Trad Gang
Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos => Tarz Antics => Topic started by: Terry Green on February 06, 2022, 10:00:25 AM
And we're ready. :biglaugh:
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BTW.... Steve is already on em....
Got a dozen and a deer between Steve and PDK....
Steve and PDK are stalking 2 separate groups...
Somebody has one less tag.... :readit:
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :campfire:
Another somebody just lost a tag.... :readit:
Want videos of cinder block hi-jinks!
Want videos of cinder block hi-jinks!
Yes please :goldtooth:
I'm with Ryan. I really, really, really want to watch videos of broadheads smashing into cinder blocks!!!
I like LDPs of kills with fur/hair on them. Pics please!
And yet another somebody missing a tag....... :jumper: :jumper: :jumper:
This is gonna be good!
Now, that's a great start to the week. Keep getting after them. Keep that skinning shed busy.
Got father and son stalking 2 different singles 300 yards apart on same sendaro. Wind perfect....
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Another one in the clan has lost a tag....
Congrats to all the week II group who have had early success and praying all get to share in it as this week plays out.
And we're ready. :biglaugh:
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BTW.... Steve is already on em....
On to this years Olympic “Javi-Lin” throws may the best broad head win the gold medal 🥇!
Both farher and son are slap covered up... I'm ticked as the airlines screwed them out of yesterdays hunt...
Javie hunting is definitely a "Spectator Sport " :biglaugh:
Enjoyed Zeebob's smoked pork butt last night. Yesterday saw about 45 javelina, many close. Wind messed things up generally. Was able to take a nice boar with nuts size of billard balls. Took about 25 minutes to cut a 30 foot trail to him. Bruttal to get off a road. Terry was truthful in using term "target rich hunt".
Most beautiful Mexican Stand Off....
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Sorry for the blurry pic.
What Bisch said. :bigsmyl:
I'm just setting them up and commentating...
They ain't posting cause they too busy chasing, killin, skinning, eating and telling stories. :campfire:
I'm sure they will post when they can.
Hey Terry, when you gona have that fried cinder block? :O)
Here is a picture of mine from Monday morning, Will post more after the hunt. Came down with some kinda bug, and didn't hunt javelin yesterday. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Probably the Corona virus. Drink a Modelo. It's the anti virus.
Seriously, hope you feel better. Congratulations on the javi.
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Ah,..... morning bacon....
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Sounds like they’re stacking ‘em like cordwood. Great job gentlemen!!👍👍👍
Way to go guys! Can't wait to see more pics and "hear" some stories! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Nice shooting pat!
Hey Terry, when you have that fried cinder block? :O)
FRIED?.... Going on the grill over mesquite wood as an acompliment to........
This hunting thread is better than most that DO have pics!!! :laughing:
Nice Shield.... yeah, big boar... as usual, he will go on the camp grill. Fresh big boar over mesquite. YUMMM!
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Now a sombody is tagged out.... :bigsmyl:
Tagged out on Javelina. Some hogs need to be nervous.
From Wudstix around lunch
28 javies so far today. Just had 18 in front of me running in circles what a circus. Sounds like one right behind my 10-12 yards chewing on cactus. He scent checked the spot I was Sunday afternoon then crossed the and went in brush behind me. You can't make this up. Patience!!!
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The two threads have been just fabulous. :clapper:
How big was the boar?
Sick as a dog yesterday, and in bed most of the day. Didn't stop me from putting a stalk on this boar after dark on this boar last night on birthday. Tracking, dragging, and processing wore me out this morning. Back in bed now.
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Yep, the "big boars don't eat good" is fixing to be debunked again. NICE!!! :jumper:
Y'all guys are ripping it up! Keep it coming!
These are the best 18 out of 21 slices I could get out of ONE loin....
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How big was the boar?
I'm a Buck 85.....
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PDK is too big for perspective, so I cut him out.....
Besides.... he's a real pain in the ass. :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
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Dang Terry, you sure are rolling with some serious killers these days! Congrats all and thanks for taking us all along through these threads!
You guys are stackin em !! Thansk for takin us along! :thumbsup:
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Way to go Pat!!!!
Great pig Pat!
Y'all are having fun!
Looks like SOMEONE is not only a good cook but also a good butcher !
I've been called a lot of things in hunting camp, but never a ' "Movie Director". :goldtooth:
Anyhow, they finally let me hunt last night...
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Rest of the story pls...
Sick as a dog yesterday, and in bed most of the day. Didn't stop me from putting a stalk on this boar after dark on this boar last night on birthday. Tracking, dragging, and processing wore me out this morning. Back in bed now.
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Way to power thru despite feeling like crap , get er done! :thumbsup: :notworthy:
More hog for the grill?
You guys are "killing it" and having a blast! Thanks for taking us along for the ride! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We have another tagged out....
Boar n Bull Dinner....
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:coffee: :campfire: YUMM
Danged O'l 4 blades....
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Whad ya do cut yourself?
I think Ray Charles could have followed that blood trail!
I got my second javelina this morning. 25 yard trail in not too bad vegetation. I wanted to try to take one with a '71 Bear Kodiak Hunter and a Pearson Deadhead. Was a good combination. Camp life includes eating steak, smoked pork butt, hog chops, Backwoods coffee- really rough but someone has to do it.
Congratulations fellas!
Good job guys
Looks like another great hunt
Nice shooting Steve.
Another excellent week in the making. Keep it up!
I got my second javelina this morning. 25 yard trail in not too bad vegetation. I wanted to try to take one with a '71 Bear Kodiak Hunter and a Pearson Deadhead. Was a good combination. Camp life includes eating steak, smoked pork butt, hog chops, Backwoods coffee- really rough but someone has to do it.
I spent the 1st 2 days with Steve and I couldn't be more happier for him and more tickled for me.
MAJOR, Congrats from me, well done!
And, I LOVE the last line above about camp life. :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
That's a rather content looking bunch of blokes having a feed there.
You guy's are obviously having a great time. Pity you are on the other side of the world, other than that, I'd be keen to be a starter.
Maybe one day :dunno:
Who's who so we can put a name to the faces :thumbsup:
I took the pic, so I'm not in it...
The one that is missing from the pic is Ronnie Newall. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Good job guys! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
On the LTR1 hunt a couple of weeks ago I spent some time checking a few ponds during the first day for hog sign and layout.... i.e., which ponds were most active, what area of ponds were most active, which were most approachable from 2 directions, and how silent were the paths and a few other notes...
I had chosen two that seemed most promising and sweetened them daily in each local of the ponds most desirable for my observations. It was to rain the 1st night which was great since it would erase all old and start anew for reals answers.
There was no real concern for hunting them that week as my concern was to fill my javie tags while making sure everyone was having a great time and getting on game. Everything was coming together on the hog strategies on Wednesday as the previous rain was tattle tale for many....
The stage was being set for the 2 week away opener while I was neck deep in the production of LTR1...
Yes sir. I know for a fact it's a lot of work to put on a hunt and still enjoy it yourself. Especially traveling to do it.
But it looks like everyone is having a good time. The effort is probably worth it.
Looks like a great time!!! I can't wait to hear the rest of the stories!!! Terry what 4 blade heads are you shooting?
Terry what 4 blade heads are you shooting?
The only one's they make. :campfire:
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Dear Ronnie,
I have your blind all set up for next year....
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I see the bow hanger on that blind. But we need to add a cup holder for the coffee. Ronnie is a good guy and we ought to treat him right.
Joe, it's in a container on a barge in the bay.
I can only do so much. :knothead:
I am going to have to up my blind game for next year!
Oh, so very pardon me, I totally forgot to mention this morning's sausage....
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Ronnie, concerning the cup holder....
With you running a shrimp boat for 45 years, I figured you had some pull.
The last evenings view from the director's chair....
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Watching Hunter play his hand....
And so is she....
I'm having a blast!!!!
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So is a pic of another hog ??
Well Done guys
Safe travels home
Or the one you got nite b4 last ?
Ronnie, it was Patrick's turn again for breakfast.
I should have known Terry. :thumbsup:
I guess since the hunt was called the Laredo Tusk Roundup, I can show the dental work that I encountered. My neighbor said she wanted the skulls, so I got them started for her. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
I have some airport time tomorrow and I'll try and finish up my story. I'm sure others will as they get time...
Great thread boys….really enjoying it
Tim B
The story unfolding is also an educational one as it was the worst 'double lung' I've ever experienced....
So, now LTR2 brought about hog opportunities ....
PDK was interested in hunting hogs at night so I told him the details of 2 ponds and after his 1st morning's javie kill away he went....
He had gotten all set up on day two in 2. We were ready. I was excited at getting a crack on hogs at night after directing javie traffic all day. Too much fun both day and night let me tell ya.
After PDK took his 1st hog, it was my turn...
Patrick let me out about 500 yards away from the 'tank' Smokin Joe and I had been running laps around two weeks ago to tag ourselves out on javies. So, LTR1 had provided me with a very intimate knowledge of the terrain, and I had two options for approach and of course took the best for the breeze....
NOTE TO SELF!!! Next time wear Kevlar suit!!! Bring power loppers!!! Paracord string silencers make a really quiet bow. The Ribtek ended up in the wrong target, I'll let Terry explain.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
After a very brisk 350 scurry, I slowed my pace to the split distance. The next 50 would be slow and easy, till the last 25.... slow as molasses in winter...
I could hear grass tearing and hysterical smacking from what turned out to be two nice hogs, along with 4 masked bandits. I eases and eased and cheated as close as I felt I could and assessed the ongoings in front of me.....
Ok, so the 4 bandidos were at 2 o'clock and 8 to 12 yards away, and the hogs were 17ish with their hams seemingly touching. One perfectly broadside facing left with front leg slightly back, and the other almost facing me but quartering left also crowding the shot. The shot was there but narrow, and if porky raised its head all bets were off.
Low and behold the one almost facing me made an adjustment to my right and in reaction the broadside on leveled up its stance. Now all was perfect....
I have never used a lighted nock hunting before but was amazing to watch my arrow impact exactly where I was looking with a very audible crack.....
The swine swung, swapping ends, and was off. Blistering to my right and it's partner to the left. The dash was short and ended with a snap-crackle n pop. I could hear labored breathing and grunts, but no more forward progress. Seconds later, silence....
Last day heading out. If you're standing on your head!!!
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
:bigsmyl: :bigsmyl: :bigsmyl:
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That works.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
:laughing: :laughing:
I stood motionless and trying not to hear my own breathing for fear of missing a sound, yet none came.
After the long pause of silence, by less than a handful of minutes, the quartering to wind began to quarter away I knew I had to bail out and quick....just in case.
I eased out much quicker than I came in for a couple of dozen yards then changed to a normal pace back to Patrick. After explaining to him the event, unbeknownst to me, Patrick had captured a moment in time of the event and showed me mere seconds before the woods exploded.....
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I was in complete awe and fascination that I was viewing the last frame I saw with my eyes at release. I still cannot belive it. It's something that will never happen to me again. Wow.... just WOW!
Edited for brightness.....
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:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
This thread has been just like the 1st one a couple of weeks ago. Entertaining and captivating, but this one's a bit more hysterical. :biglaugh: :laughing: :biglaugh:
Sorry, had another thread that needed attention,... now I'm taxiing out to Huston runway.....
Finish up tomorrow. :campfire:
Dang dude, you shuda been able to have been to Saigon by now
Really enjoyed both the LTR threads, sounds like y’all had a blast. I’ve never done a hunt where I needed to fly so was wondering if some of you that went would care to share your experiences, any problems with getting bows and arrows on the plane , how is the meat handled as far as getting it home? Just would like to hear some of the planing and traveling details.
Dang dude, you shuda been able to have been to Saigon by now
Shaaaad up Ronnie, plane didn't leave Laredo till 5:10. Spent 3 hours at Palenque Grill, coffee on both the front and back end... even had desert. Now leave me alone, I'm taxiing again... :knothead:
Really enjoyed both the LTR threads, sounds like y’all had a blast. I’ve never done a hunt where I needed to fly so was wondering if some of you that went would care to share your experiences, any problems with getting bows and arrows on the plane , how is the meat handled as far as getting it home? Just would like to hear some of the planing and traveling details.
That would be a great thread Sir! ...why don't ya start it. :campfire:
I personally want to thank Terry for setting all of this up and especially for making room for me to go. I know he enjoys doing it but that being said, there is one heckofa lot of work involved in making it happen. I also want to thank Jerryg for taking care of us so well, esp. for putting us on such a target rich ranch. To say it was a fantastic hunt just doesnt seem to do it justice...
There definitely was no shortage of Javelina. That at times was no blessing 15-18 sets of eyes and noses can make it tough to get of a shot. It was a blast trying, though.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
Ditto to what Ronnie said. A great time in a "target rich" environment.
Thanks for your concerted tracking assistance, both the faux track (at least we found my arrow) and the bloodless Javelina track. We did due diligence! I'm glad that I didn't wear my Asbell wool to do some of that tracking, it would probably been ripped to shreds.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
The week before LTR 2 started, Hunting Badger (Ken Bullman) delivered a new take down longbow to me. He built it using one of KennyM’s’s 47# at 28”. I wanted to try and break that bow in during our trip.
The second morning of the trip I chased several groups of javis around. About 9:30am I spotted a bunch on the sendero headed my way, but if they kept coming they would get my wind. I opted to try and come in on their back side and get the wind in my favor…I did that and began to sneak up on them…of course they went into the brush headed toward the sendero I had just come down.
So I went back across the cut across to see where they would come out. They came out about 150yds away and were feeding back to me now. I got hid behind a bank of prickly pear and a clump of white brush. I was on my knees waiting, and waiting..eventually I could hear them crunching corn…the wind was good. Soon I had the whole flock of javis in front of me..they were doing what Terry calls bee-bopping along, relaxed and they didn’t know I was there. A boar got broadside in my lane and stopped, I concentrated on his white line and let er rip at maybe 7yds. The GT with my ace standard went right thru a hair behind the whileline and buried in the dirt behind the javi. Javis left in a hurry, the one I shot exited stage left and went behind me in the brush.
My arrow was covered with blood, I found the trail. Called Ken and he came up to help my track it. Tracking in that cactus and thorn brush is prickly work. After a short time we found the boar dead about 30yds in the brush. I was thrilled…the new bow was blooded!
The third morning I chased several bunches around and got busted every time. Finally I saw a bunch moving my way and I set up about 5 yds off the road behind a pile of brush and a bank of cactus. After a long wait the javis were milling around in front of me. They were beginning to move back the way they had come…a sow stopped on the far side of the sendero…it was now or never.
I let the arrow go..she was already moving by time the arrow hit. It was a bad hit too far back! Not a good feeling! I found my arrow across the sendero stuck in a prickly pear. It was blood red stem to stern! Maybe there was hope! On the road I found a lot of blood where the javi hit the brush. I decided to wait before taking up the trail.
After lunch Ken and I cut our way into the brush following the blood! 🩸 We only had to go 25yds. Javi was stone dead and I was tagged out. I was really lucky! Or maybe that new bow is lucky!
Hopefully Terry will post my javi pics..
There were a great group of guys on this hunt and I had a wonderful time. Terry deserves a big thanks for putting the hunt together and getting us all lined out on the ground. The Back Woods grind coffee was a great way to start every day. We used the Shifty’s red and classic seasonings on the boar chops we grilled and they came out great…my thanks to both of those sponsors!
I can’t wait until next years LTR!
Backwoods grind coffee is great, even when you leave your Yeti on the breakfast table when you dash out to hunt. It was waiting for me when I got back after dark and still warm. Coffee was super!!! High Noon was good and I also like Camp House. This coffee is almost as good as the company on this hunt. LTR 2023 look out, I'm all in!!! Just sitting at the table listening to all the life stories was worth the price of admission.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
Here’s one of ZeeBobs Javi…
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It sure sounds like LTR week #2 was every bit as good as LTR week #1.
I'm still waiting to hear about the Famous Cinder Block Hunt.
John, thanks for putting the pic up for me!
I will apologize for typos in advance. I didn’t get quite as much hunting for the javelina as I would have liked during this, due to coming down with a nasty cold.
The first morning of the hunt I was in a convoy following Terry to an area he dubbed ‘the trap’, that was productive during the last group hunt. As we drove out there Terry pointed in the direction of a couple of ponds that I had hog sign, that I will mention later.
As we arrived at the trap, Terry asked me to corn some adjacent roads as he familiarized Steve with the area, and to meet him back there. By the time I got back, they were nowhere to be seen and I saw a group of javelina on one of the roads and had to go along a road to get around them and to get in front of them. Unfortunately I went to far and missed my road and came out on a road that let to Terry glassing while Steve was stalking a group. I snuck up behind him and got a couple short video clips of him stalking, but he wasn’t able to get a shot opportunity.
I returned to my truck and started down a road when I saw a group of 3 javelina and got out to try to stalk up on them. It looked like they were stalled out with very little corn and no good cover on the road to make an approach,
I went back to the truck and drove up slowly to the javelina, and they melted into the brush. In reverse, I put a trickle of corn the way that I came and backed the truck out of sight. Then I snuck down the road toward the javelina and found a dirt hill that I could partially hide behind off the road and trimmed mesquite and prickly pear out of the way for standing and shooting.
After a short while, the Havelina came out into the road and started feeding towards me. It was a matter of time. Eventually the Havelina feeding in the lead gave me a shot opportunity and I took it. The Javelina upon impact ran a few yards to the opposite side of the road and tried to break my arrow unsuccessfully. The other two ran off and my Havelina went if yards into the brush. Since I could still see it I opted to sling another arrow into the brush but it was deflected. No matter, the Javelina went down in a few more yards.
Before it warmed up to much, I drove the javelina back to camp, skinned and dressed it and put it in the cooler. I ran down to the store and got some ice for the cooler, then I set up some mini feeders, hog bombs, lights and cameras for nighttime hog hunting. I was starting to feel pretty tired at that point, and gave up the afternoon hunt for a nap. Unfortunately that was the onset of being sick, and I stayed in bed all day Monday, which was my birthday.
I have been lucky at taking game on my birthday more than once, and was a little disappointed at not feeling well enough to hunt that day this year, so when I got notice that a hog was at a feeder, I decided to suck it up and go after it. It looked to be a nice boar.
When I originally evaluated the two adjacent points, I discarded one of them because there were cattle all over the only area suitable for an approach. The pond I elected to setup in seemed very promising during daylight, but there was a complication noticed only only after dark. A power station nearby was incredibly bright, and illuminated the approach roads, which was on high ground. It was so bright that I needed a brimmed hat to walk in the direction of the pond on this stalk. Crazy bright.
Anyway, When I arrived, the hog wasn’t there so I walked around a half mile back to the truck and waited a half hour and the hog returned, so I made my way back to the pond. When I descended to the pond, the hog busted out of there into the brush to the south. It was very quiet, but I was in my socks only(still have thorns for that) and I was confident that he didn’t hear or smell me, so I snuck closer and waited. After a half hour, I heard him shake his ears and make his way slowly back toward the corn. He stayed on the far end facing me for the longest time, but I was confident that he would offer a shot eventually.
I don’t like shooting long distances at night, so I was patient, and he started making his way close and was under 10 yards away slightly quartering towards me when I felt the wind hit the back of my neck. I knew it was now or never and took what felt like a good shot. My string tracker line peeled out, briefly stopped, then trickled out for a second then stopped. I had no desire to track him through prickly pear after dark, and it was cold at night, so I backed out and returned at first light.
Terry accompanied me to the scene of the crime. No bloody nearby at the shot, and although I strapped my string tracker to a mesquite it was no help because other hogs came in and pulled all of the line out and broke it off from the hog and dragged it back to the corn. Fortunately I found good blood around 30’yards in the brush and it was a fairly straightforward track to the boar. He made it around 80 yards or so. Another birthday pig for me.
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After processing the boar with Terry, I was again too fatigued to hunt javelina and didn’t really feel up to chasing hogs but dropped Terry off for his stalks on Tuesday night, which he already described. After going with Terry to recover his sow and helping him process it, I was again to tired to chase javelina on Wednesday
Until mid afternoon. I went out and made a natural blind and mostly sat watching roads. I did go for a couple short walks and came up on a group of 2 that busted me after I tried to circle around to get the wind in my favor. That would end up being the last of my javi hunting, around 7 total hours. Just bad luck getting sick, which was likely from getting run down from chasing hogs in frigid temps the week before.
So just to go back a little bit, regarding the hogs that pulled my string tracker line out. It was 2 nice sows and a piglet that worked my pig bomb for hours. On Tuesday night they showed up again, and I accompanied another hunter on a stalk for them. While I waited on my hands and knees halfway along the road, and the hunter made his approach, they spooked out of there. One of them ended up in the brush 15 yards from me, and I just laid down on the road for what seemed like forever, then we snuck out of there. The sows returned to the feeder an hour later, but I had some good intel that I would use later.
I was confident the sows would return on Wednesday night, and I wasn’t disappointed. I knew the wind would be in my favor and I would need to be patient and mostly crawl to avoid the light and shadows.
I was on my hands and knees for 150 yards or so, when 50 yards ahead a group of 3 deer came on the road and spotted me. 2 snorted and blew out of there, but the third kept snorting at me for a few minutes before leaving which was enough to scatter the hogs. Dang it.
Once again, though, at least one ended up close to me along the road, and I laid on the road for 30 minutes, and then very slowly belly crawled the rest of the way to the pig bomb.
2 raccoons busted me on the way down to the feeder, so I angled off into the brush to the south, knowing that the sows would likely return, but would bust me if I was in the better shooting position.
I moved enough brush that I felt that I had a shooting lane, albeit a little longer of a shot than I wanted, and cleared a space that I could lay down and wait, but still get to my knees for a shot quietly if I took my time.
As anticipated, in 15-30 minutes, the hogs returned with the wind in my favor. I slowly and quietly got to my knees and grabbed the only arrow with an illuminated nock that was in my quiver, nocked it, and when I had a sow slightly quartering away in the pig bomb I drew and released. To my surprise, the nock didn’t light up, but I heard a solid thud and the hogs busted out of there into thick brush to the south. It turns out that I grabbed an arrow with a standard nock and as a result couldn’t see the impact. It felt like I might be a touch far back, but sounded good. Once again I backed out until morning and returned with Terry hoping to find a blood trail.
Terry found first blood around 20 yards from impact, and I trailed on hands and knees through heavy brush with a steady blood trail which led to the sow, which Terry saw a few yards ahead of me while I was crawling through nasty stuff. Another reason not to trail in these conditions in the dark. She ended piled up less than 10 yards from a sendero that we could reach with the truck, and definitely less than 30’yards from where the other hog died. Still probably went around 80 yards. Got her out of there and processed, and I was done hunting for the trip.
Way to go Pat! Sounds like you guys had a blast!
And congrats to you Zeebob and all the rest of you guys!
Couple of pics o Patrick's boar...
3 blade VPA
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Thanks Terry. I usually mention that I was using a Talltines Stickflinger and VPA 3 blades, but I forgot.
Good stuff guys!
I'll be catching up on my story in the morning...
Lots going on catching up at home....
Great hearing these stories again.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
If there is anything like too many Javelina in front of you that may have been my experience. Terry put me in "The Spot" as he called it. It definitely was a spot where Javelina liked to congregate. My method was to set up in a hide trimmed into the brush, or built with surrounding brush and corn in third directions, depending on the wind and which corner I was set up on. All the errors were my own doing and not the result of equipment or wind. Rookie mistakes from an old hat. There was a Millennium seat left behind from hunt one that I put to use. Being new to that type of seat was a challenge. I finally coated the post and undercarriage with mineral oil and it was whisper quiet. If I decide to get one of these seats it will become a familiar tool. Having groups(Squadrons) of Javelina from 7 to 18 in front of me was exciting, but difficult to keep all eyes off me, so I could draw. It was also interesting to get a shot at a Javelina who wasn't lined up with one or two others. I had opportunities, but my form from the seat was not the best. The last day I finally trimmed a very decent hide from a thorn bush. Finally did get drawn successfully on a decent boar, at release he took a couple steps, which resulted in a hit too far back. The Snuffer tipped footed Cedar did it's job. I found it @20-25 feet past where the Javelina had been standing at impact. He ran off with two Snuffer sized holes, but after crawling through thorn brush and cactus for about 50 yards finding no blood, he was not found. I did find some Javelina beds, other sign and an old chewed up shed. SteveM thanks for your help. This is what my arrow looked like. You'll note the colors. This hunt is on my radar for next year and knowing what to expect will be a big advantage. Ryan you were correct, penetration was very impressive.
Ok, so, I told Patrick that it was odd that I saw my arrow impact EXACTLY where I was looking, but when Porky swirled, the lit nock looked lower. We are talking a millagiga second in time, but thats what I saw, and with plenty of killing penetration. Odd, just odd... but plenty on that later.....
Anyhow, after a short bit Patrick and I started slipping into the area to the point of impact. Blood almost immediately, lots, then a distinct trail for 20 yards to my bright red arrow shaft then 4 more to my broadheded end. Now the trail was really flowing....
Just a few more yards of a bleed-out trail and we hear a very distressed grunt ahead but no other sounds.... we froze. At this point we decided to back out, in somewhat disbelief of what we were seeing, and come back at daylight....
Ok, so Patrick and I headed out a few hours later at daylight to complete the trail to its end, what ever that was.
We took up the trail from the beginning and here is the 7th yard from point of impact....
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Then after a few more ......
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And this,.....
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And about 12 yards beyond this, maybe 15 from where we heard the grunt hours before, there the hog was lying.....
Not comfortable posting this pic out of respect for the animal.....
Anyhow, we were elated that all had come together as we expected, especially me as I had experienced it all first hand and what I assumed was true....except the initial tracking effort..... more on that later.....
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I would like to thank Patrick for his efforts on this hunt as well, and his enthusiasm in the hunt for the 'Trap Hog' from the beginning. I was so tickled for him and his success at the 'Double Tank', and now this was icing on the cake as this tank was a bit more personable for me due to the week before's events for Joe and I. During our chasing to fill our Javie tags I was always dreaming of hog hunting this tank as hogs are my 1st love. I can't tell you how many times I glassed this area across the pond from the berm on the other side while 'directing traffic'. Very special guys, hard to describe and I'm sure hard for some to grasp. "If I have to explain, you wouldn't understand" definitely applies here....
:clapper: :campfire:
A couple of great hunts back to back!
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Terry, those are both great pictures! Patrick is a stone cold killer when it comes to hogs, no doubt about that.
I think I was the rookie of the crew. Being around some many knowledgeable traditional archers was an added bonus for me! I know I picked up some valuable knowledge from everyone there.
Can’t wait to get back down there again!
I would like to thank Patrick for his efforts on this hunt as well, and his enthusiasm in the hunt for the 'Trap Hog' from the beginning. I was so tickled for him and his success at the 'Double Tank', and now this was icing on the cake as this tank was a bit more personable for me due to the week before's events for Joe and I. During our chasing to fill our Javie tags I was always dreaming of hog hunting this tank as hogs are my 1st love. I can't tell you how many times I glassed this area across the pond from the berm on the other side while 'directing traffic'. Very special guys, hard to describe and I'm sure hard for some to grasp. "If I have to explain, you wouldn't understand" definitely applies here....
I am not sure enthusiasm applies. More like addicted/driven despite being sick as a dog, lol. Great looking sow and great shooting Terry. Very surprised that she was alive an hour after the shot and with that blood trail. Always something to learn for me. Bad luck not getting the heart, but I have become fond of saying that not all double lung hits are created equal.
WOW! Great joint effort on both hog hunts by two hog hunting extraordinaires!!!
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
WOW! Great joint effort on both hog hunts by two hog hunting extraordinaires!!!
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Holy cow yes!!! Been following these two threads and what a journey!!! :jumper: :jumper: :jumper:
Congrats to all, I'm sure there is more, but praise is in order now anyway.
Yep, this goes along with the group hunts thread a while back. Great stuff guys!!! :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Looks like there isn't much interest so I'll pass on the other pics and info on the double lung. Had a blast with you guys in camp, looking forward to next year you repeat offenders.
Steve, it was an honor to hunt with you this year after Crain a couple of years before, you really inspire me sir! Thank you for doing those javalina a favor. I will pass that quote along for many years.... best to you sir. :campfire:
Lord willing and the crick don’t rise, Ken and I plan on attending again next year! Saying it was great fun is a vast understatement!
Looks like there isn't much interest so I'll pass on the other pics and info on the double lung. Had a blast with you guys in camp, looking forward to next year you repeat offenders.
Steve, it was an honor to hunt with you this year after Crain a couple of years before, you really inspire me sir! Thank you for doing those javalina a favor. I will pass that quote along for many years.... best to you sir. :campfire:
I think you should post them. It would be educational.
I am going to agree with Patrick on that Terry. I know it was somewhat of an oddball thing but to look at that shot placement how it wasn’t dead in seconds is interesting. The explanation is worth going over.
Yes, waiting on you to post the postmortem’s :bigsmyl:
Also why no cinder block postmortem :saywhat:
I really miss her...
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Terry, in hunters lingo that there would be a big ole mully :goldtooth: I’d love to see some of the broadhead damage pictures!!
Jason, we had talks daily....
Bhead pics coming soon.. .....
Ronnie therapy......
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Here's one of the bigger ones that we saw.
The buck above was a pretty constant companion the last couple days. He ruined a couple opportunities for us as well.
What a fun hunt though. Lots of javies running around that place. Can’t wait to have at them again.
Good stuff MEATHEAD!!!
Should have taken a selfie of me sick and laying in bed. Spent a lot of daylight hours doing that.
Pat, you more than made up for your rest time with the night time trips and hogs brought back.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
Too funny... Patrick and I waiting in the truck for each other was suspenseful for sure... 3 nights in a row it ended perfect, well sort of, we tailed out at daylight to fetch out quarry. .... which we did...... great memorable stuff.
Man I man what a thread. I totally need this in my life. Thanks for taking us along. I’ve done one group hunt and it was the best time ever. Need to do it again.
Up for Charlie.