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Main Boards => Hunting Legislation & Policies => Topic started by: Sean B on March 20, 2016, 08:09:00 AM

Title: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Sean B on March 20, 2016, 08:09:00 AM
Has anyone one from ️NY Bowhunters recieved this email?
  ( (
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: huntmaster70 on March 20, 2016, 09:16:00 AM
yup, I filled out the form & e-mailed it
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Cyclic-Rivers on March 20, 2016, 06:29:00 PM
I did not get the email. Thanks for bringing this to light.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: 1/4 away on March 20, 2016, 07:25:00 PM
I got it yesterday. Sent out the electronic letter and received a generic reply from Sen. Murphy.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Tony Z on March 20, 2016, 08:29:00 PM
All about $$$$$ and nothing else. Albany doesn't give one crap about what we think. Tony Z
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Al Dente on March 23, 2016, 07:32:00 PM
Were fighting it as much as we can.  We need letters and phone calls to the Senate and Assembly En Con Chairmen and members.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Al Dente on March 23, 2016, 07:33:00 PM
Charlie, does NYB have your e-mail?  Call the office and ask Annie.  She will take it down and you will be added into the database to be included in future CapWhiz alerts.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Ron Vought on March 31, 2016, 04:28:00 PM
Tell them its not archery equipment. We have crossguns in PA and you don't want them.

Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Mint on April 03, 2016, 03:43:00 PM
I got the following reply which is positive.

Dear Mr. Milano,

 I am writing in response to your recent email in which you express your
 opposition to the Senate bill 7005, which would reclassify the crossbow as
 archery equipment.  Thank you for taking the time to write.

 I am aware of the issue and agree with you.  Please be aware that I will
 oppose this bill if it is brought before the Assembly.

 Thank you again for writing.  If you have any further questions or concerns,
 please do not hesitate to contact me.

 Michael A. Montesano
 Member of Assembly
 15th District
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Mint on April 03, 2016, 03:54:00 PM
The sad fact is that I think most compound bowhunters want the crossbow in the archery season. I was shocked when a bow shop put a poll on the Long Island Deer Hunting page asking who was in favor of the crossbow in the archery season. Over 80% wanted it in archery. Now it could be that a lot of compound hunters didn't want to take the heat and reply but it was still depressing.

It seems their argument is that we are selfish etc. and that we should all stand together etc. They say it is no more effective than the compound which is a lie. The average compound shooter cannot hit the kill zone on a deer at 60 yards but with the new crossbows the average shooter will be able to hit the kill zone at 60 yards if not 80 yards.

What I also found interesting and hypocritical is that they want the crossbow legal for archery but not the new Crossman bowgun.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: LongStick64 on April 05, 2016, 05:02:00 PM
It's the reason I don't consider Compound bows archery. If we don't take a hard stand on what classifies as a bow, we will lose. Big Business is running the show and the fact is they can sell more "stuff" to compound and crossbow users than someone using a traditional bow. NY wants more hunters, not for keeping the deer population in check but to gain in fees. I have not seen a single property "managed" by NYS that has been a benefit to the animals, zero.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Cyclic-Rivers on June 15, 2016, 09:56:00 PM
Al, It seems as if I ma getting emails now.

Even though I plan to ditch this state, I still send my opinions in....
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Ron Vought on June 21, 2016, 10:51:00 AM
Guys we fought the crossgun in PA and here it is in the archery season. They want everything made easy to sell licences and that is the bottom line. The archery vendor community isn't any better. They thirst for instantaneous success and the quick sale to them is the bottom line. They don't care one bit about the impact this will have on the archery season or about traditional values. I use to joke about crossguns being fired with a 209 primer and people said it would never happen. Its no longer a joke...closer than you think. Sad but  true.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Al Dente on June 22, 2016, 07:02:00 PM
Neither crossbow expansion Bill made it out of either the Assembly or Senate EnCon Committees.  Can't wait to do it all again next year.  thanks for your support guys.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: goingoldskool on June 27, 2016, 02:12:00 PM
We had the same matter come up here in Missouri...  numerous town hall meeting where we spoke our peace, but to no avail...  We have crossbows for this fall's archery season.   While they want more people hunting (hence the crossbows), they are cutting down our bag limit!     :confused:

Waiting to see how this all pans out...

Good luck to you all up in New York!

Good luck, shoot straight and God Bless,

Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Al Dente on June 28, 2016, 03:57:00 PM
Gearing up for next year, what I feel is a bigger threat is the Crosman/Benjamin Airbow.  There are other manufacturers and in Europe, they have been a huge success.  This is an implement that can shoot bullets or bolts, and is touted by their Reps as a great crossover choice for firearms hunters who want to shoot archery.  It has interchangeable barrels to go from bullets to bolts.  What is stopping a poacher from shooting a game animal with a big bore .45 caliber barrel, then switching to the bolt barrel and shooting a bolt into the dead animal in the exact spot as the bullet's entry?  They are whisper quiet, and can shoot between 6 and 8 rounds without a loss of power.  Stay tuned.  You know they are looking right at the archery seasons and archery only areas for this to be placed.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Cyclic-Rivers on July 04, 2016, 09:01:00 AM
Al,  We can continue to fight or just change our mission to allow hunting year round night and day with whatever weapon we choose?

I am not sure what NY's motive is?  what would the benefit to the state be if they allow these weapons in the archery season?  They may claim higher deer harvests, or maybe to get more people involved in the sport?  Although those arguments seem OK on the surface, Other states have proven them to be ineffective.  Hunter numbers are still dropping and the annual deer take was still consistent.

I just do not see any financial or otherwise, benefit unless there are dirty offers under the table or these guys have no Idea what they are doing and are solely acting in a manner that they think might be best.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Al Dente on July 05, 2016, 06:38:00 PM
Charlie, it's funny you mention that.  About 4 years ago when I and several other NYB Officers met with the Commissioner, Chief Biologist, and several other DEC officials, I said something similar to the room.  We went in and slammed them with videos, collected data, injuries, deaths, poaching incidents, all attributed to the crossbow.  At one point, we just asked them all flat out why they are so persistent on putting the crossbow into the archery season.  "We want more deer dead" was their answer.  My reply was this: "Why don't YOU (the DEC) just end all special seasons.  Open the hunting season on September 1st, anywhere, any time, any implement.  When YOU feel WE(the hunters) killed enough deer, close the season until next year."  IT was truly a "pin drop" moment.  They were not expecting that at all.  
We are all hoping that the DEC will come around and define what they expect hunters in general to do.  WE just need to be vigilant to stopping the crossbow or ANY other superior implement being place into the archery seasons and archery only areas.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Cyclic-Rivers on July 05, 2016, 08:06:00 PM
Al, I think it was a good suggestion but it begs the larger question which they were not prepared to answer.

Their "War on Deer" is not actually what they are after. I believe it's a ploy to raise more funds to waste.

But if they are after more funds, then why do they do away with programs such as the Sportsman's license? It cost them millions....

That is precisely why I believe they are not out to raise funds for the state and a few are generating funds for personal bank rolls.

It comes back to the question, "What benefit will crossbows bring the state?"

Until they can come up with a plan that is outlined and makes sense, I will be against the crossbow.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Al Dente on July 06, 2016, 04:16:00 PM
They were totally unprepared to answer that question.  They did not expect that or have to go into defensive mode.  I think they did not know what they really wanted, but just see the archery season as something to toy around with.  Although it is the ONLY faction within license sales that has been steadily increasing for over a decade, they still had chosen to anger, upset, and threaten bowhunters with inclusion of superior implements and special hunting opportunities within the sanctity of the archery season.  We shall see what transpires in the future.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Tom Phillips on July 22, 2016, 12:21:00 PM
The Airbow video clip I saw this past winter the contraption was very noisy !!!
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Bowwild on January 01, 2017, 09:24:00 AM
I had thought, for most of my adult life and 22 years of state wildlife agency employment, that most bowhunters opposed the crossbow. My opposition of the device had been vehement because of my perception. In fact, in the 1980's I evaluated a NJ crossbow study for the Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources and we opposed it then.

Then about 12 years ago we did a deer hunter survey in Kentucky (KDFWR).  The survey was about much more than the crossbow but we added a couple of attitudinal questions.

We found:
- about 20% of bowhunters were against the crossbow
- about 20% were in favor of the crossbow'
- about 60% didn't care one way or the other.

It was a paradigm changing moment for me. I had been in the minority and didn't realize it.

The crossbow has been legal for most of the archery season in Kentucky now for about 10 years (not allowed the first month of bow season in September (we open 1st Sept. Saturday). I hunt tightly controlled private land.  I can say my bowhunting has been impacted zero by the crossbow.

I still don't consider it "bowhunting". But, I  have a best friend (cancer survivor) and brother (shoulder injury) that would not be hunting except in 16-day gun seasons if not for the crossbow.  However, both these guys could have obtained crossbow exemptions before the law was expanded anyway.

My biggest objection to the crossbow these days is how it was "sold" to the FW agencies and those who made it more widely legal.  They said deer harvest would grow and that older folks and  youth would be encouraged by the crossbow.  Deer harvest simply shifts as some firearms hunters expand their season and some compound folks added the crossbow or replaced their compound with the compound.  

The crossbow isn't a safe device for youth unless a mentor is sitting beside the young hunter, just like (or more so) with a rifle.

The season expansion does give the parent some warmer weather days to introduce their kids to hunting.  The crossbow also makes it easier (no exemption paperwork or doctor's visits) for the injured older archer to stay or return to the field.

Our season length and bag limits are not threatened by the crossbow.

In may opinion the worst outcome of the crossbow debate in Ky was the damage it did to the United Bowhunters of Kentucky of which I'm a life member (honorary). The organization has barely half the membership it had before the crossbow debate.
Title: Re: I Hate give them an inch, they take a mile
Post by: Bwhntr247 on January 02, 2017, 06:23:00 PM
I don't even know where to start on NY messed up seasons. I feel that rifle season is too long and should be shorter. Same start date an end the following Sunday, total of nine days.
I feel they should still run muzzleloader to the the 3rd Tues in December and they could allow crossbows in any of those two seasons. They should not be allowed during regular archery season except for medical reasons.
I don't feel that legalizing them at any time would change how a poacher or someone who doesn't abide by the law would use them or the new arrow-gun thingy. I'm all for hunting with whatever you choose but everything has its place. Just my 2¢.