Trad Gang

National Bowhunting Orgs => Veterans Forum => Topic started by: Terry Green on March 01, 2015, 05:05:00 PM

Title: Welcome...
Post by: Terry Green on March 01, 2015, 05:05:00 PM
Make yourself at home....I'll be back later with some info on the reason for this forum.

Its all yours guys.....

Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Fattony77 on March 01, 2015, 05:17:00 PM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: monterey on March 01, 2015, 05:18:00 PM
Well, wondered what that was all about!

Going to be interesting.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Mike Vines on March 01, 2015, 05:18:00 PM
I like suspense.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: 1/4 away on March 01, 2015, 05:21:00 PM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Wannabe1 on March 01, 2015, 05:27:00 PM
Ahhh, and the thot plickens!    :bigsmyl:

We are having very unusual warm weather here in the Pacific NW. I would be out shooting right now except, I took a spill and chipped the Fibia bone in my right ankle. Gonna be laid up for a bit 'til the Orthopedics decide whether they need to do surgery and remove the chipped bone particle or not.   :banghead:
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Paul/KS on March 01, 2015, 05:30:00 PM
Well, so that's what he was up to...   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Al Kidner on March 01, 2015, 05:44:00 PM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: goingoldskool on March 01, 2015, 05:57:00 PM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Bowhunter4life on March 01, 2015, 06:04:00 PM
What are you up to T???
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: darin putman on March 01, 2015, 06:08:00 PM
Well here we are. But where are we? Sure we'll find out soon. Hi all.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: S.C. Hunter on March 01, 2015, 06:20:00 PM
:campfire:  Well we will see.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: achigan on March 01, 2015, 06:36:00 PM
Anchors aweigh Terry, thanks.   :coffee:
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Archer Dave on March 01, 2015, 06:57:00 PM
Cool, thanks Terry.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Jack Denbow on March 01, 2015, 07:02:00 PM
Semper Paratus
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: T Folts on March 01, 2015, 07:02:00 PM
You got my attention. Should be good.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: RonD on March 01, 2015, 08:22:00 PM
OK! I will check back later to see what's up.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Russ Clagett on March 01, 2015, 08:53:00 PM
Dang...thought when I retired I would be done waiting around in lines......

Wonder what's up...?

Somebody check with a PFC...they always seem to know...
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Paul Cousineau on March 01, 2015, 09:24:00 PM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Mike Mecredy on March 01, 2015, 10:22:00 PM
thank you.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: D. Key on March 01, 2015, 10:30:00 PM
Patiently waiting.    :laughing:
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Straight Shootin' on March 01, 2015, 10:32:00 PM
I'll be back!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Rustic on March 02, 2015, 06:55:00 AM
Thanks Terry...I'll stop by later.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: centaur on March 02, 2015, 07:24:00 AM
Hurry up and wait. Fall in according to height, and stand by. Dang, I think I have been here before.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: mbugland on March 02, 2015, 07:34:00 AM
This must be the 15min prior to the 15 min prior forum.  

Really, looks like it is a new forum in it's entirety. Tradgang>National Bowhunting Forums>Veterans...
Hopefully, closed forum, for personal reasons.

Can appreciate the thought and double brotherhood
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: kevsuperg on March 02, 2015, 07:35:00 AM
Aim high
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Roger Norris on March 02, 2015, 08:31:00 AM
A cyber mystery!   :bigsmyl:
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Roger Norris on March 02, 2015, 08:35:00 AM
A Veterans Forum....pretty cool!!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: MnFn on March 02, 2015, 09:29:00 AM
Well, while we are waiting..
I don't know if any of you feel the same way, but I think I got far more out of my service in the US Army than any cost to me. I grew up an awful lot.

When I went in the Army at age 20 I literally had nothing going for me. A dead end minimum wage job and no prospects.
The Army taught me a lot, including that I could succeed in college, etc.  Because of my service, I had the GI Bill for education; a leg up getting into the Federal Government workforce.  I think of the US Army as a great equalizer, or maybe enabler is a better word.
I wonder where I would be if I had not enlisted.
I am extremely thankful for those benefits.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Broken Quiver on March 02, 2015, 09:32:00 AM
Do we line-up by the height we once were, or as it is today   :)
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: centaur on March 02, 2015, 09:43:00 AM
Originally posted by MnFn:
Well, while we are waiting..
I don't know if any of you feel the same way, but I think I got far more out of my service in the US Army than any cost to me. I grew up an awful lot.

When I went in the Army at age 20 I literally had nothing going for me. A dead end minimum wage job and no prospects.
The Army taught me a lot, including that I could succeed in college, etc.  Because of my service, I had the GI Bill for education; a leg up getting into the Federal Government workforce.  I think of the US Army as a great equalizer, or maybe enabler is a better word.
I wonder where I would be if I had not enlisted.
I am extremely thankful for those benefits.
I bet a lot of us feel the same way. I went in at 19, my rich Uncle taught me how to fly helicopters and sent me on an all expenses paid vacation to SE Asia. That will grow you up in a hurry.
The GI Bill made it possible to finish college, and the time in the Green Machine gave me insights well beyond my years.
I know it will not happen, but I believe that some mandatory military service would benefit our young people, and I have high praise for the current crop that volunteered to join. You don't have to necessarily serve in a combat capacity to gain maturity and insight from a military experience.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Broken Quiver on March 02, 2015, 10:55:00 AM
So here we all are-trained, honed and ready--riding the Razor's Edge. Who has the Plan Of Attack? Oh Yeah, that was 45 years ago. Seems like yesterday.

In all truth, a lot of my fondest memories occurred while working for my uncle, and I too came away with things and opportunities that will last me a life-time. Thankful for the opportunity and proud I made the stand. Thank You All!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: stumpsniper on March 02, 2015, 11:19:00 AM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: BAK on March 02, 2015, 11:56:00 AM
I didn't always agree with everything I was told to do, but then I was seldom given incite into all the elements that made up the process.  It would have been my career if not for an unhappy wife.

I don't blame her though, hard to be a family when half of the members are off in a war zone for a year at a time.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Duker on March 02, 2015, 01:04:00 PM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: T Folts on March 02, 2015, 02:02:00 PM
It sure helped me in my life. I also have two sons who currently serve and am very proud of them. One is on his secound tour and in South Korea for the second time soon to be returning to Colorado. My second son is on his first tour toughing it out in Hawaii.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: RonD on March 02, 2015, 02:11:00 PM
The Army was a tremendous experience and a difficult one. Like BAK, I would have made a career of the service but my wife was not happy being a military wife. After 49 years of marriage and I still think about it. It is impossible to tell people and have them understand what a big family we were. Fortunately for me I served at Army bases until 1967 at which time I was transferred to a Marine base (Camp H.M. Smith) and served under a Marine Major General and a Marine LTC in the J3 Operations Division as a member of a joint staff. At age 22 upon entering the service I was considered by most as an old man compared to 17, 18, and 19 year olds, and these guys gave me the nickname of "Short Pop". I do believe that the Korean War and the Vietnam has come to define the United States today on an international level. Finally, I love my brothers and always will and not a day goes by that I don't think of them and miss them.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Terry Green on March 02, 2015, 04:39:00 PM
Yes...its a closed forum for you guys only.  

No real mystery....just have fun for the moment...
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Roadkill on March 02, 2015, 05:04:00 PM
All of us took something from our time in a brotherhood that cannot be explained to those who have not served.  Some of my friends are closer to me than my brothers.  Funny how we laugh now at things that scared us straight in those days. Raise a toast to them when next having a short one!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: M60gunner on March 02, 2015, 05:08:00 PM
I never regret my USMC service. I might have stayed in but at that time (1968) living conditions for married men E-5 and below where the pits and I am being nice here. "Retention" was not in the militarys vocabulary other than "ship over bonus". I was an O3 which meant at least another trip back across the pond which meant another person very close to me living day to day hoping they do not open the door to Marines in dress blues with the telegram in their hands.
I do want to thank Terry for putting up this thread. I know I am not alone in having issues talking about our experiences with family or those who have not served.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: goingoldskool on March 02, 2015, 05:42:00 PM
I have to agree with MnFn.... I started out in the Army because I couldn't  afford to go to college... I was just shy of 21 when I got out of AIT  and thought I was on top the world! I had a bunch of 'brothers' that I'd do anything  for and they for me.  I did 13 years, and 9 months and was not liking the way the Army was headed, so I rotated to the Missouri Air Guard Just in time for 9/11.... which led to an extended Sandy vacation in a very warm place. Along with 4 subsequent trips...

This trip was not even close to the '91 Gulf trip.... this one was much hotter! But it all worked out and I am now a federal technician working on C130's and enjoy every day of it!!!  My new coworkers are are of a mix of prior service just like me, so we always have good stories!

Even after 27 years, I don't see how I could have NOT worked for Uncle Sam... I'd do it all again!

By the way, I met my wife in the Army and now she's in the Air guard as well... about to finish her 20 years in.

This has enabled me to see quite a bit of the country and LOTS of places that I'd like to see with bow in hand!

God bless you guys and THANK YOU FOR your service!!!

Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Mudd on March 02, 2015, 06:33:00 PM
I'm here...

God bless,Mudd
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: swampdrummer on March 02, 2015, 07:02:00 PM
Pretty cool! Thanks!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Phrogdrvr on March 02, 2015, 07:03:00 PM
Cool, this will be fun.  Semper Fi Brothers and Sisters in arms.

Maj Tom, USMC
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Fattony77 on March 02, 2015, 07:08:00 PM
I was 22 when I joined the Army, and headed down the wrong path. The Good Lord saved my life by way of an Army recruiter. I sometimes regret that I wasn't able to serve for longer than I did, as I fell ill in AIT and was unable to recover quickly enough to continue serving. The Army showed me how to endure and overcome obstacles like no other experience could have.

I now serve and protect the state of Oklahoma by being a Correctional Officer. Thanks to the grace of God and my military experience, I now WORK at a prison instead of living in one.

I thank God for the opportunity to have served for as long as I did (though I didn't do much), and I thank all of you for being willing and able to give more than I did. And for making it possible for me to still be able to say that I am PROUD to be an American and a veteran.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: monterey on March 02, 2015, 07:10:00 PM
I bet a lot of us feel the same way. I went in at 19, my rich Uncle taught me how to fly helicopters and sent me on an all expenses paid vacation to SE Asia. That will grow you up in a hurry.
That sure does parralel my experience.  Woulda liked to fly those choppers but could not pass the eye test.  

When I got out it seemed like the people my age (21) who, for whatever reason, did not serve were living in a sorta fantasy world.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: McDave on March 02, 2015, 07:31:00 PM
Originally posted by MnFn:
Well, while we are waiting..
I don't know if any of you feel the same way, but I think I got far more out of my service in the US Army than any cost to me. I grew up an awful lot.

When I went in the Army at age 20 I literally had nothing going for me. A dead end minimum wage job and no prospects.
The Army taught me a lot, including that I could succeed in college, etc.  Because of my service, I had the GI Bill for education; a leg up getting into the Federal Government workforce.  I think of the US Army as a great equalizer, or maybe enabler is a better word.
I wonder where I would be if I had not enlisted.
I am extremely thankful for those benefits.
Substitute the USMC for the Army in the story above, and it could just as well be my story.  Same age, same everything else.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Al Kidner on March 02, 2015, 07:59:00 PM
G'day yanks!

It's one of your aussie brothers in arms here and I must say it's always been a pleasure following you lads from one front to the next over the past.... Oh 100

I spent just shy of 10 years in the Australian infantry and most of that time in recon/sniper units as well as regional surveillance units keeping an eye open on our northern boarders.

I left the green machine wanting my own life back after a full on few years of deployments and not a day goes by that I don't thank the Army/Infantry for its shaping and roughing out 'me'.

I find my service defies me as a man and I am at peace with that. Some love my 'old school' ways of discipline, standing behind your actions and being accountable ... Not to mention leading from the front. The infantry taught me all that... Hell I still roll my socks the same way and can iron better then anyone I Well maybe not my dear Ma.

Now I am answering questions from my son who is thinking of following my footsteps and joining up. I wanted him to do a trade or something, like being a engineer or mechanic. But no... He tells me he want to "walk the light green like you did dad".... And that chokes me up a tad as although I know joining up will also turn him into a man, I think my family have done enough for this country. His call though.

Welcome my brothers in arms.

John 15:13.

Oh and thanks Terry.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: TealCoin on March 02, 2015, 08:21:00 PM
Anxious to see what's brewing!!!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: brianbfree on March 02, 2015, 09:06:00 PM
I served allmost 23 years (all but six months on jump status)right out of high school and I still to this day cannot believe all the great things I had the oportunity to do and the places to do them in. I saw most of Africa, Cenral and South America, Asia and Europe. I can add all fifty states to the list as well. At times it was gruling hard work but I enjoyed it all. I got paid to do what most guys have on thier bucket list. I would never change a single thing.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Bladepeek on March 02, 2015, 09:58:00 PM
Centaur, I'd have loved to have flown choppers over there, but they would have never gotten the pilot's seat clean again. You guys had to be at least partially insane. A lot of guys sure owe their lives to some very gutsy pilots, though.

I was minding my own business as a Detroit cop, when I got a letter inviting me to come down to Ft Knox, KY for some remedial training. That was back in Nov 1963. Was standing in formation when they announced that JFK had been shot. I thank the Army for that draft notice. Otherwise, I'd probably be on somebody's cell phone video.

Spent some time at Ft Sill, OK learning all about 105mm guns and losing some of my hearing. Then I went to Germany, found a wife and decided I needed a life skill other than shooting cannons so it was off to Ft Monmouth for a year to become an electronics wizard. That, in turn, made my VietNam tour different from a lot of yours. I was one of those REMFs who got to work in air conditioned vans and buildings and spent a minimum of time out where people shot at you.

Came back from where I felt like I was making a difference to EUCOM Hq near Stuttgart Germany where I spent more time explaining why somebody's boots weren't lined up properly under his bunk than I spent running my shift. I left the Army after nearly 10 years, but I wouldn't trade very much of that time for anything. It was definitely a learning and leveling experience.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: S.C. Hunter on March 02, 2015, 10:19:00 PM
Well it is a nice thing Terry has done for us and it is much appreciated. Been out now almost 30 years seems not so long ago.

 Originally joined the SCARNG/ S.C. Army National guard. That was my junior year in high school. upon graduation a buddy of mine wanted to join the marines and asked me to go on the buddy plan.

Well my platoon sgt, Sgt first class Darnell class was also our county Sheriff, Mr.Ed Darnell and my company commander Capt. Dean Delk was one of my football coaches. Small towns gotta love it.

 After much discussion I received my lateral transfer for the time I had signed up for the guard. I enlisted into the USMC and just over a year and a half after finishing basic training for the Army at Ft.Jackson I found myself aboard Parris Island going through bootcamp. Lol glutton for punishment. Met some great people and had some experiences I'll never forget.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: S.C. Hunter on March 02, 2015, 10:26:00 PM
Thank you, Terry and anyone else who may have been involved with creating this forum.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Bear Heart on March 02, 2015, 10:40:00 PM
Seems be be a good amount of us here.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: akbowbender on March 02, 2015, 10:45:00 PM
I went into the Army at the relatively old age of 26.

I was working, but I needed a change. I always felt that I needed to serve my country in some way.  My father was a career Navy Chief, and my brother was a Marine, so I mixed things up and joined the Army!

I had basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, and my AIT at Ft. Huachuca, Az. My duty station for the remainder of my enlistment was at Schofield Barracks on Oahu.

I know, tough duty! Believe it or not, after a while, I got tired of laying around in the sun! I was rescued by a guy in the company who was in the Armed Forces Field Archery Club (AFFAC). Most everyone by then were shooting compounds, so that's what he gave me to shoot. By the end of my tour, though, I was shooting a recurve again.

Since it was a time of relative peace in the world, the Army didn't really have anything for us to do but train. Fortunately, I was loaned out to the 548 RTG at Hickam AFB. With the 548th, it got to go on two 2-month TDY's to Okinawa where we worked the imagery from the SR-71's that flew missions from there. This really helped make my enlistment go by quickly.

I had a good deal going there on Oahu, as I lived off post, but I knew that I probably wouldn't have such a deal if I re-upped and got sent somewhere else, so I got out after my 3-year hitch was up.

It was a good experience, and it gave me the break I needed. I had served my country, and it was now time to enjoy our great country with a bow in hand.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Brianlocal3 on March 02, 2015, 11:13:00 PM
Welcome everyone
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Jerry Jeffer on March 02, 2015, 11:14:00 PM
Failed my first year at college. Never in class, too much hunting and fishing instead. Ended up in the Navy, got an a$$ whoop in grow up. Only did 4 years, and have a better life because of it. Maybe should have stayed in?....

Waiting to see what we have here.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Brianlocal3 on March 02, 2015, 11:15:00 PM
I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for the military. I could never give back as much as I got out.!!!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Bldtrailer on March 03, 2015, 12:21:00 AM
Freedom is NEVER free, it is paid  for with the BLOOD of heroes.   :help:   while all others are running away.  All it takes for EVIL to win is for good men to do nothing.    :archer2:
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Sarge11 on March 03, 2015, 12:42:00 AM
Dress right----DRESS!

Appreciation to all on this forum and thanks Terry for the thought and effort.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: sj_lutz on March 03, 2015, 07:42:00 AM
Pretty cool, thanks Terry!!

I agree 100% with a common sentiment so far; I'd not be where I am in life without the ohhhh so warm and loving embrace of my favorite Uncle....

My wife and I both served, we are actually the rare exception to the 18 month (or 18 day) AIT / tech school marriage; we'll celebrate our 28th anniversary this year.  Both our kids are now on active duty;  our son is in the Army, serving as a medic with 4ID....our daughter is currently in USAF tech school, also a medic.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: longbowman on March 03, 2015, 07:53:00 AM
This is a great gesture Terry.  I was married 5 years before I decided to join up.  I was the "Old Man" in basic helping the younger guys with life in general.  That experience that followed me my entire 4 years set the stage for helping others in regular life as I am now a Pastor.  Just this weekend I had the privilege of guiding a Navy Vet. to Christ as he is terminal with cancer.  My time in was a blessing to me and my family.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: DaveT1963 on March 03, 2015, 08:06:00 AM
Nice - thanks Terry
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 03, 2015, 08:14:00 AM
Lots of similar stories; I was 19 and flunking out of college because I thought one went to college to drink beer. Got my draft notice after taking only 9 hours one quarter and losing my student deferment. I joined the Army and picked an MOS (67N20, helicopter maintenance) rather than let the Army pick one for me. I joined  after a warning from the kind lady at the draft board who told me that guys who were drafted from East Tennessee usually went to the infantry, this was Jan, 1967.

Nocked my girlfriend up on my first leave home after AIT and became a 20 year old married PFC with a young son.

The Army provided me with a job and took care of my young family but most of all taught me how to be a responsible man, a lesson that has served me well for the rest of my life to date.

One footnote; My son grew up to be a troubled young man, brilliant but made a lot of very poor life choices. The day he graduated from high school I gave him three choices; leave home and get a job, leave home and go to school or leave home and go into the service.

He picked the service and joined the Air Force.  Four years later he came home as a responsible man and went on to do great things with his life.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Bud B. on March 03, 2015, 08:16:00 AM
USAF here, 1 Dec 83 - 5 April 88

Joined at 18 years old.

Lackland AFB, obviously. Did my tech school there, Security Specialist, then on to Barksdale AFB April 84 til Nov 85 when I was reassigned to Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, AK. Served out my time there and separated under Reagan's strength in force reduction (Gramm/Rudman).

Loved my time in the service. Got to see and do many things I'll likely never do again. I drove to Alaska from NC in Nov of 85. If you want an adventure, drive to Alaska in the winter. Both of my daughters were born in AK. They had great care at the regional hospital from military and civilian personnel.

My thanks go out to all vets; past, present, and future.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: degabe on March 03, 2015, 09:32:00 AM
Signed up in Dec. 65, went to Great lakes in Jan 66. Spent 6 years as a spook. Uncle didn't need us any more so I came home got married started a family. A friend asked me to attend a national guard drill and so I did for 18 years. My youngest son joined the Navy after high school and the wife said one uniform at a time to worry about was enough so I retired. My son finished 21 years on Feb. 1 and is also retired.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: mike g on March 03, 2015, 10:00:00 AM
Looks like a lot of us shared the same time frame serving....
   US Army 71-73
   USMC 75-78
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: SELFBOW19953 on March 03, 2015, 10:31:00 AM
My draft lottery number was 041 in 1970, I turned 19 in December, so I joined the Air Force-19 years old and married with a 6 month old daughter.  Went to tech school in Denver for 46 weeks and in 1972 ended up in Thailand on TDY supporting F111's.  Got sent home after only 4 months (signed the peace agreement while I was in flight over the Pacific), 6 weeks later I got sent back to Thailand for another 5 months. With less than a week to have my 9 months in a year-would have counted as a short tour-I got PCS orders to the base I was at.  I could convert in place or take leave before reporting back to Thailand-I took leave.  About half way through my PCS my lonely wife got married-yep, I had a husband-in-law.  Went home, got divorced, and, since my mother had joint custody (with me) of my 2 kids, got sent back to Thailand (couldn't qualify for a hardship since my mother had my kids).  At the end of my 2 years, involuntary, in Thailand-Thailand was much, much better than Nam!!!!- UNCLE sent me to Delaware, where I was lucky enough to finish my 20 years without ever moving again.  Been here 40 years now.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: bowhunterfrompast on March 03, 2015, 10:47:00 AM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: jamesh76 on March 03, 2015, 02:06:00 PM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Old Chief on March 03, 2015, 02:15:00 PM
Thank you for all of your efforts, they are appreciated.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Scott88 on March 03, 2015, 04:28:00 PM
Thanks,a week after graduating high school,I was married and leaving on a silver bird headed to Ft.Leonard wood for Basic and AIT.It's the first time I had ever seen real snow!!!We don't get much of that here in South Louisiana :)Built roads and health care facility's over a lot of central America.Makes you appreciate everything you have, to see the way others live in different parts of the world.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: ESP on March 03, 2015, 04:57:00 PM
I went in right after college.  I learned more in my time serving, than I could have learned earning 6 phd's.  I learned how to deal with people and that is skill needed for most every job there is.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: achigan on March 03, 2015, 05:11:00 PM
Joined the Navy on my 18th birthday Dec. 30 1968. I flunked out of electronics school and got sent to 'Nam. Kitchen duty in Cua Viet, longshoreman in Danang and laundry in Cam Rahn Bay. Last two years was on the Charles Berry DE-1035 out of Pearl Harbor. Back to Nam doing smuggler interdiction off the Delta. No fighting in either tour, just support work. got my DD214 in Oct '72.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: monterey on March 03, 2015, 05:50:00 PM
I see many Ft Leonard Wood alumni here!

"if it doesn't grow, pick it up.  Don't pick up the rocks because at Ft Leonard Wood they grow"
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Tradtical Commando on March 03, 2015, 06:14:00 PM
Rich uncle taught you to fly and sent you on vacation in Asia hahahahaha that's awesome
My rich uncle got me a big sandbox! A couple of them actually. I don't play in it anymore though...
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: brianbfree on March 03, 2015, 07:42:00 PM
Just wanted to say thank to Terry it is a great thing you did here.

My rich uncle sent me many places and tought me to study and understand people, to see thier strenths and weaknesses and take advantage of both. He let me take long walks in the woods with free gear and crapy boots. He was the first guy to let me use his GORTEX. He let me use his guns and gave me tens of thousands of rouds of ammunition to shoot. First he taught me how to follow and then to lead and how to teach that to others.

Thank you Uncle Rich
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: WhiteOaks on March 04, 2015, 06:41:00 AM
Outstanding gesture for the Vets.

I joined at 17 and I'm still active duty.
At least one more year.
Five years in Iraq and one in Afghanistan I'm ready to hang it up but then 30 years ain't a bad run.

Thanks to all for their service and sacrifice.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: njloco on March 04, 2015, 07:23:00 AM
Terry this is a real cool thing you've done here I think these guy's deserve their own place to talk and I think they will really enjoy it.

I would not want to displace a true veteran, so I must bow out, I was only in the reserves and only did boot camp plus medic training, then got to go home, so I would appreciate it if you could give this spot on the list to someone who truly deserves it.


God bless guys.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: RonD on March 04, 2015, 11:14:00 AM
njloco, you signed the same contract as the rest of us and belong here as well brother. Please stay with us and make your contribution to this site. Hell you never know when we might need a medic (doc).
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: treehermit on March 04, 2015, 04:49:00 PM
Looks like a great group.  Thanks for the forum!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Babbling Bob on March 04, 2015, 07:01:00 PM
Roadkill, I laugh more then at things in the service than I do now.  Such as, when a sub I was on had a minor hickup with a valve and was loosing depth. I watched the depth gauge spin in the missle compartment until we got the valve secured. None of us were scared. Back then, we were too young and dumb to realize we might be meeting our maker.  Later a friend I traveed across country with I called Doc, did on a similar situation when his sub, the Scorpion, went down.

That same "I ain't gonna die" attitude that the service help provide was my salvation to recovery when I was in a fatal one car accident and was the driver when I was in the Navy. I'm smart enough to  try to avoid any potential fatal situations now.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: outbackbob48 on March 04, 2015, 08:55:00 PM
I left for Nam on my 20th birthday and returned to the world on my 21st and I am still celebrating.
All gave some,some gave all. Bob
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Keb on March 05, 2015, 10:53:00 PM
I was in high school friends going to college.

I saw an army commercial I went to the recruiter.

He said son do you like to drink beer and go camping? I Said who the F don't. He said the infantry is the job for you son!

BEST choice I ever made, got out went college for free and been a cop for the last 15 years.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Wannabe1 on March 05, 2015, 11:07:00 PM
Keb, thank you for your service on both fronts! Welcome at my campfire anytime.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: lablover on March 06, 2015, 11:49:00 PM
Joined straight out of high school, coming from a navy family all I ever wanted was to be a sailor. Well at 17 I got my wish. But looking back on 22 years can't say it was a bad run. More good times then bad and a lot of great memories. Four boys later I have one now serving our mutual uncle in the sub service. Don't know. Where I went wrong   A bubble head oh well we're still proud of him. Terry thanks for the forum.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: MnFn on March 10, 2015, 10:09:00 AM
Yes, good ol' Fort Leonard Wood.  Still remember my first drill sergeant.  Drill Sergeant Godfrey.  A Bowhunter, I believe.  He pulled a bow out of his vehicle to show another DI while we were doing push ups.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Butts2 on March 12, 2015, 08:57:00 AM
"Going back to the World"...always got a conversation started
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Izzy on March 14, 2015, 09:11:00 AM
I feel proud to associate with all you fellas. My story is not so glorious and my post military career is where I pay my dues to America. My father was a Vietnam vet and that along with 1st Blood made me decide to join up with the army reserve during my senior year of high school. I left to basic training on august 4th 1990, the same week as the launch of desert storm. I was an orthopedic tech in a field hospital unit and never was deployed. Chased women, drank beer and sat around doing nothing during drills. Six years of that and I was done.

  Went to college with help from uncle Sam and I have to say my non remarkable enlistment time still saved me from going down the wrong path.

  Having seen what combat has done to some family members, including my two nephews who have safely returned from Afghanistan and Iraq with the USMC, I hate to say it but I have no desire to see my sons go there. At the same time, I respect all of you who've been down the path more than I could ever express. Thanks for your sacrifices.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: New Wood on March 14, 2015, 08:11:00 PM
Proud to have served, proud to be part of this group.

My story sounds like many of yours, 19 years old, no college and a rotten economy in the early 80's. Joined the army as an MP ended up getting posted in Germany.  My First Sergeant had grown up about an hour away from me and I'll be damned if those deer hunting pictures my family sent me didn't make my room inspections a piece of cake. He spent more time talkin' deer that he did room inspecting.
Got out in the spring of 84 and a month later got hired by my hometown Police Department.  I start my 32nd year June 4th.
I owe a lot of who I am to those two years...

Thanks to all who served

Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: SELFBOW19953 on March 17, 2015, 07:13:00 PM
Here's an interesting website I happened across.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: redfish on March 21, 2015, 10:47:00 PM
It is good that we have such a place. There are things that can be said, or unsaid, that would not be understood by others.
 Waking up alive is a good sign.  .
In 2013 we had a first reunion of the guys in my company in over 40+ years, only about 15 then but we have found more since. It is good.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: S.C. Hunter on March 29, 2015, 11:11:00 PM
Thank you everyone for your service. Sometimes just reading other peoples stories is a comfort. We all have sacrificed and go quietly about our lives. I know now more than ever, I appreciate every day I have with my family and friends. You are all family, brothers in arms. Miss my brothers who are long departed so much. Thanks Terry!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: shick on April 09, 2015, 01:51:00 PM
Little late getting here, just the opposite of the military's 'hurry up and wait'.  Thought I had it all planned out after high school.  I was going to join the Army Security Agency(4years) and go to Crypto repair school.  Get out, finish college and get a job at the pentagon.  Trouble is the ASA had different plans for me and never saw the school I wanted(no guarantees back in '66.  Sent me to signal supply school and ended up in Turkey taking care of the 'in country boys and their needs.  Developed a trick shoulder playing flag football too often and was operated on stateside the month before discharge.  Extended for a year and ended up giving Uncle Sam 5 years.  I really thought it was a waste of 5 years and started out being a civilian again behind the times.  Now I know better; went to Penn State on the GI bill while raising 3 children.  Got a degree in '78 and wouldn't say anything bad about 'yesterday's military at all. Retired from the USPS; I'm a Life Member of Disabled Veterans and volunteer my services when I can.
Glad to be with you guys.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: woodchucker on April 29, 2015, 11:12:00 PM
Well, here goes...

I flunked out of High School in 1978. After 4 years there, I was still in 9th grade math & 9th grade English. Got called into the office one day,right before Graduation... Principle tells me, "You know there's no way in hell,you're going to ever graduate... Do us all a favor & don't bother coming back next year." I went up to the recruiter's office & the man says "You can have a uniform just like this!!!" Well, I tell him I haven't graduated... "No problem Son!!! What you have is what we here in the Marine Corp. call, The High School Equivalent!!!" (Meaning basicly, my body was physicaly in school for 12 years,LMAO!!!) I headed for Paris Island 4 days later, June 28th 1978.

Boot Camp was Ok, On the Rifle Range I kept playing with my sights on my M-16. The PMI went BONKERS!!!!! I'd hunted woodchucks all my life & long range shooting was old hat!!! On Qualification day, I made 10 head shots, at the 500yd line. Impressed the snot out of the Bn. Commander. Probly even gave him a chubby! LOL  The day before Graduation, I was given 2 sets of orders... The 1st was to Advanced Infantry School at Camp LeJeune NC, The 2nd was to the Marine Scout Sniper School at Quantico,Va.

After graduating Sniper School, I went back to Camp LeJeune,await transfer to the 1st RECON Scout Sniper Platoon, at Camp Pendalton,Ca... I was in a holding Company for about a week, waiting for my orders. Every motning, we all went to the Gym, to see if our orders came through. If they didn't call your name, you had Base Liberty untill the following morning. One morning, the C.O. of the 2nd RECON Bn. came in looking for volunteers. The wheels started turning...I had managed to dodge Okinowa, by going to Sniper School... I was going to Camp Pendelton Ca. If I raised my hand... I'd be stationed in N.C. & MAYBE, be able to get home for deer season...???

The rest My Brothers & Sisters... Is History!!!!!
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: DesertDude on May 14, 2015, 02:23:00 AM
A lot of brothers here.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Straitshot on June 21, 2015, 01:18:00 AM
Joined the Navy in 1964 the day before receiving my draft notice. Between June 1965 and September 1968 did three West Pack tours aboard the USS Kennebec AO-36 running up and down the Vietnam coastline replenishing other ships and gun boats with fuel, cargo, and ammunition. I started shooting archery on a consistent basis after being discharged from active duty in late 1968. I am now 70 years old and still shooting. In fact I recently ordered another bow, like I really needed one. May be the last bow I may ever order, but then again maybe not.   :)
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Texoma Felton on July 14, 2015, 10:51:00 PM
Thank you Terry.

Like so many in mid 60's was drafted. Basic at Ft Polk La. During orientation an officer ask me what I did in civilian life. I told him I was 3rd gen in refergeration, and he ask me if I would like to be in ref and air conditioning during my stay with Uncle, jumped on it beats carying a rifle.
Orders after basic for Airborn Electronics and Special Warfare board. Fort Bragg N C. Small attached unit tested military equipment,everything from night scopes to C 141 first pure jet troupe transport.we tested it and officers wrote manuels before Army approved purchase. 126 unlisted men 86 officers. Spent remainder of active duty there missed Nan but tested a lot of equipment that went there.
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Hot Hap on April 29, 2016, 05:21:00 PM
Title: Re: Welcome...
Post by: Howitser on May 12, 2018, 09:03:27 AM
Lets see,  senior in High school and got into some trouble.  My parents didn't deserve the aggravation, they raised me better, so I enlisted.  12 days outa graduation I'm in Basic.  Served at Eglin AFB, DaNang Air Base (71-72), Takhli RTAFB Thailand, and Kinchloe AFB, on the UP.    As Sgt. King says, "Every day is gravy"