Trad Gang
Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos => Tarz Antics => Topic started by: sunny hill archer on January 26, 2009, 05:54:00 PM
This was the absolute worst hunt I have ever been on in my life!!!!!!!!!!! The food was bad and the hunting was worse. The company was terrible. Nobody needs to waste time and money on it next year....Please??????????
Seriously, I had the time of my hunting life. I'm working on the pics and the story. It's coming.
If you do insist on bidding it will cost you. :bigsmyl: :bigsmyl:
OKEECHOBEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Its not just for Bass anymore. :jumper: :jumper: :jumper: :jumper: :jumper:
Dang, it's about time fellas...I was about to bust holding back!!!!!!!
TGer''re in for a real treat with this one...I guarantee it!
A very generous,deserving winner of the hunt, a special bow, a great host, and most of all.....SOME AWESOME HOG HUNTING!!!!!!
I can't wait to see more pix :pray:
OK, now I'll just wait......... :(
Yeah Curt, it's just like these guys to drag it out!
I'm gonna wait till morning and hopefully read with a nice hot cup of coffee.
Yeah...they've got some nerve :goldtooth: :biglaugh:
In support of my original statements here are my host and his number one guide.
Smarty Marty
And The Bigster
You just can't get good help these days!!!!!
HA!...RAIL ON EM MIKEY!!!!!!!! Gotta love it!
this is gonna be good!
HeHeHe....I think the price of next year's St Judes Piggy Poking Adventure just went waaaayyyyy
Sunny Days are Over Archer- How did you photoshop soooo many chins on me? I'm pretty sure that picture was while Terry was telling me about the first two sits he had. Something about not the right shot angles and spirit walks in the woods.
You guys notice Biggie on the phone? He was calling in for more food- you shoulda seen these guys eat!
Oh....this is gonna be GOOD!!! I love it!
If only the readers knew..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Patience ERRY, I got something for you too. Mikey
I figured as much Sunny :eek: ......
I bet Marty made that face after Terry put on his salad hat.
He may not look like it but Marty has shot more hogs than most people will in 10 lifetimes, the man knows hog hunting !
Sunny....looks like they done recruited Thomas :readit: ....
He's just tryin to get an invite for next year! :goldtooth:
It's getting better n better..
When we rounded the corner into camp this is what we saw first.
Then we saw this. Marty working on something(a recurring theme for the weekend)
This would be our transportation for the next 2 1/2 days.
Cutting up limes perhaps? lol
This is going to be a good thread folks.
Yea, for me and Terry!!!!!
I can't get that pic of the Buggy to get smaller. Sorry
It's legal size so no worries.
Yawn......It's past my bedtime.Here's a tease until tomorrow.
Photoshop? I don't think so
Michael looks like you had a great time. I cant wait to read more.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Congrats :thumbsup:
That's one of the fattest hogs I've ever seen!
Comparisons to previous pictures on this thread are NOT invited.
This has all the makin's of a classic. Sure could use a few more installments with my coffee! :coffee:
All right, I'll bite, What's a metsastaja? Sounds like something I had once, but a few shots cleared it right up! The pic's were photoshopped!
Now Michael, I see you had some pic's while we weren't lookin, just remember, we know the truth about the hunt, so watch it Mister!!!
aannnd....."You can't handle the truth!" :goldtooth:
Guru, remember, some truths will remain in camp. Just haven't decided which ones! You woulda had a hard time concentratin, Curt, the Osceola's were already gobblin away!
:campfire: :coffee:
Yep...that Marsh Buggy was something else....sitting up that high you could really see the terrain and beautiful landscape. It was a Floridian Safari. It was cool.
I got Lucky the 1st night....seriously...Lucky Charms was his name....a 100# Boar that would not stand still. Every time I got to full draw, this guy would move. I've seen hogs do this, but this guy was the luckiest I've ever seen.
It was obvious that Marty had him trained, and sent him in on the 1st evening just so he could rail on me about not shooting....but I found out those little verbal jabs were just a warm up as Marty had reinforcements on the way....
I was told at a very young age..."what happens in camp,stays in camp"... ;)
Terry mentioned something about the gobbling :archer:
Did he tell ya how I was at the Paradise last spring while we were trying to find hogs and turkeys were gobbling all over the place? :pray:
What's this I here about Terry gettin' soft on us?
Curt.....did you forget about the keys??????
I heard Biggie lost his keys at Ray's camp?
That post about Biggie on Rays thread is the funniest thing I've ever read on TG :biglaugh: Still laughing now as I type :jumper:
No No No...not those keys.....THE keys??????
Does that mean I should be quiet :( :goldtooth:
Nah :p .....
BTW...left my pics at home...Was going to post some pics of the 1st evening...I'll run get the card in a bit.
Or do you mean the keys to your hooch?
No silly...the keys I told you about in TX LAST year....surely you not forgot!!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
All most everyone here is a Metsastaja, a Metsastaja in training or a keyboard Metsastaja. It takes Sisu to become a truly great one.
Mike's sisu and (shot placement) is what brought that hog down,back into camp and showed us all he is Metsastaja.
Oh and Marty you are one of the best Metsastaja I have ever seen and your sisu is way up there.
Once Micheal reveals the story I will post some pics of the recovery area and hog on buggy.
Now that clears it all up. Thanks.
And especially thanks for helping this weekend!
metsastaja = hunter in Finnish language
Sisu = translated into English as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity. "to have guts"
Can't wait to help with next years hunt.
Seriously's one of my favorite pics of the weekend. I've been in camp twice before with Michael, and even though he's a bit quiet till prodded most times....his enthusiasm for the hunt can't ever be hid by his ever present grin.
Thanks for bidding my friend....I certainly enjoyed yet another fine camp with ya. :campfire:
I will agree 100%, I've hunted with him twice now also. Michael is a great guy that I look forward to hunting with again! And he wears Sitka :thumbsup:
Nice pic T
That pic was taken right before Michael and I were to put a stalk on a little clearing where a silver boar had been hanging out. ....but the hog turned out to be 2 coons and 2 deer, and they were all about 8 yards away and didn't know me and Michael were even in the word...till the wind swirled and they all turned inside out!!!
and special mention to this person who will remain unnamed who showed us all how to undress in the field.
"and then you reach down grabbing the zipper.."
I knew that one was coming sooner or later.... :biglaugh:
to put it all in perspective... 250 yards down the trail
Undressing? Looks like a bush to me. :D
Guru said it "what happens in camp, stays in camp" !
Marty and I spent the whole weekend scouting while these guys were hunting. Constantly putting them in the best spots.
If we would have hunted instead, Terry would have to add more bandwidth just for the hero pictures!
C'mon Michael, on with it!
Ya know Biggie, some people have to work for a living. ;)
Ok. Here goes. The first night I hunted in a ladder stand that had a rail around it. About 5:50a big gray boar hog came in to eat.He walked straight at me and then turned straight away to eat. I had a world class view of his butt for 15 minutes.
He finally gets almost broadside but he is now at 2 o'clock. So I'm turned to the right and as far to the left side of the stand as I can be. I draw back and shoot..... about 6 inches high. The arrow goes in the meat above his backbone.(Yea Marty, I know "All I can do is put you on them") Well this dude runs out there about 15 yards stops and looks around like "Is that all you got?"
I flatter myself by saying that I hurt his feelings.
Sorry got to go pull a tooth.
I don't know how you can consider torturing people work....
Now we're gonna get the story while you're waiting for the novacane to take effect
So I'm thinking I'm done for the evening. About6:20 this huge black hog comes in and gives me a shot almost immediately. Well remember that rail? My bottom limb hits it. The hog whips his head up and looks straight at me. He is squealing like the proverbial stuck pig (guess he was huh?) Couldn't resist. He takes off and all I hear is crashing.
I texted Marty what happened and he said he was on the way. We found blood almost instantly. Peanut(Marty's Beagle) Starts howling. Marty calls me over points to this little hole in a wall of jungle and says "Here you go". So I'm on my hands and knees following this beagle who is about to go nuts after a hog who I ain't exactly sure knows the part of the story where he is supposed to be dead when I find him.
Peanut suddenly stops and here is this huge black hog. Everything is going swimmingly at this point until I notice he is breathing!!!!
I took this photo from the buggy road into where you located him. Talk about thick and dark.
Great recovery
Fortunately they were his last couple of breaths. I hollered to Marty who came over with the buggy. He looked at him and said"You killed a bar hog!!" I'm like OK. He explained that they catch the hogs and sometimes castrate them to help control the population.
We wrestled him up on the buggy and went to pick up Terry.
Nice Hawg, way to go!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Here's a few scenery pics from my 1st night with 'Lucky'.....
Here's the special bow Guru mentioned....its a Sunbear Longbow: 64" - 60#@28...and I was on a mission to christen it.....
Views from behind my stand....
Now it is very hard to see but if you close at the angle of his mandible you can see red. That is because when my limb hit the bar the arrow went straight through his throat!!!! I wish I had the camera on the blood trail. It was sloshed everywhere.
Heckuva hog!!
Look at the hams in the bluejeans !!
Here are some more pictures:
Wanted to see what Michael was made of, so I gave him the leash and said " Here ya go"! He took right to it! I can't tell you how thick it was where Peanut took him! Other than Terry's nature sit, the hunt started off with a great trophy! We cut the hogs so they taste better- he's in for a culinarty delight. It changes their mind from A#@ to Grass!
Just for some perspective....Michael is a tall you can see, he's a lot bigger than me.....
So, the hog was a sho-nuff whopper!
Yep...we were ALL tickled about Michael's early success that's for sure...what a way to start it all off....and take the pressure off!
Congrats again Sir!!! :clapper:
Why are you guys so bundled up...please don't tell me it was cold :rolleyes: :thumbsup:
- was 29 one morning I think....and that open air buggy ride was quiet brisk.
Originally posted by Terry Green: was 29 one morning I think....and that open air buggy ride was quiet brisk.
My ears were about to fall off!! :scared:
Congrats Micheal
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Awesome hunt guys! Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:
- aint over yet!!!
cool video!! Congrats again Michael!!
Looks like a ton of fun. My dad owns a place in Okeechobee. I might have to stop fishing so much and start hunting! Congrats to all!
We finished the night with a fine steak and potato dinner served up by our gracious host Marty...and a maduro around the fire with a bit more rousting of me by Marty for not taking a shot....and like I said...he had reinforcements on the way......
I've only hunted with Michael one time and I can say he's a fine camp companion. Kinda quiet, but always keen for the hunt.
I'd hunt with him anytime!
Congratulations Michael. Real nice hog!! :thumbsup:
Thank you to everyone. But, my wife read this thread and is wondering who in the world y'all are calling quiet!!!!!!
I agree! I spent the weekend with this fella and I'm not even sure he was quiet in the stand!! I did notice you couldn't wipe the smile of his face. I assure you it was a good time had by all.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
way to go, guys!
What a great hunt!
OK, the next morning we were back on the buggy early...and had high hopes once again. Not long after daylight Marty called in 'Little Miss Paranoia' and her little ones were in tow, but he'd sweeten the encounter with a razor backed hog that stayed in un-shootable territory. Miss Paranoia walked right out within 5 yards of my stand to my right and stopped, and the razor back hog froze in the safety zone. She was wired, and started sniffing around and seemed to have smelled the marsh buggy track and she didn't like it one bit...and so she lit our of there taking all of them with her. Dang, I really wanted a shot at that mohawk hog!!! It was really cool looking.
Then about 8:40 I looked up and thought I saw a bear coming in, yes, they have bears down there, but it was a big chestnut bar boar bout the size of Michael's hog. Marty had called in another teaser. He was big and tight skinned. As he fed from left to right about 35 yards away I was hopping he would turn, and turn he did feeding straight to me. His head looked like a concrete block covered with brown hair, and he had some serious jowls. I was setting on ready as he entered good shooting range, and I was again hoping he would turn, and turn he he winded me(or was it that scent post Marty planted?) and wheeled out of there lickety split!
Now the railing started again by Marty....and was even worse when we got back into camp and the reinforcement arrived...Biggie!!!
Biggie stared rattling off stuff like 'Marty, Terry's just not a closer' and all sorts of other was a hoot!
I let them have at it and didn't say much back, I got a kick out of just listening to those two....they were well rehearsed let me tell ya. When I got off the buggy that afternoon I looked back and told them "Best have your knives sharpened".....
AWESOME!!! Great stories and great pics.!!! Shawn
The stand was set in a very diverse terrain setting with a cypress swamp in front of me, a Floridian thicket to the right, shading live oaks to the left and a patch of palmettos behind me with an open field sort of behind that. The drive in road was about 10 yard to my left and it just disappeared as it entered the pocket I was hunting.
Curt had been texting me wanting to know what was up and it was early so I gave him a call and was giving him the low down when I told him I had to go as a hog was approaching.
This black boar was right on Que, and coming straight into the pocket as I readied, but it veered left and began to feed off about forty yards to my left. He fed around for quiet a while always staying out of range and Charlie's bow was itching again to get into the game....just as I was.
Three deer also came in and fed to within 15 yards of me and they too smelled the buggy track and they left, but the boar stayed and began feeding toward the spot they left. I was hoping he would turn before he got there and give me a shot. I picked out a limb on the ground and told myself he needed to be within that distance and if the shot was offered I'd take worked out perfect as he turned slightly quartering at the limit. Charlie's bow sent a clean arrow into the lungs of the boar, and he bolted off in a loop the way he came and he then turned and dove into the cypress swamp. He didn't get far before I heard thrashing and crashing. I felt good about the shot, and an easy recovery.
I texted back and forth with Curt a few times till that was interrupted...and I typed 'more coming' and I was again setting on ready as they ran the same route as the 1st one. There were three black boars with one pushing 200#s, and when they met up with the death trail of the 1st one they went on full alert, and boogied out of there moments later.
Then another 50#er comes in and he is nervous as a cat poopin peach seeds. It was almost comical at his distress, and he left out as I started my draw and he was even looking the other way.
Then another single came in about the size of the last one running the same route as the 1st one, and he too met up with the death tail and lit out.
It was getting dark now, and I figured the gig was up, but I still had about 5 minutes of shooting light left.
I could not believe what I was hearing, hogs trotting down the road, yep, the same road that had the buggy track, but they paid no attention to that as they had somewhere to be. I rotated to my left and started raising my bow before I ever saw them. I pick up the spotted lead hog in my sight, and never looked at the others behind it as I started to draw. The lead hog entered the pocket on a dead trot veering right and I swung drew on him and let it fly. What do ya know, he ran right into my arrow and let out a blood curdling squeal and looped to the right into the thick palmetto patch. Once again Charlie's bow sent a clean arrow looking like a double lung-er, and again there was crashing and thrashing not 30 yards from my stand.
I texted Curt again and waited on my buggy I had a grin on my face let me tell ya!
You guys are killing me! As if I wasn't excited enough about my hog hunt this coming weekend.
Great stories.Thanks.
The buggy arrived and Marty's dog Peanut dove into action....but he didn't even work up a sweat as the Wensel Woodsmens had made short order of the two trails. The tracking was basically over before it started on both of them. The 1st boar made it not 15 yards into the cypress, and the spotted boar was where I heard him last just 30 yards from the stand.
The railing was over for the evening ;)
And Charlie's bow had been doubly christened. :thumbsup:
Here's Biggie trying to make up!!! :biglaugh:
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Nah Biggie is just letting you know which one he's having for breakfast! lol
Great job Terry! The bow is an official blood-letter now!
Here's Michael grinning for me!!!
Its only halftime folks....3 hunts down, and 3 to go...
That's funny Vmonster :biglaugh: ....but Biggies on a diet...and besides, I got one of Marty trying to make up a little later :D .....
Well done Terry! Nice looking bow too. :thumbsup:
Great story guys...can not wait to here the rest...keep it coming :thumbsup:
Thanks guys for the story..this is great stuff!
- I was there.....
Charlie's bow got the cake on the 1st black boar...
And this one was the frosting, kinda looks the part as well, how fitting.
I'll get to Marty's make up session tomorrow...I'm whooped.
I gotta say to Terry's credit; Marty and I have made grown men break down and crawl into their shell, never to be heard from in the bowhunting world again. It's just a gift we have.
TG not only accepted the hounding but showed rare form the rest of the weekend.
We talked it over and decided to award him the coveted "I love killing **** with arrows" award.
If it wasn't for those stinkin ceegars, he might have gotten an invite to return instead.
Now that's layin' em down boys! :thumbsup:
Great stuff - looking forward to the rest of the stories!
Awesome job guys...going after pork myself this weekend.
While Marty and Biggie were out scouting hogs for Terry and Micheal I was running some training sessions on some of the younger ones. Ya never know what type of hunter may show up here in our little slice of heaven so there has to be a back up plan.
Training involves shooting arrows into the pack, talking to your buddy in the stand and having large vehicles drive by. Evey once in a while you have to let and arrow hit one or two without doing critical damage.
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Outstanding Terry!
Ya'll are having way too much fun.
Marty, why do you keep calling the nice dentist the Good Tooth Fairy?
Can't wait to stick something with my bow!!!
Hi Mr. Wensel. Haven't had the pleasure yet but am looking forward to it.
I don't recall Good Tooth Fairy.......But there was something about FB. :saywhat:
"Heroes are only famous. Legends live forever."
Marty put you guys in his second rate spots. Who has the record for most hogs kilt during one evening with Marty? I rest my case.... :>)
I give up.... Barry?
you guys are too much :biglaugh:
"the good tooth fairy" :jumper:
Lucky Gene shot 5, That's right 5 hogs one evening and no recovery was over 80 yds. Now that's a feat. He coulda shot more but he was savin his last arrow for a deer! Obviously, he won't let anyone forget it.
I kept checkin under my pillow and there was nothin there! Told you he wasn't the real tooth fairy. He kept lookin at my teeth though, kinda weird. Something about his kids tuition or lease membership in my mouth alone! I shoulda stayed in college longer.
Yea Marty, you do have a raght purty mouth onto ya.
I thought it was a bit strange finding these in the cabin while cleaning up. Guess I know which pillow Dr. Micheal was using.
Back to the hunt...
After a hot start my next three sits were slow on the hog front. I could see everything else but no hogs. The last evening sit was Saturday. The wind was perfect. At4:50 this big black boar hog came out of the brush. He would take two steps and look for five minutes. He finally came in to the feeder. Then he took off!!! As he was leaving the feeder went off. He came back like he was on a string. He finally settled down. Then this red spotted boar tried to come eat. He got run off. Then it took another five minutes for him to calm down again. I took the shot and shaved his brisket for him. No excuse I just choked. It was very cool just to have seen him though.
Michael, Sounds like about time for an avatar and handle change, LOL!!!! :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Saturday morning was a bit slow…had some deer come in and they fed around for a while till some sand hill cranes spooked them off. The cranes cruised through and I thought they had moved on, but evidently not. Obviously Marty sent in a fraidy cat boar as he came striding in and froze for a good 20 seconds, then looked left, then right, and he wheeled and got the heck out of there fast……and here came the cranes again.
Then a bit later I see a hog behind me and it looks like it’s going to keep right on going at an angle away from me so I get down out of my stand after I lost sight of it for a couple of minutes. My foot hit the 2nd rung on the ladder, and there he was hooking around my stand and now I froze. He kept on moving away and I went after him int the marsh reeds that bordered the cypress swamp….I got within range for a bit, but no shot was offered. When I stepped on a dry stick hidden in the tall grass….he bottle rocketed out of there…….so I went for a walk to see what I could find. I found lots of sign, and pretty terrain for sure….here’s a few pics…....
Gene....I was in that stand you spoke of when I kille those two. The Snake Hole....and I can see how you killed 5. With a little more luck, I might have gotten a couple more shots if not 3...there were enough that came in that night for sure. I won't ever forget that stand just as you wont. :thumbsup:
Which stand were you in?....the road side or cypress side?
Neither. Like I said, Marty only gave you seconds....
You guys are just too much! :biglaugh:
Snake Hole??? HA! HA! HA! Now I know where you rate. Thats one of his third rate crappy spots!
Well I made the best of it!!! :D
Another name for "gar hole"? :biglaugh:
Gene, show em the size of the hogs you killed down here. One almost killed you too!!!
Terry, Gene was not in the Snake Hole, he is correct. He was at the Hog Trap, the place where Michael just saw the 7 bucks.
'Ol Terry can make the best of any stand....he's as good a closer as I've ever hunted with! :notworthy:
'course I've never hunted with a Wensel ;)
"7 bucks".... :eek:
Runny Lil Archer deserves every bit of this fun given the big bat he was swingin for the kids last year. Thanks for taking us along. This has been great fun. :clapper:
Guru, send me your postal address. I have a present to send you before I leave in the morning.
I heard Terry was a closer. But then again, Marty can confirm there is only letter difference between Closer and loser. Maybe the reason the Good Tooth Fairy only saw deer there was because I killed all the pigs....
OK misunderstanding...Either way, the Snake Hole will not be forgotten.....
OK...the last evening I was in the same stand that I was in the 1st morning where I saw the big chestnut boar and the razor back...and I'd love to get a crack at either one.
We got in the stand pretty early and it was quiet for a while till I had to run off 3 turkeys 3 times. I actually had to come down out of the stand to get them to leave. Then a whole flock of at least 20 RAN in and you should have seen them scatter when I piled out of the stand.
Then a bit later I heard hogs carrying on over my left shoulder and this went on for 20 minutes or so till they finally made their way into view. It was a really nice black sow with some smaller ones with her and another nice solid black hog taking up the rear. The little ones were plenty big enough to make it on their own, so if either of the bigger ones gave me a shot I was going to take it.
Then I got a good look at the 'other' hog, and it was a really nice sized hog....with a mohawk down its back. This hog was a real looker let me tell ya and it looked like it just came through a car wash and black as the ace of spades. This was one was the one I really wanted, but it was way in the rear and not likely as the other sow was closing in.....
I wasn't going to let that sow pass if it gave me the shot opportunity at the risk of any chance of it winding me or the vehicle's looked like she was getting it as it was either her or nothing....
Then for some reason those two hogs swapped places and now the razor back was just itching for it as it was making its way straight toward me now it range. As fate would have it the one I wanted turned perfectly broadside and I started my draw. As I reached anchor it turned quartering way and I never let up. Another clean flying arrow from Charlie's bow found its mark right where I was looking. No doubt as this hog was as black as any I've ever seen and the stark contrast of those chartreuse feather's told the tail of doom.
Off in a hurry looping back exactly the way they came I saw the other sow stall out and watch the razor back's escape, and I marked the entrance into the thicket. Again, I heard a ruckus just a few seconds later. A great sound to the bowhunter that's just put an arrow through an animal.
Jacob, a 25 year old member of the club, came to pick me up and as we neared the entrance I'd marked we spotted an eyeball in the thicket to the right of where I'd marked. I told Jacob to hold the light as I was going in to finish off the hog if I could get a shot off....
As I entered the thicket, the eyeball flew off, I was stalking an OWL!!!!! Too funny!
So, we went back to the marked entrance and sure enough, there was blood. We began trailing it very slowly looking ahead and left and right in the thicket. The trail developed into gully like path with 3 foot saplings on each side and we came upon a loop of blood and disturbed leaves, and it was getting very thick now. As we looked for the escape route in the loop Jacob said boldly "right there he is"! We had walked right by it by 8 feed or so only 3 feet from the trail. I was ecstatic!
With only 40 yard to the clearing, I asked Jacob if he would take my stuff for me while I dragged it out, and he said "sure man, I'll drive the truck up closer". Jacob is a fine fellow and a great contribution to the club let me tell ya, and he's gonna make a dandy traditional bowhunter. He'll be one to watch for sure. Thanks for the help Jacob....
Smarty Marty, Me, and Miss Mohawk.....
Very cool hog. Congrats yet again!
Thanks for the comments guys and coming along for the hunt via cyber space.
And a very special thanks to these folks for all they did to make this happen, and to make this hunt one to cherish for a lifetime....
Marty, Micheal, Les, Biggie, and Jacob, and to Ruth Ann for letting Marty come out to play.
Way to go Terry, you've put me back at the camp! Got a call from the butcher, all the meat is ready and say the word and it'll be on it's way.
I really tried to put these guys on hogs, and even though Terry had the best results, I know Michael had a great time. Hey, he got 3 shots in as many days and saw lots of other game ta boot. Anybody tells ya hog hunting over feeders is a gimmie, well just ask Michael.
Again Michael, thank you for your generous contribution to St. Judes Hospital and maybe we can do it again next year. I guess that depend on your bidding skills!
Gene- Terry is a closer and you, well, you just wanted to try and steal the glory. Get over it, it wasn't your hunt! Last time I saw you there, you hurt your knee tryin to drag a big ole hog, passed out face down in the dirt, scared me half to death that you had the big one, and used a walker and a wheelchair to get on the plane. We had none of that this past weekend! Pretty sure you just didn't wanna help me load the truck.
I feel some more pic's are being kept back here!!
Congrats you two! Thanks for taking us all along!
Sounds like this was a blast!
Marty, ask and ye shall receive.
"What in the world have I gotten myself into???"
"Send more food!!!!!!!!!!!"
Preparing for the hero shot.
And finally..."See...... I told you she was blond!!!!"
Very nice! Thanks for taking us along...
What a fantastic hunt donation and bid! Glad it turned out to be such a great hunt for you guys! That looks like prime property. I love the picture of the oak hammock with the bordering palmetto thicket. Thanks for taking us on a virtual journey.
Gregg :thumbsup:
Oops. Almost forgot. A closer one of Ms.Mohawk.
Well done guys!! Great adventure and pictures, congrats to all and thanks for taking us along.
Here's Mike in action....
Micheal have you had a chance to cook any yet. That is one of the best looking hogs I have had the pleasure of helping anyone skin out here.
Do you know how long Biggie has been trying to get one? I think you took a little piece of his soul with this big boy..
Congrats!! I was a pleasure spending the weekend with you and Terry.
Awesome Guys, thanks to you all for sharing and for helping out the kids at St Jude!!! :bigsmyl:
That was great and some mighty fine hogs taken. It really got me fired up for my hog hunt in Florida at the end of Feb.
Looks like a great time was had by all, can't wait until I can get a hunt together with some tradgangers. What a blast.
Man there's a lot of fat on them!
Cool pics.
Yep. I've been hunting that place for oh, 12 years now I guess. I don't know how many hogs I've killed there, a bunch, but have not ever had a chance at one like that.
I don't think Michael realized at 1st what a trophy he had taken.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.....well, lemmie think about that????
Yeah, those bar hogs are pretty cool. All the do is eat and sleep since they aren't interested in the females. And since they don't fight they have no shield and their tusks are in great shape.
Micheal, You're a blurr skinning that hog...must not take you long to pop a tooth :) Great hunt! Thanks for the ride...Doc
"Man there's a lot of fat on them!"
Jason, you were talking about the hogs weren't you?
Doc, I think the pictures are blurry cause Terry was on his 2nd sixpack......
Thanks for sharing the hunt! It brought back many memories of my first successful hog hunt that was in Okeechobee land this past fall. Any more I think I would rather hunt hogs than deer.
Hey Pete, I know you, Peanut is always asking about you! She wants to know when you're coming back so she can trail one up! Spossed to be back in the 30's tomorrow nite. Might have to go over and thin the herd for myself now!!!! It was in the 80's today, how bout where you are?
It has been cold up here! This past january we have had more mornings in the single digits and negatives than I can remember. -16 was the coldest on the mountain. We have had permanent snow coverage since before Christmas. today we got a high of 30 and I was out walking around in a t shirt!
Oh how I miss camp, and my girlfriend Peanut (Remember what happens in camp stays in camp) But she found that hog and that makes her my HERO too! Giver her a hug and a kiss for me.
I do hope to get down in March to try for some of those Osceola turkey again but you know how I feel about hogs. Huntin deer just aint the same!
Pete, Peanut found one of Terry's hogs and we only had to pull her back onto the track ONCE.
She's getting better!
Really enjoyed this one guys...from phone calls with Terry discussing equipment, to getting blow-by-blow texts from Terry, to finally seeing all the pix and hearing the great stories...and of course the friendly banter....great memories..thanx for sharing fellas :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :clapper:
Yeah...that was cool Curt.....and it is fun to go back and read the text messages as they unfolded just like we did at Solana.
I've had some folks as me about what woods were used to make that I'll get ahold of Charlie and see if he'll chime in....
What??? ...Did Biggie say something about my sixpack??? :saywhat:
sixpack smichxpack.. I think cigar smoke got in your eyes.
Terry... the main wood in the riser is called Moradillo (seems like most of the exotic hardwoods have more than one name so it could go by something else and it's probably in the Rosewood family).
The accents are Osage and Bacote with a piece of Coco Bolo thrown in on the belly side of the grip.
The limbs are action wood core with Red Cedar under the clear glass. Tip and handle overlays are osage.
Of course what isn't apparent in the pictures is that the bow can be shot right or left handed.
I like the bow enough that I'm gonna have to make myself one... seems like I'm always last on "the list".
Charlie's memory is starting to fail him :-(
He forgot that he'd already put a shelf on the bow and ended up putting one on the other side too.
It's really sad......
Busted!! :saywhat:
There's also something very cool about this bow that I noticed when I got it....and just chatted with Charlie about it....I'm waiting on a pic and I'll explain....
Peanut doesn't like you Biggie.
Here's something else interesting about Charlie's bow....
When I got the bow, I saw that it had 3 little light rectangle hash marks on the upper limb, and I didn't think anything else of it but that it was a unique characteristic.
Yesterday when I called Charlie about posting the woods that he used, we continued on talking about the bow. Charlie then brought up the unique characteristic stating..."Those 3 light marks on the upper limb....I don't know what that's about". And I said "I know what its about....its about the 3 little pigs" :) ......
( (
Pretty cool huh??? Maybe I should name the bow 'The Big Bad Wolf'. :biglaugh:
You better be careful about what you say regarding Peanut. She may just decide to pee on ya when you are takin your afternoon siesta. She has more smarts than most of the guys at work. Then again... that doesn't say much about where I work!
Heck I thought I was giving her credit! You and Marty act like I was being mean. :rolleyes:
Only having to pull her back onto the bloodtrail once is a vast improvement. Ok, how about this;
1)She doesn't bark.......
Sorry, that's all I can think of.
Originally posted by Biggie Hoffman:
Heck I thought I was giving her credit! You and Marty act like I was being mean. :rolleyes:
Only having to pull her back onto the bloodtrail once is a vast improvement. Ok, how about this;
1)She doesn't bark.......
Sorry, that's all I can think of.
I have another good thing about Peanut!
She smells better than most of us after a weekend!