Trad Gang
Trad Gang Highlights => Highlights 2007 => Topic started by: Chuckie the dent on January 02, 2008, 02:34:00 PM
After several misses on Michigan whitetails and a phone call to have his brother return his compound, my buddy arrowed his first traditional harvest. Shooting a desert mulie is no easy feat, especially a bedded one to boot. This deer was shot a 25 yards and didn't run another 20 yards. Only a few teeth remained on the lower jaw. Properly the deer's last year of life. I true trophy and a phone call back to his brother to keep the wheeled bow.
AWESOME. I would love to just see a mule deer. I hear that they are so much bigger than whitetails. I have to travel across 4 provinces to Alberta before a see one. 3000 miles.
Thats me , my buddy chuck was kind enough to post this for me. I shot him at about 2:00 in the afternoon beded under a Palo Verde tree in the Arizona desert.
What a beautiful buck!!!!! :notworthy: Congratulations! :clapper:
Thanks , I took him with a 60# Hoyt GM
Nice buck, congrats. :clapper:
Congratulations on a fine stalk and kill.