:00 PM
Tim, Nice picture but too cold for me.

You seemed to be handling it good. Looks like you are even having fun.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on January 16, 2005, 01:45:00 AM
Here's four of my students, me with my daughter and Bill Bailey (Santiam) at a shoot today.  Had a blast.  


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on January 16, 2005, 03:49:00 AM
  You are to be commended for getting more of our youth involved in the outdoors and trad archery in particular. Thank you!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on January 16, 2005, 07:12:00 AM
Hey Timo,

So much for listening to the spring peepers!!!  :saywhat:    :wavey:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on January 16, 2005, 10:48:00 AM
Stan's got those boys building bows also...A couple of them built the bows they are shooting..

 Now thats COOL!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on January 16, 2005, 12:46:00 PM

Thanks for the kind words.  Messing around with kids when you're a kid at heart hardly qualifies as anything above playing.

However, what you and your fellow soldiers do, day in and day out, is something that I can only stand up and say "Thank You" for.

You see, without all of you, and those that came generations before you, doing what you're doing, I wouldn't even have the chance to do what I'm doing.

A big thank you has to go out to Bill as well.  He took the time to get one of those boys straightened out a little bit shooting and after that the student was outshooting the teacher.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SteveMcD on January 17, 2005, 09:36:00 PM
Well Woodchuck and I went out Saturday roaming the woods around Ti Yogi. Looking for a potential rabbit or squirrel... guess with the cold snap they were smarter than we were and stayed inside! We slipped and slided, crunched ice and frozen snow.. navigated ice and flooded timber... but as woodchuck claimed it was "invigorating" just being out and about. it was cold and snowy.. but sure felt good to be out in the woods w/ bow in hand after the deer season... no pressure just having fun. We did manage to "kill" a few field targets while we were at it! We had a blast.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: woodchucker on January 18, 2005, 06:45:00 AM
Steve, Thanks Again for the GREAT Day and the wonderful company!!!!!  Lets do it again soon!!!!!

Happy Hunting!!!   Chuck
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Lee in S.C. on January 20, 2005, 09:24:00 PM
This is my hog hunting honey hole here in SC. The pigs have actually become a problem, they wiped out the food plots I planted for the deer and turkeys. I managed to kill 20 this year 16 with a bow and 4 with a gun, but I havent put a dent in them. They've destroyed this hardwood bottom. Almost every piece of dry ground has been rooted up.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Lee in S.C. on January 20, 2005, 09:26:00 PM
Here is a closeup of some of the damage.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Lee in S.C. on January 20, 2005, 09:33:00 PM
Here ia one of the stands where I do my best to eliminate the problem. BTW the feeders do help keep them out of the food plots. So before all the ethics police attack, understand this stand is set up to KILL hogs efficiently. I also trap them, shoot them with firearms, and catch a few with dogs. I enjoy the bowhunting, the rest is more like a chore.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: ky_longbow on January 21, 2005, 06:50:00 AM
hey Lee is that the "owl" stand? it appears the stand has been moved, or maybe its the angle........hopefully i can help you out in october...........
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on January 21, 2005, 07:28:00 AM
Hey Lee,

My Dad lives in anywhere near there? If you need any "help" thining those hogs out I could arrange a trip to get down there and help a fellow out  ;)    :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: RayMO on January 21, 2005, 08:00:00 AM
Well...I finally got a hog this year. Man they can be hard to bring down. This pic is me with the little piggie 80 pounds and a trophy for me.

Got it at Shiloh Ranch last weekend.


This is a pic of my son Darren (on the left) and his friend Shawn dragging it out. Darren got this one late morning with a ground stalk. Shawn got a 170 pounder, darn big piggy.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on January 21, 2005, 08:21:00 AM
Lee, you just holler if'n you need some deputies to come police them criminal hogs. I know a whole passle of GA boys who'll come a runnin, bows in hand, to help you out. Heck, we wouldn't even charge you anything  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Longbowwally on January 21, 2005, 08:50:00 PM
Sounds like you've got a problem - one I'd be happy to help you solve  :)  . My SC hog hunt'n has been a bust the last two years because of flooding-I hunt some of the public land on the Pee Dee's. Good luck on getting the problem under control and just let me know if you need some help....
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Lee in S.C. on January 22, 2005, 10:09:00 AM
Doug- That is the owl stand, Had to move it when all the foliage came down. The hogs are really moving up and down that bottom.  You not gonna make it down till next Oct?
Yohon- my mom lives near Manning, in Summerton on Lake Marion.
Wally- where are you in NC?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Longbowwally on January 22, 2005, 05:23:00 PM
Lee, I live between Raleigh and Louisburg. I, and a couple of my buddies, usually go down to SC a couple of times a year and hunt hogs on public land. The last two years have not been good, but we had a few good years before that with good success. I love to hunt hogs!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Lee in S.C. on January 22, 2005, 09:35:00 PM
The hogs have taken a beating on the WMA's. Great Pee Dee was flooded and the pigs have moved to surrounding private land. The ones that had alot of pigs were opened to dog hunts. Those guys can thin the herd quick! I usually hunt Santee Coastal Reserve every year and at least get shots, and usually kill a hog. I didnt even see one this year, good side is I saw more deer than I ever have. I heard that the dog hunters killed about 200 in a week long hunt last Feb. Hogs are fun to hunt but they get to be a nuisance quick.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: NEW GUY on January 22, 2005, 10:21:00 PM
Well here is another crudy NEW GUY pic.  I promise when I get a job that I will buy a better camera and learn to be a better photo guy.


That's a rabbit by the way.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Madpigslayer on January 22, 2005, 10:22:00 PM
no...that is a little red "X" surrounded by a box shape.   :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: NEW GUY on January 22, 2005, 10:24:00 PM
ha well maybe this will work

site may be havin troubles
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Madpigslayer on January 22, 2005, 10:30:00 PM
working now! cool!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: NEW GUY on January 22, 2005, 10:37:00 PM
Thx MPS.  I had a great time today with the bootheel boys chasin some rabbits.  Got to meet some new Show-Me State boys.  All fine fellas.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Timo on January 22, 2005, 10:43:00 PM
Way cool bud! With a "shanebanger"?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Meathook on January 22, 2005, 10:47:00 PM
You go boyeeeee
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: NEW GUY on January 22, 2005, 10:53:00 PM
Ha yep Timo with a "shanebanger".

Thx Meathook.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Wandering Eye's on January 23, 2005, 03:22:00 AM
Earlier this week I set out a trail cam, and on the way in I saw 4 rabbits (old railroad tracks).  So Saturday after the foot of snow we got I thought I would give it a try.  Never saw a one.  I think I'll try again today.  

I do have good news for the yank's however.  I did see my first robin of the year!    "[laffsmyl]"

I do not know what that bird was thinking?  I did take a picture and will post when I get it back.  They say thats the first sign of Spring. LOL

Wandering Eye's
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: ky_longbow on January 25, 2005, 05:15:00 AM
it appears that i cant make it back down until october,but MAYBE there is a possibility in march,not excatly sure but if it looks promising ill give you a shout!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on January 27, 2005, 01:18:00 PM
This is the view of Ben Lomond from behind my house.


There are three species of deer in the area, Red, Roe and Fallow.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on January 27, 2005, 01:50:00 PM
Hey, good lookin country Jock. Don't be shy with that camera.  Thanks
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on January 27, 2005, 02:16:00 PM
Got THAT right, O Rough One! I would like to see more of the land that my ancesters left behind. Calms my spirit, somehow. As I recall, you are outside Glasgow, right, Jock?

My folks (some of them) hailed from Whitinch.

Killdeer  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on January 27, 2005, 02:37:00 PM
Robin and Killdeer,

Not a problem, passed through Whiteinch last week but was workin, didn't have the camera with me, but I'll definately get some photos for you Killdeer.
Didn't think anybody would be interested in Scotland, seeing that Bowhunting is banned here.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: jeff w on January 27, 2005, 02:49:00 PM
I too would like to see more of Scotland.  Jock, have you ever climbed/visited Ben Nevies?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on January 27, 2005, 03:06:00 PM

Climbed it Feb, 1966, was on an outward bound course with the school, ate our packed lunches on the summit, was the coldest place I've ever been in my life, very special place and absolutely packed with Red Deer.
Will have to get some photos now, problem is the weather, the last couple of days have been fine but we have had an awfull spell of damp weather here since before Christmass, the light has been that bad I've had to drive with the lights on all day.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on January 27, 2005, 03:28:00 PM
Jock, Great picture. A wonderful view, from you home. Makes you want to get up every morning just to check it out.

Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Rangeball on January 27, 2005, 03:56:00 PM
Why is bowhunting banned?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SteveMcD on January 27, 2005, 09:45:00 PM
Jock, I loved your pic! Scotland is one of the most beautiful places on earth!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on January 28, 2005, 12:20:00 PM
I'm a wee bit overwhelmed, but you guys are right, this is one beatifull place and I sometimes get complacent about it, anyway, here are some more local pictures.

This is a spit of land that my friend, who owns the local Trout fishery, leases to me, I've made a permanent camp on it and a small 3D layout, you can just make out a deer target at the bottom of the tree nearest the water

This is the path leading to said camp, which, incidently is called Camp David(after my eldest son)

These are the Balmaha Hills on the South East coast of Loch lomond, mostly Red Deer with a few Roe

This is a different view of the hills directly behind my house.

These are the Black Cuillins(mountains) of Skye, which is an Island off the West Coast of Scotland
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on January 28, 2005, 12:36:00 PM
Great pictures John. Looks like plenty of places ta strech your legs[ or maybe wear them out] You got a great camp. Thanks for letting me travel a bit this morning  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Rangeball on January 28, 2005, 12:40:00 PM
Took this pic while walking out on my second bowhunt of '05, last of the '04/'05 season-


The woods were beautiful, nice glowing orange sunset which the pic doesn't do proper justice...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SteveMcD on January 28, 2005, 02:31:00 PM
You're bringin' tears to my eyes, Jock. My name is McDonald and I am very proud of my ancestry.
I worked in Greenock several years ago on assignment.... a suburb of Glasgow. I use to stay in Largs a lot, across from the Isle of Arran. Loved it! It was as you would say... "Grand"!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoubowman on January 28, 2005, 03:06:00 PM
Spent three years in Scotland while in the Navy. Without a doubt one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.  I was stationed at a small base in a little place called Edzell. It has since been closed down. Great memories of my time there.  Thanks for sharing the pics.  Hope to get back one day for a visit.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Dalebow on January 30, 2005, 11:51:00 AM

Anytime you want to come to Ky we can hunt some deer, we have a four month season for bow hunting, can't promise you a deer but you will see em and also turkeys which are also open for archery for 4 months:-)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Lee in S.C. on January 30, 2005, 02:08:00 PM
Here are some game cam pics from earlier this year. I set it up about a week ago overlooking a hog trap I had baited up. Camera took the remainderof the roll (24 exp) and only a few came out. These were the best of the lot. BTW I caugt three hogs in the trap Thursday night. Two boars and a sow.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Lee in S.C. on January 30, 2005, 02:29:00 PM
This is the same group I think. Just at a different time.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Doug Campbell on January 30, 2005, 02:39:00 PM
Purty stuff John, probably never make it but would like to see the land of my ancestors some day. Thanks for the glimpse!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on January 30, 2005, 02:47:00 PM
Never say never!!
Dale, thanks for the offer bud, ye jist never know!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Stekewood on January 30, 2005, 06:28:00 PM
Here's a picture from last week in Florida.  It's a cypress stand that's much drier than usual.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on February 06, 2005, 12:29:00 PM
I found this topic way back on page 6. It's one that I really enjoy and hate to see it just fade away. I thought I would bring it "to the top", with a hunt.


Yesterday,Murray Landry (Trooper) and I decided to take advantage of the extended bow season in Louisiana's area 6. This would be the first time, for either one of us, to have the opportunity to Bowhunt deer during the month of February.

We in Louisiana, are blessed with huge areas of Public land to hunt. We decide to hunt the Sherburne area, about 40 miles West of Baton Rouge. Inside the Sherburne boundaries consist of three land owners. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries owns 11,780 acres. Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge has 15,220 acres and the Corps of Engineers is 17,000 acres. Doing the math that totals up to 44,000 acres. Now if that's not enough room to hunt, just across the Atchafalaya river is the 28,480 acre Indian Bayou area.


Our hunt started off, on a portion of the Sherburne WMA and it didn't take long for us to realized the high water had the entire area flooded. The only thing out of water was the levee roads.


Realizing that this area wasn't huntable we relocated to another part of the area. Once there, after a 2 mile, wheeler ride, we walked out a large area without finding anything that looked like a high percentage hunt. We did see three deer though, that were traveling our way. Murray dropped down into a natural blind furnished by the root system of a tree, hoping for a shot but the deer passed through out of range.


Back at the truck we had lunch and decided to relocate to another part of the area. We would be using our wheelers on a 4 mile ATV trail, to try and locate a high percentage hunt. We were about 2 miles into the trail when I realized that Murray had fell behind. I rode back to where he was and saw he had a flat tire.


He decide to work his way back towards the trucks and make a hunt. I watched him ride off with a flat before continuing on.


I walked into an area with my equipment. I was going to walk until I found something that I thought would work and climb. It only took about 5 minutes to get to some flood water. I was making my way through it, looking for a small ridge to set up on when I jumped about 6 deer. They had been laying on a small piece of ground out of water. It was pretty spectacular watching them running off through knee deep water.

The water was too deep for my boots so I just parallel it until I found a good set up. I was hoping that a deer would be traveling through along the edge of the water.


My plan worked but the deer I saw was out in the water instead of along the edge. When I turned my light on to climb down there was no end to the splashing. It sounded like lots of deer running off in the water. When I go back, I'll use hip boots to go out into the water and set up.

Murray was able to make it back to the truck with his flat tire after making a hunt. He had found some Nuttall Oaks with a few acorns and had a deer come in right at dark but before the deer got into position for him to take a shot, it just disappeared in the darkness. Maybe next time.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on February 06, 2005, 12:45:00 PM

Great story and photos, as usuall.

Many thanks  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Kindred Mark on February 06, 2005, 01:41:00 PM
Here are a few shots from my Cam Tracker this year.  Didn't harvest any of them that I caught on camera, but did get a nice one.

  web page (  
  web page (  
  web page (
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Kindred Mark on February 06, 2005, 02:05:00 PM
These deer were moving at night and come October, I will be chasing them again.  Maybe one of these guys will cooperate in 2005. I like knowing that these guys are in the area even if my camera is the only one who sees them.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on February 06, 2005, 03:01:00 PM
Thanks for bringing this back TTT. Went skwerlin yesterday, no skwerls but I got this stump pretty good. Beautful day. (
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bearcurve on February 06, 2005, 03:48:00 PM
I too went stump shooting-squack hunting-turkey scouting. Got to try out my new Catts sidekick quiver. Love it! Beautiful morning here, got up to near 60dgrs. A Longbow, Judo-tipped wood arrows, and a day off from work-Thanks Lord for a wonderful day!! The squirrels where everywhere here this time last year. Haven't even seen one here since oct. A buddy of mine was on the job surveying some land near here. Heard a Gobbler sound off about 8am. Beleive it or not my wifes Tulips are coming up today. Gobbler time will be here before you know it! Love this time of the year!!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: gregg dudley on February 06, 2005, 05:53:00 PM
Warren, you are absolutely right about how spectacular deer look as they lope across a swamp.  It is spectacular to say the least.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on February 06, 2005, 08:57:00 PM
Spent a great day on top following this kitty around. Let me tell you a traveling tom covers some ground.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on February 06, 2005, 09:01:00 PM
The cat dropped off into this canyon an out of the snow. Ain't good enough ta follow on bare ground like my pups can. I would a taken a pic of my track but my butt was draggin it out.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bearcurve on February 25, 2005, 07:39:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on February 26, 2005, 10:11:00 AM
Got them to look back with a calf call
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bearcurve on February 26, 2005, 04:31:00 PM
Beautiful looking country RC! And Elk to top it off!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Guru on February 26, 2005, 04:34:00 PM
RC, Awesome place to hunt bud!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on February 26, 2005, 09:30:00 PM
Thanks guys, I've been to lots of different country and a lot of it is special but this country is home. I acually feal more at home when I'm up here than in my own living room.

I think I already posted a picture of camp but this is my main tranportation for me and the dogs in the winter.
I'm packin a bow this winter for the first time. I found some big bulls last trip and hope to get some pics that show them good enough for this thread.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Doug Campbell on February 26, 2005, 10:02:00 PM
Looks good Robin! Heck we aint got enough snow left down here to even think about floatin a snow machine. Enjoy it, I'm jealous.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: adkmountainken on February 26, 2005, 10:15:00 PM
was hunting lake trout last week on a local lake. caught 2 20 inchers but had to let them go. my buddy had a real moose but lost him bringing him up the hole, looked like a 10-12 pounder.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on February 27, 2005, 04:45:00 AM
This is a truly fantastic thread.

Robin, your photos are jist "Pure Dead Brilliant" my friend!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on February 27, 2005, 09:29:00 AM
That picture has me lookin for my long johns. Whats the elevation at that lake?

Doug, We have just enough snow to use a sled if you take it easy. If you get below 4000 ft you hit bare patches.

John, I've been waiting for more of your pictures from Scotland. I sure liked the ones you posted.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on February 27, 2005, 12:43:00 PM
The only hunting I've been doing lately is for shed antlers. My son and I were out a week ago and found a piebald Blacktail fawn with it's mother. I've seen a few piebald's in the past, but never with this much white on it. TK

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on February 27, 2005, 12:46:00 PM
That photo of the fawn is just superb, WOW!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on February 27, 2005, 12:51:00 PM
Thanks Jock!

They allowed us to approach to within 20-25 yards for some pics. Glad I had my son with me!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: adkmountainken on February 27, 2005, 01:31:00 PM
not sure on the elevation but the peaks looked real high!! might do some deer hunting there this year.
 Awesome pic of the fawn!!! would get that one framed!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on February 27, 2005, 03:43:00 PM
Ron, I'm really impressed with the pictures of the fawn. Thanks for posting.

It's good to see this thread back on page one.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on February 27, 2005, 03:46:00 PM

Great pics, that must have been awesome to have your son share that with you.  I hope you don't mind, I've copied that to my computer for a background pic.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on February 28, 2005, 08:13:00 AM
No problem David, glad you liked it!

I took the photos, but all the credit goes to the deer themselves. It's almost like they know this little guy/gal? is something special. When we first saw them they ran off a little ways but then stopped and started feeding. The closer we got the more relaxed they seemed to get, and before long they began feeding toward us and basically forgot about us as if we weren't there!

The doe even has some spotting on her hindend and lower abdomen.

Unfortinately they are a ton of predators in this area including poachers! The odds are against this deer for reaching maturity.  :(  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on February 28, 2005, 08:55:00 AM
Just natural selection at work. Genetic mutations that make the organism less viable are gradually phased out. This phenotype is highly visible, and in a creature whose first line of evasion relies upon non-detection, undesireable.

That being said, great pics, and it is neat to see the unusual when in the woods. It adds to the magic.

Killdeer  :wavey:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 28, 2005, 10:03:00 AM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on February 28, 2005, 10:36:00 AM
What ya know a blind ground hog! LOL  :D    :wavey:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on February 28, 2005, 11:28:00 AM
Charlie needs to show the fifth arrow pic. The arrow with the grenade on the business end. LOL!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 28, 2005, 11:32:00 AM
That arrow didn't survive!!  :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 28, 2005, 12:17:00 PM
here's a before photo

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: cajunbowhntr on February 28, 2005, 12:22:00 PM
Ahhh the infamous ninja ground squirrel.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on March 01, 2005, 11:09:00 PM
TTT with this picture. It's that time of the year again.


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on March 01, 2005, 11:18:00 PM
That looks like a keeper Warren!

Here's a weird buck shed I found a couple weeks ago. It has a "rooster comb" growth on the back of the main beam.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on March 01, 2005, 11:22:00 PM
Ron, That is unusual. Is that from a Blacktail buck?

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Shaun on March 01, 2005, 11:39:00 PM
Charley, you missed the squerrel, but you're killin me, laughed out loud. Man, been there, done that.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jason R. Wesbrock on March 02, 2005, 12:19:00 AM

Do you still have that photo of the squirrel and arrow falling out of a tree? That's one of my favorites.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tom Lagatol on March 02, 2005, 04:46:00 AM
Great Photo Charlie!....Is that him givin you the finger I see??? LOL
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Charlie Lamb on March 02, 2005, 08:31:00 AM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Goose on March 02, 2005, 08:34:00 AM
That's a cool picture....a tad large, but cool.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Charlie Lamb on March 02, 2005, 10:41:00 PM
Bringing it back up for Jason.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on March 02, 2005, 11:33:00 PM
That is a great picture Charlie.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on March 02, 2005, 11:48:00 PM
Warren...that IS a Blacktail shed, just a freaky piece of bone!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on March 03, 2005, 07:54:00 AM
Hello everybody, this is my first attempt to post photos.  I found myself in Arizona the last week of January, hunting rutting coues and mule deer there for the first time.  This first photo shows my first area, in the mountains just north of the Mexican border.  From this perch I saw over 20 coues deer, including 4 bucks chasing or pestering does.

However, too many illegal aliens and border patrol agents spooked me and the deer, so I moved to another area.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on March 03, 2005, 07:57:00 AM
I relocated to the foothill area of this unit, with rolling hills and numerous oak trees.  As beautiful as it was, I didn't see many deer.


The only deer I had seen were coues deer and I wanted to also hunt some mule deer, so I continued moving down in elevation, to the plains area of the Sonoran desert.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on March 03, 2005, 07:57:00 AM
Nice photo Jeff, Godwilling, I'll be in Arizona on the 14th, really looking forward to it.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on March 03, 2005, 08:01:00 AM
I finally found some mule deer in this last area, with low hills and plains.  As hoped, the bucks were chasing the does and I finally got in several stalks.  Not huge bucks, but at least I was hunting.

The range in the background runs into Mexico at the left edge of the photo.  This was a beautiful area with new and different sights, smells and sounds.  A jaguar was photographed in this area several years ago.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on March 03, 2005, 08:03:00 AM
I was surprised to have rain in the desert, and enjoyed the colors in the landscape that at first seemed bleak and harsh, but was actually full of life.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on March 03, 2005, 08:04:00 AM
Oops, I forgot to add this photo....

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on March 03, 2005, 08:09:00 AM
My last photo shows the only animal that I stalked within range of.  Of course, I didn't have a javalina tag!


It was a nice bowhunting adventure and I hope to return next January.  The only downside was the amount of illegal aliens passing through this area, something that made me worry about my safety as a loner instead of focusing on the animals.  I had planned on "coyote hunting", sleeping wherever the night found me as i followed the deer, but upon the advice of the border patrol agents I encountered, I slept in my locked truck with my 2 friends, Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on March 03, 2005, 08:23:00 AM
Always an excellent choice of companions! That certainly is a beautiful place. Your first picture made me feel the spirit of the land. I don't know if I would see any game out there at all, I would be so busy scanning the ground for chipped stone. That was a grand hunt indeed!

Killdeer  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BrandoninAZ on March 03, 2005, 08:34:00 AM
Jeff, that second pic looks like the backside of the Huachucas, am I right?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on March 03, 2005, 09:13:00 AM
Jeff, You did a great job posting your first batch of pictures. I look forward to seeing lot's more.

Thank you for sharing.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Terry Green on March 03, 2005, 09:19:00 AM
Thanks Jeff!!!!!!....nice pics.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on March 03, 2005, 09:31:00 AM
Really nice Jeff, Thanks.
I have the pamplet that Mr Warner Glen put together on the jaguar he bayed up. It's the first wild Jaguar ever taken on film in the United States. It has several pictures and the story how they ended up with the cat bayed in the rocks. He called it Eyes of Fire. Good stuff
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: TexMex on March 03, 2005, 12:17:00 PM
Really nice pictures, thanks
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk@Work on March 03, 2005, 12:21:00 PM
Hey Jeff,

Great pics as usual.  Are those still the same arrows from the moose hunt?  

Great to see you posting pics here.

Take care,
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on March 03, 2005, 01:17:00 PM
Thanks, and to think they came from a wal-mart disposable camera!  I really need to buy a decent digital camera and carry it all the time.

Yes, David, same arrows - I'm cheap!

Brandon, that ridge is actually part of the Tumacacori mountains.

Killdeer, I always kept one eye on the ground but was not lucky enough to find any arrowheads.  I even spent time in this cave, blackened from many fires, without luck.  I could almost feel the ghosts of the past, and wondered just who and what had used this cave throughout time...

Tracks in the dirt revealed that the most recent visitor was a large cat.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Mark Normand on March 03, 2005, 08:20:00 PM
Very interesting pics Jeff, thx for posting.  Much different than swamps here.   :-))
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jason R. Wesbrock on March 03, 2005, 10:55:00 PM


What a heck of a shot, for both your and the guy on the camera.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on March 03, 2005, 11:09:00 PM
Jeff , where do ya get tag for the ilegals aliens????????....what the best bait...  :scared:    :thumbsup:  IM JUST KIDDING PEOPLE , lighten up its all good...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: WoodChips on March 04, 2005, 12:26:00 AM
Those are some great pictures. Beautiful country. Hope to get out there someday. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on March 04, 2005, 07:12:00 AM
Roughcountry, I couldn't get over the beauty of the jaguar in the photos I saw.  Big cats fascinate me.  It reminded me of a story I heard about a hunter in south or central america, who hunted them with a spear.  I'd love to learn more about him, if anybody knows.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: RayMO on March 04, 2005, 07:47:00 AM
Jeff the pics are just great. Next best thing to actually being there. I especially like the one of the bow next to the cactus.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on March 04, 2005, 09:24:00 AM
The spear hunters name was Shasha Semiual or something like that. There are two or three books about his hunts but they are long out of print and very expensive. I've seen a few for sale but way out of my price range.
  When they quit letting you bring the hide of the jaguar back into the united states it stopped most the hunting of the cats for profit. I have a couple books by outfitters that ran hunts in cental and south america. Real good reading but I don't remember one story of someone using a bow.

Mr Glen in his booklet says it was his all time hunting highlite when he bayed the cat up. Thats says a lot, he's been hunting and guiding hunters for most of his life. All the profits for his booklet went to a fund to pay ranchers for any preadation the cat caused. They tryed to head off a listing under the endangered spec. act but failed I think.
  If it was legal to bring back the hide a jaguar hunt would be at the top of my list for the ultimate hunt. I'd love to do it with a bow but notice most of the guys who hunted them carried shotguns. Bad kitty in a scrape I think.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on March 04, 2005, 11:49:00 AM
Hey Robin, Ya got room for a Texas Boar hunter in Oregon next year during cat season? I'd love to do a little kitty pestering! CK
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on March 04, 2005, 02:22:00 PM
CK, Got room for you in my camp anytime. I tryed to see what the chances would be this winter on getting a big cat without dogs. It was a bad year snow wise so wasn't a fair test. I did find one kill that I could of got a cat off of, problem was she was a young female so I didn't sit on it.
 They are trying to introduce a bill to bring back the dogs on a limited basis. Trying to stop our deer & elk from the big nose dive their on. Don't know if our Governer will sign it. I know you don't want one with dogs but at least if you missed getting a shot we could send you home with a great picture. You sure never forget when one locks those eyes on you. Kind of the same as landing a huge gamefish takin a pic and letting him go. Better than a harvest in my book.

I might have a deal thought out on our fall bear also. I'll give it a try this fall and let you know if it's good enough odds for the darn out of state fees. Don't know that I'd say the cat odds are very good after this winters huntin. If you ever get up this way I'll have extra firewood cut. I've heard you really like things cool after living in that heat all the time.

The tent don't have anything electric so your safe that way.  ;)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on March 04, 2005, 03:54:00 PM
Got to feelin bad about all the yakin and no pics. There are three little forked horn CFU's here [ cougar food units] One's behind the tree and one had lost one horn. We were seeing who would blink first. They never did leave, I just walked off.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on March 05, 2005, 08:59:00 AM
This shed antler from a Scottish Red Stag is about the best I've ever seen, 7 points.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on March 05, 2005, 02:09:00 PM
Awesome find Jock that is gorgeous.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Glenn Newell on March 05, 2005, 04:44:00 PM
Thar's a good looking antler Jock, does the bay tine have a basil snag coming off it?...Glenn...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on March 05, 2005, 10:26:00 PM
Thanks Tim, my buddy's a Head Stalker on the Isle Of Jura, his son hunts shed antlers for the eastern market(very lucrative)and came home one day with this antler and it's neighbor, made hime an offer he couldn't refuse and aquired them both  :D  

Glenn, good to see you posting again. No, what you're seeing is actually a small leaf under the Bay tine.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on March 06, 2005, 07:39:00 AM
Glen, Did you get my bow built yet? Just kidding Bud! Hope your new house is comming along nicely! CK
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Glenn Newell on March 06, 2005, 03:27:00 PM
House is coming along Curtis, a bit slow since a fire wiped me out of work truck and all of my tools on a house I was renovating, but I'm getting going with a few tools again. Roof is arriving thismorning and after the roof is on I will take a few days off and do some goat and pig hunting...Glenn...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on April 08, 2005, 03:30:00 AM
Here's some more shots from around my area

Loch Chon

Waterfall at Inversnaid(Rob Roy country)
Typical hill Roedeer habitat
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on April 08, 2005, 10:04:00 AM
Cool pics John, Thanks  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: The Ursus on April 08, 2005, 03:07:00 PM
Southeast Alaska Mtn. Goat hunting with Chris (juneaulongbow) Fannin.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on April 08, 2005, 03:39:00 PM
You're welcome Robin, would love to see some more shots of Oregon  :)  
Luke, that photo is stunning  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Glenn Newell on April 08, 2005, 10:15:00 PM
Beautifull looking Jock, "Monarch of the Glen" country. Are roe deer native or introduced to Scotland?...Glenn...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on April 08, 2005, 11:56:00 PM
Roe and Red are indigenous here, Fallow were introduced by the Romans, Sika, Muntjack and Chinese Water Deer have all been introduced in modern times  :)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on April 09, 2005, 09:58:00 AM
Great pic Luke, make my legs shake.

John, I'll try an get some good pics this spring, thats our pretty time in the hills. I didn't draw a spring bear tag but I'm gonna help a couple other hunters spot.
I'll try to get some decent shots. Wished I could get the sounds and smells on film.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on April 09, 2005, 10:37:00 AM
Excellent Robin, lok forward to them  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on April 09, 2005, 11:35:00 PM
Went up & pulled my winter camp out today. There was a fresh dusting of snow up high and this fella was showin off.
I was camoed as a dodge pickup, he though the desil engine was doin a gobble or something I guess.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on April 09, 2005, 11:40:00 PM
I took this picture on the way down of some of our elk winter ground. It's just starting to get a green tint and I found a few groups of elk laying in the sun with the binos.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on April 10, 2005, 02:06:00 AM
That's more like it  :)  specially the landscape  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Longbowwally on April 29, 2005, 10:32:00 PM
Got my first turkey with the bow this morning - a jake. Had rain off and on this morning- as soon as it stopped after a heavier than usual downpour, the field I was hunting in came alive with game. Saw about 15 deer, then shot this jake about 9:40 a.m., then had another opportunity on a jake but passed as we can only shoot one turkey per day here in NC.
The big 160 grain snuffer hit the bird at the top of the drumstick quartering away, he tried to fly down into the woods and made it aboout 75 yards. The string tracker, setup per Guru's instructions  :thumbsup:  ,made the recovery a snap. This bird left a pretty good blood trail but I was still glad I was using the string tracker.

Here's a pic of the other jake and a deer:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on April 29, 2005, 10:46:00 PM
Congratulations, Wally. That's a great accomplishment. I'm proud of you.

Enjoyed the pictures, would have liked to seen one with your smiling face in it.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: ArkansasHunter on April 29, 2005, 11:52:00 PM
Hey WTG Wally. I know there are more pics from turkey hunts out there and Id love to see em. JA
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on April 30, 2005, 04:27:00 AM
Excellent, well done!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on April 30, 2005, 10:35:00 AM
Great hunt, Wally. That doe sure looks full o'fawn, don't she! Thanks for the pictures.

Killdeer  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Steve Humphrey on April 30, 2005, 10:59:00 AM
Our turkey season opened April 27th, but the weather has been wet and cold after being an exceptionally warm spring. Birds are very quiet, after coming off the roost they shut up. The only tom I seen was about 200 yds in full strut on the neighboring farm where I don't have permisson to hunt and he didn't pay any attention to my calls. Tried to get a picture but he was too far to pick out with a digital zoom. (

Later in the afternoon I came upon these two feathered friends floating in a pool in the stream. (
They are in the center between the two small trees.

A closer look. (

It's been raining again this morning so I may try again later. Hope they get a little more vocal.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Longbowwally on April 30, 2005, 05:08:00 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments....I took some self-timer pics of me and the bird but they didn't turn out very good as I was kinda rushed cause it was raining, camera getting wet, me getting wet..... so I didn't take the time I like to on pics.....I also learned you shouldn't try to get a pic of your turkeys tail fanned out in front of you if you're wearing a black shirt on a dark overcast day  :)  ...
Killdeer good observation! I hadn't noticed till you mentioned it but she sure does look very pregnant....
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on April 30, 2005, 05:13:00 PM
Way to go Wally!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Slimpikins on April 30, 2005, 10:06:00 PM
my season is over after a hunt this morning. heard birds in the distance but had no luck calling them in. i hunted this turkey a few times, and even missed him at 30 yards as i spooked him. a man ended up shooting at him 2 seperate times with a shotgun and i never saw him again.
he was running and i got lucky and got the majority of him in the frame as he ran off.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Slimpikins on April 30, 2005, 10:08:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Slimpikins on April 30, 2005, 10:08:00 PM
sorry, i cant get the pic to come up.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Doug Campbell on May 01, 2005, 10:34:00 PM
Well there are things to hunt besides gophers and turkeys in the Spring. Took a little circle to look for bear sign this afternoon. No bears but did bring home a few horns.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Timo on May 01, 2005, 10:41:00 PM
Nice loafers Doug!  "[tunglaff]"
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Doug Campbell on May 01, 2005, 11:49:00 PM
Dems moccasins man  :knothead:  danged comfortable fer just knockin around the house!What's a loafer?  :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Joseph on May 02, 2005, 02:38:00 AM
Doug, is that one in your right hand a 5 or 6 point?  Joseph
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: timbow on May 02, 2005, 05:51:00 AM thats what i call a "Gagle" of antlers,,,,looks like some GREAT knife handle material!!!!CONGRATS!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on May 02, 2005, 06:39:00 AM
Doug, careful now, I'm going to have to move to Montana soon.  I can only imagine.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Longbowwally on May 04, 2005, 08:23:00 PM
Here's a few pics from my turkey hunt this morning...
View from my blind as the fog rolls in over the beaver pond in the distance:
Here's a few pics of a gobbler strutting about 150 yards away from my blind. I called him in later but he ignored my hen decoy and walked by at 25 yards never giving me a shot. I knew I should have put out my jake decoy this morning!
Here's a pic of one of several hens I had feed by me this morning:
What a great morning to be hunting...No game taken, but the enjoyment and memories make this hunt a success!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on May 04, 2005, 08:25:00 PM
Great pics Wally, and I agree, it was a success.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Guru on May 05, 2005, 04:55:00 AM
Wallt,Way to go,isn't it great to get one with a bow? Good for you man.

 NICE!!!  Doug   WOW!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on May 05, 2005, 05:22:00 AM
Excellent pictures  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Terry Green on May 05, 2005, 09:03:00 AM
My Saturday afternoon solo hog hunt was canceled.  Yeah, had big plans to slip back in to that area JC and I found last week.  Had to cancel due to getting hit up by a blue eyed blond that wanted to go fishing.......

Tell me, .....could you have turned her down?


She caught these four all by herself on a Nipa Diddy top water bait.....


And she wanted a pic of her holding 'The Baby' he he.....

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: ber643 on May 05, 2005, 09:19:00 AM
Beautiful, Terry - No way to turn that face down.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on May 05, 2005, 12:27:00 PM
All I can say to that question Terry is, "Where do you wanna fish?".  I'm with Bernie, no way to say no to her, nope, just can't...

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on May 07, 2005, 10:06:00 PM
Real purdy day in the woods, my oldest decided he wanted to walk his legs off helping me look for hogs. Lots of good sign, and we heard either a deer or hog bust outta it's bed on the way in but no pork on the meatpole tonight. Can't think of a better way to spend a beautiful spring day though....  (
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on May 07, 2005, 10:23:00 PM
Terry and JC those are some great pictures, sure puts a smile on my face. Its awesome when your child says lets go fishin' today or can we shoot our bows now? Please! Thanks for sharing.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JasonV on May 08, 2005, 12:57:00 AM
Hunted this morning next to a massive oak between the roost and the field - hoped the oak would allow me to draw as the bird passed by - pretty sure it would've worked if I could've sweet-talked a tom into cooperating.
No such luck, but I did manage to call in a fox - he circled my dekes a couple of times wondering what the heck they were.  Then had 2 deer feed past, just on the other side of the dekes.
Both times just too close to turn and get my camera out - I beat myself up for an hour for not keeping the camera handy - the fox sniffing the decoys would've been an awesome pic...  :knothead:  

Beautiful morning to be in the woods though (aren't they all?)

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on May 08, 2005, 04:49:00 AM
Terry n JC,

Handsome children  :thumbsup:  


Crackin Picture!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on May 08, 2005, 07:14:00 AM
Does my heart good to see these pics. Terry, that li'l gal is the prettiest ladybug I ever saw! You and JC sure got your priorities straight!

Jason, if the camera is ready, nothing happens.  "[tunglaff]"  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on May 08, 2005, 10:05:00 AM
My son Luke and I went out Saturday morning looking for a wild turkey, but came home only with tired and sore feet.

We did stumble upon a couple male ruffed grouse that were having a dispute over territory and managed to get a few pics of one of them.  TK

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on May 08, 2005, 10:16:00 AM
Last weekend we were on a bear hunt in Northeast Oregon and found a couple of elk sheds. Nothing real big, but they're still fun to look at! Here's a pic of my son's Cody and Luke holding the sheds.  TK

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on May 08, 2005, 07:07:00 PM
Nice TK, nothin like havin your boys involved in what you love to do. That close up of the grouse belongs on a Oregon travel brochure....
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on May 08, 2005, 11:13:00 PM
Didn't get a spring bear tag so I'm hunting with the cameras this spring. Got a little bear footage on the vidio today and suprised these two. The fawn has bumps on his head, another long eared buck in the making.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on May 08, 2005, 11:27:00 PM
I snaped this pic of a storm coming, then made tracks for the pickup. I beat it by a good margin and was treated to natures rock concert complete with light show. When your on the tops it makes you feel small.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on May 09, 2005, 05:33:00 AM
I think it is important to have something out there to make us feel small. We get bloody arrogant, otherwise.

Great shots of your beautiful neck o' the woods, as usual, Robin!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on May 09, 2005, 01:22:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on May 12, 2005, 09:32:00 PM
Hiked into a secluded meadow this morning and hung up my trailcam for the summer. On the way in I saw 7 elk, all cow's except for this spike with exceptional antler growth for this early in the year.  Sorry for the fuzzy pic, he was a long shot away!


There was half a dozen nice bull rubs from last fall. This 6" diameter fir had been hammered all the way around.


There were quite afew Sandhill Cranes getting ready to nest in the swampy meadows. This one kept it's distance from me, but never took to the air!


From the elk sign it looked like the elk have been on the summer range for several weeks. That's not all that unusual as the cow's like to get up there before they drop their calves.


The area was thick with Tree Swallows getting ready to nest in their US Govt' supplied housing. These little guys eat a gazillion skeeters during the summer. In a month or two they'll be FAT!


I'll go back and check the camera in a couple weeks and hopefully have some new pics to show.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on May 13, 2005, 12:35:00 AM
This is typical Roe Dear habitat


If you look carefully, there's a doe feeding here


This buck was starting to shed his winter coat when my buddy shot him

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on May 13, 2005, 12:55:00 AM
Nice pics Ron & John, Thanks  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on May 13, 2005, 07:46:00 PM
Great pics guys.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: ber643 on May 14, 2005, 06:45:00 AM
Great pics - love the Bison.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on May 26, 2005, 12:46:00 AM
Starling, 28 yards, two witnesses, nutter, 46# River's Edge Longbow.


This fella showed up in our live trap down by the duck pond.  Not trad. bow related, but thought you might enjoy.


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on May 26, 2005, 05:38:00 AM
Now THERE'S a little spot of home away from home! Looks like a very happy place indeed, Jock!

Killdeer  :wavey:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on May 26, 2005, 05:40:00 AM
Stan, that is one of the finest uses for a longbow that I can think of. Betcha can't hit a brown-headed cowbird...  ;)  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on May 26, 2005, 08:03:00 AM
Jock, I really like your custom made (Scotland Chapter) sign.

I don't think you could find a better place to hang it.

Great looking picture, as usual.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Meathook on May 26, 2005, 08:06:00 AM
Jock, I was wondering where your ever present dog was then I realized he must be taking the picture.    "[tunglaff]"
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on May 26, 2005, 11:15:00 AM
Yup, you got it in one Meat, very intelligent mut  ;)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: mike hall on May 30, 2005, 10:07:00 PM
Here's a perty one my wife snapped behind our home this weekend.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Shaun on May 30, 2005, 10:11:00 PM
Love the target bag hanging on the swing set, gotta work on those timing shots too.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: zwickey2bl on May 30, 2005, 11:54:00 PM
Regarding Sasha Siemel, his autobiography was called Tigrero, I believe, and if I ever see it for sale reasonable I'll buy it. There is a good chapter about him in Peter Capstick's book Death in the Silent Places. Fascinating.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Timo on June 01, 2005, 12:09:00 AM
Snapped this pic last sat morn, Old momma snapper laying the next generation.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BenBow on June 01, 2005, 10:17:00 AM
Ain't she pretty!!! Wow look at that smile. She's a new mom in waiting!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: WaKeDa BT on June 01, 2005, 10:20:00 AM
She's grinnin cause she thinks there might be a finger in the vicinity soon.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Brute killer on June 02, 2005, 12:08:00 AM
A turtle shell that led to a shot on a hog.
Check out the 2005 highlights.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on June 05, 2005, 04:59:00 PM
Its been awhile since I posted here. Today I went to my lease property to situate some stands and decided to snap some pics. Here is the field I always see hogs in. The rooting is where the pigs were when I shot one two days ago. There is a creek in the far tree line.


Here is the creek the pigs like to cool off in.


The surrounding brush and Live Oak trees.


And the pond on the other end of the lease that the creek runs into. Talk about Hog Heaven!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on June 05, 2005, 05:22:00 PM
Neat looking piece Curt, it looks like the kind of southern place even I could hunt!  :bigsmyl:  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Guru on June 05, 2005, 10:24:00 PM
CK, That's some great looking hog country bro  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: kojac on June 06, 2005, 04:33:00 PM
Spring here in Montana, the quality is not the best. Real strong wind guest on this high hillside. Not to mention the 2adults birds telling me I'm a little to close.  

In the next couple days I'll get in there with no wind and my 35mm.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on June 13, 2005, 11:11:00 AM
I went to my lease property yesterday to do some evening pig shooting. The wildlife was out and moving. It was a great evening sit. Here is 4 turkey I saw first.


A lone Hen that eased through a little later.


Then a couple of deer came down the creek looking for some relief from the heat.


Finally as darkness started closing in a lone boar hog appears. I wasn't aware that my flash was turned on till I flash burned him. Notice the sparkle in his eye. He was gone!!!!


About ten minutes after this hog left a herd of about 12 started easing down the creek in front of me. Several got within range but they all had small shoats with them. I decided to let the pigs walk unmollested this evening and just enjoy their presence. Hope you enjoy the pics. CK
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Skinner on June 13, 2005, 04:51:00 PM
Just playing longbow games with some carp and  (  my Trad Gang shirt on.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: WaKeDa BT on June 13, 2005, 04:59:00 PM
Nice carps.

CK, must get boring and agervatin at da same time wid all dem critters interupting your nap time.  ;)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on July 05, 2005, 04:43:00 PM
I don't want anyone thinking I've fallin off the hunt wagon. Im still at it when I get a little time. Here are a few pics from Saturday evenings hunt. Enjoy. The hog is the same one I've gotten pics of before. He is smart. The turkey I saw didn't come close enough for a good pic either. CK



Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on July 22, 2005, 02:49:00 AM
Some More Views Of Scotland

Loch Lomond

Loch Long

The Cobbler(Ben Chruachan)

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: wlmorris on July 22, 2005, 03:59:00 AM
Jock, Great pictures,thanks for sharing.
 Beautiful country.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on July 22, 2005, 04:19:00 AM
Thanks Walter, Yup, yer right  ;)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on July 22, 2005, 05:17:00 AM
Glorious! That is some GREEN!

Killdeer  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on July 22, 2005, 06:19:00 AM
Thanks Jock!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: ber643 on July 22, 2005, 07:06:00 AM
Great pics all around (I come here for my "fixes" and to dream - LOL)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on August 10, 2005, 09:44:00 AM
I did some stand sitting yesterday. I saw lots and lots of deer. Even had a Boar hog come right down the trail I was sitting over. He got my wind before he entered my shooting lane. Thats huntin. Here's a pic of one of the many spotted deer I saw yesterday. CK

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on August 10, 2005, 09:54:00 AM
MMMMM, samich makins....
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: WaKeDa BT on August 10, 2005, 09:57:00 AM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on August 20, 2005, 04:02:00 PM
These pics were on my 35mm camera from a scouting trip for elk. It had rained that morning and the clouds were low. This is the canyon I'm gonna elk hunt this year. It's all foot work, no horse trails in this part and no moters allowed. Wished I had some pack goats  ;)  
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on August 20, 2005, 04:16:00 PM
Another shot zoomed a little, it's bout 6 miles down to the far face. Theres a horse trail at the bottom of it and it's another four miles to the road. One week ta go   :bigsmyl:  
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: RayMO on August 20, 2005, 04:22:00 PM need some goats for sure   :D    :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on August 21, 2005, 07:35:00 AM
I can be a pack goat for you  :bigsmyl:    :bigsmyl:   Great photos  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on August 21, 2005, 09:02:00 AM
Hey Robin,

 Good luck Saturday...I went up yesterday to check out this little high cascade  basin...Its a natural funnel and the elk are crossing it regular...  :thumbsup:  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on August 21, 2005, 09:10:00 AM
And I do have packing help.  :bigsmyl:  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on August 21, 2005, 09:15:00 AM
Yohon, thats the rule. Ya gotta be packin a bow, an at least a couple arrows. I got a spare packframe so don't bother bringin one  :)  

Bill,nice lookin basin. Luck to you too, I'm gonna try for deer first then move on down for elk. Goin back up tuesday to do some glassin. I got a great buck spotted if I can figure how to get to him, if he spots me the big timber will swallow him up.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on August 21, 2005, 09:18:00 AM
That goats got flippers in case the water gets deep.

Great pic bill  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on August 21, 2005, 12:30:00 PM
I keep forgetting that you eastsiders don't get a late season...Its elk,elk,elk for September...Worry about deer in November...  :D  

 No time off for elk this year...I am going to be a weekend warrior...Lucky for me that most of my elk country is a hour or less away..  :readit:  

 Maybe even a big cow...Depends on my mood..  :bigsmyl:  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on August 21, 2005, 12:55:00 PM

That is one neat to elaborate on how the bear got in there  :D  Are those Roosevelts in your photo? I assume Roughcountry has Yellowstone in his neck of the woods but do you get a mix of 'em on your "side" of the mountain???

Roughcountry......I cant be there tommorrow but maybe the day after that  ;)  Please keep the photos comin'..... Yohon..."the miss placed elk hunter"  :(
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on August 21, 2005, 09:19:00 PM
Hey Yohon,

 I cut the back legs off and put them in the pack...LOL

 Seriously,that is my sons first bear from this spring...

 Yes, those are Rosies...The Cascade variety...The cows and calves in this pic are Rosies also...A souting trip from a couple weeks ago...

  I have hunted and killed Rosies in the Coast and Cascade ranges, plus several Rocky Mountain elk from the east side...

 I have found that elk are elk no matter what their name or where they come from...All of them are awesome and the adrenalin gets flowing just finding fresh sign..   :scared:  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Woodduck on August 22, 2005, 12:21:00 AM
Mighty pretty, Santiam. I've never seen anything like that...that PICTURE is making ME kinda dizzy. ha, ha, ha...don't fall!
Have fun!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on August 22, 2005, 07:28:00 AM

Keep those photos coming I have to live elk hunting throu you guys this fall. That last photo is stunning.

We get to hunt almost 5 months and practically no limit but it still aint the "adventure" elk hunting is.I like the recent Rik Hinton article in Bowhunter mag "seeking solitude" thats whats so great about elk. Where they live takes you to places and makes you fell things that a trip on "the back 40" cant even come close.

Looking forward to more....Yohon..."the miss placed elk hunter"  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BadKarma on August 22, 2005, 09:23:00 AM
Jock, if ya can keep the pics comin' I'd appreciate it. Thats the home of my ancestors. Someday I will get over there to wander around a bit. Hopefully this wont dredge up old rivalries, but I'm a Stewart.  

Thanks and keep'em coming.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on August 23, 2005, 04:12:00 AM
Went out for an evening stalk last night, was quite an evening.

The river Dochart where it runs into Loch Tay

Ben Lawers


You'll have probably guessed by now that Jock is kinda camera shy  :)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BadKarma on August 23, 2005, 12:02:00 PM
Thanks Jock. That is some great scenery. I gotta get over there someday. Good lookin pup too.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Steve H. on August 23, 2005, 05:48:00 PM
Steve H. working in on an Alaskan Mtn. Goat. in early Auguts, 2005.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Steve H. on August 23, 2005, 05:54:00 PM
I am kneeling where I took my shot from.  Goat was standing on the rock above me at a whooping, SEVEN FEET!!!!


Results of my seven foot shot after the goat tumbled head over heals 1000' down a chute on the backside of the mountain.


My buddy Benny Pinney was along as a sherpa.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Steve H. on August 23, 2005, 05:56:00 PM
Ooooppps, wrong photo for the shot site.  Should be this one......

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Steve H. on August 23, 2005, 06:03:00 PM
My buddy Benny Pinney and I and results from our recent Adak Island caribou hunt.  Adak caribou are documented to have the highest body weights of any caribou anywhere, up around 700#.  I believe that these two bulls lead by Benny's are probably the largest two bodied caribou ever killed by stick and string.  Benny's bull is 8 feet from nose to tail and 60" in girth behind the shoulder.  Benny's bull is the first on Adak by stick as best as we are able to determine as well.  Benny's shot was 3 yards!!!  Mine was shot at 20 yards.


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tom on August 23, 2005, 06:56:00 PM
Jock, Am looking forward to being in your neighborhood next week, the pictures you have posted really have my wife and I excited to being there for awhile. Thanks for posting!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Shaun on August 23, 2005, 07:17:00 PM
Steve, those are some great pictures and I love the range! 7 FEET! 3 YARDS! (all the way out to 9 feet) and throwing in the long bomb of 20 yards. That's what I call getting close and getting it done. NICE
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Chris O on August 23, 2005, 08:23:00 PM
Steve those pictures are absolutly amazing.  Beautiful trophies too.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: DeanD on August 23, 2005, 08:59:00 PM

Congrats on fine hunting!  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: jdemoya on August 23, 2005, 11:39:00 PM
Way to go Bennie and Steve! Beautiful pictures and nice animals! Steve I could hardly recognize Bennie in the picture. He sure has matured a lot. I am glad to see that you are still taking care of him. It sure is "good on you" Steve as they say down-under. Is he out of school yet?
God bless,

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on August 24, 2005, 04:57:00 AM
Fantastic photos Dan and Steve  :thumbsup:  

Lee, the "Pup" will be 12 on his next birthday  :)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on August 24, 2005, 07:03:00 AM
Way to go the shots measured in FEET   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: RayMO on August 24, 2005, 07:24:00 AM
Yes, the pics are great! Way to go guys  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on August 24, 2005, 07:28:00 AM
Great shots the dog too.

Steve, awesome views and awesome animals. Those are monster bous. Like the shot in the rocks with the goat horns peaking over the top, now THAT'S close.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BadKarma on August 24, 2005, 01:55:00 PM
Jock, I bet he dont act his age!! lol

Great shots of the goat hunt!! I'd have to have an airambulance to get up there and to get back. ;(

What a great pair of 'bous!!!! My physical situation wont allow me to go after the high mountain prey. But I just might be able to chase a 'bou or 2. Would love to give it a try.

Keep it up 'yall. I'm hopin to contribute in a month or 2.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: kyle on August 24, 2005, 02:31:00 PM
beautiful pics Jock!

Steve, what else to say but WOW!  7 foot shot on a Mt. Goat.  THAT is gettin 'er done trad style.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Curtiss Cardinal on August 24, 2005, 03:34:00 PM
Steve and Ben, CONGRATULATIONS! on those caribou, FANTASTIC! anfd the pics are too. WAY TO GO!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on August 24, 2005, 04:05:00 PM
A quick hunt Saturday morning on my new property before Chase's football practice. Squirrels were elusive, must have been the 86 degree temp @ 7am. Couple of close calls but no real shots offered.

Old logging road, 26acres, our new log home should be finished by Jan so I can hunt this bout everyday.  (


No squirrels but plenty of stump monsters died. Nice to be able to pass along the love of the hunt without actually having to bring back any game. The smile says it all.   (

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JasonV on August 24, 2005, 04:06:00 PM
Steve, looks like the goat's helmet sticking up above the rock.... is that actually a pic before the shot????????  If so, must have been a quiet camera - he looks close enough to hear you thinkin' hard!  Now that's a hunt!  
Same goes for the 9 foot caribou.
Quite an accomplishment on so many levels!!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JasonV on August 24, 2005, 04:08:00 PM
JC congratulations - that looks like some beautiful land - looks like you got quite a hunting partner there too!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on August 24, 2005, 05:21:00 PM
Tasty piece of real estate, gonna be great sharing adventures there with your family  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Terry Green on August 24, 2005, 11:13:00 PM
Nice looking 'homestead' there Mr JC!!!!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on August 24, 2005, 11:18:00 PM
Good lookin stuff JC, the grin too.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Mudfeather on August 24, 2005, 11:29:00 PM
Way to go JC!!!!!!!!  :wavey:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on August 25, 2005, 10:33:00 AM
Testosterone in the Moonlight. That is Mr. Sniffles!!!! He is still alive and well(for the time being). CK

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Dirteater on August 25, 2005, 11:02:00 AM
Dang Littlefeather, that's one scary lookin pig!  :scared:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bard1 on August 25, 2005, 11:38:00 AM
why is he called mr. sniffles?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on August 25, 2005, 12:17:00 PM
So glad to see him alive and well. Now.....about my visit.....  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Chris on August 25, 2005, 01:11:00 PM
Here's some pics from one of my favorite hunting spots. Chickasawhatchee WMA, 20,000 acres of swamp with a good hog population and less than 20 minutes from the house.

I took my buddy Rusty Thompson Saturday morning and he scored on his first and second wild hog. The second hog was a perfect heart shot. What a day!





Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on August 25, 2005, 01:18:00 PM
Now that's a "HOG"  :thumbsup:  

Superb photos, looks like a real tasty place  :)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on August 25, 2005, 02:21:00 PM
Here is my 2005 bear.  Shot him at 18 yards through the top of the heart with a 53# River's Edge recurve and a Woodsman on a 2020 shaft.  He went about 40-50 yards and piled up.


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on August 25, 2005, 03:39:00 PM
Great swamp pics Chris, you be sure to call fer help if yer over run with hogs down yonder    :bigsmyl:   Is yer bud shooting one of Gene & Larry's bows? Got some of them myself, fine fellers and great bows.

Nice bear Stan, hope to get me one someday.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: CheapShot on August 25, 2005, 07:12:00 PM
Glad to see you got moved to your new place Joe. Heck of a back yard. Looks like a great place to raise those two fine young men of yours.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tom Lagatol on August 25, 2005, 07:52:00 PM
Stan M, Write your story on the Bear!......I'd love to read it!.. Nice bear.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SteveMcD on August 25, 2005, 08:39:00 PM
Congratulations to all you folks who harvested such fine animals. Thank you for sharing them. All of the pic's are just grand!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Chris on August 25, 2005, 09:47:00 PM
That's a G&L. He won it at the TBG banquet 2 years ago. That was the one with the Mastadon inlay. The year before that my nephew won the G&L bow. The year before that I won an Archery Traditions Canebrake and Cory Mattson's cookies. We've got a lucky table!

You need to come down and walk the swamp with me sometime. It's open for hogs now til February 28th. I went tonight and saw deer and turkeys, but not hogs on this trip.

I'd like to see the January TBG hunt moved to this WMA. Joel and I talked about it, I'll have to bring it up to the new guys.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on August 26, 2005, 09:14:00 AM
Thanks Chris, I'll holler at ya after deer season...or at least when it cools off enough for this hillbilly not to melt when he comes down off the mountain   :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Terry Green on August 26, 2005, 10:32:00 AM
Nice to see you posting Chris!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Chris on August 26, 2005, 01:04:00 PM
Thanks Terry,
Good luck with those bears this year.

Beautiful bear, that's one of my dream hunts. How were you setup? Blind, treestand, stalking? I'd love to take one from the ground.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: ky_longbow on August 26, 2005, 02:01:00 PM
Chris, it appears youre friend used a 2 blade on the hogs...........what kinda head was it?
and i like the looks of that bow, any info on them......
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on August 26, 2005, 03:49:00 PM
Nice pics Chris, thanks

Stan, Congrats on a nice bruin. I'd like ta hear the story also  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Shaun on August 26, 2005, 08:05:00 PM
Oooo ooo ooo Mr Sniffles. I bet I could hit one that sized if I could stop shaken and get the bow all the way back. I believe a fellow ought to wait for him to take another step and put it low and tight to the elbow, then climb a tree and yell for help.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Chris on August 26, 2005, 09:32:00 PM
Rusty was using a good ole magnus 125. Faithful as a sunrise. The bow he was using is a G&L Mantis made here in Georgia. Here's a link to their add:

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on August 28, 2005, 10:15:00 PM
Nice bear Stan,but wheres the story??  :confused:  

 This weekend was the elk opener here in Oregon,but due to work (work sucks) we were able to only get out Sunday morning...

 It wasn't long until we spotted a good herd across the canyon on yonder ridge...

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on August 28, 2005, 10:21:00 PM
It was a long hike around and my brother and hunting partner was keeping a eye on them...As we got closer there was 20 some cows and calves a couple spikes,a small brancher and a BIGGE!!!

 We were looking into the morning sun and pics of the elk were not turning out..

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Warren H. Womack on August 28, 2005, 10:22:00 PM
Santiam, What a wonderful picture.

Country like that has to make one feel really small. Our ridges down here in bayou country, don't look anything like that.

Hopefully, your next time out, you will have them on the same ridge with you.

Thanks for posting.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on August 28, 2005, 10:28:00 PM
We finally got in close and set to try and call in one of the bulls..

 Due to our expert calling and vast knowledge of elk and their habits we were able to call in these confused calves into bow range..  :confused:    :readit:  
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on August 28, 2005, 10:31:00 PM
Hey Warren...

 Lots a country like that around here..Everything is either UP or DOWN..  :scared:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jock on August 29, 2005, 01:09:00 AM
SUPERB!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on August 29, 2005, 02:08:00 AM
Nice pics Bill.  Spent the last two days wandering around the Waldo Lake Wilderness.  About 13 miles a day up and down and no shots fired.  Saw one nice bull though and there's always next weekend.

As for the bear.  I shot him out of a treestand.  I'd had a trail camera up in the woods since the middle of July to see what kind of bucks were in the area that I have permission to hunt on.  Last week of July I go to check on the camera and it's been torn off of the tree and bitten.  Luckily the lens and the flash were intact, but the LED screen was toast.  I decided I'd kill the bear if I could.

As some of you may know, Oregon has a no bait, no dogs law.  My understanding though is that you can use scent to bring bears in, as long as it is on you.  So...I bought this stuff called 12 Miles of Dead Fish, which is basically a scent stick that you burn.  And it does reek.  I climbed up a tree in my climber stand and lit one of those babies up and hunted till dark with the stupid thing stuck in the laces of my boot.  Nothing.  Talk about feeling like a dork!

Anyway, I still had some sticks left and figured you can't rule anything out until you've tried it more than once, so a couple of nights later I was up the tree again with a stink stick in my boot.  Just as it was getting dark and I was thinking these things were made to sell to idiots, I hear some huffin'.  Sure enough here comes Yogi, real skittish.  He walks in on me quartering to and I don't have much of a shot so I waited and he boogered up and ran off about 50 yards and started sniffing some more.  I thought I'd blown it.  After about 15 seconds though he came circling in again.  He passed behind some bushes and when he came out he turned broadside in front of a tree and I hammered him.  He ran off about 40-45 yards into brush and I heard him moan his last.  I'd say less than 8 seconds from impact to death.

So that's the story.  Don't think I'd do it again.  Feels hippy weird hunting with incense in your boot, but considering the camera, we had a score to settle.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Traxx on August 29, 2005, 12:27:00 PM
HA HA HA!!!!!!
Hippy weird hunting with incense in your boot.
Now thats comedy,i love it!!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: WaKeDa BT on August 29, 2005, 01:00:00 PM
Wonder if it would work to just bailin wire or duct tape a carp to each leg...Suthern Adaptation  ;)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: wolfhawaii on August 30, 2005, 07:14:00 AM
Hey Santiam, nice that up above detroit? Looks like the country I grew up in....beautiful! Good luck with the elk!
Good job on the bear, Stan....ya got even for the camera!Hippie style huntin' too cool! Aloha, Steve
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on August 30, 2005, 07:29:00 AM
"Suthern Adaptation"  :bigsmyl:    :bigsmyl:    :thumbsup:

Santiam: Please keep the photos coming!! I am amazed at all the roads in those photos. Is that pretty common in your area? Seems you would be huntin some pretty edjucated elk, with all that access?????  Best of Luck
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on September 03, 2005, 01:37:00 AM
I hunted hear the Diamond Peak Wilderness today.  Here's a pic of the peak and a couple of rubs that I found this morning.  Took me until noon to get on the herd.  One nice branch bull, a spike and fifteen cows and calfs.  I got responses to cow calls and even heard the big boy bugle a couple of times.  I got inside 50 yards of them a couple of times, but it was just too thick to get any shots.




Was going to head back out there tomorrow, but I think I'll stay at home, play with my kids and send the gas money to Red Cross.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Longbowwally on September 03, 2005, 06:11:00 PM
Welcome back! Haven't seen you post in quite some time and had wondered how you were doing.....Keep us posted on how things are going in Alaska...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on September 04, 2005, 05:41:00 PM
I nearly broke in my new Blacktail recurve Saturday. Called in a real nice bull early in the morning to less then 20 yards, but he wouldn't step broadside and present a shot. As he moved across the hillside I stopped him quartering away at a little over 30 yards, but that's beyond my shooting range so I passed the shot.

I found several fresh rubs...


I went and checked a seep I knew about and found several fresh mud wallows...


...and a dry wallow that still had a pee spot where the bull had freshened it!


Hope to go back in there Tuesday evening and see if the bull or his daddy is in the area.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on September 04, 2005, 10:03:00 PM
I can smell that from here, Ron!

Killdeer  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 04, 2005, 10:22:00 PM

 Smells good don't it!!


 Your close..


 Those roads are gated and most are not drivable...75% of the time you see elk up there and they are ON the roads..They make good elk trails..    :knothead:    

 We made the long hike in to a secret basin...Usually has a bull or 2 around..

 Thats it where the 2 ridges come together above the rock in the center...Actually its the very start of a river...


 Rubs and wallows were around...Just not the elk..


  Pair of Quests with Mt. Jefferson in the background...

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on September 04, 2005, 11:34:00 PM
Bill...I was just on the north side of Mt Jeff!  :thumbsup:  

Killy...those new digital cameras with the "scratch & sniff" option are the best invention in a long time!  :D  

Tree Killer
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 05, 2005, 12:02:00 AM
I seen something shining in the sun over there..Must a been that fancy Blacktail..  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on September 05, 2005, 01:50:00 AM
Ron and Bill,

Nice to see more pics of elk country.  My cousin and her husband were in today from Colorado, so I won't get out again until next Saturday.  I hope you guys get right back into them.

Bill, if you grab an arrow before you grab your camera next time you can get the bear to stop moving long enough to take all the pictures you want   :bigsmyl:  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: kyle on September 05, 2005, 09:10:00 AM
Are those pack goats or mini mobile elk decoys?

CK, I just saw that pic of Mr. Sniffles back on page 23.  All I can say is  :eek:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 05, 2005, 09:59:00 PM

 Tell them its elk season and hit the road..Come back in January..  :readit:    :bigsmyl:  

 Hunted the coast range today...Hiked in a hour in the dark behind gates...Cows everywhere...These were feeding the road...


 This bunch had 3 spikes...


 I hid behind my Montana decoy and got into bow ranged of this bedded cow...


 The rut is going to start to heat up and things are just going to get better..  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on September 06, 2005, 01:42:00 AM
Dang Bill,

Nice pictures!  I know, I know what a time to visit.  If only my wife's family would visit during hunting season   :rolleyes:  

Looks like you're into them good.  I've got a couple of roads I'd like to hike in behind, but their all Weyerhauser   :(  

I'm sure they'll be opened up just in time for rifle season.  Good luck.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: headknocker on September 06, 2005, 06:59:00 AM
I'm jealous..............
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Rich Baker on September 06, 2005, 09:24:00 AM
The ruts heating up I called in a big bull Saturday but just didn't have a clean shot. Hopfully I'll make meet this weekend
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: UK Bowman on September 08, 2005, 07:30:00 PM
Awesome Pics, the Blue Ridge Mountains don't even compare. Good luck with that Bull.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 11, 2005, 11:00:00 PM
Back after them this weekend...Had a good bull bugling Saturday,but he just wouldn't play fair..  :(  

 Sunday played cat and mouse with a small herd in the morning fog...Now you see them,now you don't..Came real close to getting a good shot at this spike,but when he finally came in close enough he was straight on...

 Gonna rest up at work this week so we will be ready for next weekend..  :bigsmyl:  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on September 13, 2005, 06:27:00 PM

Lets start using this thing!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on September 13, 2005, 09:22:00 PM
Dang, Bill, I love that shot of the shrouded spike! Nice job!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 18, 2005, 09:56:00 PM

 I kinda liked that one also...I figure if I take enough pics, I will get a good one every now and then..  :confused:  

 I took this one this morning...

 "Waiting for daylight"

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 18, 2005, 09:58:00 PM
Now that its light,

 "Waiting for an answer"

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 18, 2005, 10:01:00 PM
"Nobody here but us cows"

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StanM on September 18, 2005, 10:57:00 PM
Great pics again, Bill.  Saw two raghorns sparring this morning.  Then a cow saw us and the gig was up.    :mad:   Made it to about 80 yards this time though.  Oh well, one more weekend.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on September 19, 2005, 12:13:00 AM
Beautiful pics! Are you doing those with a self timer or a partner? Or is that for us aspiring photographers to wonder?  :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Many Arrows Lost on September 19, 2005, 01:50:00 AM
Well, I spent 5 days last week on a solo moose hunt in the foothills of the Alaska Range about 40 miles south of my house.  Saw several good bulls but no good chances to take one or get a picture.  Here's some other pictures though.

Camp as seen trough the bushes.


This Willow Ptarmigan posed so nicely that I went ahead and had canned chili for the forth nite in a row.

You could nearly sent a clock by this guy, same tree, same time every night.

It's cool, what you get to look at while hunting!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on September 19, 2005, 08:42:00 AM
Awesome pics Bill and Ken.

Ken, you better save some of your strength for the Ga whitetail huntin....we're ready when you are!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on September 19, 2005, 02:59:00 PM
Great pics Bill & Ken.

I got a couple last week that might fit in here.

This is a small pine I watched a 6by6 bull destroy. I don't have a branch tag so I just enjoyed the show, sorry I didn't even think about the camera till later.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Roughcountry on September 19, 2005, 03:05:00 PM
This is a lion scratch made by a young tom, they do it with the hind feet.

I got a shot at a lion last week, the cat was faster than my arrow. They gotta be closer than 18 paces if they are lookin at you I guess  :(  
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 20, 2005, 09:15:00 PM
Hey Bear,

 No self timer...Thats my brother,hunting partner and reluctant photo subject  :D  ...He sees me take my pack off to break the camera out and he takes off...I have to chase him down...  :bigsmyl:  

 One more weekend Stan....I had to work last Saturday,but so far they are saying no work this weekend...I killed a nice bull the last hour of the last day a few years back so you never know...I am looking forward to the late season though.....

Robin, I have a saying..

 "Theres always a lot of elk around until you want to shoot one.."  

 Same can be said for branch bulls it seems...  :confused:    :confused:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on September 25, 2005, 08:44:00 PM
It's kind of ashamed that we are into hunting season most places and this thread is down three pages. I'd sure like to see what you guys are seeing when you hunt. Common, take some pics. My season opens next weekend. Till then, Im honing my shooting. Have a look.

Todays lesson in humility and patience. Im humble and he's still waiting. CK

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: UK Bowman on September 25, 2005, 08:49:00 PM
I love seeing where you all hunt. I hunt public land in central VA...It's just not that dramatic compared to those out west.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: the Ferret on September 25, 2005, 08:54:00 PM
YEEHAAAA I just got high speed internet and can finally see the pics in these threads! WOW!


I am so happy now  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on September 25, 2005, 08:58:00 PM
I'm with you Curtis. Seems like this time last year this thread was staying at the top. I would check it with anticipation everyday to see all the cool pictures. It's a great way to share our hunts with each other.

I'll be posting my opening weekend pics later tonight or tomorrow after the morning hunt.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 25, 2005, 08:59:00 PM
Worse case of frog fever I ever saw..  :scared:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 25, 2005, 09:30:00 PM
Last weekend of our first elk season...Glassed a good bull with 9 cows.....The bull is just below the rock that is just below the white spot (old landing) on the tallest knob..

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 25, 2005, 09:35:00 PM
Turned the camera up to 20 power and now he shows up...These big Rosie bulls are much brighter and more "yellar" than the cows...We call them "Neon Bulls"...They really stand out in the morning sun...

 We watched them work into a little draw...A couple hours later we got on this bull.But in the heavy brush they chose to bed in all we saw was legs at 20 yards...

 December the late season opens for cows only...If we get snow that is a great hunt...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on September 26, 2005, 06:55:00 AM
Thanks for continuing to post Bill. Thats beautiful country you are in. Keep em comming. Yes, I did get frog fever. What you couldn't see was that I was shooting 20 yards through a tiny hole in the bushes. Thats my story anyway.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on September 26, 2005, 07:00:00 AM

Was pulling for you this weekend...figured you would arrow a bull on one of those "last hour last day" kinda deal. Thats bowhunting. I gotta tell you thou, looking at that photo of that bull ifin ya did get an arrow into that bull and he tipped over it looks like he would go a LONG LONG way down that that as steep as it looks  :eek:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on September 26, 2005, 08:58:00 AM
As always Bill, love that country!

CK, I can't figure out why you just didn't put the patented lilfedder sneak on that frog and just reach out an grab movin through the brush reminds me of that disappearing alien in the movie "Predator"....
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on September 26, 2005, 02:39:00 PM
Heres a pic I snapped after the opening hunt Sat am. It was a very thick, tight little spot that the deer pass through on their way up out of the feilds. Either you shoot 'um at point blank, or you dont see nuttin'. I guess you can figure out which happened.   :(  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: NorthShoreLB on September 26, 2005, 02:46:00 PM
I wanna go  OREGON  !!!!!!!!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on September 26, 2005, 02:48:00 PM
I have been amazed at how often we see the deer right out in the feilds in broad daylight so I decided to spend the afternoon trying something a little bold.

Thats wheat on my left, a thick hedgerow on my right, and a huge stand of corn up ahead on my right.


The deer cross right through here a good bit so I thought I might catch one coming out of this corner of corn and into the hedgerow or wheat. (You can see more fields through that little break in the hedgerow in front of me). So I just sat myself down in the wheat right where it all comes together.


Had perfect wind, but all I saw was one rabbit, one beautiful sunset, and a beautiful end to my 19th opening day of deer season! A sucessful hunt for sure.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JasonV on September 26, 2005, 02:59:00 PM
Only thing I saw Saturday morning was the mess a bear made out of my pig feeder:

Yogi's lucky I wasn't sitting my stand at the time...  can't shoot 'em (protected in Florida) - but I would've given him a stern talking to!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on September 26, 2005, 04:16:00 PM

Looks like you have to be part goat to hunt there!  :eek:  

Great photos guys, keep 'em coming.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Santiam on September 26, 2005, 09:29:00 PM
Hey Yohon,

 Its steeper than it looks...Hard to catch the hugeness of it all with just a few pics..

 I am done until the middle of November when the late seasons open....Will be posting pics of rattling Blacktails and snow tracking elk...( I hope)...LOL
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Yohon on September 27, 2005, 07:13:00 AM
"Its steeper than it looks..."  :scared:    :scared:     :bigsmyl:    :notworthy:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on September 27, 2005, 07:32:00 AM
Dang those are some tight growth rings in that selfbow Bear.  :eek:   Is that bow backed?

JasonV, Im supprised the feeder is still standing if a bear got to it.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JasonV on September 27, 2005, 09:39:00 AM
Me too - he buckled one of the legs slightly, but all-in-all not as much damage as it could have been.
The bears have torn up several feeders - Chris Horseman's got the same type feeder and the bear buckled all 3 legs completely and ripped the mechanism off completely....
Guess that's what we get for hunting pigs in a place called "Bear Bay"......
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on September 27, 2005, 11:47:00 AM

No, its not backed. It's 53 @ 28 and 59" ntn.   :eek:  

She lifted one little splinter at first but I doctored it up and she's been fine ever since.

Did I mention she's also faster than selfbows are supposed to be?   ;)  

I'm really not bragging. Beginners luck maybe? Couldnt have done it without a lot help from above and some excellent mentors!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Chad Edgar on September 27, 2005, 11:58:00 AM
Our season opens in a few days, but that doesn't mean that I can't look at the menu right???


Yougins and I see nubs on one!!!

Mom, whats that????

A couple of weeks yet, he had a nice beard on him.  Mabye 8"?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: TexMex on September 27, 2005, 12:11:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on September 27, 2005, 12:11:00 PM
Cool pics. Did that turkey walk with a limp? Looks like the size of that leg would make it hard for him to fly.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Guru on September 27, 2005, 12:28:00 PM
Saturday was actually my secong time out in Conn..But was the official beginning of the season for my because the adrenalin flowed!!!
At day break a turkey started gobbling about 100yds away at every crow that made a sound.Ended up calling 2 gobblers with some voice calling.They were hanging around,and got real nervous all of a sudden.I knew something was around and soon saw a beautiful reddish blonde colored coyote sneaking in on the gobblers.No dice!!! Then he hit where I walked in and turned inside out...
About 8:00 2 does showed up about 80yds away.I tried everything I could think of to get one close.I wanted to get a jump on filling the freezer.I was shaking like I had never done this before!!!!! They eventually wandered off leaving my shaking like a leaf,and LOVING IT!!!!!!
Packin' up....

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on September 27, 2005, 12:37:00 PM
Originally posted by Guru:
I was shaking like I had never done this before!!!!! They eventually wandered off leaving my shaking like a leaf,and LOVING IT!!!!!!  
When that feeling ceases to exist, I'll quit huntin em. To me, for at least a few feels like the first time, everytime.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on September 27, 2005, 12:52:00 PM
Amen to that, Joe!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on September 27, 2005, 01:49:00 PM
My Stepdaughter once asked if I even got Buckfever anymore. I said, "any more"?  :saywhat:  

"Any more," and Id have to be hospitalized. It is the one feeling that absolutely drives me. Please, please, let one walk in front of me so I can shake like GURU!   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Rangeball on September 27, 2005, 02:55:00 PM
I quit getting it last fall with my compound.  Now I get it just flinging arrows at my target  :)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Rich Baker on September 27, 2005, 03:46:00 PM
Originally posted by Rangeball:
I quit getting it last fall with my compound.  Now I get it just flinging arrows at my target   :)  
Same here thats Why I switched to trad gear, only regret is I didn't do it sooner!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Guru on September 28, 2005, 06:49:00 PM
While those deer were there...I couldn't help but laugh at myself at how much I was shaking!!!

GOOD STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Curtiss Cardinal on September 29, 2005, 01:23:00 AM
That is the singing of the body electric and it is the most alive a man can be. It happens when hunting,in combat,in meeeting the woman that you KNOW will be the mother of your children and when each and everyone of those children is born. Because the hunting and combat scenarios are the most urgent they are more keenly felt. The others more fondly remembered. My that was awfully serious for 24:15 in the morning. I guess the philosopher in me is awake and maybe a touch of the poet. God Bless and Good Hunting, Curtiss
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on September 30, 2005, 01:01:00 AM
Thought a picture or two of Alaska might wet your apetite just a bit   :D  

This is of our bows at a Golden North shoot before season.


A perfect morning after the fog raised.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on September 30, 2005, 01:08:00 AM
Of course the cow moose who busted me at about a million yards and took the bull with her...... obviously     :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Many Arrows Lost on September 30, 2005, 01:38:00 AM
Great Pics Scott!  I've got a hankering to smoke a brisket, maybe we Northpoleans should get together to celebrate our successes this season. Aye?

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on September 30, 2005, 05:53:00 AM
Dang Jumper, Makes me want to pack up and move. They got any jobs for half broke up old cops up there? Nice Pics BTW!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Guru on September 30, 2005, 06:00:00 AM
Awesome Scott!! Great pix and those are some pretty arrows.Good Luck Bro!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: RayMO on September 30, 2005, 07:32:00 AM
Thanks those pics.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on September 30, 2005, 07:33:00 AM
Scott, Scott, Scott....don't make me come up there!   :bigsmyl:  

KT, if you come, try to drag that thumper pilot with you, will ya?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Charlie Lamb on September 30, 2005, 07:46:00 AM
Nice birds Scott!! Did I mention your uncle dresses you funny?  :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: kyle on September 30, 2005, 09:10:00 AM
Yeah Charlie but the boy's got pretty arras!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: John Scifres on September 30, 2005, 09:30:00 AM
Don't want to be a stinker or anything, and I'm as guilty as any at times but, it sure would be helpful to me and I would guess others if we could stick with hunt pics and stories and hold the comments and congrats to PMs or some other mechanism.  I love to see this thread topped only to find a lot of "attaboys".  Thanks.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Curtiss Cardinal on September 30, 2005, 01:01:00 PM
John aren't "attaboys" better than "TTT"?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on October 01, 2005, 12:54:00 PM
Kyle,   If you need some, I can bring you some pretty arrows to the Texas Sweat Hunt.
Just let me know, I am here for you pal.

SuperKodiak, from what I understand they are always in need of good law enforcement officers up here.  We would love to have you.

JC and Charlie,  Dont threaten me JC, actions speak louder than words, get your butt up here.  You guys know you have an open invitation to my place anytime day or night.  If you want to do any hunting up here,  feel free to stay at our place, as long as you want or use it as a staging base to go out and come back on any hunt you want.

Charlie, As I remember right, my uncle dressed you funny to for a while...

Come on guys, I know that season is open, post those pics.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SteveMcD on October 01, 2005, 06:00:00 PM
Great Pictures, Jumper! Thanks for posting. They are great!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Charlie Lamb on October 01, 2005, 08:32:00 PM
Yeah Scott, I know! Still makes me nervous to wear camo.  ;)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Charlie Lamb on October 01, 2005, 08:33:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Charlie Lamb on October 01, 2005, 08:34:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: kyle on October 01, 2005, 10:33:00 PM
Jumper I appreciate the offer and tho I'd never turn down a gift from a friend, I'm afraid that the way I tend to miss and/or bounce arras off of stuff, those aluminiminium metal things would just end up lookin like a coathanger for me an then I'd be all mad 'bout messin up a pretty thing like that!!!!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Woodduck on October 02, 2005, 01:30:00 AM
Those Adcock bows can smoke an arrow!
I just got a three arrow Mini Bowquiver from a TwoFletch, in Mebane, NC, this week. It's nice and suits my short afternoon hunts... and got this doe Friday, at 5:30...
double lung pass through with 45# and 30 in. 2018s.
I put a little reflective tape on my equipment...can you see it?
How 'bout the white moth that got it the picture...must be the 'White Death Moth', I've heard about...  :bigsmyl:  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Killdeer on October 02, 2005, 07:21:00 AM
Truly magic, Mr. Harriss! Neat how the smoke from the arrow still hangs in the air! I had to save that pic to my files. Oh yeah, I put one of those on my Dakota at ATAR! Nice quiver!

Killdeer   :wavey:      :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Peckerwood on October 02, 2005, 10:20:00 AM
Follwing are some photos of my Wyoming antelope hunt on the Smith Sheep ranch. It was my first antelope hunt .  What made the adventure even more memorable was sharing camp with fellow Trad gangers Scott Frost ( southpawshooter) and Dave Tice (Tique). The other people in camp thought we knew each other even though we just met in person.


 antelope at the water hole
Texas tripod stand
Peckerwood gets lucky
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: DAGATOR on October 02, 2005, 12:16:00 PM
I would like to keep the pictures and stories going.
I hunt a few WMA's ,here in Georgia, with my friend Chris Ward. We share many days of great southern adventure!

Here is Chris on the stalk for hogs. The pic. does not show it, but I could see his breath as he walked in sun spots.

The reward after a long hunt!

          Enjoy, Clay Patton
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: TexMex on October 03, 2005, 09:24:00 AM
:thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Carcajou on October 03, 2005, 12:39:00 PM
Wicked Buck, Bill!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on October 04, 2005, 03:23:00 PM
I just returned from a moose and caribou bowhunt in Newfoundland.  It was my first time there and on a floatplane.  Hurricane Ophilia followed my from NC to NF, arriving the same day as me but we were barely able to fly into camp on a saturday.  I enjoyed looking through the pile of shed antlers..


The 4 bowhunters in camp beat up the target, but didn't do so well on live animals...


The heavy rains and wind arrived on saturday night and became a daily factor, with only 1 day on sunshine and calm.  Still, I had a good chance at a nice bull moose on the first and second days.  I passed on a 80 yard shot (to my guide's dismay - he was a gun hunter and had never guided a trad bowhunter, and I explained that I much preferred 8 yard shots, not 80 yard shots) on monday and passed on a quartering to shot on the second day.  That stalk was ruined by the watchful cow moose.  The lone gun hunter killed this bull moose on the third day..


At least there were plenty of blueberries to eat, between the rain showers...


One day I spotted a nice bull woodland caribou and an hour later, was only 10 yards away from the elevated rock that he laid on, but when he rose and I picked my spot (an upward shot through his sternum), I got excited and forgot all about form.  The sickening sound of the string hitting my armguard was followed by a wobbly arrow behind the bull.  I couldn't believe that I had found another way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...

Here is my consolation prize, a nice shed antler...


Overall, it was a great bowhunting experience on "The Rock" and I hope to return some day...


One bonus of the long drive was having breakfast with my buddy, tradganger David Kretchmar, while passing through NH.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on October 04, 2005, 04:36:00 PM
Nice pics Jeff, pretty place isn't it?  Breakfast was good, and it was good to see you and meet Bill.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: memo on October 05, 2005, 12:19:00 AM
Myself and some other Trad guys got together and went for a hunt for the mighty Sambar Deer in Victoria's High Country. No Game sighted, and very little sign, as there was plenty of Wild Dog (Dingo) sign and this has moved the deer out of the area we were hunting. Didn't matter though as we had a great time in a beautiful part of the world.

Some rough country

See guys...It does snow in Australia!

A natural spring in some thick scrub

An old Stag rub

Rudd, Pete, Jindy, Sparra and Woody waiting for the Venison to cook

And a good fire to go with the company at the end of a great weekend
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Steve H. on October 12, 2005, 01:43:00 AM
Hmmm,looks like Island Pond to me Jeff!  I had their (MVO's) first archery kill there with a moose in '97.  I started a "tradition" of sinking my arrow into the rafters of the bunk cabin.  Are there many arrows there?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on October 12, 2005, 11:15:00 AM
Steve, things have changed since 1997, and there is now a delux cabin with 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 shower, and a big living room with a woodburner for the hunters!  And Dean saved that rafter, with probably 20+ arrows stuck in it, and placed it in a prominent corner of the new cabin!  How I wanted to leave an arrow or two in it, but I needed a little more practice and luck.....
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: juneaulongbow on October 13, 2005, 02:22:00 AM
I did a short weekend moose hunt Oct 1-3 in Southeast Alaska.  We didn't see any as we weren't far enough up the river.  I'll drop a few pics in.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: juneaulongbow on October 13, 2005, 02:25:00 AM
Base camp for two nights...

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: juneaulongbow on October 13, 2005, 02:29:00 AM
And me in my waders hiking up river...

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BowFire on October 13, 2005, 12:44:00 PM
guess i'll add mine even tho its got its own thread... 1s trad kill. doe at 9 yards, on ground, with 50# longbow and WW b-head.  (
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on October 13, 2005, 09:12:00 PM
Congratulations, Bowfire!  I'd be very happy with one of those this fall.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Negissimo on October 17, 2005, 02:44:00 PM
This is one of my favorite threads, but not as active this year as it was last year. Lets keep it goin!  ;)

Here's my first deer of the season. Everything worked perfectly. I had a great wind, she stopped slightly quartered and in the middle of my shooting lane, the shot went right where I was looking and she went down fast. I wish it always happened like that.  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jeff Holchin on October 17, 2005, 08:23:00 PM
I meant to post these photos back in August....

Seems the family and I were touring the Rocky Mountains in August, enjoying God's creation and creatures, like this moose..


And this deer..


And these elk...


Each animal sighting stirred my hunting instincts, the coyote's howling woke me at night, and the bull elk's bugle touched my soul.  Somehow my Brackenbury Drifter recurve and a few arrows had made the trip too, hidden under the seat, and after a little sweet talking, begging and even a tear or two (hey, I'm not too proud to cry), the women in the truck agreed to a little break from the driving.  They got a hotel with a pool and cable TV, and Daniel and I got to explore the Pawnee National Grasslands of Colorado for antelope.

We were in a likely looking area at dawn...


and saw antelope immediately!  We spent the day exploring the area and watching several groups, even trying a stalk or two.  We found a large group of bucks feeding on an alfalfa field, and watched them from a distance, trying to learn their patterns..


The next morning, we were in their previous day's bedding area with the wind in our favor, and soon saw them eating their breakfast of alfalfa.  The lead buck headed towards a distant water tank - it was decision time, as we had to pick up the girls after lunch and head east for home.  Should we stay or should we try to get ahead of the lead buck and hope the group would follow him? We scrambled and soon were on the opposite side of the field, expecting big things to happen soon.

After an anxious wait, I peeked over the hill - the herd was safely settling into their beds, exactly where we had been at daylight.  Bad decision!  Oh well, it was a fun sharing my first, although very short, antelope hunt with my son!  Maybe next time we'll guess correctly.  I enjoyed exploring the prairie..


We'll be back in 2007 when Daniel can carry his own bow!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on October 17, 2005, 09:32:00 PM
Great pics Jeff, leave it to you to find a way to hunt on a family vacation.  :thumbsup:  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Terry Green on October 24, 2005, 09:49:00 PM
Up for those that don't know this thread is here.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StephenR on October 26, 2005, 12:57:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: mike hall on October 26, 2005, 01:47:00 PM
Oh I wanted to real bad but this is one of my best stands and the rut will be kicking next week. No sense in buggering up the area.

She's a lucky little one. Bet she's tender too.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Negissimo on October 27, 2005, 10:40:00 PM
Awesome pics Jeff, especially the cow and calf!

I was lucky enough to get two more deer last weekend. Been having some great luck this year, now I hope a big'n comes by.


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: crittergitter on October 27, 2005, 10:54:00 PM
Tommy, what kind of bow is that your shooting?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Negissimo on October 28, 2005, 11:01:00 AM
It's a Chastain Wapiti, 55# and I want to say 56 inches. He doesn't make many one pieces, it's a great shooter though, I'm very happy with it.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Buffler Razz on November 02, 2005, 08:14:00 PM
Here's my first traditional kill. I took this 8 pointer with the Osage longbow and self nock arrows I made last year. He came in to 7 steps from my stand, I hit it high and behind the last rib. It was getting dark so I left him and followed up the next morning. With the help from my son we found him after about 4 hours of tracking.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on November 02, 2005, 08:23:00 PM
Nice buck Razz! Lot's of width on him...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on November 05, 2005, 10:48:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bob Foster on November 06, 2005, 10:20:00 AM
Here are some pictures from my last weeks hunt. I took this buck at 7:50 a.m. on October 31. It was about a 15-yard shot.
My camp. I camped and hunted by my self.

Recovery of my buck.

 This picture I took while I was having coffee reflecting about the morning hunt.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: mike hall on November 06, 2005, 12:04:00 PM
Cool pics Bob!
  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:    :D    :D    :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Tree Killer on November 06, 2005, 12:07:00 PM
Good looking bucks and pics guys!

My youngest son and I went up in the Cascades looking for some Blacktail bucks to photograph. Found some doe's, but the bucks weren't taggin' along yesterday.

It's been storming pretty hard this last week, and when we got up about 3500' elevation there was a foot of fresh snow.


Looked cool, but the deer seemed to be dropping down out of the high country. So we dropped down and checked some other areas.

I've been watching this 4x4 forest service road sign for many years. The bucks rub it every year, and last year they finally rubbed in half, but they're still using it to rub. There were some big, fresh buck tracks in the snow going right up to the rub and it had a pile of fresh shavings on top of the snow. He couldn't have been too far away!


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on November 06, 2005, 04:25:00 PM
Thanks for the pics Bob, congrats!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on November 06, 2005, 08:21:00 PM
Alright guys, we just got back in from doing a little bunny hunting. It warmed up to about negative 6 degrees so we thought we had better take advantage of the nice day. My older son David hunted with a Bear Kodiak Hunter and I used my Black Widow Longbow. My little one, Tyler decided to come along without his bow today just for the outing. We jumped a few snowshoe hares but were only able to connect on one. Great day out though and what better way to spend time with the kids! Take care guys, Scott


Me and David just before running into more bunnies!


Me and Tyler with a nice snowshoe!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Littlefeather on November 07, 2005, 09:56:00 AM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bear on November 07, 2005, 10:26:00 AM

The campfire buck picture might have to become my new desktop background!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: TexMex on November 07, 2005, 12:13:00 PM
:thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StephenR on November 07, 2005, 12:27:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StephenR on November 07, 2005, 12:28:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StephenR on November 07, 2005, 12:29:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StephenR on November 07, 2005, 12:30:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StephenR on November 07, 2005, 12:31:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StephenR on November 07, 2005, 12:31:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StephenR on November 07, 2005, 12:32:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: StephenR on November 07, 2005, 12:35:00 PM
Thought I would add a few from the last couple of times I have got to hunt.

That arrow in the ground just did cut the side if the deer.He is sore but not dead.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Aeronut on November 16, 2005, 10:56:00 PM
The mast crop is heavy here this year.   (

and led to this...
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bluegill on November 16, 2005, 11:36:00 PM
Hey Dennis,

Nice deer ya have there and I agree I can't think of the last time I have seen mast like this.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on November 17, 2005, 07:23:00 AM
Nice deer Dennis!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Chad Edgar on November 17, 2005, 07:35:00 AM

The only memorable photo from my week of hunting.  I was into deer everyday, just being to darn picky.  Still lots of season left, no worries.  The pic is from an old railroad bed that borders my eastern property line.  I often use it to cross the creek when we have had lots of rain.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Pinelander on November 17, 2005, 08:45:00 PM
It wasn't just about the deer I tagged... it was the many others things that I enjoy soaking-up in the Oct-Nov outdoors.

A frosty October morning...


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Pinelander on November 17, 2005, 08:51:00 PM
Their curiosity and their never-ending will to pass-on their hereditary characteristics (he was very determined to stay on that hot trail)...


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Pinelander on November 17, 2005, 08:53:00 PM
Our bird of prey friend, watched him hunt nearly every morning...

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Pinelander on November 17, 2005, 08:55:00 PM
And plenty of venison for the up-coming winter...

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BowFire on November 18, 2005, 10:17:00 AM
I love fall, almost as much as spring for photo ops.  here's some jackolantern shrooms that caught my eye.   (

 and here's my latest trad kill(not harvest,cause i killed it)...

 ahhh, i love fall.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: PlainsCreeArcher on November 24, 2005, 02:02:00 AM
Here is a picture of a bull elk in the rocky mountains of Alberta, Canada.  This was in the Jasper national park (tourists everywhere) The pic was taken at about 7 yards, he didn't mind at all. August 2005 (just before the rut)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Jumper on November 25, 2005, 04:52:00 PM
Out on a walk in the woods today with my sons looking for a moose. Think it's time to drag out the snowshoes?   :D  

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: stikbowshooter on November 25, 2005, 10:12:00 PM
Once of the nicer rubs I found this season.

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: stikbowshooter on November 25, 2005, 10:14:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: stikbowshooter on November 25, 2005, 10:14:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: stikbowshooter on November 25, 2005, 10:16:00 PM
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: kyle on December 01, 2005, 05:15:00 PM
Well, here's my first addition to this thread this year.  Cut and pasted from the original thread.

here's the story:

Well, tha day before, I'd been asittin in my loc on right along side of a dry crickbed that runs between the two fields whose two corners are on either side of the little pocket of trees I'm keepin watch o'er.  This nice little 6 pointer comes a saunterin outa one o the aforementioned corners right down the trail that I'd targeted with this stand location.  He crosses the little creekbed right in the spot he's supposed to and stops right in the spot he's supposed to about 6 yards away from the base of my tree.  Yeah, I know, 6 yds (keep that in mind).  I had to crouch a little to make the shot up under the limbs providing a little cover for me and I was a starin a hole in his side just watitin for the right time.  Well my brain says "allrite - go 'head" and my bowstring starts back.  Well, about that time for some unknown reason, my eyes decide to take a coffee break an lose that little spot they's been watchin and when m'brain gives the "launch" signal and fingers drop string, my eyes look up from their warm mugs of joe to see that pretty white fletchin go JUUUUUUUUST over the little bucks back.  YEAH, I mmmmm.....I miiisssss.....I missssssssssssseeeeddd (yeah like I said SIX YARDS) OKAY!!!!       :scared:            :banghead:      Oh yeah - Ralph, sorry bout that stone head, it didn't survive the hi speed trip into the creek bottom.
Well, little Mr. 6pt. don't really know what happened and hops off just a couple of steps and then goes about his bidness.  SSSSSOOOOO, to keep this story a reesonable lenth, I figured he mite be back tha next morn'n.

So, day 2
I waited an waited for little Mr. Man to come back but NOOOOO, he took a diffr'nt root this morn.  I was just tinkin 'bout gettin down an goin on to work when I caught movement outa my peri.....periff.....periphar.....outa my side view and LO AN BEHOLD itus not one but TWO TWO TWO bobkittys en route down the little crik bed.  They got a little antsy roun where I'd spit outa my tree an the bigger one sorta spies around a little.  She did put her paws on my tree and tha pucker faktor meter jumped for a secon' er two but she 'cides to stay on tha groun and turns to folla tha other kitty.  I swear she looked RITE at me two or three times and never paused for a second (thank you Whitewater for a great leafy suit).  She stops right where Mr. Man did the day before.  I did just like the day before but me an my eyeballs had had a talk 'bout them coffee breaks while on the stand an all and we weren't gonna have nunna that mess again!!!  That Ace 200 gr. super express found its mark (ten-ringed her for you 3-d shooters      :cool:      ) and little miss Kitty takes off like nuthin , and I do mean NUTHIN this ole cuntry boy's EVER seen in his life.  Flippin an bouncin, rik-o-shay'n off tha brush an trees and after I got over the shock of actually connecting on 'er, I just had to laugh at how danged funny that was.  I got down to find a good blood trail that lasted for about 50 yards of kitty floppin travel.  MAN O MAN, what a rush.  That's the first Bobkitty I'd ever seen that close and I've got her waitin on a taxy-dermitoligist.  I didna have a camera on me (huntin Ferret lite an all) but I'll get one for ya.

Thanks for takin the time an effert to reed all this mess and for the constant encouragement and wisdom you all provide me on this site!!!



Here's the pics.  She's been in the freezer waiting for the stuffin job so it ain't the bestest most natural pose.  Oh an pay not attention to the date on the pic, it ain't right.


Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on December 01, 2005, 05:20:00 PM
Ahhhh, saweet retribution! Nice kitten Kyle, should make a purdy mount.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BUCK-EYE on December 01, 2005, 05:55:00 PM
This one of the rubs I found this pst Nov. (http:// 027_27.jpg )
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: BUCK-EYE on December 01, 2005, 05:58:00 PM
Sorry trying to figure out how to put in a piture with my post. Not very good grammer either.  "[laffsmyl]"
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Weekend Warrior on December 01, 2005, 09:20:00 PM
Congrats Kyle !!
What a Trophy !
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: bayoulongbowman on December 01, 2005, 10:42:00 PM
Kyle!!!   :wavey:    :D
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: TexMex on December 02, 2005, 01:27:00 PM
:thumbsup:    :thumbsup:    :notworthy:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SteveMcD on December 02, 2005, 03:20:00 PM
Very Cool, Kyle! Bobcats are nice trophies! Congrats!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Cody Cantrell on December 08, 2005, 07:26:00 PM
This is my first post here and only my second attempt at posting pictures so bear with me.  I did not have to work today because of snow (school was canceled).  Since this was the first snow of the season and I had been itching to go rabbit hunting I took the beagles out and gave it a go.  I had a bunch of nutters made up for squirrels so I was ready to go.  Missed one saw two.  Had some other things to do around the house so decided to go back out this evening.  Took the camera this time.  Only took my pride and joy with me on this outing my rabbit champion beagle Belle.  Only got the two pics before the memory card was full.  Saw only one and missed again.  Had a good time though.
My little piece of rabit cover behind the house.
My pride and joy, Belle
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Aeronut on December 09, 2005, 10:19:00 AM
I can tell why he took that picture.  Absolutely beautiful scenery.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Wile E. Coyote on December 09, 2005, 11:21:00 AM
Heres how I managed to break in my new bow. (21st Century Edge)
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Bill Kissner on December 09, 2005, 11:48:00 AM
Cow taken in Colorado:


Buck in Illinois:


Buck taken 3 days later:


I took a couple does after this so I am done for the year except for a turkey. Hopefully I'll be able to get out after one a few times after Christmas. Christmas
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Huntrdfk on December 09, 2005, 12:00:00 PM
Good luck on the turkey Bill, great job on the elk and deer!

Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Wile E. Coyote on December 09, 2005, 12:07:00 PM
Bill, That is the deer of my dreams! If you ever need a huntin partner,I'm sure that suddenly  Louisiana would seem mighty close to Illinois. Congrats!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: SuperKodiak38 on December 09, 2005, 06:28:00 PM
Must be the Hat, is that a Boller?
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: DAGATOR on December 12, 2005, 09:30:00 PM

Yesterday was a cold and windy morning here in SW Georgia. Had two doe run across a new clearcut that bordered the property I hunted. They made the mistake of entering a well traveled entrance into my woods. I got to watch them for 3 minutes, almost in a full trot, before they took a right and headed directly to me. A ten yard quartering to me shot. BINGO!
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: JC on December 13, 2005, 08:17:00 AM
Dang Bill, that middle pic is one awesome buck.

Nice doe Clay...all our deer up here have just about gone nocturnal to stay away from powder burns.
Title: Re: ***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Post by: Brute killer on December 23, 2005, 02:00:00 AM
Dint kill anything on this trip, just walked around in circles.
This ol' Spanish dagger is over 7 feet tall:
Old hog wallows: