Trad Gang
Main Boards => Hunting Legislation & Policies => Topic started by: Paul/KS on August 16, 2015, 03:57:00 PM
looks like the Resident annual license will be 25$ and the deer tag will be 40$.
Wonder if the out of state rates will rise too..?
I read where they are proposing NR Deer to go to $415 and the hunting permit to go to $90 for NR
That would be $510 for a deer.
I'm wincing at the 65$. :(
510$ seems a bit high but then I don't do any out of state hunting so don't have any experience to compare it to.
Paul I personally know the Game Warden in my hometown area. Was eating lunch when he walked in. I asked him why the antlerless tags price went up and he just shook his head. He thought it was silly.
If you just walk in lay down a $100 and say get me all the tags I can get :goldtooth: $65 ain't bad try going in and getting (Duck Stamps, Deer Tags, Turkey Tags, Maybe a new Knife).
Happy hunting buddy. Hope you get a good one this year.
Thanks and Good Hunting to you too Caleb.
(At least I have plenty of knives... :D )
I live in Missouri and have some private ground to hunt on in Kansas. However, that $510 price tag for a deer is gonna make me rethink my priorities.
Don't blame ya Darren, 510$ is a lot of money. Heck,at 65$ I'm starting to rethink my own "priorities"... :rolleyes:
It really sucks when you have to buy tags and license for your kids over 16, after paying for yourself. There should be an option to buy a sportsman's license that covers all tags and fees instead of separate.
Ouch!! I'd not considered that Rick. Well, upside is the kids are hunting. :thumbsup:
The admin REMFs gripe about loss of revenue due to less people hunting and fishing then they jack the price up. I know at least a couple guys who sold their boats and quit fishing when rates went up.