Trad Gang
Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: hormoan on January 16, 2008, 04:52:00 PM
I have this disease like so many of us have. I just love bows, the beautiful wood and combination’s of them. The graceful lines and curves, weather it be a longbow or recurve. Most all delight my eye. I have become very good a buying them. I went 20 years with one recurve bought new. Then this disease set in called desire, with the desire came buying. I have become fairly efficient at the buying part. It’s the parting with that is my downfall. Once I have them, I just can’t bring myself to sell one. What’s one to do? I guess I will have to throw in the towel, and be labeled collector\\shooter.
:D Brent
well, my guess is your doing better financially than
the last 20. and by the way, congratulation's (me to)
Kurt bel5
I hear you Brent. Today I won a Martin Dreamcatcher on *-***. Can't wait to shoot it.
Also getting 2 Ben Pearson Mustangs soon, so my stock is increasing as well.
One thing I know; it's a nice and healthy (yet costly) desease.
V-Archer :archer:
since your a fellow lefty, just give them to me
I bought my fisrt bowwhen I was sixteen. The next year I bought another bow. And this past year I bought 3 bows. And in 2008 I've already bought one. This isn't counting all the ones I've made. Got to love bows and like the saying goes beware of the man with one bow he probably knows how to use it and fear the man with 10 bows becuase he might know how to shoot them all at once.-Scott :archer:
Yes I just made up that saying
Know how you feel. I have at least two bows that I keep thinking I SHOULD sell but I don't wanna!
Dang another disease-stricken lefty.
I'm here to tell ya, there is no cure for this disease. Just when I get a bow that I say will never be sold, something happens and's gone. I've resigned to the fact it is terminal. No cure whatsoever.
Gotta go. I need to look again at the classified's. Only my 4th time today...
Good luck.
I knew I was far from the only one :D Group support.
I still have a fire going Arnold for one of your bows. Hang in there I'll get one yet :D
Brent, you KNOW what you need to do!
Hi Brian,
I just repeated what *-*** comes up with when you are the highest bidder at the end of the auction. You can try it and telling your wife that you "won" a bow and see what happens LOL. :thumbsup: )
V-Archer :archer:
Send me your lefties ya dont want...LOL...I have come down with the same thing... :)
I know how you feel. I did bring myself to sell a few of the bows that were made for me several years ago, they were collecting dust and i really didn't need them.
I have to many still and dangit, i ordered me a Brown recluse the other day! (grin) :bigsmyl: :jumper:
Oh for crying out loud man. Get a grip!!
Yes, another one, I mean, with an Asbell grip! We are all addicted!!!
Brent, selling me either the Centaur or Blacktail would do just fine...and possible cure you of this terrible ailment!!! So whaddaya think!!!LOL
:pray: . Or maybe a binghams kit. Oh well just don't tell my mom.-Scott
AA... Archers Anonymous.
by the way, Brent, I don't want to be an enabler, but.... Are you gettin' Tim's Thunderhorn ?? :D
Any one see the t-hawk or the thunderstick in the classifieds. I guess this is like bringing donuts to a weight watchers convention :biglaugh: -Scott
Man O man there coming out of the closet :D
Arnold you are correct!
Now I see what your up to Allen :readit:
And No Alex, Dave Pagle liberated me from my extra pocket money :jumper:
Brent...used to have it as bad as you but did find a cure....or at least a's called "retirement". You sure enough have more free time but your funds don't keep up with all that extra freedom. :help:
Just be glad you aren't a righty like me and the Rowans Brent. :biglaugh:
Brent, I've had it bad for a long time as well. I'm a fellow lefty and Chas (Stickhunter) from PA. and I have traded, bought, sold, traded back more bows than I can honestly remember. (yeah he's afflicted too, so add him to the list) not to mention the custom orders, **** purchases and on and on. I have always held out hope though that a particular bow would at some point captivate my attention long term. My wife would be laughing out loud right now if she saw that last sentence. (Anybody elses's wife just laugh when you try to tell them that you've acquired a keeper?) Well anyway, It's been quite a long time now, and I am finally semi-permanently attatched to a bow. I find it pretty hard to believe myself, but it has happened. I won't say what bow since that's not the point of the thread, but it's a pretty good feeling...finally.
Yep, I've got it also. I keep telling my wife that I've just been trading lately and it doesn't cost us much. Then she shows me where I have spent $200 last month on shipping!!!!
c ott I knew that chas was holding out on me :biglaugh:
Dave I'm gald I'm a lefty also, less competion :D
The only "cure" is to start making your own.
I'm the lucky one.... with a 32" draw, and a desire to keep the weight below 60# at 32", there isn't much available for me :( . I have been able to keep myself to two new custom bows, and one pre-owned.......
I do envy some of you guys (actually stand in awe) who seem to switch bows as often as I change my socks....... :scared:
Brent, just trying to help a felow lefty out!!!
Hey Brent, you know you can always start building bows...then you don't have to buy them. Anyways, why buy them for $400 when you can make them for $2000 ;) LOL Actually, bow building can be even more addictive than bow buying...what's a guy to do. ;)
Brent, I feel your pain, last year I sold five bows and all have been replaced plus two more.
lol i got the disease too. i have a bob lee hunter recurve, a schafer silvertip recurve and a sheapeater spirit recurve. each has special meaning and i don't think i could ever sell one... but this disease thing keeps me thinking "u know, u don't own a longbow" hmmmm this is true. what to do about that
Boho! :saywhat:
Maxwell I'm sorry I probably abbetted in the crime!
You keep dreaming Rob :D Besides you would'nt want it. Mine hardly ever have plunger button holes :smileystooges:
In the last 12 months I have bought a Shrew, Tomohawk, GreatPlains LB and a SR Swift. Thank God there is a possible recession coming. Maybe I will forced into remission.
This must be the support group for AA
Hi may name is Juan :goldtooth: I have 17 bows, for now.
Before I joined Tradgang I own 2.
Don't go trying to kill a dream... Besides, I have a drill press. :bigsmyl:
Any news on Friday? I just looked up the ASA rules... :banghead: It made my head hurt. :)
I can't even remember all the different makes of bows I have been thru. I sit down and try to name them all and just when I think I got all of them named, yep, another will pop up out of no where! Then try to pair how many bows of each make I have will give you a headache I tell you.
My buying has slowed big time since our daughter was born but now I have the vintage Kodiak bug bitin on me...
I too always say I won it and when it comes down to price I never tell her the shipping costs. :D
I have the cure!! Found it few years back. Now for a nice fellow lefty like you I'll share the cure as it's clear you need help.
Ok here it goes, you dial 1-740-587-0368 and a real nice fellow called Bob will answer. Tell him your problem and give him your credit card#.
Tell him you want the best performing best looking bow he can make and it's that easy! Mr. Morrison will be very happy to help you and once it arrives you will be cured instantly. It's beauty will exceed all but that of your lovely wife and it will propel arras faster and straighter than any bow you have ever owned!!
All the others will seem like mere pieces of wood and become very easy to part with from that day forward. You will be cured for life and all for the sum of say $1200.00 bucks or so. With the price of healthcare south of the border this is a small drop in the bucket for being rid of such a disease. Your Welcome!!!!!! They don't call me Dr. Dave for no reason!
Hey Dr Dave...I'm trying the same cure as we speek!! Can't wait to get mine. I went through a lot of bows last year trying to find one I liked better than my Widows. Some were prettier, none I liked to shoot better though. I hope the new Morrison lives up to it's reputation.
See Brent it works!!! Hundreds cured, myself,JC, A.S. and many more the Morrison Elixer!! There's a new name for Bob's next one not really Indian like - spose they drank enough of the stuff though.
Very good words of wisdom Dave, Connie says thanks for the compliment :D
At this time I have 2 Black Widows 1LB 1RECURVE, 2 Blacktails SAME 1LB 1 RECURVE,1 Adcock 1pc ACS & 1 Zipper Ext. 1 Centaur 1 Howatt Hunter 1 Hoyt Pro Medilist & Made a exception for One Hoyt Gamemaster at auction.
It do seem I'm short one of BOB's bows, I'm thinking a Shawnee LH 60-62" 50-55lbs Osage & Bocota With Dakota Limbs with some more Osage. If he has one at the Kazoo Show, I'll check with the wife and see if she will buy it for me :bigsmyl:
Hey Allen what are the Spec's on your new one? Ya know just in case you don't like it (
Brent, hopefully I'll have pics within a week! I talked to Bob 2 days ago, he was putting on the skins-should ship in a week.
Specs are: Cheyenne LH (of course!) A riser, C limbs for a 58" bow. Macassar ebony with Kingwood flare riser....with 1/2 pinecone. Limbs are Bobs new foam core limbs with Copperhead skins. 50@27".
I'm thinking this one may be a keeper! I'll post pics as soon as I get it---probably have to shoot it a few time first!!
Brent, I accept donations. :biglaugh: