Trad Gang
Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: bama on December 15, 2024, 01:10:42 PM
I use these on my Tradtracker but they work on any string tracking system. I will add as I think of them. Please add any of your own.
1. If you shoot a deer from a tree, cut the line and install it on a spare arrow. Toss it on the ground. Makes it easier to find when you climb down.
2. After taking a practice shot, cut the line and install it on another arrow. Shoot the other arrow. This gives you twice the shots with the same line plus cuts the distance if line to recover in half.
:campfire: :thumbsup:
After shooting a deer, I climb down from tree and remove the TradTracker and attach to the ladder or tree step. I may assume the deer is dead, but after I start tracking the deer might still be alive and jump up and take off again. If string is still free flowing, it may further help recovery. Once you find the deer, take the time to wind up the spent string and remove from the woods before other deer and animals start moving about. Mike
TradTracker aided in recovery of this doe in thick brush.
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4. A plastic cigar tube makes a perfect holder for extra bobbins. Hold five or six. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
This is a tip for string trackers in general. If you shoot a deer or a hog from the ground and the line stops going out and you assume the animal is dead or laying down, strap the tracker to a limb with an unobstructed path for line to peel out Mark the spot. This way, if the animal gets up and you don’t run out of string, you can still find it, rather than cutting the line and having it vanish.
5. The most important item for Tradtrackers is to make absolutely sure that thread is coming directly from the center of the bobbin with no loops and pulls without resistance. I try to make sure they are all this way but it bears checking. If you ever find a bad bobbin let me know and I will replace it.
I used a 1 1/2 inch piece of PVC to make a “holster “ for mine. The PVC is strapped to the bow with a thumb screw in the side to hold the TradTravker in place. It’s easy to remove the TradTracker and stick it in backwards so the string doesn’t get caught while walking. PVC is wrapped inside and out with adhesive backed felt.
Great idea!
6. This year I replaced the velcro type end cap material with a camo/rubber adhesive material. It is far more reliable and lasts quite well. When hunting I simply stick it to the Tracker. If anyone who has the original texts me their address at 334-462-9346 I will mail them a piece of the material. I personally use the same type material in place of the cork on the other end. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
7. For those who use screw in points, unscrew the head a bit, wrap the thread 5 or six times in the gap, and screw head back snugly but not overly tight.
4. A plastic cigar tube makes a perfect holder for extra bobbins. Hold five or six.
Great idea now I go to the cigar shop and get one, What's the best cigar haven't smoked a cigar in 30 years.
Norm, I got the extras for the LTR's.... :thumbsup:
Great. Hope to get some reports from Texas. Like I always say, I just do not see a downside of using them and sometimes they make all of the difference
8. For those who use glue in broadheads, wrap the thread a few times around the shaft and secure with a small piece of duct tape. You can keep several pieces of extra tape stuck to the Tradtracker. This is actually a good backup thing to do even with screw on points
We are ready !
9. The Tradtracker is 3” long. That length allows the bungee attachment method. Those (like me) who prefer the dual loc fastener system can actually cut the length by either 3/4” or a full inch depending on whether they prefer the cork or adhesive options to plug the large end hole.
10. MOST IMPORTANT TIP-HAVE ONE ON YOUR BOW AND CONNECTED TO YOUR ARROW! You will never regret it. The unit is light, unobtrusive, and inexpensive.
It will not affect arrow flight. It can be a game changer in circumstances where there is little or no blood. It can make a recovery simple. It can confirm a hit or a miss. Even if the thread breaks it can get you on your way. In a pinch you can use the thread to floss your teeth or sew on a button. I use it while hunting like I use seatbelts on my car. I may not need either but they can be invaluable when I do!
You can pull off a piece about 8 or 10 inches tracking thread tie it to upper bow string great wind detector.
I used a 1 1/2 inch piece of PVC to make a “holster “ for mine. The PVC is strapped to the bow with a thumb screw in the side to hold the TradTravker in place. It’s easy to remove the TradTracker and stick it in backwards so the string doesn’t get caught while walking. PVC is wrapped inside and out with adhesive backed felt.
Can you post a picture please
It was the end of the line for a Mafia, javalina...
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Pictures of my “holster” could be made from leather and look more traditional, but it works.
Another view [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Thanks for the pictures. Looks great
11. Replace the thread every time you shoot at an animal. You can use the old spool for practice but you want an unused full length spool whenever you are hunting.
12. Get a blue uv flashlight. The orange thread glows under it. Makes following at night a breeze.
The Arkansas Mob Boss used the Tracker on both javies with success. :thumbsup:
Tracker Strings at work pics coming after lunch with mom. :campfire:
Lower left... zoom in.