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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: jwingman on January 05, 2008, 09:32:00 AM

Title: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: jwingman on January 05, 2008, 09:32:00 AM
Does anyone know where to get anymore arrow clips? See pictures. I finally came up with a drain pipe arrow case design that works well because it lets me load the arrows in the case with the broadheads still on them. The requirement is to have small arrow clips. I bought these years ago for about $1.00 a dozen but the archery shop where I got them is no longer in business. I know they sell clips at 3 Rivers but $.50 a piece just bugs me I guess.
  Anyway, if anyone knows where to get some of these plastic or metal spring clips, I would appreciate any information you can provide.


Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: Pat B on January 05, 2008, 09:56:00 AM
I believe that 3Rivers sells metal arrow clips.   Pat
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: jwingman on January 05, 2008, 02:40:00 PM
I do know that 3 Rivers sells arrow clips. See original post. Their price results in the clips costing more than the entire material list to make the arrow case. I am looking for alternatives.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: Eastern fisher on January 05, 2008, 02:47:00 PM
You may have to get past the $.50 each thing my friend.  I purchased a book from 3 Rivers a couple of days ago.  It was woth $17.00.  It is costing me about $13.00 for shipping.  At least you are in the same country as 3 Rivers.  You may have to bite the bullet and spend the money.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: R.W. on January 05, 2008, 03:04:00 PM
Eastern Fisher,

You must have had it shipped via YoupeS. Thier "brokerage fees" are criminal!
Try having your next order shipped USPS. Got 4 books , a DVD, and 200 fletches. shipping and handling were only 28 bucks and that included the GST ripoff.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: tim roberts on January 05, 2008, 06:48:00 PM
Try McMaster Carr.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: aromakr on January 05, 2008, 07:42:00 PM
Tim Roberts is correct, get them on line from McMaster/Carr

Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: Rick Saar on January 05, 2008, 08:36:00 PM
What does McMaster Carr call them? They have a onlie catalog. I couldn't locate them by searching for "arrow clips". Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: Rick Saar on January 05, 2008, 08:38:00 PM
Sorry for the spelling. I meant to say that McMaster Carr has a large online catalog.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: aromakr on January 06, 2008, 11:59:00 AM
They are not called arrow clips. Look under tool holders or tool clamps. Not sure what the list under I'm out of state and don't have my catalog with me.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: 4runr on January 06, 2008, 01:16:00 PM
They'r actually more expensive at M/C than 3rivers.

.71 each for plastic ones

$5.95 per 10 for metal ones
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: aromakr on January 06, 2008, 05:52:00 PM
The small metal tool holders are $4.50 per 10 at McMasters.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: Goose on January 06, 2008, 08:14:00 PM
Would these work?  They fit wood shafts just fine, but 2018 are loose.  That is, the 2018 snap in but then slide.  They measure 3/4 high and about 5/8 inch out for the clip part.
These came from some rope lighting we bought for above the kitchen cabinets in our new house.  We didn't use them so when I found they held arrows I kept them.  I could part with a dozen if that is all you need, nothing expected.  Just PM me.

Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: MW on January 06, 2008, 08:21:00 PM
By the way that is a good looking arrow case.  I am interested in a report after the first trip.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: jwingman on January 06, 2008, 08:39:00 PM
The arrow case works great. I have been using one like it for some time but the original design I just bored holes through the two sections that slide into the tube and slid the arrows in through the holes. This worked fine but you could not do it with a broadhead on the arrow. I can throw the tube in the truck just about anywhere and not have to worry about the arrows getting hurt or wet. Those drainage tubes are darn tough. I can get a dozen arrows in the tube using that method. The new method holds 8 arrows with broadheads. That requires 16 spring clips. I have lots of people looking to make one or buy one so by the time you obtain several hundred spring clips, the cost to obtain goes up. I guess I will have to contact some of the plastic manufacturers and see if I can get someone to make some more like the ones in the picture. In large quantities, the price might be very reasonable. I'll keep working on it.
   You can make two cases out of one piece of pipe. I epoxy a round plug in one end and then either use an end cap or make another plug for the other end. I keep it on with Velcro. I cut three disks and put them on a dowel. One for the bottom and two to have farther up the dowel. I can cut these on the bandsaw pretty well or you can turn them to size on a wood lathe if you have one.
  I shipped arrows out to Colorado before my elk hunt and they got there in fine shape. The case is tough and a very resonable way to protect your arrows with only a small outlay for materials.
Title: Re: Arrow case and arrow clips
Post by: jwingman on January 06, 2008, 08:48:00 PM
Here are some pictures of the early model if anyone is interested in making one. Velcro holds on the slide on cover. Arrows just slide into the disks on the dowel. The whole unit slides into the tube.


