Trad Gang
Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Roy from Pa on February 02, 2019, 07:51:52 PM
He's still out in the woods helping his buddy look for a doe he hit.
I'll let him post the pictures when he gets in.
Did he catch up with that big 8 pointer? :campfire:
:clapper: :wavey:
Its bigger than the 8:)
Excellent Brad!! Way to go!
Thanks guys.
I’m whooped, but in true trad gang style, I’ll give ya a teaser. Promise I’ll have a story and some more pics for ya tomorrow.
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Way to go. :notworthy: :notworthy:
Till tomorrow :campfire:
Congrats! That's awesome!
Well done, congratulations :clapper:
Looking forward to the story :campfire:
Beautiful buck congrats.
That’s an awesome buck!!!
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:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
That's a nice buck. Congratulations!
Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
Beautiful deer! Congrats!
Wow! Great buck!
- those late season bucks...congrats!
That’s a great one for sure. Can’t wait to hear the rest of the story. :campfire:
congrates,, nice buck.
Nice one.
Happy for ya bro and proud of you for hunting your arse off this late season.
Dang Brad, That's hitting a homer with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth! Nice one!
Attaboy! That's a dandy man
Tim B
Man thats a beautiful Buck, congratulations!
:readit: :campfire: :coffee: :wavey:
BRUISER!!! :thumbsup:
Nice buck!
Well done brutha he’s sweet!
What a nice buck! Congratulations on the hard work!
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Very nice buck!!!
Thanks for all the compliments fellas.
As promised.....
I’d like to say I worked my rear off for THIS buck. But that wouldn’t be true. If you have seen my trail cam pics, you know I have been after a couple of studs since November. One heavy framed eight point and a large framed nine with kickers. I will admit, I run feeders, but spend very little time hunting them. The properties I hunt are all under 80 acres. With myself, two kids, and friends hunting the properties I feed to keep deer using the properties. If not, they’d probably be burned out by the end of October.
To say I’ve been hunting these two bucks hard for the past month would be an understatement. I’ve only missed about four evening sits in the past month for kids basketball games and once just cuz it was too dang cold.
I’ve been running multiple cams and going on morning drives to try and figure out their routine. And it just wasn’t coming together. I even tried to put spot and stalks on both bucks. I never got busted, but they managed to get ahead of me and onto neighboring properties before I could get close enough for a shot.
I had a couple blunders along the way as well. I had my opportunity at the big eight, and blew it. He was following a shed buck and a decent eight headed towards the feeder. Light was fading and he was nervous. I probably rushed the shot, but I think more than anything, I didn’t follow thru. I watched as the arrow sail right under his chest. Then I also had a run in with the nine while checking cameras. ALWAYS take your bow when going in the woods.
Sorry for dragging this out. But we’ve gone from high temps in the single digits to a high in the 50s today. So I’m adding bits between taking pics, taxidermist and cutting meat :biglaugh:
So that cat and mouse game continued until last Saturday. At that time, pics of either buck were non existent. I had no idea if I had bumped the deer and they moved on, or had they shed their antlers and hiding amongst the does and other shed bucks. Both had definitive scars on their body, but I just wasn’t getting pics to prove they had shed.
Friday I decided with only three days left, I was going to fill my tag with the next deer that gave me a shot. As long as it wasn’t a shed buck. Well Friday came and went with no shot opportunities. Saturday morning a get a crappy trail cam pic of a decent buck on my phone from one of my closest friends, but no message. So of course I call him to see if he’s yanking my chain or just rubbing it in.
Nice one.......... :thumbsup: :notworthy:
To make a long phone call short......
He knew my bucks disappeared and was ready to fill a tag. He already had his buck and had tried talking his nephew into hunting the buck. The nephew had given up for the season and said he was done.
He actually was getting pics of two bucks right before the extreme cold snap. But had no idea if they were still around as the cold temps had killed the batteries in his cams. The other buck was a lopsided seven that I would have been happy with at this point in the game.
I would be hunting an approach that funneled deer towards his feeder. The feeder would be visible, but not within shot distance. So after getting all the info and a “good luck”, I headed in.
At this point I should say how thankful I am to have several friends like this. In my circle of friends, I am the only one that shoots trad. They all respect that and know the time and effort I put in to getting trad close to deer. These guys freely share hunting spots. We all have a respect for each other and hunt our own properties until the end is near. I don’t think any of us has ever asked to hunt the others place, but all have been told to do so. It’s nice to shoot big deer, but it’s just as nice to have someone you know shoot it as well.
Finally.....the hunt.
The evening began with a couple yearlings headed to the feeder. Followed by a mature doe and her yearling. I have seen some mean does in my day, but this old girl takes the cake. Once she arrived, she refused to let any of the youngsters anywhere near the feeder including her own. Kick, paw, charge, you name it. This girl was mean.
I decided, if given the opportunity I would try to shoot her. After about a half hour of the youngsters moving in and out, the doe decided to take a stroll. She was on a path that would lead her my way. I was standing and ready, just needed her to close the gap. As I’m glancing around to get a head count and figure out where all the youngsters went, I spot antler tips. The buck is on a shelf on the opposite side of the ridge following a spike to the feeder. The path they are taking will not pass me.
As they approach the feeder the doe and youngsters scatter like popcorn. The spike is the first to approach. And something in the opposite direction spooked him and he bolts. He and the big buck run right past my stand and stop about 100yds out. The spike and a couple yearlings continue walking away and I feel my heart sink. I just know the big buck will follow. But he just stands there surveying the area. After what seams like an eternity, he turns and starts back to the feeder by himself. At about 25yds he stops again behind a cluster of trees.
Finally he starts to move again, but now the spike has returned and is standing about30yds out facing right at me. The big buck passes me and stops perfectly about 20yds past me. I see the spike start walking out of the corner of my eye and go into autopilot. Draw, anchor, release, follow thru!!
I see the arrow disappear behind the shoulder and he bolts. He only runs about 60yds and stops. I see his head getting heavy, and within seconds he hits the ground. I sit down and give thanks and still can’t belive what just happened.
I call my bud to let him know what happened and I can see his smile thru the phone. It’s nice having good friends, but I have some great ones.
If you’ve stayed tuned in this long......I think you deserve some eye candy :biglaugh:
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Forgot the specs. The bow is a 53# 54” hybrid designed and built by yours truly. Carbon arrows with a 250gr VPA three blade up front. Complete pass thru stuck in the frozen ground.
Now I have one more tidbit of advice and I have to come clean. The photos above are not photoshopped. But aren’t completely legit.
My advice NEVER drag a deer by his antlers in February!!!!!
The second pic may look a little awkward. That’s because my bowstring is holding the antler in place.
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Congrats on an amazing buck !!! Thanks for taking us along as well.
Good job big dog..
Congratulations on a great buck. Nothing like waiting until the last day or two of the season. LOL!
Thanks for taking the time to write that up and represent a great Buck here in the buckeye state. Congratulations!
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Awesome! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Great job buddy!! You got some ca to put the antler back on don"cha??
He would go on my walk. Helluva buck and the trail to him just makes it sweeter.
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Well earned trophy. Congrats!!
Congratulations what a stud! Buck of a lifetime for a lot of us!!
:thumbsup: nice buck congratts! :thumbsup:
Thanks for the story :campfire:
That was my first thought, February & loose antlers... Glad you have both to work with! I’m sure your Taxidermist can get him all back together again...
Well done to you and your friends for selflessly sharing your blessings/resources with one another :thumbsup:
Congratulations on a hard earned deer!
Enjoyed accompanying you on the hunt.
Well done...
Congrats on an awesome buck! Great story too!
Thanks guys. I am truely blessed with great friends.
The taxidermist said reattaching the antler was no problem, he had done several in the past. He actually told me I should have just super glued it back on. :biglaugh: He said that’s what he would do then add screws thru the skull plate to both antlers just to be safe.
Enjoyed the story. Beautiful buck. :thumbsup:
A great hunt and a great late season buck! Way to hang in there, and you have some great friends for sure! :thumbsup:
Thanks for taking us along! Beautiful animal! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Nice buck, Congrats! Much admiration for sticking with it!
Great buck! Congrats!
This is a stud. Congratulations! He is well earned. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]