Trad Gang
Trad Gang Highlights => HIGHLIGHTS 2011 => Topic started by: AMB on December 19, 2011, 10:10:00 AM
Last January, I killed my first rack buck with my recurve and back in October topped him with a nice 8 point. Well, Saturday morning, I bested him with this buck. He is also an 8 point, but is a little older deer with better mass and much bigger body. He weighed in at 190lbs, live weight, that's a good one around my parts. Shot was 27yards with a 200 yard recovery.
out standing!!
Very cool congats.
Well done. Congrats!
What a great buck ! Congrats !
Awsome:thumbsup: :thumbsup: ! Congrats on the great deer! Heck 190 pounds for Alabama is almost Elk status isn't it :D
Way to go sir! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
What part of Alabama were you hunting?
Congrats on a fine buck!!!
north east alabama! way to go andy!
Thanks fellas! Chucky beat me to it, I'm in the NE corner of the state, Guntersville to be exact.
Nice buck, and sounds like a good tracking job also.
not much tracking ,with those axes , he shoots! :notworthy:
Congratulations on a very nice looking buck!
Bernie Bjorklund
NC Iowa/SW Wisconsin
:thumbsup: :clapper:
Congrats !!!!!!
what was your setup ?
Hoyt TD3/DAS riser with Winex limbs, pulling 47@28, Beman 500 arrows with a Treeshark on the end.
Man look at the bucks that are falling to Trad gear this year. Congratulations on the fine buck.
congrats. nice deer
Congrats! Nice buck! :clapper:
Way to go AMB - real nice buck !
Very nice Congrats!
Way to go! Congrats on a beauty!!
Congrats!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Great buck.............
NICE buck, congrats!!
Nice one for sure!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Well done!!!
Congrats on a fine buck! :thumbsup:
Nice work.