Trad Gang

Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos => Tarz Antics => Topic started by: Terry Green on March 15, 2007, 09:45:00 PM

Title: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 15, 2007, 09:45:00 PM

To be continued.............
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Tim Fishell on March 15, 2007, 09:48:00 PM
It's looking good so far.  I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the continuation.  

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Budog56 on March 15, 2007, 09:49:00 PM
Here we go.....  :campfire:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 15, 2007, 09:49:00 PM
:notworthy:     :notworthy:    :notworthy:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: txcookie on March 15, 2007, 09:50:00 PM
Dang did Mr. Drano come down there with you boys?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Budog56 on March 15, 2007, 09:54:00 PM
Hope that isnt from one of the first group that got in a fight with a cactus or one of the other pokey or slithery things down
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4-fletch on March 15, 2007, 10:05:00 PM
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 15, 2007, 10:10:00 PM
goooodddd blood trail keep it comming  :archer:    :clapper:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Bowspirit on March 15, 2007, 10:15:00 PM
Ah, a blood trail and the TX Sweat...nothing finer!!!  :archer:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Lewis Brookshire III on March 15, 2007, 10:24:00 PM
*GASP*.....You dirty tease!!!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4runr on March 15, 2007, 10:26:00 PM
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Walt Francis on March 15, 2007, 10:40:00 PM
:scared:      :scared:      :thumbsup: ....VB
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 9 Mile Archer on March 15, 2007, 10:51:00 PM
Were already warmed up, I can tell this is gonna trickle out.  We'll savor it like a fine sipping tequila.  Great start there, blood in the dust.   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: beachbowhunter on March 15, 2007, 11:31:00 PM
"blood in the dust"...sounds like a new Cormac McCarthy novel in south TX.....

Heads it's JC's, tails it's Terry's!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 9 Mile Archer on March 15, 2007, 11:39:00 PM
I'm guessing Terrys from the bow.  :archer:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 16, 2007, 05:00:00 AM
A walking blood trail that looks like it wasn't very long.....Congrats bud!!

 I can't wait to get home from work    :thumbsup:
Course I'll shovelin' and snowblowin' too     :banghead:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: the Ferret on March 16, 2007, 05:52:00 AM
uh oh..sumthin sprung a leak...a bad leak   :archer:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Arrowslinger on March 16, 2007, 05:53:00 AM
Bring it on Terry.    :thumbsup:    :campfire:    :clapper:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry_Green on March 16, 2007, 06:06:00 AM
WooEeee!  Some serious hunting goin' on down there in the Brush Country, podner!

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: bayoulongbowman on March 16, 2007, 06:49:00 AM
T looks like red!!!!!!!! marks the spot..HEHE   :bigsmyl:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: sticshooter on March 16, 2007, 06:56:00 AM
PICS!! c'mon where's the pics?<><
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: TexMex on March 16, 2007, 07:03:00 AM
Yeah, where are they?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4runr on March 16, 2007, 07:06:00 AM
Tap...Tap...Tap...Ah Hm. Yoohoo!!!  :coffee:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: wingnut on March 16, 2007, 07:30:00 AM
Dang it!!  I can't see the pics on this thread.

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: sticshooter on March 16, 2007, 07:33:00 AM
C'MON guys I home sick and NEED PICS! PLEASE<><  :(
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Golden Hawk on March 16, 2007, 07:52:00 AM
Hello ......Hello..... Cmon Terry! This is just cruel. I think we should change the name to the Texas Tease!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: doctorbrady on March 16, 2007, 07:53:00 AM
You dirty rascal!  With a blood trail like that, I bet you can see the critter that made it if only you would raise the camera a bit.  Bring it on, brother!!!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: D. Key on March 16, 2007, 08:08:00 AM
Like they say here in Texas...."It aint noth'n without the video or LDP's (layin down pics)!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 9 Mile Archer on March 16, 2007, 08:20:00 AM
Ok I went to sleep and then woke up expecting the photos and stories to start, let's changes this thread to torture of tx7 ifin you don't get a talking.  :readit:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 9 Mile Archer on March 16, 2007, 08:22:00 AM
oops double click, sorry, see what you guys are doing to us.  :knothead:    :D
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Walt Francis on March 16, 2007, 08:40:00 AM
Shucks Walt and I are going to go follow it out  :banghead:

Back in a bit ta let ya know what's at the other end..............vance
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 09:43:00 AM
Here's the landmark Tom Phillips and I became very familiar with for the 1st 3 days.  Once you scale around the peak of that knob, you have entered the gateway........


Here's Tom glassing our sneak route..


Close up of the knob....


Ever been told to take a flying leap?....Here's the place to do it....

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: kctreeman on March 16, 2007, 09:48:00 AM
Ooh Terry, you are baaaa-d.  My feet hurt again just looking at those pictures.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 10:21:00 AM
Oh,...before I get too far along, and forget....

Tom Phillips and I hunted together every day, and I though I could go....but the only thing that will stop Tom is kryptonite let me tell ya.  I think he's part Mt Goat.

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: madness522 on March 16, 2007, 10:26:00 AM
Good start. But need "the rest of the story"....
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Budog56 on March 16, 2007, 10:36:00 AM
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: TexMex on March 16, 2007, 10:39:00 AM
Alrighty!  :campfire:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Deer Slayer on March 16, 2007, 10:49:00 AM
Now that's my kinda huntin right there! Alotta up and down, and usually feels like more UP than down don't it Terry?!

We are getting waaarrrmer! Keep it comin brother!  :campfire:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 11:32:00 AM
My goal on this trip was to enjoy the hunt to the fullest, have fun in camp with old friends as well as the new one's I was going to meet....and to pack something off the mountain.  

The Angora goat was the 1st animal encountered....






Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 16, 2007, 11:36:00 AM
They do blend in something fierce.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: DarkeGreen on March 16, 2007, 12:12:00 PM
Dang, those things really blend in with the terrain. Which one sprung a leak?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 01:20:00 PM
Yeah Mark....Up hill most of the time it seemed, but down hill was just as bad if not worst.

Here's a normal stalk path for Pecos....lots of ledge walking....

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Van/TX on March 16, 2007, 01:50:00 PM
Wonder how many animals have died laughing at that "hat"  :wavey:    :biglaugh:    :biglaugh:  ...Van
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 02:42:00 PM

Well, somebody finally let the cat out of the bag.    :goldtooth:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 03:17:00 PM
Time to make a move.......



Here's Tom on the sneak....gotta look close...


Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 16, 2007, 03:17:00 PM
come on wheres the animal at the end of the blood. pics pics pics more pics  :banghead:    :jumper:    :jumper:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 9 Mile Archer on March 16, 2007, 04:00:00 PM
Please please, I've been dealing with attorneys and conference calls all day   :banghead:  this is my one escape in the office, I keep checking in after each call... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! whew breath deeply Andrew .Terry won't torture you much longer  :pray:  I hope??
P.S. it looks really good so far!!!  :jumper:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 04:23:00 PM
Take a close look at this pic....


Those are what I refered to as 'Spike Grenades'.  And we deemed some areas as 'mine fields' they were so thick.

If you weren't careful, they'd end up in the opposite calf.

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 16, 2007, 04:25:00 PM
Well while Terry & Tom are sneaking in on those WWF (white wooly females/ewes)

My start was up in Boston.  The week before going I had all my gear plus enough for three other TXS in a pile trying to decide what stays & what goes.  So when I'm usually stuck on making a decision, I just go and pound on some hot steel.  Here is a sneak of my own for the St Judes Auction.  It now has all the signatures of G-1 including Mark Horn on the handle & sheath.  The opposite side is awaiting G-2.  

The knife is nice But the Signatures are very special.  It's not the TXS 07 that they represent...It's the way TRADGANG brings together old & new friends, all equal without ego...Family
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: sidebuster on March 16, 2007, 04:26:00 PM
Looks like West Texas terrain
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Budog56 on March 16, 2007, 04:32:00 PM
Terry if animals do die laughing at the hat maybe you should do a build along I need all the help I can get..   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: sticshooter on March 16, 2007, 04:33:00 PM
AMEN Doc! Now if'n I win the lotto. I will be winning this here knife. You are Top Notch my Friend. All CLASS! As are all the TG family.<><
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4runr on March 16, 2007, 04:45:00 PM
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 04:59:00 PM
Tom and I had got on some goats the 1st day, and these were in the same area...only about 75 yards farther over the top this time.

We were putting a pretty good sneak on em even though they were coming toward us quartering off to our right.

Tom and I had made it to a row of scrubs, and was set up to let them pass.....but we weren't sure that would happen the way they were feeding along the edge of some grass.  We were trying to decide, and leaning pretty hard at making an aggressive move across a wide open and barren distance to get in behind some cedars at the edge of the grass....but they were less than 100 yards away.  We leaned hard, but continued to hold, as we had the wind in our favor if they passed us out of range for a stalk from the rear. No need in blowing it just yet........
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 16, 2007, 05:59:00 PM
this is killing me come on terry more pics it is not good to leave me hanging like this. ohhhh please more pics needed for fix LOL!!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Stalker58 on March 16, 2007, 06:42:00 PM
Great stuff Terry,
I'm really enjoying this!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 16, 2007, 06:45:00 PM
Made it home, 2476 miles in 31 hours, non stop! I had a great time with all of the gang. Stories and pics will have to wait till Monday! I's going to sleep and should wake up by Monday!

The Pecos River Valley, where men are men and the WWF are nervous!!!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 16, 2007, 06:55:00 PM
What a difference a day makes!  I'm really feeling bad for Tradesman4 & Jeremy not being able to get out of New England...Doc
Yesterday  :cool:  
Today & another foot to follow   :(  
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 16, 2007, 07:07:00 PM
Miss Kim,  
I have to agree with all on the other post about your fabulous cookies...yummie!  You know those bears in Quebec can be mighty cantankorous.  I sure wouldn't mind watching your hubbie's backside for say another batch   :pray:    Doc
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 07:08:00 PM
We held too long, and had no choice but to wait.....and that was a good thing.  They were now facing us and walking across a sheet of rock....the 8 of them turned into 16, and the 16 turned into 24....then there were about 30 of them in route to pass right by our scrub blind.

Three of them drifted to the right, including the one with the biggest horns, and were coming straight at us as the rest of the herd were in route to pass to our right.......yeah, every one would be in range soon, real soon as there was no forage in their path.

Everyone of them was now in range and all but a few were in the wide open for a shot, but the one I wanted was still in front with the brush blocking a shot.  I decided to hold yet again for the one I wanted....the Billy.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Bowspirit on March 16, 2007, 07:13:00 PM
Well, the stories suspense is leaving me at a loss for words, so...  :banghead:    :banghead:    :banghead:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: joe skipp on March 16, 2007, 08:06:00 PM
Good reading Terry...great photos. Feel like I'm right there with you. By the way...nice blood trail.   :thumbsup:    :notworthy:  

Looking forward for the next "chapter".....
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 16, 2007, 09:41:00 PM
Good stuff guys!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Huntrdfk on March 16, 2007, 09:44:00 PM
Looking forward to more, I could read the stories of get togethers like this every day and not get tired of it, tells you something about the people that hang out here......  :thumbsup:  

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 09:49:00 PM
Tom was to my left and I was bending over with my head in the cover. I'd left my feet planted away so I would have clearance to shoot by just straightening up from the waist. The one I wanted was only 15 yards away now........then one of the nannys spit.....and spit again. This alerted the whole herd, and the one I wanted perked up to see what the problem was.

My 'Billy' started strutting to the right to see what the fuss was about, and just as 'he' was about to present a perfect broadside shot, the herd started to did my 'Billy'.

'He' started galloping as he entered the wide open terrain quartering away. All I remember was swing drawing, and the next thing I remember was watching my arrow intercept 'him' just about perfect.

My prize only made it about 30 more yards or so, and collapsed by a tree in plain view.


So, I hunted hard, enjoyed camp, and I got to pack a goat off the mountain.


What more could a man ask?...even though my 'Billy' turned out to be a big Nanny.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 16, 2007, 09:53:00 PM
Very nice. Is there a better way to get Angora wool? LOL
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 09:57:00 PM
This hunt aint over though......

Tom 'Kid Kryptonite' Phillips congratulated me, and said he'd help gut it and take pics, but I told him I had a tripod, and to go hunting......and a hunting he went......I'll let him tell his story.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 16, 2007, 09:59:00 PM
Word is JC and Tippet have some tales to share too.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Bowspirit on March 16, 2007, 10:01:00 PM
Whooooo!!! Great job, Terry!!!   :notworthy:      :notworthy:

...So, what are the specs for your gear?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Kingwouldbe on March 16, 2007, 10:03:00 PM
Nice shot there Greeny, you kept us wanting more, what bow arrow combo did you use on that fine cross dresser
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Missouri CK on March 16, 2007, 10:04:00 PM

Way to get this thread started.  I don't want the stories from the first hunt to end until the second group is home.  That way I can enjoy this read for at least ten days.....What am I thinking, once Lamb starts telling stories it will last well over two weeks.

Thanks for letting us come along with you vicariously!

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 16, 2007, 10:10:00 PM
Originally posted by vermonster13:
Is there a better way to get Angora wool? LOL
Uh.......not that I can think of!!!!

Morrison Cougar - 62" 64#@28......Zwickey Eskimo 4 Blade...Arrow Dynamics Trad Heavy.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 16, 2007, 10:13:00 PM
Terry, That's cool man    :thumbsup:    :notworthy:

Did you bring her home(cape and horns)?  Do these goats stink like domestic goats?

 Love the "packin' out" pic     :clapper:

Well done my friend
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4runr on March 16, 2007, 10:21:00 PM
Thanks for takin us along for the ride Terry.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 9 Mile Archer on March 16, 2007, 11:30:00 PM
:clapper:  bravo, great start and great big nanny!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on March 16, 2007, 11:45:00 PM
Awesome story and pics. I didn't ever think we were gonna get to see the prize. What kind of camo is that you guys are wearing. Justin
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Stone Knife on March 17, 2007, 04:08:00 AM
Terry good story cool pics to go along with it. But i have to ask how the heck can you stand to wear sneakers in that terrain, that would be a little tough on your feet i would think that is unless your  hooves are as tough as that goats.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Randy Morin on March 17, 2007, 04:43:00 AM
Sweet! Nice Goin Terry.  Who's/whats next... :clapper:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Jason R. Wesbrock on March 17, 2007, 05:24:00 AM
Nice shooting there, Terry. How much do one of those critters weigh?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 17, 2007, 08:08:00 AM
Well, I'm back in the world of the living again...played some serious catch-up yesterday and more to come monday. But HOT DOG did we have a good time! It was well worth the time spent.

I've got baseball practices and honey-do's today, but will post some pics and get into the story when I get back later this afternoon.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4runr on March 17, 2007, 08:16:00 AM
JC you got to teach all them boys that stayed at your place while you were gone to take care of the "honey-do's" while your gone. That-a-way we all don't have to wait so blamed long to hear more good tales!!  :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: bayoulongbowman on March 17, 2007, 08:50:00 AM
T ya got the wool the hard way!...great story bud!...  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Jeremy on March 17, 2007, 09:51:00 AM
Keep the stories coming guys!!!    :campfire:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Golden Hawk on March 17, 2007, 10:32:00 AM
Definatly keep the stories rollin boys. Those of us that didn't go are livin this hunt through you.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 12:24:00 PM
The next day Jeff 'tippit' Springer wanted to go with Tom and I, and I wanted to see what all I hadn't in that area, so the 3 of us set out.  The goal was to get Jeff a goat, and see what other critters we could get on.

Here's a few pics of our hunt.......

Heading to the summit knob....

Scaling the shady side....

The welcoming party......

Landmark of the flat on top.....

Jeff in sneak mode......

Jeff and Tom closing in......
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Golden Hawk on March 17, 2007, 12:46:00 PM
Is it just me ...or do you guys see a dead goat in Doc's future?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 12:56:00 PM

Yeah......she'll be home in a bit.  And she didn't stink that bad at all, bout like a wet dog.  But I hear the Billys really do stink.


If I had to guess, mine weighted about 75#s.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 01:46:00 PM
Here's Jeff on another stalk......

I'm experimenting with some pics, so please tell me if you can't view them.


Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: fflintlock on March 17, 2007, 01:52:00 PM
Man, that's the best part of the game right there, get'n up close enuff to see the hairs !
Good photos !
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: larry on March 17, 2007, 01:56:00 PM
Man, I've got to get out more...but until that time comes..keep the stories and pics coming !!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 02:00:00 PM
And another stalk.....



Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 17, 2007, 02:00:00 PM
real nice shot bro now you should make it law that everyone that goes to txsweat has to have and wear one of your way to funny lucky hats  LOL!!!  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 17, 2007, 02:06:00 PM
Very cool pics. Go Jeff!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 02:13:00 PM
Jeff in some rare dense cover.....


These views were the norm.......

Hidden treasure....

Same pic zoomed in......see what I mean?


Did ya count at least nine????
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 17, 2007, 03:05:00 PM
First night we all met at Del Rio...was a blast...had a bit of mexican food down a lil alley from the motel. Yep, an alley in Del rio texas...did I mention we had quite the adventure this whole trip?  :rolleyes:  

Lots of great conversation and getting to know the few fellers I hadn't met yet. The trip to the ranch the next day was uneventful, except for short stop at wallyworld for snack supplies and ice and then on to Langtry where we stretched our legs.


An hour and a half down the dirt road and well outta cell range, we made our way to the ranch. On the way, the guys made a big deal about a sign I had to stop and take a pic of...somehow I missed that I owned a ranch way out hear in the middle of nowhere....

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Peckerwood on March 17, 2007, 03:11:00 PM
Great pictures Terry ! Looks like some real tough spot and stalk hunting.  Are the goats good table fare?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 17, 2007, 03:20:00 PM
Hey JC,

Did you guys see the Texas speed trap on up the road from your ranch? Four diamondbacks flattened in the road. I took pics but can't post them till I get to work Monday.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 17, 2007, 03:32:00 PM
The first afternoon, last saturday, we hit the ranch running. We were all suited up and geared ready to go within an orientation from Curtis and off we went.

I had the pleasure of hunting with Ted Fry that afternoon. We slipped down a heavily used trail that ran along the scenic Pecos river. Our hope was to find hogs or javelina the first day. While there was a walkable trail along the river, the second of our team had to bushwack through some pretty heavy cover as we paralleled, only to intersect at senderos every few hundred yards.


Everything had a thorn or after a couple of senderos crossed, Ted offered to switch with me and my river trail   :biglaugh:  


We found lots of sign, all old. We did manage to jump a few deer. One I got to within about 10 yards when my hair stood up on my neck from being watched. I happened to see her ear waggle before she blew out of her was encouraging to get that close in such heavy cover.

After much walking, we found a lone shade for a bit of a rest. I'm sure Ted will be happy to post a picture of me taking a break to pull cactus spines, so here's one of Ted hard at work...


We had a good talk sitting there under the tree. Ted is an open and honest man, a man with the frailty of human nature that makes mistakes and the courage of few to own up to them and move on. I immediately felt a kindred spirit with Ted and his outlook on life and priorities. I'm truly proud to call Ted a friend now and look forward to many more hunts with him.

That's what Texas sweat is all about really... the making of new friends and solidification of old friendships. It was good to be back in the same situation as previous years...

As the first evening fell, we made our way back to camp with Mel "Irish". He had seen some goats but couldn't make it happen. Ted and I found no game, but a new friendship made, gave us reason to smile as we walked anyway.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 03:41:00 PM
I named this little guy Bob..........Bob Walker     ;)      ;)      ;)  (inside joke)

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 03:49:00 PM
Yet another stalk.......

Jeff thinking it over.........


Jeff and Tom now talking it over........

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: bayoulongbowman on March 17, 2007, 04:03:00 PM
Terry, these photos are outstanding, especially the one of ...Bob... :) ....there really pretty, nice country...marco#78
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Scott G on March 17, 2007, 04:27:00 PM
I heard Irish made cabrito...maybe we can hear from him when he recovers from Sweat (and possibly from St. Patty's day!)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 17, 2007, 04:40:00 PM
My first afternoon at the ranch started with a number of little mishaps.  Thinking we were only hunting a 1/2 day I decide to just take a fanny pack and about 1/2 liter of water.  My fanny pack buckle wouldn't stay closed.  I ended up just tying a knot in the belt & slinging it over my shoulder.  Other mistake was trying to follow Dave "see ya at the next ranch" Stinson  :)   That guy can travel.  Whip & I followed.  We spotted a couple of rams and tried to make a stalk but they were gone before we could get to them.  

Here's Whip climbing:

Then on the next mesa we spotted a group of 20+ Spanish goats.  Dave was going to circle around, Whip headed back to try and find the rams, and I cut down toward them trying a push to Dave.

Final mishap of the day...while glassing the goats from one of the top benches, I took my sling pack off not realizing it til I got to the top of the next mesa.  It was too late to go back so I'd just find it tomorrow?  The most important thing in the pack was my hearing aid.  I'm sure everyone was also hoping I'd find it...What, what, what?  Doc
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Scott G on March 17, 2007, 05:02:00 PM
Can't wait to hear more Doc, and maybe see some hero pics.

The pic's look a lot different than last years Sweat.  Nice river...
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 17, 2007, 05:13:00 PM
The next morning I finally found my fanny pack & my hearing  :)

Now I had 2 packs so I decide to head back to camp and re-organise.  Unlike last years sweat, rabbits were scarce but there were a couple popping out in the flats.  

So this is for Herb...we missed you.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Bowspirit on March 17, 2007, 05:19:00 PM
So, what's the specs on the gear you used to take out that little sucker, Tippit?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Forester on March 17, 2007, 05:20:00 PM
Good shootin' there tippit.  Looks like you hit the only soft target around for miles.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 17, 2007, 06:10:00 PM
Lovin' every word guys......
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 17, 2007, 06:19:00 PM
keep it comming guys i love it.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Golden Hawk on March 17, 2007, 06:22:00 PM
Don't stop now !!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 06:58:00 PM
Here's a cave that's definitely used by the sheep...the smell and droppings(as you can see) were both THICK!!!

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: longbow357 on March 17, 2007, 07:00:00 PM
Whip: what is that bow you're holding in that pic?
looks nice!

great pics and stories guys - keepem comin.   :archer:    :clapper:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Glenn Carl on March 17, 2007, 07:04:00 PM
Outstanding stuff guys.

Terry what kind of camera are you using? The picture you zoomed in on the goats is a great picture.

JC can we hunt on your new found ranch?

Tippit that knife is beautiful, and your generousity is second to none.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 17, 2007, 07:08:00 PM
The next day, our first full one, I decided to strike out on my own up the face of what Curtis and Gary called "the lookout" in search of what critters might be on top.

As the sun came up, it afforded a wonderful view of the ranch and the river.



The view of the lookout from below....


From up top...


A bit of sidehilling on the greased softballs that passed for footing and I was at the top of the mesa....with goats already all around. Most of the ones I topped out into had lambs in tow however....but I still practiced my sneak and slip to get close anyway. It was good to be in predator mode after too many long days at work.


Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 17, 2007, 07:40:00 PM
Great stuff guys
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 17, 2007, 07:45:00 PM
The end of the first full day brought in a Texas Thunder Boomer with some pretty good winds.  I was back up top stalking those goats I saw the first afternoon.  They were all coming straight for me when the wind started picking up & swerling.  They dropped down one bench under me and I proceeded to make one goat do the Texas Two Step as my arrow went between her legs.  Goats 1 / Doc 0!  That won't be the last time the goats out score me  :)  

The sky got real dark and I went down the mesa as fast as these 61 yr legs could go.  But the old saying at the end of storm...
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 17, 2007, 07:49:00 PM
Terry mentioned the "land mines" we had to make our way through....these were some of the worse cactus I've ever encountered. As he said, what frequently stuck to one heel ended up in the opposite calf   :eek:  


As I made my way around the mesa, I found more and more animals. I made a stalk on this "billy" only to find what I was looking at were I backed back out and got my camera for a pic...she caught me coming back for "coup"


Numerous opportunities presented themselves that morning....but for some just didn't feel right. I was after a big billy so I continued to count coup throughout the morning wiht first my bow by drawing but not releasing then with the camera when I could.



This one I ambushed in it's feeding lane, passing right by me at about 3 ft. I poked her with my bow tip....and she hollered "NAAAAHHH!!" but never looked up. She thought another goat was horning her! This pic is at about 5-7 yards as she fed my way.

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 17, 2007, 07:53:00 PM
I was using a 56" 48#@27 Morrison Cheyenne T/D recurve with black glass black limbs.  I was going to camo paint the limbs but they worked just fine as is. Bow shoots better than I do  :)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 17, 2007, 07:54:00 PM
Like Doc, along the way I took the time to appreciate the gorgeous flora as well as the copious fauna.


Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 17, 2007, 07:59:00 PM
Those pics remind me of a few women I've known over the years. Nice to look at, but real painfull to get involved with. hehe
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 09:09:00 PM
Final stalk of the day........

See em now?......

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 09:18:00 PM
This is NOT a stool!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 09:51:00 PM
Here's a clip of the end of Jeff's stalk at the windmill....

   Angora Stampede (
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 17, 2007, 09:52:00 PM
The storm clouds began to gather and the wind picked up a bit. I started to make my way off the plateau, but not before I made a couple more imaginary shots with my bow then with the camera.

I found this one feeding towards a stunted juniper so I  circled and made my way to see how close I could get. When I got to the juniper, the goat had changed direction, out into the open but facing away from me. The cross wind held steady so I pushed my luck from this...    (

To this....

Again, the goat was fortunate I just wanted a close picture.

On the way out of the rim I stumbled onto a small group feeding right at the edge of a cliff face. I slipped close again to see just how close I could get. These two were young and fairly oblivious as they munched on this bush.


But my pretend shots and then the camera was just too much movement...they bailed over the edge and another ran from behind the bush to see why his companions had vacated. I was left with another parting shot...


I came down off the mountain, just as it started to rain. There were goats still moving but I wanted to get off the top before potentially worse weather moved in. I had no desire to come down off this terrain in the rain.


Tired but elated that I had been so close so many times with multiple real shot ops. It was as good a day of stalking that I can remember.
I really don't know why I didn't take any of the shots, but for some ethereal reason, it felt right not too...and of course the hearts of all the trad bowhunters in camp understood completely. Sometimes, being there IS good enough.

I rounded out the afternoon with a few small bass caught on the flyrod while Charlie and Gary lounged by the river. It was a great day but I was tired, not just from the terrain but also from the over abundance of adrenaline throughout the day.

A great meal, a few cold Tecates and lively recounts of all the team's events rounded out the evening. I slept well that night despite my own and Rick's (the camp skinner) snoring....
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 17, 2007, 10:44:00 PM
Guys....just went back and read the thread....been busy being gone for a I'd like to address a few things.....

First......many thanks for the comments guys, its fun to share our experiences, but it is a job, so you comments are much appreciated, and makes the work that much more enjoyable.

Second,...I couldn't find my insoles for my regular boot....took them out to I wore those low top ourdoor 'shoes', and it worked out pretty good.  Luckily I didn't tear up my ankles.

Third,...about the blood being ketchup...not hardly.  Tom can attest to these pics being taken moments after the animal fell. The 1st thing I notice is that goat blood is kinda watery and much more pink than most's a few close ups so you can see what I mean.....



Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Brian Halbleib on March 18, 2007, 01:05:00 AM
GREAT stuff guys. Hoping to get back to the Del Rio area again this year with Curtis. Keep it coming! And congrats to all of you on a great trip...

-Brian (
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 18, 2007, 04:40:00 AM
Thanx so much guys for the story telling and the pix...I know how time consuming it is and I really appreciate the effort    :notworthy:  

This is awesome!!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tradtusker on March 18, 2007, 06:00:00 AM
great goin guys!
seems like you gotta spent as much time looking out for thorns and spikes as you do looking for animals.

keep it up
p.s. love the long flat photo terry! its tops
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4runr on March 18, 2007, 07:10:00 AM
What a tremendous group of stories and pics. The pics of the Cactus blooms are just awesome. Where else can you go to see the variety of images captured in a place I've never been, and yet feel like I was there. Nowhere but Tradgang!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Randy Morin on March 18, 2007, 07:26:00 AM
Good stuff JC and Tippit!  Lookin forward to the next few days of story tellin.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: bentpole on March 18, 2007, 07:30:00 AM
Congrats on a successful hunt great pics and stories guys. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 9 Mile Archer on March 18, 2007, 09:00:00 AM
Guys the story has been fantastic so far, I just am hoping others jump in.  Terry the stalking shots are really great, they make me want to crouch over when looking at them  :D .  JC great photo essay you can tell how close you were from the shots, photos usually make things look further away, but wow it looks like you were at a petting zoo!  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 18, 2007, 09:52:00 AM
This thread is a welcome relief from the snow piles.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 18, 2007, 10:48:00 AM
Terry's film clip of me stalking was just the end of the stalk.  Terry & Tom were behind me having a good laugh as I crawled on my belly in the open to get to a little clump of scrub mesquite.  Not the easiest place to crawl due to these little rascals   :scared:

Terry was also kind enough to omit this picture from that stalk   :(  
Both Terry & Tom were great guides to show me the land of the White Woolly Buggers (I actually brought a WWB fly to try and catch some carp...more on that later).  
Terry lead the way...
Tom followed probably to pick up the pieces if I had a miss step...
It was a superior day with a lot of stalks and great friends.  The Woolly Buggers were safe for another day  :)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Tique on March 18, 2007, 02:04:00 PM
Not a story, just some comments:

Thank you Curtis and Gary for putting such a fine hunt together. I can only imagine the amount of work it took to coordinate everything; just supplying the food (very good BTW) for 14 guys was a major accomplishment.

Guys, All Doc's knives are very nice but I think this one is "special". I think the winning bidder at the St. Judes auction will need deep pockets to get this one.  

For all that were wondering about Terry's shoes I can tell you they never slowed him down. Him and Kryptonite were always on the move.

This was the first time I met any of the guys on this hunt; what a fine group of guys they are. I feel very lucky that I had the opportunity to share a camp with them and consider each one a new friend. I look forward to sharing a camp with them again.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 18, 2007, 02:20:00 PM
dont stop there we want more. more pics more stories. this is just getting good  :notworthy:    :campfire:    :campfire:    :archer:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: longstick on March 18, 2007, 03:41:00 PM
Im guessing that one didnt go very far at all!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 18, 2007, 04:59:00 PM
ok guys,let's get on with it....this is too long to wait even for me    :p

 so much more to come.....
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Missouri CK on March 18, 2007, 05:49:00 PM

Wonderful pictures of the flowers. Texas has a lot of terrible, thorny, unforgiving plants but it produces a wonderful contrast with the flowering blooms that you see.

I was wondering if anyone saw any javi's? I think I remember hearing that Curtis said this location didn't have any hogs but he had seen some Javelina on previous trips.  

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 18, 2007, 07:50:00 PM
The 4th day found me back up top with the White Woollies by myself.  The big groups seemed to have more single stragglers today...fewer eyes to spot ya.  No such was Maternity Day!

I saw 3 different goats give birth.  One that I stalked just stood at 5 yards.  As I drew my bow I heard a faint bah.  Luckily I had my hearing aid in cause this is what came out of the cedar at my feet...still wet & bloody.

I should have taken my call bag with penicillin & betadine instead of my bow today.  I'm not sure if I can write the trip off as a farm call or not  :)  

I did have a nice day.  No shots so therefore no stray arrows...Doc
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 18, 2007, 07:53:00 PM
Renewable resource in action. Great pics Doc!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 18, 2007, 07:54:00 PM
Thanks Andrew, for once, everything went right. It was one of those rare days when everything came together more than once.

Chris, I agree with the contrast: the flowers were as beautiful and delicate as the spines were forboding and severe.

No javies seen...HuntIt saw a couple a few miles up the river on a sand bar on another ranch's feeder. No hogs other than LOTS of sign along the river....though all maybe a couple of weeks old. This ranch has gotta be thick with em at times...but sadly not while we were there.

Monday morning Whip and I teamed up to hit the opposite side of the ranch in search of barbados sheep. We made a slight miscalculation going in on what we thought would be the easiest route. Well, needless to say, it wasn't   :wavey:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 18, 2007, 08:11:00 PM
Very cool!!

JC, that close up of that cactus flower doesn't even look real... Incredible!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: knife river on March 18, 2007, 08:55:00 PM
With all that limestone, there's got to be some nice beds of chert somewhere...  Anybody see any on that place?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 18, 2007, 09:00:00 PM
Woody, I thought the same thing...
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 18, 2007, 09:01:00 PM
Just got off the phone with Curtis.......

Lots of action and opportunities.....but nothing down yet.  Walt Francis hasn't made it in tonight yet though........
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 18, 2007, 09:35:00 PM
Woody, I was looking for iron so I can't tell what chert looks like  :)   There did appear to be a lot fractured rock that looked like some type of much for my rock knowledge.  Doc
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 18, 2007, 09:35:00 PM
I'm finally here and will try to pick it up a bit.  Had our State Trad Archers convention this weekend so I have been missing out on this story telling and reading.

The first morning of the hunt Tique and I headed up the hill behind camp.  The first draw we looked in had a group of sheep with a total of nine nice rams feeding towards us from across the valley.  Dave stayed on top to keep an eye on them while I cirlced around to try to get on the same hillside as them.  

Naturally, by the time I got in position the sheep had worked their way to the hillside I had just left.  But Dave was able to work his way down to a large rock in front of them to lay an ambush.  Unbeknownst to us, Dave Stinson was working the same group, and bumped them back towards me.  As they feed my way I began to think it might just come together yet.  Until I made a careless movement.  
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 18, 2007, 09:58:00 PM
Well, it's kind of hard to see in the photo, but the two ewes on the left have me pegged.  Note the big black guy in the center of the picture though.  This won't be the last we hear of him....

I stood in my ambush spot for nearly two hours, but the sheep didn't trust it and eventually moved off.  I backed out and circled around to get in front of them again, and ran into Dave Stinson again.  He was still on the prowl as well.  We formed a quick plan with me dropping down in front of them, and he trying to come in from above.  As I came around the point this is what I found.

Trees and bushes are rare up there, but Dave had managed a perfect hit on one of the few around!  What happened to the sheep Dave??  :smileystooges:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: cjones on March 19, 2007, 12:12:00 AM
Awesome stories and pics. Keep them coming guys!

Terry, Congrats on your goat!  :clapper:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 19, 2007, 07:03:00 AM
JC has already started the story of the morning he and I headed out together and the harder than it had to be hike to the top.  I guess it's on me to finish the story for him.

I had been wanting a chance to hunt with the Little Delta Bow for some time, and now was my opportunity.  Being able to carry a bow with a history like that, and share it with a guy like Joe - days like that just don't come around very often.  It was a real treat.

As we got to the top and stood looking around to decide on our next move, I looked to my left and noticed a few sheep feeding.  They seemed to be pointed in our direction, so we eased up to the closest juniper bush and hunkered in.  The herd was mostly ewes and lambs, along with about a 3/4 curl ram.  Although a dry ewe would be just fine with me, I sure liked the looks of those horns!

It seemed the LDB was working its magic as the sheep feed slowly in our direction.  Eventually they closed in on us, and as ewe and lamb feed just on the other side of our bush I worried she was going to bust us.  Then as if drawn by an unseen power, the ram walked directly towards us, stopped and looked at me a couple of times, but apparantly recognized no danger.  At fifteen yards he turned broadside and offered me his side.

I drew the bow back and before I knew what was happening, I watched in horror as my arrow flew sideways towards him, with the feathers bouncing off his rump!  I had blown it!  The Little Delta Bow is a special bow, and nobody wanted to be the guy who broke it.  I think all the talk had gotten into my head, and I couldn't bring myself to draw the bow to my full 29" length.  Arrow flight was horrible, and I felt awful as I watched the sheep go back to feeding 75 yards away.
The quality of this little movie is not all that good, but the title is appropriate.  Ted Fry calls it the "Little Delta Blow"  The first image is a still shot that I lightened up a bit and you can see the ram just to the left of my shoulder.  Click on the second image to start the movie.
    ( (¤t=DwyerDefiant030.flv)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: PaPaFrank on March 19, 2007, 08:19:00 AM
Great pictures and Stories for those of us trapped somewhere between winter and spring!!!  THANKS a BUNCH!!! it's really appreciated...
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Jim Jackson on March 19, 2007, 09:00:00 AM
Great stories everyone.  Nice to be able to follow along and experience the trip through your pictures and memories.  Thanks to all!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Forester on March 19, 2007, 09:34:00 AM
Awesome images and story telling!  Thank you all for your efforts!   :thumbsup:  

I think all the talk had gotten into my head, and I couldn't bring myself to draw the bow to my full 29" length
Don't be too hard on yourself and your concentration, it looks like (from video) there was some limb interference that impaired arrow flight.  Your upper bow limb did a dance with the bush limb.  A good reminder to us all to watch our tips.

Now get to posting the comeback story......
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 19, 2007, 09:49:00 AM
Yeah....I saw the limb contact with the cedar in the clip....great experience with the bow regardless sir!

Great pic of Dave too he he!!!!!!!!!!   That's a classic for sure  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 10:21:00 AM
Shucks! I had hoped the video would come out better than that! The still pic helps put into perspective the shooting position...and dang if that ram wasn't absolutely gorgeous color.

Oh well....anyway, Joe was under some intense pressure. Seems I spooked him when I told him not to even touch me with the LDB, I didn't want to be infamous for blowing up that piece of history. So it got to working in his head and he was afraid of drawing his 29" and it blowing. Heck, he's got steel in his britches for even packing that thing up the mountain!

He was a good sport about it, I sure felt bad for him but we all know even the close ones aren't a gimmie until the animal is on the ground.

I had a great time hunting with Whip. We had quite a few more close calls that day but just couldn't make them come together. I was so caught up in the moment hunting that day I took no pics...maybe Joe has some more.

Where's Ted Fry at? Maybe he'll tell the story of his bird-dog antics later that afternoon after meeting up with Whip and me...   :saywhat:  

I'll move on to the next day until we can hear more from Joe and Ted...
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 10:26:00 AM
As far as good arrow head material, Ted and I found some "Texas Tan" at the tree he was sleeping under. He said it was good stuff but most of the other wasn't least that we saw that day. I know nothing about knapping so couldn't tell you about any other spots.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: AZStickman on March 19, 2007, 10:37:00 AM
Whip.... Your arrow flight doesn't look to be from short drawing..... Take a look at your upper limb tip and how that juniper limb jumps at your release..... Terry

ooops.... I saw that this morning when I left for work.... Should have read all the posts before I posted..... Great stories keep em coming....
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 19, 2007, 10:42:00 AM
See, I told ya' JC!  It was the bush, man!  Wasn't my fault at all!  :knothead:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 10:49:00 AM
Danged Shrubbery!  "[dntthnk]"  

It was still thrilling to be that close and get a front row seat in the events. I'll never forget how that all came together and the good company I shared it with.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 19, 2007, 12:31:00 PM
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 19, 2007, 12:33:00 PM

The above picture was the one that got away! This one didn't!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 19, 2007, 12:35:00 PM

The Javi monster of the Pecos River Valley!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 19, 2007, 12:36:00 PM

Texas Speed Trap!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 19, 2007, 12:40:00 PM
It was one of those days that will be with me forever.  What A time we had up there!  

After the blown opportunity, JC and I implimented plan B.  JC worked out in front of their last known location, while I slipped in from above and behind.  I came out to a ledge where I could see JC below, and no sheep to be found.  But there was a band of Spanish goats across the valley, and I gave hand signals to indicate I was going to circle around to work on them.

JC stayed in his spot to watch the show, and while I was slipping in from one side, Ted Fry was closing in from the other.  Joe said at one point we were within 50 yards of each other, but neither knew the other was there.  I bumped into the goats and they promtly vacated our hillside.  As JC went to leave, he bumped into the original band of sheep which had been loafing just out of sight above him the whole time.  These critters were making fools of us all.  "[dntthnk]"

Ted, Joe, and I reunited on top, sat in the shade, and had a fine dining experience of sandwiches, granola, and water.  Finer cuisine could not be found anywhere, and the ambiance was out of this world!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Ted Fry on March 19, 2007, 12:41:00 PM
Im here JC , just up to my %$#@ in work , you guys are doing just fine without me. Good story telling. OK Joe I believe you now , your limb did hit that cedar tree. You had more guts than I for even carrying that bow in the rough terrain.
Glad I did not have the LDB when I fell off that ledge, from the looks of the bow I was carrying it may not have survived.
No worries JC , I wont show the pic of you with your pants down around you ankles while you pulled cactus spines out here , I will wait for a better time.
After the Little Delta Blow all the animals ended up on one big hill that we decided to try a push from , I and Joe walked several ridges over and down wind with hopes of pushing them toward JC. I dropped off the ridge and got in position about the same level as the animals. The ground was very rocky and uneven with loose rock the main thing to travel on. The sun was beating down at this point and sweat was pouring the sun tan lotion into my eyes, boy did that burn. There were several Rams bellow my path so I dropped even lower and started moving toward the herd . I hoped to get a shot at a big ram as I did this but the loose rock gave me away.
The animals , about 50 in all started out toward JC , Joe was on top in case they made a break up the draw.
Just as the main herd started around the point I saw JC on the sky line, the animals had not due to the curve of the hill top. I had nothing to do but yell "Get down!". To late they saw him ,then dove off the hill like something out of an old western. These animals were very warry and the terain was definately on their side.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Ted Fry on March 19, 2007, 12:47:00 PM
Yeah Dave we saw the snakes on the way back , two cars with brakes locked up , dust everywhere and 5 guys diving out of the cars. To bad the skins were in such poor shape. The Javie monster is back I see , I am still having bad dreams from that picture. I still think you could write a good story from that one.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
Originally posted by Ted Fry:
No worries JC , I wont show the pic of you with your pants down around you ankles while you pulled cactus spines out here , I will wait for a better time.
Yep, that's definately what I expected   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 19, 2007, 02:23:00 PM
nice going guys keep em comming. you been drinking cactus juice jc  lol!!! wow that video clip.  :biglaugh:    :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 02:28:00 PM
Jeff, I had an arse full of cactus spines...I cared not the least who and how got my pic! Ted had the strangest look on his face...when he saw me from afar, drop not once, but twice to finish pullin out sharp stuff. You'll do a danged dance when you bump into some of that stuff out there...  :eek:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Deer Slayer on March 19, 2007, 02:46:00 PM
Huntit..Nice Ram bro!! Great stories fellas!! What a time you guys had!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 19, 2007, 02:50:00 PM
Oh....while I'm waiting on a clip to load....

Canon PowerShot A630 - 8 mega pixels.

Dave, nice to see that pic other than on your camera.  Congrats again Sir!!!!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Budog56 on March 19, 2007, 02:52:00 PM
Great stories and pics guys  :campfire:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 19, 2007, 03:15:00 PM
That is a nice sheep pic Dave!  Man, those things are like a poor mans bighorn, cool looking, and tougher to hunt than just about anything I've ever chased after.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 19, 2007, 03:34:00 PM
Being that the hunt required staying out all day most days since we were so far from camp, I was real glad I took another hat to keep the sun from cooking my face....

After the day with Tom and Jeff....Tom and I went in the back way to a new area to chase rams.  We chased rams the next day as well, as the next.....heck, we're still chasing em I recon....

I've got a bead on a few in this pic.....


And here's a couple of frequent scenes with turn up the volume.....

 Yew Escape bumped my Tom....... (  

  Yew Escape bumped by Joe Whip Lasch..... (
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 03:55:00 PM
Yep, after being there, Dave's ram is indeed a trophy. You kill one of those on the cliffside and you have certainly earned a monster portion of respect. After a few days of being hunted, they KNEW they were being hunted and a pebble rolling a hunert yards away would turn them inside out.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: beachbowhunter on March 19, 2007, 06:16:00 PM
Terry, I love that product placement! Looks like you guys had a blast as usual.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4runr on March 19, 2007, 06:28:00 PM
Those clips were awesome Terry thanks for sharin. The back of that jacket was purty cool too!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Adam Keiper on March 19, 2007, 06:46:00 PM
Great stories and photos guys!  I'm enjoying the heck outta this post.  Congratulations to all who scored!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 19, 2007, 06:53:00 PM
You guys ROCK,this is awesome!!!

Dave, That's a great Ram bud!! CONGRATS on a fine trophy    :notworthy:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 19, 2007, 06:57:00 PM
I wish Mel and John would chime in.....I'd love to hear there stories again.

I'm about out of pics.....I got a few fill ins left I think.....

BTW......those sheep were LOUD....and came across the canyons and banged ya up side the head at times.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 07:15:00 PM
One eve Whip and I went down by the river with the mesa to our backs and set up varmint calling for 2 sets. First set while we were calling, we heard "WHOMP....WHOMP.....WHOMP". After we moved we talked about that deer stomping up on the hillside upset at our calling.

The second set, I heard it again and got up to look up the steep hillside at what was causing the sound. There, silhouetted against the skyline, waaaaay up on top, were two rams smacking it out....the WHOMP were there horns clashing! That was worth the price of admission I'll tell ya!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 19, 2007, 08:20:00 PM
Your right JC, those boys were really going at it!  They would back up to 15 yards or so apart, stare each other down, and then just lower their heads and bring it full bore!  Looked like some kind of National Geographic special, and we had front row seats!  That HAD to hurt!  :knothead:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 08:35:00 PM
The next day, Whip, Tique and I decided to go up the hill right behind camp to see if we could put the sneak on the sheep.



On the way up we ran into one of the caves the animals used for shelter...smelled like my barn.


The beautiful view from the top towards the river


When we got up there, Dave Stinson was already there. He's the bump to the left of the lone tree.


I had no desire to blow his stalk so I sat tight. Whip and Tique circled way around to his left and I stayed on his right. A bit later, the sheep moved and ran by at about 50 yards....some nice rams in the bunch...only problem is they were well below me and gettin on down the road. Dave circled to get at them again and I stayed on top to watch Terry and Tom on the opposite canyon.

After seeing Tique set up on another heard of sheep and then Dave again twice more as I was moving around, I decided it was just too many folks in that area. I love hangin with these guys but these critters were tough enough to hunt as it was and I just hate the thought of messing up someone's hunt so I started back down the hill to find out if anything was hanging in the bottoms that no one seemed to be huting.

On the way, the mountain laurel was in full bloom and smelled like rich perfume all over the hillside.

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 08:38:00 PM
The spanish dagger was in bloom too, flowers so luxuriant they looked good enough to scoops of vanilla ice cream. Like most everything though, the beauty belied the vicious protection of sharp spines. I think these things could do some serious harm if you fell on one...the leaves were very sharp and very stiff easily penetrating your pants and into your leg if you bumped into one.


Springtime was in full swing and I was simply capivated by the number of seemingly delicate flowering plants surviving such a harsh environment.



I made my way down this wash...the trees giving me some familiar comfort after spending the last few days out in the sky. I'm used to the thick woods here at home so was feeling a bit out of sorts. I spent the rest of the morning playing chase with a small heard of deer and a vanishing porcupine.



Saw 6 different deer as well as this lil scrape.


Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 19, 2007, 08:38:00 PM
After seeing this expert scraper's work, I headed back to camp to find another at work...



I spent the rest of the morning listening to Charlie tell stories and give seasoned advice on the tillering of Curtis's new selfbow. Again, the true purpose of this hunt was the time spent with good was time well spent.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 19, 2007, 08:54:00 PM
When I got back to camp that day Charlie was pitching in with some string making for that bow.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 19, 2007, 09:44:00 PM
This just gets better and better....
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4runr on March 19, 2007, 09:47:00 PM
JC those pics of the flowers are just way cool.
I'm sharing with the family and they are just lovin it.

This just keeps gettin better!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 19, 2007, 09:51:00 PM
keep it comming boys this is great stuff.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: cjones on March 19, 2007, 10:45:00 PM
Wow this thread is great. Keep it coming guys!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 20, 2007, 07:06:00 AM
The days were flying by, and tend to run together in my mind, but I think it was the third afternoon when JC and I were back in camp early enough to head to the river and see what fish could be found.  We recruited Gary as our guide, and I took my bow for carp, while JC rigged up a 3 weight flyrod.

I had only bowfished once before, and that was a long time ago, so this was pretty new stuff to me.  The water was clear, and running fast, and I was having trouble figuring out how to hit the buggers.  As those who have done it know, you have to hold low to hit what you're aiming at, and I soon found there is a learning curve involved.  Wasn't long though and I found a carp tailing in some shallow water.  With his back out of the water I didn't have to worry about a distorted image, and was soon hand lining a nice carp back to shore to the cheers of my gallery of two behind me.

JC limbered up the flyrod, and taught the bass a leason or two.  I think his final tally was 12 bass that day, with the largest probably 2 1/2 lbs.

When we finished JC gave me a leason on carp skinning and making some fine leather for a project.  He skinned the fish first, and then removed the scales one by one by hand rather than just scrapping them off.  He explained that doing it that way leaves the color and pattern intact, and indead when he was finished we had two beautiful skins with a deep rich gold background and black markings.  Those are going to make him a nice armgaurd!  Unfortunately I was so engrossed in watching the process I never thought to get my camera and record the results.  :knothead:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 20, 2007, 07:16:00 AM
What do you mean make "him" a nice armgaurd?!!?? I don't even shoot with I guess I'll have to make one for the guy that shot the carp    :rolleyes:  

Whip failed to mention he shot the carp IN THE EYE..."learning curve" my hind end!

Thanks guys, I really like to take the pics of the flowers while I'm hunting...especially in TX. So many beautiful things to see in a place that at first glance, looks desolate. I truly appreciate the wonder of God's creations and the beauty he saw fit to imbue them with.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 20, 2007, 07:26:00 AM
You do a much better job on the flower pictures than I do JC, but I did find a couple.  The flowers where a real treat to find and such a stark contrast to the harsh and unforgiving nature of the rocks and thorns.

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 20, 2007, 07:33:00 AM

Here is the gang from Sweat Hunt #1/07
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 20, 2007, 07:35:00 AM

Here is Gary,John,Mel and Dave resting after the hunt.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 20, 2007, 07:35:00 AM
A parole officers nightmare there. lol
(the group shot)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 20, 2007, 07:39:00 AM

If you can enlarge this one, you will see a big line of Corsican rams running along the trail at bottom of hill on lower side of river. This was after being chased for a few hours, they all bailed off the mountain and ran up that trail towards camp. Camp is 400 yrds to the right on that trail. Ted can tell you more about that spot!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 20, 2007, 07:40:00 AM

One fine bow rack!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 20, 2007, 07:52:00 AM
Thanks for the comments on the ram guys! JC, those sure are nice pictures of the Fauna and Flora. I had it in my mind so many times to stop and take pictures of some of those blossoms but was always in overdrive and never did. It's funny looking at all the pictures as I don't think there is one square inch of that mountain above camp that I don't recognize.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: kctreeman on March 20, 2007, 07:56:00 AM
Hey you guys are doing a great job at the story telling and pictures.  Makes my feet hurt all over again just looking at those hills.  I'll let you guys tell the hunting stories and I'll share a few other thoughts.

It was also a time to relax and enjoy the time away from our busy lives.  I spent one entire afternoon watching CK Little Feather scrape on an osage stave.  The guy is a master at building those self bows. I can't wait to see the finished product.  Charlie Lamb was also sitting there with us telling stories.  It was a great learning experience watching that guy twist a 3 bundle string together.  I watched the other guys sharpen broadheads each night.  I didn't know there were so many ways to put an edge on a head.

The TX Sweat was a great time of hunting but someday after the details of the hunt have faded I hope the memories and friendships remain bright.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 20, 2007, 07:58:00 AM
I thought the same thing Dave. With your bow rack pic, I remember standing there thinking "I know I could get it down off this mountain, but how would I get it home without busting it"

That was up near the jagged rock right?  :biglaugh:  (inside joke guys...EVERYTHING was a jagged rock)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Bowspirit on March 20, 2007, 08:47:00 AM
What kind of head is that that you took the carp with?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 20, 2007, 10:20:00 AM
Chris, That was a Muzzy quick release carp point I bought from 3 Rivers just for this trip.  I've been wanting to give bowfishing a try anyway, so this was a good excuse to gear up for it.

Somone asked earlier about my bow, and I forgot to answer that.  It is a Griffin two piece takedown with the bevel lok system.  53# @ 28, but I pull it to 29".
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: beachbowhunter on March 20, 2007, 11:14:00 AM
Nice fish Joe, now about those legs....  :scared:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 20, 2007, 12:16:00 PM
Not exactly a fashion statement when your legs are whiter than your teeth  "[dntthnk]"   But hey, after spending a winter bundled up it felt good to expose them no matter how bad they looked!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 20, 2007, 03:15:00 PM
Tippit must be busy working....I need his pics to finish up the last part of my story....Post em if you got em Jeff!

Last hunting day, Jeff and I decided to mosy up to the angora side of the ranch and see what happened. We picked our way up the draw then sidehilled up to the top of the mesa. We still hunted all around the area I that had been covered with goats just a few days before, only to see a grand total of 3. The old "don't pass up on the first day what you would take the last day" started ringing in my head. I had tempted the Lord too many times over the gifts he gave me earlier that week with all those critters in bow range.

Shaking off the negative thoughts, Jeff and I enjoyed each other's company and fell into a pretty good huntin mode. Moving off in the direction of the windmill that provided water to the areas water troughs, we stopped periodically to glass. Things began to pick up...we say quite a few goats moving in that direction so off we went.

Halfway there, I spotted some movement and Jeff and I went into "the crouch" know, the one you instinctively hit when you see an animal before it sees you?

Jeff told me to go get them, even though he had yet to take an animal too...that's the kinda guy Tippit is. Anyway, I did my best of a low crawl across the spikey landmines and sharp rocks to get into an ambush position along a line of juniper. The goats were quickly feeding my way. I looked back at Jeff and with a big smile, nocked an arrow, hopeful we would both see action very quickly.

The goats got closer....and closer....until I had a group of 3-4 at my 9 o'clock eventually got within 10 feet...still unaware of my presence. But...I was being picky again. I had selected the biggest horns out of the herd...not a billy but if I was gonna shoot one, I wanted not only one without a lamb but representative headgear too. I could see she was old...the horns worn in the middle, no lamb in tow, chewed up ears. As she fed closer, I prayed...."OK Lord, I'd like that one right there...but you've put me on so many, I'm not gonna shoot unless it's a great shot op...if I get busted, so be it."

No sooner had the prayer left my hushed lips when the old girl stood up on her hind legs, front feet in the tree to get a nibble...revealing a pink patch of skin where the hair was thin in the middle of her chest. "Ok Lord, I gotcha!"

I slowly raised the new shrew as the animals within spitting distance froze....I knew if they bolted the old girl would still have to come down and might pause while deciding what to do....but everything just went into still mode.

I remeber starting the draw and seeing the pink patch I wanted to hit....then the next thing I know is a "THWUMP" as the arrow disappeared in her chest.....

Goats took off in all one....the old girl dropped down out of the tree, all but the fletching protruding from her back. She looked around confused...dazed even. In keeping with my theory, I immediately got another arrow on the string. She saw the movement but didn't move....I picked a spot near the mind racing that in all that I somehow managed to make a poor hit and I'd have to track her all over that rough country. The second arrow zipped completely through the front of the chest broadside...and she crumpled where she stood.

Tippit grinned like a cheshire cat, reaching out to me for a hearty handshake while I stood a bit dazed myself that it all happened so perfectly and fluidly.


She fell literally in her tracks, in the shade of the tree she was feeding on. Post mortem revealed the Woodsman (sharpened a-la Charlie Lamb style) entered between the front legs slightly on the left, exiting to the right side of the spine breaking ribs coming and going, shredding the lungs. The second arrow pushed the Simmons Interceptor and bleeder through both upper leg bones...breaking both, hence the drop, we found it 10 yards away stuck in an ear of prickly pear.

I meated her out where she lay, removed the head and a bit of the neck hide to make something out of. I packed the meat in a big plastic bag I carry, with my frozen water bottle and was able to cool it down enough to stay hunting with Tippit. He had gone off in search of a group but returned just when I finished the work so we sat in the shade and had some lunch.

As we talked I resharpened both heads, washed the feathers sparingly with some water and got ready to play backup....

Now....Tippit's turn....

Oh, equipment specs: My new 56" Super Shrew Deluxe Zebrawood/Ziricote, 58#@27". Both arrows were 28 1/2" Beman ICS Hunter 340 with 50gr brass insert, 4 fletch low profile banana feathers. First head was a 200gr Wensel woodsman, second was a 200gr Simmons interceptor with bleeder superglued in place. Total arrow weight about 540gr.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Arrowslinger on March 20, 2007, 03:28:00 PM
JC I knew your were holding out on us.  Way to go.  I have enjoyed reading all of the stories and looking at the pictures.  Wish I could have been there.     :thumbsup:    :campfire:    :clapper:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 20, 2007, 03:36:00 PM
:clapper:     :clapper:    :clapper:

Jeff's turn to post up now.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Marvin M. on March 20, 2007, 03:38:00 PM
Looking Good guys.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 4runr on March 20, 2007, 03:56:00 PM
That's just sweet, JC. You must be livin right!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 20, 2007, 04:08:00 PM
i new i could count on you jc awesome shot bro.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 20, 2007, 08:21:00 PM
I was hunkered down behind JC just watching the master stalk in on the White Woollies.  I took a few pictures of JC's stalk but my camera focused on the tree I was behind.  Here's JC on hands & knees out of focus but you can tell by the body language he was intent.  So much so that another group was coming in from the left of the picture.  I thought they were going to blow the stalk.
 Here's JC's 2nd shot.  She was already down but it was nice insurance from tracking her.
Up close & personal with JC's goat.  Well done my friend.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Budog56 on March 20, 2007, 08:49:00 PM
Just gets better and better..  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 20, 2007, 08:59:00 PM
Thanks for sharing that Jeff.  I certainly enjoyed our day together being the camera man....that lunch break leaning on the water tank in the shade was like an oasis wasn't it?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: sticshooter on March 20, 2007, 09:05:00 PM
That is a great looking goat. Great job JC. Thanks guys for sharing all the great storys and PICS!<><
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 20, 2007, 09:13:00 PM
Well as JC was dressing out his goat, I stalked up on a herd of about 20 goats but couldn't close into range.  As they moved on I went back to have a bite to eat with JC.

With the meat & head stored, we started to look for some critters for me.  I don't think we traveled more than a hundred yards when when JC motioned to stop.  He heard lambs near by.  It wasn't in my hearing range yet (sure is an advantage to have good hearing  :)   I saw the White Ones and tried to make sure any that came by didn't have kids.  Sneaking up in front of JC I had a lone goat right in front of me.  When I pulled back my limb tip hit the branches of the cedar tree I was under & the arrow sailed over her.  Luckily she didn't even hear it.  Stepping back from the tree I let another arrow go and hit her in the neck.  She trotted off & fell over on her back with her feet straight in the air.  Finally a goat down...but she seemed to shake that off and started walking again.  I took a long shot just trying to get another arrow into her but it sailed by her.  JC came up taking a shot that just went over her back.  There we stood with a nice blood trail but no goat.  As I turned around, Mel & Dave T showed up out of nowhere.  We all started tracking her and out of nowhere Curtis shows up.  It was  a tradgang convention on top of the White Woolly Mesa!

It seems that CK & Mark Horn had seen the entire stalk & shots.  As the group of goats headed their way they noticed my goat with blood on her neck following.  Mark proceeded to put 2 more arrows into her.  When JC & I caught up with Mark she still going.  I finally got to put her down.  They can be incredibly tough animals. I also had a real hard time picking a spot on an all white body.  Plus their coat hangs down so far that it's easy to send an arrow thru what you think is body only to find just hair.

Mark sure make an easier job of tracking for me.  Thanks Mark & JC...Doc
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 20, 2007, 09:21:00 PM
That will be a hunt that stays with you forever Doc.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Scott G on March 20, 2007, 09:21:00 PM
Thanks for all the stories and pics guys...wish I could have been there this year.

Nice ram Dave!

Look forward to hearing some more...
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 20, 2007, 09:46:00 PM
I deboned my goat out under a cedar tree with Mark, CK, & JC giving me plenty of advice & ribbing.  Then Mark & CK headed off on another critter adventure which Mark needs to take over.  JC & I headed back to camp to put meat in freezer, pick up our fly rods, and a few tecates down to the Pecos River.  I'm not sure which was better...watching JC fire out fly line, iced tecate, or the cold river on tired dogs.  I do know it was a memorable day...Doc


JC all cleaned up.

My Mother's day picture present to my wife  :)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 20, 2007, 09:49:00 PM
Terry, I can still feel that cold water tank on my back...ahh lifes simple pleasures!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: sticshooter on March 20, 2007, 09:51:00 PM
Wow JC don't nothing like I thought he did. And Doc you really do look like a VETERINARIAN.I do know one thing.y'all had way too much fun.<><
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 20, 2007, 09:54:00 PM
Doc looks like he should singing for the Grateful Dead or opening an ice cream place in VT.

JC, I can barely look at that picture of you fishing, so jealous. Blinded a little by the glare too. hehe
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: CheapShot on March 20, 2007, 09:57:00 PM
Great stories and pics guys. It's nice to see pictures of the terrain in addition to the hero shots. After a long day at work it helps to share your adventure a little bit. Thanks for taking the time to share.  :archer:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 20, 2007, 09:59:00 PM
You mean something like "Old & in the Gray" with Garcia & Grisman  :)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 20, 2007, 10:00:00 PM
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 20, 2007, 10:21:00 PM
I think JC is trying to turn into Cosmic Ray  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 20, 2007, 10:23:00 PM
Whip,  Funny you should say that...I took both of those pictures  :)   Maybe I missed my calling!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: cjones on March 20, 2007, 10:28:00 PM
Joe and Jeff, Congrats on your goats!  :thumbsup:   Looks like you boys had a ball.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Guru on March 21, 2007, 04:51:00 AM
Incredible stories guys,thanx so much for sharing with us that could be there with ya.

Joe and Jeff, congrats on some fine critters   :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:  

 Lets hear guys really give me something to look forward to after a tuff days work....
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 21, 2007, 09:02:00 AM
HA! Vermonster, you only wish you looked as "smoof" as me   :biglaugh:  

We did have a great day, I thoroughly enjoyed hunting with Jeff and look forward to our Bear hunt in June even more now. Truly one of the finest camp mates I've ever had. Thanks for the hunt Tippit!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: vermonster13 on March 21, 2007, 09:08:00 AM
Brother there aren't enough razorblades in the world to get me that "smoof'
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Joseph on March 21, 2007, 09:53:00 AM
That looks like fun and I know at one time there were goats on islands in the Yellowstone river, hmmmm?  Joseph
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Nakohe on March 21, 2007, 11:01:00 AM
Man, I have been on the edge of my seat everyday checking to see where the stories would lead today. Great stories and pics guys. Man I hope I can join in next year. I sure am going to try. Keep it going we want more.  :notworthy:    :notworthy:    :clapper:    :clapper:    :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Golden Hawk on March 21, 2007, 12:52:00 PM
Thanks so much for taking us along for the hunt guys. Please don't stop now.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Deer Slayer on March 21, 2007, 03:06:00 PM
Yeah, I would like to hear from Mr. Horne how his hunt went? He is one of those modest quiet fellas that doesn't like to brag, but will just go and kill everything within 30 yards of him when nobody is lookin!!!  :notworthy:  

if I had to bet money I  bet he put at least one of some sort of critter on the ground or 3 or 4..LOL
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 21, 2007, 04:40:00 PM
Mark stayed on with Group 2.  I would imagine he will have some stories to tell.  
You're right about him too Deer Slayer, he was a real pleasure to meet and spend some time with.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Bob Morrison on March 21, 2007, 05:14:00 PM
You guy's are killing me.. Some of us had to stay home and build bows.

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Tique on March 21, 2007, 08:04:00 PM
Bob, I feel sorry for you but just think of us poor northern boys that had to leave that "oasis" to come home to 5" of snow and 15 degree temps.  :(    :(
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Scott G on March 21, 2007, 08:09:00 PM
All right, I keep checkin' this thread and Mel still hasn't chimed in.  WTH Irish, you celebrating the 12 days of St. Patty instead of St. Patrick's DAY...surely you've recovered by now!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 22, 2007, 07:46:00 AM
Scott, I mentioned this to KCTREEMAN yesterday. Maybe we just plane wore Mel out. I suggested to John that he call Mel and make sure Killer his watch dog didn't get him!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Irish on March 22, 2007, 09:03:00 AM
No, "Killer", a.K.a. Cy the Wonder Dog, did not get me.  And yes, I was worn out, worn slick as a matter of fact.  But I bounce back quick.  Here is a couple pictures, one is a shot over John's shoulder as we stalked up on a goat.  Other shot is the reason we did not shoot
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Irish on March 22, 2007, 09:49:00 AM
I did get a nice goat on the third day of the hunt.  John has the pictures on his camera.  I was hoping that Tique would post, and tell the story of our hunt on the last day.

I had a great time, good hunt, and a bunch of guys that i really enjoyed being in hunting camp with.  Curtis K, Gary K, and Mr. Lamb did a great job on TX'07.

And, yes "hunt it" is the Iron Man of the Interstates.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on March 22, 2007, 10:20:00 AM
Good to hear from ya Mel!! I did't think that little ankle biter got ya! We just thought with mom gone and all, an if you forget to feed him he might just get a little ferocious.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Horne's Archery on March 22, 2007, 05:07:00 PM
Sorry to come into the story so late.  I stayed a couple of days with group 2.  I have to say I had a great time with everyone, it was great to put a face to the names and voices over the phone.

As tippit & J.C. were moving up on their goat Curtis and I were watching from across the canyon with our binos.  We could see Jeff shoot but no arrows, it was to far to make them out.  After some shots and sneaking the heard started our way.  Curtis and I moved to their level and set up.  The first group had 3 ewes and babies so no shots, but the second batch moved up and I could see Jeff’s goat about the 5th or 6th one back.  At this point I was there for Jeff’s goat or non.  As luck would have it the goat stepped in front of me at 12 yard.  As the other goats moved away she turned hard quartering away.  Curtis bayed at her and she stopped.  That’s when I shot her, the Sasquatch hit her in the left flank and came out her Right shoulder.  At that I felt good about retrieving the goat.  She collapsed under a cedar tree so as a safety I snuck up for a follow up shot in her bed.

That’s when Curtis went to get Jeff & J.C. we could see they had no idea that we were there and had found Jeff’s goat.

Again Congratulations Jeff on your goat.

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Jumper on March 22, 2007, 09:39:00 PM
Looks like you had one great hunt guys! Thanks for sharing your pictures and stories!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 24, 2007, 07:26:00 AM
TTT for group two's reading enjoyment   :D
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Huntrdfk on March 24, 2007, 08:15:00 AM
Great hunt guys, and thanks for sharing your stories and photos, it goes a long ways towards easing the pain for those of us stuck in the cold and snow that Tippitt had to come back to.

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 2fletch on March 24, 2007, 09:06:00 AM
Thanks for the story and the photos. JC, my wife enjoyed the "other" photos of the blooming plants. I believe that she said the blue flower was a "Texas Blue Bonnet".

Did you get your package JC? It went out the next day after you ordered.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 24, 2007, 09:10:00 AM
Don, not yet but I'll holler when it gets here, looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Randy Morin on March 24, 2007, 09:21:00 AM
Well I finally got caught up on your Sweat guys.  Really enjoyed all the pics and stories. Having the fishing close by looks like a real bonus.  Thanks for sharin your "good times".  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Littlefeather on March 24, 2007, 09:30:00 AM
Whew! Just got in last night. It took a whole day to clean up and pack up camp. Of course it was still an eight hour drive home from West Texas. It was great to see old friends and meet new ones! There are such an overload of memories formed each year at Texas Sweat that they simply all run together for awhile. I'll be back to chat soon. For now I've got four days to unpack, return 27 phone messages, 1037 emails, and repack to head off to another ranch. Thank you all for attending the Texas Sweat of 2007. I appreciate all the great memories! CK
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: 2fletch on March 24, 2007, 04:24:00 PM
JC, I believe that you mentioned using the carp skin. Is that for real, or just a carp joke? Is it thick enough or strong enough to use? If so, where would you use it?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 24, 2007, 08:52:00 PM
No Curtis, Thank YOU! Once again, I can't tell you thank you enough for such a great time.

Don, I don't think it's quite as fragile as snake skin...use if for backing bows, as decoration on leather...basically any place you would use snake skin. It's gorgeous on a bow backing, the prettiest thing I can think of. Whip and I will probably be donating an arm gaurd with a carp skin insert for St. Judes. I'll send you some pics when I thaw the skin's stunning when you take care of it right.

What do you guys put over the snake skin you put on your quivers?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 25, 2007, 09:31:00 PM
Yeah....thanks to you Curtis for making it possible for all that attend.  I have some great memories from the last 3 'Sweats' that I'll never forget, and made some friendships that will last a lifetime.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 26, 2007, 03:04:00 PM
There's a few more stories out there.....Tom? John?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 26, 2007, 09:40:00 PM
OK......Tom and I doubled......but we were only the 1st to do so.  Mel and John also doubled on angoras, as did JC and Tippet.

I'll post a pic of Tom's in the AM if he aint posted yet.  I know he's busy, but I'm gonna email him....
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 27, 2007, 09:11:00 AM
I don't know Terry...I guess they are all tired out from walking those hills?   :rolleyes:    ;)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 27, 2007, 02:06:00 PM
I know my legs are just startin' to come back to life  :)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: DarkeGreen on March 27, 2007, 03:55:00 PM
Prolly wait'n for you to change the title of the thread to "2nd Group".

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Irish on March 27, 2007, 07:38:00 PM
Also waiting on Tique to post.  

My knees are just now returning to normal, but would not change anything about the hunt for the world.   :campfire:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 27, 2007, 07:47:00 PM
Darke.....Tom was with me in the 1st group.  

Pay attention!!!    :knothead:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Scott G on March 27, 2007, 08:20:00 PM
Couple weeks to recover isn't bad.  I think I pulled the last thorn from Sweat '06 about 3 weeks ago...
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Brian Halbleib on March 28, 2007, 07:35:00 AM
Congrats on a fine hunt guys, and thanks again for sharing. It would be nice to make all of these hunts every year but work and family obligations make you pick and choose.

Great pics, especially the one of the ram on the skyline.

-Brian (
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on March 30, 2007, 12:32:00 PM
I just heard from Tique.  His brother-in-law passed away 2 days after our return from Texas and he is down in Florida without the ability to post pictures and decent internet access.  He promissed to update his stories and share pictures when he returns.
I sent on our prayers and condolences to he and his family.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: DarkeGreen on March 30, 2007, 02:03:00 PM
Originally posted by Terry Green:
Darke.....Tom was with me in the 1st group.  

Pay attention!!!     :knothead:  
Yep, I'm slow some days. I just figured out the "G2 Sweaters" thread had nothing to do with clothes.  :rolleyes:  I was trying to figure out why anyone would want to buy a sweater this time of year.   ;)
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 30, 2007, 02:13:00 PM
HA.......I'll be along in a bit with Tom's pics......
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Ted Fry on March 30, 2007, 07:29:00 PM
Sorry guys , my pics turned out horrible. Dont worry JC that good one I took of you was on a different camera than that little one I borrowed.
Yes Brian it would be nice to make 20 of these hunts a year but , obligations take over.
Guess we are blessed that we have so many great things to do with so many great people to do it with.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 30, 2007, 08:10:00 PM
OK......I sent Tom on his another herd about 200 yards away that had no idea just what had happened only moments before...and he lit out.

I checked on him several times and saw he was making some serious headway getting into position.

I lost sight of him for a bit, and as I was taking my final pics I heard rocks a rollin.  I looked up and saw Tom in hot pursuit of a ramblin herd.  I was hoping that Kid Kryptonite has arrowed a goat........and he had.  


Its really cool when you and your hunting partner double.     :thumbsup:

Stay tuned for an interesting field dressing find!!!!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JEFF B on March 30, 2007, 08:16:00 PM
wow awesome shot way to go
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on March 30, 2007, 08:34:00 PM
Terry,  If you think of Tom as Kid Kryptonite now, You should see him carry a bear (not field dressed!) out of the rain forests of Quebec on his shoulders!  You can't even keep up with him just carring your bow!  His goal is to carry my 300# bear out...humm I just need to find that one  :)   Doc
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on March 30, 2007, 10:29:00 PM
Originally posted by Terry Green:
Its really cool when you and your hunting partner double.
Doc and I can give an amen to that, can't we Jeff!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 30, 2007, 11:15:00 PM
As can John and Mel.....we had a triple double in group 1.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Charlie Lamb on March 30, 2007, 11:16:00 PM
You sure it wasn't a double triple?   ;)    :D
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on March 31, 2007, 08:41:00 AM
Yeah Charlie.....I'm sure.   :pray:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Tique on April 12, 2007, 08:54:00 PM
Sorry I'm so late with my "Sweat" post; I told Joe (Whip) I would chime in when I could. I just finished reading the 19 pages of posts and there is not much I can say that has not already been said about this hunt. Although I did not bloody an arrow it was great hunt; from the night we all met in Del Rio until the day we all left for home it was just plain fun.

1st afternoon view from below.

I passed this flower several times; had to stop and get a picture.

2nd day on the way to the top with Joe and JC.

View from the top; black dot (bottom center) is a sheep.

Stalked these sheep most of the day, no shots but lots of fun.

The last day I teamed up with Mel (Irish); I'll tell that story tommorrow.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Charlie Lamb on April 12, 2007, 09:04:00 PM
Cool!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on April 13, 2007, 07:55:00 AM
Thanks for catching up Dave - never too late to relive a great trip!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on April 13, 2007, 07:58:00 AM
Thanks Dave.......add all you want, I can't get enough of this trip .....want to go back really bad!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on April 13, 2007, 11:32:00 AM
I agree seeing any new pictures & stories is great, such a fun hunt & memories.  Thanks Dave
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: The Whittler on April 13, 2007, 08:23:00 PM
I know I enjoyed the pics and stories. Almost like being there, well almost lol. Alan
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Tique on April 14, 2007, 12:23:00 PM
I teamed up with Mel (Irish) for the last day of the hunt. Drove about a half mile up the ranch road, parked and headed up the valley. Our plan was to look for goats down low before climbing up "Angora" mountain. I made one stalk  up a dry creek bed but only got close to some mamas with babies.

We made the climb and hunted toward the windmill in the far distance. Ran into Doc and JC just after Doc had hit his goat. We joined in to help with the tracking until CK appeared and said the goat was down; Mel and I then continued on toward the windmill. We snuck up to the big  water tank beside the windmill for look around.

We spoted 2 goats about 150 yards away feeding along in the open. Dropped my pack and started the stalk; Mel watched from the shade of the tank. Got to within 15 yards and started to draw for a quartering away shot; goat turned and continued feeding directly away form me. I followed along, concentrating on this goat when I noticed the 2nd goat feeding off to the side about 10 yards away.

The sound of the arrow hitting the rocks startled him. As I fumbled around trying to nock another arrow he decided to leave Dodge; my 2nd arrow also found the rocks.

Upset and disappointed in myself I turned to my guide for some comforting words; this is what I saw:



It didn't take me long to join Mel; that cold water sure felt good!

It was a long hike down and I was exhausted when we got to the car. No, I didn't bring home a goat or a sheep but I've got more than enough memories to last until next year.

Thanks for letting me share this story with you.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Gary Kellar on April 14, 2007, 12:32:00 PM
Dave -

Great pictures and glad you enjoyed the trip, I know we sure enjoyed having you along for the bumpy ride!!

Look forward to seeing you again next year.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on April 14, 2007, 01:40:00 PM
That picture of Mel is priceless.  I think that's exactly how the over the hill-gang felt at the conclusion of the hunt   :biglaugh:   But a little ice & Ben-gay, I'm ready to go again.  Ice that is for the Tecate...Doc
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Gary Kellar on April 14, 2007, 02:11:00 PM
Doc -

You and I need to start hunting together more often . . . have too much in common. This once a year stuff leaves me thirsty for more!!

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on April 14, 2007, 03:54:00 PM
So thats why the rams where all on one side of the ranch! Mel and Dave were washing their feet in all the water holes on the other side. Great picture Dave.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Irish on April 14, 2007, 04:04:00 PM
Don't drink the water!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Irish on April 14, 2007, 04:10:00 PM
Had a great day with Dave.  Saw lots of game, got to watch Dave put a great stalk on a couple goats.  It did get a little warm, I think someone said around 95 degrees.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Irish on April 14, 2007, 04:12:00 PM
And you are right Doc, ready to go back.  Is Dave (hunt it) driving??
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Tique on April 14, 2007, 09:03:00 PM
I'm ready to go back too; really thinking about the July hunt. Does Tecate taste better in July?
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: tippit on April 14, 2007, 09:51:00 PM
Tecate must go down like water in July   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: kctreeman on April 14, 2007, 11:00:00 PM
Tique, if my bear hunt falls thru for September (MN Drawing) I'll be ready to hunt pigs in July or August.  You don't think that it gets very hot in July do you.  I meaen it was 97 our last day in March, it can't get much hotter than that, can it?  Had a great time sharing a camp with you.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Littlefeather on April 16, 2007, 09:52:00 AM
Man, it would be really cool to see some of you Sweat Vets back in July to do some piggy wackin. I'd love to see you guys twice in one year! CK
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on April 17, 2007, 09:10:00 PM
Originally posted by tippit:
Tecate must go down like water in July    :bigsmyl:  
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on April 18, 2007, 08:10:00 AM
ROFL with that pic of Mel! Thanks Tique, sure am missing that hunt.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on May 01, 2007, 06:08:00 PM
I was going through pictures and finally trying to organize them from the trip.  Came across this one of the group of sheep I chased all week long.  In the middle is the one I called "Scarface".  Big, black, horns going WAY out there, and a white blaze down the middle of his face.  Reminded me of a Water Buffalo somehow, except the horns curled.  Wish I had better pictures, but they sure do bring back memories of a great day.  
In this pic the sheep are up and moving away from me.  They had been bedded much closer for over an hour and I hadn't been able to move an eyelash the whole time.  When they finally started to wander away it was almost a relief.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Tique on May 01, 2007, 08:30:00 PM
Nice picture Joe. Scarface did have a look of arrogance, no doubt he was king of the mountain. I 2nd JC's comment: sure am missing that hunt.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Ted Fry on May 01, 2007, 09:00:00 PM
Yeah old scar face I know him well , I just look at that hill and my legs get tired . Not to mention I still have a bit of that Dogpear in my leg.
Funny though I miss the hunt as well, I think its more the guys than the hunt. It was a good group.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Littlefeather on May 01, 2007, 09:54:00 PM
Looking at that Ram makes me remember when my ledgs were tired. Seems I met you on the perimeter fence waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy out there around dark. I remember seeing that big fella a few time as he'd crest the next mesa over. I need to talk to you before you leave Ted. I don't have directions other than "head North".   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: JC on May 02, 2007, 08:31:00 AM
Yep, that pic makes my ankles sore...never been so happy to have my Danners on my whole life!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on May 02, 2007, 01:33:00 PM
Hey Joe,

I think I'm lying flat on the rock just above that ram if I'm correct. That picture was an hour or so before I t boned that tree! Bring's back fine memories even if I did miss him.
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on May 02, 2007, 02:37:00 PM
That's right Dave, I took that picture and then ran into you up on top as I climbed out.  I circled around in front of them only to see them go busting out below me.  Came around the corner and found this.....
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on May 02, 2007, 09:18:00 PM
Ah!......glad to see this one up again.....

I just got a CD from Tom, and I'll add a few pics in the AM.

Great pics again Joe!!!!!!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Gary Kellar on May 02, 2007, 09:20:00 PM
Dave did tell me that he thought the arrows grew bigger in Texas.  See . . . there he is, picking them right off one of the trees!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: IB on May 02, 2007, 10:30:00 PM
Why ain't you gatherin me up some dried sausage  "OLD"  Great Chef?

Rather than Raggin on Dave fer pickin Arras   :goldtooth:
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: hunt it on May 03, 2007, 09:53:00 AM
EVERYTHING is bigger in Ticksass specially the thorns and ticks!!! an the MEXICANS!
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Terry Green on May 03, 2007, 03:51:00 PM
Here's 3 that Tom took of me and I didn't even know it....Thanks Tom!




Here's Jeff Springer in a mexican stand-off...


Jeff and Me.....

Big Blacky in the lead as usual...

Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Littlefeather on May 04, 2007, 06:23:00 AM
Now if we could just capture the perfumy fragrance of everything that was blooming at that time. Boy wouldn't that be something! Nice pics! CK
Title: Re: Tales of TX Sweat 2007 - 1st Group
Post by: Whip on May 04, 2007, 07:39:00 AM
That would be something CK.  Of all the sensory stimuli Texas gave us that week I think the smells were what I noticed the most.  (Well, maybe the pain in my knees were a close second)