Trad Gang
Main Boards => Hunting Essentials => Topic started by: SAM E. STEPHENS on May 12, 2018, 11:17:07 AM
With all the Elk talk going on how about a detailed pack list for a 7-10 day backpack hunt in the backcountry. I will put my list up also , this year will be my 7th Elk trip off my back and always like seeing how others load-out for a hunt..
I know lists will vary for each type of hunt so if your not after Elk put your sheep , Bear , deer , what ever list up. We can always learn a new trick or a new piece of gear. For instance 2 years ago my hunting partner for elk was a tradganger and he brought a light weight kettle and that thing was awesome ( I’m buying one for this year )...
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As you can see my list is pretty simple , I’m going to get a air pad for this year instead of my Zrest and I’m going to add the light weight kettle also...
My gear is also based on funds available so most is not the super high end stuff but it works and gets the job done very well..
Also this year I will be using a longbow and wood arrows ( I have been on 6 elk DIY backpack elk hunts and killed 4 bulls with a recurve and carbon arrows ) so longbow and wood this year....
Sam, thats a pretty awesome stastistic with the elk you have, my hat is of to you!
I am going on my second elkhunt ever this year. got a 5 point on my own last time but this tome I am going in for both muledeer and elk and are going to be in the mountains for 20 days! 10 days alone and then 10 days with a buddy without coming out of there in between. So I am also preppi g big time right now and finding lots of new light weight gear.. its incredible how light weight the new stuff is..
would be cool to see some pics from your other elkhunts.. 😊
Also I’m not a trophy hunter so any legal bull or cow will have an arrow sent it’s way if a good shot is offered. I go for the adventure , experience , fun , time with friends , fishing , allure , romance of the wilderness ( don’t get me wrong I want to kill a Elk that’s why I’m hunting ). In my opinion backpack hunts will make or break a guy , you need to be ready physical and mental for what you are about to do , if your not your hunt is over before you take your first step on the trail. I always hear how over crowded the land is with hunters and how no elk were seen on a trip. Well if that’s the case pack your butt up and go to another area , I would rather hunt for 2 days in elk than hunt a week where no elk are....
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Sam, good topic and great pictures on your success.
Here is a copy of my 3-4 day bivy/spike camp Colorado hunt checklist. It needs some updating but has served me well in my adventures.
Note: error occurs trying to attach this excel checklist OR jpeg picture of it.
:clapper: definitely like your approach .
Checking your list for gear that I have and gear that I need. Done a few DIY hunts but not in the last few years as I've been using outfitters lately. Looking forward to the trip this year with you Sam. I have a "few" years on you-- but I'll be ready! :archer2:
Good thread, I'm following along :thumbsup:. Planning our first trip for next year.
Take a good look at this picture , it’s the best advise I can give anyone going elk hunting..
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Uh.... Sam, are you saying we should shave our heads? :)
Sam I hunt for excatly the same reasons..
Yes no doubt that this kind of hunt is a make or breake hunt, but thats what I am looking for and have been preparing for in years :)
Are you hunting solo or with buddies?
Uh.... Sam, are you saying we should shave our heads? :)
:laughing: :laughing:
Uh.... Sam, are you saying we should shave our heads? :)
:laughing: :laughing:
I love the concept of ultralight gear, I dislike the cost and how often it typically needs to be replaced. I also dislike that most synthetic gear isn’t warm when wet/soaked. I get the old adage about ounces/pounds/pain, but I’m also stubborn enough that I like what I like and probably won’t change. I still prefer solid frame packs and a heavier sleeping systems. I’m sure that comes from years of playing Army with a smattering of Scouting also. But most likely it’s because I don’t do a terribly large number of long distance hikes anymore, haven’t been further than 3-4miles with a ruck in almost 20yrs. Luckily my boy is getting into Trail Life USA now and we’re starting to do some more adventuresome activities. And I’m getting where I’ve got some time to actually do a DIY elk/deer hunt.
Good luck this year!
Looks almost identical to my pack list. I now add aspirin and benedryl tablets, water treatment tablets, and a daily ration pack I put in gallon ziplocks before leaving home. And a mini shovel to bury #2 which is required in wilderness areas
- Check out Emory’s website on packing light. As I get older I tend to think we just take too much stuff with us when we leave the comforts of the city. Minimalism is a worthwhile goal. This is one reason I gravitate to trad archery.
It worked. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
I do think the shaved head is more arrow dynamic and also saves a few ounces off my trail weight..
We are going to have a good time Paul , you might have a few years on me but I’m pretty sure you are in much better shape than me...
Most of the time I’m in solo but will have friends come and hunt several days or sometimes a week with me.
Good stuff guys!
Here is my latest list:
Also here is my cook stove setup...gotta love the cat can!
I also do all my meals in gallon bags , everything but my main meal is in the bag. I do a lot of fishing so several of my dinners are fresh fish so that saves some pack weight also. Got in my new kettle in , and my air bed is on the way...
Sam , is that a tenkara rod you're using in that little stream ?
Yes it is a tenkara , been useing it for several trips and will never go on a hunt without it. I love to fish so it works out good for me to always get some fishing in on a hunt , also several of my meals are fish on a hunt...
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What make and model if you don't mind me asking ? Enthusiast myself. Great for packing trips.
Honestly not sure on brand , wife bought it for me several years ago for my anniversary gift. It’s a 10ft rod and had everything as a kit , it was like $85 shipped. Has been a great rod and every year I have had it everyone that has hunted with me has spent many an hour fishing with it..
What kind of kettle did you get Sam
The kettle is a GSI Outdoors , one liter , it was $25 shipped..
I have a fire most days so will save stove gas useing it in the fire to boil water , it is super light..
Also going to get one of those fancy bino harnesses , going with a Alaska Guide Creations . Looks handy.....
Take a good look at this picture , it’s the best advise I can give anyone going elk hunting..
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No way I'm shaving my beard lol
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Thinking on getting a puffy jacket to try out also . What’s the best deal going ??
I've been using a Core4 down vest I bought from Camofire a few years back. Its always in my pack and light weight. I also picked up a grey LL Bean synthetic puffy sweater for $15 at their outlet store that works good. Most of my gear is from patient bargain shopping.
Sam what does your pack weigh for your 7-10 day trips ?
Same here on getting good deals on gear , I am for sure not a leg humper on top brand gear just because of a name. As long as it performs good that’s what I want in a piece of gear.
My pack for a 7-10 day is 50-55lbs , not including water. I’m hunting where I know I will have good water source and also good fishing so I count on catching fish for several of my meals ( saves on a little pack weight )...
We interrupt this elk hunt to bring you.....lunch!
I agree with all of what Sam states above. Love Tenkara.... it fits well in my quiver and is lightweight and simple...great benefits! I thank Nate Steen for turning me on to it.
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Good stuff Greg! We are going to test this out when I come down and try and kill a Sitka deer with you! And a Whitetail too! Ace 160 Express, Hammer Time! PM me your phone number and contact info...... big fun at Baltimore! John
Sounds good John. I'll send you a PM pronto. B'more was fun!
The prep is in full swing started doing some running and have the pack loaded down for some long walks. Actually have started a new diet also and am feeling pretty dang good...
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Trying to post pictures here is impossible.
With Tapatalk I've found it to be much easier than the old methods.
Trying to post pictures here is impossible.
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Been awhile since I’ve been here. I’m doing my second CO hunt this September. I’ll be packing in with two buddies. Following this thread closely. I have most of my gear but still have a couple things to get yet.
I’m using a Kuiu 7200 Icon pack. My shelter is a Luxe gear Mini peak w/ one person nest. Bag is a 15 degree synthetic....nothing special. I still need a pad, small cook set for my stove and my water filtration system. Since I’m flying in to Denver, I guess I have to take a t/d so it’ll probably be my 64# Bear. I wish I could take my Mohawk but it’s most likely not worth the hassle. The plan is to carry my Palmer quiver since it would eliminate an arrow tube. Now I’m trying to find/make a two arrow holder for the quiver attatchment on my riser. Any ideas?
Been awhile since I’ve been here. I’m doing my second CO hunt this September. I’ll be packing in with two buddies. Following this thread closely. I have most of my gear but still have a couple things to get yet.
I’m using a Kuiu 7200 Icon pack. My shelter is a Luxe gear Mini peak w/ one person nest. Bag is a 15 degree synthetic....nothing special. I still need a pad, small cook set for my stove and my water filtration system. Since I’m flying in to Denver, I guess I have to take a t/d so it’ll probably be my 64# Bear. I wish I could take my Mohawk but it’s most likely not worth the hassle. The plan is to carry my Palmer quiver since it would eliminate an arrow tube. Now I’m trying to find/make a two arrow holder for the quiver attatchment on my riser. Any ideas?
Eagle Flight makes some two arrow options for the riser mounts. I think they make a single one as well. What pad are you thinking of getting?
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What are you all using for a stove-cook set?
I have used several different set ups to cook or warm foods. I have used a Tragia alcohol stove and pot combo that starts off light but uses a lot of fuel at high elevations. Switched to a Snow Peak Trek 700 pot and giga stove which is light and works great, but the empty cannisters still must be hauled out. My current set up is a Esbit 585 lt pot and stove/stand that uses solid fuel. It takes awhile to boil water, but add a few sticks to boost the BTUs. The fuel tabs weight only a 1/2 oz. This is my lightest solo cooking set up. When hunting with a buddy we usually take his Jet Boil and let him carry it.
I've got a couple of different set ups for cooking. Soto Windmaster with an XTS pot is what I use now. I don't have the patience for fuel tabs or alcohol stoves, and early season here they frown on you using any kind of fuel like that. Too dry. Even canister stoves make me nervous when it's been as dry as it has been the past couple of years. Last year was a bad fire season, and we had the most moisture ever the winter before. This year was a dry winter... it doesn't look good for fire season.
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My last two elk trips I have used a jet-boil and it has been fine. For cook set all I have is the jet-boil cup and a light metal coffee cup and that’s all I use along with foil for wrapping fish. I did order a light weight plate , bowl , cup set that is some kind of plastic and is flat and you fold them up and snaps together....
Just got a few new Takedown Longbows and just found out I’m about to get another as a gift from a bowyer friend also. So now I need to figure out what longbow I’m taking. Will for sure be wood arrows , made up a set of heavy cedar and a set of Dug-Fir also to start playing with...
My new diet is going good and I already feel better and have dropped about 5-lbs in 10 days. Been running in the mornings and will start lifting at night and also walking and hiking with my loaded pack also..
I picked up a Solo Stove Titan this winter and have been playing with it on day hikes to cook lunch. Seams to work pretty good but have not had it out in extended wet weather. Appears to work as well as my old MSR white gas stove for heating water and has the advantage of being able to roast the fresh trout over a wood fire. It is a little time consuming to gather dry sticks and requires more attention when cooking.
Has anyone had one on a long pack trip and what did you think? I think this may be a good choice for a pack in trip.
Our group(4) got drawn for a Colorado elk bow tag. Can't wait for our September DIY bowhunt.
Need to step up my training and gear selections.
Start getting ready as fast as you can , it is getting closer by the day...
One thing I would recommend, get to your hunting location a couple days early to get acclimated. Drink lots and lots of water leading up to the hunt. I hope you've been training already because you're getting close to season to start a training regimen. It can be done, but you'll have to be strict with maintaining it. Heck, I live at about 5k feet and the first days still make me hurt at elevation.
Our group(4) got drawn for a Colorado elk bow tag. Can't wait for our September DIY bowhunt.
Need to step up my training and gear selections.
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As for the gear, that's the fun part. A license to buy more hunting stuff is always nice.
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Not my first elk bow hunt rodeo (9). See my bivy list on page 1, need to rewrite and update minor changes. Some back issues has me with a slow start training for the trip, but shall be ready. :archer2:
Not my first elk bow hunt rodeo (9). See my bivy list on page 1, need to rewrite and update minor changes. Some back issues has me with a slow start training for the trip, but shall be ready. :archer2:
Your bivy list doesn't show up on my end
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[/quote]Your bivy list doesn't show up on my end
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Bivy list on page one reply #20, maybe shows up on old school computers.
Xcell List was very difficult to post had to take picture and crop to size. I have no problem posting pictures to other web sites, just this one.
Your bivy list doesn't show up on my end
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Bivy list on page one reply #20, maybe shows up on old school computers.
Xcell List was very difficult to post had to take picture and crop to size. I have no problem posting pictures to other web sites, just this one.
[/quote]When I first looked after I found it and read across from your knife I was like 47.52oz for a knife? You need a new knife lol. Then the brain caught up with the eyes!
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I just scored a GREAT deal on a brand new Big Agnes Encampment 15!
Now I gotta save pennies to get that Qcore sleeping pad. Those of you with this gear... is the inflation device a necessity?
Will any pad work under the BA Encampment 15 as long as it is 20 inches wide? I would like to hear from the guys who have this sleeping bag. Im looking forward to trying it out.
Not sure about the encampment, but I had a Storm King that I used an Xtherm under. It's a 20" pad
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I have a BA Lost Ranger bag that is similar to your bag. I've used a BA IAC pad, or a Ridgerest, or a Thermarest on occasions. Use a rectangle or taper pad 20" wide and 72" long or less.
I ordered a air pad that is 21-1/2 x 72 and has good reviews , it is pretty light at 16oz. Going to use along with my Z-rest so if my pad gets a leak I still have the Z-rest. Have never used a air pad so I figured this way I’m covered , my thought is this pad and my Z-rest weigh about the same as the high priced air pads with the same R value also for a 1/4 of the price.
I really enjoy getting ready for trips...
A couple small items I've found to be handy in a camping trip are nail clippers, dental floss, and a small tweezers. After having ragged finger nails catching on stuff, a piece of meat stuck in your teeth for a couple days, and splinters in your hands you realize how a little discomfort over several days adds up! And these items can all serve multiple purposes on a pack trip!
As long as you aren't lung cap. challenged you don't need a pump. It is a large amount of air. I can do both of ours [my wife's and mine with no issues] You shouldn't have a problem. The insulation has silver in it to keep stuff from growing. So no worries on that front either.
Now that I have looked at it, read some reviews and found out a hunting Buddy had one... I will probably go ahead and get the Qcore air pad and the Pumphouse bag. My Bud who has the whole set up not only uses it for hunting but is a big Dual Sport rider. He says the Pumphouse bag doubles as a stuff sack/dry bag and is very light weight.
Will be here before we know it....
2 months and a day for us here in Utah. Two and a half for most everywhere else. Coming up quick. My new quiver should be in tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
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I didn't know if I was going for sure or not this year, but I talked it over with my wife and we are gonna be hunting in Utah. Can't wait to see some new country. I've got an area picked out and have been going over the maps. Just gotta keep working out and make sure we have everything for our packs. Hopefully we don't have to buy much of anything else.
Going over my pack today getting things in order also just got me a new gift in the mail from South at Stalker StickBows. So looks like I have my bow for elk this year , will be carrying a new Jackal longbow and Surewoods of my own make.
Thanks for a fine bow South it is the prettiest bow I have ever owned and shoots as good as it looks...
I just recently got one of South's bows. A Coyote for me. It's a shooter for sure.
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Come on Sam let’s see the new stick!! :archer2:
[ You are not allowed to view attachments ] 2013 Colorado elk hunt.
BP gear ready to go, missing in pic food, water, 2 game bags, and bandana. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Just ordered some new gear to try out , Garmin wrist GPS , Casio Pathfinder watch , Dark Energy Charger , Alaskan bino harness , repair tape , and a puffy jacket. Next order is a new wool vest and hat and a few new merino items..
Also looking at the Mistery Ranch Marshal...
Just ordered some new gear to try out , Garmin wrist GPS , Casio Pathfinder watch , Dark Energy Charger , Alaskan bino harness , repair tape , and a puffy jacket. Next order is a new wool vest and hat and a few new merino items..
Also looking at the Mistery Ranch Marshal...
I've had that Dark Energy charger for a couple of seasons. Really like it.
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Pile of new toys sitting at my door today....
Also heard the area I’m hunting is really bad dry right now , hope it gets some rain...
Sam, would like to see pictures of the new bow and specs. Also a review of your new goodies; sleeping pad, Garmin wrist GPS, Casio watch etc.
Looks like you are setting yourself up for a good time
Oh yes a good time will be had elk or not...
Sold a few bows to pay for all my new backpacking gear , just placed another order for more new toys..
Here is the new Stalker , it’s the Jackal 62in 52@30 ( thanks again South )..
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As I learn the new gear I will post up what I think of it and pics. My buying has been either based on talking with guys that actually spend time in the backcountry or watching YouTube then reviews of the actual product. I try to keep it as simple as possible but also don’t mind some extra weight for comfort or safety either. My back ain’t as young as it once was..
I’m no expert and don’t claim to be either , I generally spend 20-30 days a year living out of my pack in the mountains hunting. And this year will be my 7th elk hunt , each time my gear is a little better. So that said I will give my opinion on this stuff the best I can..
The first aid kits on these lists seem to be an after thought. I would encourage you guys to research and learn more even if it is not the funnest of gear talk. This video is a good place to start.
That bow sure is a beauty Sam! Good luck out there and we'll be looking for the success story. Take care, be safe and shoot straight! :campfire: :thumbsup:
PS: I had 5 cow elk walk right out in front of my son and I on Saturday. They were about 35-40yds. :laugh:
Great looking bow and best of luck on your Elk hunt.
Looking at your pack list the only thing I see missing is a knife. :thumbsup:
As for knives I always have a Leatherman and a sharpener on my hip , knife in my pack is a cheap Mora. I love the Mora knives and at $14 price range they are hard to beat. Found a Mora knockoff for $3 and have been very happy with them in fact I bought a dozen of them , sharpen easy and hold a good edge.
Bought new boots yesterday , I bought the Cabelas/Meindl. Looking at reviews and shopping around I chose these. $300 and a guarantee that is hard to beat sold me. Got home with them and did 4 miles with a 60lb pack and the new boots and am very happy. It was 102 degrees here yesterday so it was a little on the warm side. Boots did great no rubbing or hot spots on my feet , no slipping , fit is great and good traction. Very happy with them for the first walk....
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Gotta love them Mora's, cheap, light weight and sharp as, "get outta here". Great looking bow you got there.
Great looking bow and arrow selection. Your equipment selection is 1st class. What broadheads are you using? I've had good luck with Grizzy and Wensel Woodsmens broadheads.
What have you been using for stove and cook gear?
It’s is a great looking bow for sure , South sent it to me as a gift and I was shocked at the beauty of it when I opened the box. I will be shooting SureWood shafts of my own make with CutThroats up front ( haven’t got them yet but have heard nothing but good ). I have killed elk with a Woodsman , Magnus 1 , Zwickey , BearRazorhead and all did very well. Going this year with longbow and wood so I figured a new broadhead also.
I have been using a jetboil for the last few hunts and have been happy with it..
Not much in the way of cook gear , the big cup of the jetboil , small metal cup , and just bought some plastic type plate , Bowl and cup. They fold out flat and snap up into shape , pretty cool and don’t weigh nothing. I take foil for cooking fish , and have a few different water bottles...
Sam, I think you'll love the Meindl's. I've been wearing the Denali model for about 12 years and they are the best all around boot I've had on my foot period. The serrated blade on those leatherman is amazing on elk hide. Most people never use it, I wont go out without one. I've also been upgrading gear this year. Went to a warbonnet hammock and tarp. have to see how that goes. Like you said the old back ain't getting any stronger. Gotta lighten up the load.
Good luck on your hunt.
Yes sir I do like these boots...
I always have a leatherman on my belt unless I’m sleeping and have cleaned many critters with one. And also always carry a cheap little pocket knife also
Just a little $4 job that I have been very impressed with. The mora knives are my go to pack knife but the $3 knock-off knife is just as good...
I use a hammock on short trips and do like it but don’t think I could do it for 3-4 weeks on an elk hunt. I really like my teepee GoLight tent I can stand and dress and have room inside for me and all my gear. They are out of business now but found one that looks just like it for $150 new, prob going to buy it and see if it’s same tent..
Been working out hard and getting the bow shot in...
Good luck on the Elk hunt Sam. My buddy & I didn't get picked to hunt in NM, but hay...theirs always next year. :pray:
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I like your target Sam
Sam I’ve been busting my butt too. Lost 25# and feeling good. Ready to go. My brother and I built an elk like that out of plywood with the vitals cut out and card board behind it. Really realistic. Made you tighten up a bit. It sucks pulling arrows out of the plywood. Good luck. Maybe we’ll cross paths somewhere?
I’m getting more eat up everyday , on my off days this week I will be recoating my tent and going over gear again. Trying new gear out on a short hog hunt and training in the 100 degree weather we are having.
Those two elk targets are made from big sheets of corogated plastic and spray painted. Have them set up in my yard one is in the open and the other in the trees. Both I can shoot at night when it’s cooler , the guard light hits them enough so it like shooting at dusk and dawn.
I hope my hunting area starts getting some rain...
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Tested out the new Stalker longbow yesterday and the Alaska Guide Creations bino harness on a short pig hunt. The bow is ready now that it has some blood under it’s fingernails. I really like the bino harness also , wasn’t sure at first but after using it in the field I wish I would have got one years ago. I thought it would get in the way while shooting but everything clears great. I like all the pockets it has also seems to keep certain things handy. Also I like how it protects my binos cause I tend to plow through stuff. Only thing left is to get my new pack so I can get it broke-in....
Might have missed it, but what pack did you get Sam?
I’m going to get a Mystery Ranch Marshall...
exel list [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] 8 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Sam, lots of neat gear and equipment so far. The only item I haven't seen on your list is your good luck talisman. I'm not particularly superstitious, but when it comes to hunting, well...just sayin'. Good luck, good hunting, and many great stories with lots of picks.
Even though I won't be chasing elk, I think the discussions of equipment is very useful to any bowhunter.
I always wear a necklace , it’s a claw off the first bear I ever killed , it has a little silver longbow and arrow on it...
This is the bear the claw is off of , it was my first bear hunt and was also DIY.
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Just got a real nice wool vest in today , got it from a Tradgang member. This is a great place for buying gear and getting good info...
The vest was my last item of clothing i needed for the elk trip...
Got some Tuffheads , Meatheads , and some CutThroats on the way , will put them on some fir this week and see how they do. Is it just me or has this thread died since the move...
I’m still watching Sam. I’ll be headed to Utah for the opener so I’m very interested in your list
It died, lets get it back on the wow pow.
We are going no base camp this year and packing up camp every morning. Trying to stay super light and super mobile. Have had too many experiences in the past of pulling off elk because it's too late, too far, and we gotta get back to camp. Here's my list
REI Tent 4.08
Blow up pad 1.67
Sleeping Bag 4.3
Blow Up pillow 0.2
Jet Boil 1.09
Proper amount of Jet Boil Fuel (2 230 gram cans for all) 1.01
Cooking Pan (just bought on amazon) 0.8
Cup 0.36
Bowl 0.28
Spork 0.16
Tree Seat 1.9
Gerber Knife w/ saw blade 0.32
Wind in bottle 0.05
Binoculars w/ case 2.32
3 mouth reeds 0.05
Extra bow string 0.02
2 Extra Broad heads 0.08
Game Bags 1.69
Sharpening steal (have a tiny one that weighs .03) 0.47
File 0.42
Garmin Inreach 0.43
Garmin Inreach Charger Chord 0.05
Matt or Kyle Will bring Sat Phone & Charger chord
Solar Charger 0.3
Iphone Chord 0.03
Solar Blow up lantern 0.26
Headlamp 0.18
3 AAA batteries 0.06
Extra flashlight 0.12
Lighter 0.05
Matches 0.06
Compass 0.1
20’ paracord 0.13
Flagging tape (don’t have) 0.05
Duct tape for when I cut myself 0.04
super glue for when I cut myself 0.07
First Aid 0.15
Rain gear 1.18
Space Blanket 0.03
Whistle 0.05
Butt wipe (full roll) 0.44
Toothbrush 0.03
Tooth Paste 0.05
Advil 0.05
sunscreen 0.08
chapstick 0.02
2 Nalgene Bottle (.45 each) 0.9
Water filter 0.9
Flyrod 0.24
Reel 0.3
Flies 0.03
Extra leader 0.03
Total 34.68
It died, lets get it back on the wow pow.
We are going no base camp this year and packing up camp every morning. Trying to stay super light and super mobile. Have had too many experiences in the past of pulling off elk because it's too late, too far, and we gotta get back to camp. Here's my list
REI Tent 4.08
Blow up pad 1.67
Sleeping Bag 4.3
Blow Up pillow 0.2
Jet Boil 1.09
Proper amount of Jet Boil Fuel (2 230 gram cans for all) 1.01
Cooking Pan (just bought on amazon) 0.8
Cup 0.36
Bowl 0.28
Spork 0.16
Tree Seat 1.9
Gerber Knife w/ saw blade 0.32
Wind in bottle 0.05
Binoculars w/ case 2.32
3 mouth reeds 0.05
Extra bow string 0.02
2 Extra Broad heads 0.08
Game Bags 1.69
Sharpening steal (have a tiny one that weighs .03) 0.47
File 0.42
Garmin Inreach 0.43
Garmin Inreach Charger Chord 0.05
Matt or Kyle Will bring Sat Phone & Charger chord
Solar Charger 0.3
Iphone Chord 0.03
Solar Blow up lantern 0.26
Headlamp 0.18
3 AAA batteries 0.06
Extra flashlight 0.12
Lighter 0.05
Matches 0.06
Compass 0.1
20’ paracord 0.13
Flagging tape (don’t have) 0.05
Duct tape for when I cut myself 0.04
super glue for when I cut myself 0.07
First Aid 0.15
Rain gear 1.18
Space Blanket 0.03
Whistle 0.05
Butt wipe (full roll) 0.44
Toothbrush 0.03
Tooth Paste 0.05
Advil 0.05
sunscreen 0.08
chapstick 0.02
2 Nalgene Bottle (.45 each) 0.9
Water filter 0.9
Flyrod 0.24
Reel 0.3
Flies 0.03
Extra leader 0.03
Total 34.68
What sleeping bag are you carrying? Curious because of the weight. My quilt weighs 22oz, I couldn't imagine carrying a 4.3lb bag for early season.
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Mike, I don't see any extra socks, briefs or shirts on your list. Did you forget them? What are you allowing for food per day?
You have an opportunity to cut 5# from your pack by updating your tent, sleeping bag and tree seat. Not bashing you just trying to help.
I hate my sleeping bag but it’s what I got. It’s a marmot. I’ve considered upgrading but it ain’t a cheap process. REI tent is the quarter dome 2 man. I’m in it with my brother. Used it last year and I’m satisfied. Of course I know there are better options but I’m scared of tarps still.
Here is the rest of my list that I didn’t include. Food is still a work in process. I just weighed my extra clothes and came in at 4.12 so I was pretty close with my estimate.
Clothes (pack in) - weight all a guess
Wool sweater 1
Camo hoodie 0.3
2 extra undies 0.3
1 extra pant (don’t have) 0.7
2 extra smart wool socks 0.5
Beanie 0.2
Leggings (don’t have) 0.3
1 (or 2?) extra performance shirt 0.8
Buff Face Mask 0.1
Total 4.2
Clothes (wear in)
Prana Pants
Kuiu Shirt
Compression undies
Smart Wool socks
Dehy dinners (8) 4
Jerky 0.5
Sausage 0.5
Bread (8 flat breads) 0.75
Crunchy peanut butter 1.2
Raisins 0.75
10 cliff bars 1.5
dried fruit 0.75
Trail Mix 1.5
olive oil 0.3
Salt & Pepper 0.1
10 candy bars 1
10 String cheese 0.7
15 coffee packets 0.1
mio 0.1
nuun 0.15
5 Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal Packets 0.05
TOTAL 13.95
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Y'all peer pressured me into getting a quilt.
Probably the quickest way to cut a bunch of weight. Your back and legs will thank you!
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Been busy getting everything ready for deer season here at home before I leave for Colorado. And everything else involved with being gone for a while , only thing I still need is all my food and still waiting on my new pack. Next week I’m gone hunting for several days then the next weeks will be full on elk mode.
I’ve enjoyed this thread.
I need to update my list! Lol
I will be hunting from a base camp but every day I will had a bivy tarp, sleeping bag, and a couple days worth of food in my pack just Incase I get on elk and it’s late. So I don’t have to pull off or pass an opportunity. Could potentially save miles and miles of hiking too.
Lots of new gear and lots of time the last few weeks haven’t had time for anything but getting ready. My new pack just got here a few hours ago
( Mystery Ranch Marshall) my wife helped me get it fitted a few minutes ago. She truly thinks we are all off our rockers. Also picked up a new spoon , coffee cup , feather powder and a bivy tonight. I will have one extra of everything in my old pack so a complete pack ready to hunt that I’m going to leave down in town at a friends house. So if I loose my entire setup I’m still good that was my reasoning for buying a bunch of new gear. Made up a fresh set of elk sticks over the last week , they shoot real good and do hit with some authority. They are tapered firs with 200gr heads....
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Some thoughts on clothing. I hate hiking in a long distance wearing the same pants and shirt that I'll be hunting in. Because of that I've always hiked in a pair of hiking pants and then switched to a non-stinky clean pair the next day to hunt in. This year I'm hiking in a pair of running shorts. Even into cooler temps my legs don't get cold, especially while moving. My new New Balance shorts with a liner are 4.2 oz. the pants and one pair of boxerbriefs that those shorts replaced are 21.6 oz. together. That means I shaved over a pound!
I also switched to a Tyto replaceable blade knife, water treatment drops instead of filter, MSR pocket rocket and Evernew Ti pot instead of whisperlight and stainless pot and I'm making all my own meals this year. Oh yeah, EE quilt instead of 37 oz. synthetic bag and a Seek Outside Cimmaron. I shaved a BUNCH of weight since my last time elk hunting.