Trad Gang
Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Hog Wild on January 05, 2008, 09:45:00 AM
My Girlfriend bought me a Trail Cam for X-mas, :saywhat: Well I set it up in the Backyard and here's what I got.
I still haven't been able to set the time or date. :knothead:
I'm just gettin into the game. I exclusively hunt public land. I did'nt want to put alot of $$$ into something that may get stolen. I won 5 of these for an average of $41/unit. Should be fun seein what has been seein me.
Game Cameras (http://cgi.****.com/WILDVIEW-DIGITAL-GAME-SCOUTING-STEALTH-DEER-CAM-CAMERA_W0QQitemZ180203297249QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item180203297249)
Security Case (
Hog Wild, is that a Carolina Skiff in the background? I hear they make good bowfishing boats.
Originally posted by Hog Wild:
My Girlfriend bought me a Trail Cam for X-mas, :scared: How can you sleep at night with that lurking around.. :eek: :campfire:
VTer- Yeah it's a Carolina Skiff. And yes they do make good Bowfishing Boats. :scared: :help: