Trad Gang
Topic Archives => Memorable Hunts => Topic started by: Terry Green on May 30, 2009, 12:41:00 PM
I'd like to introduce you to the St Jude's Rover Gals for 2009/2010....Miss Hope and Faith by Dryad!!! Mike 'wingnut' Westvang has stepped up and donated the bows for this years effort, and did an outstanding job let me tell ya!
I just got through shooting Hope, and this is a realy nice recurve design. Its a really good shooter and quiet, very quiet for a recurve and so I oped to leave off the Bow Hush as this bow doesn't need it. Whisper quiet with just Hush Puppies.
Inside the case is a journal to list name, date, location and animal if taken and you can even add a hero photo if you like. And a schedule list of names, addresses, and dates of hunters so we'll know who's got it when and where she goes next.
The twins will travel around North America hunting for a year with different Trad Gang members. At the end of the year each bow with her respective journal will be put up on our 2010 St Jude's Auction. Each hunter could also offer up the arrow he or she used to the St Jude's if they'd like, or they could keep it themselves as a memento. That option would be up to the individual. Anyway, we are going to keep them in hunting season all year.
The lefty, Faith is Osage with a Curly Bubinga swoop and overlays. Limbs are bamboo with canary wood veneers. She is 58” ntn and 53 @ 28.
The right handed bow, Hope is Osage with a Shedua swoop and overlay. Limbs are bamboo with canary wood veneers. She is 58” ntn and 53 @ 28.
The Gals will be leaving out Monday UPS....wish them luck!
This will be a great journey. I like my Dryad. Mike and Jason, are good friends and fine men. Look forward to the stories. Thanks guys! The kids will appreciate it. I know we do.
We are looking forward to reading the adventures of the girls as they travel this year. Remember that if you are one of the lucky ones to have the bow for a month, you have the responsibility to tell us about it.
Looking forward to some time with hope next spring!! Thanks Mike and Jason!!!
who do we contact for time with the ladies?
First arrow,
There is a thread going "are you hunting for the right cause" that is the scheduling thread for the girls. If you are a Lefty, there may be spots open.
Looking forward to getting some time with Hope. I'm scheduled for "first out of the box" for her. Can't wait! She will be traveling with me to South Carolina at the end of the month to chase hogs with Ray Hammond.
I'll see how she likes chasing hogs.
Hope is coming my way in April to chase some turkeys. I'll be sure to post my adventures.
Hope just arrived in Kentucky!!!! Opened the case and pulled out the riser. She's gorgeous!!!!
Normally I shoot some on my lunch break, but my Jeep is in the shop today so I won't be able to do anything until after work. What a Bummer!!!
I'll keep everyone posted on how she is doing.
Terry & Mike,
I recieved "FAITH" and she is a Dandy !! She will be on in Quebec starting this Saturday and will let you know about her adventure when I return the end of this month.She will be passed around to all the Lefties in camp and maybe even a few Righties with yank er back too.
Where I can I find the list for Faith. Would like to find out if I got a spot or not.
Get ahold of Guru, he's the scheduling guru this year. LOL
Hope and I are getting acquainted. Picking arrows and getting comfortable with each other. I'm scheduled at Ray Hammond's in two weeks. Early squirrel season is open here in KY through next Friday. I might be able to hit the woods oen afternoon after work for a little pre-hog chasing hunt. I'll let you know if I make it out.
Looking forward to hearing about your adventures Marv....
Can you give us a little insite about your arrow set up when you get it figured out?
Still working on it. Got some POC's that are 29" BOP and 55 -- 60 pounds (I think) with 125 grain points. They look good but they are kicking up when I shoot. If I nock them above the nocking point they shoot great. I've tried adjusting the brace height to bring it in, but no luck. The string has the nocking point glued on (not adjustable), so I've twisted up a new B50 string to try out. I'll be working on it tonight or tomorrow.
2016's do the same thing, so I'm going to try the new string and see if I can get them working. I'll donate the string with a brass nocking point when I send it on if it works, in case someone else needs the same thing.
Eleven days till I'm chasing pigs!!!!
Seems like there was a journal included last year, but if I remember correctly not everyone added to the journal as it went around. Is that something that everyone wants? If so, I'll throw some kind of a notebook in the case for that also.
What do you think?
Marv, that's a good idea with the moveable nock point.....there's no way one setting will work for everyone....
I believe this year it's just a bow, but if you want to add a little book to write in I think that would be great...some will use it, some won't...
Rained last night here so I didn't get to work on the string. Should be able to start dialing it in at lunch today.
I'll throw some kind of "journal" in there and write up what I find on set up. The string will stay with it.
Supposed to rain just about every afternoon this week. I was hoping to make a short squirrel hunt with Hope but the season ends here on Friday and it doesn't look like I'll get to make it right now. Too much prep for the hog hunt going on. Maybe I can still make it work though.
It's a whopping 95 here in Kentucky. Just got back from my lunch break where I shot Hope some. I've got a field about three miles down the road that I have permission to shoot in.
I twisted up a new string out of B50 and added a brass nocking point so I can adjust the nocking height. What I'm finding is that (at least for me) I have to set the nocking point a full inch above the shelf. Thre brace height I like best so far is seven and a quarter inches. I'll continue to play with that some as I get ready to take Hope to SC next weekend. Disclaimer here -- I shoot three under and have no formal accuracy training, so your results may vary.
The bow shoots equally well with 2016's and POC's that are 55-60. My arrows are 29 inches and I use 125 grain points.
The bow shoots well enough that in shooting at dandelion puffs (my favorite target on lunch hour), my second shot with Judo's busted a nock. Both shots were two inches low (my fault, I'm sure) from twelve yards.
Added some yarn silencers before I left to quiet it down and I now get a satisfying little thud when I shoot.
I bought a small journal that I will throw in when I send the bow on and will document set-up and my hunt.
The next recipeint will get the new string that I twisted up as well as the original string.
Looking forward to the hunt next week.
Why did you twist a new string for the bow. There is a string with it.
The string that came with it was great, but I couldn't get the arrows to fly correctly out of it. The nocking point was glued on and I couldn't move it. When I nocked above the nocking point I got good flight. So I twisted up a new string. I'm having to nock my arrows a full inch above the shelf for my release. I could have probably just added another nocking point above that and had one above and one below, but didn't know how much that would affect flight or how much space there would be between the lower nocking point.
Others might be OK with the string that came with it. I'll send mine on with the bow for the others to use if they want.
Ya'know....we might should add some metal nock points in a little baggy and some nocking pliers so folks can move the nock point to suit them. We'll definitely do that next year...and if someone wan't to add that,...just send me the ticket and I'll reimburse them.
I didn't send a journal this year as we really wanted everyone to post their stories on this thread....and besides, there's not a lot of room in the tube for a journal. The ones I use to send were 11 x 7 I think...and its a 6 inch tube.
It looks like I get to wander the fields and woodlots with Hope in just a few more days! I can hardly wait!
Miss Hope(RH)
June- Marvin M...Marvin McFarlen
July- B. Glass...Bona Glass
August- Matt Shuster
September- Over & Under- Jake Barboza
October- Terry Green
November- Rick Wiltshire
December- Jeremy...Jeremy Steflik
January- Arrow K9...Mike Gerardi
Febuary- Hunt it...Dave Stinson(Texas Sweat hunt)
March- Hogdancer...Thomas Burns
April- Talandale...Chuck Browder
May- Smokin' Feathers...Jeff Wegstaff
Miss Faith (LH)
June- Tom Phillips (Bear Quest hunts)
July- BTH...Toby Ray
August- Badger Arrow...Paul Mattson
September- DW...Don Wilson
October- LittleBigMan...Jim Gilmer
November- Travis 406...Travis Clayton
December- Guru...Curt Cabrera
January- GG...Gray Grantham
Febuary- Hunt it...Dave Stinson(Tx Sweat hunt)
March- recurve_shooter...David Torbett
April- SWP...Scott Parson
May- Bow Loving Man...Barry Loving
Any lefties have some hunting to do in March?
I just returned early this morning from Bear Quest III and "Faith" joined us.She was tested by 3 LEFTY Trad-Gangers myself,PV & Gatekeeper and I can speak for all 3 of us and say she was quiet,smooth and quick.Although she did not get to help in the harvest of any Bears she had fun flingin in the wilds of Quebec. THANK YOU Mike of Dryad Bows for supplying Hope & Faith for 2009'-2010'
I got back late last night from Ray Hammonds with Hope. Haven't unpacked yet, but the story will start to unfold shortly.
Evewrybody in camp shot her and it was unanimous that she was quiet and a hard shooter.
I'll unfold the story as I have time, probably on another thread with a link here since it will be drawn out (per the tradgang tradition),
But just as a teaser I'll say that there was a lot of blood on the ground.
Oh, and there will be a few pictures, too.
Ok, Marvin, where's the story?
Here you go guys.
The story will unfold here as I have time.
Hope\\'s first Hog Hunt story (
I'll have some pics to go along with it. Busy doing catch up so in the great tradition of tradgang, the story may take a few days.
Put me down for Faith in March if no one has claimed her yet!
I'll put Hope in the mail tomorrow. Hope you enjoy shooting her as much as I have.
I picked up a very small journal (about 4X6) that I'm going to throw in there and put some notes in. Maybe the others on the list can add to it as they see fit.
Hope is on the way. I shipped her UPS and I'm guessing with the holiday she will arrive on Monday or Tuesday.
That sounds great Marvin. Thanks for the note.
Have I mentioned, I can hardly wait! :)
Hope arrived in Indiana yesterday early in the afternoon. I put her together. Braced her up and immediately shot two arrows out of her. She gets along pretty good with my arrows and, after a few shots, I was putt'n em in there pretty good at 20 yds.
I just got home from work. So I will sleep a little and then post a picture.
Glad she arrived safely. Hope you enjoy shooting her as much as I did.
This is an absolutely beautiful bow! I don't have alot or experience with recurves. Even though it draws to my usual poundage it feels like a good bit more. And it seems exceptional quiet for a recurve! I haven't had the opportunity to shoot her since that first day, but I plan to take her on a ground grizzly stake out this afternoon. I decided to use the original string and I think it's working out well.
Good Luck Bona!
All right...just got home and there was this bomb proof tube of drainpipe on my porch. I knew it was Faith coming to visit for a month! You guys really know how to pack a bow!
So...I just put her limbs on and strung her up. Grabbed some arra's that I'd tuned for my 57# Morrison...Arrow Dynamics Trad Heavies...and started flinging Bulleyes with her immediate like. OH YEAH! I've been scouting the ranch big time this year so I happen to know exactly which trail this huge boar hog uses and I have a blind set up. I'll be sitting for him. I also happen to know where three big bucks are feeding through just before sunset every night...I'll be sitting for them too! Hopefully I'll get some meat with Faith!
This bow flings arra's with authority. I'm impressed. Nice grip and a smooth draw to boot.
I'm going to take her up to the club meeting tomorrow night and show her off and if I can make it out to 3D Wednesday I'll show her off there too.
Thanks guys for putting this together.
Wow Toby, That sounds great...good luck bud :pray:
When does the deer season start again?
Gotta go to the Fish and Game and get this year's license and tags on Friday morning. Then we're heading up to the ranch to meet my uncle. Probably sit for the pig...I have to post that picture; he's huge...Friday night since it's always pig season. Saturday morning I'll head down below the cabin and see if those bucks are bedded where they usually do. That'll be a spot and stalk. Saturday night we'll head to the top of the ranch and see if those big bucks feed through like they've been doing. That'll be an ambush set up. Then there's all the unplanned encounters...
Here's those pictures from my trail camera. The cabin is about 75 yards uphill from this location. He uses this trail to get to the drainage below the cabin where our springs drain. You can see his belly and back prints in the mud from the deck. He rubs mud on the trees on this trail and the mud is about 30" off of the ground. He tears up the area around the cabin. He's got to go.
Holy cow that's cool! Keep it low and tight bud :pray:
- blind is about ten yards uphill from this trail, just to the right off camera. It's been there for about a month now all brushed in. Didn't seem to bother him a bit. I think all I've got to do now is sit in it for the evening and if he walks by, keep it low and tight, and let him have it with a 300Extreme I've been keeping sharp for him. I'm already visualizing this weekend in my mind...Me with Faith in hand, nocking the AD arra tipped with the 300Extreme. Pick a spot, full draw, back tension, release, follow through...Either be this guy or the four pointer Blacktail at the top of the ranch. Hey, maybe both...
Hog and deer hunting! Christmas in July!!! Good luck Sir! We'll be waiting ppppatiently!
Let us know how things go.
All sounds great. Best of luck you two. :campfire:
Man, what a beautiful weekend out here in California!
We had a low system move through which gave us unseasonably cool weather.
We arrived at the ranch, unpacked, and checked the Cuddeback. Sure enough, the pig was on there, along with a doe, a spike buck, a rabbit, some grouse, and a skunk.
I strung up Faith and sat in the blind on the pig's trail but he didn't show. Darn wild critters...just can't get them to cooperate. There was still enough light up top on the ranch to see so I got in the truck and scooted up there. Sure enough, I caught a glimpse of one of the bucks I've been scouting as he melted into the treeline with sunset. The next night's hunt was planned.
The next morning we took a walk below the cabin. We didn't see any deer down there so we headed out on the ranch to see what we could find. Our local hare population is year around so when we saw some them on the hillside the stalk was on. I finally had one of the little rabbits broadside so I took a shoot...just short. Me and Faith still need to get acquainted more, I think.
Faith is a good ten pounds lighter than my Morrison and four inches longer. Her riser is much lighter and the grip much thinner as well. I need to shoot her much more to get used to her. The backyard bullseyes were very cool though.
Time for the evening hunt we had planned around these three bucks we've been scouting. We take our stands along the route we think they'll take and the wait begins. Finally sundown, but no bucks. I edge on over to where I can see more hillside and glass. No bucks. Are they not coming tonight?
Shooting light is fading fast so we hop into the truck and head back to the cabin, looking along the way. Sure enough, there's a buck! He's feeding toward some oaks on a sidehill. He's a little forked horn but legal. And he's the buck I saw last night, as well as the companion to a couple of bigger bucks. He's usually last in line so maybe, just maybe, the others are already in the oaks.
The wind is in my favor and the buck just stepped behind the oaks. I jump out and grab my bow and head out to cut them off as they exit the oaks on their side of the ridge. Wind is in my favor still and they can't see me.
I make it to the drainage just opposite from where they'll exit the oaks on the other side. I can't get any closer. Just as I'm processing this a buck steps out...That ain't no forked horn! The forkie steps out behind the four pointer as I pick a spot on the bigger buck and come to full draw. I have a broadside, cross drainage, slightly uphill shot to make maybe about 30-35 yards. I release and I feel the string catch my sleeve...I was wearing my leafy 3D net shirt...just before my arm guard. I see my arrow wobble over his back as these two turn and trot away.
Two more weekends with Faith to go...the first one gave me the last piece of the puzzle I needed on these bucks. Sara and I went back the next morning and scouted some better stand locations. I'm going to shoot Faith some more and get use to the lighter weight. I have "faith" we'll get it done.
Great weekend Toby...another week to build confidence and you'll be back at it...good luck!
Just went shooting with Faith, using the arrow and broadhead I used the other night. Shooting really good. I keep feeling like I'm overpulling her since she's so much lighter. I worked on picturing bullseyes in my mind and just going through my usual shooting style. It came together well. As we all know most of our sport is mental. I just let my mind get in the way. I mean, come on, Big Buck, Faith, 30 yards...should have closed the deal right there. We'll give it another go Friday night.
I tried sending you a couple of PMs but it shows you haven't read them.
I would like to be put on the list for Faith in March 2010 if it is still available.
Got'um're in for March '10
A picture of Hope the Orion with the full moon a couple of weeks ago. Seemed appropriate.
Sorry it turned out a little blurry. The groundhogs have refused to show up. I've been out 3 or 4 times with no luck. But we've had a lot of fun stump shooting!
Another weekend on the ranch with Faith.
Friday night was a no show for the least until we saw their dark outlines on the hillside after legal light was done! Frustrating but that is the way it goes in the hot summer bow season.
Saturday was much more exciting than sitting and waiting for the deer. First off, we had a big fire on the neighbor's ranch. CalFire crews jumped on it pretty good and pummeled it with retardant drops and helicopters. Quite the show once we realized they had it contained.
But anyway there I was, walking an old unused road with dark timber above and below me, walking to meet up with my wife who had been hunting another section of the ranch (we've decided to use the quads that God gave us as much as we can this year) when I hear the unmistakable sounds of pigs coming my way on the upslope side.
Then I see two huge boars through the trees. I follow along with the pigs as I am trying to find an opening I can use to my advantage. Then it just goes quiet. I'm standing there, trying to figure out what is going on, when it dawns on me that the pigs have bedded right above me. Right. Now, I don't really care if I go after pigs in their beds as long as I have a good plan. So, I circle around the thick stuff, go uphill in the grass on the other side of the dark timber, and then start to come down on top of them from the hill top. This takes awhile and by this time the wife is now on the road where I was earlier. I start sneaking down on top of them in their beds, hoping to get a shot off as they get up.
I get about twenty yards above the pigs when they shoot out from their beds, running in the direction they came from. Oh well, nice try anyway.
That night I'm out alone. The wife and the dog are back at the cabin. I'm still hunting the area where we've seen these bucks and not having any luck. I'm working a gradual drainage with steep sides that they've been using as a travel route. The drainage hooks right at the top and continues upslope and that is where I'm headed. I hit the top of the drainage before the hook and the wind turns wrong to continue. I have to get out of the drainage and catch the wind that comes up from the other side to continue with wind in my favor. This area is very tricky with wind currents but over the years we've figured it out.
I get the wind back in my I'm on the road over the top of the hook. The sun is down and I'm very close to the end of shooting light. I slowly go over the crest and as I do, two forked horns crest over the edge of the drainage on to the road. Busted...out of range and we're staring at each other waiting for something to happen. This goes on for at least three to five minutes. I can't move to draw on them, they're out of range anyway, and they're just looking at me wondering what I'm going to do. Finally they turn and amble off...not scared in any way and not running from soon as the go over the side of another arm of the drainage system I run for the edge, hoping to catch them down slope in range when I get there. I'm stretching last shooting light and when I hit the edge that they dropped over, they were already on the other side of that drainage heading upslope and away, nice and calm and looking over their shoulders at me. I'll I could do was kneel down and shake my head...laughing at the situation. Darn, that is bowhunting right there.
But I'll be on that mountian, working that drainage, Friday night trying to get one of those blacktail bucks in range of Faith.
good luck!! :pray:
Here's a shot from the Cuddeback on one of the Blacktails I'm working on. He's a smaller one...
I'm still recovering from Friday night. 20 minutes, on my knees, in the middle of a grassy hillside, bent at the waist and holding on to Faith, arrow knocked.
Here are a couple of pictures of my "Special
Now, I won't string this out like some folks...
It started with spotting a nice sized forked horn, in the area where I always see these bucks. He scoots across the hillside and slows down before going out of sight.
I figure I know where he's going, and he's not going there fast. I make a move into the drainage below me and use that as cover to get the wind and close the distance.
Getting up to the ridge I bust a deer out from a bed under an oak tree...didn't see it but based on what I've been seeing I'm thinking it was one of the other bucks.
I use the ridgeline as cover, peeking over here and there to see if I can spot the big forkie. I'm hoping he hasn't made the big drainage which forms the top of the deep redwood canyon, which is where these guys go for cover and beds.
I finally make a spot, just over where the cuddeback took the picture, where I can go over the ridge and sneak into the top of that drainage that I think he's heading for. If the timing is right (he didn't look like he was in a hurry) I may be able to cut him off.
I'm skirting the edge of the drainage now on the bottom third of a steep grassy slope, heading for a tree and some brush that'll give me cover on the trail I'm hoping he'll be on. The grass is about 3-4 feet tall here...then I spot him. Just the tops of his forks about 40-50 yards uphill from me. I'm out in the open and sink into the grass. The wait begins.
I drop binoculars, quiver belt, take one arrow and start to crawl whenever I see his head drop. I get another five yards and his head comes up. And stays up. Now I'm locked down on my knees facing upslope, bent over at the waist, my hand on Faith. Minutes go by and he's not moving. Finally, I look up and he's walking downhill towards me! I'm thinking I'm good and he'll walk right by me at about 12-15 yards.
Then I hear noise below us in the drainage. Darn! Loud enough to be pigs, could be a cow or two, doubt that it is more deer. Either way I'm between a cautious mature blacktail and what ever is in the drainage and the wind is taking my scent into that drainage.
The buck stops cold. The sun is down now and I'm working against time and shooting light. He's not moving so I have to. Using the noise in the drainage as cover sounds like a plan so a scoot downhill to a deep break a few feet below me. I do the duck walk to the tree I was aiming for in the first place and take a look around. He's still there I think since I haven't seen or heard him break out.
I can now head uphill towards him since I have that's what I do. I make the bushes that he is on the other side of. Then he breaks and stops at 40 yards broadside/quartering to on the opposite hillside. Beautiful buck just doing his strut trying to figure me out. No shot to be had at this angle and the distance doesn't instill confidence in a clean kill. He decides enough is enough and trots over the hill. I follow at a run, sidehill and below him. We met up again at the edge of the treeline. He's back to me looking over his shoulder about 35 yards. Thats match point to him. His next move is into the trees and down hill in the drainage to heavy cover.
What a rush. Three weekends hunting with Faith, one arrow shot at a nice four pointer, spot and stalks on three occasions, and close encounters with blacktail bucks. Only thing better would be venison in the freezer but I'll take this anytime.
My time with Faith is done. I'll be sending her on this week.
Thanks Curt for putting thie together. Thanks to Dryad for the great bow.
I'm gonna follow up reading you all's post this evening....slap covered up at the moment...
Ms have an email....
Got it Terry. I will take care of it. Thanks!
Can't wait to get Miss Faith in Aug. No hunting here in WI during Aug, but I'll take her and Miss Faith (Black Mtn) to the WI State Trad Shoot on the 8th.
Sounds like that hunt had all you can ask for except the meat, but thats not really the most important part anyway, thanks for sharing with us!!! :clapper:
I am looking forward to Sept!!
Nice job Toby,
My parents live in the hills overlooking Alexander Valley so I know what you mean about your "special spot". Good luck and good shooting when it all comes together.
Thanks for sharing Toby....looks like you two had a heck of a run...and the chase is what its all about.....
Matt Schuster has Hope....and he might take here elk hunting....don't know, but I'm sure he'll take her to the Paradise to chase hogs.
It was hard to pack her up and send her away. I'm sure Matt will enjoy shooting her as much as I did. Good luck to Matt and Hope. Bona
August is coming to a close, I need to know who do I send Miss Faith to?
I will be posting some stumpin pic soon. No hunting going on in WI in August.
Paul, just send a PM with an address for Don & Sky Wilson
Where are the August stories?
I regrettably had to give up my spot for Hope, work did not allow me the elk hunting time I was planning on. I hope I did not cause any confusion for anyone, and thanks Curt and TG for the opportunity, and for Curt for taking care of the situation. I hope I can still have some chances in the up coming years.
Looking forward to all the stories, and good luck to all who share the Gals this season.
I had Miss Faith for Aug. No hunting going on in WI at this time. But,she went to the WTA State shoot in early Aug. Alot of people got a good look at her.
We also did some stump shooting here are a few pics.
Here is a picture of Miss Faith with the Arm Gaurd that came with Miss Faith 09.
Miss Faith at my ladder stand.
A dead tree shot.
A not so dead tree shot.
Ant Hill shot.
Miss Faith and Ole Stumpy.
I will be sending Miss Faith onto Don and Skyler Wilson. It was fun having Miss Faith stop by in Aug.
Matt Schuster has hopefully we'll get a dead hog on here soon.
Faith arrived Saturday while we were at Ray Hammond's Hog Heaven. We were hoping that She would arrive for the trip but it didn't happen. We put her together a few minutes ago and fired several arrows. I really like that Bow...Maybe take Faith on a Road Trip to Georgia in a few Days. Matt is not the only person who likes too chase Hogs :bigsmyl:
How's she shooting for you?
Hey Mike....Miss Faith is a fine Bow...Dad really likes her also...Looks as if the Hog Trip is A GO...Shooting Easton FMJ 500's with a 250 grain Woodsman and they are Darts!...She has been on a couple of Scouting/Stump Shoots and we will get some pics up soon.....Skyler
Has this thread died? Are the bows still circulating? Hoping all is well....
TerryGreen has Miss Hope for Oct. and Miss Faith should be with "Littlebigman" Jim G......
we are anxiously awaiting Faiths arrival here at 5 pines farm
this is the valley that faith will get to hunt in for the next 30 days! I hope she likes it here!
I don't have the bow...will call Matt and see what's up....he's in the process of moving to FL.
great, i did a pm to skyler today as well
A knock on the door an hour ago interrupted an afternoon chore and there was the rural mail carrier with an ominous looking package. Faith has arrived in Sather Valley!. After figuring how to open the bomb proof box we took a short walk up the drive way to camp (
we took a few minutes flinging several different arrows and determined my CE heritages 150's would work fine. ( The top arrow is a 150 with a target point , the bottom a 250 with a browad head , shot from 12 yards on a steep down hill angle.
I dressed the girl in battle gear, ( made a PBJ and decided we will head up to a hidden food plot up high on the central ridge above the farm house. Its been raining on and off all day. Normally i don't hunt in the rain but since it is intermittent, I am going to risk it. I'll post later after I return
Alright, finally someone who wants to share a story about the one of the girls! :clapper:
I have been having lots of knee issues ever since returning from elk hunting , so I took the easy way out and drove the 4 wheeler up the steep and muddy logging road. At the top , the road T's on to a long razor back ridge. I walked the gentle part up to the food plot . This is what the gentle part looks like (
This plot is a special place. A real honest to goodness honey hole. When I bought the property four years ago all that was here was an intersection of two four wheeler trails. I clear cut, then bull dozed the stumps. What makes this place special is that three ridges all come together right here. The ground is level only where the plot is and all three valleys below the plot hold deer all day long. This is what you see when you enter the plot from the south as i did tonight ( can you see the tree in the upper right corner with the strap? here is a little help. (
ok , so it was about three pm when i finally settled in and it rained on and off for the next 90 minutes or so. Around 4;30 pm it got real quite and the wind stopped completely. I don't like it when it gets so quiet. Across the food plot on the north end where the logging road continues on, deer legs appeared. Two sets. . I was thinking that some one before me, must have rubbed real good Mojo on Faith, as this was the first time in 8 sits I saw deer while on stand! When their heads were behind the leaves and branches in front of me I slowly stood. The big buck fawn , all 90 pounds of him immediately came to my side of the field. The mom, a nice doe not huge but nice fed in the center. This is my view from the stand minus deer
Eventually the buck fawn had enough to eat and was heading to the east side logging road that passes all most directly beneath me. He had no idea I was there and of course was totally safe since I am strict QDM kind of guy. I knew the doe would be following shortly. They were passing on my left side. I suddenly was reminded of why I prefer hang on stands over ladders. The ladder plat form is so darn narrow and I was having difficulty getting turned to shoot. Plus it was still deathly quiet. As I oozed in to shooting position, one of my pant legs rubbed. The doe stopped and stared. What was that sound was the look on her face? Adult does are smart! She went on full alert and started to angle around me. At 20 yards she did present a brief opening and a broad side shot. With either of my long bows the arrow would have been on the way, but Faith and I are newly acquainted. We hardly know each other and to ask her to perform like that on the first date, well I thought it was a bit much. I let the doe walk, but I wore a big smile.
The evening ended with another spike buck right at last light feeding in the plot and then walking right by me. Two passes and almost a kill shot the first night! What a month this is going to be
its Sunday and I woke to cloudy skies , temps in the mid 40's and a slight wind out of the west. Since its Sunday and I have to head north later in the day I would only have the morning to hunt today. Where to go? I decided to hunt the Buddha trail. Faith and I drove the four wheeler up the steep logging road to the T and then we walked from there. Basically its the same trail as to the food plot on the ridge top where we hunted last night except when you get there you keep going until you come to Buddha, then you hang a right (
This stand is on a rather steep hillside with trails on both the uphill and down hill side. The tree stand is very high up to accommodate the up hill side trails. The stand must at least 25 high but on the up hill side you are only 8 to 10 feet above the deers heads as they pass by .
( Off hand shots are very steep but I dont expect to shoot that way and have all ways passed up those shots in the past.
All though there was a lot of moon light this am I used a head lamp for last 100 yards as I went down the trail after passing Buddha ( no I am not a Buddhist. I just like their art) A pair of deer eyes blinked back at me as my light hit the area to right of the trail down near my stand. A deer was bedded just off the trail. Since it had all ready seen me and I fully expected it to run I proceeded on down the trail. It didn't budge! I walked down to the tree a short forty yards from it, set my pack and bow down and proceeded to finish dressing .. It lay there blinking in my head lamp the whole time. Not until I set my pack down and zippered it shut did it move and then it just walked off. I climbed the tree and waited for day light. This tree stand has a heavy duty rope with a slide ( a prusic knot sic) installed. It was a present from my friend and fellow trad ganger Shaun Webb. Using it makes me feel good and makes me think they need to go on all of my trees.
here is my view from up high ( Good visibility all directions and several deer trails cross in front of me. But the morning passed by and all I saw were squirrels ,several of them black they are really cool and one feral cat. No deer were seen. After 3.5 hours I called it quits and came in for some hot coffee. Now its out to do some chores and then head north for two days. I'll be back in the woods Tuesday afternoon and will post more then.
Good luck buddy!
Ah Awesome stuff Jim
beautiful place! :thumbsup:
put some good blood on er there littlebigman!!! I am anxiously waiting!!!
Arrived back in Sather Valley but to wind and rain. In fact, its been raining steady since I left Sunday
No hunting tonight. But the forecast is for clear and cold by tomorrow am so i'll be out and about for sure. I'll up date you all after tomorrow morning's hunt
the weather cleared around 3 am. Finally no rain! temps in the low 40's and very bright moon light. didnt need a flash light this am. I decided to hunt a travel corridor between the corn field and bedding area on the north end of the farm. Sorry no pictures today forgot the camera in the camper. The bluffs here are ringed by old pastures and these pastures all have wild apple trees in them. This stand another ladder is just on the inside edge of the woods at the bottom of a steep wooded bluff. i have some rented ground below the pasture and it has corn in it this year. . There is also the stream bordered by my only neighbors driveway and then the other side of the valley mirrors my side sans the corn.
Just after the silver light of the moon began to fade and dawn was approaching I saw some movement below me in the apple trees. My binoculars verified a deers body but I couldn't see the head. Definitely not a fawn. AS it moved from tree to tree, I finally made it out, an adult doe.
Hoping she would gradually work her way up to me, i stood up and got into shooting position. But she was content to stay where she was gorging herself. My neighbor's truck door slammed and the motor started. As he went down his drive, I was hopeful if just might push her up the hill. She moved but only into more of the apples and gradually i lost sight of her.
That was the only deer sighted this am. hopefully the nice weather will have them out on the hidden food plots this after noon
Got skunked tonight boys and girls!Sat in one of my favorite spots as well. Up on top of my southern bluff is an old 12 acre hay field. It hasn't been hayed in several years and bit by bit I am converting parts of it to food plots with the idea of eventually having a 4 or 5 acre clover field up there. Here is a picture from last July just after the sun flowers bloomed. ( the foreground has sunflowers, sorgum and peas, the back ground has bird's foot trefoil, chickory and some other stuff I've forgotten the name of. Any way this is just above an area of heavy cover that a big buck has been bedding in all summer. I have his sheds from last season, here is the left side ( i also have him on camera from August with another very nice buck, but they were a no show tonight. i think I need to go back to hunting near the apple trees and will head to Apple Alley in the am
Boy this is starting to sound like a broken record but Skunked again! Had just settled in up in apple alley this am and it started to rain. Sat for an hour or so, but no deer were sighted. Lots of apples still on the trees and deer sign is everywhere. My pictures in the rain this am are not worth posting , everything is out of focus. I'll hopefully hunt there tonight taking them again
Good luck Buddy, keep at em
hey that's hunting. Glad your out with one of our girls and doing some dancing.
ok so tonight was one of those nights you live for, even though no arrows were in the air. The wind was swirly all afternoon and I was unsure as where to go. By the time I could go, it was all ready close 4 o'clock and it was too late to head up into apple alley. So instead I went and sat a stand recently moved by my nephew and I. More to observe then anything, I wanted to see how this stand might work. This stand sits back from the edge of the tree line above a little hidden 1 acre corn field I have. There are lots of smaller basswoods here and the bucks seem to love to rub them. We hung a stand in the only tree available on a heavy crossing. The deer will bed higher up and come down the steep slope and the mill around in this edge before venturing out onto the old pasture and then down the rest of the way to the corn. About 5:15 a doe and a fawn come barreling down the hill and stop about 25 yards away. Because they are actually higher up than I am, even though i am 20 feet up a tree, I am trying not to move a muscle. Finally they start to move forward but there is a fallen tree and they break around the back side of it passing by me at 20 yards. The shot distance is fine, but there is too much brush and I watch them move off. Then another and another and finally another doe all do the exact same thing. Hmmm I think this stand needs to be moved 20 yards down the hill I think. About 6:15 I start to hear turkeys fly up to their roosts up the hill to my left. Then more noise up the hill but this time on the trail the does came down. A nice 2.5 year old eight point is coming down the trail. Instead of doing what the does all did, he breaks around the front of the tree and stops a mere 6 yards from my tree. You're so dead I think, but sorry guys as much as I want to bloody Faith ,I just couldn't kill him. He has a lot of potential and there are several great bucks on the farm Here is a photo of the corn field. I am up on the right hand slope just 50 yards inside the trees
Tomorrow is another day!
another clear and cold morning.Decided to hunt a beet plot on the north end of the farm. Wind out of the north and the ladder/hang one, this stand can allow two hunters ( All though this is quite close to my neighbor's house the deer dont seem to even look up when his truck fires up and heads down the drive. Had a nice yearling doe feed in the plot but did not give me a shot , here is the plot and a close up of the beets ( (
alot of the beets tops are chewed down to the beet top , they are really hitting this spot, I'll need to hunt it more.
i wont be able to post or hunt for a few days. have to head north to a family affair/ wedding and wont be back at the farm until next Tuesday or Weds.
I get Hope in November!!!! Hope to have plenty to share. :clapper:
no stories all weekend???
nope as I said last Friday i had to leave town. just got back and will hunt in the am. Faith and I have the next ten days to hunt hard!
woke to today to cold and wet very raw weather. We have had snow here last week and its the first time in 20 years we had measurable amounts in the month of October. Decided to hunt a bedding areas across the road and above my corn field. Here is the deer trail coming out of it across from my mail box. ( spooked several deer on the drive way and got up into the stand with only loosing my footing once. The hills is slick as snot today. Was sure today would be a good day but with the rain last night every time the wind blew a little bit a zillion water droplets fell out of the trees on to the forest floor. Lots of rain noise and the ground is so saturated an elephant could pass behind me and i wouldn't hear him. Sat till I knew the deer were in their beds and headed in for coffee. Here is the stand I sat this am. ( i think its time for insulated boots! Provided the weather cooperates I'll be out over a food source later in the day.
the day stayed gray and cold but at least no rain. Wind was out of the SSE and I decided to head up and sit above the bedding area on the edge of the sunflowers last hunted last week. Did not see a deer until about 15 minutes before last light. A nice 8 or a 10 point buck came loping towards me. I thought at first a second and larger buck may have pushed him my way. But on second thought I believe he must have winded me as he came from the west side of ridge top so my wind would have been blowing right at him. I have a mowed trail in the weed field behind the sunflowers and he ran towards that then cut the corner of the sunflowers
and ran past me about 25 yards away. Not running hard but running never the less. i did not get a good look at him and unsure how big he really was, but he looked like a very nice buck. That was it for tonight. The forecast calls for rain all day tomorrow, I hope its wrong.
got rained out this am, boy that bed felt good!
Faith and i decided to hunt the hill side where we had so much fun last Thursday. The rain began letting up early this afternoon and we were walking up the hill side after a short practice session. I feel like I am really shooting the gal well. We got to the stand around 4 pm and waited for the deer to start coming down the hill. I had repositioned the stand last Friday and moved it about 40 yards down hill just to the inside edge of the staging area. The stand is in a nice oak with several other oaks around it. 15 yards away are the first apple trees and some smaller birch trees. I listened to apples falling all afternoon thinking that sound is music to a deer hunters ears. I was on edge the entire time fully expecting to see deer at any moment. A couple of times i thought I heard the unmistakable sound of something walking. The forest floor is very wet after a weeks worth of wet weather but still I just had that feeling. Well the day ended and I slowly came down and as soon as i stepped clear of the first apple tree there were white flags a flying! I knew it! the numerous trails on the hillside brought the deer around me today and it just wasn't our day. I think tomorrow we will sit a blind with a decoy and maybe do some light calling. ( until then.......
what ever happened to hope?
Finally a morning with stars over head! I don't know when that last occurred.! Since I didn't have a lot of time to hunt this am i went to the beet field and sat in the DB with my new MT whitetail decoy. I have had good success over the years with a decoy but this was the first time I have used this particular model. i must admit being able to fold it and attach it to the back pack is a real plus. Hopefully this will distract a deer. ( and the view from inside ( Well I didnt see any thing this am but it was good get out, more later in the day
Persistance you got it!!!
let's hear it bud :clapper:
ok so I have some catching up to do. Well some work colleagues arrived mid day Friday for a weekend of hunting. Plans were laid and I dropped each off at selected parts of the farm. Both men are compound shooters maybe some day i'll get them converted. We all had deer on our minds and couldnt believe it when we met at dark and none of us had seen any deer. Brian had a flock of turkeys come in and feed below him including two toms but alas no turkey tag. Too bad Faith and i hadn't been there instead as I do!
Around the campfire we laid out our plans for the next day. Saturday was cold and foggy here is the view from my Saturday am stand ( this is a really neat spot up a deep ravine . great visibility here but again no deer other than one in my headlamp on the way in.
After three hours I was cold and decide to pick Brian up and then meet up with Dallas and my nephew Justin who arrived early this am. I snapped this photo so you could the uniform of the day (
I had an errand to run and driving off the farm I passed Justin and Dallas at the end of the drive way looking at the deer trail coming off the neighbors hay field across the road from my mail box and into the bean field adjacent to my place. On the way back from town , I parked the car and walked up into my woods near the spot they looking at. i have 23 acres on this side of the road, all of it steep bluff face. This little corner of my place gets hunted very slightly. its filled with invasive buck thorn and I haven't begun to work on it yet. i do have one stand half way up and Faith and I hunted it once earlier in our time together. About 50 yards above the road the buckthorn thins a little and several deer trails coming down the bluff merge into one and then end at the fence where the deer jump and enter the neighbor's pasture. Then they go down the steep bank , cross the road and go into the beans. I found a tree on the down slope side of the main trail about 20 yards from the fence. I went back , got Dallas , a tree stand and tree stick and we quickly and very quietly hung a stand. This hill side is almost impossible to hunt in afternoon as the thermals alert the deer to your presence almost as soon as you step foot into the woods. But we were betting if I stayed low enough and the deer didn't move till very late i might get away with it as the afternoon thermals may work in my favor.
Around 4 pm I walked the short distance from hunters camp, down the driveway, crossed the road and climbed the steep bank. cut thru the head high rag weed and ducked into the buck thorn . It took just seconds to climb the tree , hoist Faith and settle in. As i feared, the dental floss on Faith's string floated up hill. I hoped what ever deer were bedded, were high enough that my scent would dissipate some what.
About 6 pm I turned in the tree stand to face up hill ever hopeful the thermal would soon switch. Like a wish being suddenly granted the floss began to float in the opposite direction. Ten minutes later I spotted deer legs approaching from above and on the trail going closest to my tree. A fat 6 pointer was on his way. He fed as he approached and I held my breath. I turned slightly to the left hugging the tree. This was certainly going to be the smell test for this spot. He stopped at 5 yards and stood staring ahead out in to the pasture. Never lifting his nose he continued on , hopped the fence and was off to the bean field. Made it I thought! Now bring me a shooter buck or an adult doe! Time ticked by and day light started to fade and yes another set of legs were coming down the same trail. i prepared for the shot but suddenly the doe turned left and was veering straight down the hill. I rotated right 180 degree and was almost facing the tree trunk. An easy shot had suddenly changed to a very challenging one. She was in the thick brush and ahead of her about 10 yards was an opening with a rotten log laying in full view. I wasn't even sure if the log was on the trail but thought if she steps in front of it I would shoot. She stepped right where I needed her to be and Faith didn't hesitate. I have been impressed with Faith's speed and at the time of the shot it seemed like the deer exploded. Since I had real turkey feathers without anything bright on the shaft I honestly could not see the arrow strike. But by the way the deer exploded thru the fence into the pasture and then crashed back into the woods, I was sure she was down. I lowered Faith , climbed down and moved to where the deer had stood at the time of the shot. There was good blood with in a few feet and everything felt just right. I headed out , to wait for help and needed to shed some clothes. Returning an hour later all of us with good light in our hands we were assured by the blood sign that she wasnt going to go far or be hard to find. before she went 20 yards and crossed or crashed thru the fence we found the bottom half of the arrow which clearly passed thru and broke off as it was exiting her body. Blood spray was evident as well as bubbles in the blood. Crossing the fence into the short pasture grass was easy as was following her blood in it. We crossed 50 yards of pasture and started go up the hill and then into the neighbor's woods. ( I called and asked for permission by the way) This time she went under the fence and again great blood on the ground, on bushes and small tree trunks that she crashed into. Then things went goofy. Suddenly it seemed we had circled back on to the same trail , which we had. She was bouncing off the 4 inch buck thorn trunks like a pin ball and she ran in a big U almost doubling back on her own trail. We were finally able to sort thing s out and picked up the correct path of travel. Then we found the rest of the arrow , which also seemed to have fallen out the bottom of her chest. Good thing i had a little reflective tape just below the nock. But now the blood trail had turned in to a fleck here, a dot there, a wet spot in the dirt. To say I was suddenly worried is an understatement. We picked our way for next 30 yards or so. Finally the blood got a little better and a little better and then there she was. I have never seen a deer die like this. She was laying in the middle of the trail, all four legs folded under her and her neck extended like she was asleep. ( this was how she was before we moved her. My arrow entered high just behind the last rib on her right side and exited between the 4th and 5th ribs on her left. I took out the left lung and nothing else. Fortunately I was shooting a three blade (WW) which made a really nice exit hole. You can see the entry wound in this picture ( I was very happy to have found her.
I think its time for Faith to move on, my longbows are getting jealous and its time I paid them some attention. If some one wants to tell me who gets Faith next, I'll see she gets on her way. Thanks to Faith, her maker and some friends who helped track, I 've got to go now and butcher some prime venison.
Congrats Jim! Nice looking doe.
Wow Jim, That's just awesome, I'm glad I got Miss Faith into your hands bud....congrats!!!
Thank you so much for taking the time posting all the pix and hunts with her. I know how time consuming that can be, greatly appreciated my friend
Your farm looks to be an incredible place, truly a little slice of heaven
Wow, way to go!!!!
I'll send a PM so you get her moving along to the next fella......
Dang that was exciting!! Glad one of our girls got blood on her.
Congrats on a fine hunt and story!!
Thanks for Sharing Sir.....great story and pics!!!
I hope all is well with Matt...he still has Hope and I haven't heard from him. I'll try and call him again today.
Thanks guys good luck to the next happy hunter, Faith will be on her way tomorrow.
I am in line for HOPE in November. Any word on how she is doing? Rick
Fantastic Stuff Jim :notworthy: :clapper: :clapper:
Enjoyed the hunt. Thanks for taking us along. Congrates!
Well, Last night I got home and found the pink slip in the mail for Faith. I went straight to the PO even though it said I couldn't pick her up until monday. The Post office Clerks are awesome at my PO because they told me to come back at 5:30 closing time and they would make sure I got her. They delivered. I am very impressed with the quality of the bow and how smooth it is to draw. I was late for a dinner date because I had to shoot her. just a touch of adjustment on the string and I am gonna hopefully take er her out this morning for a little stump shooting and dinking around(rain and 20-30 mph winds). The gun season starts sunday so I am gonna do a little final prescouting in a primitive archery only area and Sunday morning I will be in orange up a tree just Faith and me. Thanx LittleBigman for the early arrival. I hope I can do half as well as you.
Good Luck Travis!!
thanx Guru
Best of luck Travis! You will have fun for sure! .
Go get em Travis!!
Glad you and Faith are getting along so well.
Okay, so I had just enough time to go and do some scouting and seen quite a few deer, good sign and some elk. Season starts tomorrow and I have 2 spots I may sit. One will be a ground attack and the other I will have to use the self climber. The number of people that may be there will determine the decision. here is some pix...
Practicing went well.
My wife just missed the shot can you see the stump on the other side if the river?
here it is...
form pic...
I almost forgot about this little critter...
Good trail lot of tracks including human...
Ground attack...
Great job on the doe,Jim. Good luck with her Travis, keep the good mojo going.
I won't get to hunt with her until March, so hopefully she will make meat several times between now and then!
By the way, what types of arrows does she seem to like?
These guys were jealous of the Porcupine...
This guy is a 6x7 and was bucking and kicking all the way out into the sugar beet field...(I took these 2 pictures through my 8x44 binos with my digital camera.)
So tomorrow morning I will give her heck with Faith and then I have to wait till next weekend. ARGGHHH work
Iam shooting 29 inch Goldtip 3555 with 4 fletch and a 100 grain insert and 150 grain bear razorhead broadhead. It weighs total 500 grains and shoots well. I still have a point in a tree I shot at 35 yards. Good hit, I am gonna go try to pick up the sap trail tomorrow morning.
Good idea on giving that tree all night. I bet it will lay up and you'll find it not too far from where you hit it!
Now that is FUNNY recurve_shooter! :biglaugh:
recurve shooter i was shooting CX 150 cut to 28 inches with a 100 grain brass adapter and 125 points
Any word on Miss Hope??
Hangin out in the sun, Lewis and Clark looked over this place on the yellowstone. the hillbehind Faith is right across the river from Pompeys Pillar...
Making the other wood jealous...
Today was unsuccesful. I sat near a field edge in a park amongst some russian olives. I had to try the ground attack. I seen a skunk and a couple of gun hunters shot at something way to close to me in the trees so I vacated. I tried this spot and there were a few to many birdhunters. So I sat out the end of the trees they were pushing and waited but nothing came out. That is all til next weekend. Is Hope still in circulation?
Stay with it Travis, looks like it's just a matter of time in Montana!
Miss Hope is en-route to Rick Wiltshire as I type....should have it by the weekend.
Wow, the rut is coming and one bow is in Montana, and one is in Illinois....doesn't get much better than that.
Hoping for lot's of stories and pix :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I thought that looked familiar Travis. I hunt those hills around the Circle R (now the WMA) ranch quite frequently. Spent Monday all over those hills lookin for deer but only saw other hunter's footprints. Maybe Saturday with my boy.
A fellow Montana guy. I have neverbeen on the Circle R yet. I thought Iwould wait a few years and let the dust settle. Monday I get to take Faith down to the yellowstone to a private place just by luck(caught the Rancher at a great time). I am boiling with excitement. Last time I sat there had 20 some deer come round me. Details to follow with Pix.
Ok, where are you guys?
Need a fix of bowhunting. Spent the weekend working and nursing a broke toe.
I have a long weekend hunt set for this weekend. Hope to get Hope in time to shoot her and take her along.
Matt did tell me he sent the bow out last week. Can't remember what day it was sent(maybe Wed)....but I know he sent it.
I am sure it will get here in time for the hunt.
Well the first picture is looking behind me into the field Where the deer go and the second is where they come from. And the third one is the luckies shot I have ever seen. The story goes, this doe walks in front of me at 20 yards and I follow her with my bow and mew to stop her. She took a few more steps than I anticipated and I undershot her(25 yards). She then ran over to my dad and was broadside looking over her shoulder to me and my dad shot too high and dropped her in her tracks. Are stands are about 50 yards apart and when she dropped we both looked at each other like " Whoa what happened?!! " I don't even know what to say but thank god for a potentially catastrophic shot working out. The mule deer bucks are chasing the does pretty hard today!
I got Hope today. Will do my best to make meat this weekend.
I hope you have one tied up. Hope has fallen behind the lefty crowd. We gotta keep up the right hand dominance. . .ya know.
Well, I almost made meat this afternoon - squirrel meat that is. I was out just stump shooting with field points, came up on a squirrel and promptly put the arrow through its lower front leg. I was able to catch up to the squirrel and pull the arrow out of the leg so the squirrel could go scamper off into a tree. It will be sore for a while and if I see a limping squirrel out in the woods I will know why.
I gotta ask Rick...Why didn't you just "finish it off" with another arrow?
Zackly!! Or are you a Ferret and only take one arrow hunting? LOL
I hunted Javies in AZ with Mickey and he carried 2 arrows. Shot a Javie and had to go find the arrows touch up the edge and shoot it again. Crazy stuff!!
It may not make any sense to anyone else, but I did want to finish him off so I just turned him loose.
CAtch and release squirrel hunting. . .what will they think of next. LOL
:bigsmyl: :biglaugh:
Looks like Miss Faith will be heading to me in NY a little earlier than expected. Seems Travis has gotten sick and will not be able to hunt. So he's ready to pass her on the the next guy.... :archer:
She will depart monday. thanx for letting me have a chance with her. Dang pnemonia got my number and this was the last real weekend I could hunt does on the ranch I was gonna try to take one with Faith. Great bow fast shooter and beautiful to boot. thanx again, Travis
Dang Travis it sucks to be sick during hunting season but it really sucks to not be able to hunt with Faith too.
Thanks for putting your name in the hat and give us a call when you decide to move up in weight.
We can build an Orion for you with two sets of limbs (Light and Heavy) that will shoot the same speed with a 9gpp arrow.
Makes it real easy to move from one bow too the other when the arrow shoots the same.
thanx mike I appreciate it. Pnemonia sux!!!
Well, I got back from my weekend hunt this afternoon. About 24 hours in the stand and no meat to show for it. The only thing I had come in bow range was a small 4 point and I let him walk. Oh well, I still had a good time with my friends. I will give it another try this weekend.
Now Rick,
You only have a short month with the bow. Let's not be letting too many walk. LOL
I hear ya Mike. We only get two buck for all season here in Illinois and with the rut just getting going I am waiting.
I did forget to mention that the bow shoots real nice. I have never been much of a recurve guy, but I am enjoying this bow. It is very fast and very quiet. I may need to rethink the whole recurve thing - but won't give up my longbows.
Did I mention that we build a longbow limb for that riser that is only 3 fps slower and just as quiet? LOL
Miss Faith arrived today safe and sound.
I'll make a new TS-1 string for her with a little less silencer on it and better fit for my nocks.
Just a little too tight for my liking, and it'll give the folks after me an option for nock fit.
I have her for over a month, so I figured I'd get her set-up like what I'm used to, and for the arrows I have.....
Shot her a few times in the garage and could only get about 6yds because my DB is set-up drying out from this mornings hunt. But she sure feels good...
Hope to get her tuned up and ready for next weekend!
Good luck Curt...
Good luck Curt!!!
Thanx guys :thumbsup:
Tonight I worked a little more on Miss Faith and have her about ready to go...just need a little more daylight to shoot a little more and tweek a few things.
I did notice the the shelf is cut very low and the feather quill was hitting my hand as it left the bow. I wanted it a little higher as that's more like what I'm used to, and with gloves on in cold weather, it'll give a little more clearance...a couple layers of velcro and it was right where I wanted it....
Only quiver I have is a tiny EFA 3 arrow, and it's great on the bow, but I like to carry at least 4 arrows,3 BH's and one hex for now the blunt is in a piggy backer....but I would like to get a 4 arrow quiver for it, not real crazy about the piggy backer arrow moving around.....for now it'll due....
Sounds like you two are getting along fine. If you have any questions, give me a call.
We are Mike :thumbsup:
I shot some more today, and I have her ready to go.
I'll be shooting 29" Vapor 3000's with a reg. insert, and 250gr. BH's.Arrow weight is about 520grs.
I have two of the 1 1/4" VPA screw-in Terminators I want to shoot out of Miss Faith. One is solid, one is vented.....both fly very well!
Rounding out the quiver will be a Woodsman with a 125gr. adapter and the 4th arrow is a hex blunt in a piggy backer for stumpin' and small game....
I plan on spending the day in the woods Wednesday, and Miss Faith will be with me....
Pix to follow...
Good luck Curt
Thanx Andy :thumbsup:
We'll( Miss Faith and I) be hunting tomorrow all day. A long morning down in Westchester Co.....then pack up, head toward home and hunt the afternoon close to home as I need to be with the kids by 6:00pm.
I should have plenty of pix to share...hopefully some involving "red" :pray:
Ya'll keep your fingers crossed for us....
fingers crossed!!!!
Well I had an awesome first hunt with Miss Faith Dryad!
When to a spot that I'd been to 2 times already this year and had only seen one deer. But I knew the potential of this area,and knew it was only a matter of time till I really got into some deer.
Today was the day!
I was few minutes behind schedule this morning, not a lot, but a few minutes later that I would have liked. Didn't think it was a big deal till I realized after climbing 20 ft up in my Lone Wolf that I didn't have my harness on! In my haste to make up some time, I'd somehow overlooked the most important part of my equipment!
I thought about getting down, and by all rights I should have immediately. But I'd taken a day off of work to have this morning to hunt, and call me hardheaded or stupid, but I knew if I got down and walked all the way back to the truck that my morning would be ruined. Of course that's what I should have done, but I stayed up. I'll never do it again! No way, no how...didn't care for "that feeling" at all.....
So shortly after sunrise I couldn't help but take some pix of Miss Faith...
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Then the "flood gates" opened and deer started showing up like crazy! Bucks chasing does, sparring, and some of the loudest grunting I've ever heard...incredible fun!
Most of it was happening about 100yds. away on what came to resemble a "dancefloor"'s the spot above the top stonewall....
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Some of the deer came close......Mama with 3 fawns
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Up to this point I'd already seen about(hard to keep track) 6 bucks,all 1 1/2yr olds, and probably 10 does and fawns. Then as I was watching things up on the "dancefloor", I hear something coming up behind me. I turn and look to see another buck walking right at me. At first I thought it was a deer I wanted to shoot,so I grabbed Miss Faith for the first time with "serious intention".
But the more I looked, he too was a 1 1/2 old buck with a small barely 7pt rack. I let him walk by at 20yds. I just couldn't bring myself to shoot him even though I have multiple buck tags, and I was shooting Miss Faith. I was just too early in the morning, and with everything going on I figured it was only a matter of time till something big showed up.
Their was a slight lull in the action between 8:30 and 9:00, but shortly after 9:00 this little fella chased another doe with 2 fawns right by me and then stayed around to pose for some pix....
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I managed to stay in my tree till 12:00 noon. All in all I ended up seeing 9-10 bucks, all small, and about 15 does and fawns.
A much fun as it was, it was a relief to get back on "terra firma". Not having my harness had worn me out mentally! It was time to head for my truck for a quick bite and siesta...I was very excited for the afternoon hunt to say the least!
On my way to my truck I stopped to take a few more pix.....
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VPA Terminator...this is the 250gr. screw-in, 1 1/4" wide version....a very nice broadhead.... that I'm looking forward to putting to good use!
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Tomorrow....the afternoon hunt....
Sounds like a great morning, albeit a little unnerving without that harness ;) Good luck and I am looking forward to the rest of the story!
And???? Where is the rest of the story. It is tomorrow or today or something.
Good luck Curt.
Ok, sorry for the delay I was having uploader problems..
So the after the morning, I had high hopes for the afternoon. I set up right on the edge of the "dance floor" where most of the activity was centered in the morning.....
Here's the area I was covering....
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A well used trail leading to the "dance floor"...
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And some of the sign that was all around me....
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As soon as I settled in I saw a doe fawn about 200yds. away and watched her till dark work her way right to me. At last shooting light she was 20yds. away and she ended up being the only deer I saw all afternoon!
I couldn't believe it...that's hunting!
It sure was a great 1st day spent with Miss Faith.
Today's hunt is coming includes a launched arrow!
Given my past history with bowhunting during gun season....;f=39;t=000044
I was a bit leary to go this morning. But my bowhunting only spot in Westchester Co. wasn't an option today. So it was opening day of gun season around here, or don't hunt.
Now I still won't hunt just anywhere during the gun season. As a matter of fact I won't hunt anywhere that I think I'll be share the woods.
I have a spot that is a good funnel created by terrain, a river, and a house. Small woods, urban area, and I've never seen anyone else there.
I even hesitated getting up when my alarm went off this morning, and that never happens! I laid in bed contemplating whether I should go.... gun season, a mile walk in just to avoid spooking the deer that might come by.....hmmmmm...
But I've learned over the years that days that I've thought about not going, but forced myself to go, have almost always produced good action. So that was the deciding factor. After 10 min. of laying and deciding I jumped out of bed and hit the shower!
Fast forward 1 1/2hrs......
Sunrise over the scenic Hudson River......
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Shortly after taking that picture and putting my glove back on I heard something running. Figuring it was one of the many squirrels that are a constant part of hunting this stand, I turned and sure enough....there was one running at top speed. I heard something else coming as well and looked to see further back expecting to see another squirrel.....Here comes a coyote at a fast trot, closing fast! It was headed for my shooting lanes about 14yds. away!
I whipped around and grabbed for Miss Faith. I had to do it as fast as I could, taking the chance that it might see the movement because if I didn't, it would be thru my shooting lanes before I could even be ready to shoot, and I wouldn't get a shot anyway if I tried to do it slow.
Turning back around quickly with Miss Faith, it was still coming and I was ready for a quick shot as is the norm with a coyote.
But all of a sudden it pulled up and put it's nose in the air! I had the wind, but it seemed like it had maybe gotten a bit of scent. It turned and started to circle to get downwind.
Now my experience with coyotes is that they don't stick around at the slightest hint of a hunter. So maybe it just "sensed" something, guess I'll never be sure.
But as it started around downwind, it ran into an almost impenetrable wall of brush and stopped to lift it's nose and check the wind again. Satisfied that all was kinda ok, it circled back around on the the bench it was on to begin with, and started back toward me on it original path.
When it got to the same spot it stopped the first time, it stopped again to contemplate things.....
It stood for a couple seconds, then it almost seemed like it wasn't quite sure, but decided to "go for it", and broke into a trot, closing very fast again!
There was no way to even try to shoot at this bugger as fast as it was moving. So as it crossed broadside at about 14yds. I tried to stop it in my shooting lane with a whistle....a second louder whistle stopped it and put it on high alert.
Miss Faith's limbs sprang forward and sent a VPA Terminator tipped Vapor 3000 on a deadly path!
Of course, at the shot the coyote was already taking evasive action. Wheeling toward me in an attempt to turn and run back the way it had come from. But it's duck, turn , and run wasn't quite quick enough!
The arrow hit with a "crack", and the 'yote's back end went down. But that hardly slowed it down as it attempted to get away. As it flipped, fell, and flopped I could see the blood spraying even in the low light.
After quite a "battle" that lasted about 40yds. and about 10 was over!
In this pic you can clearly see the scuffed leaf trail it left along the bench....
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Close up from the stand....
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Again from the stand....Like I said earlier, I thought I could see blood spraying as it tried to retreat.....
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I was ecstatic! Not only had I just shot my 3rd bowkilled coyote, but I'd done it with Miss Faith!
Because of a prior commitment of my wifes, I had to get home by 10:00. So that left me with about an hour to "hang and hope" that one of my target bucks would also try to use the funnel. I knew I wanted plenty of time to take pix and get my prize out of the woods......
After an deer, so it was time to get down......
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More in a bit....
Although I saw it go down and had been looking at it for over an hour, I couldn't help but go over and check out the bloodtrail....profuse as I thought it would be....
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Walking up to it...
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Somehow I never did find the top half of the arrow(I'll have to try this winter), but the important half was laying about 2 ft. where she lay...
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One extremely happy hunter!
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Where the arrow entered....later examination showed the Terminator hadn't broken her back, but had definitely damaged it enough to cause the uncontrolled back end while trying to escape, and with the amount of blood on the ground, it had definitely cut the big artery running under the spine....
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The arrow exited at the front of the opposite back leg. It actually came out, went back in the inside and out the outside of the off leg. Creating 3 holes in the process.....
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Not exactly an ideal shot, but as fast as coyotes are, and her "evasive action" at the worked!
The VPA Terminator was still razor sharp and is already screwed into another arrow. This was the non-vented,1 1/4 wide, 250gr. screw-in awesome 3 bl. broadhead!
AWEsome story buddy,and great photos.Thanks for sharing.
Cool! another one bites the dust. .
Nice shootin' Guru!
A 'yote is *always* good medicine!
Shoot straight, Shinken
It is nice to have those bonus critters show up, Congrats!
Great story, and the pics are excellent. Getting an arrow into a yote usually just leads to frustration.
I joined Trad Gang in '06 and had never heard the story of you taking a bullet through your leg.
Gives me weak knees to think of it. You got lucky, really lucky. If that bullet had encountered the bone, I`m sure you know the story would not have ended as it did.
I`m glad you got out of bed, and I`m really glad about alot of other things.
Congrats on the yote. :campfire:
Loved the story and the fine pics.congratulations! talk to you in the am,glen
Thanks for sharing GREAT PICS!!! I love when guys take the time to get some good pics. Congrats Joe
Great Job!!!
Very Cool Buddy... :clapper:
Curt, great story and pics. Good shooting!
I put a lot of hours on stand, but no luck.
Hope is on her way to Jeremy Steflick. Gun season has hit Illiois and with Thanksgiving thrown in, I was not going to get her out in the field much. I figured I might as well let the next guy get the bow a little early.
I am not much of a recurve guy, but Hope is a shooter. So much so in fact that I HAD to go and buy a used Orion recurve. :bigsmyl:
Love coyotes.Congradulations on an awesome critter.
Way to go Curt!! Fantastic story and pictures too, felt like i was rght there with you!!
Great pics and great story, congrats, Big Ed
Great job! They are a tough one to get an arrow into. I've been lucky to take 3 with the bow as well.
Well done Curt!! A coyote with Trad gear is a fine trophy indeed, and with Miss Faith it makes it all the sweeter!!
Thank fellas :notworthy:
Hope to get out this weekend to kill a deer with Miss Faith :pray:
Nice yote Curt... love those VPA's
Great pictures and story. Coyotes are as much fun to hunt as deer, just harder to get with a bow. Congratulations on yours and thanks for sharing.
Hey Curt, when I sent Faith to Travis I think all of my good luck went with her. Two misses here two days in row! Send back my mojo will ya?
Hope showed up at my door yesterday :)
Thank you fellas, your words are greatly appreciated :thumbsup:
Dang it!!
Get some flu meds in ya and get back in the game.
or as my football coach would say "rub some dirt on it and get back in there"
get well bud, hope you get out there in short order
Thanx for the well wishes fellas, I should be good to go for the weekend :pray:
Great job!
Keep the good mojo coming for Miss Faith. She'll have lots of blood on her by the time I get her in March-hope I can add a little more then!
We are waiting with baited breath. What the heck is baited breath? Minnows? Worms? Sushi? YUK!
Well I'm waiting.
Sorry Mike...I did hunt on Saturday,same spot I shot the coyote 2 weeks ago... it's really the only spot I'll hunt during rifle season and feel safe.
I wanted to go to my bow only spot about and hour away, but that option wasn't available this weekend. That's where I really hope to kill at least a doe with Miss Faith.
But anyway I went back to my little bench on the river. Only saw a mangy looking red fox at about 60 yds.
Apparently the cold got to me and I felt terrible by mid day and rested up the remainder of the after noon hoping to hunt in the fresh snow on Sunday.
Woke up feeling bad and just couldn't bring myself to go....and I mean I wanted to hunt in the snow BAD!!
So hopefully this weekend I can head south to my bow only spot and kill a deer. If not. I'll be sitting on my bench....
Mike, While I have ya might want to start rounding off the bottom limb tips a bit.... the stringer that came with the bow is already developing a hole in it where the bottom limb tip puts pressure in the cup of the stringer.
Just an observation....other than that there isn't a thing I'd change about that bow...she's a pleasure to shoot :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Looks like I'll be heading for the Doc in a day or two to see what's going on...just can't seem to shake it :(
Heading out in extremely cold temps in the morning. My Sitka gear will get another good test! :scared:
Probably the last weekend of hunting with Miss Faith. Probably send her on early to the next guy on the list. Leaving for FL next weekend....
Still have plenty of I won't be at all picky....sure love to kill a deer with Miss Faith!
But the spot isn't a honey hole, but one I feel safe during rifle season....but it only takes one "close enough" :readit: :goldtooth:
10 Degrees, wind chill at ZERO!
Hunted in Dad's stand today.I set it up for him as an easy spot for him to walk to from his house. Not much woods, but some deer moving thru between houses.But that's the beauty of it, I feel safe bowhunting here because it's too tight for anyone to rifle hunt....did I mention it was 10 degrees!
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Mom and Dad's place....
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Same bh I shot the coyote with....
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Some pix of Miss Faith in the snow....
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Coolest part of today's hunt was getting to watch a mink hunting around and eventually kick out a rabbit and chase it around for a while. The bunny was twice as big as the mink!
But you know what they say about the "size of the fight in the dog"! He was chasing that bunny like he was the biggest, baddest thing in the woods. He never stood a chance against the bunny's speed in the snow though.
Now the best part of the morning was being so close to Mom and Dad's that I had bacon and eggs waiting for me when I got out of the woods!! YUM!
Also got to try out my new Kelvin jacket from Sitka Gear. Absolutely the best cold weather layer I've ever worn! I don't think you can get cold wearing that jacket over quality base layers, and under a quality outer jacket!
Even if you don't use Sitka Gear, I highly recommend this jacket to combat the cold!
Gonna try Dad's stand again in the morning.....
I'm still around! Been busy trying to get the house ready for a new arrival in a few weeks.
I've only managed to get out for tree rats in the back lot. They're pretty well trained, so they don't stick around if I'm outside, but I've managed a few shots. One has a slightly shorter tail, but doesn't seem any worse for wear. I'll get "stubby" yet!
Faith arrived today in a bomb proof package ;) . Took her out on my lunch break and shot a few arrows. Smooth as silk and shoots where you're lookin'. I will shoot 'er some more this evening when I get home. I plan to take her deer huntin' tommorrow afternoon.
Glad to hear she arrived safe and sound Gray. Good Luck bud!!
Go get em Gray!!
good luck dude!
Got in the tree around 3:30 yesterday evening. I saw plenty of squirrels and watched a beautiful pink sunset in the the overcast sky, but saw no deer. It will probably be Saturday morning before I take Faith out on another date :archer: Wish me luck and ya'll have a Merry Christmas!
I took Faith out Saturday morning expecting to draw some blood. All I saw was a bunch of @&$!# squirrels. When I was leaving the pasture 2 deer ran across in front of me as if taunting me. Their day will come.
Saturday evening looked promising with the wind settling down, but no deer were seen. I did get to see a young fox chase a couple of squirrels up a tree though. Maybe tomorrow will be the day.
What's going on with Hope and Faith? Not getting any storys.
Hope's time with me was uneventful. A little bit of time at the target and a few shots at tree rats in the back lot. "Stubby" has disappeared, so I think the 'yotes got him. Too bad, a full body mount of the critter would have been fantastic! ;)
Hope is on her way to Arrow k9. Hopefully his late season is more eventful!
Thanks Jeremy. Well Hope is on her way to Ohio. I will get some pics up A.S.A.P when she arrives. I have a couple of sets that I have alot of activity at right now. :pray: I want to make it happen for the fine St.Judes Bow Mike has made. Molson will be helping out the last two weeks in January. I feel the pressure and excitement! cant wait!!
Heck no pressure! We are all watching. LOL
Just have fun with it and make sure to post your story. That's what most are forgetting. When you sign up to host Hope or Faith you also sign up to provide the story here on this thread.
I'm taking Faith to the woods this afternoon. First chance to go since this weekend due to work. Hope to post a kill soon if the critters cooperate.
:thumbsup: Were gonna do our best! Good luck Gray.
Hope arrived at Mikes house today. Now it just seems shameful that I'm leaving work at 4am, and that Mike's house is on the way home, and that he has to work tomorrow but I don't, and that Hope is going to sit in that house all day with nothing to do but hang on a rack. It seems only right that Mike drags himself out of bed at 4a to hand me that bow so I can take it out at sunrise and do with it what it was made to do! :thumbsup: :D
Got home from work last night and the wife and kids thought they would wait until bedtime to let me know that a package had arrived. I found a time capsule looking container in the bow room next to the bow rack. Christmas all over again!! After looking the bow over real close I found the journal. It was a shorter read than I had hoped for but very cool. Bona put some really cool stones with the journal and I think it is fitting to add stuff to a traveling bow. I will post some pics soon. This will be a picture heavy story!! Bow looks great. Cant wait to shoot.
Got in a tree about 3:45 yesterday afternoon. A front was moving in and I figured the deer would be up and about. About 5:00P.M. I heard sloshing thru the creek in the bottom next to the ridge I was on. I just new the deer were coming to feed on the acorns around me, but they never showed. The deer get purty good at hide 'n' seek in the late season around here. I ain't givin' up though. About 2 more weeks of deer season, then I'll start chasin' hogs on public land.
Took Hope for a walk this morning down a special set of Tracks. Anyone who likes big Whitetails knows that this is a very special place to us Ohio locals.
This is the location where they found .Hole in The Horn back in 1940. This area is by the Ravenna Arsenal in Windham Twp. Molson and I hunt property just yards away from this spot.
Just tuned some arra's to Ms.Hope and I am on my way out the door to do some hunting. :D . More later
I'll be waiting. Put some mojo on that bow.
I have been out several times with Hope. No shot opportunities but I have seen deer just about every night. I checked my trail cam pics on the 3rd. I had a nice pic of 140ish eight point at or just before leagle shoot. Now anyone that knows me will tell ya nothing else is gonna matter until I get a shot at him. Its hard letting the does walk but I still have a buck tag to fill.
Here is a pic of the buck.
Last night I got in the stand for the afternoon hunt. Not a thing came in to my area at all. I was kinda surprised, I have had alot of activity over the past couple days. I was just about to get down when 6 does came from the opposite direction they normally come from. Bow in one hand arrow in the other, the lead doe stopped and looked right at me. Let the stare down begin!!! All six does passed me like a well trained S.W.A.T. Team at 15yards. One would move and the others watched me. The last doe was about 30yds out when she moved off to the opposite side and up to the other five. I was able to stay perfectly still so none of them spooked. All six stopped at the corn pile 40yds away. After about 30min they walked off just the other side of a thicket, only 50yds away behind me. I did not want to get busted while getting down and was about to freeze. I waited until they went off and got down. One of the does went to the tree I had my camera at and put her nose to it. She walked around that tree for 5min waiting for it to flash. I almost laughed out loud. My camera for one reason or another stopped working due to the extreme cold. Once inside it fired right up. Time for a new one.
Good stuff bud! That bucks a dandy :thumbsup:
Thanks Curt. I'm a rookie at the whole story thing. That buck will probably live. I just hope he keeps his rack until the end of the season. I would love an opportunity at him,and too do it with Hope would be extra special.
Cant wait to read your Florida post.
keep after him,'ll get him. I've got full confidence!!!!
Thanks for the confidence Ray.
Working all weekend. I will get back at it on Monday.
Sorry I hav'nt posted recently. I have taken Faith hunting 3 times this week. I saw 2 foxes and watched a hawk show his predatory expertise swooping down out of nowhere to nab a squirrel. Man they're quick! I hunted this morning but again saw no deer. I will try again tomorrow afternoon.
Get after em Gray! I am sure it is a joy just to experience some time with Faith...can't wait til May!!!
First day off work and took a walk to my back 40. The stand I set for the nice 8 point is just the other side of my pond. While I was walking back something caught my eye.
Maybe next year! Looks like does for Hope during her trip to Ohio.
Doe's work just fine...keep after um bud!
Well heck, now your got your rack it's time too put meat on the ground. It was nice of him to leave you the little momento.
Hope is going to be after'em all weekend. Molson has her all day for bunnies and afternoon deer hunt. I will have her for Sunday. From the looks of the weather on Suday, it will be perfect. :pray:
Deer season ended yesterday here in Georgia. I hunted 4 or 5 times with Faith the last week or so without a chance at a deer. I did have several deer approaching right at dark the other evening, but they loitered too long just out of sight. I stayed in the tree after dark hoping they would leave without me spooking them. When they finally made their way to me it was too dark for a shot. A couple of them walked right under me but I could'nt even see them it was so dark. I still have a few days to take Faith hog huntin' before I have to ship her away. Wish me luck!
Well my new duties at work have been limiting my time with Hope. I managed to get her out three times but it seems the warmer weather had lots of folks out and about. First hunt ended when another hunter decided to "scout" during the last half hour of daylight. Second hunt was ended by a couple of teenage lovebirds who decided to take a walk down and back repeatedly on the railroad bed that borders the farm. Third hunt looked pretty good with about a dozen coming to me when something on the far tree line caught their attention. They all stopped about 50 yds out, turned, and headed back to the brush. A few minutes later I could heard someone yelling for their dog so I suspect that was the culprit. And so it goes when you're hunting urban zones. Got a few pics but just don't have time to post them right now. Gonna get out this whole weekend so hopefully I'll put something on the ground.
As for the bow itself... Other than the GN Ghost, I prefer longbows but I find this bow very easy to shoot. I was surprised by how quiet it is. I expected the static curves to cause a bit of noise but they don't at all. The riser is just the perfect size. Narrow, light, trim, and sleek. Not one bit bulky anywhere and a shelf that sets the arrow right on top of the hand. And of course I am a sucker for Osage. Very nice design and everything seems to flow together and balance well.
Bad Shooting!!!!!! (That was a nice 8)
Not so bad shooting....
Cool!! So how about a story,
Great job! Anyone keeping up with the tally for the two girls?
Tims on his way back out for the afternoon hunt. He will fill ya in when he gets back.
Congrats Tim. I'll wait for more.
There's not much to this story but there is a bit of a twist...
Friday night I was late getting home from work so I ran out to my Bro-in-Law's since he has a stand set up behind the house and it was quick to get to. Sat for two hours and didn't see a thing, not even a bird!
Saturday morning I headed out to one of my urban properties. On my way in I could see deer out in the fields. Before daylight the squirrels, a rabbit, a 'possum, and numerous birds were moving about so I had a pretty good feeling there would be some action. About an hour after daylight I heard the faint squish of a missed step in the snow and looked over to see a nice mid 120's 8pt and a little 4pt coming my way. They stopped for a snack under a pine then came moving in. The 8pt was leading the way. I decided where I was going to shoot him and got ready. He walked right into the spot perfectly at which point I sent a beautiful arrow right over his back. He scooted forward about 10 yds and stopped in the brush to look around. The little 4pt stopped and stared at the 8 as if to say, "What the heck are you doing?" They both looked around a bit then the 8 gave the all-clear tail flick and they walked away.
I stayed on stand for another hour and a half without anymore action. I decided to get down and mosey the small pines. The deer like to bed and feed in these and you can get up on them just enough to keep you coming back. As I was slipping through the pines I caught an ear twitch about 40 yds up ahead. Sure enough, there was a deer bedded right on the edge of the pines and facing down the hill away from me. I got the wind right and snuck up to about 20 yds away and sent an arrow right behind the shoulder and out the base of the neck. The deer jumped up to take off and on the second bound, fell to the left. It was then I saw he had broken his left front leg at the knee, most likely from being hit by a car. He jumped up again and ran a few feet and landed right in the middle of one of my ground blinds and died against the tree I lean my bow on when I hunt it. He was a little buck that had dropped his antlers.
I went back out again last night and it was pretty uneventful, except for the squirrels. There must have been at least 30 of them running everywhere driving me nuts. Just about dark a group of eight does came in but they were on the wrong trail (or I was on the wrong trail!) and they passed me about 45 yds away.
I should be out right now instead of typing this but my back was a bit too stiff from the events of yesterday so I'll head out tonight instead. Hopefully I can get on one more before I hand the bow back to Mike for its final week in Ohio.
Took Hope out tonight for my final adventure with her. As I was heading to my stand I saw a doe feeding in the bottom near where I shot the one yesterday and knew right away I could get up on her. I headed off on the course that would bring me out right on her for a perfect shot. I made it around and to the point where I started my final slow approach. It seemed like a good time to make a foolish mistake and that's exactly what I did. As I was moving up on her I saw the head of another doe jerk up 15 yds to my left and off she went, taking the other one with her. That second doe was an easier stalk than the one I was after but in my haste I totally forgot to be aware of what was going on around me.
I moved on to my stand and got set. After about an hour I could hear a deer munching away in the brush out in front of me but couldn't see her. A short while later she came out and started heading my way. I was about to realize mistake number two of the night. When I got to my stand, there was a big branch that had fallen and was hanging in a tree to the right. I thought it was blocking one of my shooting lanes and I walked over and moved it. Turned out when I got in the stand it wasn't in the way at all. Don't you know that doe circled around and came in from my right. She gave me several shots but I would have had to turn so I decided to wait until she got on my left side. She was munching along when she hit the trail I left moving that branch and jumped back about 10 yds. Time for mistake number three. Instead of just letting her settle, which she probably would have done since she didn't blow out, I turned to the right and shot. She practically put her chest to the ground when she ducked and the arrow slipped right across her hair. Off she went for good. Had to shake my head after that because I realized I was acting like a guy trying to shoot a deer with a bow instead of like a bowhunter.
That was the end of the action for the night and the end of my time with Hope. Mike has her back now and will be out trying to tally up one more before he ships her off.
Well, my time with Faith is over. I shipped her off today to her next lucky hunter. I didn't get to take her hunting but 8 or 10 times and didn't get a shot at game with her, although I had a couple of close calls. I appreciate the opportunity to hunt with her and was very impressed with the speed and smoothness of this bow. Thanks again. Gray
Great looking Bows
Hope went out this morning. I will post the rest of her story after dark.
What do you folks think about using AD Hammerheads with these bows?
Mine are 29.5 BOP and currently set up with the 100 gr brass insert, 160 gr STOS and 100 gr adapter. They shoot fine out of a 60 @ 26 Silvertip (around 63 at my 27.5 " draw).
I know the ADs have a wide spine range, but I'm wondering if they might be too stiff for these bows. I'm on schedule for Faith in March and was wondering if I need to be looking for some lighter spined arrows. All of my other bows are 60# or heavier, so I don't have any lighter spined arrows.
Thanks in advance!
Cool stuff.
I used a AD Trad light cut to 29.5in 4in 4 fletch with 250 upfront, with a two blade broadhead. I draw almost 29in.
I was shooting Heritage 150's cut 28.5 with about 215 up front with Hope. I draw 27".
Thanks for the info. I'm tempted to try the hammerheads, but I'm thinking I should have a half-dozen or so lighter arrows just in case. I don't want to lose any valuable time with Faith trying to figure out what arrow works!
I shot Vapor 3000's @ 29" with 250gr. points and a regular insert out of the lefty Miss Faith....I draw right about 28.5 inches....
I shot CE 150's 100 grain brass in sert, 145 WW head. total arrow length 28 BOP total arrow wiegth about 575
Hey Mel Riley, did you receive Faith? I hav'nt heard?
Got it, it is headed for the Texas Sweat on Friday!
Good deal! Go stick some pork!
Hope and Faith spent time in Sweat Camp. Curtis will tell his story once he gets back from camp in couple of weeks. Hope made bacon is all I can say for now.
Here is shot of Shaun and Brent shooting the gals at Texas Sweat hunt.
Here is picture of Curtis and Hope. Bacon on the last night of 2010 Texas Sweat!
Very cool!! Congrats bud :notworthy:
Wow what a neet adventure
Nice!! :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :notworthy:
I have Hope and Faith ready to ship. Where to?
Well-done, Curtis!
Faith arrived safely in Ga today. I'm going to play hooky from the gym and go shoot her!
Good Luck with her David!!!
very nice and good to see, i wish we can be able to do the same !
where does this right handed one go next ?
Me, but you know that now. Got your PM and replied to you. Looking forward to some time with her chasing turkeys. Things are warming up here.
Got an interesting package in the mail.
Anybody heard from Faith or Hope and how they are fairing out there????
Faith is in MO (arrived last Friday)and she is getting ready for turkey season. This is one sweet shooting bow!!!
Hope is in VA. Turkey season opens Saturday. Beautiful bow.
Go get em guys!!!! Good luck!
Didn't hear or see anything Saturday. Cold front came through Thursday and that seemed to have shut the birds down from what other hunters in the area are telling me.
Com'on pix or stories??? :readit:
Monday April 19, Missouri Turkey Season opener. Pics and stories coming!! :)
Well Faith and I spent 6.5 hours in the blind this morning listening to gobblers all around us. But none of them wanted to play. ( Looked out over this decoy once and had a coyote sitting in the hay looking things over. ( Did see one gobbler on the way out with 3-4 hens.
The turkeys are giving us no respect! Went back up in the woods, about 100 yards above the last picture,today and the gobblers went the other way when they flew down. Did see a hen today though. We will be back after them again tomorrow.
We keep zigging and the turkeys zag!!DOH! Tomorrow is a new day. Going out back of the house.
Well the rain this morning didn't keep Faith or me indoors. But it didn't do much to help is kill a turkey either. We ran into a lover with two hens and he wasn't interested in fighting a jake for two more. So he walked off following them to leave us contemplating how birds with a brain so small can be so smart. :)
Sitting in a pop-up on a field waiting for morning. Light rain. Pics will have to wait until I get back to a computer. Thursday morning had four hens come within 60 yards, one was a bearded hen. They stayed for awhile then fed away. Later a jake and two hens appeared farther upfield but ignored my decoys and pleas. Friday morning we had some gobbles but they must have been henned up because although they would respond to our calls they continued to move away. Got to go,birds are waking up.
Just heard a gobble.Will keep you posted on progress.
Sorry, didn't mean to drag that out. It was my birthday this weekend and things got busy.
Here's a couple of pics of the hens I saw Thursday morning.
This is as close as they got before feeding back through the finger of woods and up the hill. One of these hens was the bearded one. Not sure which in this pic.
Saturday after hearing the gobble I didn't hear anything else until about 9:30 when a tom gobbled at a pair of geese that were making a ton of racket on a small pond below me. He wouldn't answer calls and the only turkey sighted was by my buddy on a different field who looked up to find a hen feeding about 24 yards away. About 10 o'clock I had enough of sitting in a blind and decided to roam a bit and do some calling elsewhere. While walking through a stand of pines I jumped two turkeys out of trees. It seemed weird to me that they'd still be up in trees at that time of day. At this time of season in Virginia you can only hunt half day, so I started to head back to break things down and close out my time with Hope. On the edge of one field I came across a set of interesting bones. A short thick, thigh bone and an unusual skull.
I think it may have been a mastiff or some other similar dog that became too much for the owner to handle and they brought it out to this field to dispatch it. The teeth were very large and the ridge bone behind the forehead looked almost prehistoric.
The weather forecast for the rest of this week looks pretty bleak here so I'm going to get Hope on her way to the next hunter. Thanks for the chance to use such a nice bow and help out a bit with the St. Judes auction.
Well today it was raining lightly while I was feeding and I almost decided to leave the camera at the house but at the last second threw it in a ziplock and headed out the door. Right after sunrise I looked out the side window to see a hen standing about forty yards to my right about twenty seconds later I saw this guy coming from the east. ( I didn't have any decoys out because the turkeys usually feed and strut in this area and have never responded well to decoys. Usually they will wander close to the blind at some point, well these guys went on into the woods behind me. A little later I looked out my front window to see 6 bucks. I got this pic of three of them. (
A little while later I had three hens feed from the east toward me and I could tell one was a bearded hen. ( Since I had just shot a bearded hen with my shotgun on Saturday I decided to pass on this one. Right after these hens disappeard some jakes started feeding towards me and one got about 15 yds from me so I took a shot and watched my arrow fly over his back. They vacated the area rather quickly so I got my arrow and settled back in. After a while 3 does wandered out of the brush from the north ( and dissappeared to the southeast. My whole morning was a parade of turkeys and deer, it seemed like I would see one and then the other in alternating sequences. Around 12 I think I had just about drifted off to sleep when jerked upright and looked out my side window to see the same tom back standing about 30 yds to the south of me. I called a couple of times and he gobbled but wouldn't commit to anything so I didn't call anymore. He was making his way to the south when 3 jakes wandered up from the south and then 6 more wandered out from the east. They milled around and the gobbler showed them who was boss a couple of times. ( They passed my blind at about thirty yards heading back to the SW and at the corner of the woods turned and headed straight towards me. The big gobbler was in the lead and as he entered my shooting window he was about 13 yds out. I held lower on him but as I realesed Faiths top limb hit the top of the blind and my arrow sailed over the tom (talk about feeling like @$$). Oh well at least I got her into some action. Faith and I have had a great time and I am honored that I got to spend some time with her. Before I headed out this morning I had decided that today would be our last hunt together, hopefully I can get her mailed off tomorrow or Wednesday. I think she is headed towards the Lone Star state for the next leg of her journey. Good Luck with her Barry!
Looks like you had a good time Barry. Wish I'd seen that much action.
Scott, Sounds like you had a good month with Faith, got her all primed for her trip back to Texas...I have been scouting some hogs and know I am going to Ks for a turkey hunt and hopefully get her on a Tx Turkey too...Might even sneak her into our monthly shoot too...Can't wait til she arrives...Stay tuned...Barry
Hope arrived safe and sound today, cant wait to get her home tonight and get some arrows through her. Gonna give her a go on some pigs and take her to the 24th annual glen parker memorial shoot.
played with the nock height and got her shooting some camo axis 500's with weight tubes real good.Gonna shoot a 3d shoot with her tomorrow.
Faith arrived early in good shape in Texas today! Once I got the PVC tube open this is what I found
So I decided to dress her up a little TEXAS style!
Tuned her up with some Gt55/75's with 145 grains up front and she is ready to hunt some Texas hogs and Turkeys tomorrow....
Well Miss Faith and I are getting along well. I had a chance to catch an evening hunt for hogs this week. I had to revisit a baited area and put some more corn out and then sit the area til dark...I went to my favorite tree..
Got Miss Faith all comfortable and then I proceeded to bait the area in front of the tree...I have shot a couple of hogs from this tree and using this baiting area...
It wasn't a very long wait and I heard that all too familiar crunching and crushing of cattails in the lake bed....They were early according to my guess but I did not care...I moved slowly and got Miss Faith in my hands and waited...
Slowly ever so slowly, the hog made it's way towards the baited area! This was working perfectly and according to plan...
He locked up, stuck his nose in the air and looked out to the North, away from me... (
He turned his tail back into the cattails and dissappeared! Miss Faith and I saw 8 does cruise through the grassland behind our tree, an armadillo meander down the fenceline, and a hawk search for quail as they were calling themselves together for the night...It was a nice evening, maybe next time! stay tuned
Wow! What a day...Went with a friend to a new ranch to chase the ever elusive Turkey! We spent the day driving the ranch and scouting for turkey...We saw one big Tom, two jakes, and about 5 hens...We found where we want to set up,and where the big tom is hanging out...It was a fun day with Faith...I made a stalk on the big Tom, a jake and two hens, but it was pretty tough going and I never got a shot...My friend called in a tom and two hens to a different place while I was stalking the big Tom...
But no shots were fired!!! Until.....
Our one and only FAITH was truly tested....
A serpent appeared in the road before us, one that has a viper shaped head, and little beads in its tail to make that heart stopping music! My Friend said, "Dang, I didn't even bring a gun!" I don't think he likes snakes too much.
I replied, "Shoot don't worry I have Miss Faith!"
He said, "You're nuts!"
I grabbed Miss Faith, nocked an arrow on the run,located the devious serpent in the grass, and the chase was on!!!
Remember, I am a longbow man, and Miss Faith is a dressed in her sweetest curves! Our partner in this dance is a slithering, curving, sleek and slender temptor ;) I just had to trust in Miss Faith...
I spotted Mr No Legs at about 5 yards slithering through the grass, I pulled Miss Faith to anchor, and I felt the release...Dang, just to the right, I ran up grabbed my arrow out of the ground, tapped it so the dirt would fall off,nocked it again, and released that speedy arrow again...He went left my arrow landed where he was, missed again! Enough of this I ran after that devious serpent, grabbed my arrow as I passed by it and tapped it on the ground. I also decided to run up and tap Mr No Legs on the tail to get his attention and maybe he would stop! NO such luck, in fact he sped up a notch or too,I think...
I nocked that arrow again, took careful aim....smack, that snake stopped and began to curl up! Miss Faith had prevailed in her dance with the serpent! The shot hit about two inches behind the head, almost severing his head from his body!
Just to put it in perspective, I am 6' 4" tall....
Dang that's a big snake there. Good shooting!!
Nice shootin'!
Way to go Barry!!
Now wouldn't that look pretty on Miss Faith!
Thanks Guys, now lets go get that turkey!!! A week of vacation this week and Miss Faith and I are spending most of the days hunting together! Woo Hooo!
Hey Barry, I saw this picture in my e-mail today! WOW!!! That's awesome! Up top on tradgang too!! Congratulations! Mike
Was really busy last week and wasnt able to get out and hunt any hogs with hope, but I did take her bowfishing sat night and took a few carp and buffalo with her. My pics got erased somehow so we will have to go again this week and get some more. Gonna to take her to the stick bow roundup this weekend and let a few others try her out as well.
Boy howdy am I learning alot! Faith and I have been chasing the Turkey on my friends ranch for the last few days! I have decoyed from a blind, which they stay out about 30-35 yards from the blind...not in my range...and we have sat up on a peak way above their territory and watched them, to learn to pattern them. We have their activity down. That means we know where to find them...Getting close enough for a shot is a different story!!!
We sat in the blind yesterday morning and had gobblers all around us. Oh I forgot to tell u we are hunting a flock of only 8 or 10 birds, 3 huge gobblers in it though...One real old one and two good ones who sorta stay to themselves but in the same area.
We tried me in the blind and my friend, stationed under a cedar tree, we saw some wonderful strutting and thought it was all going to come together for the shot but after about 1 1/2 hours of watching a cool show. They wondered off when something buggered them from the west...
Then in the afternoon I had two chances to stalk, once on the two gobblers who were shaded up under a salt cedar bush, got busted 30 yards out when one of them suddenly appeared from one side of the bush, I was sneaking in the clear from one bush to the back of their bush...
And another chance that evening on the big Gobbler with the hens, had him on the other side of a cedar bush when I eased around the south side to sneak a shot on him as he passed by...Bow ready, Gobbler coming...Just two more steps and I could draw and shoot this bird at about 8-10 yards! Breathe Barry....
I inched myself to the last edge of full coverage by the cedar tree so I would be clear to shoot and I hear, kee poo, kee poo...
DANG!!!! Where did that hen come from? She had me dead to rights...Needless to say that Gobbler grabbed is feathered butt and was gone....
What a great day, Faith and I had! Had to stay home today but tomorrow we will be hard at it again...Wish us luck!!!
We had a heck of a time this weekend at the memorial shoot. I shot her through 120 targets and a bunch on the range with others shooting her as well. Gonna try to get some blood on her this week if I can catch a break.
Well, the Texas Turkeys won this year! Miss Faith and I tried real hard, had some close encounters, but the rain and lightning cut our date short....We are headed to Kansas today to see if we can do better on the Turkeys up there!!!
Well my Kansas trip got cut to about 24 hrs. I went up on Thursday,arrived about 5pm, got settled in and change clothes and off to Bear Creek to see if we could find some birds...sure enough we pulled up to the creek and out in the field next to it were about 15 birds!!! We backed up and devised a plan...
We set up next to some tall cottonwoods next to the creek and eased our decoys out into the edge of the field...
We thought we could ease in there a call some birds to us...They had other response except from one lone gobbler who would walk our way and gobble...That was fine with me just keep coming big boy!
It ended up just him by himself as the other moved towards their roost for the night on the other side of the field...So my friend told me to sneak down bear creek and see if I could get a little closer to him...
Bear creek is deep enough that I can walk down its dry bed and the birds can not see me until I make my way up one side...After about one hour of calling and sneaking,which at one point I had him with in 35 yards, but no shot with Miss Faith...I decided to follow the creek all the way around and come up somewhere between his roost and where we had set up, he definitely was not coming to the decoys!
So I moved through the creek bottom, eased up in the deep sage on the pasture, crawled behind it and the different plum thickets and found a good sand hill to make my stand....Needless to say as I was moving I guess he was too...I never saw him again and my buddy had no idea where he went, I think he was napping while I was stalking! Oh well it was getting close to dark...I need rest...
We decided that on Friday morning we would hunt Sandy Creek since he knew some birds have a daily ritual of coming there it strut and preen and whatever else they do in this particular area... He has sent me many pics of the birds just to tease me!
I set up my pop up and got ready for the day. I called as I heard the gobblers in the distance and I waited, had some great time sitting in the blind watching squirrels, and rabbits, even the flock of sheep came meanering by, but no turkeys...Don't know if the blind buggered them or what...
My friend texted me and said there were turkeys on the creek by the house, so I waited about 30 minutes and got out of my blind, i thought they might make their way down the creek towards this set up...I made my way back to the house and was drinking a diet coke when I saw that bunch of turkeys in the shelter belt to the north! I had been in the one to the south...So I grabbed my stuff and began a stalk that lasted quite awhile as I figured out how to get close to those dang birds...Once again, I could get close but just not close enough,,,,Think Barry think!!! Time is running out! I had to leave by 1 pm!
It was 11:45 and I had to leave around 1pm. I went back to the house and talked with my friend, "Run me up to Bear Creek again and let's see what is up there maybe..." We drove to Bear Creek crossing and eased to the edge of the field and sure enough, under a tree some 300 yards up Bear Creek to the east, were some turkey and at least one gobbler we could tell...we backed up, and got out and started a stalked down bear creek...I walked, crawled over washed up timber, belly crawled when I had to go around a big pile in the creek...I went slowly and cautiously, wind was in my face the whole way! I edged up twice to check on the position of the turkey and just to check my progress...
The last time, and I knew I was close, I peaked over the edge through little bush, I couldn't believe what I saw...3 BIG gobblers all with their fans up and they were what I would call coveyed up in the sunlight! They were backed up to one another each looking a different direction and all the while there fans were up in full display...I wish I would have had my camera out and ready but I was to focused on my task at hand...I figure I was still a little far for a shot so I closed the distance to right next to the tree they were beside now...They had not clue I was there!!! I just had to rise up slowly above the edge of the deep creek and get off a shot...
I eased my head up just to eye level of the creek bank and they were still doing their thing! So I came on up with Miss Faith and chose to shoot the bird to the right of the tree. I picked my spot, began my draw...He lowered his fan and began to walk away at about 15 yards!!!!
Take the shot...good form shooting from down in the creek, just ease the shot off and let it fly!
I released that arrow and it was like it was in slow motion...headed right for that TOM! and I heard THWACK! That was loud I thought and the Tom was still standing...This is what I saw!!!!
How did I hit that limb!
I jumped up out to the creek to discover 4 gobblers starting to run across the pasture and manuvuered to get another shot but to no avail. My Kansas quest was over...It took sometime to get that arrow loose...No turkey but what a great time Miss Faith and I had! Oh well time for some hog hunting next...
Dang it! Nice story Barry and a fine looking trophy limb.
alot of work,alot of fun,for a Great cause.Good job,proud to be part of the Gang.