Trad Gang
Trad Gang Highlights => Highlights 2009 => Topic started by: Terry Green on June 07, 2009, 04:42:00 PM
NOT a hog hunter anymore....
I smell blood!
He's a hog KILLER!!!!!
More later...... :jumper: :jumper: :jumper:
Man I'm glad you posted something I was gonna burst waitin'!
Congrats again bud, it was good hearing the story right from the "horses mouth"....
I know for several years Rob has wanted to kill one sooooo bad...and has and some close calls...but now has "gotten 'ur done"!!!!!
Can't wait to see the pix :clapper:
:thumbsup: :archer:
Now he's ruined for life. :help:
Congrats Rob.
Way to go, Rob!!!! Sooooieeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Now I'm in the mood to watch "Pork Chop Hill".
... mike ... ;) ...
Can't wait to hear the story!
Way to get that "HOG" off your back Rob!!!
I smell a hog on the grill :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :coffee:
Congrats Rob!!
Yeeehaaaa, Rob! :thumbsup: :archer: :clapper:
Way to go Rob...........So wheres the story?
Time for some Bar-B-Q pork.
Originally posted by tim roberts:
Way to go Rob...........So wheres the story?
Patience grasshopper :pray:
Dang I thought you were going to tell he was
WITH CHILD or something like that :clapper: :clapper:
Good going Rob. :thumbsup: :clapper:
Way to go Rob! Did ya get it with one of those front end loaded arras?
:clapper: :clapper:
Did ya say theres been hog killin!!!!! :scared: :clapper: :clapper:
Congrats Rob :campfire: I built the fire, wheres the pork chops :D
Way to Rob!!! One killed... many more to come!!!!
What, he broke the bank? :confused:
Killdeer :D
LOL Killie...I meant to say "Way to GO Rob!!" and since the edit function is still off I can not fix it.... ;) BLM
I hope we get the whole story... Soon. congrats on the hog.
I like my bacon crispy :) Congrats!
Makem Squeal :thumbsup: Come on Rob spit it out, stories and pics required. Congrats.
Killy, you keep showing that pig and I'm going to start shooting at my computer screen!
Way to go Rob!!!!!!!!
:thumbsup: :archer:
Congrats Rob!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Well, were waiting :confused:
He should be along today fellas
Yeah...Rob's gotta catch a plane in a bit....then get back to the 3 thousand emails he missed from you guys while he was gone.....So give him a little time. He might even start his own thread about it as this one was started by me as a congrats thread....and to share the news.
I want to hear about it again too and I was there when it happened. :D
I think I'll send him some emails.
Killdeer :) :D :knothead:
congrats Rob looking forward to hearing about it!
Good on ya, Rob! I can smell the broiling ribs from here.
:notworthy: Congrats Rob...You the man!
Thank you all for your kind comments, much obliged! I got back late this afternoon and have been struggling to find the time to edit and download the images and write up the story, thanx for waiting!
It's no secret I've been wanting a hog for quite some time, and yesterday morning it finally became "my time" ... amen!
First and foremost, this whole hunt could not have occured with the great help and support of Terry (Green), Michael (Langehans) and Ray (Hammond). My most grateful thanks to you all, couldn't have done the deed without your solid assistance.
Terry and I hunted hard on Friday and Saturday, putting in a good 10+ hours in the woods each day ... but I'll cut to the chase and get down to story as it unfolded yesterday (Sunday) morning ...
Upon Saturday night "hunt group council", we decided to rethink our hog hunting strategy and scout out the wetter areas by taking a long walk to the Savannah River, checking for potential hogs on the road, in wallows, and roaming the bush. Lots and lots of sign, but no pigs.
I took the point on the walk back, and was sneakily rounding a right hand dogleg on the road when Terry whispers "Rob! You hear that?", I whisper back "Hear what?". Terry motions to my left and I could read his lips "HOG!".
Off the road is a huge, and I mean Humongous, blackberry bramble, and sneaking closer I could hear those piggies smacking their lips on those sweet berries. Still on point, I move into the bush, to the edge of the bramble, arrow nocked on longbow, moving at a snails pace, watching my step, croching low ....
... you might know how it can go with up close and personal stalking - a few seconds can feel like a few minutes - and that's just how it felt, step by step. The pigs were snorting and munching, having a good ol' time. There were clumps of cane and tall weed in some sections of the bramble, and at times you could see parts of them violently shake every now and then as the hogs were sucking up the berries.
Steady air movement kept us downwind of the blackberries and this proved to be a vital, key factor. I wait, crouched down. I look to Terry, about 10 yards behind me, and he gives the the "sit tight" hand sign. More grunts and squeeks from the berry bushes as three or full good sized black piglets come bursting out about ten yards where I'm facing, followed by a grunting mama piggy. Too much weed and saplings in the way as I come to full draw and hold for a shot as mama moves closer to me. At five yards I try to thread the needle as she faces me and turns her head to the left for a brief moment ... the arrow flight was true but deflected before hitting meat. Mama and piggies scramble back to the bramble. I quickly nock another arrow, look back at Terry, he gives me the "stay put" sign ... I wait, and wait, and wait some more. More grunts 'n' lip smacks from the berry bushes. The tall weeds and cane are shaking here and there. I see the bush move off my right as a hog's head pokes through the cane ... already holding at full draw, I left fly - another deflection! The hog just scurries around and back into the blackberries!
I look back at Terry yet again and get another "wait" sign ... one section of tall cane is shaking violently ... and after a few more minutes, Terry sneaks over and we conference - the plan is to slowly sneak back to the road, move along side the bramble where the cane is shaking, and look for a shot opportunity ...
... my Eagles Flight bow quiver holds 4 arrows, and now I'm down to two. I nock the third arrow as we slowly retreat back to the road. Up on the road, I sneak over to the side of the brambles, croaching all the way. I see the cane moving - I move closer to the cane, ever so slowly, each step carefully placed. Peering into the bramble I make out a dark patch moving around. I wait. I wait a lot more. The dark patch begins to move off to my right, leaving the cane and onto the rim of large ground hole filled with rotting tree limbs and weeds ... the weeds somewhat obscure the hog, but the hog moves slowly and at around 8 yards or so I can see its face and a large patch of black behind it ... holding all 55# of the Mohawk longbow, I pick a spot, aim the arrow and send it off ... "WHUMP!" ... I never saw the arrow hit, but that unmistakeable sound told the tale. The hog bolts to my right, goes around the hole, doubles back into the thick of the blackberry bramble. Terry whispers "Stay right there". I freeze and mentally mark the spot of the hit and the trail the hog ran off in. I check my cell phone - 9:22am.
I wait for what seems like forever, and then hear a series of snorts and wuffs that sounds like there was a monster hogzilla is in the berry bush - kinda scared me! And then a series of really loud squeels. I figure Terry either arrowed that big hog or finished mine off. A few minutes pass. Terry walks onto the road, whispers to me "I really think yer hog's right in there and dead as dead can be." I say, "You didn't shoot?". He sez, "Nope, that was yer hog doing the death scream." We talk it over a bit, as to whether give it more time or just go in ... we go in.
Back into the bush we go, to the edge of the berry patch, walk in about 5 yards and ........
:thumbsup: Congrats Rob! Mohawk made meat! Vince will be happy.
Nice sow, hope there's many more to come. I'm goin' to west Texas for 4 days of hog chasin' myself.
Good job, Rob!
Not a biggin's, but it'll do alrighty - mmmm, good eats awaiting! :D
Nice persistance.
The pics say it all!
Well not all, your story was great as well!
For the techies ...
* Mohawk T/D longbow, 62", 55# @ 29"
* 8 strand BCY D'02 endless string
* 29.25" Beman ICS 500 carbons, 4" Vario 105x75 4-fletch
* 125 Wensel Woodsman + 125 adapter + 100 brass insert = 350 grains up front, total arrow weight is 585 grains and 29% FOC.
The arrow pierced the BOTTOM (correction!) of the hog's lungs and severed some major arteries above the heart - field dressing revealed massive clots and a huge internal swimming pool of blood. Probably drowned in its own blood. The arrow didn't go completely through and due to the entrance angle appeared to have hit either the opposite side shoulder or leg bone. Death occured in a very few minutes.
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clapper:
very nice. congratulations.
Congratulations sir!
That last pic is a classic. Congratulations my friend!!
very nice! Congrats!!
Well deserved and earned. Good for you Sir! That's a great hog! Congrats. CK
Rob is definitely one of the good was a real pleasure meeting him and I hope we get to share more fires together in the near future!
Very, very nice Rob! And Congrats again! You stick around that Terry fella and Hogs seem to find their way to the skillet! ;)
Way to go guys, only wish I could have been there myself to share the moment. I guess this will have to do... and it is a good "second" to the real deal.
Thanks for sharing with us!
very Cool
Congrats again Rob
Congrats to ya!
Thanks for sharing your hunt with us. Great story and congrats again on your trophy. Hope that maybe oneday I can sit around a camp fire and hear them first hand.
Originally posted by Rob DiStefano:
I wait for what seems like forever, and then hear a series of snorts and wuffs that sounds like there was a monster hogzilla is in the berry bush - kinda scared me!
Awesome story and pics, congrats Rob. Well done!
Nice going Rob... :) :archer:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clapper:
:thumbsup: :archer: :clapper:
Nice story Rob, congratulations :thumbsup:
Congratulations Rob :thumbsup: . I still remember when Terry told me 'it's time to make your move', I was ready to fix bayonets and charge :D
Ray's camp is terrific, with just about all the comforts of home (LOTS of AIR CONDITIONING!).
Camp mascot was Ray's pup "Shiloh" ...
It was a pleasure to meet Ray and his nephew Josh, share his South Carolina camp, enjoy Ray's most delicious home cooked meals, and spend time checking out a tiny part of the thousands of deer, hog and turkey prime acreage - what an amazing hunting ground! I'm DEFINITELY going to plan me a hog hunt at Ray's - count on it!
Likewise, a pleasure to also meet Michael and hunt his lease - we saw hogs and deer every day - another simply amazing hunting paradise.
The hunting was terrific, but more important to me was the time shared with some real good folk. A deeply hearfelt "thank you!" to Terry, Mike, Ray and Josh - you guys are the best!
Beautiful forest, there, Rob! And a very comfortable-looking camp. Thanks for the photos!
Yeah...I'm ready to go back....too much fun...and Rob and I didn't tell ya about all the other hogs we saw....and had chances at. It was pretty fast action cept for Saturday morning when nothing seemed to be moving...but the weather sure was perfect for it.
Michael also has a pet cottontail as we walked right by him every day, and he never got out of the road.....just kept chewing and watching us go by. He was a big beautifull bunny...that one Rob took a pic of his him. I saw him snapping at mosquitoes Saturday evening....never know what you will see for the 1st time while out hunting.
Thanks for the pics Rob....maybe I'll find my camera when I unload in the warehouse in a bit. I'll have your pork all froze up this evening, and ship it to ya next week NDA.
Pork chops---Congrats Rob! Isn't it great when it all comes together. I've got to get back to Ray's real soon. :thumbsup:
I knew that "mild mannered IT guy" thing was only a disguise for your bow hunting, hog slaying alter ego. Way to go Rob!!!
Great job Rob! Persistance does pay! :clapper:
Well done brother...yer hooked for certain now! :thumbsup:
Congrats! Well deserved trophy!
Great job, those porkers must have been hungry! I see Ray still has his carpenter bee killer out. I have since learned that a badminton racquet works even better!
Glad to see O'l Shiloh sittin up right.. :knothead: .
Way to go Rob!!! Congratulations!!!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Oh, and don't forget that I'm close enough to come over for some BBQ or sausage when you get the grill goin'... :biglaugh:
"Congrats"! Thanks for sharing your story and photos.
Congrats on a fine hog and sharing your story.
Atta boy Rob. Few more and you'll catch up with Terry. Speaking of Terry, the picture says it all. TG was every bit as excited for you, as you were for taking that porker. That is a sign of true friendship. Congrats to you both. :thumbsup: :archer:
No stoppin' you now Rob!! Congrats...Doc
Great story and pics Rob....and I'm glad I got a hero pic of you.
Email me those in the large file would ya?
BTW...I found my camera. :goldtooth:
Originally posted by Terry Green:
Great story and pics Rob....and I'm glad I got a hero pic of you.
Email me those in the large file would ya?
BTW...I found my camera. :goldtooth:
whoa! glad ya found the cam, it was bothering me that we couldn't find it ... where'd that puppy show up?
pics on the way ....
That pic of you two is priceless!!
Sweet!!! Nice story, thems Eagles Flight Quivers are sure nice, but after them first 2 arrows are gone it can get one to be wonderin'!!!
Excellent and congrats!
Very cool! Nice job Rob!!
:clapper: :clapper:
Originally posted by tim roberts:
Sweet!!! Nice story, thems Eagles Flight Quivers are sure nice, but after them first 2 arrows are gone it can get one to be wonderin'!!!
actually, i had three arrows left - lost the first one shot at the hog, found the second and resharped the woodsman on the spot with a 6" grobet and a dmt dual diamond hone.
however, we never found the arrow that killed the hog.
usually i carry 4 broadheads in the eagles flight, and piggy back a 5th with a judo. in my ditty bag i carry 2 sharpened woodsmans, each sheathed in leather hoods i made - so it's easy enuf to swap out the judo for a 5th broadhead.
i love the efficient simplicity of an ultralight bow quiver.
Great looking pig, Rob and the perfect size for the pit! Great shot too...dang near perfect! :thumbsup: :clapper:
Dang, don't know how I missed this one....CONGRATS ROB on a job well done!!
Great story telling, too!
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Congrats Rob, That is a Great first Piggy You got.
1 down, 1,000,000 more to go.
Very nice,Congrats
Congrats :thumbsup:
Congrats to you! :bigsmyl:
These two guys are my Trad Gang "HEROES". Thanks guys for the story and a good photo of Rob with Terry. I can now identify Rob if I meet him in the forest. There are several more Trad Gang heroes I have but I am not naming names at this time. Ken
Way to go Rob.
Great job, great pics, and a great story Rob! Great to see you adding hog mojo to the Mohawk! You and Terry working together to make it happen makes it even better. That's the kind of story that makes hog hunting so special! Congrats!!!
Ray's sure is one fantastic place to hunt. Even when the hogs are hiding, there's always something wild going on around you.
That's funny about the rabbit. When we were down a few weeks ago, I had one that would not get out of my way either. He would wait on me to get a few feet from him, then hop ahead about 10 yards and wait for me to catch up again.
:thumbsup: :clapper:
Just want to be clear...they were staying at my camp, but were hunting over at Michael Langehans' place...a tiny bit up the road.
Yep....Ray was gracious to allow us to stay in camp with him and his nephew Josh. We had a GREAT time in camp with lot and lots of laughs. Great food as well.
It truly was a special weekend. Thanks again Ray and Michael :campfire:
nice hunt for sure, cool pig too.