Trad Gang

National Bowhunting Orgs => Compton Traditional Bowhunters => Topic started by: Bow man on February 18, 2021, 06:52:43 AM

Title: Compton Rendezvous 2021
Post by: Bow man on February 18, 2021, 06:52:43 AM
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Title: Re: Compton Rendezvous 2021
Post by: Terry Green on March 11, 2021, 12:36:32 PM
Man would I love to make it.... but it would be tuff.
Title: Re: Compton Rendezvous 2021
Post by: Breakfast Boy on June 11, 2021, 01:19:45 PM
Here is the vendor list for the upcoming Rendezvous.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Vendors Inside the Big Tent...

3 Rivers

Ace Archery Tackle LLC

Asbell Wool

Bear Archery

Black Widow Custom Bows

Canadohta Customs

Carol Mauch

Chasing Heartwood


Great Northern Bowhunting Co.

Great Northern Bow Co.

Java Man Archery

JT Traditional Archery

Kalamazoo Bow Works

Lost Nation Archery

MI Chapter of BHA

Michigan Bowhunters

Michigan Longbow Association

Michigan Traditional Bowhunters

Monty Browning

Professional Bowhunters Society

River Raisin Bows

Rustic Archer

Rush Creek Originals

Sabamba Alpaca

Safari Tuff

San Marco Hybrid Eagle

Schupbachs Sporting Goods

Selway Archery

Sauk Trail Archery

Shrew Bows

Shifty's Seasoning

Swing Sharpener

Trad Archers World

Traditional Bowhunter Magazine

True North Arrows

Vantage Point Archery

Wild Horse Creek Bows


Vendors Outside the Big Tent...

Balancing Arrow Outfitters


Bearfoot Traditional

Big Jim's Bow Company

Bow-Na Fide Archery Targets

Cooper Country Bow Works

Elk Ridge Archery

Gray Wolf Woolens

Grey Barr Traditional Archery

Hummingbird Bows

J. P. Enterprises

Jerry CO Archery Products


Leather Craft by Sal

Norm's Used Archery

Real Wild 3D

Redfish Artworks

Rhino Products Inc

Rock Pile Farm

St Joe River Bows

Tom Phillips

Wolf Paw Archery
Title: Re: Compton Rendezvous 2021
Post by: Breakfast Boy on June 11, 2021, 05:23:45 PM
Here's the updated flyer...