Trad Gang
Main Boards => The Bowyer's Bench => Topic started by: EvilDogBeast on February 03, 2024, 02:48:42 PM
Reminders :deadhorse:
Signup Closes: 2 February 2024
Assignments Sent Out: 4 February 2024
Official Build Period: 5 February 2024 - 31 May 2024
Grace Period: 1 June 2024 - 22 June 2024
Minimum one post per week!
**You MUST post a full-draw picture upon receipt of your bow. NO EXCEPTIONS!**
Good luck everyone. :campfire:
Same as last year, I will sub in if someone needs to drop. Thanks to everyone who signed up to keep us running another year!
Edit: 18 bowyers this year!
Getting a jump on things
Same as last year, I will sub in if someone needs to drop. Thanks to everyone who signed up to keep us running another year!
Edit: 18 bowyers this year!
So how does this work? When do you assign who you are building for? and get the specs needed?
Working in some bows anyway tonight so between heat bending tips and super glue drying I cleaned up what’ll be a fun Osage stave so it’ll be ready to go once I have name and specs. It’s quite gnarly in its twisting and propeller. But I made a bow last spring from its sister stave and it turned out quite a good shooter. It’s been dead standing long enough that this is the freshly cut color.
Going to be up front, I may have to work into Monday on the matches. The distribution is going to take a while with all the new-to-me folks we have this year.
Kirkll, I will PM everyone who they are building for, their requested specs, and their mailing address
Roger that Mad Dog....
Ripped some lam material for tapers I got a fun plan for wood choice in this swap bow, more about that in next week's post.
This would be a good time to figure out that picture size :dunno: imgur photos 800x600
Ripped some lam material for tapers I got a fun plan for wood choice in this swap bow, more about that in next week's post.
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Thanks for pointing that out I never hit the insert attachment button.
:thumbsup: :biglaugh:
Max you don't need imgur. The blue + bottom left below reply box click on it select your pic and auto resize when you post. Then if you got more than one there is more attachments. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Thanks Mike, I didn’t know that. That’ll make posting pics way simpler!
I had to ask that on :knothead: Pow Wow. Could not figure it out on my own
I see no such option.
So maybe I need to add a picture to see it? [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Ok, so that was a large picture but it loaded. Did it just re size automatically 😳??
That's a lot of decoys you put out, think any deer will come? :bigsmyl:
So far mine have been auto resize.
And you need deercoys :biglaugh:
So far auto resize for me.
And you need deercoys :biglaugh:
Getting a jump on things
That’s quite an off fall table set up there. That might qualify in the red neck hall of fame. :biglaugh:
That's a lot of decoys you put out, think any deer will come? :bigsmyl:
Yes, they group up this time of year.
S, apparently I don't need to resize my pictures. Makes things simper. :)
Almost there guys. I'll have matches out later today.
Thanks again Chris
Mike, open link and scroll down to posting images section.
Mike, open link and scroll down to posting images section.
Thanks, Roy. That's pretty much what I've done to post pictures but I thought I had to resize them myself before posting.
Yes on resizing first if they are really large
There really is no limit on file size currently.
However if you have a huge image file and it takes forever to upload, you will get a error eventually.
Such as using wifi or other slow connections.
Also even though there are no restrictions on size they do take more space on this site.
Even though the forum will re-size the displayed image size to 640PX width.
It does not alter the uploaded file size.
It still will take longer to display on the huge images. And slow down .
So to answer your question.
Size will depend on your connection speed.
That is just the nature of the beast(Internet)
You may want to install tapatalk on your phone also.
For all your posting .
technically, there is no maximum image size that's been set for trad gang's forum software. be aware that really large camera and cellphone images will almost always time out because the traffic on our server is so severe almost 24x7 and bandwith for image/file uploads will always take a back seat to topics and postings. really large images are great for making into hard copies but are almost useless for computers. if you have a huge image file and it takes forever to upload, you will eventually get an, such as using wifi or other slow connections. it still will take longer to display on the huge images .... and slow down. this has nothing to do with the trad gang server - it has WAY more horsepower than we need. it's about internet connections.
"smaller" images are guaranteed to upload fast - as long as there are no network issues in the route from your computer to the trad gang server .... it's the internet, and stuff sometimes just happens!
what is a "smaller" image? 2000 or less pixels in width x length. the truth is, even those images are WAAAAY too large to be properly viewed on a typical computer screen, let alone a phone or tablet. there is no need for that, it's a waste of everything.
so it will help to resize really large images. for my personal use, i size to 1024 wide at the max, but most are 800 wide down to 640 wide at the minimum.
Pic testing
Thanks again, Roy. I'm going to continue to resize mine since it only takes a minute. Another plus is it shows if it's sideways or upside down and is also quick and easy to fix.
Heading out to the ol' HD to get me some premium pine for my victim. Then on to the bandsaw and belt sander. Should be done by 8:00.
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Ought to smell good when it explodes :laughing:
Well I reckon I am gonna have me a refreshing beverage and think about what is gonna go in my victim's bow,
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I always knew you were warped Mike..... But now i know WHY... :o :o :o You keep drinking that stuff and YOU are going to explode... :biglaugh:
Another thought on photos.... I don't know how many of you guys have ever used google photos, but its a very simple way to take a lot of photos and have them automatically upload to google photos. once there you can easily edit the photos by cropping or adding a bit of light, or pop and just save them in photos, or create albums......
The very cool part about using google photos is that you can just post a link on a forum, or in an email and do not have to upload or down load photos at all, and that link doesn't have a large file size at all.
Another cool part is that once your phone uploads to google photos you can erase them on your phone and not bog you phone down with hundreds of pictures.
BTW: when you set up your google photo app. change the photo upload size to Large rather than original pixel settings, and set it up so it only uploads when hooked to wifi. This saves data on your phone if you only have so much allotted each month. But... If you have unlimited data ,you only need phone service to upload your photos. These new cameras have HUGE pixel counts on the original photos. If you change them to a large size, the pixel count drops dramatically, and the uploads are quicker. google photos allows unlimited storage in that large format, and the odds that google is going to pull a stunt like Photo bucket did and hold you ransom for your photos in the future is pretty small.... I lost hundreds of photos when photo bucket pulled that crap in my early bow building days....
Food for thought guys. Kirk
If you got Gmail and keep things syned your pics automatic go to Google photos.
If you got Gmail and keep things syned your pics automatic go to Google photos.
Yup.... but you can change the settings on file size and storage, and... shut it off and only upload when its hooked to wifi too.
I still use imgur for embedding a lot of my website photos because they are set up better for html coding, but i can, and do use those same google photo links in my website coding too, which makes updating and adding photos easier. Kirk
I know it's getting late for you Lower 48 folks, so a quick update. I'm finishing up matches now and will start sending out PMs in the next hour or so. You will all have them waiting in your inboxes in the morning for sure. Sorry for the delay.
Houston: we have a victim .
Let the games begin … :bigsmyl:
Gots a victim gonna need more pickle cokes for sure.
Alright, everyone has at least on PM. Y'all are officially off the leash.
Now I'm going to go get me a pickle coke and relax for a bit :laughing:
Now that we’ve got our names. Time to start thinking of exactly what to make. My question for everyone to get started. Do you prefer bows with clean lines and angles or something more unique?
I’m going with a wood bow, probably a selfbow but have some super clean eastern red cedar slats just calling for a bamboo backing (great combo I’ve used a few times). I’m torn between clean and pleasing to look at or a ‘how the hell does that shoot’ character bow. The stave I have roughed out is one of the latter. The other half of the stave made a fast shooter with about 90* of propeller twist, about 6” of reflex difference in the limbs and loaded with little cracks, but managed no set and chronographed almost 180fps with 10gpp with my 27” draw but was tillered to 28”. The pictures are of that bow.
That one is bending pretty good me thinks.
I got some parts put together yesterday.
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Kyle - I would tend toward clean lines myself, but I think this is about building a bow for your recipient that is as much a statement of you and your personality as it is about what you think they want. Feel free to go wild if it’s headed to Virginia.
Step one for me is to just clean my shop I suppose. I can barely walk in the door at the moment. :biglaugh:
Kyle, character bows are sweet to look at and a nice novelty piece for shooting with others. On the other hand ive heard you can make a really snappy bow from eastern red cedar and with a bamboo backing, oh boy does that sound like a fast and fun bow. Up to you but that where im at.
Stic that looks AWESOME
Mo moon, whatever you build I gotta say that I'm always amazed at the way you self bow guys can tiller a bend out of a crooked stave. :notworthy:
Well I guess I better dig around and find some wood for a bow riser. I’m kind of leaning towards a Myrtle wood and black walnut combo. I picked up a few pieces this last summer to choose from.
Went to shop and a pile of sawdust fell on me . I’m safe now but no pics… :o
Dbeaver, bamboo backed cedars are beautiful and fun little shooters. I wouldn’t call them fast as much as extremely smooth and no shock bows. They also feel like a feather. The English longbows I’ve done with that combo I don’t think weighed even 10oz before I added horn nocks and handle wraps.
I may do a couple bows and flip a coin to see what goes.
Today I haven't done tooooo much in the name of bow building... However I did do background stuff that leads to it.
Bought a new (used) jet oscillating edge sander. Setting up a profile sander jig on the end for it, like I did my grizzly This one is just getting a machined horseshoe screwed to the end table though. Much simpler, hoping it works out well. I don't see why It wont! Took the 2hp motor off it to take to the shop to be tuned up & cleaned up. Should be assembled tomorrow or the next.
Also, spent all day yesterday and today finalizing my jigs for the CNC.... I'll have my takedown limbs profiled on the machine, as well as drilled and limb butts done. All tests proved successful, hoping a real limb does too LOL Now, with my risers drilled by cnc as well, I should at least not have much issues with alignment.
Then I did some work on a few forms that needed it.
So, as a whole, not going to get to the "build" part for the victim just yet. But the ground work is being laid!
Going high contrast with this one, try to make it a little flashy and fun to look at
Macassar Ebony Veneer on the belly, black glass on the back, bamboo and hard maple cores stacked appropriately for their tension and compression strengths. Figuring out if im going to sandwich maple between bocote, or bocote sandwiched between black limba for the riser. Black phenolic and sheeps horn for overlays :shaka:
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Went to shop and a pile of sawdust fell on me . I’m safe now but no pics… :o
Yeah, I wouldn't leak a picture of that either. 😀
Nothing major yet. Fine tuning some stack ideas. I have a fine line to walk on the draw weight spec! Also contemplating veneers vs solid color glass and riser wood. It's all going to end with an order to Kenny for sure. Just about everything I have in stock is earmarked.
Gonna be fun
I got my stave picked out. I'm still trying to figure how to post pics fron my phone.
Kenny you add enough glue to that sawdust may get a riser out of it.
I went ahead and ground out a couple of S T wedges. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Thinking of using this for my victims bow. Had the junk just sitting around for a few years, need to use it up.
Going high contrast with this one, try to make it a little flashy and fun to look at
Macassar Ebony Veneer on the belly, black glass on the back, bamboo and hard maple cores stacked appropriately for their tension and compression strengths. Figuring out if im going to sandwich maple between bocote, or bocote sandwiched between black limba for the riser. Black phenolic and sheeps horn for overlays :shaka:
Have you ever used Mac ebony under glass before? The reason i ask is that it pretty much just turns black and doesn't highlight the grain much at all. On top of that it shows EVERY imperfection in that so called clear glass.... Honestly.... i would pick a different veneer myself, or stick with black glass. it's a waste of mac ebony, and you wont be happy with the finished product..... been there... done that... Kirk
Heck I got a piece of particle board the tornado left laying up on the hill , prob a little wet but that would work? :goldtooth:
That roof underlayment would make some interesting veneers :bigsmyl:
You ever see a humpwood bow? It looks crazy but your huntin buddies would always be trying to burn it...
Well the timing has worked out perfectly, got my victim and just finished the 16 live edge tabletops for a local restaurant, and then sent the 12 garbage bags of shavings to a local chicken coop. Then opened all doors, windows, etc. and fired up the gas blower to get the dust out.
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So now comes the hard part of this - the choices of what woods to create a one-of-a-kind bow.
I had made up a riser blank using some Bubinga with a Wenge I-beam, but then found these pieces of Bocote left over from a previous project, which I think would sandwich well with a nice piece of Santos Rosewood. Not sure yet.
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So then comes the limb choices. I have this nice Smoked Zebrawood spliced onto Quilted Maple, but then I also found a nice piece of Olivewood I’d like to try. I’ve never used it, so if anyone has any experience with it? Is it better on back or belly? Or at all?
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All of that stuff looks good to me. If your are making thin veneers .030 of less I don't think back or belly matters.
My post about being 2/3 done was BS :biglaugh:
Here’s what I’m thinkin for riser with an accent to match veneers …
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You ever see a humpwood bow? It looks crazy but your huntin buddies would always be trying to burn it...
What the hell is humpwood?
Damn autocorrect!! Hemp wood , how does auto correct know anything about humpwood and is that even a word? :laughing: :laughing:
Was starting to worry bout ya son:) :biglaugh:
You ever see a humpwood bow? It looks crazy but your huntin buddies would always be trying to burn it...
What the hell is humpwood?
i could send you a photo Roy.... But it would be indecent. I think i got banned once from posting it.
No, not you Kirk, getting banned?:) LOL
:laughing: keeping my chimes quite ----
Thinking of using this for my victims bow. Had the junk just sitting around for a few years, need to use it up.
That’s some really nice junk! Especially the moldy stuff on the right… 😉
I found some decent striped maple (will show better under glass and glue). Riser profiled and black glass on the front. I need to grind one more set of cores then first limb glueup.
I'm going to chase a final ring on this stave and shape it into rough, floor tiller shape before I heat bend it shape.
]I'm going to chase a final ring on this stave and shape it into rough, floor tiller shape before I heat bend it shape.
How long is it Dave?? :thumbsup:
So in the spirit of the swap and trying something new. I’ll be building a takedown recurve with a new limb design and a new one piece. Haven’t decided yet on LB or Recurve on the one piece yet. Hopefully have some time in the next several days to get the new form built and get the wood selections figured out.
Little done but which one???
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Right side.
Is that spectraply or something similar?
At first glance the right catches my eye, but I’ve done the dark risers with lighter flares look great as well.
I like the left with the blues
Hey Jon, When building forms from that LVL material, you'll have much better luck keeping it straight using full 1.75" thickness rather than sanding it down to 1.5" . the last one i built i just used a router on each side along the edge in a few spots to get it to 1.5" to center the lams.
Edge banding the cut out is good too, as well as sealing it well. i use a Deft brush on lacquer, or Shellac. I buy it by the gallon pretty cheap and use it a lot for sealing all kinds of things.... Food for thought. Kirk
Its Chechen and phenolic. The other side of the chechen is much better.
Will have some accents in there too,thinking maybe yellow and ?
Kenny, that left one would be sharp with some black glass.
Great point Travis! But I have some lams in the works that need clear. I know a guy who will want that too...
Hey Jon, When building forms from that LVL material, you'll have much better luck keeping it straight using full 1.75" thickness rather than sanding it down to 1.5" . the last one i built i just used a router on each side along the edge in a few spots to get it to 1.5" to center the lams.
Edge banding the cut out is good too, as well as sealing it well. i use a Deft brush on lacquer, or Shellac. I buy it by the gallon pretty cheap and use it a lot for sealing all kinds of things.... Food for thought. Kirk
Thanks, I usually run my forms 1.75 anyway, as I've always run 1.75 glass. I just like having plenty of material to work with if needed.
I was surprised out how reasonable it was. 6 footer was only $54. I would have spent alot more than that for cabinet grade ply.
Jon, where did you order?
Jon, where did you order?
Micheal, I picked it up at one of our local building supply companies. They keep these in stock and can cut them to length for you. These are more expensive at your big box stores.
Made progress today. One limb under pressure.
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Tossed a coin and made the decision for riser, going with some nice Claro Walnut between Bocote. Accents are a 2 dot mosaic between Paduak and Sugar Maple.
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Stic - you need to update that calender in your shop ! :bigsmyl:
Not sure why, trying again.
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Forgot to hit “use” :knothead:
That’s gonna look sweet!!!
Beautiful guys!!
Mark it is 66in. Total. I got it refined a bit more tonight, but didn't heat it up yet. I should though...
Lots of good stuff getting started already! I might try to figure out what I’m gonna build this weekend.
Beautiful guys!!
Mark it is 66in. Total. I got it refined a bit more tonight, but didn't heat it up yet. I should though...
Wow, the bar seems higher than back when I last played. :o
:laughing: Noah that's how far behind I am______
Its Chechen and phenolic. The other side of the chechen is much better.
Will have some accents in there too,thinking maybe yellow and ?
What type of phenolic are you using in that riser?
It's time to play.
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Its Chechen and phenolic. The other side of the chechen is much better.
Will have some accents in there too,thinking maybe yellow and ?
What type of phenolic are you using in that riser?
It's paper phenolic, supposed to be same as Bear uses....
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I should be good on posting for about three weeks now … :laughing: :laughing:
Such a neat and organized shop! What do you do with all those batteries 🔋🤔?
Just was in touch with Gary Schuler. I was looking for a nice piece of Myrtle for the riser since I'm building a Hill(ish) bow. Trying to maintain that hill flavor. Gary came up with a beautiful selection and is gifting a beautiful piece. He wants to be in the spirit of the swap which I think is wonderful. Some special people on the bench!!
I have my victims riser roughed out. Something about doesn't look right can't put my finger on it.
Thanks Longcruise,
The batteries are for my boat. It's in winter storage so they stay here to keep maintained. I actually switched over to lithium ion late last year so they may just be for emergency power from now on. Except the starter battery.
The shop's not always that neat :)
I should be good on posting for about three weeks now … :laughing: :laughing:
Quit stirring up trouble! :biglaugh:
Its Chechen and phenolic. The other side of the chechen is much better.
Will have some accents in there too,thinking maybe yellow and ?
What type of phenolic are you using in that riser?
It's paper phenolic, supposed to be same as Bear uses....
That's interesting.... How does it differ from linen Phenolic? I've never had much luck using linen phenolic or glass for accent lines. Haven't done that in many years. Where do yo purchase the paper phenolic? Kirk
Wow you guys are off to a fast start! I cut out some riser pieces. I’m thinking I’ll build something out of one of these.
Its Chechen and phenolic. The other side of the chechen is much better.
Will have some accents in there too,thinking maybe yellow and ?
What type of phenolic are you using in that riser?
It's paper phenolic, supposed to be same as Bear uses....
That's interesting.... How does it differ from linen Phenolic? I've never had much luck using linen phenolic or glass for accent lines. Haven't done that in many years. Where do yo purchase the paper phenolic? Kirk
I may regret this, but I had it and it will be sharp . Hope the wood is stable! I don't like thin glass or phenolic in a riser for that reason, later you can feel the joint sometimes. Hopefully the spectra between it and the Chechen will act as a buffer...
I got this from Mike at Rosewood Shop. He has big pieces too if you wanted to do a solid riser.
Stuff seems a lot harder than linen phen.
Looking great Travis!! :thumbsup:
I know what the Z wood is but what is the other?
I’m fairly sure it’s Shedua Kenny. I’ve had both of those blocks for awhile. I’m not sure what that spalted veneer is either. I was thinking it was hackberry I got from you but I think I used that. Might be maple.
Looking good GUY'S :thumbsup:
Kenny and Kirk,
I’ve had great luck stabilizing the softer woods for the very reason you talk about with composites mixed with wood.
This bow is stabalized maple and sapele with all of those black and white accents being G10. Built that bow 2.5 years ago and zero movement.
For the swap I am gonna end up building two bows it looks like, as these are both new forms and profiles I have not done before.
For the 3 pc takedown, stabilized spalted maple/wenge with footed veneers on the back and black belly glass.
For the one piece, stabilized spalted maple and sapele, with black or sapele limbs.
Nice bow Jon!!
I can see where stabilizing would make a huge difference there. :thumbsup:
Stabilizing does make a difference. And the juice ain't cheap.
All I like is finishing up now :bigsmyl:
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Man, everyone is looking fantastic so far. Love seeing the progress!
I’m a bit behind the jump. Finally ground some core lams and a few veneers. This swap bow is either spalted maple or ingrown bark maple. Those pics are to follow!
Ingrown bark ? Never heard of that.
It's a pretty unique lumber, I've only seen it once from a guy I used to buy lumber from when I built furniture. I bought a few wide 8ft boards of it. Here's a good pic of it.
Ingrown bark hard maple
Ready to go at last. Too much wood, too many choices, and some beautiful bows already in the works.
Riser is cut and form fitted, limbs will be clear Gordonglass back and belly, StabilKor, with this blackened Quilted Maple on the back. Ground the belly lams from this edge grain Bubinga, spectacularly lacking in character but incredibly hard and dense. The wife came in and said the warm red/brown tones would nicely complement the Bocote in the riser. Humph! Don’t know how she got past the wards I had set. Anyhow, good to go , next week. Apparently I have domestic stuff too.
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First night wrestling this thing into shape.
First night wrestling this thing into shape.
They can be a pain sometimes :thumbsup:
All clamped up.
DVSHUNTER that looks great. Those that build all wood bows have my respect and admiration.
Thanks! The love of selfbows for me came from the lack of funds a d desire to have a custom bow. Hahaha
Here it is off of the caul. It doesn't appear to need further adjustment, so I'll put in the string grooves and clean up the thickness and side some more tonight, but no bending...I think...
Sorry for the multiple posts, I'm dealing with this through my phone.
4 point do you use four different templates for grinding the pieces in such a riser? Going to be a very nice riser.
Bue, I don’t have a pattern sander. I just hand fit them. I need to get one built.
I swear every swap bow I do I have an issue with. I grabbed a lam I had already ground for an accent piece. I think there was a reason it hadn’t been used. Some how it wasn’t ground even. Makes it unique I guess.
Bue, I don’t have a pattern sander. I just hand fit them. I need to get one built.
I swear every swap bow I do I have an issue with. I grabbed a lam I had already ground for an accent piece. I think there was a reason it hadn’t been used. Some how it wasn’t ground even. Makes it unique I guess.
Looks good from here
Terminology I use is character flaw. :goldtooth:
I remember the days of hand fitting those flair shaped footings. Some went together well, and some I sanded on for hours.
The one thing I did learn about hand fitting those type footings was to never force those tight together with clamps. I had my first riser failure doing that.
If I had a CNC set up and the knowledge of writing programs for them, I would build custom footing jigs for pattern sanders. Brandon Stahl from rose oak creations built some years ago that I was fortunate enough to have a couple custom jigs built.
He had it down to a science. They make footed risers much easier to build without all the sanding involved. Kirk
I didn’t get near as much done as I hoped since we had company over a good part of the afternoon. But I got the Osage stave roughed out and ready to start tillering. I also picked out a bamboo slat and eastern red cedar plank as an alternative.
now that stave is having a party. Bent up and twisted, looks like fun brother!
Oh it is. And it was dead standing long enough the sapwood rotted off and the wood has the aged color all the way through. Twist wise it has about 90* from one end to the other. I got the other half to work without heat so I’m gonna try on this one and see how it turns out.
well Its time to get started, gathering a few items...
Laminating a riser with a hard maple I beam.
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4 Point, thats real nice looking work on the riser accents, specially for freehand sanding. Years ago I bought this cheap little drill press, and then ordered a template sanding drum from Klingspor. It takes a standard 3 x 3 sanding sleeve, and with 50 grit and the fastest rpm setting it cuts fast and smooth. Once you get the base to a perfect 90 degrees to the drum, it does an incredible job. I’ve been using it for the past 10 years with never an issue. Affordable too!
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I've yet to break into the footing and templates aspect but this bow swap is making me want to get my act together and get some templates made up. Some really beautiful risers coming together in this swap.
I know a guy he's here if he wants to do templates.______
I’ve seen those pattern sander drums for drill presses. I always worried about not keeping the sanding surface square. I have a really good drill press and there’s still a little side to side movement in the chuck.
If you mean robo sanders they are junk. Would work OK if you had a bottom brg.
I know a guy he's here if he wants to do templates.______
I could provide some detailed photos of the ones i had built by Brandon for design lay out. I believe he set his up for .050 accent strips, but they still work well using .030-.060 accents....
The problem that exists is that different riser shapes need different shape footings. The ones i had made fit my 17-19" Sasquatch SS risers, and the first Gen sasquatch risers, but do not work well my TD Bare risers or my Flatliner either.
The way Brandon did it was have the guys send a template shape of the riser to him with a prefered footing shape drawn on it. He programed the cnc to match the drawing on the riser template somehow. Then he set up patterns for location pins and provided drill jigs, so after you rough cut the riser blocks on the band saw, they are held in place with location pins and used a couple bolts to hold them in place.
I could do a video on how these work if someone is interested in building some of these fine jigs. Kirk
Roughed out riser. Posting a little heavy this week because I'll be out of town. Next week.
First time having these three together and I thought the colors complimented nicely
Black limba with ipe accents and maple ibeam. Should look nice when carved up
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I’ve seen those pattern sander drums for drill presses. I always worried about not keeping the sanding surface square. I have a really good drill press and there’s still a little side to side movement in the chuck.
It's actually very hard on a std drill press using a sanding drum. they are not really designed to take that lateral pressure. Mike is right about those Robo drum sanders. they are junk...
For doing a lot of pattern sanding its best to use an edge sander of some sort with a belt. Although.... That belt sander set up that was powered by a drill press that one of the guys here has posted would probably work fine if you have a way of securing it solid and square to the table. .02 cents worth. Kirk
Kirk, a video or pictures would be great.
Little done this morn while Waitin on glue to dry
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Not sure the lams match riser enough?
Then the cores are a blast from the past ,shop made action wood made with .005” tapers , walnut to tip for light weight, maple to center . Not sure if anybody remembers but I made these for a trade bow that Thad Soy got …
This should get me til first of April... :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
That’s gonna be sharp Kenny!
Not sure the lams match riser enough?
Then the cores are a blast from the past ,shop made action wood made with .005” tapers , walnut to tip for light weight, maple to center . Not sure if anybody remembers but I made these for a trade bow that Thad Soy got …
This should get me til first of April... :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I guess it's OK :o
Is this Roy ? What you do with Mark?? :laughing:
They look like crap.
They look like crap.
This should get me til first of April... :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Looky here mister... :knothead:
There's Roy!! :biglaugh:
Me thinks limbs match riser very well.
I remember laying up someaction would with maple and walnut many years ago and the limbs had some good snap to em… pretty expensive lams though with all the time and glue. I laid mine up with urac 185 to save on epoxy.
I remember laying up someaction would with maple and walnut many years ago and the limbs had some good snap to em… pretty expensive lams though with all the time and glue. I laid mine up with urac 185 to save on epoxy.
Thad told me that bow was the fastest he had, but I figured he was just bein nice... :)
A long .ongoing time ago somebody did some core lams of carbon and bubinga. Might have been Adcock. Can't remember the results tho.
Carbon and what Mike?
A long .ongoing time ago somebody did some core lams of carbon and buying a. Might have been Adcock. Can't remember the results tho.
Hey Mike, what's the alcohol content in that Pickle flavored Diet Coke you've been playing with? :biglaugh:
I know a guy he's here if he wants to do templates.______
I could provide some detailed photos of the ones i had built by Brandon for design lay out. I believe he set his up for .050 accent strips, but they still work well using .030-.060 accents....
The problem that exists is that different riser shapes need different shape footings. The ones i had made fit my 17-19" Sasquatch SS risers, and the first Gen sasquatch risers, but do not work well my TD Bare risers or my Flatliner either.
The way Brandon did it was have the guys send a template shape of the riser to him with a prefered footing shape drawn on it. He programed the cnc to match the drawing on the riser template somehow. Then he set up patterns for location pins and provided drill jigs, so after you rough cut the riser blocks on the band saw, they are held in place with location pins and used a couple bolts to hold them in place.
I could do a video on how these work if someone is interested in building some of these fine jigs. Kirk
Kirk I would be very interested in seeing the video on those if you find the time . :thumbsup:
Pfft ain't sure where my typo came from. I corrected it. Should be Bubinga :biglaugh:
Like Kirk said I had one made buy Brandon that has a jig for drilling location holes then pinned pieces for marking. Then ruff cut with bandsaw then using the location holes and Dowell pins on the jig for profilig. The drill jigs and profiling guides where of phenolic. The drill jig has 1/4 drill bushings pressed into it. He had it down pat.
Ok Bryan, Ill set up a camera on my next footing job and go through the process and explain the jig design. I’ve built a lot of my own jigs for years and fit them all by hand just using 1/4” MDF or melamine, But this system Brandon came up with is by far the most accurate, and well thought out.
Real nice Kenny …… very cool !
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Got some drilling done and limbs mounted. With tillering blocks the tiller is offsome but if the weight is close can be adjusted.
Looking goog
Looking good stic
I guess it's ok Stickypops:)
Almost post twice :knothead:
Dry run - everything is tighter than a ……………..? All set to go, just not tonite, its Valentine’s Day and I think I’m cooking.
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First limb in the box.
Gonna like that handle Mike!!
Jon, Did you make the form like that to keep it narrower?
So I feel like I've been hoodwinked! Last time I took part in one of these swaps maybe 10% of people had made a real start this early. I could roll in mid-March and feel like a superstar. Now it seems I'm bringing up the rear! And the quality of the builds has gotten a bit more intimidating as well...
Anyhow, I did make a bit of a start today. I at least did a little stalking and decided on what kind style of bow I might make. I always try to do something new in a swap, but there's a lot going on this year so I think I should stick with something I know. Then I went and cleaned my shop to the point where I could get all the way in and look around. I even picked out some wood. I think. Maybe I'll at least do some of those fancy spliced veneers for my "new" thing this year.
Dry run - everything is tighter than a ……………..? All set to go, just not tonite, its Valentine’s Day and I think I’m cooking.
Not sure why you did your form this way :dunno: A tighter radius may not close up on a Recurve form like this, Don't ask me how I know. :nono: :)
Is the glass running up the belly ramps of the riser??
Gonna like that handle Mike!!
Jon, Did you make the form like that to keep it narrower?
Not quite sure what the question is.
The form is 1-7/8 wide.
I’m trying some of this carbonized woven bamboo flooring that that has been talked about recently and my lams ended up at 1-5/8. So I did rip all the laminations and glass to 1-5/8. I routered out slots on the butt and the tip side of the form where I can clamp a guide block on either side to keep the lama from sliding side to side. I can remove them after it’s under pressure. We’ll see how it worked in a few hrs.
Not a lot of progress since last week, but got the form done and decided on the wood types that I’m going with. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Max -
Not sure why you did your form this way :dunno: A tighter radius may not close up on a Recurve form like this, Don't ask me how I know. :nono: :)
Is the glass running up the belly ramps of the riser??
Not quite sure what you mean? Yes, the glass runs up the riser belly all the way on both limbs.
Here’s a picture of the previous bow that came off the form
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I always have the fire hose on the belly of the bow.
I meant vertically, Jon.
Getting some work done tonight. Good looking wood combo's glass guys. I went with a sapwood heartwood osage combo. Lol
I always have the fire hose on the belly of the bow.
Thank you! I get that, pressure pushes the limb on to the form radius rather than in to it. I think you’re right, that likely would be better. This limb shape is a copy of a TD limb I’ve been building for about a dozen bows, and I only had an issue once with some tiny air bubbles at the start of the radius. So that may have been the cause. If it happens again, I’ll look into flipping it.
If you are wondering about this section. It’s simply not needed and it keeps the end of the hose from sticking up unnecessarily high and close to the light bulbs.
I always have the fire hose on the belly of the bow.
Thank you! I get that, pressure pushes the limb on to the form radius rather than in to it. I think you’re right, that likely would be better. This limb shape is a copy of a TD limb I’ve been building for about a dozen bows, and I only had an issue once with some tiny air bubbles at the start of the radius. So that may have been the cause. If it happens again, I’ll look into flipping it.
Getting some work done tonight. Good looking wood combo's glass guys. I went with a sapwood heartwood osage combo. Lol
Looks good already Dave :jumper:
If you are wondering about this section. It’s simply not needed and it keeps the end of the hose from sticking up unnecessarily high and close to the light bulbs.
Making a trilam DR. Ipe belly, Purpleheart center, Merbau powerlam and Hickory backing. Lots of clamps.
Because of springclamps I cannot get it into the heat box, so placing it on top with lid off and cover with blanket and sheep skins :bigsmyl: I have a long nuclear heating element in the bottom of box so heat rises. I use only mild heat so have not been necessary to call the fire department yet.
Bue me thinks I see a spec of dust on your floor :laughing:
That's like clamp city going on there.
Tip overlays curing and from ruffled out riser to starting to look like something.
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you need 2 more clamps bue :o
Nice stick :thumbsup:
Looking good mr. Stic.
nice looking Riser Stic,,,
Lookin good Mike , I know I’m gonna like it. :bigsmyl:
Sorry Kenny but it is heading to New Mexico
I always have the fire hose on the belly of the bow.
Thank you! I get that, pressure pushes the limb on to the form radius rather than in to it. I think you’re right, that likely would be better. This limb shape is a copy of a TD limb I’ve been building for about a dozen bows, and I only had an issue once with some tiny air bubbles at the start of the radius. So that may have been the cause. If it happens again, I’ll look into flipping it.
It's fine for bigger recurves :bigsmyl:
Cleaned up on the sides and made parallel.
Looks awesome Bue!
Looks awesome Bue!
Snow day
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One post per week , that takes me to about July I think … :biglaugh:
That riser looks awesome and I like your swing table.
Cleaned up on the sides and made parallel.
Looking good 👍. I can't help but wonder how that purple heart core is going to work out. Have you used it previously?
Yes I have used Purpleheart as a center lam many times, I could have used others, but it makes a nice color contrast. Bickerstaffe, the well known English ELB maker who have made so many over many years uses Purpleheart quite a lot.
Pretty wild looking rig there Kenny. :bigsmyl:
This is the decoy
I’m painting the real one :laughing:
One post per week , that takes me to about July I think … :biglaugh:
Are you sure you will live that long? :saywhat:
One post per week , that takes me to about July I think … :biglaugh:
Are you sure you will live that long? :saywhat:
Never know, really didn't figure I'd make it to 25 , and that was a few ago... :biglaugh:
Me too :laughing:
milled some lams, and getting limbs ready...
My victim is due north_south_east or west :archer2:
My victim is due north_south_east or west :archer2:
But mostly west I heard … :bigsmyl:
Bow came out of press yesterday, sanded to width profile, all looking good, straight as a laser.
Temporary nocks this morning , then set in 18” tiller stick, both limbs dead even, then laid out at full draw for limb bend profile, still even, tips within 1/8”. I love it when a plan works.
Weight 1 lb under target, but the victim is getting older by the day so no problem. :laughing:
Will start applying tips, underlays, overlays, gadgets (maybe), etc. in next few days, then leaving for a week or so. Cheers!
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Awesome Noah !
Love the veneers
What a great looking bow Noah! Great work and that veneer looks awesome.
Thanks guys! Just trying to keep up to the rest of you.
What a great looking bow Noah! Great work and that veneer looks awesome.
X2 :thumbsup:
Looks sweet!
Dats nice you got my Addy right?
I was going to actually lay up a riser yesterday for this swap, but…. My chainsaw died, and I decided to get her tuned up instead, and it’s still on my bench this morning.
I used to take my chain saws to the saw shop, and never really have done much but sharpen my own. But the cost of small engine repair has got way out of hand, and a lot of the old saw shops around here that catered to all the loggers have slowly closed over the years, as well as the loggers themselves…
I do much better with woodworking, than dealing with mechanics work. I just don’t have as much patience with spring loaded gismos with tiny screws that need specialty tools that I don’t have on hand when I need them. I went clear through this saw with a new carb, new coil, new fuel lines and filters, and even cleaned out the carbon on the spark arrester. All I need to do now is adjust the carb a bit for higher top end rpms, and clean up my mess…. I can’t believe I killed a whole day tearing this thing apart…. But… I got her going again. Kirk
Kirk when I was in high school a buddy and I worked on trucks and jeeps , stuffed v8s where they weren’t supposed to be , body work such as it was and put rings in my two stroke dirt bike many times .
Anymore mechanicin just don’t call out to me … :biglaugh:
Kirk when I was in high school a buddy and I worked on trucks and jeeps , stuffed v8s where they weren’t supposed to be , body
work such as it was and put rings in my two stroke dirt bike many times .
Been there done that too ole timer:)
There are some pretty good chainsaw artist out there now days so I reckon it's OK for you to saw a trade bow out :bigsmyl:
Now we cookin...
I mean really , got one in the easy bake oven... :goldtooth:
I'm making some final corrections requireing some steam.
I got a little done so far today. I can say, it takes a minute to rip lams off with a handsaw. The cedar plank is only 1/2” thick so I cut a piece of black cherry I will taper for a core. Since I need about 1-1.125” thick at the handle are. And it’s gonna be a little chore as I will taper with a rasp before I clean it up on the belt sander.
I got a little done so far today. I can say, it takes a minute to rip land off it a handsaw. The cedar plane is only 1/2” thick so I cut a piece of black cherry I will taper for a core. Since I need about 1-1.125” thick at the handle are. And it’s gonna be a little chore as I will taper with a rasp before I clean it up on the belt sander.
You need to fix that spelling Kyle :)
Bamboo back ERC with cherry core, cool :thumbsup:
Thank you sir. I didn’t catch that. I take time to make sure my spelling is correct while I’m typing the. I get a work or two down and my phone decides I used the wrong word.
I’m hoping it’ll turn out like I’m hoping. We’ll see. I’ll probably spend my next working day on it. Today I’m fighting with a snaky Osage.
There are some pretty good chainsaw artist out there now days so I reckon it's OK for you to saw a trade bow out :bigsmyl:
Actually..... The wood i selected for this swap bow was harvested and rough cut into slabs with my chainsaw many years ago. The black walnut came from large branches of a tree that still stands in the SE corner of our property, and the Curly maple came from rather large trees i was cutting for firewood on my neighbors 40 acre spread to the south of us....
i got the first footing laid up this morning, and have the second lay up cooking right now. I milled some very thin white ash branch wood i used for accent lines that came from yet another tree in my front yard. It should look pretty sharp.... Riser block photos tomorrow....
I've also started milling my lams and wedges.... the combination of fossilized bamboo, Black walnut, and rock hard maple will be used for my first lay up experiment....
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Well I missed weight. I was trying to see if i could make it work with this slim little snake, but I'm five pounds under the minimum draw weight asked for. I'll have to setthis one aside for another time. That sucks. It's 40@? And 64inches long...
Here is what the riser block looks like....
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Got her milled, hardware installed, & Ready to mount limbs, ground the lams and power wedges, and i'm ready for the first limb lay up...
I started a photo album for the build so its easier to post progress. Kirk
Handle strips and tip overlays. Tip overlays glued temporarely on plastic.
Here is what the riser block looks like....
Got her milled, hardware installed, & Ready to mount limbs, ground the lams and power wedges, and i'm ready for the first limb lay up...
I started a photo album for the build so its easier to post progress. Kirk
Looking good so far Kirk
I like that you are stepping outside of your comfort zone. :jumper:
You are guessing at a stack for the first layup??
Show all your "failure's" for hitting your target # please :tongue:
That snakey bow looks interesting and nice riser blank Kirk.
Dave, I like 40# too... :biglaugh:
Here is what the riser block looks like....
Got her milled, hardware installed, & Ready to mount limbs, ground the lams and power wedges, and i'm ready for the first limb lay up...
I started a photo album for the build so its easier to post progress. Kirk
Looking good so far Kirk
I like that you are stepping outside of your comfort zone. :jumper:
You are guessing at a stack for the first layup??
Show all your "failure's" for hitting your target # please :tongue:
That’s the fun in this one Max…. The stack height is a total SWAG at this point. I didn’t even reference my bowyers log. It looks pretty beefy without glass, and I decided to use a double power lam for my wedge system rather than a solid wedge.
Doing this should lengthen the working portion of the limb and help distribute the load over the full limb length more evenly, which is common with self bows and board bows. I’ve also left out the tip wedges I typically use with this limb design. I figured I could always use external wedges and add them to the belly side if needed.
Once I get this set strung up, I’ll set up my video camera and we will see what happens. I think this ultimately is going to boil down to comprehension testing this fossilized bamboo belly. I ran a couple .002 maple tapers in the core and used thicker parallel fossilized bamboo lams belly and back for tiller adjustment.
The density of this particular resin impregnated woven bamboo is off the charts compared to any other bamboo I’ve used. So I’m thinking this will be the ultimate compression test.
I thought briefly about using IPE on the belly, as it’s a known commodity with Tri lam wood bows… but I figured what the hell… I’m going to give this new stuff a go.
Stay tuned…. Lay up today, fireworks tomorrow…. Kirk
Fireworks :laughing:
Watching :thumbsup:
I made some progress today. Got the fade tiller good and still within weight range. Showing my crude string groove marker. And the veneers. Also shoe shine flexible rasp. For tip material removal.
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Been away for the week but the night before I left I was able to get my bow glued up. Don't mind the sloppy excess glue. I'm still working on getting my epoxy amounts right and it was cold so I wasn't getting it as thin.
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Better to have more epoxy than not. :goldtooth:
Well we made a bit more progress today..... Limbs are mounted and ready to grind the width profile. they mounted up pretty straight, but not exact. i had to shift one pattern a bit to get my center line back on track.
I've added more photos to the build album link below on the process.
Tomorrow we get the thrill of victory, or the agony of defeat when i put a string on it.... I'm not flexing these limbs until that epoxy cures over night. Standard procedure.... Kirk
BTW..... you'll notice if you look at the limb surface closely that they have a shine to them... when i grind my lams i always use 40 grit paper. With this bow not having any glass backing, i coated the outer lams with epoxy before wrapping them in plastic and putting them in the form. This fills the sanding marks level, and it comes out of the form as smooth as glass.....An epoxy backing perhaps? ..... i use the same trick on my recurve hook overlays. i do them at lay up and coat them with epoxy....You cannot even feel the overlay transition after sanding....
Yes sir excess will grind off. Rather see it squeeze out than not.
Yes sir excess will grind off. Rather see it squeeze out than not.
Yep, testing once I cut back on glue when I was told I was using too much glue because I had quite a squeeze out. I made two sets of TD limbs. One pair lasted five years and the other five days.
Now I put all I want in there because you can't put it in later... :biglaugh:
I have plastic wrap under the bow and another on top, so after I put the air in hose, I take a scrap and just wipe down on the line of glue. It stays between the two sheets of plastic and you can just tear most of it off. gotta be careful tho, stuff can be sharp!!
I never used all my EA-40 before it was out of date, so It's KennyM's :knothead: fault for not having the correct size for me.
I did nothing wrong :dunno:
I never used all my EA-40 before it was out of date, so It's KennyM's :knothead: fault for not having the correct size for me.
I did nothing wrong :dunno:
You just need to use more each time!! :laughing:
I never used all my EA-40 before it was out of date, so It's KennyM's :knothead: fault for not having the correct size for me.
I did nothing wrong :dunno:
I go though about 4 gallons a year of EA 40, and it’s a lot more cost effective buying it by the gallon than the 6 quart kits. Last year I bought empty caulking tubes and loaded up a dozen at a time. First attempt was a bit messy, but I finally got it down to a science.
The caulking tube method I would highly recommend even for smaller quantities. The longevity would be much longer not being exposed to air every time you open the can. The application for mixing is a thing of beauty too. Two squeezes of the resin, and one on the hardener in a paper cup and you are good to go.
The only down side is that you need to keep the current tubes you are using above 60 degrees so it flows out of the caulking tube easily.
You can reuse the caulking tubes after they are empty, but getting the bottom back out is tricky without damaging it…. One refill per tube is all I do, then I buy more tubes. They are cheap, and it just takes all the waste or contamination out of the picture…. I’ve gone through 4 gallons using this method now, and it’s well worth the time and caulking tubes purchased. Kirk
Great idea.
We should put that in the Tips and Tricks thread.
I like to use Huntsmans epoxy and I think would be the ticket.
I was originally going to use colored glass. Changed my mind going to go with clear. Haven't decided on riser or veneers yet. So many choices.
Far right looks like a good riser piece. Veneers zebra or something with lighter grain even osage
I’d like to go out on a limb and try something new - lets call it “Ask your Victim”? I’m applying the outermost accent to the back of the riser, and am totally stuck between two choices, either would look great. The interior decorator/assistant was ambiguous. Since this is in effect a “custom build”, why not ask the person who’s going to receive it? So the two photo’s attached are the options, Rosewood or Maple Burl. The black and white have already been applied, so they are fixed. The same will apply to the belly below the grip heel.
Since none of you know if you are the victim, all should chime in. Then when I get the real victims response, I’ll go with that. Or maybe take the majority - democracy, you know?
Thanks in advance!!
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Sorry, pictures screwed up, again.
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Maple burl me think.
I like the dark one
I like the dark one
Me too :bigsmyl:
Cool looking tip overlays Noah. :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
I like the dark overlays myself, but the stark white might be a bit much.... maybe a golder color instead of white, or something that matches the tip overlay color might look better. Kirk
Rosewood for sure.
BTW, no-one else needs to reply because that one is coming to Iowa……I hope!
Well...... We have fireworks this morning.... Damn shame too because it was bending nicely until she blew!
Here are a few photos and a little info fist.... I profiled it from 1.375" to about 3/4" at the tips for rough stringing purpose, and filed the temp tip notches in at 66" length. The first brace was done with a long string and a 5" brace and she came out about 7/8" positive.
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The tiller process was done with a palm sander and 80 grit paper, much like i tiller my glass bows. It actually took very little sanding belly and back, with a slight amount of trap to the belly to hit even tiller. here she is after i hit even tiller.
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I had eased the edges using 80 & 150 grit both belly and back of the limbs before putting it on the tiller tree. See the link posted below for the video....
Back to the drawing board.... :biglaugh: I'd be interested to hear any feed back. i was a bit disappointed that this fossilized bamboo didn't hold up better..... from the looks of the break i'd say the back let go first. unfortunately i didn't film this with my high speed camera, i just used my phone. So i don't think i can slow it down enough to see a frame by frame of it coming apart. I've added a bunch of pics of the broken limb in the album link below. What do you think guys?
Prob the camera angle but looked like the right limb was bending a little more off end of wedge.
I'm not much on all wood bows tho...
Prob the camera angle but looked like the right limb was bending a little more off end of wedge.
I'm not much on all wood bows tho...
Video was backwards but like kenny said bottom limb (right side of video).
That bamboo could be to much for the core. :dunno:
I would say with all wood limbs to draw without holding, but you have to test it, so I don't know.
Prob the camera angle but looked like the right limb was bending a little more off end of wedge.
I'm not much on all wood bows tho...
Video was backwards but like kenny said bottom limb (right side of video).
That bamboo could be to much for the core. :dunno:
I would say with all wood limbs to draw without holding, but you have to test it, so I don't know.
That was a rock hard maple core.... Look at the photos closely of the break itself...the nice clean break on the belly side was straight accross. That tells me the back came apart first and the belly snaped last.... I did a slower motion video with a bit of editing here, but i still cannot see it actually come apart. I may have to set up my high speed video camera and break the other limb to be sure....
here is that clip.... i've watched it a half dozen times and cannot really see it come apart....
Add me to the vote for the rosewood. I love the contrast the maple burl provides but I like the colors of the rosewood a bit better. It’s close though.
Dang that sucks she blew. I missed it, what was the back layer? Since it didn’t blow until far in the draw I wonder if going 1/4” wider and a smidge thinner with the combo would hold without a significant drop in performance potential.
Looks like Boo on back, maple, boo , maple, and boo belly?
The light overlay I like. Noah.
Getting pretty close. Got it pulling straight today needsmore sanding and tip shaping. I am not even gonna show you all how I ruff out the tips with my spindle sander. You might say one slip and it's done for :biglaugh:
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Both overlays will look great, I'm leaning toward the light colored ones. I'm the only one so we know who is getting that bow!! :laughing:
Looks very nice mr.Stic. I have one from you from a previous trade and would not mind this one too, so just ship it over.
Nice stic
Received a shipment from Missouri today, so now it’s time to play catch up.
Noah70, if that bow is heading my way, I’d take the burl even though they both look really nice.
Stic, I like how you did that riser. :thumbsup:
Sorry that sucker blew up but entertaining at least. :goldtooth:
I'm also experimenting with the fossilized bamboo. My thoughts so far:
-it is definitely stiffer than regular action-boo
-If done some rudimentary spine tests with it and it does not bend as easily and did not take a set like the action-boo did
-looking at the way the grain splintered on your failed limb it seems the grain is really held together with the resin and does not have the long running grain of natural bamboo making it more brittle?
I just built a set of take down limbs with a new to me form and missed weight terribly. I dropped .010" in stack weight and came in at 75# vs the 45# I was aiming for. Some other factors that I'm sure added to the weight was the use of very stiff butt and tip wedges. I used Wenge on these limbs which were super stiff. I also used black Gordons glass on the belly which I rarely do. I've heard that adds some draw weight compared to clear glass.
I've never built wood limbs, but I usually see folks building tri-lambs. With those you only have 2 epoxy joints vs the 4 epoxy joints in your build. I'm wondering if it creates more shear force in the stack since I would assume that the epoxy line neither compresses or stretches with tension. I assume a thinner lamination with shear forces on both sides, working in opposite directions might not be able to absorb those forces? I don't know. Interested to hear your thoughts as you work through it.
Here are pics of my limbs with a 13.5* limb pad 75#@28 and another with a 18.5* limb pad 67#@28
I like the way they are bending though.
What is your taper rate on those limbs Jon? and your wedge configuration and length?
You may want to try those out at about 16 degrees and check the string tension. Have you ran an in line scale and played with different string lengths yet? Probably not , with those heavy limbs.
Once you get a set within 50-60# You can start tinkering with different limb pad angles and preload adjustments with different string lengths before mounting them on a block and measuring back to get your brace height established.....
That is definitely the right way to prototype limbs. good looking adjustable riser there. :clapper:
I think you may be right about this fossilized bamboo having shorter woven fibers vs vertical grain with elongated fibers...... But..... Under glass this stuff has proven to be excellent material so far and has decent test results vs the action boo i've used for so long. Kirk
So what exactly is meant by fossilized. It sounds cool I guess.
So what you like about the riser Kenny?
Like the pieces on back and belly
Looks cool
Old form
Butt wedge 5/16-0 in 11.5"
Tip wedge .050-0 in 6"
Laminations 30" (Usually trimming off 1.5"-2" of the tip)
Typical stack (.245) for 45@28-62" at 13.5" on a 18"riser:
Clr G .040
Ven .020
A-boo .060 PAR
A-boo .073-.001 TAP
SC .012
BG .040
New form (These heavy limbs)
Butt wedge 5/16-0 in 11.5"
Tip wedge .030-0 in 9" (wanted the tip wedge to thicken the base of the curve a little more for stability)
28" laminations
This stack (.235) came in at 75@28-61" on a 17" riser
Clr G .040
Ven .020
F-boo .055 PAR
F-boo .068-.001 TAP
SC .012
BG .040
The new limb profile sitting above the old limb design in pic.
I'm just realizing in writing this out how much I shortened the working limb from 12.5" to 7.5". This may have been a factor :knothead:
I do need to get a string tension measuring system going. I've heard you talk about that since I've started, and it make sense to me. These limbs have a crap ton of tension as I've never had a bow so hard to string and have such a high note when the string is plucked.
I think you may be right about this fossilized bamboo having shorter woven fibers vs vertical grain with elongated fibers...... But..... Under glass this stuff has proven to be excellent material so far and has decent test results vs the action boo i've used for so long.
That makes me wonder if your limb didn't let go on the Belly as there wasn't any glass holding it down from buckling under compression. I think the glass spreads out the pressure over a longer surface area and won't allow a pinpoint fracture or failure.
Riser strips glued in place and tip overlays.
Jon I say that working limb length was a real big factor.
Always nice Bue :thumbsup:
So what exactly is meant by fossilized. It sounds cool I guess.
So what you like about the riser Kenny?
This stuff is woven bamboo strands that are impregnated with resin and pressed together under pressure and cooked like the carbonized a boo was tempered. So it’s a solid bamboo product when it’s done, and retains a lot of the bamboo characteristics, but it’s much harder being resin impregnated. Think about your stabilized wood…. The only down side to this material so far I’ve seen is the mass weight. The vertical grain Aboo was considerably lighter…. But…. You don’t need as thick of lams using this stuff either and it has higher tensile strength, so I’m thinking it’s a push…. Kirk
I know zero about it but by looking at your broken limb I am guessing it's gonna be better backed with glass.
Tonight I got the width profiled and the bow has been cut to length. I also took a sneak peek at the spalted tamarind veneers on the belly.
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Tonight I got the width profiled and the bow has been cut to length. I also took a sneak peek at the spalted tamarind veneers on the belly.
Looks cool :thumbsup:
Lots of good looking stuff going on here....
Quote from: Kirkll on February 20, 2024, 08:45:28 PM
I think you may be right about this fossilized bamboo having shorter woven fibers vs vertical grain with elongated fibers...... But..... Under glass this stuff has proven to be excellent material so far and has decent test results vs the action boo i've used for so long.
Posted by: Jon Lipovac
That makes me wonder if your limb didn't let go on the Belly as there wasn't any glass holding it down from buckling under compression. I think the glass spreads out the pressure over a longer surface area and won't allow a pinpoint fracture or failure.
Actually i wend back and did a frame by frame look at the video and the last lam to snap was the belly, and there was no buckling... I've got a lot of experience with carbon belly bows buckling and shearing the bond from the belly lam. i'm quite certain its the back is what came apart on this last one....
I've got a complete change of attack i'm planning now, and i'll save it until i got limbs bending without fireworks next time to post photos....
Right now i've got a customers bow to concentrate on for a week or so. Kirk
Good to know. Looking forward to what you find out.
Rough shaped riser and tip overlays. I am not doing any more with these until I see if the bow will hold together. There is a lot of work to get to this point before you start to bend it. With a glass bow you feel certain that it will hold together, but with an all wood bow it is always a bit :scared:
Bue I'm green enough to still wince while putting the first string on at brace height. They earn my trust by the time I'm shooting a few test arrows but I'm uneasy in the beginning
That’s looking fantastic Bue.
Great work and always love seeing pics of your shop.
Lookin great Bue, Do I need to send some sawdust for that floor? Your shop is always immaculate!
I put some overlays on this one but no pics.
I'm getting kinda attached to it so may have to go to plan B for the victim... :biglaugh:
You should have seen it after I ripped lots of Ipe lams on the circular saw. That dust is greasy and stics to everything and clogs up filters.
What's Roy always say? Didn't happen without pics... :laughing:
Well I ain't got no pitchers bur allI like is writing on the bow and spraying it.
Well, late this afternoon I dove into these heavy limbs just to see how much weight I could take off of them. Ended up dropping 13# off of them and I don't feel safe going any further than that.
For reference.
1- I narrowed them up, A LOT, down to 5/8" at the base of string grooves and roughly 1.125 at the end of the butt wedge. Still fairly stable and tracking good. That netted me 4#
2- I sanded about .008 off both the belly and the back for a total of .016 off the working section of the limbs. That netted another 9#
Any further than that and I'm afraid I'm gonna get too thin on the glass without knowing it.
Off to start another set of limbs or I've got another bow that is about half done that I know would hit weight. It's a looker too. I might be able to flush limbs with that one. I've never tried that before.
What did you use to sand the glass.? I have seen guys use a pneumatic drum on a grinder type setup. I would be afraid of not getting it even .
That’s my fear as well.
I use adhesive backed 80grit on a wide block so I can hold it as square to the limb as possible. The narrow does of the block on the back and the wider side on the belly.
That is the way I do it also.Seems to take forever tho. You can about 4 lbs, off pretty easy with aggressive corner rounding. The fade tiller on my trade bow came in about 7/8 stone on the bottom limb. Sanded the belly glass for that.
Looks like I’m gonna ditch the original plan and start up again with a different bow that is 50% done and hits weight perfectly.
Bonus is that it is a much better looking bow IMO.
Bocote and Curly Maple with footed veneers and back and belly. I think I’ll try some full overlays that run up the butt of the limbs and limb overlays. I like the looks of those but never tried it.
When you do the butt overlays just be sure that part of the Limb has no flex, if it does then you may have a pop-up problem where they fade in.
Don't ask :bigsmyl:
Well, late this afternoon I dove into these heavy limbs just to see how much weight I could take off of them. Ended up dropping 13# off of them and I don't feel safe going any further than that.
For reference.
1- I narrowed them up, A LOT, down to 5/8" at the base of string grooves and roughly 1.125 at the end of the butt wedge. Still fairly stable and tracking good. That netted me 4#
2- I sanded about .008 off both the belly and the back for a total of .016 off the working section of the limbs. That netted another 9#
Any further than that and I'm afraid I'm gonna get too thin on the glass without knowing it.
Off to start another set of limbs or I've got another bow that is about half done that I know would hit weight. It's a looker too. I might be able to flush limbs with that one. I've never tried that before.
You should run those heavy limbs you brought down 13# through the chronograph bro…. Those typically turn out to be the hottest thing off the bench. :thumbsup:
Btw…. When you are borderline sanding too much glass. Use calipers as you go, and hit the edge of the limbs with spray lacquer . You can see that glass thickness easier.
I use a palm sander with 80 grit for sanding glass to drop weight, but don’t recommend it to others because it’s real easy to screw up a limb. The type of palm sander you use makes a huge difference though. The low profile air sanders have the best balance and control, but I use one of those low profile Mirka electric models successfully. Kirk
One of these three risers just might be for my victim.
All I got today is a sealed riser.
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Looking phenomenal Stic. Wouldn't it be nice if that was headed to the east coast :saywhat:
East west north south :dunno:
Well, my bow is not going to America. When I started to draw it I had a dead even tiller at brace, then drawing further the tiller changed, adjusting and drawing it further it changed again. Kept on like that and by the time I had a perfect tiller at full draw the bow was too light. All three lams Hickory, Purpleheart and Ipe looked perfect, but wood is wood, I suspect the Ipe belly was the culprit. In this case I do not think it would be wise to pike it. The good thing is that I have a light bow I can sell. So back to the drawing board, still have plenty time. Maybe glass this time, we will see. This was Bue’s night report, a tiny bit pi- -ed off.
Well, my bow is not going to America. When I started to draw it I had a dead even tiller at brace, then drawing further the tiller changed, adjusting and drawing it further it changed again. Kept on like that and by the time I had a perfect tiller at full draw the bow was too light. All three lams Hickory, Purpleheart and Ipe looked perfect, but wood is wood, I suspect the Ipe belly was the culprit. In this case I do not think it would be wise to pike it. The good thing is that I have a light bow I can sell. So back to the drawing board, still have plenty time. Maybe glass this time, we will see. This was Bue’s night report, a tiny bit pi- -ed off.
Bummer Bue
Looks awesome Mr Stic. Sure will be happy to get it... :goldtooth:
Dang Bue, that always bites!!
Dang it Bue.
Sure is pretty too.
You will get er figured out Bue.
E. W. KENNY :laughing:
Mostly west eh??? :laughing:
Well, my bow is not going to America. When I started to draw it I had a dead even tiller at brace, then drawing further the tiller changed, adjusting and drawing it further it changed again. Kept on like that and by the time I had a perfect tiller at full draw the bow was too light. All three lams Hickory, Purpleheart and Ipe looked perfect, but wood is wood, I suspect the Ipe belly was the culprit. In this case I do not think it would be wise to pike it. The good thing is that I have a light bow I can sell. So back to the drawing board, still have plenty time. Maybe glass this time, we will see. This was Bue’s night report, a tiny bit pi- -ed off.
Hey! At least it didn't blow up like mine did... :biglaugh:
That's what i did... I went back to glass and hit draw weight perfectly this time. But..... Being a fun project, i've got something a little different i threw into the mix this time. but i'm going to wait until i get my horn material and tip overlays completed before i post photos.
but i can say these limbs came out looking pretty "Wild"....... Kirk
The Myrtle donated by Gary Schuler showed up early in the week. Two beautiful pieces of green Myrtle and two pieces of Myrtle burl. The burl really needs to be stabilized and I'm not set up for that. Maybe I can find someone to stabilize it but not at this time.
Here are the two pieces of green Myrtle. I haven't decided which piece yet but either is going to be great. It will contribute nicely to the Hill tradition.
But....I'm making changes that will complicate hitting weight so I'll be doing a test bow first to establish a baseline.
I decided to get some work in on the wonky Osage. It’s coming along decently and fairly quickly. I love the really uneven looking brace of this thing. There’s still a good bit of refining to go, but it’s dropping weight to the point I can work on it pretty well.
Last overlay put on , next we make the sight window on one side and the grip for the victims big little hands …
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That's lookin pretty good. Would not mind having another Kenny bow. :biglaugh:
Better start on the second one. I have woods so no problem there. I also have half finished and almost finished bows that can fit my victim.
Hadn't made much progress the past week or so, as I've been working on a new template sander for my oscillating edge I picked up. Well, got her all set up with a collar and we're back in business. Tomorrow I'll have all of the footing jigs made up for the riser, and I'll be cutting the veneer. Going with quilted kosipo in the limbs.. Pics to come when I have something worthy of a photo in a few days.
I did finish the bow that became too light to go to America. I thought I may show a few pics of it anyway. I do not use varnish or laquer on my all wood bows, but wood oil. I like the look and feel of the wood structure to shine through.
Fairly eventful weekend, picked up some quilted maple for a future bow, [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] completed my 37th and final dry fit on my victims bow, and have it cooking now [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] , more to come…
What's up with the string holding the hose in place in your form? :dunno: :dunno:
Nice bue
I like that long underlay on the tip :thumbsup:
I got everything glued up. It was to nice to be in the shop so I didn’t get much done this weekend.
I got everything glued up. It was to nice to be in the shop so I didn’t get much done this weekend.
You have a great start :goldtooth:
What's up with the string holding the hose in place in your form? :dunno: :dunno:
those are rubber bands to keep the hose attached to the top of the form, one less thing to handle during glue up.
Hey 4point, you can send that on over as soon as your done. nice work bro
Progress in progress !! Lookin good guys!
Progress in progress !! Lookin good guys!
For sure :)
4 point, that looks great.
Everyone is doing great work! I have all my materials and should be getting to work shortly!
My trade bow is ready to spray. So no hurry. I finished a 56 in. Longbow that I will post in what did you do today,
Slow weekend, only picture was when applying overlays on arrow rest. Got all the other overlays on the riser as well, so will post pictures soon. The vote on which overlay to use was 6 Rosewood and 4 Maple Burl. So it will increase your odds when you see the pictures, unless of course my victim didn’t vote, in which case it was up to me so it really doesn’t matter. Cheers!
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Nice Noah ;)
Is that a Craftsman work bench? I use mine all the time, Mine has to be 30 years old
I got the victims bow sprayed today. Prolly finish up tomorrow, I maybe first to ship this year.then I may decide to keep it and do another, :dunno: :bigsmyl:
I got the victims bow sprayed today. Prolly finish up tomorrow, I maybe first to ship this year.then I may decide to keep it and do another, :dunno: :bigsmyl:
We can’t have that!! I’m just gonna send mine and some sandpaper… :laughing: :laughing:
Is that a Craftsman work bench? I use mine all the time, Mine has to be 30 years old
Max - the bench in the picture is the original Black & Decker Workmate, and I’ve had it for over 45 years. Had to replace the boards a couple years ago, but it is the single most used tool in the shop. Other than myself. We’re aging together.
Is that a Craftsman work bench? I use mine all the time, Mine has to be 30 years old
Max - the bench in the picture is the original Black & Decker Workmate, and I’ve had it for over 45 years. Had to replace the boards a couple years ago, but it is the single most used tool in the shop. Other than myself. We’re aging together.
:thumbsup: :laughing:
Asking for all victims :archer2: do you prefer to do your own nicking point or can do tie on movable nocking points??
I’m fine with setting my own nock points. Great question, when my victim answers I’ll have that answer too.
Is that a Craftsman work bench? I use mine all the time, Mine has to be 30 years old
Max - the bench in the picture is the original Black & Decker Workmate, and I’ve had it for over 45 years. Had to replace the boards a couple years ago, but it is the single most used tool in the shop. Other than myself. We’re aging together.
:thumbsup: :laughing:
I have one of these as well. It’s at least 30 years old too. Back then they were built to last.
I’m good with doing my own knocking points.
I typically send bows out to anyone with adjustable knock points tied on as I’m usually shooting it a fair bit before it goes out. If they have a different draw length, grip, release, you name it, they are probably going to have to move it a little while tuning their arrows anyway. My 2 cents.
Mike just go ahead and put an adjustable one on. It will save me the effort of doing once it arrives. :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :
Asking for all victims :archer2: do you prefer to do your own nicking point or can do tie on movable nicking points??
What on earth is a movable "nicking" point?
Sorry Kifk you can't detect a TYPO :knothead:
Made a little progress in the last couple of days.
Spent a couple of hrs putting this roughed in riser on a diet.
Thinking of stippling the grip a touch using this method I practiced a piece of scrap.
I like the texture on the right.
Jon, that bow is looking fantastic!
Today I finalized my footing jigs, and glued up a test 19” riser for myself. Tomorrow I’ll cut it out and get overlays on it. This footing jig was the hold up to me starting the victims bow. Now that everything is rolling with it, I’ll source the lumber and final materials tomorrow for it, and start glue ups next week!
Hey Jon, have you tried playing with a cone shaped burr for stippling yet? I’ve played with this for awhile and get a more consistent pattern with some of these.
Since my first one became too light I have been working on a couple of others. Here I am shaping and sanding buffalo horntips on this 4 laminate. Woods are Hickory, Wenge and Ipe. I have used this combo before and it worked very well. Maybe a swap bow?
Hey Jon, have you tried playing with a cone shaped burr for stippling yet?
I have not but just ordered those off your link. 😂
I really like having a random pattern with some overlap as I am not very good at keeping a consistent pattern and when I mess up it’s really noticeable.
I really would like to learn how to checker though. Just haven’t ever followed through with purchasing the files yet.
I have not but just ordered those off your link. 😂
I really like having a random pattern with some overlap as I am not very good at keeping a consistent pattern and when I mess up it’s really noticeable.
I really would like to learn how to checker though. Just haven’t ever followed through with purchasing the files yet.
What tool are you chucking your burr into?
What tool are you chucking your burr into?
Just a standard dremel tool
Lookin good guys ! Like the stippling …
Had a minute so did a little shaping and cut sight window
Now you gotta figure out if I flipped the pics :laughing:
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Still need to cut her a bit deeper and lower the shelf some. May shoot it some first.
My new clamps are huge LOL
Just a standard dremel tool
I really like the way this turned out. Kinda looks like antler base and is not sharp or unpleasant on the hand either
Actually….. that looks pretty cool Jon. The stuff I did with the cone shaped burrs came out a bit different than yours… here is a couple I’ve done the last year or so. I’ve kept my pattern away from the throat on these. I’ve found getting it up into the throat too much can be uncomfortable.
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I looked into getting set up with some checkering tools myself years ago, and just couldn’t get past the investment. That is an art form that takes some practice. I researched it thoroughly and decided to pass on that rabbit hole. Kirk
I really like the shape of your risers. Real classy looking.
Makes sense what you say about stipling the throat. It feels good to me, but I’ll know better after I get the first coats of finish on it and run a bunch of arrows through it.
Riser is done and ready for final coats. Still some minor tweaking on tiller, don’t want to move weight down by much, its at 46.5 at my 29”. Will post some tiller pics next week.
Great looking work by all so far !!
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Those are not the pictures I selected - not sure what went wrong. Here’s a couple others, I hope.
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Figured it out - all good!
Niceeeee Noah
Looking great Noah. Never seen a shelf overlay, nice touch. :clapper:
That's a looker Noah.
Looking great Noah. Never seen a shelf overlay, nice touch. :clapper:
2X on the shelf overlay… that adds a cool looking detail….. I Might have to pirate that idea and give that a go sometime…. Good looking riser. :clapper:
Still need to cut her a bit deeper and lower the shelf some. May shoot it some first.
My new clamps are huge LOL
Couldn’t help notice those belly ramp overlays and the tooth detail in them. What have ya got going there? Kirk
Decided to play hooky for a bit this morning and got the tips done and 95% of the final sanding done before I figured I should do some work today.
Just need to tie in some arrow nocks and run some arrows through it and decide if I need to adjust anything. It’s just under 1/8” positive tiller at brace as is.
I usually shoot them in without string grooves on the back as well to see how the limbs are naturally tracking while shot. Anyone else do something similar?
Okay mine is in the mail.
To victim the first thing you will notice is the limbs do not touch the riser . Not to worry will pul down when struggling (preload) the last coat was a splatter coat texture.i done the tie on nock so once you get them where you want the you can glue or not. Shoot and enjoy.should be three Wednesday
Nice tips Jon. I got a Jon bow last year whoever will like it.
Nice stic :archer2:
Thanks Stic.
Good looking bow you just sent out. Someone will be happy by the first of the week!
Shaped, sanded & shot, might make some small changes before I put on any finish. The bad news: I’m at the low end of my victims DW and if I lose much poundage with the finish sanding I might not send this one. The good news: I get to build another one and I have a new bow. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
That's pretty sweet Shaun.
Nice looking bows guy's :clapper:
Great looking bows.
Beautiful work , guys!!
really great finished bows guys! im impressed with what i see and wouldn't mind receiving any of these three bows. Great work :shaka:
got my tips and overlays on, Im tillering and then carving in the grip, Im already coming in 4 pounds over the max draw weight which leaves me plenty of room for tillering and sanding.
Decided to play hooky for a bit this morning and got the tips done and 95% of the final sanding done before I figured I should do some work today.
Just need to tie in some arrow nocks and run some arrows through it and decide if I need to adjust anything. It’s just under 1/8” positive tiller at brace as is.
I usually shoot them in without string grooves on the back as well to see how the limbs are naturally tracking while shot. Anyone else do something similar?
Looks like the dog was chewing on your tip overlays bro….. I hate it when that happens…. :biglaugh:
Great looking bows!
I need to build some trusses for a building tomorrow so I’m hoping I can get some bow work done Sunday. The wonky stave has been pulled to about 6” shy of full draw and I still need to taper and flatten the lams for the boo, cherry, cedar bow
Tonight i tillered the longbow im working on. After rounding the corners of the glass and a little bit of back and forth with the dominant limb switching i ended up with a positive tiller of 1/8" and i hit my desired weight at 28" dead on.
Rough cut the shelf and next is the fun part of carving out the grip area.
Good looking work on those bows gentlemen!
I am still alittle behind..
I put some sanding sealer on this morning ...and sure nuff it needs more sanding... :laughing:
But the colors match much better than I thought they would...
And weight is right on !
More sanding and another shot of sealer . Getting closer…
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And weight is right on !
In other words. ‘I hit Jon’s weight on the money!’ :biglaugh:
And weight is right on !
In other words. ‘I hit Jon’s weight on the money!’ :biglaugh:
Anything is always possible Jon!! :biglaugh:
I'm liking the yellow accents , first time using yellow...
That's a handsome bow Kenny.
Thanks Mike!!
quite a few unique elements there kenny. way to go brother.
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I got my bow chased to a ring. It's thin-ringed so I'm likely gonna lay a couple courses of sinew down. I shot some video but haven't edited it yet. I'll get it polished a bit and post it. All y'all are doing some great work. I feel like I am lagging :)
:thumbsup: Nice job everyone, Kenny that looks awesome for sure …. is it yellow wood ?
It's actually a piece of yellow spectra that I had for some reason... Not sure why.
You can buy the single spectra sheets.that what I use for all my colored stripes.
Good looking bows getting built. I glued some overlays on and got the limbs mounted. I didn’t get any pics.
Nice looker Kenny :bigsmyl:
Got a riser to basic shape and will get it fitted to form and stack next. This is a test bow with new specs, not the actual swap bow.
Got a new string on her and ready to ship out this week. Really wouldn’t mind keeping this one for myself, I think I felt the same way last year. :biglaugh: :banghead:
I hope it suits my victim.
Jon,that one is looking very nice.
Jon,that one is looking very nice.
X2 :thumbsup:
Beautiful bow Jon
Sweet , Jon!! Send her on down!! :thumbsup:
Wow Jon! :o
That came out pretty nice Jon. I like the looks of the stippling after the finish went down... :clapper:
Got the limbs mounted
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Looking sweet Travis!!
Thanks for the kind words guys.
Boxed up and heading out UPS tomorrow.
I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again. If you haven’t tried Pirate Shipping for your labels yet, you should give it a try.
This is shipping for $7.08 via UPS. Can’t be beat as far as I know.
Can you get insurance on the packages using this method? That’s crazy good shipping cost.
Yes you can.
The label I printed for $7.08 included the normal $100 shipping. I usually ship this way because I'm a cheap skate and figure if I package it well enough, it's pretty hard to damage a take down.
To answer your question though, I just had the same label quoted with $900 insurance and it came back at $14.28
Pretty dang good.
Well done Jon ..... The bow looks great
These bows are looking killer and I’m glad I can finally get started on mine. Haven’t chosen the riser woods yet- but I did grind the veneers I want to use… assuming the glass doesn’t looks like crap over these, this might be the bacote the victim gets.
I’ll probably be gluing up Monday morning and looking to ship by end of next week.
Somebody :dunno: who should get a bow tomorrow.
Somebody :dunno: who should get a bow tomorrow.
Tracking number? :laughing: :laughing:
Nice try :biglaugh:
I better leave work early just in case my package shows up in the rain :biglaugh:
Sanding sealer has been built up and I'm about to finish sand and clear coat.
Question for the boys, I've been using wheel paint on my personal bows and getting what I would call okay results, sometimes a little runny in one spot and occasionally a cloudy spec or something like that. I can do a nice job with tru oil but it's not exactly as scratch resistant? The wheel paint makes a shell almost where the Tru oil soaks.
Help me sort this out fellas
I use rattle can auto clearcoat(because at 2-3 bows per year I'm not setting up to spray like a pro) but it is super high gloss,so then I give 2 coats of the wheel matte to kill the high gloss.
I tried the wheel paint only but it was super thin and like you said runny, and took a ton of coats to seal up. Maybe so thin because it's to be sprayed on metal?
I better leave work early just in case my package shows up in the rain :biglaugh:
Sanding sealer has been built up and I'm about to finish sand and clear coat.
Question for the boys, I've been using wheel paint on my personal bows and getting what I would call okay results, sometimes a little runny in one spot and occasionally a cloudy spec or something like that. I can do a nice job with tru oil but it's not exactly as scratch resistant? The wheel paint makes a shell almost where the Tru oil soaks.
Help me sort this out fellas
Doing a professional grade finish with a rattle can is tough to pull off regardless of what material you are using. Not being able to regulate the spray pattern or flow rate makes it impossible to maintain any kind of consistency.
I have no experience with these wheel paint clear coats….
I’ve always recommended the Helmsman Spar varnish to guys using rattle cans. It’s far more durable than true oil, and easily sands and polishes out nicely to a satin finish using 0000 steel wool.
.02 cents worth…. Kirk
I've used the oil based spar urethane before on a selfbow but I could t help but feel like it was very tacky. I did some weird probably unconventional and inappropriate wiping with acetone between coats and I hated it until 3 days later when it was super smooth and robust and almost left the wood feeling plasticized. I'd not want to repeat that on my victims bow. Maybe I'll spray some laminate cutoffs with various finishes and see.
The VHT Matte clear lays down very nice, the gloss not so much.
1 coat every 10 min. for 6 coats
If your wood is oily you have to seal it to keep the oils out of the finish.
If your wood is oily you have to seal it to keep the oils out of the finish.
Yes, I forgot that
Getting close. Just gotta get the limb balance good and I shouldn’t weight. So far there’s no set to speak of. As ugly as the tiller looks I like how it’s turning out. Super twisty with lots of reflex difference in the limbs making balance fun. Ok h and the right side of the board is the top limb.
Having an assistant doesn’t hurt either.
Nice looking work Jon - I’m guessing for $7.08 its not coming to western Canada. I can’t even get out of my driveway for that.
Mine is pretty much ready to go for final coating. Final tiller on the limbs came out very nice, when the bow is flipped the flex curve tracings are identical on top of each other. I wasn’t totally enamoured with the full draw flex shape, felt it could use more out mid-limb, but I’m at the lower end of the requested weight, so thats where she stays. That being said, the draw is very smooth and even, the shot is sharp and very quick, with zero hand shock. And in the words of Doug Marcaida from Forged in Fire - “it will kill !“ It was -7 Celsius and I wasn’t going to stand around and make multiple groupings.
Will send shots next week of finished bow prior to shipping.
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Nice Noah
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
:thumbsup:Some fine bows again this year !!
Thanks Noah,
That is a damn sexy bow you built there!!!
My bow will land on my victims door tomorrow.
Well I talked to my victim today. So if you did not talk to me ur not it :laughing:
I better leave work early just in case my package shows up in the rain :biglaugh:
Sanding sealer has been built up and I'm about to finish sand and clear coat.
Question for the boys, I've been using wheel paint on my personal bows and getting what I would call okay results, sometimes a little runny in one spot and occasionally a cloudy spec or something like that. I can do a nice job with tru oil but it's not exactly as scratch resistant? The wheel paint makes a shell almost where the Tru oil soaks.
Help me sort this out fellas
I tried the wheel paint the first couple bows I built just not tough enough for me so a few weeks ago I had two bows to spray and I used this 2K product in a rattle Can you push a button on the bottom of the can to activate really quite impressed, Matte finish i put it through a number of tests and so far tough as nails . I am set up now to spray but to get a Matte product where I live. It’s ridiculous. The cost 300 a quart anyways I’ve ordered some from Ontario but in a pinch. I would certainly use this product again it’s not inexpensive though $40 Canadian Just an FYI. Cheers [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
:thumbsup:Some fine bows again this year !!
:thumbsup: X2
I tried the wheel paint the first couple bows I built just not tough enough for me.....
I've found it to be very tough but it has to be applied strictly according to instructions. Three coats 20 minutes apart and seven days to cure with nothing further applied until cured.
I like the look of the stuff you posted though. Is it a one coat and done? Is the can a dead soldier after one use?
Found the pot life. 48 hours. Makes it practical to do multiple bows during that period.
Well i got my swap bow back on the bench and got some buffalo horn tips on the limbs...
here is a peek....
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this bow swap stuff sure is exciting. I find myself checking in quite often and im always impressed. Happy to be a part of it this year everyone is doing awesome with their bows.
Found the pot life. 48 hours. Makes it practical to do multiple bows during that period.
yes the pot life is they say 48 hours it was actually longer than that but still the can is done after that. I applied it the same as any spray Auto clear 10 or 15 minutes between multiple coats the final coat, I backed off on the spray and got a bit of a texture, little pricey, for one bow I did spray two at the same time.
Interesting horn nocks, looks kind of strangled. ;)
Interesting horn nocks, looks kind of strangled. ;)
. :laughing:
That looks very interesting, Kirk. What is the laminate on the back, very cool pattern
Interesting horn nocks, looks kind of strangled. ;)
Yup.... "Strangled horn nocks" it's a new rage! :banghead: I got my tip notches kinda deep on these limbs. This horn material is softer than the phenolic i typically use, and it almost got away from me..... But they should hold up fine.
Interesting horn nocks, looks kind of strangled. ;)
. :laughing:
That looks very interesting, Kirk. What is the laminate on the back, very cool pattern
The backing is S glass over silk in a leopard skin pattern. In the next couple days i should have it wrapped up and show cased and get some finished photos.
I'm going to do a film clip on shaping the riser on this one before i'm done too.
Here are the riser overlays cooking..... EA 40 cured in 1 hour with a little help from a heat strip.
Kirk where do you get S glass
:thumbsup:Gonna be a cool one Kirk!
Kirk where do you get S glass
Gordon made the stuff years ago, and i dont think it's available now.... I got this stuff from Bill Howland when he shut his shop down 10-12 years ago and bailed out. I bought a bunch of Mics stuff from him when he was cleaning house. I miss that guy. He was a character... Kirk
Thanks Noah,
That is a damn sexy bow you built there!!!
My bow will land on my victims door tomorrow.
Indeed it did!! Apparently delivered late in the evening. I discovered it this morning while checking the weather at the front door. I had received an email notice yesterday evening but overlooked it.
It spent the night out in rain and snow. I have house guests this past week and am being kept very busy and must go out the door in a few minutes.
A few quick photos. My grandson doing the full draw indoors. He's drawing to about 30 inches! I have a lot to say about this bow but it will have to be later.
Jon has done a wonderful job on it.
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One of the photos didn't load. TG running kinda funny today.
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Nice work Jon :thumbsup:
Looking great, nice work.
Nice work Jon. It really has a nice full draw profile.
I finally found some time to get my lams milled. Hopefully get her glued up soon.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
One of the photos didn't load. TG running kinda funny today.
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Most excellent!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Finally warmed up to 29f 😀
I and grandson had a little shooting session. We used some 645 grain carbons, 530 grain woodies and some home doweled pine arrows at about 500 grains.
The 530 woodies shot the best. It's too cold to run the chronograph but I predict that with a 10 gpp arrow this bow will be shooting in the 190 range.
More to come
Thanks guys.
Glad you like it so far Mike.
I’m pretty skeptical about hitting 190.
I’ll be happy if you get anything over 180 with it. Looking forward to it though. 👍
You guys are making me feel like I’m behind. Very nice! I got things roughed out.
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That gonna be nice.
I am behind !! But next warm day I’ll spray her.
I'm with you kenny. Waiting on one warm day.
4 point I'll be waiting for that one to show up on .y porch. :bigsmyl:
deaver me thinks my porch :biglaugh:
Home stretch on this swap bow this morning.... I'm down to finish sanding now.... i did a full length video of the riser shaping that is in real time. i should probably up load this to my video editing software and shorten it up a bit before i upload it to you tube... but here is the full length process i use to shape all mt risers...... I got a few pictures of it after sanding to 120 here too. Need to hand sand it again then polish it up a bit more.... Spray booth this afternoon.
Very interesting Kirk. Like watching a skilled butcher.
Looking good Kirk
watched the video kirk. nice to see it done( and nice to know im not too far off on my process) hahah
Yep :thumbsup:
So 24 * this morning, maybe spray tomorrow. So I made a string for her( least fave job), 12 strand D97, I guess it's a 64.5" bow... :biglaugh:
So still 39* at 11:00 so I set up the hooter and ran it thru, untuned arrow, averaged draw weight and weighed the arrow.
28" - 10 gpp - 180 average
30" - 9.19 gpp - 194 average
You tall guys have the advantage on the rest of us!! :laughing:
You can deduct 4-5 fps with fingers if you are drawing what you think you are... :goldtooth:
I don't know about that Kenny..... I've seen flight shooters get better chrono numbers with fingers vs a shooting machine...... But longer draw lengths definitely get higher performance.
Yes I've read that also, guess it has to do with a hold and release vs a draw and let her go release.
That’s a pretty fast bow Kenny. Good job!
The only explanation IMO, is that when anyone shoots with fingers they are pulling back further when they release, especially through a chrono. We are, after all, wanting a bigger number.
I know that for me, on longer shots, I subconsciously pull North of my normal draw length compared to shooting groups at a 15-20yd target.
All things being EXACTLY the same draw length, it’s physically impossible for fingers to be faster than a release
There is one thing you are forgetting about Jon.... When you use a shooting machine, you are cranking it back and hesitating for a moment prior to the release, rather than dropping the string with one smooth motion not allowing the limb to stop. It has something to do with momentum....
We've actually done tests with a shooting machine set ups that automatically triggered the release when it hits 28" with no stopping or hesitation the exact same way a flight shooter does. It has proven to yield higher numbers, than holding at full draw before release.
Granted.... In most cases your shooting machine numbers will be higher due to the release itself. but..... we are splitting hairs here.... Kirk
Jon I would agree.
Well I screwed up again. My brain is broken, I ordered the wrong taper when I ordered lams so I came in way heavy. I don’t think there’s any chance of getting it to make weight. Would you guys be okay with that same bow only in different woods? I have one that’s ready for finishing. I’m not sure I’m gonna get time for another set of limbs. I’ll try but just wanted to check if that other bow would be an option. I can’t even get this one.
Okay with me.
4Point - I’d be fine with anything you decide to send, heavy draw ok too as long as its not over 55,, don’t want to buy new arrows.
Kirk, I watched the video, very interesting and great control with the sanders. I’ll presume the Moustache filters to around N95? :goldtooth: I can’t do it any longer, have to wear masks or I’m coughing and choking for the next week. Too many years of neglecting it.
Sounds good 4point.
Don't know much about flight shooting bur for comparison repetition of method is needed.
4 point. I’m good with whatever you’ve got. 👍
Travis- nobody will be not ok with whatever you send. The one I got is awesome!!
Any bow is fast with light arrows and an orangutan draw!! :laughing: :laughing:
4Point - I’d be fine with anything you decide to send, heavy draw ok too as long as its not over 55,, don’t want to buy new arrows.
Kirk, I watched the video, very interesting and great control with the sanders. I’ll presume the Moustache filters to around N95? :goldtooth: I can’t do it any longer, have to wear masks or I’m coughing and choking for the next week. Too many years of neglecting it.
N95 moustache??? :biglaugh: :biglaugh: That's good... :clapper: :clapper: Ya i'm guilty of not wearing a dust mask a lot. It will probably be the death of me before its all said and done.
So when does all this secret Santa crap come to an end? I've got mine in the spray booth and should be ready to ship fairly soon. I sent a pm to my recipient to make sure the shipping address is ok and knows it's coming, but havent heard back yet..... Did i break the rules here?
Did i break the rules here?
Yup, think you did! :biglaugh:
Watched the video. It set off an episode of tool envy. 🔧
Did i break the rules here?
I knew you where my kinda people!😆
Finally took the time today to build some ‘wings’ that I could tape paper on so I could better trace the working limb better at different draw lengths. Hoping this will help me get a more consistent product.
How do you guys do it?
Just by eye and feel, and by ear… but if you are mapping limbs it’s pretty easy to just use a tiller stick and trace the whole bow on some butcher paper on your bench, then flip the bow over and compare the two limbs.
Nice looking set up you got there… Are you going to mount that on the wall of your shop?
Haven’t posted here in a while, so figured I should. Been shooting, tuning and going over all of the small details on the swap bow before I apply any finish, it’s going to come in on the lighter side of my victims draw weight, but it’s shooting well and is rather quiet and at the lighter DW he will be able to enjoy it for years to come. I hope. :pray:
Nice looking set up you got there… Are you going to mount that on the wall of your shop?
Sorry. Meant to post this in ‘What did you do today’ thread.
I have zero wall space left in my little shop as it’s only 11x23 as it’s the third bay of the garage, so one wall is garage door and there are two service doors at opposite corners.
I’ll definitely have to find a spot somewhere though. It’s a pain to get it out and screw it to the table
Thanks guys, I made all the pieces for another set of limbs this afternoon. If I can get them glued up next weekend I’ll be good. The veneers will be different but I think it’ll look okay. I had the riser all roughed out cause I was sure poundage was gonna be good.
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I got a decent bit done today. I manage to. Get that wonky Osage tillered out and shooting. Due to the large swoop in the top limb it feels much better to the a heavy arrow to soak up more energy. But it’s not bad and I was surprisingly consistent dropping arrows in up to 40 yards. The old wood has some beautiful plots with a healthy coat of linseed oil. I’ll be building up some true oil. Then I got the laminations ground and glued up for the Bamboo, black cherry, ERC bow. Then I finally moved and fixed my backstop. I replaced the bent swingset legs with black locust poles and laced the horse mats together so there was no gap an arrow can slip through.
I’ll definitely have to find a spot somewhere though. It’s a pain to get it out and screw it to the table
I saw one here a while back that was strapped to a tree. I was inspired. :biglaugh:
Sorry. Meant to post this in ‘What did you do today’ thread.
I have zero wall space left in my little shop as it’s only 11x23 as it’s the third bay of the garage, so one wall is garage door and there are two service doors at opposite corners.
I’ll definitely have to find a spot somewhere though. It’s a pain to get it out and screw it to the table
Sounds like it’s time to move one of those vehicles outside and stake your claim on bay 2 of that garage and build a partition wall to hang that baby up on. Life is too short to have too little shop space… That was the first structure I built on our place back in 96’. 36x36’ pole barn with a loft….
Some time since I reported, but I have been doing things.
Since my first did not work out I wanted to have something that works before posting.
The DR is a glass bow. Riser is Bocote with a Jatoba I beam and glass and Elm on back of riser. Limbs are two parallel Norwegian Elm lams, one .003 taper that goes into a .004 reverse taper last inches before nocks, one strip of Uniweft and Bjørn glassfiber. A thin wedge of Hard Maple is glued as an overlay on the belly to stiffen the last inches a bit more. Tips are Linen Micarta. Needs finish sanding and spraying.
NOW I must ask one thing, the weight is one pound above victim’s asked for upper draw weight. It is now bending as I want it to and I would rather not adjust it. Will this be allright?
The other bow is a 4 laminate shallow ELB with Buffalo horn tips, will be fitted with leather handle and strike plate and Fast Flight string. Weight is right. I am just showing that one also in case victim would rather have such a bow.
A couple pounds either way is no big deal for me. Hell, 10# either way is no big deal.
Both bows look great! What lams did you end up going with in the ElB?
From back. Hickory, Wenge, Hickory and Ipe. The thin Hickory in the middle could have been an other wood species, but I had this strip that fitted. I usually taper the backing .0015 and the Wenge and Ipe .oo3 before glue up, comes out pretty good that way without too much tiller work. Glued up with one inch backset and stays pretty straight after shooting.
Awesome! I bet it’s a good shooting combo.
I’ve never measured any tapers. I always just floor tillered each lam and rolled with it.
One pound off a draw weight is well within professional standards... There are a lot of bows out there 3-4# off what they are marked....I seriously doubt it would even be noticed. Good looking stuff there Buemaker... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Here is the finished product on my bow swap...... Riser is black walnut with a curly maple radius footing. The limbs are a combination of S glass over leopard skin silk on the back and walnut on the belly. The cores are vertical grain old growth Douglass fir with very tight very straight grain and walnut wedges and matching overlays. Tip overlays are buffalo horn. She's a 64" length with the Draw weight right at 40@ 28"
The finish material is the same auto clear coating i typically use on all my bows, but this one after laying down 3 coats, i polished it out, and gave it a hand rubbed satin finish. it came out feeling like silk in the hand.
Here a few more photos i took in different light conditions...
I'm ready to ship this baby to its new owner....
Here is a link to the build album.
Beautiful work Beu, I would not have any worries about any weight over. I like both, but always love glass the most :goldtooth:
Wonderful work as always Kirk, even though I know It’s not mine. Love the leopard silk, what did that add to the stack? Presumably no strength advantage, strictly cosmetic? Opens up a whole world of limb colour’s and patterns though. :clapper: :clapper:
So several years ago when I ended up in charge of this debacle, I added the rule that you need to post at least once a week to try to kick some of the deadbeats into shape. Fast forward and I'm the deadbeat... :laughing:
About a month ago you guys got me inspired to pick out some wood and get started. I got as far as prepping and starting the riser glue up. But I needed a new roll of sandpaper for the thickness sander and realized I didn't even have any decent bandsaw blades left. And then I was on work travel, smashed a finger between some cinder blocks, got my garage permit approved and started pulling out trees, and lost the batteries to my camera in my sock drawer.
But I'm still here, just got caught up on all y'all's progress (took a while.) I'll still get a bow out before the deadline. And if any of those questions were ever for me, I'm good with builder's choice on colors, my poundage is flexible, heck I can even shoot LH if push comes to shove and it means one of the bows this year!
" I smashed a finger between some cinder blocks, got my garage permit approved and started pulling out trees, and lost the batteries to my camera in my sock drawer."
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing::biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Beautiful work Bue. I'd be good outside of my weight range. A pound is nothing.
Kirk, great looking bow, as expected. I really like your limb overlays, I may have to pirate those at some point, very classy.
That looks like it's gonna be sharp canopyboy.
Beautiful work Beu, I would not have any worries about any weight over. I like both, but always love glass the most :goldtooth:
Wonderful work as always Kirk, even though I know It’s not mine. Love the leopard silk, what did that add to the stack? Presumably no strength advantage, strictly cosmetic? Opens up a whole world of limb colour’s and patterns though. :clapper: :clapper:
Actually.... I got the idea for the silk under glass years ago from self boyers that used it for backing on their staves.... believe it or not... it does stiffen things up a bit...How much under .040 glass i couldn't tell you....this is only the second one i've done. probably adds about .005 in the stack, if that..
This bow only has .030 glass and ultra light cores. It should be on the top end of the performance scale for a light draw weight bow. But never tested it....But i planned it that way because it was built for a 24" -26" draw. I wanted to eliminate as much limb mass as possible to make a shooter out of it. Kirk
Beautiful work Bue. I'd be good outside of my weight range. A pound is nothing.
Kirk, great looking bow, as expected. I really like your limb overlays, I may have to pirate those at some point, very classy.
That looks like it's gonna be sharp canopyboy.
Hey Jon.... If you give these cycle shaped overlays a go, its easiest to pre shape them and put a nice bevel on them before you glue them on, and finish sand the edges. Also take great care to wipe off excess glue on the glass or its a bear to sand.....
Another thing is do not extend them past the riser too far, and feather them down really thin at the point or those tips will pop loose when the wedge flexes....Especially using G-10.
food for thought. Kirk
Awesome job everyone, good lookin Bows there !
Other than a tiny run I found , she is ready to victimize someone…
Will fix that and spray matte on her
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Very nice Kirk and Kenny.
So so so sorry this is late: I had to rush out of town for the weekend the day after receiving and just realized I never got tj posting!!
Got the bow from Crooked Stic! For some reason, I had the odd gut feeling that his bow shipped to my P.O. Box, so I went and checked, and sure enough the long box was there!
Opened her up, and she is marked 41@31. Draws incredibly smooth, even better so since she’s light weight for what I’m used to (though this is what I wanted- as I like shooting bows that are lighter for me lol) tuned a 2016 perfectly for me. Very mild mannered bow, dead quiet. Fantastic work Stic!
Here’s some pics of her.
Meanwhile, tomorrow I finally will be gluing the limbs and riser for my victim. Both of which should be done next week if I’ve got the time to glue them tomorrow!!!
Nice bow
Great work stic :bigsmyl:
Awesome bow , check the addy and see if it was sposed to come here!! lol
That bow looks good with you.
Sorry Kenny :dunno:
Congrats Derek!
Nicely done Stic. Looks like a super comfortable bow.
Kenny, hoping your trade bow is just gonna travel one state to the North. :goldtooth:
Stic, that’s a nice one. A lucky new owner.
Kenny that’s a really sharp bow!
I finally went back thru all the stuff I’d missed in the swap. To be honest I haven’t been doing a good job of keeping up with it. Man there’s some really nice stuff being built. I think this is the best stuff I’ve seen for swap builds. I’d be very happy to see any of them show up in the mail. Great job everyone.
That is a very nice one.
I agree there are some super sweet bows this time. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
My victim's bow will be going ... somewhere :biglaugh:
Gonna be a bit tho, went to help neighbor who got tornadoed last May move some dirt around new house. Couple hours, right? :laughing:
Moved dirt for 3 hours, then tractor quit, finally got mechanic there, and now a flat rear tire to go with the dead tractor.
So while I waited , I'll get shop work done ,right? About 10 minutes in, electric goes off. For 5 hours, all fixed now except flat tire on tractor. :thumbsup:
I pulled another stave out and laid out a second bow last night. I will have it roughed out and hopefully to first brace today. There are some beautiful bows being made this year.
Kindness goes a long way kenny :biglaugh:
Kindness goes a long way kenny :biglaugh:
Or, "no good deed goes unpunished". :biglaugh:
Yep on both of those! I told Renee exactly what Mike says when I got home :laughing:
Got the limbs glued up today. Didn’t Have time to clean em up and weigh them yet- but I expect to hit the weight pretty solidly. None the less, curiosity had me peel the tape to check it out! Bacote both sides.
Made some progress. Appears it will be near the higher end of the requested weight.
You got my address right Jess :clapper:
Started whittling.
My hat's off to the selfbow guys! My patience level ain't there yet... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
...well I tried a new wedge with the bacote limbs and it pushed the working limb out much further than I realized it would have. I profiled the limb as usual, and it resulted in a bow looking like it was strung backwards. Big 'ol fail, and immediately tossed em in the trash. New limbs are up. Lol. These are likely curly maple.
Well besides finally retiring from my employment after 46 Years,
I got some roughing in on some limbs and riser that last couple nights.
Osage/Bocote combo....
Lookin great and CONGRATS on retiring.
Looking goood.
I like that. Really good looking bows this year.
I decided to go with a simple BLO finish n the Osage bow. I think I’m at 7 coats so far and will keep applying g layers each day until I get around to putting a handle wrap on. I just need to decide on a pattern to tool. But I’m really liking the colors the wood has.
Were you able to get my 30” draw on that one? :pray: :bigsmyl: :jumper:
Well, it comfortably made it to the needed full draw. Just gotta wait and see where it goes I want to finish option 2 and decide which would be better to go. The wonky character I dubbed ‘Quasimodo’ or the trilam. It’s glued up u just to to start shaping.
I've gotten quite a lot done on my bow. Chased the ring, layed the bow out, and roughed it out. Then got some heat gunning done to correct the stave a bit. I am following Dean's Torges' HOB pretty much as far as design. Here's where I am right now. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Congrats on the retirement Vince! Sounds well deserved!
Well, I shot the victim's bow this morning a bit. Either I gotta default on the swap or build me one just like it. I was dead on with nearly every shot (after I went to 400 spine) . The spine I thought it needed was not stiff enough.
I will shoot it a bit more and decide... :biglaugh:
I haven't put any string silencers on it but have some silicone jig skirting here so may just send enough for the owner to put on if he likes it . I don't have any fur so if he likes that, he won't have to take these off...
If I send it... :laughing:
Congrats on retiring Vince, but I'll tell you , you will have less time now to do stuff. Everybody needs something done now that you have (had) all the extra time... :biglaugh:
The good news Kenny, is that you don’t have to send it far. You can come up to Iowa and visit her anytime you like.😂
Dang! There"s two of em! I wish... :laughing:
Well, I finished building and packaging the shipping case for the victims bow. Damn near required a building permit for that. I have the youngest grandchild posted for sale to cover the shipping cost. I should come out close to even. :goldtooth: The bad news is I tore something in my left foot and can barely limp, foot is iced and elevated, so it may be a day or two before I can get away to post it. But it’s almost bulletproof, so should be there by the weekend - ish.
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If you need a hint, you are exactly 2890 km (quite a few Miles) away, +/- a few. Look forward to hearing from you !!
That could be me :bigsmyl:
I got another set of limbs glued up. Hopefully they hit weight.
Do you realize how many guys just pulled up Google Maps in hopes they might be the one?
I mean, how many guys besides me? Hahahaha!
I still have to finish removing the wrapping and shape it out but I can’t complain with what I see of the glue lines so far on the boo, cherry, cedar. Especially since the rough flattening and tapers were done with a handsaw and Ferrier rasp then just flattened and feathered on the belt sander. Then for wrapping I’ve started using good quality electric tape. You can get a good stretch with it while wrapping to keep a good constant pressure on the joint without being a crazy amount that squeezes all the glue out and it’s cheap and disposable so when the glue is you just sand or rasp it off.
I didn’t get more than that done this weekend. Little man was getting fussy Saturday when I had time so I quite a little sooner than I wanted. Then spent Sunday bringing home a trailer load of staves from my parents barn loft down to the house. Much nicer having all the staves at home vs 1.5 hours away. I still have a bed load worth of hackberry staves to get but that’s an easy trip.
Looks like that should last you a couple of weeks. ;)
I’m actually in BC at the moment. So not only is it a good thing to wait a few days to send it, but maybe I can just swing buy and save you selling off a family member…
I’m actually in BC at the moment. So not only is it a good thing to wait a few days to send it, but maybe I can just swing buy and save you selling off a family member…
Thanks Dave, but you’d have to detour quite a bit to drop it off with the victim. But thanks, and you can swing by anyway if you’re travelling through.
Shot sealer coats. I do not have a heated spray room and weather is too cold so I had to take a heated store room and cover stuff with plastic.
New limbs in the oven, and riser is getting overlays. Tomorrow I’ll shape and seal it, shape the limbs. Fingers crossed on this one! Lol
Looking good. Are you routing out the riser?
Great looking stuff goin on!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Bue, yes.
I Cnc the profile of the riser then add the shaping by hand. This allows me to alter grips if I so choose. Then the shelf is cut to exactly .007” past center.
I also use my Cnc to profile the limbs, cut the limb bolt alignment holes, and cut the limb butts. Makes for a quick process after glue up. It’s taken me a years worth of headaches to get here, but I pretty well have my process down.
What types of wood in that one Derek? Cool looking grain in that footing. Kirk
Must be a great help. Would it be possible to show how the limb alignment holes are made? I find this much interesting even if I will never do it myself.
Bue, I'll post a picture of the jig set up & toolpath running when I do my next limbs. It's definitely fun to watch!
Kirk, That's bacote between myrtle. The woods are a hair lighter in real life than the pic depicts. My shop lighting is bright white LEDs in a dark concrete building. So woods don't look NEAR like they do in daylight.
Abbeys first shot with her new bow.
Abby looking good :clapper:
Abby looking good :clapper:
x2 :goldtooth:
So for those of you still holding your breath for Kirk's bow to end up at your doorstep, go ahead and breathe. This beautiful bow ended up at my doorstep. I had asked for a bow for abbey instead of me and kirk did not disappoint. Thos 64 in slick stick is 30 lbs at her draw and zips her arrows downrange with speed and accuracy. Kirk's attention to detail and finish work is fantastic and the leapord print limbs fit her personality perfect. I was glad the arrows I have for her for so she could shoot it right away. Thank you kirk for an amazing bow.
Hello Abbey, looking sharp.
Awesome! Looks like she's no stranger to bow shooting! :thumbsup:
Excellent! Looks like the slimmed down grip fits her well too. Glad it went over well…. Kirk
She’ll get sprayed later today for the first coat,2nd and 3rd coat. If I don’t find runs, she’ll ship tomorrow!
Bacote and Myrtle riser with a black back glass overlay, curly maple back and black belly glass. 60” and 40 somethin (vague; so the victim isn’t identifying it lol)
Nice work guy's :clapper:
60" and 40 somethin, YEP , send it! :biglaugh:
Very nice Derek.
Sanding off sealer coates. Now you see how good or bad you sanded in the first place.
Usually bad bue in my case :bigsmyl:
Bue what do you use for a sanding sealer ??
Yep sealer tells a lot.
I sprayed my wheel paint finish and had some runs. Thursday is when I'm "allowed" to sand it a bit and get two more light coats on. It's not so bad and I'd keep it if it were mine, but I'm not sending it out until it's nice.
Old, I use the same product as I use for the finish, but in high gloss, it fills better. You can spray several coates with just a few minutes interval. It is a spray can with two components, you twist a ring in the bottom and it mixes and then shake. I have found this to be the best when it comes to spraying cans. The drawback is that it is expensive, at least over here. After it is mixed you must use it within 24 hours.
Thanks Bue
Spliced the lams and fitted the riser. Could have pushed it through to lay up but I got honey do'd and wore out early. Tomorrow is another day! 😀
This is still the test bow that I'm going through a number of design changes. Too many changes to accurately predict draw weight and the window is very narrow.
Well. I’ve made a javelin.
Just after clean up and shaping. It’s time to start making it bend. I started heading out the door yesterday evening to work on it and got a little sidetracked.
That didn’t last long. First floor tiller flex of a few inches and BANG. Just after taking those first pictures of the shape.
That had to be a shock 😲
Bummer :dunno:
I dug out a black locust stave and made some progress. A ring is chased and profile roughed out. A little clean up and it’ll be time to start making it bend. I’m going for a long fade Willow leaf profile
Derek - thats a beautiful bow - I’ll post a lot more pics right after it arrives !! :bigsmyl:
Beu - I’m surprised you use the spray 2 part coating for sealing, its soooo expensive. Unless you have something else to use up the balance of the can on. I have often used the clear epoxy for bar tops, etc., just mix up a few ounces and rub it on with a lint free cloth, then sand/steel wool, then repeat. Takes a couple days, but it only costs a few dollars.
Dear Victim - your bow shipped out on Monday, postage from Canada was much cheaper than expected, so family is happy. They promised 7 days, God willing and the creek don’t rise.
Tracking for the bow is in hand. USPS has control now.
Awesome Derek! When is gonna be here?? :biglaugh:
Well I got some more done on my victims bow, alittle more cleanup than off
to the spray booth....
I'll take that one too!! Beauties all around!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Good stuff this year.
Awesome work :jumper:
I got the runs sanded in my clear coat. One was a bubble that open down to the fiberglass so I tried to feather that area into the rest of the clear coat with 320. Not one hundred percent perfect but instead of a few drip lines from the runs theres only one area with very minor cosmetic imperfection.
Happy with the overall result, after building a double set of strings over the weekend I'll be shipping out to my victim Monday. I could drive it there but that's not much of a clue because I'm known for pulling a 20 hour drive to save myself the hassle of an airport.
Any post that starts with "I got the runs..." grabs my attention:)
My bow is getting there. I desperately want to try a fiberglass takedown sleeve, so I am spending time on that. I don't want my victim's bow to be the first, so I am experimenting with other lesser-value pieces. Short story: I am getting there, but no pics for now.
I love the stuff you have been posting.
I thought about changing the wording before posting but chuckled at myself at kept it in.
Taking a general poll. Beaver fur or raccoon fur silencers?
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I'm making a shipping carton hoping not destructable by ship carriers...
I'm up for beaver... :goldtooth:
Coon fur should be interesting.
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OK she will be in the air, or truck , or boat ,or whatever tomorrow...
Poor victim... :laughing:
Good looking shipping container. That aughta do the job
Hmm, I vote raccoon. I’ve done a few silencers with raccoon fur and it looks neat
All around awesome looking bows
have you got a home made action wood going in that core Kenny? looks like walnut maple combo on the profile edge....
That looks like a good over seas carton there. i like to ship one piece bows with a wood crate going over seas. i sent a batch to China like that a few years ago....
Yep on the shop awood. Made with .005" per inch tapers if I remember right. Had it awhile. Thick end of maple to bow center and thick end of walnut to tip.
The carton will withstand the carriers I hope unless they see it as a challenge. :laughing:
Me thinks that may go across water. The Mississippi to my house :bigsmyl: I
I'm making a shipping carton hoping not destructable by ship carriers...
I'm up for beaver... :goldtooth:
I see on FB
You are shipping bow making material (wood box) with the bow. :bigsmyl:
You are shipping bow making material (wood box) with the bow.
Exactly what I thought. :biglaugh:
Beaver? Racoon? I vote possum!
You are shipping bow making material (wood box) with the bow.
Exactly what I thought. :biglaugh:
Beaver? Racoon? I vote possum!
You will need to patch some screw holes... :laughing:
All these beautiful bows are really making me want to try and build a fiberglass one. Kenny, you want a house guest for a min? :goldtooth:
I have got a pretty decent bend going on with this simple selfbow. I just need to slowly tiller the weight down to my victem dbeaver I would go with beaver. That's all I use anymore.
looks like there's been a lot of stuff happening on here lately and these bows are looking great. I've been experimenting with some colors on a couple of bows, one for my victim and one for myself, i will put some pictures up soon, but i would at least like to get some sealer on them first. great job everyone, getting excited to see which one will end up at my door.
Lookin gggood Dave :thumbsup:
My victims bow has left the building . Hope it goes safely …
Have the riser rough shaped hope to start finish sanding in a day or two.
:archer: I hit max weight at my victims draw weight today and put on some tip overlays of water buffalo horn.
NICE , Jess and Dave!!
I’ll take both of em ! :goldtooth:
Got the new set of limbs ruffed out. They’re at the top end of my victims weight but I should be able to get them to their sweet spot. I had to dig into my birdseye stash because I didn’t have any more spalted wood for veneers.
Jess you got my address Right?
I'll never tell
Great bows, all of em!!
Ive said it before and ill say it agin, send it over 4point
You are shipping bow making material (wood box) with the bow. :bigsmyl:
Some of kenny's "packing materials" are my favorite accent pieces :laughing:
You are shipping bow making material (wood box) with the bow. :bigsmyl:
Some of kenny's "packing materials" are my favorite accent pieces :laughing:
Yup. Someday I'm going to build one with packing strips under clear glass. 😀
How about clear resin casted strand board then grind veneers. :biglaugh:
I’ve gotten the profile and back cleaned up. So once I have it floor tillered I’ll heat treat and even out the side profile while I’m at it.
I decided to get another leather stamp set that’ll be awesome for a handle wrap. So I’m waiting to finish out the handle wrap on the wonky Osage bow until these are in.
Well i recieved a very fine bow from,,Derekdiruz..(Derek).
I want to say thank for such a fine piece of work..also fits my hand nicely..
Will work for this turkey season...60"_42#@27".
Will get full draw photos later...
All the best in your endeavors Derek!
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :thumbsup: :bigsmyl: :bigsmyl:
Thank you Vince! If you lay one down, please send pics!!! Enjoy her!
Nice. :clapper: :clapper:
Awesome!! :clapper:
Damn - I was sure that was coming my way! Beautiful work Derek!
Thanks Noah!! Sorry! Haha.
So after some more sanding and adding a small shelf to help the new owner it is still holding 6 inches of reflex.
I've got my strings made up and I shot the bow a bit more than necessary probably :biglaugh:
Got the packaging ready to go and after a couple photos, off to the victim
I got the black locust heat treated and bent into a more even shape. I didn’t mess with the left and right since I left the tips 1” wide and the handle a bit wide to pull everything in line that way. I also didn’t like how shalllow the handle was so I glued on a block from trimming the stave down to size. I used the Ferrier rasp and a sand paper wrapped block of wood to make the joints so tonight I’ll see how the joint turned out. Fun part is I glued on that block for maybe 3/8” of extra handle depth. But at the point a couple omhours of handle clean up and tillering and it’ll be ready to shoot in.
After sanding I saw it needed some more high gloss sealer coats.Must dry a couple of days before I can sand it off.
That looking good
Got her all done and packaged up for shipping [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Raccoon fur 'carpet' rest
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Looking fantastic guys!
Looks great!!
My victim should receive today but I’m a bit concerned that tracking is not showing movement… :scared:
Good stuff. :clapper: :clapper:
I feel like I’m way behind, bunch of great bows being shipped out. Hopefully get mine finished up within the next week or so
I got a heck of a bow in the mail today from BC ,Canada!!
Its rain/snowing today so may not get to shoot it today unless in shop.
And some awesome extras with it.
Pix later, gotta get caught up on shop work!!
That was a great looking bow kenny, lucky guy, cant wait to see the full draw photos of it
That's all she wrote. It's up to the USPS now. Should be there by thursday(2days) if that gives anything away.
All great looking bows and shipping containers!! :bigsmyl:
I put a leather grip on the bow and have it sanded down but I'm still shooting it to let it settle. I need to find someone with a longer draw to shoot it for me so I can see it at a draw longer than my 26in.
It's just a simple, slim, selfbow, but that's the beauty of a selfbow if you ask me. I hope the glass guy with a draw longer than 26 inches likes it. :biglaugh: hope that didn't give it away.
Less is more. :thumbsup:
Nice stick Dave
I didn't even get time to string this beauty today. Sorry guys.
Noah ,you did an awesome job of building, packaging and the letter enclosed and bow spec sheet was over the top my friend!!
Not to mention the gift he sent for Renee !! Points taken!!
Thank you sir, And I'll get some pics tomorrow if it isn't drab and rainy like today. Gotta look in my sock drawer to see about the camera? Anybody remember that? :biglaugh:
I remember that Kenny!
I am guilty of not posting as many pics of the bow I received. Kirk had so many that were better I didn't need to luckily. It seems so many times we are very pleased with what we have but have such a high expectation of skill from this group that it seems like pictures can't ever do the work justice. I know the bow I got from Kirk is being well used and is greatly appreciated. I would have been happy to get any bow so far, except for the one Kyle is making. Lol :biglaugh:
I'm making the new string for my victims bow tonight. I won't ship for awhile because with an all wood bow, I like to shoot them in and let them settle a bit. Even with all the excercise on the tillering tree, they can move.
Having said that, do you guys that haven't got their bow yet have a preference on string colors? I have almost everything and would like to male it custom.
Dave, are you sure you don’t want either the broken javelin or Quasimodo. I may just have to find a gnarlier stick than that one.
I have to take Zwickey to the vet for shots this morning, then I’ll shoot it and get a full draw pic .
Here is a few from the arrival . Noah is a craftsman !!
Got a charcuterie board for my wife, she loves it!!
And some coasters from the sight window , how cool is that ?
Thank you Noah!!!
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Oh, and my victim's bow was to be delivered yesterday, but now says in transit arriving late. :dunno: :banghead: :help:
Kenny, so what you are saying is, there is still a chance that sucker is coming to IA still? :bigsmyl:
Jon, I really have no idea where it is or where it's going... :laughing:
I’m hoping Kenny’s bow was trapped in a snow storm
That board is the coolest charcuterie board I've seen so far in my life.
That board is the coolest charcuterie board I've seen so far in my life.
Thanks very much Dave !!
Here’s my full draw pic !
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Crappy pic taking weather , the bow shoots great, perfect weight . My nocks are too tight and so can’t tell much about tune but it shoots same place about every time . 500s with 200 up front seem weak with fletched shafts but it’s windy too . I’m gonna put some silencers on and bare shaft her .
The full draw profile looks great to me.
Thanks Noah!!
The pic looks great Kenny! And the profile looks just fine! I was testing it with fletched 500’s with 150 up front (29” draw) and thought it was performing well. It was an honour building for you and I’m very glad you liked everything! If it ever kills something I’d love a picture.
The pic looks great Kenny! And the profile looks just fine! I was testing it with fletched 500’s with 150 up front (29” draw) and thought it was performing well. It was an honour building for you and I’m very glad you liked everything! If it ever kills something I’d love a picture.
x2 :thumbsup:
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Good looking full draw profile :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
That looks good on you Kenny :clapper:
looking good! :clapper:
Looks good on you Kenny.
Nice Kenny.
I got some progress I’m on the black locust. It’s got a pretty heavy crown so I’ve started fishing out the belly so the edges don’t get too thin. But so far the tips are tapered to 1/2” and have it pulling to 18” so far. I next up is refining the tiller shape now that it’s balanced out and braced.
Coming along nicely.
Here’s my full draw pic !
Crappy pic taking weather , the bow shoots great, perfect weight . My nocks are too tight and so can’t tell much about tune but it shoots same place about every time . 500s with 200 up front seem weak with fletched shafts but it’s windy too . I’m gonna put some silencers on and bare shaft her .
The full draw profile looks great to me.
Thanks Noah!!
What! No flag? :biglaugh:
Looks great 👍.
The "trial baloon" is off the form and looks good with the boogers wiped off.
Can't do much more till Monday.
Got a notification that the poor victim will have a box dropped on him today. :goldtooth: Last tracking was leaving my PO :dunno:
Drives me nuts!!
Ya don't have far to go:)
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More to come...
Gotta look in my sock drawer to see about the camera? Anybody remember that? :biglaugh:
I think I already used that line this swap Kenny (Hova?) ... and turns out I need to use it again. More pics coming later.
Even tho it isn't porch pirate season, I always worry about the beasts... :laughing:
Wanted to post a quick update, as we are flying back to Virginia to lay my grandfather to rest on Wednesday. My apologies for not posting anything lately. The past few weeks have been busy. We will be back next weekend and I will be more active at that time.
We already have 6/18 bows delivered to their new homes! I also show one more as shipped, or soon to be. All others are in some stage of being built, and no stragglers as of now. Great job everyone! Thank you for taking care of business.
Sorry to hear about your grandfather.
Sorry to hear Chris!!
So sorry, Chris... :pray: :pray:
Yes very sorry to hear of your loss.
Sorry to hear, always sad to loose a close family member. I saw my mother’s mother when I was one year old,the other three were gone when I was born.
Thanks for the support guys, it means a lot. I'm proud to be a part of the solid community we have here.
sorry for your loss, prayers up!
Sorry for your loss Chris.
I have my victims bow finished up. Just needs a rest and a string and I’ll get it shipped.
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Nice Bow :o
What kind of truck is that bed connected to?
Packed up and ready to go to my Victim!
4 Point, ,very nice!
Bow is finished, I used a two component matte finish on this one. My plan is to ship tomorrow and I hope it will travel safely across the Atlantic Ocean.
Very nice 4 point.
Thanks guys, everyone’s stuff is extra nice this year!
Max, it’s a 70 c/20 that my grandpa bought new. I kinda chopped it up and made it more my style to the dismay of my family. I started on it last spring thinking I’d have it done by this summer. I always think I have more free time than I do. Makes a good bench currency.
Will be sending my victims bow off tomorrow.
I like the camo limbs Jess!
Thank you sir.
Good grief I know I can't get them all any one will do tho.
Sorry for your loss Chris.
I have my victims bow finished up. Just needs a rest and a string and I’ll get it shipped.
:thumbsup: :bigsmyl:
Nice bows everyone :jumper:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:Awesome work this year guys!!
Awesome work everyone
This is not my swap bow but my practice fiberglass takedown sleeve. I've always wanted to try it and now I know I can do it. Now to get my actual swap bow done up like this one. I learned a lot that will help with that. So that's "progress", right?
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Very nice, John.. :thumbsup:
John I bet that bow would do great in New Mexico with our dry climate.
Holy cow are there some awesome bows being sent out this year! I plan to start making real progress on the one for my victim after April 15th but still with plenty of time before the deadline.
I am however remiss in posting up some pictures of the amazing bow I received from Kenny! Apparently someone had moved the camera from the sock drawer but I finally found it and got someone to take a full draw picture. I don't think the pictures fully capture the beauty of this thing. I don't think I've ever held a bow with this many glue joints before! :laughing: I really like the way the walnut/maple action wood creates the patterns up the side of the limb profile. But without further ado:
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I will be dropping my victi.s bow off at UPS this afternoon
What is the tracking# Jess
14 I think hehe
Hopefully the clear will cure on the bocote this time around, had to sand back to bare wood and wipe down with acetone after the first try, hit it with a light coat of spar to see if it’s gonna cure this time. I will have to wait for good weather to be able to spray the whole thing. Hopefully the color is not too loud for my victim. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Shellac works good for sealing oily woods, lightly sand and your ready to spray your finish. :thumbsup:
I have read that and will try that if it doesn’t cure this time around, I didn’t have any on hand and get impatient at times. I appreciate the help. Thanks
My experience with oily woods and spar was first coat seemed good and second turned sticky.
I like the auto clear coat much better, dries quick on any wood I've sprayed it on ...
Like that back overlay!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
i hope my victim got their bow... i seemed to misplace my tracking number
I shied away from the VHT wheel paint “clear” last year because it took so long to cure, but in hindsight, i believe that was because I put it on unsealed bocote and put on successive coats before the previous coat had set up enough. If this go round doesn’t work, I will take your advice and go with the shellac and auto clear. I’ve seen that a lot of you guy start with gloss for durability and finish with satin or flat, I’ll prolly go this route. Thanks again for your help guys.
Another great looking batch’s of bows going out. Well done.
Right or wrong. I’ve been known to wipe down a Bocote riser with an acetone soaked paper towel right before finishing to wipe the surface oil off. You do have to be careful as it can discolor white accents and the like. Not sure if that would help with the slower drying finishes or not. I personally use conversion varnish that drys pretty fast.
I never seal bocote before spraying the clearcoat on it and it dries in 15 min or less, but I don't use VHT , altho somebody compared the two brands and said they were virtually alike. Don't remember who read up on it tho...
What I use is from O'relillys , Duplicolor Perfect Match clear
I never seal bocote before spraying the clearcoat on it and it dries in 15 min or less, but I don't use VHT , altho somebody compared the two brands and said they were virtually alike. Don't remember who read up on it tho...
What I use is from O'relillys , Duplicolor Perfect Match clear
BenBow started a test with VHT Matte clear :thumbsup:
Finishing epoxy thinned 50 percent with acetone will seal the wood. But sometimes a pain to sand.
Swap bow is on it’s way, hope it makes it safely across the pond. I enclosed the bow’s specs with the package, but forgot to say the riser is Bocote with a Jatoba I beam. So the victim can read it here?
So many nice bows being made this year.
I got a package from ups this morning. I’ll get some pics up later.
I got a package from USPS ------
It was glass from Kenny :laughing:
Stic, did’nt happen without pics. :laughing:
Oh no a Norwegian Roy :biglaugh:
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I milled down my handle for the fiberglass sleeve layup. The router table made short work of that. (Disclaimer: I do not recommend this for anyone who is inexperienced with power tools and especially those that spin sharp bits/blades really fast.) Hand tools would be a much safer and surer way to get there. Wear your PPE!
I still have some shaping and one scary cut to make before the fiberglass work. I might get to that on Saturday but pondering some crappie fishing instead. Gonna be cold though. Decisions...decisions...
Credit to Big Jim for the jig design and techniques for doing from his video tutorial.
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I learned from Big Jim videos. I use my tablesaw to remove the excess. You should round those corners.
Put a few arrows thru my swap bow tonight. Shoots really nice. I’m gonna have to go down in poundage. I haven’t shot since last fall. My shoulders angry. I’ll try to get a semi full draw pic tomorrow
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That's a nice one. Liking the I beam.
Made it back home. Thank you all for the support, it really meant a lot.
Going to spend the day catching up and updating my tracking sheet. Will post a status update by tomorrow.
Lookin good Trav! Hopin the shoulder lets up a bit, that ain't fun!! :thumbsup:
Well I reckon not a victim on this last batch unless I getting the Bue bow :clapper:
I got a little tiller work done today. I have a few pounds to drop but it’s close to bough to get the overlays on. I’m using what I believe is Brazil wood as the lower layer and pink ivory on top. There’s still some hand shock that I’m working on tuning out but it’s much better than the first few shots.
You have it bending good Kyle :thumbsup:
Thank you sir
I got the overlays on and tips shaped out. I’ve been shooting it and trying to get the handshock settled down. It’s not horrible but more than I would like. I think it’s coming from both limbs having a swoop to the same side. So instead of the vibration cancelling theyre amplifying each other. The string lines up between nocks and handle but off toward the side of each limb. Theres not much set at around 3/4” and it’s pretty fast without hitting the bows full draw but it feels like the limb swoop is pulling the arrow into the handle. I’ve got some tweaking to do. I was hoping that lightening the tips by going ahead and shaping them would help, and it did, but not enough yet.
I have a package at home... I will have pics shortly.
UPS tracking shows another one has been delivered. Hope the victim is home.
Did not get it yet Jess :biglaugh:
UPS tracking shows another one has been delivered. Hope the victim is home.
had to work late last night making sure that the eclipse traffic flowed smoothly, but found a pleasant surprise when i got home. assembled the limbs and strung it this morning before i left work just because i couldn't help myself. i will get some pictures when i get home today. it's a beauty and i cant wait to run some arrows through it. thanks for sending such a sweet bow Jess.
I got the diamond leather stamps in yesterday, and played around with them. I think it’ll make a great texture for a handle wrap. There’s 3 sizes to play with so I may get creative.
[quote author=Mo_coon-catcher link=topic=182999.msg3051819#msg30
I got the diamond leather stamps in yesterday, and played around with them. I think it’ll make a great texture for a handle wrap. There’s 3 sizes to play with so I may get creative.
I like it kyle :thumbsup:
How thick leather are you using and I guess your grip is smaller so it dosent get to big. :)
:thumbsup:Thats nice Kyle !
So far in liking the 5oz range. Beefy enough to be pretty solid but with a little edge skivving it keeps the edges from feeling blocky.
.078, thats a good thickness :thumbsup:
That’s a cool looking stamp. :clapper: :clapper:
I mailed my victims bow today. Hopefully it makes it in one piece.
I still need to skive the top and bottom but here’s the stamping done for the handle wrap of the Quasimodo bow.
I'm happy with my trad bow now. Just have to put some finish on it and wrap new leather on the handle.
I had a bit of a setback with my first attempt. It was always a thin-ringed gamble and it failed. I should have backed it I know but, I didn't. I'll get an update later on my follow up. No worries, I have a lifetime supply of osage.
Latest news I have from tracking is that package left Norway on 11th. Where it is at the moment is anybodies guess.Hopefully some info over the weekend.
Some one has a package waiting for them.
Alright, here we go:
Delivered: 9/18
In the mail: 2/18
Mostly finished: 3/18
In work: 4/18
Days until deadline: 48
All in all, looking good! A big thank you to everyone for powering through this swap. Please keep those tracking numbers coming to me as you ship, and don't forget the full draw pictures so I can close you out!
Oh chit! Was I suppose to send you a tracking number? I sent the tracking number to the person I was shipping it too, and let them know it was coming. :dunno: :dunno: Seemed to work out ok….
:laughing: All good brother.
I finally got the handle wrap laced on. I’m happy with how it turned out. I’m curious how it’ll patina over time being out of Herman oak veg tan and finished with a beeswax and olive oil finish. It just needs a string now. Then I’ll hopefully be working on option 2 tomorrow. Looking after one sick child, one toddler, and one child oblivious to the world around him made it a bit difficult to accomplish much until everyone went to bed.
That's nice!
That's some awesome leather work Kyle!
I second Kenny. Great looking leather!
Very nice work.
Tracking says parcel have arrived New York.
Sprayed what should be the final coat on my victims bow and should be sending it out soon. And learned that I need to work on my form after seeing my full draw pic, but here it is. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Grabbed some arrows that I had kicking around, probably not tuned to the bow but still shot some pretty good groups, can’t wait to see how it shoots when tuned. Thanks again for such a great bow Jess.
You are very welcome. Your form looks just fine to me.
Ima waiting. :bigsmyl:
So I took my trade bow out this last weekend to let someone with the proper draw shoot it. My 26 inch draw doesn't work. I saw something I want to fix and now I might be past the highest weight of my victim. I have another attempt ready to tiller, but it may take sone time. This is round two that I've missed weight on. I'm just checking in to let everyone know what's going on. What are your thoughts on two pounds ligher than requested? Asking for a friend. 😀
I wouldn't mind 2 pounds I like to shoot all sorts of bows. Not everything has to kill a bear.
I was informed I had a package with my name on it at the post office. I am hoping it is my swap bow. Hopefully pics and updates later today. Fingers are crossed.
My "trial balloon bow is far enough along to give me the data needed for the swap bow. I'll be ordering from Kenny in the next few days.
No need to hope any longer my wishes were granted. I received a beautiful 64" takedown longbow from 4 point. She is simply beautiful and the craftsmanship is spot on. The weight at 51# is perfect.
Didn't shoot it yet as the wind is gusting to about 50 mph. Thanks a million Travis it is wonderful
Couple more pics.
Glad it made it there without damage. I hope you like it. You might want to try a different string. That is one I had sitting around and I think it’s less strands than I normally use. It seems to have more of a ring to it on the shot than normal.
Will do Travis. What material is the string? Thanks again it is wonderful.
It’s D97.
Ima waiting. :bigsmyl:
X 2 :thumbsup: I think we’re almost the last 2 left, gotta happen someday soon.
So I took my trade bow out this last weekend to let someone with the proper draw shoot it. My 26 inch draw doesn't work. I saw something I want to fix and now I might be past the highest weight of my victim. I have another attempt ready to tiller, but it may take sone time. This is round two that I've missed weight on. I'm just checking in to let everyone know what's going on. What are your thoughts on two pounds ligher than requested? Asking for a friend. 😀
I’m fine with 2 extra pounds. I put on more than that over the winter myself, so we can work it off together.
Is it two pounds below the lowest requested weight you mean? If so, I would not mind. :)
2 lbs. Not a bid deal
I'm good with having a bow missing weight a little.
I'd rather it be on the lower side than the higher side. Heavy bows are great to hunt with but the lighter bows are funner to shoot, IMO. God knows, I'm not on the getting stronger every day side of the life cycle. :biglaugh:
Ima waitin
The wind died down to 30 mph this afternoon. Was able to shoot a few arrows. Shoots very nice quiet and seems fast draw and is very smooth. This is the nicest swap bow I have received so far. Thanks again Travis! I love it.
I have a Travis bow and they ARE SWEET !
Congrats Jess!
Thank you Jess, I’m glad you like it.
Thanks Kenny.
Bue I was thinking being your all the way over in Norway and ur bow is in America now and we living her now you should send me the tracking # and I will keep a check on it :laughing:
I decided to get some pictures of Quasimodo and shoot it a bit. And dang putting the handle wrap on smoothed it out quite a bit. Enough that I could shoot it all evening. I may not even worry about finishing the other bow for an option. This one shoots well with lots of character. ~120* of prop twist, about 5” difference in reflex, and a good bit of side wiggle. Oh and it pulls 50# at far enough.
Turned out nice Kyle ;)
I've got three coats of finish on my bow amd have the leather prepped for the handle.
Just pulled up to the house and saw a long box from Norway sitting on the front porch!
Gonna open this baby up at lunch. Details to come!!!!!
Just pulled up to the house and saw a long box from Norway sitting on the front porch!
Gonna open this baby up at lunch. Details to come!!!!!
Stic is crying now :scared: and :banghead:
Handle is on.
Sorry for multiple posts, but it's the easiest way to share pictures with my phone.
Awesome work Dave!! Especially like that tip overlay!!
Always nice work Dave :jumper: :thumbsup:
Wow very nice all the bows I’ve seen :thumbsup:.
:banghead: daggoneit Jon :dunno:
Bue, great bow that looks even better in person.
Smooth draw and shot a great 10yd group right out of the box with the arrows you sent.
The Norwegian Pine arrows and the Norwegian Runes you put on the limb translation to ‘Made to Jon’ put this over the top for me.
It’s truly an honor to have had you make this bow for me. Thank you.
Jon, I am happy you like it and that it made it safely across the Atlantic. Hope it serves you well.
All the best.
On it’s way [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
I am jealous Jon :notworthy:
i should add that there are some great looking bows being made in this swap. i knew that you all were gonna set the bar high, but WOW!
Yes very high
That handlewrap and tip overlays are outstanding. You should do a build along on how to make that handlewrap. Would be most interesting.
Maybe that white tube coming to Indiana :bigsmyl:
I think you’re getting a lump of coal this year Stic.
I am starting to wonder about that :dunno:
Really nice bue :jumper:
The out door pictures really show your craftsmanship. :thumbsup:
Maybe that white tube coming to Indiana :bigsmyl:
Stic, my memory is so bad, I think we’re both gonna be surprised when we find out where it ends up :dunno:
I can try to put up a wrap build. It's pretty simple. Cut a thick piece of quality leather 1 in, or 2 cm, for our friends across the pond. Use a scive tool or a belt sander to sand it down on the outer thirds on a taper so it is razor thin on the outer edges amd full thickness in the middle. Then, this is important, after you apply contact cement to both surfaces and ket it dry, stretch and pull that thing as much as you can when you wrap it to get the bulbous feel to the wrap. I'll try another one with pictures after my new job slows down hopefully.
I’m betting a 1” belt strip would work well if someone doesn’t want to buy a big piece of hide to cut a strip from. And may even get a couple handles from one $10 belt blank.
I’m betting a 1” belt strip would work well if someone doesn’t want to buy a big piece of hide to cut a strip from. And may even get a couple handles from one $10 belt blank.
Are you suggesting a wrap?
I’m betting a 1” belt strip would work well if someone doesn’t want to buy a big piece of hide to cut a strip from. And may even get a couple handles from one $10 belt blank.
Yup. For the type that Dave just shared. I’m betting a belt blank would be perfect. They’re pretty inexpensive and already cut to width.
Are you suggesting a wrap?
I’m betting a 1” belt strip would work well if someone doesn’t want to buy a big piece of hide to cut a strip from. And may even get a couple handles from one $10 belt blank.
Yup. For the type that Dave just shared. I’m betting a belt blank would be perfect. They’re pretty inexpensive and already cut to width.
Are you suggesting a wrap?
They are a bit thick but I guess it would depend on the size of the grip. I think it's a good idea but I would go with something about 2 oz.
Kyle, that is what this wrap was from. Maybe not a belt blank, but I bought a 1 in strip that was 6 for long. Then I sanded it on the belt sander to get the edges thin and leave the middle thick. When you pull it tight as you wrap, the thickness get even more pronounced
someone should be receiving a package today.
Looks like I have a tube waiting for me at home. And the little busy body is doing his best to unpackage it for me.
He’s halfway there it looks like.
Is there an update on how many bows have shipped?
Yep maybe getting a lump of coal :banghead:
I'm bettin you get one Mike. If I have to ,I'll cut a willer stick and find some baler twine for you... :)
Don't worry Mike, we haven't forgotten you!
12/18 delivered
6/18 in-work
Although Kenny's "Twined Lightning" could be a solid offer! :laughing:
Smguinnip the bow is awesome! Beautiful and super smooth! Thank you sir!
I’ll try to get pictures tomorrow after work. I had about 30 min to play before heading to Judo tonight.
Now I’ve gotta get my contribution packaged up and shipped out. I just need to pick up a tube.
I think they have crooked tubes at Walmart ;) ;)
If their tubes are like their lumber I may have to go to Home Depot
WHAT A BURN! :campfire: that's us watching Kyle roast homedepot
Kyle, you’re very welcome. Looks like the little guy may have staked his claim already, maybe he will let you shoot it some. Enjoy
Hey Stic, I might have some coal left over, I can send ya some if that helps.
I;ll let you know Rather have a lump.tho
I'm in the same boat as Kyle. I'm ready to ship, just need to get a tube. Turkey season and starting a new job has me behind. It will ship out this coming week.
I'm in the same boat as Kyle. I'm ready to ship, just need to get a tube. Turkey season and starting a new job has me behind. It will ship out this coming week.
I'm not real fond of using PVC tubes myself. If you do, you should definitely tape some carboard corners on the tube so it cannot roll around. Those things rolling around on the conveyor belts at the distribution centers is where they are destroyed.
I prefer the triangle boxes USPS provides for free. I tape two of them together end to end and stiffen them up with some paneling or light weight wood. this one i'm shipping right now i used a couple pieces of old cedar lap siding i had to reinforce the cardboard. You could use these same triangle boxes over a tube if you are nervous about it.
In the oven. The green Myrtle has turned out to be much harder wood than I expected. Other Myrtle has more like maple. Interesting wood to work with. 🤔
Yep. I thought you would notice that. Almost like being Stabilized.!!!
Someone should be getting a tube tomorrow
Once that arrives, it will put us up to 13/18 delivered!
As we are within the last 30 days, I will begin to reach out to those who are still working. Regular updates from those folks would be greatly appreciated. Let's finish out strong!
Additionally, please let me know as soon as possible if there is difficulty on your end. We can still course-correct at this point as long as there is enough time to do it.
I’m bringing up the rear it looks like :banghead: but I am now glued up!
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Looking ok here.
I just need to find the time to get the bow in the tube and it’ll be off. Hopefully tonight I can get it ready. If not I’m off work tomorrow and can get it done.
I'm still waiting for arrival of the bow I made.
Thank you for the update gents.
Started shaping, looking good so far!
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Tube is dropped off and should be home Saturday
I went ahead and put on a mocking point before shipping since it’s a fun one to find being nowhere near square with the string.
I’m bringing up the rear it looks like :banghead: but I am now glued up!
Nope, I have the rear covered! Sorry for a lack of progress and updates. For someone who used to have to harass the deadbeats it’s kind of embarrassing to now be one! :dunno:
It’s been an interesting couple of months. Unfortunately I have barely touched the bow. And the next two weeks will be about the same. But after that I can jump on it and get it done. I may edge into the grace period but I refuse to admit that I over committed myself and give up that bow from Kenny! Apologies to my patient victim in the meantime. Hope it ends up worth it to you in the end though.
Some beautiful bows being made out there.
I have my second round ready for making the fiberglass sleeve. Should be able to do that tomorrow. Hopefully that goes well. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Doing final riser shaping and cleaning up string nocks. Should be applying finis on Sunday.
Gentlemen you've all missed out on such a great bow, more pictures and some points of interest to follow. I've just opened it ten minutes ago and have shot several arrows. Dvshunter has outdone himself
Nice! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clapper: :clapper:
A bit of a dilemma here. On this style bow I pretty much always do a leather grip wrap. However, this green Myrtle ( thanks again, Gary) looks so nice and with the short riser it seems like it would be hiding it to use a wrap. I'm curious what you all think.
This is wet out to whisker the grain. Still more to do.
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Are you going to leave the shelf flat like that? or put a bit of radius on it?
If ya dont want to put leather grip on... leave in naked.... Naked is good.. :biglaugh:
That's 14/18 delivered! There is one more in the mail and the other three are moving along at this point.
Are you going to leave the shelf flat like that? or put a bit of radius on it?
If ya dont want to put leather grip on... leave in naked.... Naked is good.. :biglaugh:
:biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Not really flat although it's close. I go with having the highest point on the shelf directly above the deepest point in the grip. So, with this style the highest point is above the rear most point of the riser. Same with the radius although this one's shallow point is a bit in front but I'll compensate it with the strike plate.
Message to my bow’s builder - I’m out of country for the next two weeks, so if you haven’t sent the bow yet then hang on to it till the end of the month. I’d hate to find out it arrived at the Post Office and was returned due to no response. I have someone checking my mail , but just in case. Maybe you can start training it in the meantime (tight groups, no strays, etc.) ? :goldtooth: Thanks in advance!!
Look what showed up at my place….. now THAT is the way to package a long bow. :thumbsup:
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That’s the first time I’ve gone that method so I’m glad it made it in one piece. And looks like it worked well so it may be my go to shipping method. Especially since the triangles are free.
Here is the finished product.... 30" draw hit 50# right on the nose.
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Here are more photos....
I'm at a total loss for words regarding this bow Kyle. The brace height is only 5" with the string you sent, and it cannot be shot without an arm guard. After 3 arrows , and 3 welts on my arm, i had to give it up... I don't think shortening the string to get a higher brace would be a good idea either given the shape of the limbs...
Not being a self bowyer myself, i just don't understand how a stave with a propeller twist like this can even be tillered, and i've never seen a single tip notch on the side of a limb tip before....
You guys that do this all the time are amazing... I don't think i could pull this one off myself.
BTW..... Very cool leather tooling on the grip.... Kirk
Leave it naked, don’t hide that nice wood with a piece of leather.
Leave it naked, don’t hide that nice wood with a piece of leather.
Got it, that's what I'm going to do. :thumbsup:
You could do some stippling on it for better traction.
Longcruise. My vote is to leave natural and unwrapped. But thats me, Natural and unwrapped !! Lol !!😂
I'm with these guys. Why use that nice wood if you're going to cover it up? Leather-wrap white oak :laughing:
It doesn’t really matter to me…. The best way I’ve found to shoot a grip shaped like that one is by putting it in someone else’s hand. :biglaugh:
Well @#$&^% !
Shaping the tips today and one layer popped of. :tongue:
Did the same as usual using the usual technique and SG. Can't take a chance on this so I knocked them off. Replace tomorrow with EA40.
So, re-did the tip overlays with phenolic and EA 40. All seems solid and ready for finish. Hope to ship Saturday but it could be Monday.
Kinda quiet in here.
Any updates-------
With so many being finished, I guess the updates will come slow now.
I got my bow finished tillering tonight. First shots feel pretty good. Should have it finished in the next week. I'll post some pics then.
Slow week for me. Limbs are about 90% to shape. Grip is about the same. I am hoping to get limb tips on early this week, and get it to just before finish sanding this week. Then ship end of next week.
Who would have guess progress is harder with a 1 year old than a newborn!
Keep it up guys! Let's get this thing done!
I ran into some finish issues and had to backtrack but it's coming together.
The finish issues are dealt with and ready to ship other than the shelf and strike plate.
66" NTN, 13.5" green Myrtle riser from Gary Schuler, olive green back, caramel belly, bamboo cores and wedges, micarta tip overlays.
Should ship this afternoon or tomorrow morning.
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Looks great!
Looks great, nice job. !!
Nice job, Mike. :thumbsup:
Ok folks, things are looking up. Working from now backwards: My neighbor will likely come out of the icu tomorrow; my old man’s annual visit from OR came and went with only 8 stitches at the ER; the site for the new garage has been cleared and ready for foundation work to start 6/1; my daughter’s graduation in WY went well; neighbors I’ve been feuding with just moved out; work has died down a bit; and the biggest thing is that we survived a rough tax season (wife is cpa with her own practice.)
Last night I started laying out the materials for spliced limb veneers. I have some zebra wood and bocote I think are going to look nice together. Again, thanks in advance to my victim for your patience. Hopefully it’s worth the wait although there is no way I’ll top many of the bows this year that went out.
Ok folks, things are looking up. Working from now backwards: My neighbor will likely come out of the icu tomorrow; my old man’s annual visit from OR came and went with only 8 stitches at the ER; the site for the new garage has been cleared and ready for foundation work to start 6/1; my daughter’s graduation in WY went well; neighbors I’ve been feuding with just moved out; work has died down a bit; and the biggest thing is that we survived a rough tax season (wife is cpa with her own practice.)
Last night I started laying out the materials for spliced limb veneers. I have some zebra wood and bocote I think are going to look nice together. Again, thanks in advance to my victim for your patience. Hopefully it’s worth the wait although there is no way I’ll top many of the bows this year that went out.
Wow! I was thinking I had a rough month. Glad you got through it all. The materials look like a good combo. It'll be worth waiting for.
My swap bow is on it's way to . . . . . . .
One in the mail, three more to go!
I found a little time today, progress should pick up in the next week though. A picture just to prove that my camera isn't lost in the sock drawer... :laughing:
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Roughed out the limb veneers. Riser block at the top. Should have them glued up tomorrow and veneers cut and ground on Sunday. Thanks for bearing with me.
Looks nice, Dave.
Question for my victim since we’re down to only a few who it could be…
My best bows are generally a Hill style and a version of Kenny’s FHLB I’ve tweaked just a touch. Given how late I am, I don’t want to mess with anything else right now. My original plan was the FHLB, but I’m at the point where the materials will work for either. If you have a preference for a hill style post it up otherwise I may flip a coin or stick with the Kenny M FHLB based bow.
Being maybe it's me and I build the FHLB myself Hill would be nice. :goldtooth:
Kenny’s FHLB.
I feel like being dead last I need to post a lot of progress pics to keep my victim from losing hope. I got the limb veneer billets spliced and in the oven. Balancing my wife’s plans for the holiday weekend is going to be a bit tricky, but I still hope to have it glued up by the end of the day on Monday.
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If it is for me, take your time no haste. :)
I would wait for that. BTW think I asked for 40 and up to 45 be okay.
You guys are too easy. :thumbsup:
I got my lams all ground and spliced yesterday, should glue up tonight after work.
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Looking good.
I guess they are ok:)
Thanks Roy…
Thanks Roy…
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :laughing: :laughing: :campfire:
David, they look awesome...
“David, they look awesome ….”
Who are you and what have you done with Roy??? :laughing:
Tonight was a party in the shop. My buddy came over to drink a little whiskey and help while reminiscing about the bow we built for him last year. But then my wife and eventually one of my daughters showed up and they all talked and drank while I worked.
Turns out my form sustained damage in storage and so I needed to build a new (and improved) one. So that’s all done and everything was dry fit and clamped. Seemed safer to wait until tomorrow for the main event. No pictures since at this point it might give away what kind of bow I’m building. At least until my recipient is the last one and there is no surprise left…
Seemed safer to wait until tomorrow for the main event.
Oh Ya:)
Alcohol has messed up more than one bow build:)
Just sayen ya know?
Good advice would power tools and alky hall don't mix :laughing:
Glued up late yesterday afternoon after work with no drama. Woke up early so I figured I had time to pull it out of the form and peel back a little tape. I guess it’s ok.
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Ya, it's just ok...
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Hush Roy this could be mine. :bigsmyl:
Dave made me a sweet bow a few years ago..
Somebody is getting a package today!
The good news is that I got my bow from Longcruise today. It is a really pretty and good shooting bow. I have never had this style of bow and appreciate the efficient form and beautiful lines. I look forward to getting to know it better. Thanks so much Michael!
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The also good news is my victim's bow is a nice shooter and is holding form. The bad news is that I am leaving town for a couple weeks for a visit to my kids in the Pacific NW and a flyfishing backpack trip. A few false starts and mistakes along the way are going to force me to take advantage of the grace period. I will finish her up and ship when I return. It won't take long but longer than I have right now. I appreciate the patience of the group and my victim. Here she is at full draw. I put 20 arrows through her and think I like it. Forgive the crappy photos. The skeeters were eating me alive.
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Hope it serves you well, John. And good luck fishing. 👍
The bow has been rough tillered and it looks like it will come in nicely in the center of the weight range given. I have a question for the couple of folks who are still in the running to get this bow: Split or 3U?
3U. Now that I told you, you have to send it to me :bigsmyl:
You two are opposite on everything so far.
Yeah but I am the normal one :laughing:
I agree, Stic is the normal one :laughing: Is it just Stic and me left who have not received?
Bue, Stic, and Noah are the final three recipients.
Any chance anyone on the swap is headed to Compton next week?
I’m 3U. Hoping this bow is like a fine whiskey - the longer it takes the better it shoots?
I’m 3U. Hoping this bow is like a fine whiskey - the longer it takes the better it shoots?
Man, it is awesome to see this still around—even if I have not! It's good to see some failure names and new ones to boot.
Long time no see Kelly.
Failure names??? Whhaaa? :laughing: :wavey:
Familiar I bet-------
Kenny my fingers did not come with spell check. Yeah Buemaker one thinks they retire from the army they would have more time. Somehow that did not happen.
Kelly my fat fingers on fone need spell check sometimes but it aint always the word I'm after so I gotta read everything again before I hit send!
Good to see ya bud!
Kelly!!!! Great to see you come around.
Working on finish sanding and finishing now. Its not looking too bad!!
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Looks good from here.lime green like it.
That's a nice combo.
Looks great! I love the colors.
I did a little finish sanding myself. Headed out of town Thursday for Compton and then to help my middle daughter move to a new apartment. I was hoping to ship before then but I doubt I’ll make that happen. I’d send pics but I feel like that will ruin the surprise at this point since I asked too many questions. Likely ship at the end of next week.
7 days left gentlemen. Let's get this finished up!
Will be back home Tuesday night, plan to spray the bow Wednesday. Will be shipped before end of grace period.
Howdy all. Back from vacation and got the bow sanded and finished. Handle wrap and a string and she'll be on her way.
Just a string and finishing touches left.
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Looking good dudes! Let's get 'er done!
Bow is all wrapped and ready to ship in the morning.
Bow is shipped. God Speed.
Tracking # ===== :laughing:
John told me the tracking # was BR549
You youngins won't get that... :laughing:
Okay there Junior :biglaugh:
Figured you'd know that riddle!! :laughing:
Yeah Mike is ancient like me.
Long live Junior Samples. BR-549 Forever!!!
Thanks John!
For our last two, the deadline looms...
Well, our official build period is now finished. This is the first time we've had people run past the grace period since I've been doing this, so please bear with me while I decide the best course of action. For the sake of transparency, I am looking at a couple different options. The first is to implement the forwarding rule listed in the signup thread. The only thing that gives me pause is how close these two are to finishing. Another option is to let the victims choose their fate, but I hate to ruin what little surprise there is left.
Either way, I have some phone calls to make today. I'll keep you all posted.
Whoops! I thought the end of the month was the grace period. I suppose I’m failing on all counts now. Bow needs a little more final sanding and then just finish. I have been home two days in the last two weeks, but getting home late tonight and home all week. I should have no problem getting it shipped by the end of the week. However, if my victim wants I can send the bow Kenny made me tomorrow per the rules of engagement.
And Chris, it’s a testament to the job you’ve done that this is the first swap you’ve had to deal with this.
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Thanks Dave. I feel like I'm constantly screwing it up.
Spoke to Nick, he is shipping as well. We will be closed out once these arrive.
Evil, you have done a great job and you have certainly NOT screwed up. :clapper:
Yes a fantastic job!!
I think you’ve done a great job with it Chris. Thank you for doing it!
I think you do awesome, and it's a job I wouldn't want at all... :clapper:
Chris you did excellent.. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Chris, great work!
Like he said, I have shipped. Thanks for your patience everyone!
Final sanding done. Seems to shoot pretty well too. I really like this bow. Hope it’s worth the wait for my victim.
Sealer coats tomorrow.
Last sealer coat sprayed. Sand, ink, and final coat tomorrow night. String is done. Handle wrap and pack over the weekend. (Want to give the finish time to fully cure.) planning to ship Monday. (Puts me a day past what I thought was the grace period. So three strikes… :laughing:)
Ima waitin
The bow really needed one extra coat, but I think it looks pretty darn good. The debate was whether or not to put a grip on it and cover the racing stripe up or not. I like this style with a grip personally, but my daughter and a friend who bothe have one without say I shouldn’t put one on. Unless my victim chimes in within the next couple hours to the contrary, I will put the grip on this evening. I have a piece of alligator that I shot with my own bow like this that seems fitting. I know I said I’d ship today, but I’m a day behind with the extra coat of finish. Should be packed tonight and dropped off in the am.
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That looks sharp!
That S splice on those limb veneers is elegant… I like the extra length of it. :thumbsup:
I’ve never shot with a grip added on, so I’m going to be very happy with it just the way it is. Thanks for the added care and attention to the finishing, it should be well cured by the time it gets here. Beautiful work !!
Looks good to mo me
Ok, she's done and ready to ship in the morning. I may be the last to ship, but since there are still some bows in transit I don't want to ruin what little surprise is left. Thanks to my victim and the rest of the Bench for your patience. Evil -- I'll forward the tracking as soon as I have it.
Someone is gonna get a good one there, Dave builds a nice bow!
Take down Osage bow arrived today. Thank you very much John, I am looking forward to shoot this bow. At the moment that damn arthrities is killing my right hand so a full draw picture will have to wait until I am better. I am posting a few pictures though.
That's a great looking bow Bue, I hope you get better quickly and can enjoy shooting it!
My victim's bow was dropped off this morning. It's in the shipper's hands now. This swap should be wrapped up soon now...
Me I think :dunno so you sould send the tracking #
Well Stic, I think you have 50/50 odds now if I'm counting correctly. (I often don't though... :dunno:)
Me I think :dunno so you sould send the tracking #
1,2 skip a few 99,100 :laughing:
Some nice-looking bows, for sure.
EvilDogBeast: Wow, only one year has run past. You are doing something right.
I don't know that when I ran it, I did not have to have a backup bowyer make a bow. It is also a credit to the folks who hang out :clapper:here.
Kenny ur funny :laughing:
Tryin to help since Roy is busy... :biglaugh:...
Looks like it will get there faster than I expected...
Ima waitin
I know, you keep sayin that… :laughing:
Got email yesterday UPS delivery from David Grant :bigsmyl:
Well, there goes that surprise!
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Just by what I have seen here I think I will be very happy!
Well, there goes that surprise!
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Looks like she's still in one piece.
Kinda warm out for a snowman... :dunno: :laughing:
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This is all you get right now :bigsmyl:
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My daughter pointed that out as I was wrapping it up. Oops, but adds character right?
I have to say I am surprised not only a quality build but the manners of this one are lots better than expected.
Just waiting on that last delivery and we can close this puppy out!
Shipping is taking some time due to where its going. We are still watching it, and hoping it will escape purgatory soon...
I’ve received the notice from the post office the package has arrived, and I’ll head out to town to pick it up either later today or early next week. But I am questioning why there’s a notice that there is a considerable amount due for shipping? More than I paid to ship out my bow all the way to Kenny. Will keep you posted.
Noah, just let me know what the bill is and we will take care of it. Also any information on why it's getting hit with import fees (or whatever they label it as, VAT, etc.) will be helpful in avoiding this in the future. My apologies for the troubles!
Very strange. I have it on good authority from the guy who sent it that shipping was paid and there was no mention of a sale or anything like that.
Well, the last of the bows has arrived! My apologies, my daughter and grandson also arrived at the same time so I have only opened the container and had a quick once over. It looks great at this point, love the limb shape and the braced lines are sweet. I will send through a few pics in the next day or two. Great job Nick!
Awesome! Glad it made it to you. I am out of town fishing with my Dad at the moment, and will close this puppy out officially when I get home Thursday. Thanks for sticking with us everyone!
That's great, and good job on running this show Chris!!
Also good luck with the fishin! :thumbsup:
Well, bad news guys. I was at the end to ship, and the bow I made failed. It dropped from 40 to 33 and the riser is split. If anyone has any advice for the future I will certainly take it.
Just to make sure my victim is taken care of as quickly as I can and making sure there are no issues, I have ordered a pre glued up bow. I will then finish it and make sure it will be what he deserves.
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From here , that looks like the glue joint failed?
Im with Kenny.
Its possible that too much epoxy came out of the joint if too much pressure was applied. From what I understand about epoxy, the strength of an epoxy joint is the epoxy itself. If there is too little left in between the parts, it can be a weak joint.
Kenny is correct, the failure was between the back and belly laminations and the riser, from the tip of the upper fade to the center of the riser, right through both sides. All the glue lines throughout the bow looked excellent on first inspection, so I’m not sure what may have caused this, starved glue joint, or the riser was too smooth or contaminated.
I’d gladly wait for the next bow, no time rush, and no need to take on extra costs beyond reason. Nicks efforts are much appreciated.
I usually go with 60 psi in the hose. Too much?
I use 60 these days and started at 70 years back. I kinda think we use too much anyway, since using zip tys to hold lams down instead of tape and when I put 10 psi in and cut tys out, there is very little more glue squeeze out when aired up to 60.
But it's working and I'm not changing anything. I wonder if you had a tight spot there fitting to form? Thinkin out loud...
I did make a few riser adjustments, so that must be it. I was thinking potential contamination on the wood, though I don’t know where that could have been from. The glue wasn’t old either.
I was planning on redoing my form so it seems like I got my sign…
Some wood absorbs more adhesive than others, especially end grain. The riser block may have soaked too much of it into the pores. I usually run a little more adhesive than I should, just in case. I'd rather grind squeeze-out than deal with a disbond.
Yep if that is spectraply you got to be generous with the glue. I have used 70 psi. From day one. 20 years building bows only 4 failures I know of that got out the door. I have done some dumb things and had failures that never got out the door tho
The required pic
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Yep if that is spectraply you got to be generous with the glue. I have used 70 psi. From day one. 20 years building bows only 4 failures I know of that got out the door. I have done some dumb things and had failures that never got out the door tho
I always use too much glue, you can't put it in there later... :biglaugh:
Alright guys, the replacement is well underway. Overlays are on and it’s about 90% to shape.
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1 sting and 1 session of testing and this bad boy is off to the great north.
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Just curious what stage this was at? Shipped?
Yes sir! I made some last minute adjustment and it went out on Monday.
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Been watching the tracking on this. Looks like it has cleared customs twice and since moved on to a few other Canadian facilities. Hopefully it will arrive soon and we can close this out. Fingers crossed!
I’ve been watching for the notice to pick up the parcel, it seems to take about 2 weeks to clear all the hurdles. Early next week it should be here, I will post asap. Looking forward to this!!
Well I guess we can wrap up this thread for the year, I picked up the bow from the post office yesterday evening, had a quick look at it, everything was in good shape after its long journey.
Got back to it this afternoon, to put a rug rest on it and sling a few arrows through it and get a feel for its potential. It’s a 64” longbow, shallow deflex/reflex, very clean, simple and smooth lines. The included B50 string had it braced at 8 3/8”, so I picked through my string drawer and found a slightly longer Dyneema 14 strand that brought it down to 7 1/2” brace. My scale put it at 49.5# at 28”, so its just at the top of my comfort range at 29” draw. The draw is smooth and fairly even, as I would expect with this length. There is a small amount of hand shock on release, but nothing uncomfortable. After I tried a variety of shafts, the ones that matched it the best were some heavier carbons that weighed in at 540 grains. It’s not a speed demon, but quite respectable nonetheless. I’m looking forward to fine tuning it a little, it will make a nice addition to the growing collection.
Many thanks to Nick for your perseverance and dedication. Much appreciated!
The attractive and able-bodied assistant/photographer was away with the grandson, so the full draw shot had to happen within the 10 seconds available on the IPhone .
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I’m glad to hear this one worked out better! Thank you for your patience!
Sorry for the delay everyone. It's been a busy weekend.
And with that, we are officially wrapping the 2024 Bow Swap! Thank you to everyone who participated. You all put in an amazing effort and hung in there while we got everyone taken care of. It is because of you that we can keep this going every year.
Please let me know if you have any feedback (positive or negative). You can leave it here or PM me if you like. Once again, thank you all!