Trad Gang
Trad Gang Highlights => HIGHLIGHTS 2018 => Topic started by: TDHunter on October 06, 2018, 06:25:44 PM
I'm fortunate to live in a place where in just a few hours from my driveway I can be in the mountains hunting these guys. Not my biggest, but Trad goat number 4 is in the freezer and soon on its way to the sausage factory.
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Some more pics from 2018
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Previous years, truly my favourite place to be come hunting season
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With Tim Loran "Hummer3T"
Congrats! Man, that is on the top of my bucket list.. Hope you are able to post the story!
Dream hunt for me , that is awesome , Well done sir...
Congrats on #4 :clapper:
An RMG hunt is in the top three on the bucket list for me. Even as a Cdn non-resident, the cost is daunting (although less the a BC/AB Sheep hunt for sure) to say the least. I wish us Canadians could have the same luxury as our US neighbours in buying OTC tags and the ability to do or have DIY hunts out of State/Province. Maybe one day we'll get onboard with that (?)
Awesome. Congrats
Congrats, thanks for sharing. Beautiful picture.
Congrats on a hunt of a lifetime for many way to get it done on #4 you should be proud!!
TDHunter Awesome goat :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Beautiful goat congratulations!!! That’s awesome
Awesome, Congrats on a beautiful goat. I wish I would of hunted them when I was younger.
Way to go!
Sir #4 that's impressive, congrats
Wow that's awesome! Congrats!!!
Spectacular harvest...congrats and thank you for sharing...
You have an amazing back yard.
Congrats to you! Only a dream for most of us :biglaugh:
Wow. Awesome job!
Very nice! Job well done X4!!
That’s a dream hunt for me as well
Wow!!!! That is really cool!!!
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: Always a dream hunt for me, now age and knees would likely not allow it. Well done.....
Too cool! Congrats! :shaka:
Very very cool! Congrats to you on an awesome hunt and beautiful animal! :thumbsup:
Awesome! Would love to do that sometime!
Cant wait until next year.
Don’t you just love photobucket.
Great hunt tho. Huge congratulations to you. That is something I’ll never get to do.