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Main Boards => Hunting Legislation & Policies => Topic started by: vermonster13 on July 08, 2006, 11:04:00 PM

Title: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: vermonster13 on July 08, 2006, 11:04:00 PM
There are groups trying to get the New England Cottontail listed as endangered. Here are some articles about the Cottontail.

Shawn count me in at the bunny hunt this winter!
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: bbassi on July 09, 2006, 12:41:00 AM
that sucks. So if it gets listed there will be no rabbit hunting because we can't tell the difference between the sub-species? I seem to remember a subspecies of Canada goose that they did this with a while back.

Wait! I know...maybe the boys from WHA can "hunt" rabbits instead of deer! It would bring so many "hunters" in to help with the plite of the rabbit that in no time they would be running all over again. (sorry, couldn't resist)  :)
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: tamure on July 09, 2006, 09:35:00 AM
How on earth do rabbits become endangered?   :eek:
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: One eye on July 09, 2006, 09:47:00 AM
What a joke!  Sounds like it's time for a predator reduction plan in New England.  Mark my words fellas, brick by brick!

Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: Paul/KS on July 09, 2006, 10:45:00 AM
You can come out here to Kansas and hunt them any time you want,no "season" for rabbits,hunt'em all year long.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: Shawn Leonard on July 09, 2006, 11:02:00 AM
I kill lots of rabbits each year and there are more this year than ever. My bunny hunt this year will prove that. It is hard to believe that bunnies are scarce. Shawn
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: woodchucker on July 09, 2006, 12:42:00 PM
Gee Shawn, Maybe we should throw some of them folks into a couple of your "brush piles" and let them see for themselves how many bunnies come running out!!!!! Whatdayathink?????  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: DIAMONDBACK on July 09, 2006, 12:53:00 PM
What a bunch of bull,as we know these people are clue less,but they keep trying.There are plenty of rabbitts in northern n.h.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: Pinecone on July 09, 2006, 12:58:00 PM
I realize that I am not a NE resident, but I just finished bush hogging my pastures and young cottontails were EVERYWHERE!  I always leave a certain number of brush piles and untended fence rows for small game and I can tell you that at least at my place, the rabbits and quail are far from endangered   :bigsmyl:  !

Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: vermonster13 on July 09, 2006, 01:33:00 PM
They do alot of reading. Like mentioned above brick by brick. The anti's know that small game hunting numbers are down, the low turn out at the Maine meetings illustrate this also. They go for easy targets and keep chipping away at us, we can't allow them to take any opportunities from us.

Especially rabbit hunting which is a great doorway hunt for younger kids.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: WESTBROOK on July 09, 2006, 01:40:00 PM
We used to have lots of snowshoe hares in my neck of the woods 15 yrs ago. Less and less till now you can hardly find a track.

We need a hawk and owl season.

Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: wapitimike1 on July 09, 2006, 09:57:00 PM
It's no joke. I sit on a couple of different boards in CT. This is a major issue, it could set a standard for the rest of the US. The study is based off of Maine. The rabbits only inhabit the southern area. The numbers are down do the fact the they are not native to most of Maine. The anti's are pushing to stop all rabbit hunting from Maine to Maryland the whole eastern seaboard. We have allerted the US sportsmans alliance, the states of CT,MA,RI,& NY have also brought thier studies to the US Fish and Wildlife. If they ignore the facts and use this nutty study from Maine. they could use this type of nonnative declines to ban all types of hunting. This stuff is no joke!!!!!
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: bbassi on July 09, 2006, 10:05:00 PM
ok, am I missing something? Are they classifying this "New England Cottontail" as something different than the common cottontail that we all see everywhere? If anything we are over run with rabbits the last couple of years. I think I saw 5 tonight in my yard while I was shooting (not them, they are safe till winter unless I catch them in my garden)
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: vermonster13 on July 09, 2006, 10:18:00 PM
It's the same cottontail you're seeing in your garden. These folks are scary committed to stopping hunting anyway they can.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: Frank AK on July 10, 2006, 02:20:00 AM
wait.... are you saying the new england cottontails that are "endangered" are in the US?
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: vermonster13 on July 10, 2006, 08:19:00 AM
I'm not saying that, but animal rights group is trying to in Maine court.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: Spike on July 10, 2006, 09:59:00 AM
There are 2 types of cottontails in NH.
check the link to NH Fish and game site.  

The "NewEngland" cotton tail is being threatened due to the change in habitat and the other cottentails ability to adapt to surburban areas. Some areas with known populations of "New England" cottontails are already off limits for hunting because you cannot determine the type in a hunting situation.

Here is another link with the story
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: wapitimike1 on July 10, 2006, 09:52:00 PM
The report is grouping all of them togather and based on the Maine study. They are saying the NE cottontail is trouble. It runs from Maine to Maryland with different subs. But by passing this legislation if you cant tell the differance in the field. None of the groups can be hunted. It's like basing a study on Keys deer and applying that study to the rest of the country. Hare's are native to Northern climates. they think most of the CT's up there are from early settlers. They use every weasel tactic in the book. They always seem to find some nut in wildlife to listen to them. We have been fighting these Dr Bombay studys for years. If it's not one thing is another!!!
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: Frank AK on July 10, 2006, 10:06:00 PM
Well then they should see if the "regular cottontail" is endangered.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: BOHO on July 10, 2006, 11:29:00 PM
I know in Miss rabbits and quail aren't near as common as they were many years ago. I think all the bobcats and coyotes that have shown up the last few years have alot to do with that. We need to have a predator season. Like July 1 to June 30.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: wapitimike1 on July 11, 2006, 09:03:00 PM
CT, does not allow Bear, Bobcat, Fishercat or Lynx seasons. I've got pictures of Bobcat fawn kills. My nieghbor saw a Bear with a fawn hanging out of it's mouth. I live in the NW corner of the state. I have Bears and cats on the property all the time. I have two big blackies in one cam trak picture at one time. We need to start taking these critters. Our deer and small game in this area are way down.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: Frank AK on July 14, 2006, 02:37:00 AM
yeah we have a predator problem in AK also.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: Vagrant on July 18, 2006, 06:44:00 PM
Wapitimike, are you anywhere near Goshen?  My family's had a house there for the past 3 generations.  I go up there every christmas and summer and I see more deer and rabbit then I probably do all year down here in South Carolina.  As far as I can tell the game in Goshen is doing well, but I also don't know how it compares to only about 10 years ago.  Bobcat and other cats are plentiful though, I generally see one or two a week, with a Bear on occasion and maybe a very short predator season would be good.

On the rabbits, as far as I'm concerned they're in no danger, like I said, in Ct. I see them all over the place.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: no on July 19, 2006, 03:20:00 PM
If you go to a Ct. fish & game book they list 3 species of rabbit, snowshoe, cottontail, & new englad, the new england from what I know of them are only in small pocket areas, not wide spread.
I hunt with beagles in NY & Ct. & have never seen one. I assure you there are plenty of regular common cottontails here. It seems the anti`s may be trying to trick a few people into believing the common ones are in danger, we all know how honest they are anyway. They have regulations against shooting spruce grouse in Ny, but you can still hunt the ruffs. I cant tell the diff when they flush. They are always looking for a way in aint they.  Just my 2 cents.  Mike
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: Brian Krebs on July 20, 2006, 02:32:00 AM
Idaho has had a rule against shooting 'pigmy rabbits'; which have a 'buff gray tail with no white on it'; and are about 4 or 5 inches shorter than cottontails.
 When your in pigmy rabbit country they are all around; but so are cottontails; and hares.. you have to see them run before you shoot; or hold them down and measure them.
 Although there is a rule against killing them; and you need to know the length of the rabbit to clearly understand the identity of the species; I simply catch all rabbits by hand- and inspect them for identity. If they are pigmy rabbits: I have no hesitation on what to do with them- especially when I run out of toilet paper.
  Hey- don't laugh; the preditors leave them alone after that; and it no doubt keeps them alive longer than normal.
   :D    :archer:
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: wapitimike1 on July 21, 2006, 08:12:00 AM
Yes I live in Goshen. I live on the western side looking down over Tyler lake and the easter half of CT. I live on top of Red Mtn, across from Mohawk park. There's 4000 acres (Mohawk) we (The United Bow Hunters of CT, I'm on the BOD) have been trying to open for at least ten years that I can remember. Since the state of Mass had the anti's pass a ballot issue on bear baiting and dogs. The population has exploded with them down here. There taking a toll on the deer. I have to learn how to put picture's on this thing. I had a two hundred pounder (bear) walk into the middle of my 3d targets I shoot of my deck a week ago.
Title: Re: Us New Englanders better get our bunny hunts in soon
Post by: vermonster13 on July 21, 2006, 10:13:00 PM
Telling a New england from a common cottontail would be nearly impossible while hunting. In New Hampshire three counties are closed to rabbit hunting because of this. They are in isolated pockets and their habitat is dwindling. if they are listed as endangered, how much will that affect property rights and hunting just from the protections they would be given federally?