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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: LookMomNoSights on December 18, 2024, 09:38:53 AM
Bivouac bows Hill Jack .......... do you / have you owned one and how did you like it?
How do these things happen? Like I got hit in the head out of nowhere I'm all of a sudden possessed with the idea of getting into an ASL (new thing for me) and I'm looking at Northern Mist, JD Berry, or any other good ones.... and the idea of making my own. Hill Jack, what do you/did you think?
Thanks in advance for any feed back :campfire:
Over the decades I’ve owned more than a few longbows, true ASLs, R/D and hybrids. When I decided to go back to ASLs earlier this year I bought a Hill Jack, followed by a Union Jack from Jim and Georgia. The Union Jack is my favorite. They are the best true ASLs that I’ve ever owned or shot. Deep cores trapped to the belly. Narrow limbs. Wedges in the limb tips, no overlays. Slight string follow. Smooth shooting, well made. Jim has been building bows his entire life, learning from his father in England.
There are one or two others I haven’t been able to try but I was fortunate to get a Northern Mist from Steve’s stock bows for sale on his website. It should be here on Friday.
Steve at Northern Mist builds a great bow. The Shelton is my favorite of his bows, plus he is a great guy to talk with. JD Berry as well. I liked his Morning Star, and a hoot to talk with. I have no experience with Bivouac bows.
I currently have a St. Patrick Lake Mushin Styk that I really like. I really took to this one from the first shot. Osage riser with some back set and yew limbs. Maybe bamboo in there also.
This one is 48# and 66” long. It’s a very good performer. The weight is about perfect for me. The SPL Mushin Styk meets all my current needs in an ASL.
I have been drawn to ASL type bows too… but have to acknowledge I have been a recurve guy for a long time. I like ‘em both!
Funny you should bring this up. Lately I have had that ASL urge agian. I have also been admiring the Union Jack. Why? Don’t know cause I have become a speed and performance freak since dropping down in draw weight. Maybe my desire to make another back quiver? Need a ASL to match it along with some own made woodies.
You know ASL's are just fun. Unless you're a big fan of Howard Hill like I am, I don't know if I would shoot one. I think there are better designed bows but I'll just keep shooting my Hill style bows. :goldtooth:
The Hill jack and union jack are hands down the best ASL's on the market in my opinion. I own two of them, Jim and Georgia are masters of their craft. You can't go wrong with bivouac 🏹, I suggest calling them and talking to them, Last I knew they had pretty good turn around time as well. Might be different now. I wouldn't shoot anything different ASL wise now.
thanks for the input everyone :thumbsup:
Two Union Jacks from Bivouac Bows that I have. Great bows!
I think their has been a gravitation toward ASLs for quite a few years now actually.I noticed it awhile ago.I think guys are experimenting more with the nostalgia,simplicity and romance of that style of bow and enjoying it.Its a weapon like any other style of bow and some guys are just really effective with one in their hands
I have the Sagittarius model. It’s not on his website. I think it’s a great Hill bow, he’s also making a reverse handle.
I have shot his ASL [Bivouac] they are top shelf. I have his Whiskey Greek in 62" in length yes its 62" For a R&D bow its very pleasant to shoot and cast a fast arrow. I will buy another one latter for hunting. His turn around time is 3 to 4 mts. Northern mist current wait is time is 12 to 18 mouths. Steve makes a great asl. You don't see Bivouac Union Jack and Hill jack come for sale very often. The only other advice is the grip is the key to shooting them.
I've owned a dozen or so ASLs from most of the top bowyers. My Hill Jack is one of my go to hunting bows. I called recently to inquire about having another one built.
If you decide to order a new one, check on delivery time. Steve Turay is at 2 years last I spoke with him. You may want to look for a used one to start if you can find one in your desired draw weight. Someone not mentioned above is Dave Wallace of Marietta, Ohio. He builds one of the most beautiful asl style bows I own. He is also an IBO world longbow champion which he won with a bow of his making. He does not advertise but makes bows by word of mouth. You can't go wrong with a Wallace Mountain longbow. Brief wait time as well as Dave is retired.
Another view.