Trad Gang

Topic Archives => Memorable Hunts => Topic started by: Charlie Lamb on February 07, 2004, 06:58:00 AM

Title: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 07, 2004, 06:58:00 AM
Well, I'm gettin "short"! (some of you will know what I mean  :)  ) Tuesday morning I'll point my truck south and head for south Texas for the first annual Trad Gang hog hunt,bunny bustin, cactus spine pickin,country music listening to Jamboree.
Looks like the gang will be a smaller group than intended originally, but we'll for sure have a great time.
Next year we'll get out the notice a lot earlier so this will turn into a real "happening".

My bow has been tuned, retuned and tuned again, arrows are built, sharpened, waxed, waterproofed and fondled. Now all that's left is gettin in the truck and settin the radio on scan for "Texas Radio". Can't wait till I'm in range.
Until I am, I've got some Stevie Ray Vaughn, Clapton blues and Gratefull Dead in the CD player waitin.

A full report will follow the hunt and pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back.

I'll try to keep the story tellin to a 5 or 6 day minimum!  :D
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Dante on February 07, 2004, 08:02:00 AM
First I heard of this hunt...who's goin?
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: wingnut on February 07, 2004, 08:21:00 AM
I guess I should have followed Curtis' thread a couple of weeks ago.  Where, when and how much?

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Smilingg on February 07, 2004, 08:47:00 AM
Short? Charlie, you can skydive off a dime!

Stevie Ray, the Dead, and slipping up on a hog...Damn, ya gotta feel sorry for the poor souls who are strangers to that kind of fun.

Take care on the highways. Some of those people out there, they ain't right, or even in the neighborhood.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 07, 2004, 09:01:00 AM
Whatta ya mean Wingnut? You and Rusty said you have a barn to build. Its alright man, I'll shoot one for you. Oh yea, The javalina are primed at my lease too. Better take the invite before Feb 28. Season closure. CK
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 07, 2004, 09:26:00 AM
Have a safe trip and good luck.Can't wait for your tales.Hope to join you next year  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Redfeathers on February 07, 2004, 09:58:00 AM
i'm with wingnut and dante,where and how much?
be a good chance to meet some of you guys.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 07, 2004, 01:35:00 PM
Email me. Curtis.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 07, 2004, 02:07:00 PM
WITH BELLS ON !!!   :bigsmyl:  

Charlie , you drove me nuts last time stretching it out but weren't you suposed to be sick last time .or that was your excuse for one trip .

next week will be real long for me .maybe i better make some quivers so my mind won't be waundering south like it is right now .

you guys have fun and if you see the beast tell him a big Canadian is coming south next March and Texas will never be the same   :bigsmyl:  .-- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: bayoulongbowman on February 07, 2004, 06:44:00 PM
One thing about good ole Charlie is the way he writes man! ya feel like ur riding shot-gun a RIGHT THER A  with him , ya along with this hunt ,we'er sure to get a good story , maybe two! Charlie best of luck my tradgang brother...ur taste in music are right up my alley...but I got have my George Jones , George Strait, and Willie, and the DIXIE CHICKS...NAW!...LOL..NOT THAT,  THATS A BAD THING...   :D   ...MAY UR ARROWS BE TRUE AND HIT THERE MARK , AND FIND UR PRIZE GAME BEFORE IT TURNS  DARK, BRING HOME THE BACON, THE PORK CHOPS AND ROAST, AND DONT FORGET TO WRITE A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR THE PEOPLE THAT LIKE TO  READ YA THE MOST , ALL OF TRADGANG, BROTHERS ANS SISTER!!...HAVE A BLESSED HUNT ...good luck ...MARCO#78   :wavey:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: bayoulongbowman on February 07, 2004, 07:53:00 PM
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Andy on February 07, 2004, 09:19:00 PM
I guess I missed the where in south Texas? I hate it when someone says in south Texas that covers lot of country......Andy
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: bayoulongbowman on February 07, 2004, 09:24:00 PM
Andy , you are so right few year back I was young care free , hopping trains all over texas and riding them like a hobow Talk about adventure...anyway work for this guy for awhile , said I will give ya ride to the station took us a better part of day to ride accross his fathers ranch...wide open spaces...mark#78...  :wavey:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Andy on February 07, 2004, 09:31:00 PM
Weather report says 60percent rain Tuesday 40 wed. and 20 percent on thurs..bring rain coat...light misty rain be good hog hunting they will move all day long.I saw a litter off my front porch last week I think it was about 2 pm in the pasture but too small yet. They were sandwich size.....good luck Charlie....Andy
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: bayoulongbowman on February 07, 2004, 09:50:00 PM
ttt....just right for the BBQ...PIT.MC
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on February 08, 2004, 12:06:00 AM
stevie ray vaughn, the dead, & NO PINK FLOYD?!?!? you heathern!   :D  ps2
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 08, 2004, 12:15:00 AM
Hey! I ran out of money and I still have to buy gas for the trip. Countin on some Willy on Texas Radio.

Just got back from visitin with a bunch of Trad Gangers at the UBM function...Timo, and John Krause and Gray Buffalo and others. Great time!

Herb...I'll write your name on a broadhead and send them your best wishes!!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 08, 2004, 06:07:00 AM
Really appreciate that Charlie .give them a real taste of what is coming next year .LOL dam it is going to be a long week .only thing that will keep me sane is a shoot today and one next sunday . any piggy targets at these will be dead meat ------ herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: John Krause on February 08, 2004, 10:08:00 AM
Nice talking with you at the UBM. Wish we would have had more time. Good luck on your hunt and thanks for telling me the proper way to hunt Dilla! You never told me what it tasted like.  :)
Like I say wouldn't mind stopping by some time when get up 61 to Hannibal next time or two. I'll shoot you an email a few days in advance next time.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: rrh47 on February 08, 2004, 10:28:00 AM
Details about this hunt, some of us must have been asleep at the wheel!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 08, 2004, 12:06:00 PM
Curtis Kellar is coordinating this hunt and he posted his contact info for anyone interest. Just go back up the thread a few posts.  :)  

John... Good talking to you too. The dilla was super!! Surprised me all to heck. Drop by anytime! An email would assure I'd be home. Great time up at UBM wasn't it?
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 10, 2004, 07:50:00 AM
Well guys, just had to get on here for a while this morning. (replaces the donuts I used to have with my coffee   :D  )
My bags are sitting by the door ready to be loaded in the truck. Got a good coat of wax on the truck so it's "waterproof" and looks like I'll be needing it. Forecast rain down that way.
Will try to post updates during the hunt or get Curtis to do it for me.
The boy has to work till Friday afternoon and I'll be huntin alone,at least during the day, till then.
You guys stay out of trouble and I'll see you next week.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: the Ferret on February 10, 2004, 07:57:00 AM
Good luck Charlie (what no Zeppelin?)
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 10, 2004, 08:02:00 AM
Safe trip bud   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 10, 2004, 08:09:00 AM
Thanks Curt!

Mickey... the Zeppelin is coming. Just didn't have the money for everything I wanted. So much music so little money. LOL

I'm out!  :wavey:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 10, 2004, 08:18:00 AM
Charlie ,
you have a safe trip and a great one . can't wait for the stories to start .know you and curtis will have a ball .hopefully next year i will get a chance to met you and Curtis .all the best -- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 10, 2004, 09:52:00 AM
I just heard from Charlie. He's "On The Road Again". Forcast is for rain till Friday then They say its going to be 32% Saturday morning and clearing. Geez! We called this hunt "Texas Sweat" because we expected warmth and sunshine. Welcome to Texas!

I did check my property at first light this morning. Hogs were hard and heavy last night and this morning in the rain. Charlie and the boys should have no problem making a few memories on this trip. We will head South on Saturday morning to wander around on 4000 acres of prime South Texas Realestate then back to my place on Monday evening. While we are in te southland maybe Eric "south texas pig hunter" can keep yall informed. Till then, I will be waiting for stories to develop the same as you. Enjoy the ride! Curtis
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: so tx pighunter on February 10, 2004, 11:19:00 AM
Alright folks for those of you who missed out on the info. and feel that you are close enough and may want to participate the ranch is the Leoncitas Ranch and if you want to get intouch with the outfitter the website is       (  you can call and ask for Martha tell her that Eric Zuniga referred you to them for the Trad gang hunt.(No, I dont get anything for referrals) if you want you can also call me at my cell and I can try to get you in.
I tell yall what email me and I will call you.
Go in peace and walk the way of the hunter.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Mark Normand on February 10, 2004, 12:31:00 PM
Wish I could've jumped on this hunt with Curtis, but just got back from a 2day hog hunt at CougarRun2 north of Houston, it was just for fun after 4 months sitting in deer stands. 3 of us got 4 hogs, chased them the whole time. Great spot/stalk opportunities all day.

I would've brought my traveling guitar and mandolin, maybe picked some bluegrass along with those blues?  LOL!     :thumbsup:  

I emailed Curtis too, sure would like details on this. Certainly within striking distance from here. Good luck to ya'll !
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Padukas on February 10, 2004, 05:15:00 PM
Man OH Man I wish I could join you guys this weekend. I would love to meet some fellow tradgangers but I already have a hog hunt planned in Pleasanton this weekend. I wish you all the best of luck. Maybe we will have good news to report next week. Bring your rain slickers.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Andy on February 11, 2004, 06:30:00 AM
S TX Pighunter  

                   I was wondering where is that ranch out of Tilden because my son hunts with a friend 14 miles sw of Tilden. He was down there around Cotulla this past two mondays doing deer captures.Week before last 35 does this past monday 20 bucks....The web site just says ranch is in Tilden....Andy
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: so tx pighunter on February 11, 2004, 09:28:00 AM
Andy since you are familiar with Tilden area it is five miles out of Tilden behind and across from the roadside park on Highway 16. The freerange side goes from the roadside park all the way into Tilden and stops at the Frio river( thats where we Turkey hunt).
   My wife and I went out yesterday in the rain to look at some land out in the country and were the hogs ever out, mostly where cattle are fed and I am sure they would have been under feeders and in clover patches either way there were a bvunch out and about, some pretty big animals that would have pushed 250 and one that really stood out at approx. 350. Rain is supposed to stop this weekend but we will see. Yall keep em sharp and walk the way of the hunter.  "[tunglaff]"
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 11, 2004, 09:46:00 AM
The rain is "supposed" to stop. LOL! South Texas is the land of mid-winter sunburns right? Not this weekend! Calling for freezing rain on Friday. Well, At least the Snowbirds(Charlie) will feel right at home. Mr Lamb should arrive around noon today. Will post when he arrives.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 11, 2004, 12:58:00 PM
Hey guys! It's Charlie Lamb on Curtis computer. Long trip and uneventful. It's good to be here. Raining lightly at the moment and I'm headed out the door with bow in hand after a brief stop for some killer Mexican food. Will check in later with an update.

Hunt sharp,

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 11, 2004, 01:02:00 PM
Glad you made it safe and sound Bud.Looking forward to the updates.GOOD LUCK  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 11, 2004, 01:29:00 PM
Charlie i'm with Guru glad you tip was safe and quiet . now does the broadhead with my name on it get first chance LOL .hear friday"s weather  will be like hunting here   :D  know you guys will have a great time ,if you meet the beast give your best   ;)  --- herb -- going to be a long week
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Mark Normand on February 11, 2004, 03:53:00 PM
Charlie I went back and read your story you posted about your last trip there.  I hope you get a hog this trip!  Pls do another writeup like that, I enjoyed the reading!   :thumbsup:  

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 12, 2004, 08:07:00 AM
Charlie here... Well, I got out in the brush right away yesterday. The weather is very unsettled right now, with high winds and spitting rain. Saw a lot of good sign, but no animals. (if you don't count the waitress in the local cantina)

Herb... There isn't enough room on my Wensels to write anybody's name so I will use a Simmons Safari given to me by Lance Coleman. Plenty of room on it!

For the record, I'm shooting my old Sky Hawk recurve. It's a sweety that gives me about 67# and my draw. She sports a Delta 7 arrow bow quiver with Carbonwood 4000's. Most have the Wensel Woodsman, the only exception being that nasty big Safari.
I'm off today to make a ground ambush on some Javelina. Very windy right now...about 22mph out of the north. Temp 45*.

See ya later...Charlie  :D
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 12, 2004, 09:20:00 AM
Thanks Charlie , big old broadhead for a big guy like that and some Mojo from Lance should be a winner .
45 F that is T shirt and short weather .keeps you moving and no sweating LOL.
always liked the look of those little guys even if they are a cousin to a rat .--- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 12, 2004, 07:51:00 PM
Hey fellas, Its me, the real Littlefeather.
I thought Id check in while Charlie is out hunting. I'll let him fill you in on the days details later. Charlie decided to hunt one of my lighted feed sites tonight. He is definitely more Macho than I am. Conditions have been the worse you could ask for. Cold, Howling wind with mixed rain. Did I say the wind was Howling??? It is blowing!!! They are calling for freezing rain tomorrow. Brrrrrr! Im about to sit down to some shrimp premivera and a cocktail but thought Id try and post a pic before. Please bear with me if it doesn't work. Charlie will post in awhile.   ( Curtis
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 12, 2004, 07:54:00 PM
Looks like the pic worked. Now we can all say Herb made meat when Charlie takes a tusker.  :thumbsup:   Good to see you along for the ride Herb! CK
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Doug Campbell on February 12, 2004, 08:01:00 PM
Hey bygolly Charlie should feel right at home down there with weather like that.   :thumbsup:  

go gittem guys!!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 12, 2004, 08:16:00 PM
great pic Curtis makes me feel like i am there . weather sounds like i would be right at home   :D  . hope it clears up by week end   :(  .now if Charlie can just plant it where some of the "beasts" relative can realize what next year has in store for them .
fine food ,a drink in hand and wind blowing , belly full just snuggle down in a chair by the fire and good friends to talk to .wow nothing much better in life .thanks for sharing ---- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: so tx pighunter on February 13, 2004, 12:14:00 AM
Hello Northern folk It looks like Charlie brought the cold stuff with him. I guess he wanted it to feel a little more to home for him. I was down towards the ranch tonight and did I see animals moving about everything from whitetail to bobcat. I saw two monster hogs on the road side munching whatever and could care less about the cold. Spoke to my head guide today and he says that he has seen some really good sign (PIGS). All in all, it looks really good for this weekends hunt. I will help keep yall posted as to whats going on.
Peace and walk the way of the hunter.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 13, 2004, 07:37:00 AM
Thanks for the update Eric. The weather isn't cutting us any break around here.

I've been telling Charlie for months that the hogs are right in my back yard almost every evening/night.. I guess I really wasn't thinking that the size of our backyards is relative to where you live. This wasn't exactly what I meant when I said "in the Backyard"! Charlie rushed right out and set-up for a piggy ambush.  (
The set-up looks very good but it may be a little close to the house Charlie!  :bigsmyl:  

Its 37 degrees this morning, 15 mph wind, and a lovely, misting rain. Can't wait to see Charlie suit up and head out. Im staying inside where its warm and dry!!!!!!! CK
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 13, 2004, 07:53:00 AM
It's Charlie... Well, what's been said about the weather is certainly true. It's been nasty!! The temps haven't been all that bad, but the wind has been a mothuh. (famous half word)

Yesterday and Wednesday I sat at differenent times trying to waylay a Javelina. Each time they had been in ahead of me. This morning I get in ahead of them.
Last night I sat for hogs and aside from a rabbit and 4 racoons, nothing showed. Each day without seeing game just brings me that much closer to having an opportunity.
I'm enjoying this more that can be said.

By the way. The pop up blind is just out there airing out!! Of course if the weather stays nasty, close to the house will be a good thing.  :D
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 13, 2004, 08:06:00 AM
Good Luck Bud  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 13, 2004, 08:13:00 AM
thanks for the update guys .was glad to see a pic of charlies's blind not to see the blind LOL but to see the country . add 2 ft of snow and can find places here that look like that . is that a creek or wet area behind the fence ?
when i first saw Chrlies blind in a field was wondering if he knew something i didn't , kind of stuck out there like a sore thumb .  :D  
sure a long time between posts guys . i know what Charlie is like drove me nuts for 2 weeks and this is time is the  same . i will survive but dam it is hard .realize you all will be out of touch for a few days so i will stay real busy   :D  --- herb -- just being a pain LOL
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 14, 2004, 11:08:00 AM
Well Herb, like Doc Ashby says, we've been "bush". Pretty busy so far but no action. Lots of the little stuff.
We're goin "deep bush" starting in a few minutes so there won't be anything up here for a few days.
The weather got clear this morning and is expected to improve steadilly. I imagine hog activity is gonna go off the scale.
Look for us to smack a bunch of bunnies once we get "south".
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 16, 2004, 04:53:00 PM
Hey guys and gals, We are back. We looking like somthing a truck ran over and feel about the same. We took hogs, a trailer load of rabbits and once again I "LITTLEFEATHER" got a Bobcat... One hell of a trip! Everything went better than expected. Game has been abundant and shots were frequent. The Artic Blast has two days behind it and the Sunscreen has been a mandatory item since yesterday at noon. We are due for a little bite to eat, a shower, and a lengthy couch ride. Charlie is going out later to do a night hunt. Im going to glue my Hiney to the loveseat and not move till the AM. Charlie will post later with much more detail. Hope all you guys/gals had a wonderful weekend. Curtis
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: the Ferret on February 16, 2004, 05:43:00 PM
Cool! Been wondering! We need STORIES and PICS..lots of PICS
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 16, 2004, 06:15:00 PM
Howdy!! Charlie on Curtis' computer.  

Like Curtis said, we just got back to his place and are both a little ragged. What a great hunt this has been.

Once things are squared away and I sleep for about 3 days, I've got a tale to tell. Tales of Texas Radio, the Big Beast, Texas Sweat and ice cubes, of hogs killed and hogs lost to mountain lions, of little Blue Texas Quail and herds of cottontails.  

I've still got a place and time to hunt. I'll go out in about an hour for one more beast sit and off in the morning for some varmint calling and trying to slip in on Beast's day bed. I'll be on the road by midday tomorrow and home by evening Wednesday. That's when the story telling starts.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 16, 2004, 06:30:00 PM
so i screwed up forgot it was noon to noon .saved me from pasing the floor all afternoon .

Charlie you are going to do it to me again aren't you .be thursday late before you start drizzling it out .one sight smell and shot at a time .

mt. lion one more thing that thinks i am a slow elk .

good luck tomorrow with the beast -----herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 16, 2004, 08:01:00 PM
Alright. We just finished some rabbit stew and Charlie headed into the brush for one more night assult against the local swine. I thought I would post this one pic to wet the appetite of those onlookers. I can assure you guys that there are plenty of pics to follow. This is all Tradgangers in the pic. Left to right. (Charlie Lamb, Chris Kinslow, me Curtis Kellar, and standing is Eric Zuniga)..... Sorry about the picture quality but it was dark as you can tell by Chris's headlamp shining into the camers. Good night to you all. Curtis  (
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 16, 2004, 08:24:00 PM
must be Chris' first pig , if so congratulations . great smile . looks like this is going to be a long story --- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 16, 2004, 10:32:00 PM
Herb/Lance C., I must say that Charlie is truly a man of his word. As Charlie eased out my back door earlier he said he would be in around 9:00pm from doing a hog hunt... You can imagine my surprise as he eased back in the door at a little past 7:00pm. The man had a smile ear to ear that told the whole story without saying a word. The only thing that surprised me more than his early return was the fact the he had shot two hogs. The first shot from his recurve "Scar" propelled the Carbonwood 4000 tipped with the Simmons Broadhead that Lance Coleman had given him as a gift. Of course he had written Herb Hains name on it so he could be along for the ride. I will let Charlie tell the rest of the story as he does so well. It is kinda funny how those Missouri Boyz shoot the eat n' pigs. Curtis  (   (
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 16, 2004, 10:48:00 PM
You Da Man Charlie,a man of your word indeed.Wicked damage  :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:   !!!
Looking forward to more of the story.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 16, 2004, 11:09:00 PM
Thank you Charlie my friend .i got a big s*** eating grin on my face , way to go .what a hole !!!! Curtis sent me some pics of some pigs he shot a while ago when we were talking  and i said i wanted a red one and a black one and a brown one and a spotted one so we have the spotted one   :D  .looks like i go to bed and dream of spotted hogs .thank you again , those piggies are just finding out what is coming there way next year   :bigsmyl:  ------ herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 16, 2004, 11:10:00 PM
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 17, 2004, 08:05:00 AM
Charlie here... I'm stokin up on coffee for a little while. Curtis is getting ready for work (back to the real world  :mad:  ) and as soon as he's off and running I'm out the door looking for the second one I shot. Couldn't find it last night and it may be a problem. Hope the coyotes left something!

Was thinking about retiring "Herbie" the broadhead, but am now thinking about putting it back in the quiver for more "fun" with critters. Might just see how far that Simmons will go before I sharpen it away to nothing or something destroys it. (that doesn't seem likely)

It's cool here this morning and a light fog is hanging over the land. Should burn off by 8 or 9 a.m.

Can't wait untill I can spend more time on here, catch up with my reading and learning and get the Texas Sweat story rolling.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 17, 2004, 08:27:00 AM
Charlie ,
was surprised the name lasted through one pass through .do what you wish sure enjoyed the ride so far  :D   ,love the flight of the arrow  ;)   .

thanks for sending my message to "the beasts" relatives ,sure hope to meet them and you in person next year . going to be a long wait , but have lots to do before then arrows to make broadheads to sharpen .

took the garbage to the road this morning a couple of trips was so cold my cheeks were getting hard it was so frosty .hope Texas has the New Brunswick weather out of its system for a couple of years .sure would be nice to see 60 to 65F and sunshine for the hunt , find me some place to curlup in the sun LOL. eyes getting heavy just thinking about it .--- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Timo on February 17, 2004, 09:29:00 PM
Glad you boys had a good time. I regret not getting to go. I gotta do that some time.Congrats to all!  :thumbsup:  

Work is for the birds,but the roof sure is nice!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: John on February 18, 2004, 07:07:00 AM
Since the BH had "Herb" on it does that mean HH did "Become the Arrow".
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: the Ferret on February 18, 2004, 07:16:00 AM
Man the double thread on this subject is driving me plumb nuts..not sure which one I'm reading or which one has the story and pics.

Congrats to whoever got anything anywhere   :D
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 18, 2004, 07:27:00 AM
Ferret ,
Charlie should be home today !! now we will learn patients as he is in charge of spinning it out (er telling the story) .i am going to pretend i am on stand hunting and stay quiet and look and watch .-- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 18, 2004, 07:43:00 AM
Micky/Gang, The story will unfold on this thread as soon as Charlie gets home. He spent the night North of Dallas last night and will be home tonight. He should start the stories tomorrow. Sorry for the wait. CK
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 18, 2004, 08:10:00 AM
Curtis, Will we see a change of your avatar?New bobcat picture,or maybe your hog,or maybe your bunnies? What a weekend  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:  !How many critters were killed altogether(by everyone)? Can you answer that without messing up Charlies story?Awsome hunt Bro  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 18, 2004, 10:24:00 AM
Dang Curt, You know us Suthern Bozy are under-edumicated. I kant count past ten. Thats what I killed were ten! Sum bunnies, a pig, a kitty.. The other fellas gonna have ta sypher the count on their killin. I can tell you that size does matter though. See the size of that bunny I killed.  (
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 18, 2004, 10:11:00 PM
after the pic i recieved today i think there is something fuzzy about the big bunny   :D  -- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 18, 2004, 10:40:00 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm,suspicious  :saywhat:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 19, 2004, 08:01:00 AM
Well, I won't rub it in, but for those of you who backed out this screwed up!!!   :D   So how was that for letting you down easy?

It really was a shame that only the four of us (Curtis Kellar, Eric Zuniga, Chris Kinslow and I ) made it to the "Texas Sweat". Next year will be bigger, better, with more laugh packed action than ever before. Over 20% more!!

Enough of that... on with the nut cuttin!

As I said earlier, I arrived in Texas to anything but warm temperatures. It's a real good thing I brought warm clothes or I'd have had to have huddled in Curtis' house, a quivering lump of frostbitten Missouri bowhunter, for the first three days of my planned hunting time. I'd about rendered down on my last trip in October so this was definetatly a shock to my system. I'd left near 0 degree temps in Missouri and had been looking forward to some heat!
There was rain early on, but it cleared out quickly. Temperatures dropped correspondingly and we were greeted by stiff north winds carrying colder temperatures. The second morning of the hunt there was a hard frost on the truck windows.
What a difference a couple of months makes...even in south Texas!
I spent the first couple of days hunting Javelina on Curtis' lease. Every plan I could devise went for naught with the little collared buggars. I never saw a hair... ok, there was the hair that Curtis picked up to show me, but that doesn't count.
Javies aren't exactly thick in Curtis' part of Texas. When you do find them, it'll be a little family group comprised of 5 or 6 animals.
CK and I had talked it over and I'd decided to take a small one from the group and not shoot the patriarch or matriarch. That would be better for the herd.
It turned out that I didn't have to make that choice at all as it turns out.
As it turns out, I spent a midday stand at the ambush spot and a late day stand and had narrowed it down to thinking the Javies were coming through early in the morning.
The last day of Javie hunting I went out early (9 a.m)and stayed until noon. Sign in the area indicated that they had made a VERY early visit that morning. Dammit, dammit, dammit!!

I was trying to maximize everything I did while out in the brush, so at each stand I'd sit real still for a couple of hours and then open up with my varmint call a little bit before I was ready to leave.
Well, I've never been what you would call a great varmint caller. Oh sure, I make all the noises, make them pretty convincingly too, but as with almost all my past calling adventures these drew a blank also.
I guess I was pretty sure that anybody could call droves of varmints in Texas. Hell, last time down there I'd squeaked in a coyote. Curtis had a bobcat AND a coyote respond to rattling antlers the last time. Must be something else I'm doing.
So in between running around DeWitt County doing errands, and hunting Javelina, I was also sitting a prime spot at Curtis' ranch for hogs in the evening.
He'd told me repeatedly by email and again in person when I arrived, that hogs often visited his place at last light. Of course the rub was that it hadn't happened since a week earlier.
Curtis is one of those wired characters who's constantly moving and doing something. I think he sleeps that way too. He's often up in the middle of the night and will hear the hogs carrying on when they come on his property. He hadn't heard them in days.

I looked at it like an opportunity waiting to happen. Every evening they didn't show up increased the likelyhood that they would!
I kept that attitude for the first two evenings there, but except for a couple of rabbits and four racoons, not a squeak was heard from the piggies.
Curtis had assured me that when they came, they'd come with gusto and I'd hear them for hundreds of yards, squealing, oinking, grunting and otherwise being pigs on their way to dinner.
I had in my hearing aids (fairly new to me) and could hear a mouse sneeze at 50 yards. Still didn't hear pigs coming.
The rabbits would have been easy to get shots on if I'd wanted to. So would the coons. Wish I'd have know Curtis' wishes on the coons.
After the first evening with them crunchin and munchin around the stand he issued the edict that the coons must die. Wish I'd have known that before!
As soon as I had the go ahead, the little masked varmints quit coming.

Chris Kinslow arrived around noon on my third day and it was good to see him again. It was good to see that he brought the sunshine with him and warming temp. The weather looked like it was gonna give us a break so I'll give Cris credit for bringing it. Chris and I live at opposite ends of the state back home and go back a ways as deer hunting buddies.
Chris' is fairly new at this trad bowhunting thing and even newer at doing "away" games. I was looking forward to breaking him in right on this trip. What Curtis and I couldn't teach him about hunting the "brush", Texas would!
We spent the afternoon getting gear ready and visiting different spots I knew of while Curtis was at work.
CK would show up early in the afternoon and get a little BBQ going...south Texas, pig hunter style. We'd all chow down on the great meal and then Curtis and I would put Chris on stand for the evening pig parade.
I guess it's some kind of unwritten rule about taking new guys hunting. Ya just gotta mess with their heads a little bit. Know what I mean? We didn't go as far as the whole snipe hunt thing or regail Chris with stories of the hook man or fleeting glimpses of big hairy two legged things that skulk through the night. That wouldn't have been right!
We might have mentioned that the occasional rattler might slither up the ladder on the stand and snuggle around a still bowhunters feet. If I remember rightly, we might have alluded to giant angry hogs hiding trailside in the tall grass as a hunter walked home in the dark. You know? Just little hints of things to give him something to occupy his waiting time.

(mo lada)
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 19, 2004, 08:16:00 AM
Thanks Charlie ,
just emailed Curtis (he feels lost without at least one from me a day   :D  )to see if you got home safely  ,glad to see you did .
i am being good not begging for more info and stories .
thanks for putting "herb" to good use was great to be along for the ride .
Curtis says i can't use arrows got to carry a switch because i am so big , guees it wouldn't be fair to the pigs   ;)  asked him if i could maybe borrow "sweet spot" if they have big "puddy tats" down that way ------ herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 19, 2004, 08:43:00 AM
Herb... I'll get this rollin pretty soon and it won't take as long as last time. Gonna try to get the others to fill in their parts at the proper time. Should make a better story that way.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 19, 2004, 09:37:00 AM
I guess thats my cue!

Like Charlie said, Chris made the trip fine. The last few days leading up to the trip I was thinking Chris would POP with anticipation. I was no help to him as I constantly bombarded him with tales of the Big Boy Hog that visits nightly even when the other piggys play elsewhere. Im sure everything I was telling him was "just the facts" and no fish story, so to speak. LOL!

Well, as Chris headed out for his first night on stand we watched him ease into the darkness with a stiff North wind, misting rain and temps approaching the freezing mark. Charlie and I sat in the warmth of my home and laughed at Chris's excitment and determination. We were both really excited at the possibilities Chris faced one his first night in Texas. I had made clear to Chris in his departing that coons were on the hit list and any bunny he could hit was his to take. The night grew long and the misting rain turned to sleet. Chris stayed on stand like a seasoned hunter. I was proud of his efforts and wished Id not filled him with tales of the Big one that always waited by the trail waiting for the hunters exit.
I was sure he had believed ever word I spoke.

(Back to Charlie)
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 19, 2004, 06:17:00 PM
Yeah, what I was wanting to do was get Chris out hunting as soon as possible. We set him up with the same blind I'd sat for two evenings.
Curtis had gotten these two little walkie talkie handsets and we gave one to Chris and Curtis kept the other one handy.
Just to make sure things were going ok, we'd have Chris check in on the half hour and give us an update.
CK and I headed into the house for some refreshment and couch time as Chris bounced off down the trail to the blind.
It was kinda nice taking a break from the hunt. I'd been going pretty strong for a couple of days and this would be a breather before we headed out tomorrow.
The second show on the hunting channel was just starting when Chris came over the radio. He'd just nailed a couple of rabbits and had missed a coon. We stepped out on the back porch and starred off in the direction of the Chris' hiding place.
Curtis told him spooky stuff and I howled into the air in my most wolfish tone.
Chris ended up staying for another hour. He did much better than I would have in the cold and the mist. No doubt.

The following morning Chris and I got off onto Curtis' lease looking for the javies, but had little luck.
As a parting shot we set up and called for a coyote or bobcat before heading back to the Kellar rancherita.
Not much luck at that. That's about par for me and varmint calling. Once in a great while something comes in and that's enough to keep me trying.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 19, 2004, 07:39:00 PM
As Charlie said, he and Chris eased on to the lease to chase javi’s in the AM.  I stayed behind to tie up a few loose ends.

 It is always nice to have company but like Charlie said, I stay wired and never seem to have enough time to get everything done. This was my opportunity to finalize the checklist of all the gear making the trip, while they were away hunting.

Lets see, coffee, sugar, salt, pepper, blankets, jerky, sausage, matches, lighter fluid, paper towels, toilet paper....... What am I forgetting??? Ever get that feeling? You know you have left out some unseen item that if not found will ruin the trip.
I spend hours looking for that one item. LOL! I never did find it.
As the much appreciated sun rose higher in the morning sky, I began to wonder if the guys had taken a critter. It was almost 10:00am and that was the time we had spoken of leaving.  It was but a few more minutes and Chris and Charlie arrived up the drive. No animals seen were worthy of an arrow so they had departed.

Only minutes were taken to hastily cram all our gear into the back of Charlie’s new Toyota pick-up. One final run through  the checklist, a stop at the nearest town for fuel, and we pointed the Missouri front plate South to the adventures that surely awaited us.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: BJOHN5244 on February 19, 2004, 09:21:00 PM
Charlie and Littlefeather,

I've been following this thread from the start. Sure sounds like alot of fun. I come home from work everyday and check for the progress and story that goes along with it. Make me want to come be apart of it next year. Makes me feel like I'm there with you. Looking foward to the rest of the story.  :thumbsup:  

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 19, 2004, 09:35:00 PM
Cool  :thumbsup:  ,and we haven't even gotten to the good parts.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: the Ferret on February 19, 2004, 10:06:00 PM
Dang I must read faster than you boys type..where's the rest of the story?   :D
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 19, 2004, 10:32:00 PM
wished i didn't work at home check 20 to 30 times a day   :(  . anyone else think curtis and Charlie have been together to much? both now only write 2 paragraphs and then leave us hanging . now i am not complaining just pointing out a couple of points  :D  .jsut 80 miles to the hunt property , wonder if tomorrow is about the drive there   ;)  --- night all  ---- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Missouri CK on February 19, 2004, 10:53:00 PM
I've been away at work only to find that the story telling has begun without me. I thought I should contribute with some details of my own.

For those who don’t know me or recognize my picture, it’s because I’ve only been a casual onlooker to the trad gang since its inception. I’m still fairly new to traditional archery, and so it never seemed natural for me to try to give advice or state my opinion. Instead I have simply enjoyed reading about the hunts of others while soaking up all the good advice that is available.

In this case I have the rare opportunity to be the one telling the hunting tale which is certainly new for me and admittedly exciting.

Before I begin, some of you might be wondering how I managed to fall into the company of such a motley crew as Charlie Lamb and Curtis Keller. Fortunately for me, Charlie is a friend of my father-in-law and I meet him while hunting here in northwest Missouri. We got to know each other better when I convinced him to build me a recurve of his own design. Charlie has always been willing to share his knowledge and experiences of both hunting and life. In this case he shared with me the opportunity to go hunting in South Texas with his friend Curtis Keller. He told me this was going to be a great hunt and it certainly lived up to his billing.

I met Curtis Friday afternoon and found him to be as affable and generous as he had seemed in our e-mail conversations. The first night in Texas I had the opportunity to sit in the bamboo blind that Curtis has constructed on his property. While I must admit it was a strange looking structure at first glance, it turned about to be the perfect perch for an evening hunt for which I will not soon forget. While being serenaded by the sounds of Curtis goose as well as Charlie’s ghostly calls from the house, I proceeded to have a blast shooting at rabbits and coons. I managed to knock down three bunnies, but the raccoons seemed to dance in their own shadows while avoiding my carbonwood arrows. Maybe my excitement had something to do with that as well.

I even managed to hear the sounds of the hog Curtis had described to me earlier. He never appeared out of the shadows but the hogs deep breathing and low grunts made the adrenalin run through my body at a heart pounding pace.

I was hooked and I hadn’t even laid eyes on a hog by the time I crawled out of the blind at 9 pm. I must admit that my pace was quick on the way back to Curtis’ house. The seeds Charlie and Curtis had planted in my mind took hold of my imagination as I walked through the mist. Curtis had named this hunt, “The Texas Sweat hunt”. Little had I known that it would be a cold sweat running down the back of my neck.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Dave Bulla on February 19, 2004, 11:09:00 PM
Hey Chris, sounds like you had a great time!  I'm working on arranging a pig hunt in TX myself somewhere east of Dallas.  It'll be my first hog hunt too.

How long have you been in the Weston area?  Heck, I'm just south of the KC airport about 6 miles.  I go to Weston a couple times a year to hit the America Bowman restaurant and pub and a couple antique shops for the wife.  Cool little town.  If you ever hunt at Platte Falls, I might even have met you already.  You aught to drop me an email and maybe we could get together sometime to shoot or look for sheds or somethin'.  It's getting to be that time of year.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: huntsmanlance on February 20, 2004, 03:49:00 AM
It sure sounds like yall had a blast!!! Im sorry i missed it.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 20, 2004, 07:39:00 AM
Hey Chris wished i could have made it then we could have be "afeared" together LOL you are very lucky ---- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 20, 2004, 07:48:00 AM
Hey guys! I think this is working out great!! Of course I KNOW the stories.   "[laffsmyl]"  

As Chris mentioned, he did have a brief encounter with "the Beast".
If not the same "Beast" from my previous trip he's at least a twin brother and sneaky to boot!
He's got the bamboo blind all figured out and has a real good idea what can go on there.
His approach to the ambush is always from the downwind side, which most times is also the blind side. He'll come in real close, in the dark, until he gets a whiff of hunter with that huge, rough old nose. That's all that can be heard and the key to his presence.  SNIFF...SNIFF! GRUNT!!! GONE! That was all Chris heard of him that night.

Anyway, after coming in from looking for Javies we were soon loaded and ready for the short trip down to Tilden, Texas.
Curtis (as most locals usually seem to do)took us a large portion of the way on back roads. Turning here, curving around there, past this ranch and right by that one. Guess it's just to confuse the new worked for me!
The cool thing that I did notice that I had forgotten about since last time was the condition of the back roads.
They were paved. I'm talkin narrow (one lane only), paved with asphalt roads. A couple of times I forgot that there just could be someone coming around the corner heading the opposite direction... but there never was! Kinda cool actually!

It only took an hour to travel south to Tilden, but in that short space of time the country changed dramatically.
Where the land around Curtis' place is farm ground and often turned and tilled, this land around Tilden was more "otherworldly" with century plants and walls of cactus and other "pointy" stuff lining the roadsides. This was the country I'd remembered from a Javelina trip years before. I itched to get out in it with bow in hand.

Soon we had hooked up with Eric Zuniga (Southtexaspighunter) and were stowing gear in our well appointed home for the weekend.
Eric and I hit it off right away. He's a Marine vet (like me...sorta   :D  ) so there was instant bonding. There'd be no lack of conversation between us and that was for sure.
Eric is a long time south Texas brush rat with a lot of experience guiding hog hunters. The ranch we were hunting was one of the outfits he guided for, so he knew this property and the animals on it, like the back of his hand. That would come in real handy!

The first order of business was to get us out in the brush and start getting an idea of how the ranch roads lay. I never did catch on all that well.
They seemed to be layed out like a maze, though I knew there was probably a pattern to the way they were laid out.
Guess I need to take my GPS out and look at Terraserver now that it's over.

We got a tour of different feeders and which one's were being hit on some kind of schedule, Eric pointed out different locations where bobcats had been seen regularly and which patches of cactus and brush held the most cottentails.
We managed to harrass a few bunnies while we were at it.
At one point, Eric had just told us about a site that was being visited at mid day by at least one hog.
Low and behold as we rounded a corner and could see the feeder in the distance, we could make out the outline of a hog busy finding food.
I was urged to get out and make a move on the grizzled boar, which I did with no hesitation. Curtis grabbed up his bow and was moving with me.

With a word of encouragement that the hog wouldn't stay long because of the lack of feed on the ground we moved forward.
All I had to do was find quiet footing as I made the approach. A mesquite bush (or whatever bush it was) provided me with cover. It was within shooting range of the pig, if I could just make it there undetected.
At twenty yards I caught site of the pig throught he screen of brush, just as he raised his head in my direction. An instant later he was scooting off for parts unknown.
Dammmit!! Oh well, first crack at game and all that!

We spent the remainder of the afternoon preparing ambush spots for each of the members of our party.
There were best laid plans to put Chris in the best spot. We all agreed that he needed a hog experience.
I've been in that spot before. You know, try to do your best to put someone in the action.
There had been a time when I'd had some guys come antelope hunting with me in Wyoming. I'd prepared blinds and kept tabs on movement for months before they arrived.
In the week they were hunting with me I put them in supposed hot spots each day and would take what I thought were the "bad" spots for myself. I shot three antelope that week and the boys got zip! (well, they did all have shots!)
I had a sneaky hunch that it could work that way for Chris, but didn't mention it.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 20, 2004, 11:02:00 AM
Well, Like Charlie said, we made the treck into Tilden with no problems.  Shortly after arriving, Eric Zuniga came rolling up in his white, 4wd truck and after a few breif introductions we were away to start our journey.

Eric is one of those rare individuals who you feel like you've known for a lifetime even though you may have only spent breif interludes with him. He is a gentle, soft spoken fella, that has a politeness about him that makes you wish he was spending time looking after your kids. Eric has earned his place in his daily routine after spending a great part of his years fighting for us on foreign shores.  He has seen his fair share of combat but seems to harbor no ill-feelings or begrudge anyone.

The months leading up to this trip had all of us anxious to hit the brush as soon as possible. This we did with hair raised excitement that was only compounded by our early encounter with the hog Charlie mentioned. Heck, we'd only been on the ranch for 15 minutes! Is this the way the weekend will unfold? You better believe that's what we were all wondering!

The time after the first hog encounter was spent constructing makeshift brush blinds and trying to figure out the travel corridors that the local fauna was using.  The sun was growing lazy in the Western sky as we all prepared ourselves and made a final check of our gear. We were ready.  Were the hogs?

As I got comfortable in my little pile of brush, my mind wandered and I thought of what the rest of the world must be doing. I was surely the fortunate one to be here in this virtual game paradise.

As the shadows grew long, the colorful birds of the region fluttered in the cactus and the cottontails hopped to and fro. I decided to pass some time shooting a few rabbits.  The score was two for me and zero for the bunnies.  Snap! A twig broke to my left and a doe appeared. Time may never reveal the hiding place she emerged from but when I finally noticed her she was at a meer four paces, followed by a small buck.  The deer continued to come, with the final tally being eleven deer before the shadows grew together into darkness. Tomorrow will bring me a new day. I only hope I can sleep before the dawn.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 20, 2004, 11:47:00 AM
last year i saw maybe 6 or 7 deer in whole season and that was a lot for me closest was maybe 50 yds . ---- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 20, 2004, 01:09:00 PM
I posted on a spot that showed a lot of sign and good cover downwind of likely areas of movement.
Almost as soon as I got settled into my hide activity around me increased. Little south Texas cottentails were hopping here and there in the brush and cactus with the occasional hell raiser that figures it'll be cool to race through the middle of a covey of blue quail just to see them fly.
A Roadrunner, gliding along fast and smooth like an arrow shot close to the ground, blurred past me.
I'd resigned myself to leaving the bunnies and quail alone. I wanted a pig like the one I'd stalked earlier.
An hour into the sit, a chunky black form appeared in the brush 20 yards away. A fat sow was coming toward me and at the last minute swerved to cross in front of my bow.
I wasn't too worried about shooting right away, so I stood patiently waiting for her to trot into a shooting lane I'd picked. She'd be ten yards and slightly quartering. I figured I could handle that!
The sow never made it to the open. While she was still behind cover, she switched ends and ran back where she had come from.
I knew the wind was favorable and it was strong and steady as well. She couldn't have seen me.

Suddenly she was back and following the path she had followed intitially! I knew she would repeat her footsteps and continue into my ambuscade.
Slowly I readied my recurve, pointing "Herbie" the arrow into the shooting lane.
Just as quickly as before the hog stopped behind the brush in the same spot and whirled to leave once more.
I anticipated she might return and bring a group with her this time, but even though I waited quietly and still until dark, she never returned.
Both Chris and Curtis had a slow evening if you don't count stringing up some more cottentails and a quail.

(cont. later today)
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Missouri CK on February 20, 2004, 02:15:00 PM
I’m sure my degree of inexperience added to the excitement that I felt about the impending hunt. I felt like a kid waiting to open his presents on Christmas morning as we were driving around the ranch scouting the locations. I couldn’t wait to get out and look around at every spot.  I had the opportunity to watch the brief stalk on the hogs from the road. While I was disappointed that Charlie and Curtis had been unable to connect, it seemed appropriate that the hogs were not going to be that easy. Deep down I think we all want the game to make us work for any success we achieve.

Consistent with the general theme of this weekend, Charlie and Curtis put me on the best looking spot available for my first evening hunt. I appreciated their obvious attempts to help put me on a spot with the highest likelihood for success. I too was aware of the fact that sometimes the best-laid plans can still go array. Regardless to the outcome I knew I would have a blast on this trip. The Texas landscape had such a foreign look for my Missouri-eye’s that I my senses were overwhelmed. From the cactus and whitebrush with their inhospitable barbs, to the smell of the blooms of unfamiliar plants, and even the birds that gladly consumed the offerings of the feeder. I was viewing things from a different prospective than even Charlie or Curtis since everything was new for me. I hastily made a ground blind backdrop from the cover available. The prevailing wind limited my choices. In hindsight, my choice of spots was too open but I was a little apprehensive about tromping around in the brush to collect more ground cover for fear that I might disturb any hogs that were in the vicinity. Regardless, I hunkered down in my spot and attempted to keep my excitement in check. It took me a while to find a comfortable feeling in my set up and get myself into a hunting mode.

I the midst of my thoughts I had a young spike buck quickly run into the feeder. He nervously feed for the better part of five minutes while I mentally tried to practice waiting for the perfect shot opportunity. I finally got my bow into position as I was going to attempt to come to full draw in order to simulate a hunting situation on this unsuspecting buck. He wouldn’t stand for the slight movement of my bow and causally trotted off into the brush. Not five minutes later a young fawn sprinted into the feeder with a more cautious doe pausing to check the surroundings from the rear. I managed to get a look at her without spooking them both. However, they both soon vacated the area for some unknown reason. I would soon find out why, as my first hog sighting was about to occur.

I heard what I thought was a low grunts in the background cover to my north. Soon the dark shapes of a pig appeared through the cactus. I had told myself earlier to be patient and not rush any shooting opportunities. So when the first hog ran in towards the feeder I held myself in check in order to minimize any movement. I wanted them to settle down before I tried to draw. Unfortunately the hogs taught me my first lesson in hog hunting, which is that hogs rarely ever relax here in Tilden. The pigs were a blur of nervous energy, which ironically matched my own level of excitement.The two hogs that I could see never stopped for more than a second before they would dart off towards cover. Much like Charlie’s experience, the group came in towards the feeder several times but never actually stopped to offer me a shot. I’m sure a more experienced, faster shooting hunter would have been able to get off an arrow, but I tend to be pretty deliberate when I shoot.  I never had what I would consider a real shot opportunity. Like Charlie, I expected the pigs to return as they had twice previously, but the failed to reappear as twilight ended my first experience with the pigs.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: so tx pighunter on February 20, 2004, 02:23:00 PM
I guess I will take over and fill in now. When I first pulled up and to be honest I was ten minutes late( had a real good reason though ) I saw Curtis and these other two individuals that looked like they were really itchin to get started. I figured "well if they really want to get poked, bitten, stuck, scratched and tormented by the South Texas Brush then who am I to slow down the process." We all introduced ourselves and then amde our way to the camp house where we stowed the gear and then started off in search of "Mr. Snooter Rooter". After I showed the fellas around the ranch and they all had there piggy appetites whetted up a little bit by the first hog of the day, I helped set up blinds and scour game trails which all looked really promising. The only thing was that with the weather as goofy as it was I wasn't super sure of which areas would be hotter than others. All the areas that we checked looked as if they would produce but I figured that the wind would keep them tight to the brush and that they would be pretty jumpy so the boys would really have to cover up work the wind and be extra stealthy. Alot of folks underestimate the capabilities of pigs but they really can be smart. They can pattern hunters just like we pattern them, they cant see really well but dont be fooled if you twitch at the wrong moment they are gone with a blow and three quick woofs to let you know that they busted you, their hearing is probably as good as a deers if not better in my opinion and his nose is unmatched and by far superior to any other animal. So for anyone to think that this hunt was going to be easy for them ya best think again or even better come down and see me and I will make a believer out of you. Anyhow after setting up we went back in got a drink and fine tuned hardware for the hunt. It was finally time to hunt (A good two hours later)and I set the guys out with a good luck and shoot straight and went to settle in my little area where I spent the afternoon plunking at small game for the cook pot. Now in this time I learned something really cool. I learned that a Roadrunner is abit of an oppurtunist because while wathcing a covey of Blue Quail a single Roadrunner swooped in from an overhead branch that he had been perched on and nabbed a little Red Cardinal bird which began to scream and shriek. The little bird couldn't get away from the bigger and I watched in amazement as the Roadrunner dispatched the smaller by thumping it on the ground until it passed on and then ate it until there was nothing left but a few feathers. The Roadrunner then went on his way. I guess we weren't the only hunters out that evening I wish I would have had my video unit with me. The quail went back and forth until dusk and all was looking really good when I leaned over to adjust the brush in front of me one last time when I heard "beep" the little two way radio that CK and I were to use in case of emergencies sqeaked out just a little squelch and right after it happened I knew that I had been majorly busted because I heard a distinct wooooof and an even more distinct blow of air that was emitted by the boar hog that had somehow snuk in without me noticing it not tweny five yards away. I grunted at him to try and ease him some but he was'nt having any of it, he was gone and I was pretty dumbfounded. It just goes to prove that something that is percieved as fat loud and dumb can really make you feel that same way at times.
  Until later, keep em sharp and walk the way of the hunter.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: the Ferret on February 20, 2004, 05:06:00 PM
Hey you guys write pretty good as a team. no one is missing a beat..this is cool   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 20, 2004, 05:25:00 PM
The next morning was a champ. We were up and out early in the very chilly morning air. It would be a premier day, weather wise.

The set that morning was brief and we gathered around nine a.m. The plan was to check out some ground and look for a few bunnies for the pot.

I'd already bagged a couple and they were thick in different places. We managed to find several places where there were a few. Chris and CK took the lead on the bunnies.
I was really liking the weather, which was getting warmer by the minute under a bright and very warm sun.
Some guys just can't let a guy dream. At one point Eric and I were cruising through some whitebrush and cactus when he got my attention with a slight wave. With a sly smile he spoke just loud enough that I could hear across the ten feet that separated us as he said, "watch out for mister No shoulders.
He was right. It had warmed up enough that we could encounter a big ole rattler layin in the sun. I watched the cover differently from then on.

We had time to talk that morning in between sightings of deer, coyote and bobcat and shooting cottentails. And I might add, watching some superb game shooting by both Chris and Curtis.
The stash of bunnies in the cooler was growing!
Plans for the afternoon and evening were refined and new spots selected. There'd be a couple of blinds to set up as well.

The thing about the south Texas brush country is that anything can happen at any time. One minute you can be totally alone with nothing happening and the next just about any kind of animal you can imagine will come hopping, loping, browsing or running along in front of you. It keeps you primed and cocked.

Except for a spike buck deer that got wise to me early in his approach my evening sit was pretty routine.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 20, 2004, 05:29:00 PM
Ferret , do you get the feeling that they are leading up to something   :bigsmyl:  .you can feel something is coming.   :D  -- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: BJOHN5244 on February 20, 2004, 05:55:00 PM
Hey guy's this is great reading. Bet your gonna drag this story telling out for a whole week or so. Don't know if I can take this. Sitting on the edge of my computer chair waiting in anticipation
for the next chapter to come to life is just like sitting on a stand and waiting for game to come in. Great job.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 20, 2004, 06:08:00 PM
The morning Sun was fast approaching as I bailed from the confines of Erics truck.  Today I would be the first to take up solice in the brush as the others continued on to a future unknown.

Mornings in the South Texas brush are kind of a magic time. The abundant game is waking from slumber and the brease carries the fragrance of blooming Currant bushes and Prickly Pear flowers. Time always seems to stand still in the waking hours and I find myself drifting in thoughts of what the day may hold. This morning certainly was unfolding into a beautiful sunrise and my excitement grew the higher the Sun rose.

Only a short time into the sit I begain to grow restless as I had bunnies on my mind. In a moment a small bunny appeared and in the same moment I sent a blunt to greet him. Before I could get settled back down good the deer Id seen the evening before begain to emerge from the tangle of green that surely only they could penetrate. My bow was gently eased to the ground as I reached with the other hand to find my camera.
This was crazy! Six deer. Wait! Seven, eight, eleven deer! Where are they all coming from, I asked myself?  I found the window of opportunity slowly closing for my chance at a pic without spooking them. My thoughts were proven correct as I slowly eased the camera into position. The dreaded snort and white flags were everywhere!

Im starting to find my comfort zone in all the clothes this morning to be going the wrong direction. I decide to take a few moments to lighten the load of clothing that had me looking nothing short of Nanook of the far North.  As I shed the final layer I begain to see movment in an unsuspecting area. Deer? How could this be? Five more deer? Geeze, why had I waited till so late to come here. Two weeks earlier and I would have been legal to harvest one of these beautiful animals.

The morning surprises slowly begain to decrease in frequency as I found myself standing in the middle of the dirt road. Im holding my two bunnies of the morning with great pride. They aren't the biggest targets you know.

 I hear the truck approaching from somewhere across the ranch. Had one of the other guys faired better than I? I can only hope.   (
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 20, 2004, 06:39:00 PM
real good thing you guys are out of reach   :bigsmyl:  -- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 21, 2004, 12:07:00 AM
TOO COOL    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 21, 2004, 08:22:00 AM
Chris Kinslow, where are you? Its your turn Buddy!

Here is a pis of Charlie and Chris on a midday scouting mission. Beautiful country in its own sort of way. Enjoy!

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Tracy McQueen on February 21, 2004, 08:46:00 AM
Great thread!  :thumbsup:  

One of these days I'm gonna make it out to Texas and do some hunting. I swear it!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Missouri CK on February 21, 2004, 04:42:00 PM
Work is really getting in the way of my storytelling!

Saturday morning found me at the same location I had spent the previous evening. The sun was on its way up and I could tell from the initial rays that hit my back it was going to be a warm Texas day. It was a nice change from the six below zero temperature I had experienced when leaving Kansas City on Friday .

Soon after daybreak the same spike buck revisited my feeder. I couldn’t help but smile at him as he went through the same routine as the previous evening. He gave me a couple of inquisitive glances as he nibbled up the corn on the ground. It’s nice to that close to an animal in a non hunting situation because I was able to pay attention to all the small details of his actions. Looking eye to eye with any deer gets my adrenaline flowing.

He was soon joined by a nice eight pointer who also stayed in the background. I was disappointed that I hadn’t gotten any pictures the previous evening so I tried to get a shot of this more impressively racked deer. The limited movement I made lifting the camera off the ground was enough to send both the deer into a mild alert mode. I got my picture but it didn’t turn out as good as I had hoped. Soon they were both gone into the brush. About thirty minutes later I was pondering the idea of taking aim at some of the birds under the feeder until I heard the sound of pigs. This time I saw two smaller sows and their piglets to the north of my feeder. They showed the same tentativeness and apprehensive posturing that I had seen the previous evening. The tiger stripe pattern of one of the piglets caught my eye. I had instructions from the power’s that be to not hesitate on a sow even if she had little ones. However this group of hogs made my decision easy for me as they bolted back into the brush before reaching the feeder.

I had noticed some changes in the wind direction as the morning had progressed and I think they might have gotten a whiff of me on their way in to the feeder. Several grunts and the sound of running hooves told me they would not return for a second look.
Around 9:00 I decided to take a shot at one of the blue quail standing under the feeder. Not a minute after my carbonwood bludgeon found its mark did I hear the sounds of Eric and Charlie driving towards my stand. Pretty decent timing as I was ready to get up and collect my bird. Although it wasn’t shot on the wing, I was still pretty happy to have collected my first blue quail with a bow.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: so tx pighunter on February 22, 2004, 12:20:00 AM
I guess I will pick it up real quick. After I dropped off all the fellas I decided to do alittle scouting on my own. I parked my truck and gathered my gear and was getting ready to start easing through the brush when I got the crap scared out of me. I hadn't taken more than two steps when I had about fifteen Rio Grande Gobblers start howling their fool heads off about sixty yards ahead of me. I started down the trail real easy so as to get a good look at the birds but I guess they just didn't want to stick around to socialize. Anyway I started making my way through the South Texas mesquite and cactus and had just come to a cross trail when I looked up and saw four little porkers munching corn under a feeder that was about 200 yards off. I checked the wind and decided to make a stalk and after about twenty minutes I was within 30 yards. I grounded my extra gear pulled an extra Wensel palmed it and closed to within 18 yards, this is when things started to get sour. Being only as tall as some of the cactus leaves makes it a little hard to actually shoot over things so I was in a pickle all the white brush in front of me was just the right height to cover me really well but at the same time I had zero for shot oppurtunity. All this time I was being patient and waiting two of the piggies decided to depart in a very non-chalant manor so I was left with two and one of which was really bugging me due to the fact that all he wanted to do was face me and eat. These two fellas were quickly becoming convinced at the notion of following their buddies so when both of them were moving back into the brush line I stepped out and drew well what I didn't see was the third pig who at about the time I stepped out and drew gave that very distinct woof woof woof and the blow signalling that danger was about. Well everything went into high gear at this point and I saw the last pig coming back out of the bush getting ready to cross my path so at about twenty yards I shot, well I tell yall what he must have seen the arrow or heard the shot or maybe just had a guardian angel because I knew I was going to be eating BBQ'D pork loin for lunch, I mean I was already startin to smell those roasting ribs. I was sick I mean really sick when I saw him dodge that cedar shaft and cut up the road way that we call a hog trail down here. I know he was givin thanks to the Creator for sparing him from "Doom" (thats my stickbows name) and that deadly cedar shaft that just cut hairs off of him. Needless to say I didn't have pork loin or roasted ribs just a big stinkin pile of pig (freshly made) pooh pooh on a stick. I made the loop back towards my truck and saw a few bunnies and some more fresh sign that was made that morning, this included some rootings that looked like they had been made by a backhoe tractor. Still feeling a bit perturbed I started stump shooting trying to work out the tension and in doing so found some really nice pieces of Mesquite wood that I will be using now for a fox and bobcat mount that I am working on. I guess the old saying is true when one door closes another opens, I guess I can also remember that no game is yours till its in the freezer.
Peace and walk the way of the hunter.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Charlie Lamb on February 22, 2004, 09:14:00 PM
The next to last day was a repeat of the day before with even more attention to the cottentail population.
We were all gettin in the groove. There was no doubt about that and we all knew that to get a shot at a hog was gonna take some very accurate shooting with little time for anything less than a quick but deliberate shot.
The evening was about to present just those opportunities to Curtis and Chris.
Both sat tight in well made and well thought out brush blinds. With around an hour of light left hogs made their way in front of both hunters.
Chris made a beautiful shot on a boar facing away from him at a pretty strong angle. Penetration was deep (Wensel Woodsman)and the hog piled up in short order.
Chris made note of audible clues to the hogs passing, but made no attempt to trail it. He'd wait until we were all there. Smart lad.
Curtis fortunes were similar on a hog that presented a slight quartering shot. His penetration was also excellent (190 Grizzly El Grande)
Curtis also hung back on the tracking till we were all there.
Chris' boar was found very quickly and with much excitement. I am very proud of him.
Once the photo's were finished of Chris' hog we went over to Curtis' stand location to find his pig.
All went pretty well. Chris and I stayed back at the truck so as not to confuse the tracking and possibly destroy sign inadvertantly.
Curtis got on the trail with Eric and Eric's cousin Chris. All three excellent trackers...they sure didn't need my help out there.
The trail to the hog was reasonably short, but the very interesting part of the trail is that it led to two long tailed cats (mountain lions) who were very upset with the intrusion of our trackers.
The cats had extremely thick cactus and whitebrush to screen their furtive jockeying and even with lights, it was a VERY dark night.
I'll leave the details to Eric and Curtis. Since they were the ones out in the bushes!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: lcoast on February 22, 2004, 11:40:00 PM
Well I been keeping my mouth shut. But no more. Dang! Great time guys and really a good job with the story telling and now we got Pumas! And it stopped. That ain't fair. Curtis, where are you?

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 23, 2004, 07:13:00 AM
Batter up!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: the Ferret on February 23, 2004, 07:37:00 AM
Now it just isn't right to drag it out like this...........    :mad:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 23, 2004, 07:42:00 AM
Im sorry fellas. I was all day on a tractor putting in food plots and when finished, I started building new fence. I Will get on with the story in just a little while. Curtis
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 23, 2004, 12:02:00 PM
Alright Gang, we're about to wrap this story up. You may want to buckle up. The ride gets increasingly hairy from this point on!

Most of the afternoon was spent cruising the brush for bunnies and trying to find a few arrowheads. I was successful at a little of both and Chris also managed to thump a bunny.


Charlie and Eric seemed much happier sitting and watching our antics while talking of things that new friends do.

Evening came quick and found everyone in new locations. Chris had traded spots with me while he moved to a close quarters location that he felt more confident in. Charlie did the same.

I sat with two quivers in front of me. One quiver full of blunts and the other holding my Grizzly 190's. After what seemed like hours had passed, a bunny slipped into range but stayed hidden behind some thorn bushes. I was in the middle of trying to change my position to gain a better shot on the little fur ball when I hear something strange. What is that noise I think to myself? Its growing louder and louder.

Pigs rush in from several angles. In an instant the pigs are running in circles and exit as fast as they came in. How many were there? I never could get a count because they were a flurry of motion. Only moments later the pigs are easing back into the open. Wow, there are a couple of nice ones. I slowly start to draw my bow into working position but the pigs will not stand still and exit once again. Damn!!!! I cannot believe these pigs are so nervous. Is it possible to take one of these fast movers with a stickbow? Thwack!!!!! That was the last thing I thought as my arrow connected with a nice Sow re-entering my set-up.

As the Sow bulldozed through the tangles of cactus, briars, and white brush, I kept a keen ear. She went down! I could vividly hear her final moments as I raised my compass to get an accurate location for tracking her later. For now I will hold my position, try for a few more bunnies, and hope for the return of other hogs.

An hour or so after my shot on the Sow I can hear Erics truck in route to my location. I gather my bow, my arrows, and my two rabbits and ease from my hidden location. Did you do any good, Eric asked? Yep! I got a Sow down about 100 yards East of here, I tell him. I got a good compass reading so it shouldn't be too hard to find her. How'd everyone else do? Whats that, Chris took one too? Wahoooooo! Yessir, that's what I've been wanting to hear! Com'mon Chris, tell me all the details, I beg him. Did he go down? How far was the shot? Did you hit him clean? How many pigs were there? Im full of questions as we drive back to where Chris had shot his pig. I know mine is down so we decide to head back to find Chris's pig first. It is a proud moment for all of us to know Chris had shot his first pig.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: John Scifres on February 23, 2004, 12:12:00 PM
Now quit your dawdlin' and get on with it boys.  It's like tryin' to get a story out of my 6 year old when he's excited.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 23, 2004, 12:13:00 PM
and some one said is was going to get finished quickly !! noticed the bunny shrunk Curtis !! must have been all the waiting around in the sun LOL------- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 23, 2004, 12:53:00 PM
Charlie, Everyone seems to want an instant ending. Give it to them. I have lots of work to get caught back up on. Curtis
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: so tx pighunter on February 23, 2004, 03:48:00 PM
I think Charlie's a little busy so I will continue. Well we went back to where Chris nailed his pig and shortly thereafter my cousin Chris got there( When tracking we like to work together for safety sake which you will really be able to appreciate shortly . We started out real simple using the leap frog method but even though Chris got excellent penetration with the Wensel blood was still slight and hard to find. My cousin and I then spread out to either flank and C.K. was checking for sign between us and we went Oh I guess 25 to 30 yards when C.K. announced that he had found blood. I shot over to where C.K. was and looked up to where my cousin Chris was pointing and it was then that I saw that the "Swineous Delicious" was just ahead of where Curtis found the Blood not ten to fifteen feet ahead. If your thinking, "Man it took these three goofs to find one hog 45 meters away from the shot sight" well then you need to come down and hunt with us, because everything will look exactly the same at night down here. You can be forty yards away from each other and never see the flashlight beam of another person, its that thick. Anyway we started back to the truck and once there the introduction of another now hooked pig hunter commenced, we shook, high fived, danced (well I thought Chris looked as if he might break out and dance a jig anyway.) and took photos of a great hunter and a great animal. (Oh, by the way Charlie has Chris told you about the hog he killed lately.) We finally loaded the hog and went in search of C.K.'s sow. Curtis showed me and my cousin where the sow entered the bush line and we all proceeded to do as before with the leap frog pattern until we came to the area where Curtis last heard the sow struggling. He was accurate as to the location because it was about 5 degrees off of his original compass reading, not bad considering that we were 250 yards away from the shot sight. My cousin Chris had moved out to the right flank to blanket the area and Curtis and I were still checking out the area we were in I heard something moving in front of me but dismissed it as being my cousin Chris. After about fifteen to twenty mins we were standing together trying to figure out where we lost the last sign when I heard a growl at first I thought it was a boar hog giving us a little warning so I called out to Chris and asked if he was alright I didn't get an answer but recieved a bird whistle that we use to locate each other when in deep brush. I called out again and this time Chris shouted back at me and I returned in like but once again no response. Curtis had moved back towards the shot area to try and pick up the trail and work it again. I again tried to find Chris when I again heard another growl and then another. I called for Chris again and he responded and said that there was a cat in front of him and it wasn't a bobcat. I told him to back out and he replied that he couldn't and that the lion was moving closer to himand I then told him to shoot it ( he had a 270 with him and I a 20 ga. with 00 buck ) I then heard his rifle shot break the night silence and the action working another shell into the chamber. I yelled out and asked him if he had gotten him and he said no and that it wasn't one lion but two. I could then hear even more growling in a more aggressive manor and began to push my way through the white brush faster I called for Curtis to come up because we had two lions in front of Chris and moving in. I could immediately hear Curtis moving his way through the brush and I then heard Chris shoot again I kept talking to Chris and finally was at his side and saw that other than the opening I had just broken through there was no other way for him to get or have gotten out. Mind you that where I entered the thick stuff and where he was at was only fifty yards apart but we couldn't see each others lights. I then told Chris to back out and I kept him covered with the scattergun and we met Curtis who had his trusty pick axe handle at the ready and we all made our way out with me covering tail end Charlie(no pun intended Charlie. We made our way back to the truck and called it a night all of us with our hides intact (thankfully). I have spoken to Chris and he found Curtis's sow or the remnants of (part her head) he also found the trail where they drug her where they fought and a blood trail where one left. So it would appear that he may very well have hit one of them. I asked him if one of them may have just raked the other and made it bleed and he had he didnt think so because it was too much blood. Only Mother Earth knows and God in heaven one things for sure as I pointed out before it pays to search with a partner.
Peace and walk the way of the hunter.  :help:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Van/TX on February 23, 2004, 03:58:00 PM
Dang, now that would get your attention  :scared:    :knothead:    :thumbsup:  Great story  :) .... Van
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 23, 2004, 04:22:00 PM
used to get in a pen maybe 30 ft across with a 200# cougar with a water hose and a stick  but that was broad daylight and i was young and real foolish at the time .don't want to run into them in the dark LOL.------- herb
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 23, 2004, 05:01:00 PM
Chris's 1st pig.

We were all proud of him.

Charlie is busy moving to a new house and Chris is busy in School and at work. Maybe we can just try and wing it through the rest of the story.

Eric pretty much remembers the details of the evening as I do. Its way different tracking in the thick of things in South Texas than it is in any of the 15 other states I've been in. When I say thick, I mean thick! I wasn't real happy to loose my Sow pig but due to the circumstances I gracefully declined any further tracking for that evening. Afterall, I know what a house cat can inflict in injury. To Hell with the big kitty's! Feed em' and forget em'!

The evening turned late in a hurry. After cleaning Chris's pig, eating fresh sausage, telling lies, and having a few beers, we decided to turn in.
 Tomorrow would bring the final hunt and we would depart till next years "Texas Sweat".

Monday morning seem to come in meer minutes. Id felt as if I just closed my eyes and already I was scurrying to get back into my camo.
This morning Eric had family/fatherly duties to tend to so we gladly piled into his cousin Chris's truck for a brisk, windows down, ride to what they call the high fence. Dont confuse "high fence" with anything remotely close to a canned hunt. The fence is actually there to thwart non-wanted critters of the region from competing with the desirable animals there. Acreage here is 700 acres if memory serves me. There are tales from other hunters that a hog here called "Bull" tips the scales at an easy 500# plus. Texas Tale? I think not!

Chris didn't stop the truck till we crossed what he called Salt Creek. Plan is to spread out about 50-100 yards appart and stillhunt into the wind till we came upon what Chris knows to be a bedding area for the hogs. I think we all saw hogs this morning but no shots ever presented themselves. As the Sun rose ever higher we recounted the events that had lead to these fleeting moments. What a great ride.

We ease off the high fence property and back onto the blacktop. One last try to find whats left of my pig from last night and we will be headed North, back to our daily routines.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 23, 2004, 05:19:00 PM
Ho..LY..COW  :scared:  !!!!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: BJOHN5244 on February 23, 2004, 08:28:00 PM
Now that will get your heart to pumping. Great story. Glad that everybody got out of that safe.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: lcoast on February 24, 2004, 10:58:00 AM
Good stuff!

Eric and cuz are smart. I been in the thickets after wounded bears. Partnering is bright.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Littlefeather on February 24, 2004, 11:12:00 AM
As Chris pulls the truck into the area I'd shot the Sow the evening before, I couldn't help but feel  a little apprehensive. I guess it was only natural after the occurance with the cats the evening before.

We ease into the brush a little lighter on foot than we probably would have normally. Our ears are keen to the noises around us as we press deeper into the tangle of thorns and biting brush. Is this the area from last night? It all looks the same and I cant see more than 15 yards in any direction. Anyone see anything, I ask? Nope, everyone responds. Im thinking the cats drug off what was left of my Sow and intended to return later to finish the delicate meal. This thought certainly doesn't ease my mind or my nerves. After about 15 minutes of clawing our way around in the underbrush we decide to call it quits on our efforts. Suits me fine. Afterall, all I have for defense is a nice piece of Hickory, lovingly referred to as “Sweet Spot”. Im glad I never had to put her to work.

Eric had arrived during the midmorning hunt after tending to his Fatherly duties. It was good to see him again because we would be departing in just a little while. Eric took Charlie and Chris and I rode with Erics cousin Chris in his truck. We were in route back to our camphouse to pack gear and ready ourselves for the treck back into our daily routines. It had been an epic journey and I was dredding the return to reality.

Whats that in the road Chris, I ask? Im not sure, he responds and brings the truck to a sudden stop. He raises his optics and excitedly exclaims, “Bobcat”! It's a Bobcat!!!!
Bobcats are on the “must die” list down here because the prey on the quail population.
Chris hastily pushes the 270 rifle at me saying, SHOOT HIM, SHOOT HIM! The cat is very easily over 100 yards away and as I raise the rifle to shoot, I realize its open sighted. Bammmm! The cat explodes into motion. He is hit but it certainly was nothing to write home about. We find the mark where the cat had been sitting. I found a little tuff of hair but no blood. We searched the area very well but determing that it was but a graising shot and had failed to end his predation. As Eric and the guys headed on to the gate I found myself sinking into depression. Had I injured this beautiful animal only to have his future left unknown? I feel sick!

I start making my way back to the pick-up when I hear Chris in an excited voice say, “Curtis, bring you bow, Quickly”!
My demeanor changes as I find a quickened pace. The cat had found refuge in a large tangle of cactus and was nowhere close to giving up his ghost. I eased around the cactus patch trying to find a hole to shoot through. I fear the cat will run at any moment. I find an opening and at 12 yards I put a Grizzly 190 into flight. Thwack! It connects the front shoulder 1/4ing toward me. The penetration is deep and the cats demise is certain. I find myself with renewed excitement. I had not exactly taken the cat in a manner that I was proud of but later inspection showed he had only been graised across the belly by the cannon of a bullet.

My trip is now complete. "Our trip" is now complete. We had started with planning months prior to this day. Some had traveled far and put forth great effort to be here. I was tiny today in this huge world but the light of my satisfaction was certainly easily seen from a great distance. From this day forward, it would be a lenghtly wait till I would see these friends again. It would be a wait of great anticipation though. A wait to once again share the friendship, the comaradre, and most of all, feel the “Texas Sweat”.
                                                           Curtis “Littlefeather” Kellar
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: herb haines on February 24, 2004, 11:34:00 AM
THANK YOU - Curtis and all the guys .
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Guru on February 24, 2004, 01:23:00 PM
Awesome Bro   :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:  !!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Doug Campbell on February 24, 2004, 03:47:00 PM
Great job guys!!  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Doc Nock on February 24, 2004, 06:04:00 PM
Almost like watchin a video, huh?    :cool:   Way cool!
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: Missouri CK on February 24, 2004, 06:25:00 PM
Before this thread disappears I had better finish up my part. At least this way I can print off this thread and put it in my hunting journal.

Sunday afternoon was all that I had hoped for when I planed a mid-winter escape to South Texas. The warmth of the sun baking down on my arms and face made me forget that it was only mid February. We all made plans based off the information Eric supplied us about the movement of the pigs. Curtis and Charlie took charge at the site I was destined to sit. They analyzed available cover and gave me a lot of help in choosing a spot to sit for the evening. Curtis made good use of his leather gloves as he brushed in my spot to make it more camouflaged. Everyone gave their input about the prevailing winds and the potential movement patterns of the pigs. Eric said confidently that he thought the pigs would come in from the south. His statements would prove to be prophetic later in the evening.

After perfecting everyone’s potential ambush spots for the evening hunt, we all headed out to stalk some of the local bunnies. Curtis had been keeping a close eye out for any potential arrowheads to be found in the area. His travels would produce several good looking pieces of flint as well as potential piece of riser material in the form of petrified wood  :)  

As I slowly made my way through the brush I admired the large stands of yucca and cactus that grew on this rocky glade. The stark change in topography and vegetation was something that caught my eye regardless of where I went. Eventually, I was able to stop gawking at the landscape enough to actually concentrate on the bunnies. No sooner had that thought consciously crossed my mind than I notice a large bunny crouching in the shadows of the brush. I tried to improve my position in order to get a clear shot but in doing so he decided to move further into the brush. Finally I gained the angle I needed to cleanly shoot and I unconsciously drew and released an arrow that found its mark. After an uncomfortable recovery in the middle of a cactus grove I had had my prize.

Around 4pm I headed for my cactus blind for my final assault upon the pigs. I decided to wear my homemade pseudo-ghille suit in order to further camouflage my appearance.  I felt secure in my concealment and confident in my position. After watching the birds scramble for cover into the overlying tree’s I knew the hogs wouldn’t be far off. Finally around 5:45, I saw the first dark shadowy shape moving in the background. A large black sow came into the feeder first. Only seconds after the first pig reached the feeder did a swarm of pigs emerged from the brush. Soon I had over twenty hogs around the feeder. I would estimate that ninety percent were immature hogs with only two or three being of substantial size. Unfortunately for me the two larger pigs I identified stayed on the far side of the feeder. With the mass of moving pigs I was unable to find a shot angle that was without obstruction at the 25-yard distance. I attempted to draw several times only to see my shot window close before I could reach my anchor point.
After thirty seconds of this my subconscious started to scream at me to take one of the smaller hogs that were feeding only 12 yards from my ambush spot. I also began to notice that the small amount of corn offered up by the feeder was quickly evaporation under into the mouths of the hogs. The previous days hunt had taught me that these hogs could escape at any moment so I was afraid to wait any longer. It seemed pretty foolish to hold out for the biggest hog when I had a sure thing standing in front of me. So I picked out the biggest pig I could find in the group of immature hogs standing on my side of the feeder. My sunbear recurve came to full draw as I focused on a pig that was quartering away directly in front of my cactus blind. I released unconsciously only to see my arrow hit slightly further back than I had hoped. The maddening chaos of hogs sprinting in every direction made it hard to pinpoint the exact route my pig took.

My initially reaction was that it might have been too far back even for a shot quartering away.  The mental flashbulb that appear to me as I thought back on the shot told me the arrow went up to the fletching. I was praying that it wasn’t too far back as I strained in the sudden silence left after the pig’s departure. I noted several deep grunts from hogs in different locations than where I thought mine had gone. I could still hear some occasional movement in the brush. I was concentrating on an area to my right were I had heard a significant amount of breaking limbs and disturbance.  About that time I heard the deep guttural breathing of a lung shot animal. The doubts I had about my shot placement were relieved when I heard these sounds in the same area where I believed my pig had gone.

For the next thirty minutes I tried to restrain myself from getting up out of the blind to track my hog. I was glad for darkness to descend so that I could no longer think about the unwise option of attempting to track an unfamiliar animal in unfamiliar territory. Eric and Charlie were first to arrive and congratulate me on my encounter. However, without the pig in hand I was not ready to dismiss my initial doubts about the shot placement. Eric, Curtis, and Eric’s cousin took up the blood trail or should I say the lack of a blood trail. I decided to stay out of the way in order to expedite the recovery. It was a nerve racking five minutes until I heard a shout from the brush indicating they had found my pig.

Not only was I thrilled at the fact I had managed to harvest an animal, but this was the first time I had gone outside of my home range and actually been successful. As it is for us all, it was great when all the pieces come together in a successful conclusion. This harvest was even more fulfilling because everyone had a hand in making it a success. Eric had correctly predicted the movement of the hogs, Curtis had picked out the ambush location, and Charlie had talked me into this trip in the first place. I know Curtis and Charlie had done everything in their power to help me get a hog and it felt great to help them be successful too.

Even though my pig isn’t trophy size, he couldn’t have been better in my opinion. Not only will he prove to be some great eating, but also he helps to justify many more trips to Texas in order to harvest one of those bruisers that eluded me on this trip. I’m already making plans to bring my brother along for the next hunt. I hope I can help to make his introduction to hog hunting as fun as mine.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: so tx pighunter on February 24, 2004, 09:11:00 PM
Little brother I am gonna say it loud and proud. ANY pig you take with a stick and string is a trophy and in my eyes yours is all the more a trophy because it was your first, Your first of many to come. Enjoy it brother for you have entered the ranks of the hunter of the poor mans grizzly. Long live the Brotherhood of the South Texas Pighunters.
Peace and walk the way of the hunter.
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: the Ferret on February 24, 2004, 09:11:00 PM
Excellent report fellas and congrats again to the successful hunters (whether ya kiled something or not!)   :D
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: cajunbowhntr on February 24, 2004, 11:17:00 PM
Greta read and I'm sure an even greater time had by all.Congrats Chris and gang.  :thumbsup:  

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: so tx pighunter on February 25, 2004, 10:06:00 PM
When we do this again I am seriously gonna break out the video unit so all can enjoy the brush country of Texas. Until then peace be with all of you and If I can do something for yall ever again please let me know.
Always walk the way of the Hunter. ERIC.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: wingnut on February 26, 2004, 07:40:00 AM
Dang it you guys sure sound like you had a blast.  I missed it because we were supposed to pour concrete.  Well the same weather system that hit you wiped out our work too and I could have been there afterall.

Next year for sure.

Title: Re: Texas Radio and the Big Beast 2
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on February 26, 2004, 08:04:00 AM
That was very well written.  Great narrative of an excellent adventure.  Thanks for sharing it with us.  Had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning.    :thumbsup:  

I especially liked the part about the two wittle kitty cats.  Seems things turn out more fun in the end with an element of danger.  Wished I'd been there.