Trad Gang
Main Boards => Hunting Legislation & Policies => Topic started by: DaveT1963 on October 31, 2014, 12:09:00 PM
I know it is a few days off - but we need to encourage everyone to get out and vote this coming Tuesday. The special interest groups are out in full force doing everything they can to ensure their candidates get as many votes as possible.... let's not be outdone. Don't know about you but I am pretty tired of special interest owned politicians and judges deciding what is best for you and I. And yes it is hunting related - ther are many candidates that support banning guns and eliminating hunting seasons.
Agree and encourage everyone to excercise their right to vote, if not then don't complain about the clowns who do get elected.
Already done. Absentee Ballot.
for me. . at this very moment. . . . " aha, finished" (I am TRYING to put on a roof on my workshop).
Please dont be an ignorant voter a little researsh, dont beleive all the junk comercials and mailings. Really check out who supports your beliefs
I could take or leave some reasonable gun control. I think we as an outdoor community tend to do ourselves a lot of damage by letting some pretty radical voices do our speaking. I am far more concerned with habitat loss/destruction and unregulated business interests.
Early voting in the morning when I get off work. Voting libertarian/independent wherever I can, the only sane choice. For races where there is only a -D or -R I must gracefully bow out, I'm sorry I will not buy into the "lesser of two evils" mentality. Both parties serve the same corporate masters and the old 'key' issues are merely a distraction, a 'bone' for the masses to fight over while behind closed doors the Puppet Masters laugh.
We always vote by mail and never last minute when the ugliness comes along.
Chuck i
Chuck I voted this morning, I did the same thing, I just could not for vote for the lesser of the two evils.
I use voting records (most states have on-line records of how your elected officials vote) to decide whom I will vote for and I have my list of prioritized core values. I don't care what party they are aligned with, their voting record doesn't lie and there are some things I don't compromise on.... and yes that tends to make me a conservative. If they skip a lot of the key votes - well guess what, that tells you right there what they believe - they just don't want to be held accountable for it.
Anyway, the key is to vote your conscience..... and I believe there is a responsibility that comes with that - do your homework.
I'm going to vote for an Absentee candidate.
In Northern California today, the word I want to hear is "RAIN"; Tuesday I'll vote. Besides rain, Giants come in a close second word. Smile.
Originally posted by t2onboard:
In Northern California today, the word I want to hear is "RAIN"; Tuesday I'll vote. Besides rain, Giants come in a close second word. Smile.
Understand that! This part of Texas is having the worst drought ever recorded... our combined lake totals are under 20% if we don't get rain and lots of it soon we are in trouble next year for sure. Already spent most of this year in the highest water restrictions we have.
Hope CA and TX both get some much needed rain and soon.
And yes I cheered for the Giants - game 7 was great
Sorry, to me it comes down to voting for someone who will rob me vs. someone who will steal from me. They are all bought and sold. You don't get to office without making deals with special interest, and big money. System is corrupt.
Voting is very important to me. I work in a profession where my boss is elected and it has a direct impact on me and my career. Same goes for other elected officials I have to work with. Express your rights!!! Vote!
Looks like the people finally woke up. It is looking better this morning for our country.
I agree, Sweeney. I guess we'll see.
Nothing is killing our democracy more than the unlimited amounts of cash that mega rich individuals and special interest groups can give to their chosen candidates IMHO.
Back in the 1960s and 70s my state had Senator William Proxmire, who started the Golden Fleece Awards that exposed wasteful government spending. He took no money from big corporations or other special interests. One year he won reelection by spending all of $480 out of his own pocket. Hard to believe, I know.
These days he'd be steam rolled out of office by a few individuals with deep pockets.