Trad Gang
Main Boards => The Bowyer's Bench => Topic started by: kennym on November 26, 2018, 11:25:06 AM
Ok the blizzard wasn’t nearly what they predicted. So I’m starting on this bow and will do a build since there haven’t been many lately... :goldtooth:
Here’s what I’m thinking for the riser(
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Gotta make some dust now...
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Gonna start with a chunk of Grenadillo . This 1.5x2.5x16 piece weighs in at 2.17 lbs(
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Looks good Im watching :o is this the skinny bow ?
Maybe, I’m building one I need to instead of want to.
Checking what she does without superlam.
If it’s heavy I may put her on a diet and skinny her up...
Cool I was going to do that down the line no supper lam ,so now Im real interested :cheesy: are you still going .001 ? Maybe its top secret :)
No (not many) secrets!
Yep on the .001 total taper
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Have we chronoed one with the superlam. My bet is it will be a bit quicker and looks cooler. :bigsmyl:
I have but misplaced the data , I think it will be close with the reflex held with the superlam, it may let tips unroll a little more without.
Tips will be lighter too :goldtooth:
Or it may be junk!
Only one way to find out :dunno: !
Put a little extra glass in er just to make Roy itch a little in his sleep :archer2:
Looks great to me Kenny :thumbsup:
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That was my skiving jig to join the lams in center of bow and the results...
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And the first crescent with matching accents almost fitted . Why do I do this to myself??? Needs more tweaking to fit right!! (
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You gonna want a profile sander if you do very many of those risers. :banghead:
Yea but then he would miss all the aggravation doing it by hand :goldtooth:
Looking good, keep it coming. :)
That's why they invented Wood Filler... :laughing:
Just use better glue and heavier clamps and squeeze it harder, boy:)
You need a bigger hammer :biglaugh:
Looking good! :clapper:
Finally done gluing on riser blank!! Didn’t like one piece and sawed it back out and glued in a different one.(
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Looks good. And less hair pulling than the other way :notworthy:
Looks good ,I assume after you cut the riser and do the bow glue up your going to overlay the cut out part of the riser belly back on? Do you have templates made up or do you free hand.
No template on the accent PCs, but just finished one for the riser back
Good stuff Kenny 👍
It's looking good unique looking !
Hard to get much action with that sliver of riser!!
Huh, Roy? :biglaugh:
Hard to get much action with that sliver of riser!!
I feel your pain.
Looking good so far. Curious to see how it comes together with the overlays.
Shaping belly of riser
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That pic was at 2”,the one at 1” disappeared somehow
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Kenny I have a dumb question for you is that .140 at 2 & .065 at 1 and zero at the tips like the old way or are you going thinner on these risers ? I can't tell if that analog caliper cycled around ?
Same ol same ol!!
I’ve been using a curved sanding block to take any minor bumps off the riser belly so the grip overlay goes on with easier fitting.
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Here is half a limb , Bearpaw clear, spalted hackberry, walnut core
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Tapatalk and I aren’t friends right now ! LOL
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Gloves so I don’t soak up too much epoxy(
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In the form and riser and lams centered up and taped. I use a marker to mark center on edges of all so I can keep stuff where it needs to go. (
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Make sure the washers aren’t holding the hose up or pinching the pressure strip . That won’t let the limb squeeze down and will leave a fat spot on limb. You may need a squeeze helper to get bolts in form too.
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Wipe excess glue down , it stays between plastic wrap pieces and you can break it off instead of grinding .
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One last thing, I write the date I open my glue on the lids, I need to build more bows so I don’t need to worry about it ... LOL (
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Looking good bro.
Wipe excess glue down , it stays between plastic wrap pieces and you can break it off instead of grinding .
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Your plastic must be tougher than mine, all I can manage to do is poke holes in it and get all sticky.
Thanks Roybro :)
Its the cheap stuff from Walmart, the good clingy stuff is harder to handle. :)
Looks good. The limb veneers look awesome.
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Lookin good. I been using zip ties to hold everything until about half pressure then snip them and pull them out.
Thanks guys, I’ll try the zip tie method next time!!
How long is too long on the Smooth on?
Ya Kenny how long is it?
That spalted hackberry will look great. My favorite!!
I’m trying to find out how long is too long. Got an email in asking...
How’s the new shop , David?
Wonderful! My Christmas present to myself. I have moved all my work stuff out and into it. Have already finished up Darrell's hunting bow for 2019. Sprayed it last night, and built the wife a headboard for the bed for Christmas. She likes it too. Had taken over the dinner table for my office desk.
The next one piece I build i"m going to take your advice on that riser.
Ok here is the glue that just snapped off after I wiped it down between plastic sheets(
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Then I ground one side fairly clean carefully and ran it thru big sander to finish cleanup and get parallel end to end.
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What the heck? Looks like a veneer piece in the glue I’m grinding off!! .
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Howd that get there?
Ya gave me an idea on grinding the whole bow to get it parallel after glue up.
I always gotta be careful not to get cut from the sharp edges of the glue when cutting the bow to shape.
Yep glue pushed a pc of the spalted veneer out of place but with the walnut core it looks like the on left ...
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If you wouldn't have pointed it out, nobody would even notice.
I didn’t warm the glue either and it was a little stiff, lots of hydraulic pressure going on there.
Just a beauty mark for a hunting bow :)
How narrow ya gonna make those limbs :laughing:
Just camo dip it or spray it flat black and call it a bow:)
Character flaw.
I'll bet it doesn't affect it in the least , but I can narrow enough to get rid of it. Saw a pic of one a guy made at 56" that looked good so narrow might be good on that to hold a bit more reflex at tips...
How long this gonna take?
Only been a month.
Ship it here and I'll fix it up:)
It takes whatever it takes! Don't rush me, deer hunting is still on! :laughing:
That's right.
Don't forget the apple flavor granola bars:)
:wavey: :biglaugh:
You can easely lose that width ,Im at 1 1/4 "
now on my current shooter, The one Im working on now I plan on 1 to 1 1/6" Kenny is that the one with out the supper lam ?
Yep, and with the spalted hackberry veneers and walnut core it came in light. Right now 58" - 46@ 28 and will be down to 42 when finished . Was wanting about 48@28...
So it may end up 56" long, tips will still be 1/2" in front of riser back.
Very cool how does the bend look ? Im real interested in this one giving me lots of ideas :thumbsup:
Hmm that is about my weight Kenny :bigsmyl:
I’m with ya on deer season, still using bows, no time to build.
56”!!! Your getting shorter and I’m considering a building a longer bow. Lol
Yeah, I really wanted it to be 58" but I think 56" will work too. Wondering about stacking tho…
Actually while in stand tonite, I thought about having both sets of nock grooves in it. 2 bow lengths...
You would gain some weight on the overlays tho.
Forwardhandle, the reflex is in there, without the super lam with tip wedges, the string is closer to limb than with. Guess the SL bends the limb in midlimb a bit. Buuuut on the TD without SL it didn't stack as quick as with. Man what fun!! :laughing:
I hope somebody somewhere gleans some helpful info from this thread. My fat fingers make it hard to get the words to make sense!! LOL
Here I’m checking center at both nocks to line up with center of riser . If this isn’t a straight line it’s gonna be a hard road ahead. Especially on recurves!! (
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This one lined up great, had it been off I move BOTH nocks the same amount in same direction.(
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If you got those sides parallel to each other ---have you ever used a square to get your center. Once you get it to center just run it the length of the bow with a pencil on one side the other in case you are off a little bit.
I dont think it will stack as long as the taper is .001 or even .002 for that matter.
Im just curious how the string angle at FD is going to be on this one with out the SL , how wide are you thinking at the fades on this one ? I like how all the different configurations & lengths on this bow are being made !
I have used a combo square to get centerline but still check with string just in case it has a small bend end to end.
I’ll get a full draw sometime , much other stuff happening!
I need to back up a bit, before checking with string you have to lay out nock location. I clamp a yardstick on limb while limb is full width and for 58” I mark 29” from center and square a line across limb. Gives you a good starting point for nock grooves. (
Then measure 5/16 off string mark and a couple inches past fades and draw it on there. If I built the same bow more I would make a template from phenolic to mark limb with !
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Off to the 25 year old skil sander ,6” disc.. about 10 min with 40 grit and limbs are profiled. (Not tillered) (
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Now I use the combo square and mark a 45 degree across limb edge, I file on riser side of line, this makes it come out with the three inch shorter string . (
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Now file the nocks , careful not to tear glass. (
I file the grooves .100” deep(
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More later , gotta move a stand....
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Do ya start that string groove with a three corner file. Keeps the round one from trying to go all over the place.
Finished up(
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That is a great wood combo, beautiful bow.
Thanks Lonnie, as usual I changed up a few times after starting... :o
Looking good there Bud ! awesome job on lining up the belly overlay :thumbsup:
Nice boots:)
Looking good
Very unique and stealthy.
Very Nice!
beautiful bow
Wow Kenny! You are an artist! :clapper:
wow Kenny! Absolutely beautiful!
Thanks guys! :archer2:
That riser turned out really nice. Looks like you got some draw left in it to. You should chrono that one.
Ah chrono would prolly laugh at it, Mike..
No smokin feathers here, cut off too much reflex going to 56”. Did 179 with 10.5 gpp
That's a beautiful bow, Kenny. Winter has just started. Now what are you gonna do for the rest of the winter? :dunno:
Nothing wrong with 179..
Yeah 179 will work.
Great looking job love the wood combinations!:clapper:
That's a beautiful bow, Kenny. Winter has just started. Now what are you gonna do for the rest of the winter? :dunno:
LOL, 2 more weeks of hunting, then switch to something a bit faster and yote calling.
Maybe another bow after that ?? Maybe I'll get in the swap this year... :o
Thanks Mike!
I don't think I have ever seen a bow that looks so ergonomic. That thing sits in your hand, like it could stay there forever. And its beautiful to boot! Another masterwork.
Kenny, I think it turned out great! I love the wood choices.
Turned out great Kenny. Still love my 2 from you. Good luck on the totes.
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Thanks again, the bow grip is one of the things I love about it. Also drawing to 32" without stack on the 60" is cool :o, but I don't have to have it... :)
Bow looks great kenny.
Have ya had a chance to shoot it much? How ya like the “shorty”?
How long of a riser did you use?
Thanks Brad! It shoots well but I’m not fooling with it much til bow season is done...
That’s a beauty Ken! Nice job!!
I’ve never seen a glass through handle design with a flare. Very nice Kenny!
Looks good Kenny!!! I like that bend!!
Nice Job Kenny. Good lookin bow
I guess it's ok:)
Very nice Kenny! Really like that riser design.
Thanks men!! And you too Roy! :biglaugh:
I love this design! I keep wondering if I would shoot it better in 64" tho…. LOL
That would be a different animal tho and a new form and a bunch of figuring and.... I gotta go the the shop!
Get er done pap pap pappy:)
I hear a lot about a profile sander; is there a specific model or type that’s a reasonable price? What exactly makes it so useful?
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I second the zip tie idea. Way easier to lay everything on when it’s compressed a little.
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MikeL check this thread for profile sander pic. a good thing to have once your jigs are made.
Thank you. I saw the pic; looks like a big ass sideways belt sander? I bet those suckers cost a couple grand. I wonder if I could turn my harbor freight disk/belt sander on its side and fix it to a table? Or maybe they make a smaller one for us garage builders? I shoulda never moved to the city.
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This is gorgeous. I just got started building, and it’s all I want to do anymore. Kenny, you’ve been a huge help, and inspiration.
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Mike, glad I could help with your addiction... :biglaugh:
Mike, glad I could help with your addiction... :biglaugh:
Hey, don't dealers usually give the first sample for free?
Kenny, you’ve been a huge inspiration.
OMG, just spit coffee all over the keyboard....
Be careful , there may not be warranty on keyboards with spit on em... :biglaugh: