Trad Gang
Main Boards => Hunting Knives and Crafters => Topic started by: Dirty Bill on December 29, 2007, 03:25:00 PM
Hey all you knife makers and knife collectors,let's see some pics of your knives.I'd like to have a neck knife.I just need to see one that I like real well. :campfire:
One I made for a friend.....
My own Necker from Sheffield maker, Stu Barker.....
A couple more I've made for members.....
very nice. I like the damascus,real nice. :campfire:
The overall length on this one is 7". Too long for a neck knife? :rolleyes:
Did someone ask about KNIVES? I love knives....Here's couple of neck knives I have made.<>< ( ( (
I call this a "personal carry". The blade is
3 1/8 inch with an overall length of about 7 inches. The ferule is bronze and the wood is African Blackwood. Lin
Here's a few more.<>< ( ( ( ( ( (
This neck knife was made by sticshooter :thumbsup:
My Sasquatch killer :biglaugh:
I used the tape measure to show just how small it is.
Can I play too? :D
Bjorn's, the bottom is a necker:
Mine (yup, I'm keeping one!!) :)
Couple of others:
\\'06 JLMBH raflle (
another (
This is the right size for a necker:
awesome knives guys! love the look of that damascus necker Rob!
sticshooter great looking knives love the handles as well :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clapper:
Here are a couple more by Frank. My wife & I carry the two smaller ones in kydex neck sheaths I made.
Boy they are all really nice. How long should the overall length be for a neck knife? You all are making it really hard to decide... :campfire:
Jeremy, I got to tell ya, if a man can have a dream knife that top one in the first pic is mine!! I have pulled that pic up multiple times and drooled over it since you posted it a month or so ago! Its just PERFECT!
Lewis, You like that fat bellied skinner, huh? ;) One similar to that is probably going to be one of my knives in this year's St Jude Children's Hospital raffle here in a few months, so imagine that knife with gorgeous tiger maple scales and start saving your pennies :D
Originally posted by Lewis Brookshire III:
Jeremy, I got to tell ya, if a man can have a dream knife that top one in the first pic is mine!! I have pulled that pic up multiple times and drooled over it since you posted it a month or so ago! Its just PERFECT!
Yeah that wood and damascus works really well.I like it a lot,but I can't tell how big it is. I'm wanting something kind of on the small but not too small side. I may end up using mine I pictured above previously. it's 7" o.a. though.
Jeremy, DONT TELL ME THAT!!! My wife is gonna kill me! LOL
Here is my first try at a neck knife 6 1/2" long with a helle blade. You don't even notice it when you have it on.
Bill, it's not damascus, it's high carbon steel, clay coated during the heat treat to differentially harden it, then etched to show the temper line :D
My neck knife has a 3" blade and is about 7" OAL, so the one you posted a pic of would definitely work for a neck knife (real nice knife btw) The lower knife in my first pic is based on Doug Campbell's popular caper knife, and is 6-3/4" OAL, or there-abouts. I've made 3 or 4 in that style and find them really handy. I cleaned and butchered two deer with one last year to prove to a guy you don't need a 5" blade to clean a deer :)
I didn't think I'd like a neck knife until I tried one. Now I wear mine most of the time when I'm not at work.
ALL you guys are really good at making knifes!! I've been thinking about making a knife. still reading about it.(Great job!!!!!)
Ok guys.....silly question here....What exactly is a "neck knife" and what determines the catigory....I think i may just have one or two myself...One was a gift, and I've been trying to figure out the strange sheath with the string on it now for quite a while....i'll have to go shoot a photo...... Kirk
Well,you wear it around your neck....the neck knife goes back to the french and indian war,maybe even farther. Some of them had a narrower blade,and some were just like the ones you see here. I guess the wearer would determine it's size and shape. :campfire:
Great knife for hunting. Tuck them insade your jacket/shirt and it's outta the way and easy to get at. Heck I got one from Donnie Rowan that has a 6 " blade and is just a great neck knife.<><
Originally posted by Jeremy:
Bill, it's not damascus, it's high carbon steel, clay coated during the heat treat to differentially harden it, then etched to show the temper line :D
My neck knife has a 3" blade and is about 7" OAL, so the one you posted a pic of would definitely work for a neck knife (real nice knife btw) The lower knife in my first pic is based on Doug Campbell's popular caper knife, and is 6-3/4" OAL, or there-abouts. I've made 3 or 4 in that style and find them really handy. I cleaned and butchered two deer with one last year to prove to a guy you don't need a 5" blade to clean a deer :)
I didn't think I'd like a neck knife until I tried one. Now I wear mine most of the time when I'm not at work.
It's not damascus? well I'll be dawged...learnt something new. Never heard of that.
I use that one of mine all the time.Just cut up 2 deer today with it.It's just really handy. :campfire:
My neck knives are small being 5" oal or under. The first one was for my son with a piece of bone from his dog that was killed. The other two are bone from a TX Sweat ranch dump and sheep horn. I seem to spend as much time looking for unique bone, antler, and wood as I do actually hunting. I recently found a bone from a deer that was broken and healed with a large callus, should make a different looking knife! Doc
Those are nice tippit.Did you do the brain tan leather and the quill work? Really nice. :thumbsup: :campfire:
here are a couple I made for the knife swap
Here is one that I made before hunting season.
Speaking of the swap, it's almost that time again :D
Here is a necker I received from the knife swap.
Originally posted by MYSTIKBOW:
Here is one that I made before hunting season.
Very nice.I like it a lot. :campfire:
Robtatoo, Man can I be your friend? That is one sweet knife and Bocote is very pretty with Damascus !!! Great job there fellas they all look great! Keefers <")))><
Jeremy when are you guys gonna do the knife swap this year? I missed out on it last year and look forward to it.
Here is one more that I made for my best friend and brother from another mother.We were hunting buddies since we were kids. The pic shows the knife not complete. Unfortunately I did not get a pic of the completed knife. My friend suffered from ALS and died three weeks ago and the knife now rests with him. (
Here's a couple I finished up today. The bottom one is a tad over 7" OAL but I do carry one the is that long as a neck knife.<>< ( ( ( ( ( (
Frank, those look SWEET! :)
Lewis, I'll put up a knife swap thread late January. Last year everyone wanted a LONG time to get the knives done and that worked out OK for most of us, so I think we'll do it that way again. So I'll announce it in Jan and the cutoff to EMAIL me how many knives you made for the swap will be mid June.
Awesome knives guys! All of 'em. Frank, you have come a loooong way in you knife making. They are looking great! Mike
Here's one a made for a buddy at work. It will have a neck/belt sheath<>< ( (
I'm going to have to give that a go some day...These are some nice works of art...
But i hesitate because i'm just really shy on metel working experience ...maybe i should do some horse trading for a blade or two with one of you talented steel working guys...i've got piles of beautiful grip stock.....Kirk
here's a neck sheath I made today for my knife.
What did ya make it from. I gotta say I like that knife.<><
Thanks.That knife was made by Tim Zowatta in michigan.
I made the sheath from some blacksmith side leather scraps I had.
I used a vegetable tanned piece of leather for the welt,it's was meant for holster or sheath making.
I needed it to add stiffness to the soft blacksmith hide,to keep it's shape.
I took pictures of the whole process,and plan on putting it in the how I dun it section.. :campfire:
Bill both are sweet. Jeremy thanks for your help and Mike you make a very sweet knife also.<><
Here's a little guy. The small Helle blade, MT Muley antler from HoodooArrow, ebony and kingwood...
here is one i have just finished s/steel and fallow deer antler (
That looks great Jeff. How long is the blade? here's a pic of one I got awhile back from Bendbig. He made it . I just finished the handle. The one that was on it did not fit my hand well. Ebony & Bubinga with a shedua spacer. I will be carrying this knife alot. A very solid knife it is. <>< ( ( ( (
sticshooter I like that one.Leon
Originally posted by sticshooter:
Bill both are sweet. Jeremy thanks for your help and Mike you make a very sweet knife also.<><
Thanks,you got some good stuff going on there too. :campfire:
I have to say,since I been carrying my knife as a neck knife,it's the best thing since sliced bread.
I carry it even when I'm not hunting. If any of you all haven't tried one,I gar-n-tee you love it. :campfire:
Here is a collection of mine. No measurements but you can see a arrow nock for size comparison.
Steel is from recycled lawnmower blades. (O-1 ?)
Closeup of one of my favorites:
One made on order:
With sheath:
And another, which measures a hair over 7":
For this last one I only made the brass guard and the butternut handle. The customer wanted stainless so I had to purchase the blade.
Oh man - my headbone (and heart) have gone into "Knife Delirium Overload" mode. I'm like a kid in a candy store. What a bunch of beautimous samples of tradgangers' knife work displayed here.
I was wondering when you'd show up Ru! :) So, whatcha bringing to the bunny hunt? :D
hey frank the blade is 3 1/2" handle is 4 1/2"
hey frank the blade is 3 1/2" handle is 4 1/2"
dang i'm late to the party, well being sick and busy has kept me from making knives recently but i'm finding my way back to the shop.
Originally posted by Ru:
Closeup of one of my favorites:
That is without a doubt one of the coolest little knives I've ever seen! :clapper:
It deserves a name......
Without wanting to overstep the boundaries, it really, really reminds me of on of these.......
An Australian Honey/Honeypot Ant!
:biglaugh: Yep that fits
Originally posted by robtattoo:
That is without a doubt one of the coolest little knives I've ever seen!
If you think it looks cool, come on over to Shawn's bunny hunt and hold the thing! One of the most original knives I've seen :thumbsup:
Very cool. I like small knives. Maybe even more then Bowies.<><
Originally posted by robtattoo:
Originally posted by Ru:
Closeup of one of my favorites:
That is without a doubt one of the coolest little knives I've ever seen! :campfire:
A member of our archery club asked if I would make him a neck knife. He supplied the antler for the handle and also gave me a tracing of the blade he wanted. Not exactly what I would have chosen but as long as he is happy. The blade is only 2 3/8 long and the overall knife length is 6 1/2 inches. He asked that I keep the small tine even though it makes holding the knife kind of awkward.
Originally posted by Dirty Bill:
Originally posted by robtattoo:
Originally posted by Ru:
Closeup of one of my favorites:
That is without a doubt one of the coolest little knives I've ever seen! :campfire: [/b]
THE Honeypot Neck Knife!!
It is an extremely unique looking little guy....or is it a gal?? :D
Thanks guys.The honeypot neck knife really is a good name for it. I'll bring a bunch of small knives to the Shawn's bunny hunt and put one on the raffle table!!!
RGK, It's kinda fun using antler that just doesn't seem to fit a knife...Doc
WOW! You all are amazing talents! Beautiful work!
is there any way to be able to see all the pics that have the photobucket box that says this pic has been moved or deleted
the "honeypot" will be at the bunny hunt again as i wear it with pride!
this is a little three finger knife I really like the way it turned out. would work well, because of the handle shape in either a "down draw" or right side up sheath option.
a couple of my favorites