Trad Gang
Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos => Tarz Antics => Topic started by: Terry Green on April 21, 2008, 02:23:00 PM
Had a couple of guys come down for a visit this weekend.....and they got exposed to quiet a few things.....
South GA Swamp Skeeters for one....And camp was pretty ruff...
Looks a little drafty!!
And that was just the skeeters at the gate....they soon were exposed to why I had $200 worth of ThermaCell units and refills once we reached camp on the ox bow.
I'm sure they'll be along to tell about other exposures the ox bow provided....till then.
Going to be a good one. Come on Rob and Curt!
They were exposed to oak trees that were feeding critters back when Columbus landed....
Hey, check it out... They made a mini-Guru-action-figure!!!!!!! And someone done lost it by this tree......
In the fall, you probably need a hard hat if your under that tree!
Ox Bow? Where have I heard that before???
Ooh! I want one! I want one! :archer:
They were exposed to giant Cypress trees...
Mystical hog sign ridden sloughs.....
And endless horizons over seas of palmettos....
Popcorn anyone?.....
How many times were you asked about snakes? Seems to be the big question when my Yankee friends come for a visit to the Fla swamps.
Of course, my Montana friends thought I was a little "peculiar" when I was trying to make snowballs and snowmen on a recent Nov. trip there.
They were exposed to the water oak bogs in the Joe's Road - Trashcan Woods connection....
And Curt(distant left), was about to meet up with a strange critter he hadn't spotted yet...
The dreaded Cypress Cyclops Booga Booga monster....
Ah, snakes you ask......
You mean Primo Bow Backing material I presume???
Yes, they were exposed.....
Cool! :thumbsup:
And even the often occuring seemingly legal hog with the O'l Magic Trick......
Oooops......slight of utter....
nice eastern king..........
It's funny how everyone thinks of snakes when they visit my lease when the most I ever saw in a day was while fishing along the Altamaha River in "Gawgia"
Based on my bow backing...its a dead ringer for a banded water snake...but who knows. King snakes come in a variety of patterns. He sure was pretty.
I was also thinking kingsnake. Looks alot different than our banded water snakes
As always, it was a great time down at The Paradise, albeit far too short. Sharing camp with pals like Terry and Curt is as good as it's gonna get, anyday, anywhere. Not the least to mention Master BBQ Chef Terry Green and his *amazing* buff burgers and steaks - yum, yum. Oooo, and his seasoned buff jerky, dee-lish! We all ate like kings, at least I did.
Now, about those dang piggies ...
It looks like everybody had a good time
AND ( (
Originally posted by Terry Green:
Based on my bow backing...its a dead ringer for a banded water snake...but who knows. King snakes come in a variety of patterns. He sure was pretty.
D'OH :smileystooges: Certainly looks to be a match.
It looks like a great time's been had :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Iron Bull:
AND ( (
Calm down Dad! Be patient :goldtooth:
Originally posted by Iron Bull:
AND ( (
The daily hunts had their ups 'n' downs. Sometimes it was downright dingy dang dong frustrating. Conditions weren't as they should, or at least what was expected to be ...
:campfire: :coffee:
Sorry Terry,
All knowing Google says the snake is an Eastern Kingsnake( but otherwise known as banded water snake in Ga ;) )
The hogs weren't where they shudda been. We did a lotta walking. We saw TONS of very fresh sign, but little or no hogs. We was scratchin' our heads - "Where the heck ARE they???". :banghead:
They was where we weren't, that's fer sure. :mad:
Like down here, the hogs are where you find them and when you find them they'll be there
No attacks by raging armadillas? Looks like some awesome woods! I was down there last year, and as a "yankee", I couldnt find anyone to go snake hunting...heck my nephew was scared of a roadkilled coachwhip.
Looks like a great time. I will be checking back...
Yeah Don....I hear ya. Bob put some water snake skins on that bow for me....and it sure is a match, even if it is a king snake.
We didn't even pay attention to the moon phase when planning this hunt, and we had to go this weekend or bust......and it was full.
Just bustin ya a little on the snake Terry.
Ain't it something how hogs can leave so much fresh sign and then just disappear?
Late Friday afternoon I had walked my dogs tired through trail and bush with nary a smell, sound or sight of hogs - though the tracks were almost everywhere. I was tired after hours of walkin' 'n' stalkin'. I made it back to the main road, pulled off the gear pouch, settled down with my head on a big ol' downed tree trunk, got the Thermacell near me, looked up and down the road, pulled down my cap's visor and closed my eyes for 40 winks.
Dunno what amount of time had expired, but when I opened my eyes there, up the East end of the road, were four jet black hogs milling about. The adrenaline rush had all my senses firing as within seconds I simultaneously grabbed the longbow, crawled to the other side of the road and pulled out a Snuffer tipped Beman.
Within minutes I'd stalked within 50 yards or so only to watch in disappointment as the pigs melted off the road and back into the bush. They never sensed I was there.
I knew of a few spots they might've been heading towards and took off in that direction, hoping to meet up and deliver a proper "Howdy" to one of 'em with a broadhead.
No luck.
I eased over to the road, headed back down to where I had my siesta, and see if the hogs had looped back. Within 75 yards there were three black hogs on the road, and outta the bush pops a third mottled grey/brown pig. This time I got made by that fourth pig and they scurried to the South and safety of the swamp.
Welp, no question that this part of the road was worthy of a return tomorrow morning - best find a good ambush spot, cut down some brush and make a blind.
And so I did ...
Next morning, around 6am on Saturday, I walked from camp down the road to my quick-built blind - some brush stacked up in front of a large and small pine, angling toward the road. I settled down on a foam mat, Thermacell firing in the damp dewy air - felt like rain. I waited.
Around 8:15am or so, Terry and Curt slowly drove up the road - nothing seen or heard by them, either. Terry backed out down the road, headed towards the Southwest end where they'd work through another section of woods.
I settled back in, lay down on my side, head propped on my gear pack, thinking about hogs.
At about 8:30am I heard some grunts coming from the road and seven fat piggies of varying colors and hues come scootin' along on my right about 5 yards away but secluded by lotsa brush, doin' their little scuttle-stop-scuttle dance.
Soon as they cleared the brush I slowly got up, and using the big pine as cover I full drew the 55# Firefly on the first one that went broad side to me, and let fly the 29" 540 grain Beman at about 18 yards.
The shot felt and looked real good, behind the left elbow, but the penetration wasn't so good as the arrow was dangling - the pig ran off the road and squeeled real loud like a, well like a stuck pig, then it took off for the swamp.
I called Terry on the cell - he and Curt and I gave it about 25 minutes before tracking - lotta red blood splash on the road and into the bush, some good signs that gave us hope. But after about 50 yards in, the trail got smaller and harder to find.
After a hundred yards the blood trail was down to tiny spots as we entered the swamp. If that wasn't bad enuf, it started to rain. It was miracle that Terry found the arrow - busted twice and severed cleanly at the business end - the 200 grain Snuffer/adapter and 100 grain brass insert probably still in the hog.
Very frustrating and disappointing. Didn't see or hear hog for the rest of the hunt.
Great stuff guys! Looks like you had a blast! Cool pics and stories! Thanks for sharing! ;) :thumbsup:
Got to love those southern swamps!
Hey Guru - lookin' good in Sitka brother! :)
Looks like a great time!! Sorry to hear about the hog Rob!!
Well least ya had some SALMON ta fall back to (
Hey Rob, can you say "extreme FOC Ashby-style arrows"?
Originally posted by John Havard:
Hey Rob, can you say "extreme FOC Ashby-style arrows"?
The 29" 540gr Beman Venture 500's packed 300gr up front for a total of 26.29% FOC, along with JC's low profile 4" 'naner fletches ... umm, so, yep - "Extreme FOC" at the least.
I had set Rob up on the 'Jaz Loop'...the same route I'd taken Eric Jazwinski on during the St Judes hunt just a couple of months ago where we got on hogs over and over and over.....
I figured if Rob stuck to it, even during the full moon,...sooner or later he'd bump into something.
Gotta hand it to him....he bumped it to them in the same area twice, and made a decision to 'set up' on wait em out.....and it was the right decision. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I think Curt is still re-couping :D :D :D
I walked his boot leather off....aint none of us got to bed before mid night for 3 nights, and up at 5 AM.....and for ya know it, your whooped.
Problem for Curt is that his flight got he didn't get in untill after mid night...and up at 5 he'll be along this evening....
Oh Yeah Don....maybe Bob's supplier didn't know what a king snake is....maybe he just found a pair hanging out at a mud hole and he figured 'Hey, coupla water snakes"!!!
Sure matches my bow don't it though.
Sure looks like a fine time. Fond memories with those pics...sure am gonna miss that place.
You boys make sure you plan a lil more time in your schedule next time so I can see ya...been too long!
Thanx Denny!
For sure Joe...till next time bud.....
I'll be along tonight with some pix and add a little to what's been said already....
Dang, Terry and I sure covered a lot of ground!!!!!
You should have heard Curt, the turkey hunting nut, blurt out his frustration when he heard the 5th gobble early Friday AM.
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
I have found when I wear the Sitka base layer under the Mountain Shirt, our Michigan mosquitoes can't get'd they do on the big southern blood suckers?
Rob - Ya shoulda had a turbulator.... :biglaugh:
Steve.......Curt got eaten ALIVE!!!!!
People always ask why I wear that double yoked thick cotton wester shirt, and ask 'aint ya hot'.....well, the skeeters can't bit me is the main reason I wear them....especially the shoulders.
Curt's traps looked like the hulk's when he left the Paradise. ;)
Man, I HATE those things :D
What do you guys think of the Bug Tamer suits with the thick mesh under the fine mesh?
Rob usually used bright feathers, but this time he was using purple fletch he'd received from Joe Coots...and he really had a hard time telling where he hit the hog.
The arrow did penetraitt enough to kill it, if it was in the right place. It broke 1st with 8 inched at least from the Bhead tip, as Rob said it made a 'crack' and the arrow was draggin a bit.
At some point, the hog broke off the Bhead. I couldn't believe I even found the arrow 200 yards from impact, and probably 75 yards into the swamp.
Tuff break for sure, but of all the animals I've gone up against, hogs are the tuffest to kill....and the vitals are tricky being forward and tilted up.
Terry, I thought that sounded like "The Road" when Rob was telling his story. I could just picture that sounder of little pigs working their way past him. They're probably pretty good size by now.
Glad you all had a good time. I cannot imagine how bad the bugs are now!
Jazzz........he shot a 80#er at least..., one of 7 with a few motley ones thrown in, and was likely one of the groups you an I got on...but not the group with the sow we got on over and over and over with the pink piggie bank...I'll tell about them tomorrow........
Getting ready......
First afternoon....After parking the Rover,this was the first thing that caught my eye....
First morning......Terry overlooking some primo hog/deer habitat,if I remember correctly, at the end of the "Trash Can woods"....
An example of what we saw almost everywhere we went....pork bulldozers.....
More beautiful "southern exposure"....
Rob had enough penetration to kill that hog, but like Terry said,it just must not have been in just the right place...the blood was immediate,but slowed quickly,much like a "muscle hit" will do.....we were heartbroken for Rob.....
...My stumpin' arrow had(unknown to me)fallen out of my quiver,so I couldn't shoot anymore as we roamed around in search of our I would challenge Terry to shoot at certain's one I picked out for him...
As you can see,he was up to the task....
Terry's a great shot....
Cool pics Curt! ;) That ASAT camo shirt that Terry is wearing is definately the right choice for those woods hey! He blends in real well! Looks like you guys had a good time! Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:
Leopard....that is Predator camo...Fall Brown in a few pics, and Spring Green in the others.
(pppssst,....I threw Curt's judo arra in the swamp when he wasn't lookin....didn't want him out shootin me) :p
Oh, I thought it was ASAT. :D Either way, it's great looking camo, and perfect for those woods! :thumbsup:
Great story so far guys! Thanks for the extra pics.
Yep, thermacell and heavy clothing means you leave the swamp with all your blood still in your body.
Dang Rob, I didn't mean for you to acutally shoot a critter with those dark feathers...I'd have sent you flouro if I'd have thought you were gonna hunt with em. Sorry bro. I got some pink uns waiting on you if you need em...gauranteed not to lose site of these!
Good story, guys. It's almost like I'm there.
Excellent story fella's!
YEP, Terry's got a great set of eye's.....In Texas, He found a Simmons bleeder blade out of a hog I shot, in a 'CRAWL on your Hands and Knees" Cedar thicket, 75 yards from the shot...Amazing..great story and pics...Don
Some frequent camp visitors....
About 4 ft.....
a big "softshell"....
we watched this guy change colors right before our eyes as he moved around......
big brother....about ten ft.......
So I take that means you did'nt go Swimming?? LOL :smileystooges:
Ron, a million bucks wouldn't have got me into that water!! It seemed that the critters just got bigger and meaner as we stayed....who knows what was down in that water :scared: :eek: :biglaugh:
WOW...I'm sure glad them things was HIBERNATIN when I was down there (
I had one of those little anoles when I was a kid. Grammy bought it for me at the circus, cost a dollar. It taught me a lot about mealworm management. ;)
I am really enjoying these pics.
Killdeer :thumbsup:
Another first for this trip was getting to shoot an A&H ACS bow......
It was fine shooting bow for sure :knothead:
Sure looks like a lot of fun. Great pics, great story. Im kinda surprised that there werent more snake pics though...
Can't say enough about the Paradise , great story and greater pics . Definetly a beautiful place , Fred
Great story and pics guys; thanks for sharing. Sounds like great fun.
Jamie, I never saw a snake the whole trip....
It sure is Fred....
I'll be back tonight with more....
:campfire: :coffee: Glad you Guys Had a Blast!!!!!!
Like I said.....we didn't consider the moon when we planned this trip...but we did our best to fight it.
I can say that I've never walked past more hog sign in my life without seeing hogs in a single day. We could not get our of hog sign all day on Friday, either Curt and I, or Rob on his loop.
I did get on group Saturday morning on 'the road', but the leader winded bad Curt wasn't on that road, as it was a perfect set up for a left hander as the hogs came paralleling the road on the left side. I had a big black sow Jaz and I had played cat and mouse with several times a couple of months ago, but as I turned to shoot, the hog bumped into a wall of my would have been an 18 yard shot on a buck fifty swine.
Yeah, she sure blessed me out when she stampeded out of there, and I was SURE she lead her group right toward Rob and Curt, but they never saw em.
I'm holding out one pic I feel is a hero pic....and I'm sure Curt will agree.....later.....
...Fri afternoon we left camp and found this ol gal in the "White oak food plot".....she sure was pretty hog,and one I'd would have shot in a heartbeat,I'd never shot anything but black hogs.....but she had 6 little ones(all redder than the next) with her just too small to even consider killing her or them......
( (¤t=Pardise08038.flv)
You could have had her Curt, no doubt about it,......but you made the right choice my friend with them little 10#ers still suckling.
You're one heck of a great, respectable guy, Curt. Always knew it...the choice not to shoot that sow just enforces the idea...
Chris, Thanx bud....Terry and I talked a lot about the situation as quick as we could....we studied those piggies thru my bino's...I left it up to Terry to let me know what he thought about there size and if they were old enough to make it on there own.He's a lot more experienced than me with hogs.....we came to the conclusion that they wouldn't......
Terry was joking earlier about throwing my arrow away "so I wouldn't out shoot him"....I bet if we got the chance to shoot with each other more, we'd bring the best out in each other and we'd elevate ourselves to another level in our example...
....Fri. morning....I picked out a clump of dry leaves about 30yds or so out...I shot first and shot a hole thru the center of the leaves with my judo....then Terry drew back and shot his arrow thru the same hole I'd just made with my arrow!
..I'd love to get him up to the Muzzy shoot
More examples of the kind of sign we were seeing.....
Muddy rub tree.....
Hookin' tree....done by a boar hogs tusks....
Man that sure looks like a fun trip. Awsome pics as usual...
Here's the Hero Pic I mentioned earlier......
Those that have been there will agree, that just being able to hunt The Paradise is something really special. Each section of bottom hardwoods has it's own look, layout, and landmark features whether its the West End, Joe's Road, Big Woods, Convict Woods......Or the Trash Can Woods.
I've heard it over and over, "didn't think woods called trash can would ever look this pretty", "Wow, this is the trash can woods"????, "How did THIS get named trash can woods"????
Congrats Curt....I hope this one gets printed out, framed up, and put somewhere special.
I think your on to something about the Muzzy Curt...
The Paradise sure does live up to its name. Great story and great pics...thanks for taking us along.
Now that's cool! It was so neet walking that road that so many well know trad bowhunter have walked before me. Send me that one in an e mail bud.....
I'll get the last of my pix and finish up tonight with the highlight of my trip....
I'll send you that pic via email soon as I find my camera!!! :banghead:
wow, just realized that I never finished up with this one...I hate workin'!
How could I leave this thread with out posting the best pic of the trip and the absolute highlight for me......
I've always been an admirer of Biggie's ...I'm talking 20yrs at least. To me he'll always be one of the MT. boys....Gene and Barry, Biggie, Iacavazzi, Brunner, Shafer, know what I mean....
When I told Peter I. that Biggie might make it down for a visit,he said "you'll luv'um and give him a big hug for me"....Well I did "luv'um"...he's so cool,my only regret was that we only had a couple hrs to visit.But i sure appreciate that he drove 2+ hrs just to visit with us......Thank you so much bud,I hope we can do it again real soon,and include Matt.....
great stuff guys, looks like an amazing area to wonder around chasing pigs, thanks for sharing the adventure great read and cool pics!
You're embarrassing me.......
I'd be a Montana boy, but Jill doesn't like the cold.
Sure is a LOOOOT of 'em to love ehh Curt! LOL.
I shot one of my few piggies ever in the "Trash Can Woods".
And Steve H, Schuster said you could have toted it out in a sheetrock bucket :scared: didn't bother to hunt any turkeys? man ole's probably the best turkey woods in south Ga....those pig squells must have over ruled the gobbles :p
Joe, that's what drove me nuts...birds were gobbling all over the place!! But I was there to hunt hogs(didn't hear a single squeal all weekend),didn't even think to get a turkey tag.....You can ask Terry about my reaction to all the gobbling :mad:
Bummer must have been tearing you up!...good luck in NY
Originally posted by Killdeer:
Ooh! I want one! I want one! :archer:
a mini-Guru-action-figure? :goldtooth:
Yup! And green like Gumby! :biglaugh: