Trad Gang
Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Terry Green on January 20, 2025, 11:03:36 AM
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Cold this morning, with plenty of deer action. However, no javalina or hogs have been sighted at this time. Hoping for some movement during the warmest part of the day this afternoon before nasty Tuesday sets in tomorrow. Rain and snow forecasted for tomorrow all day.
Scratch that javies.Just piled all over Donovan...
Donovan had them at five yards, but no shot. He is stalking behind them from the north, and Gary is now stalking them from the south.
:coffee: :campfire: Waiting patiently for the rest of the story… :goldtooth:
I just dropped donovan and gary off downwind of two groups....
Dan Raney got close, but no cigar....
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That spot looks very familiar! :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
A couple of chunky ones in that photo. It looks like they are pretty healthy.
Real time...
Now 2 groups in the road...
1st group comming.....
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Donavan has had the hot hand today. Lots of action and close encounters.
The Arkansas Mafia has one hanging :clapper:
More to come I bet! :clapper:
Looks like a good time, see you in 12 days! Can't wait.
Waiting for the thaw and ice melt......
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Looks like good whiskey sippin weather. :coffee:
Wishing you guys warmer weather and some hot action! Good luck!!
Dang…that looks cold! I hope Ken and I can drag some warm weather down with us on Saturday!
Donovan is stalking again....
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Looks like ya'll are off to a good start!
I think it's going to be the coldest tonight.
The Arkansas Mafia strikes again. :jumper:
Patrick and I both had stalks on hogs tonight. :campfire:
[ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] before the thaw yesterday afternoon.
Tradtracker at work via Mafia....
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:coffee: :campfire: :coffee:
Gary had a merry go round with a badger.
Gary is Asbell wise guy #1....
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Someone just lost a tag....
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
This is the one Patrick stalked....
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And this is the one I stalked....
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Gary had a run on two hogs....
Then they came out in a different area, and Donovan had to go at them.
Someone else just lost a tag....
Donovan is getting on everything. :goldtooth:
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Finally we get a sunset....
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The Mafia boss just tagged out on javalina. :goldtooth:
This looks like a hunt I need to be on!!!!
There was a lot of hog activity as many were caught on camera last night.
Now they're off for the day
Huckbuck. Asbell wise guy #2...
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I finally got turned loose 12 minutes ago....
Awesome stuff guys! Good luck to all of you!
In the picture above, I was downwind from this javalena, and made why pretty fast to get within thirty yards. And then when I had the chance I would burst forward 5 to 7 yards to close the gap to thirty yards.
I got to within twenty yards, and the javelina turned broadside twice, but I opted to try and get a little bit closer. Luckily, I was crouched pretty low when he decided to turn around and come back toward me. All I had to hide behind was a blade of grass. He got to within fifteen yards and the wind that was in my face just stopped. It seems there was a bit of lofting going on and he got a wiff.
So he got all hackled up twice, then ladies heckles down almost all the way as he eased off into the brush on the other side of the road. It was still a great rush and really cool that I finally got a stalk.The fourth day here. I really enjoy helping people get started and spotting for them. However, it's always great fun when they turn me.loose.
I shot, Gary's badger from yesterday that he grazed....
And I just got through blood trailing a javie for Gary, which we recovered.
Glad you guys got thru the bad weather and got some good action. Our truck is packed and on the launchpad. We plan to head that way bright and early in the morning ….cant wait to get after them again!
I love it when they turn me loose!
Going on the grill with the burgers tonight...
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Wow what a great day. I just put myself in position to witness something.I'll never forget. More later...
Now both ne LTR hunters have lost a tag!
Nice going Terry. He looks like his coat is black and white ebony. I didn't even know we had those things here. I just took a train to Laredo,and was thinking about you guys.
Alexander, we talked about you 2 days ago. Would love to have you join us again. Yeah, black and white ebony is a perfect description.
I will definitely get down there with you guys one of these years! I've been in a total funk these last four years,but that's all over now!
Did you get a new bow Terry? I thought you had a Centaur longbow?
Showcasing the Traditional Woodsman Sling Pack, the new 3 Rivers side quiver, and the Asbell collared jacket...
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As you can see, the sling pack is very compatible with the side quiver.
The new Asbell Canoe Coat will be showcased soon....
Week 2 preview from yesterday morning's pictures at the Extention. All of this sign is fresh from Wednesday after the snow.
This is the most.Hog sign I have ever seen on the ranch anywhere.....
Someone just lost a tag.....
New LTR hunter just tagged out!!!
Someone else lost a tag this last evening...
Congrats to the Week I gang. Sounded like there were plenty of Javi's. Congrats Gary on Javi #2. Well done ! Safe travels home guys.
Looks like things are heatin up! When the smoke settles let us know how that Super Curve stacks up. Sure is a looker!
We now have a hog hanging....
Well, just leaving the ranch now. It was an interesting hunt and a lot of great guys. Pretty good success I think 10 Havelina were shot during the week. I will just speak to my experiences and let the other speak to theirs.
The first two days were rough for me with the weather. I didn’t see a single Havelina during the first two days although there were plenty of deer to eat every bit of corn up.
I had two different shoulder surgeries last year from which I am not completely recovered and I decided to use my lightweight Paul Bunyan bow for this hunt for the most part. It is only 40 pounds and 29 inches because of how it is cut and the fact it is a sour fiberglass bow. I was using 600 spin arrows with 300 grain tips.
on Tuesday night conditions were great for a stalk on hogs, but I had no idea the size of the hog. By far the largest Hog that I have seen in South Texas. Not that there aren’t bigger ones around, but I have never seen them there. In any case, I rushed the shot, even though I had plenty of time, I short drew the bow, probably only 27 1/2 or 28 inches even though I draw it 29 inches left-handed. The combination of decreased strength in the solid, fiberglass bow, probably under 38 pounds, with the arrow not flying straight due to poor tune and shelf contact, even though the shot was properly placed, the Hog ran off with no blood trail, and I was unable to find him. Fortunately, he showed back up Wednesday night, but the battery for my light died, and I couldn’t see him to shoot. Last chance I got him. What a monster. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
So back to Havelina. I went all day Wednesday practically and didn’t see any Gina until mid to late afternoon when a small group came towards me and either winded me or saw my vehicle. They headed the other way and I was able to get to the north of them and was able to put a good shot on this sow.
She had a good grace to only make it 12 yards and not go in the thick cover for which I am thankful. It appears that the Paul Bunyan was adequate for this, lol. I was using an a super express Broadhead. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Thursday came and I did not see a Havelina all day until I was driving out and saw a small group on a road that I was driving on right at dusk. I kept that in mind for later. The conditions for stocking hogs at night were terrible with swirling winds on Thursday, so there was no luck there.
Friday came around and I spent most of the early part of the day prepping for hog hunting that night because I had high hopes. I eventually made it out to the spot that I saw Havelina on the road and I was clearing out prickly pear, and Mesquite for a place to sit, and while I was doing that Havelina came out to the road. I quickly moved my car out of sight and hurried back into the , makeshift blind and it wasn’t long before one came around and gave me a shot. The arrow zipped right through it and the Havelina didn’t even know it was hit. Stood there for around five seconds and then took off like crazy. I thought that it went down in 20 or 25 yards with all the noise I heard but turns out it was more like 45 minutes of painful tracking through thorns and cactus. can’t complain. It was good. It’s just something that happens. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
So tagged out on Havelina last day of the hunt, and had time to get it back to camp, skin, quarter and debone the meat and be ready for hogs. I had already decided that I was going to give The Paul Bunyan another chance because I really felt that it was a combination of a huge hog, short, drawing the bow and the arrow not flying straight. Anyway, write it dark or just a little after I had a picture of a Hog and decided to drive out there and make a stalk. Conditions were perfect with maybe a 12 mile an hour wind in a good direction and a quiet approach. When I got the picture they were for hogs, but when I got there, there was only one. It was halfway laying in the water, just looking for corn kernels that were in the water. It was the only way that I could keep deer from eating the corn before the hogs got there, but that isn’t the bigger problem. If the deer are stacked up there on the perimeter while the hogs are eating, it’s almost impossible to get a good approach without getting busted. it worked and there were no deer there, and I was able to close the gap to around 10 yards. Not the greatest position that the hog could’ve been in, but I shot the hog, it jumped up and ran a little ways and flopped along the bank. I got in front of the light and put more arrows in it because I have seen hogs get up and runoff and I wanted to be sure. Unfortunately, he broke the additional air hose off and flopped into the water, I knew he was dead but then I had to go back to camp and get something because he was about 7 feet into the pond and was pretty cold and muddy. I ended up putting trash bags over my legs and dragging them onto the beach I would say somewhere between 5175 pounds. Make him look smaller, but it is what it is. this time with me taking my time and coming to draw, one of the errors I shot got full penetration with the tip sticking out maybe 10 yards on the other side of the Hog. I really wish I would’ve gotten another chance with that monster hog to see what it would’ve done.
Does anybody old enough to remember the Romper Stomper days? :biglaugh:
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Way to go Pat! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Congratulations on your Javelins and hog. :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Awesome Pictures! Awesome trip!!!
Well that was a lot of excitement :archer2: :archer2: Congrats and thanks for sharing :clapper:
Week two has started today.And we will be reporting in soon, if anything happens. And I have a confession to make a little later on....
Okay, I did something that I haven't done and I long long time....
I wanted to shoot the biggest black hog in this picture. However, after quite a few minutes of no shot due to quartering to me or being guarded by another hog. I decided I would shoot the spotted one if given the chance as you never know when the wind will change. The longer you stand there, the more chances of something going wrong.
Finally, after several minutes a spotty, one begged me to shoot her....
I pulled a rookie mistake. The hog may have had spots, but I failed to pick one myself. As always, the windage was perfect, but I shot an inch over its back. I kinda chuckled to myself, because this is a reminder that it can happen at any time to anybody. I caught some good rising from Patrick, which was all in good form.
I am seeking revenge.
By the way.... :smileystooges:
Dan Raney, Asbell wise guy #3....
Congrats to the Week I gang. Sounded like there were plenty of Javi's. Congrats Gary on Javi #2. Well done ! Safe travels home guys.
Thanks Mike! We missed you this year. Had colder but better weather with less rain and mud than last year! It was a blast again!
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Thursday was one of those beautiful days in south Texas. Temps in the 60's most of the day and sunny. I was sitting at the hub of a wagon wheel watching four spokes that we had corned. For those that haven't been there the wagon wheel is a set of senderos (lanes cleared of brush) going out in different directions from the hub where there is usually a blind placed.
I was sitting in my pacseat below the blind when I spotted a group of javelina come out about halfway down the sendero to my left. I grabbed my bow and quiver and the stalk was on! Over the next hour or so I had three different blown set ups where they sensed something wasn't right or just decided to turn and go in a different direction.
These little jokers are incredibly fun to hunt but also incredibly frustrating at times. They really are a cool little animal that I have much respect for.
The javies moved from the sendero I was on to the one next to it through the brush and I followed as quietly as I could. I ended up toward the end of the sendero and they popped out halfway down but turned and started to head in my direction. I had to find a place to hide quick but there wasn't much in the way of clear areas where I was, so I backed up to a mesquite and got down on my knees. I could hear them crunching corn as they came. There were 6 or 8 of them and a couple that were decent size but the rest small. Less than four yards was the distance from where I was kneeling to the corn sprinkled in the sendero. The decision I had to make was whether to let the group feed to less than four yards in front of me and try to not get busted or take the first one that came into view. Glad I made the decision I did or I'm pretty sure my crockpot would be empty tomorrow. And I think the stew I'm planning to make will be delicious regardless. The arrow hit behind the right shoulder but he was spinning at the time, and it came out the hind end. The next thing I heard was light growling that sounded like it was coming from the brush across the sendero about 10 yards in. I gave it about an hour and Terry helped with the blood trail. It had gone less than 10 yards into the brush.
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I was really happy to make a good clean kill shot and that the recovery was as easy as it was. And I'm really trying to smile in this picture, but I had several sharp thorns poking me in the hind end at the time making it difficult.
Kind of humorous that the biggest guy in camp shoots the littlest javelina.
By the way, Asbell Wool Wise Guy #1 was wearing a Pathfinder in Timber Ghost size 3X and shooting Easton FMJ arrows tipped with Simmons Great White broadheads out of a Black Widow PSRX Osage recurve, 61 lb. @ 28".
The canoe coat is pretty awesome. It seems to be a felted cool fabric that comes in two weights. This is the heavy weight. I really love the extra length and the huge front pockets. She's at Kalamazoo right now showing off the new coats there. I'm not sure what all colors and plaids she's going to make, but this coat is a winner for sure!
Well, the last twenty four hours for me was an absolute comedy of errors. I stalked a nice group of javelina, and the last one that was passing me was the biggest one, as I couldn't get a shot at the other eight.
Well, he looked up and figured out that he was being left behind and he was going to catch up.And he just began slow walking. He kept walking through the first gap in the prickly pear, and I started to draw as he was behind a prickly pear still walking. As he strolled into the next opening, I finished my draw and released at the walking target. We'll, at release he decided to just stop for no apparent reason and the arrow flew right in front of his chest.
The entire group decided to go into the bush, only opposite side of the road from me. 2 minutes later, they come back out. Of course they're out of range but headed toward Joe. Joe had one in range that was see me lay honor mary go round and never gave him a shot, and for some reason, they decided to turn around and come back toward me.
I immediately backed in to a makeshift hard.It turned out to be perfect. I was on my knees as they started into my shooting lanes and I had my bow up and ready to go. There were 4 of them kneeling around, and I was just waiting for one to turn perfect for me broadside side at twelve yards, the same distance as the one I shot in front of.
Then someone decides to call my phone that was on vibrate only. The first vibration and all of the heavies raised their head, and the second vibration, they all started looking around confused it seemed. The third vibration synthem packing. 1 minute earlier, it would have been fine 1 minute later. It would have been fine. It just so happens.This person called me at the worst possible moment. So please cut your phones on airplane mode when you stalk.
Hopefully, things will come together for me, because everything that has happened and could have happened has already happened. I only have one way to go, and that's up from here. :biglaugh:
The badger is slow cooking...
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Asbell wise guy #4 - Donovan Watson
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Like Flingblade said, the week started off slow and cold but ended nice and sweet!
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Badger :scared: Your crew must have been very hungry! Lots of chili I guess helps
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Smokin Joe real time....
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Here in the Grand Canyon is a side canyon I like to rope down to the river and fish. It was named Badger Canyon because an old miner caught a Badger to eat. He hiked it down river to the next canyon. That canyon is named Soap Canyon because when he threw the Badger in a pot it ended up like a pot full of soap. Hmmm Sounds good
2nd attempt for joe on the same javelina...
Way to go Gary and Tony on your javelina! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
A whole wad of em just popped out on another road..
Here in the Grand Canyon is a side canyon I like to rope down to the river and fish. It was named Badger Canyon because an old miner caught a Badger to eat. He hiked it down river to the next canyon. That canyon is named Soap Canyon because when he threw the Badger in a pot it ended up like a pot full of soap. Hmmm Sounds good
Well, i'm certainly gonna find out how it tastes. If it's not good, the ranch dogs will eat it
3 bucks...
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Mature buck for sure....
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I very much enjoy the LTR stories and pictures. Thank you for sharing and keep 'em coming! I hope to find a way to join you all one year and add to the narrative.
The first bite of the Badger was pretty dang good to tell you the truth. However, it's not tender enough, so I put the lid back on it for a couple more hours.
Finish up that badger then go get you a ‘dillo. Possum on the half shell. Need some sweet taters to go with him though. Bonus points if you put him shell and all in the crock pot! :goldtooth:
Well Terry, let’s hope you didn’t just become patient zero ;)
Badger for breakfast....
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The badger was a very bland tasting meat. It kind of reminded me of a slice of a turkey breast on thanksgiving, without the giblet gravy and dressing to go with it. There was no gamey taste at all. Barbecue sauce made it a little bit tastier.
When Gary grazed the badger, he was talking about how he wished he would have gotten it as he would love to have it, tanned to hang on the wall. So i gave him the pelt for him to get mounted. I can't wait to see the finished product whenever he gets it done.
Well, the heavillingers were moving this morning. Finally, and there were several stalk opportunities for several people.
Thanks for the write up everyone. Awesome hunt for sure!! Would be a great time for anyone. Congratulations to all
Joe is on the move....
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Gib, we are in our second week of three weeks. This is group two.
Joe's second stock on the same group....
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Joe's third stalk on the same group, but different sendaro...
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Sorry for the late post, I was on the week 1 hunt. First 3 days were cold and slow. Monday we had freezing rain and the only Javelina spotted were when Tony came and picked me up and we were driving back to the ranch. They had us pegged and though I tried to put on a stalk I was unsuccessful.
Tuesday was cold and windy and I was in my blind 6 hours when I decided I needed a walk. Still hunted for an hour and coming back to my blind saw 2 deer right in front of it. Kept walking in and the next thing I know a Javie is eating in front of my blind. I was able to stalk in to about 18 yards and took a shot but the Javie spun and the shot hit the jae. She spun 3 times and the arrow dropped out and she disappeared in the brush. Only found one drop of blood and I am sure the Javie recovered.
A surprise birthday party for Smokin Joe. :jumper:
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Wednesday I saw nothing until after shooting light walking to get picked up by Tony. Then saw 3 cross the road. They do not have very hood eyesight and will let you get close if you move slow.
Thursday was the day, after trying to scare this spike away for about 4 hours I finally gave up and he was 7 yards in front of me at 1730 when a family of 6 Javie came in. I took the first shot offered and spined her. I came out of my blind and put a finishing shot in her and took a pic. I used my bow to hold the camera so it is not in the picture. But it is a Wilson Brothers Black Widow 48 lbs at 28 inches with Arrow Dynamics arrows and Wendel Woodsman heads.
Friday at 1730 again I had a family come out and got my second Javie. She ran into cover and as I was getting ready tovstsrt looking for her more Javies came out. 3 different family groups. I texted Tony and told him to come over and guard my blind while I looked for my Javie. I was about 20 yards in the mesquite when I heard him hit his Javie right before I recovered mine. This entailed crawling on hands and knees about 30 yards cutting a tunnel with pruning shears.
Asbell wise guy #5 - James Davis.
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I snuck up on this hog last night at about 7:30. I got about 16 to 17 yards from him but my bow light wasn't bright enough to light him up enough to take a shot. I have a light on that set up now so maybe I'll get a 2nd crack at him tonight. After I left 2 more joined him later.
It's the hog facing to the right....
Way to go Daniel on your two javis! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Just like last week, we have had several "swing and a miss" opportunities. Somebody's got to connect soon.That's for sure.
Happy Birthday Joe !
Javalina running everywhere. Today, I just had a stalk on two big boars, i got caught moving. :banghead:
As some of y'all know, I sold a bunch of my heavy long bows a few years ago, to make room for a fifty to fifty two pound bow for mom latter years coming up. The only heavy long bows I have left are my Thunderstick MOABs. They are one piece and I do not like to pay the airlines more money for a tube going there and back if I fly. So I had Jim Neves make me a Centaur triple carbon long bow, which I have killed only animals with tusks, most of which we're on these Laredo Tusk Round Up hunts the last 3 years. Three hogs and five javelina. So I named the bow Tusk. 58" 50@ 28.
I haven't done a photo shoot with Tusk yet. The only pictures I have of that bow are with animals that I have taken with it. I will be doing a photo shoot this week or next of that long bow. But in the meantime....
Jim made me a Super Curve to add to my lower weight bow arsenal. When Jim saw the bow in completion, he called me and told me that he wanted to keep it. That was so pretty and also that it looked like a Dragon. So jim named it for me, at least the first name. When I saw it, put together and strunh the first thing I thought of was "Wicked".
So meet the Wicked Dragon....
60" 52@28
Joe and Jim have scored on javelina!!!
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60" 52@28
that thing is SAAA-WEEEET!
Beautiful bows Terry! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thanks guys.
Rasta, that the Super Curve, I'll post the longbow Tusk soon.
I just stalked 4 good hogs, one being the razor back. Wind shifted and they left. I'm backed out and now set up for the wind change. I was TEN yards from them for 3 minutes just waiting for one to turn as they all were feeding facing me with their butts facing the pond.
These were the four I stalked up on last night. Unfortunately, they were not turned like this when I got there. I have a picture of that. Same spotted. One It's the one I missed at the other location when I didn't pick a spot and shot right over his back that is at least a mile away from this location.
Asbell wise guy #6 - Smokin Joe
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Someone just lost a tag. :clapper:
Someone just scored a jack. :jumper:
One more day for group 2.
Yes. Group 3 will be arriving tomorrow ...
I had another stalk last night on a about four hogs, and my foot drug across a mini mesquite sprig at twenty yards from the light, and off they went....
'Paradise Palms'
The Suite... :biglaugh:
Both bathrooms new showers
The Paradise Palms is now elite with a 2 story skinning shed with marble counter tops and electric wenches...
Nice facility!
Those rooms sure look nice! I doubt you would call it paradise, after sleeping five in a room when three probably forgot their CPAP machines. But maybe it’s called paradise because of the wenches?
All kidding aside, those facilities look top notch. :bigsmyl:
New Laredo Tusk, Roundup hunter has already lost a tag...
Ron I will be with you at lunchtime on your comment... :smileystooges:
I just watched another new LTR Hunter take a shot, but he's 200 yds from me. I'm waiting to see what happend....
Patrick (PDK) could verify the snoring comment. It wasn’t LTR, but I believe my buddy John and I snored him out of the bunkhouse one time in Texas. :biglaugh:
LTR newbie just lost a tag... :jumper:
Watching Mc DAVE stalk....
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Terry, that stogie looks very relaxing!!! great stories and adventures so far, keep them coming!!! :campfire: :coffee: :campfire: :coffee:
3 against 1 :biglaugh:
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Someone else lost a tag this afternoon....
Almost again! The grass will be dealt with today. :readit:
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I'm waiting to see that Ole 60 year old Green fellow with a kill picture:)
Ok Roy.....
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Ron Emerson, the Paradise Palms sounds like a great place to take your wife, however, this Paradise Palms not so much. This resort is much more suitable for men that like to hunt. We don't do winches. :nono:
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LTR newbie just texted me while I was posting...
He's tagged out! :clapper:
Good job young man:)
His VPA broke down both shoulders ....
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Here is the Centaur longbow I named Tusk as it's killed nine animals with tusk in 3 years at the LTRs.....
Tusk and the Wicked Dragon....
Two beautiful bows! Jim does a great job :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Someone else has lost a tag....
Typical wind set up to play the wind with the sun in your face....
10 yards to the road. 15 to the other side.
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Somebody else lost a tag.... :clapper:
Man!…lots of action this year !!!
Proving to be a great hunt year after year !
Thanks for the play by play!
This was my first LTR and what a great experience. It was nice to meet up with some fellow tradbow hunters. Day one started a little late with Terry acting as hunting guide and camp coordinator but he did a great job getting me all set up in my area and explaining how to get back to the ranch house. Around 2pm I was off on my first stalk. I closed the distance quickly but the group of three fed around a bend out of sight. I waited patiently because I figured they’d come back because there was no corn where they were. Sure enough a couple minutes later here they came single file with the biggest one in the lead. As they closed to eight yards I drew slowly and swung with the leader. The arrow passed through right behind the shoulder and a short thirty yards later I had Javie #1 down.
Day 2 I got off to an earlier start. After corning my sendero’s I was standing next to my truck eating a snack when a group of four came out at about 50 yards and fed away from me. As I was closing the distance two more eased out right in front of me. I knelt down and watched the lead stink pig walk towards me. It was facing me when I drew but it turned broadside at around 5 yards. My arrow went in the near shoulder and lodged in the far side breaking them both. It did the old snowplow thing shoving itself forward with its rear legs pushing its face into the dirt in a quick 180 around me before it piled up directly behind me. 2 stalks, 2 shots & 2 dead javelina. I’m shooting a Hoyt Rambo warf with 45# Hoyt limbs making a 64” bow. 500 grain Taipan arrows from Safari Tuff tipped with 200 grain VPA 3 blades.
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Javie #2
Just a little beauty that we get to witness here, south of the frost line...
Green Jay
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Mc Dave with his new 3 Rivers leather side quiver....
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Way to go Gordon! Good job! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Yes, by all means, congratulations to Gordon. He got a great introduction to the Laredo Tusk Roundup for sure.
I also would like you to thank Patrick Kelly for his exuberant exploration of the far north of the property where no one hardly hunts. The family doesn't even deer hunt up here.It seems. He found a great spot for havelina, and it has also provided many stalks for Gordon and Mc Dave. These javies are much more relaxed that I've seen in a few years.
It's great to be hanging out with Dave as he's been a member forever, and we've never met. I've had fun smoking cigars watching him stalk.
We have two partners that doubled up in 15 seconds! :jumper: :jumper: :jumper:
Dave is after them again...
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Dave just stalked that same group again and they slipped into the brush so he went on forward and look what came out right behind him. :laughing:
He never saw it.....
Dave is after them again!!! Not sure how much longer they are going to be laid back. :biglaugh:
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Here Dave goes yet again!!!
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Somebody done tagged out this morning! :jumper:
a couple of videos explaining our 15 sec double javelina kill! Congrats Dusty, moment we won’t soon forget!
Congratulations guys! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Congratulations Dusty & Sid!
More stories and videos coming soon from last night's action from Sidney and Dusty.
Just got this from Dusty. ....
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Great time awesome food great people, if you get the chance to come hunt the LTR do it. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
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Way to go Blake! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Night hog hunting in South Texas!
Sid’s night kill boar!
What a rush!!
Congrats Sid!
52 # Bow - VPA 175
Great post Blake. Somehow I missed it in all the chaos. I can see the happiness of your revenge in your hero pic :jumper:
Dusty's LTR Battle Scars....
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Congratulations to all the successful hunters. Looks like a great time
Great shot Sid! Thanks for posting up the video Dusty. Congratulations to you guys!
More pics and videos coming....
In 3 weeks we had an over 70° tempatur swing, 21 - 93.
To add a little depth to Terry's photos of my “stalk,” here is the rest of the story. A group of 4 or so javelinas was approaching from the end of one of the senderos that form the spokes of the wagon wheel that we had corned. My plan was to cut through the underbrush until I reached a spot I knew about where I could be well concealed, but have a shot at one as they were approaching while they were munching corn on the sendero. Most of the time, it would have taken them a half hour or so to munch the distance from where they were to my ambush spot, and I reached the spot in about 15 minutes, accumulating a few new arm punctures from the thorns along the way. I couldn't see them during my approach, and when I got to my window and peeked through, there were no javis on their way to my spot, or so I thought. I said to myself, “oh well, they spooked,” which often happens.
Then I turned around and looked toward Terry, and there they were about 25 yards past where I was standing, munching toward him at the incredible speed of maybe 10’ per minute. They had gotten in front of me! At this point I didn't see any other alternative than to sneak after them, and try to close the distance. I was upwind of them, and whenever one of them turned around to stare at me, I froze until he or she went back to feeding. If a javi can't smell it and it doesn't move, it doesn't exist for him, I guess. I soon closed to within 20 yards, but all I had to shoot at were javi butts, not an ideal target, or sort of a quartering away shot whenever one of them turned back to stare at me, but no opportunity to draw my bow without spooking them. Well, eventually they tired of that game and faded off into the brush, so I walked back to Terry to wait and see if they would reappear.
As I approached Terry, I could see that he had sort of a peculiar look on his face. I was not real happy with the way things had turned out, but I was sort of proud of myself for making a successful stalk and getting within shooting range of them without spooking them, so I wondered what the peculiar look was all about. What I didn't realize until he told me was that as I was stalking the javis, a javi was stalking me. I was so focused on the 4 in front of me that I hadn't looked back and noticed that a straggler was trying to catch up with the rest of the pack, coming close enough at one point that through Terry's camera it looked to him like the javi was about to goose me with its snout! The javi probably wasn't ever really that close, due to foreshortening of the camera lens, but pretty close nevertheless. He had drifted off into the underbrush when the rest of them did, so I was never aware that he was there.
I'm not sure what I should have done if I had been aware that one was right behind me. I know that if I had turned around and drawn my bow, he would have been gone in a flash. Probably I should have just frozen in place without looking at him and maybe he would have stayed on the sendero and tried to catch up with his group, and I could have shot him when he was focused on them and not me.
Anyway, I had a great time on the trip, and hope to do it again next year, if the good Lord is willing.
first javelina
Great stuff guys...
BTW, if you want more functional pics that you done have to scroll side to side to see, click 'Insert Attachment' to the right of where you enter your photo.....
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Nicely Done Fellas!!
Y'all gotta come back for the videos! Dusty is quite the commentator. :biglaugh:
I found some jerky on the outside table, not sure who made it, but it sure is good! :thumbsup:
I love this hunt and thread!!! I will make this trip!!! Working on "retiring" from my factory job, to work for myself to have time for these kinds of things. Terry I see you have used a Great Northern Quiver and the new side quiver from 3rivers curious on your thoughts on both as well as others who have used them.
Mr. T you are welcome for the deer jerky. Glad you liked it. I was going to set inside on the table. Glad you found it.
Yeah Sid, Mc and I we the last to leave and there it was. What did you marinated it with?
Also, did you get the links to the hog vids?
I love this hunt and thread!!! I will make this trip!!! Working on "retiring" from my factory job, to work for myself to have time for these kinds of things. Terry I see you have used a Great Northern Quiver and the new side quiver from 3rivers curious on your thoughts on both as well as others who have used them.
I bought the quiver that Terry brought from 3 Rivers, which is now my favorite hunting quiver. Most of my shooting is without a quiver on the bow, and I’d just as soon not change things when I hunt.
You can wear the quiver without even noticing that you have it on, it is so comfortable. I can remove an arrow and nock it with no more noise than taking one out of a bow quiver, and less visible hand movement. I couldn't pack my arrows in my duffel bag in the side quiver I used to use because they would get squashed, so I had to pack them in a separate arrow tube. This quiver is solid enough that I can pack my arrows in it for traveling without having to bring a separate arrow tube. It is extremely quiet for hunting as long as you pack enough arrows in it that the feathers cushion any movement at the top end, about 6 is enough, and the points are stuck in the foam at the bottom end. The leather covering is not only beautiful, but also cuts way down on noise from carrying the quiver through the brush.
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Great pictures Sidney, you and your counterpart are the real deal. It would be great however, if you have a picture of how high Dusty jumped when he almost stepped on that 6 foot rattlesnake.
We all became a lot more cautious after seeing that picture. Great trip, and the food you guys bring is much appreciated as well.
When your gone for 3 weeks, you gotta send some pics to your wife that she can relate to...
Mesquite and Mistletoe....
She always like to keep up with the ranch dogs.....
Dusk pic of Patrick's hog with green light highlights. The green hog light makes the pic unique...
Many thanks coming up, and reviews on the Sponsor Items...
Great pics Sidney! Congratulations to you guys! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Good job guys. Fun time for all
I started out the 1st week stalking hogs at night with Patrick. I blew my 1st stalk due to a 'drop foot' issue I have that I am having surgery for in a couple of weeks. This issue caused less strength, balance and control over my left steps. The issue ccost me several stalks, but the 1st was too much noise on crunching freezing dirt. One one stalk I was caught moving as the uneven terrain caused me to over adjust in a sideways motion. This same issue caused me several times to step on 8 inch circumference grass clumps where the lower grass became more 'stalky' and crunched. I fixed the grass issue and I was up to 12 yards away from the grunting quartet waiting for a broadside shot and a deer spooked them off. All of these instances where I spooked them from the noise was only 3 yards or so away from where I was wanting to shoot from which would have made a 12-15 yard shot.
However, the last stalk I had I did shoot the biggest of the 4. He was 6 inches taller than the 2 next biggest. I knew the shot was a little high, but I felt good anyway, and felt better after reviewing several shot placement vitals pics.
The Zwicky delta 4 blade passed through and pulled all the way out when the bhead was snagged on a mesquite bush.
Everything looked good with bubbles and all....
The boar was standing broadside and the arrow looked to have hit before he flinched, but that must not have been the case.
After a 90 yard sparse bloodtrail I figured I had only gotten the topish right lung corner.
I would like to thank Blake Marsters and Tom Branyon for hanging in there with me on the tracking job.
Hopefully I'll see this boar again next year..... :campfire:
Hogs can be awfully tough, and that is a difficult place to track, especially at night
A little phot dump. Some pics of my first javi as I approached.
Some of the prickly pear were fair sized. Tallest I saw was around 10ft.
My week hunting javies was a total comedy of errors. Nothing I could do...
Everything that could go wrong did go wrong...
Had a Javie walking and it stopped at release and it never moved until it, not only passed one inch in front of its chest, but only after the arrow slammed into the short 'grading berm' on the other side ...
Made a shift in my hide, lost balance and stepped on dried dead prickly paddle(Largest Rice Krispy in the world)....
3 javies in my shooting lane at at half draw waiting for a lethal angle and someone decided to call me. My phone was only on vibrate, BUT, the first vibrate and they all raised their heads, 2nd vibrate they all started looking around, 3rd vibrate they left for Oklahoma....
Had a single in front of the group milling around in my lane at 12 yards for 1 second as I came to full draw, he decided to turn toward me for some reason. He kept this up until he was 6 yards from me at the 'grader berm' and finally looked up and saw me. He's now next door neighbors with the Oklahomians....
Got caught moving on yet another drop foot off balance lateral movement as I was closing in on a stalk....
The one that I was 15 yards behind waiting for it to turn that decided to turn around and I was hiding behind a blade of grass. I think you can figure out the explosion that came next....
One deathly quiet day I had them perfect at 10 years and I found out my arrow rest and plate were not comparable with my arrows. They heard the arrow being drawn. It it a beaver tail rest and plate, but new material is on the way....
The javies did this a lot to me and Joe, and Gary, Donovan, and Mc Dave on week 1 and 2 while I was observing. The javies for some reason this year, some of the groups at least, would cut into the brush as they got close to the hunters hide. Not sure why as the wind was steadily in their favor.
I will say I enjoyed more cigars this year than any LTR over the years. Especially week 3 with Mc Dave.
This hunt did have a few javies that the critters got to eat, and many opportunities that ended with a 'swing and a miss'.
More hero pics from others coming.....
Have Spots will Travel.....
Spotty was see at the 3 yellow circles...
This is literally seconds before I let the arrow fly. Like I had mentioned before it busted through left shoulder, heart, and both lungs before coming out the other side.
Deer were eating all the corn so i decided to pile wood on the corn. it helped tremendously! deer still came but only ate what they could reach…hogs would stay and throw the debris aside to get to the corn. It helped with keeping them there longer
Yes, throwing it in brush, prickly pear and grass/bush clump bases, and this year we pored into crevices in the dirt. ALL are a great way to make the hogs 'work for it'. :readit:
One hunter wanted to kill a Jack really bad. Maybe he'll chime in....
Great read guys, been following the whole time. :clapper:
Can't wait to see the rest of the Hero Pics!!! :readit:
Ken 'Hunting Badger' Bullman....
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Someone needs to fess up....
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Mobb Boss #1....
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Something to take note of.....
I had a succeful stalk to within 12 and 15 yards of the group with only my bow light after Patrick left. However, I did not shoot due to it not illuminating the hogs enough to take a positive shot. Yes, I could see them, but the lighting was so low it just didn't feel right. I probably could have made the shot, I've shot my targets at home with a bow light, but it just didn't feel right with live animals....
So, I will be getting a new/better/brighter bow light, with a green lens of course.
Another opportunity was blown with my LEDLENSER green head lamp. This light is great and has 3 levels of brightness. So, after the bow light issue, I desided to use the head lamp instead due to its brightness. Well, all was fine and dandy as I was again 12 and 15 yards and waiting for the window to open. Well, it surely did!!!
The window opened and in came the SUN!!!!
The light was so bright at full draw against my hand, riser and limbs it blinded me something fierce. So, that was that. So, walk in with a green light perfect. Not so perfect at full draw. I will see if the next level down will work and report back. I don't think it will, I'm pretty sure its still going to be a distraction.
Also, if you use a bow light, strap it on the bottom fade out. I learned that years ago, if you mount it over you arrow you will have the shadow of your arrow moving between you and the hogs. :campfire:
Terry you can tie your headlamp to your bow quiver Ive killed hogs doing that, only Lites up in front of your bow .
Yes, Tim I did think about that. However, I would have had to mount it below my hand so the arrow would not cause a shadow. I really didn't want to rig something up that was untested and be fiddling with it at the moment of truth.
The next day, another guy with a bow light decided he was going to go to town and get I kill light since walmart is only eleven miles away. So, I told him to get two.
More hero pics coming soon...
The best light on the market…nothing comes close! Slow glow…”they’ll never know what lit them”
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Dusty and i are at work and it looks like the hogs know it! We have some eradicating to do!
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Sid, I'll help!!!!!!!!!!! :goldtooth:
The best light on the market…nothing comes close! Slow glow…”they’ll never know what lit them”
I totally agree....
And I know that tower stand well.... :bigsmyl:
Courtesy of Arkansas Mafia from their surveillance tower. (Top floor of skinning shed)
View over the house and View from our back porch.
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I managed to shoot one javelina on this hunt. I had multiple opportunities. Many passed within ten feet without a shot offered. As in years past, they liked to come into the brush with me! Whitetails don't do that very often. I won't say how many I missed, but they did a number on me. We did eat three rabbits that I was able to kill. How a person can hit a rabbit and not a 50 pound javelina is part of the trad mystique that keeps me coming back. I just received some pointers on javi shooting from a well known killing machine that I plan to put into practice next year. I will be working on my mental game between now and then. It was a great week as usual. And the bull sessions around the camp really added to the whole experience. JV
As did your breakfast cooking all week!!! Thank you Sir! :clapper: :notworthy:
Mob Underboss....
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The best light on the market…nothing comes close! Slow glow…”they’ll never know what lit them”
on my list for next year
Dusty's LTR Battle Scars....
West Texas boys got some hard bark on them.
Great read guys, been following the whole time. :clapper:
Can't wait to see the rest of the Hero Pics!!! :readit:
YES! I'm doing the same thing and catching up this morning. :coffee: :campfire:
Someone else needs to fess up....
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Just a quick culinary follow up to my little javelina from week 1.
Being on the small side I wanted to make the most of it so in addition to everything else I brought home the heart and liver. The heart; although small, was very good. I've always liked heart but have never been a fan of liver. I soaked the liver in salt water overnight and then cut it in 1/4" strips and fried it in bacon grease in my cast iron skillet. It was the mildest liver I've ever eaten, and my wife and I both enjoyed it. I think one of the keys was not cooking it too long. Just to barely done, medium or medium well in steak speak.
For the rest of the javi I cooked it in the instant pot until fork tender and boned it out. We made javi enchiladas with half of the meat. I threw the bones back in the pot with the liquid from cooking the meat, added a little kosher salt and a splash of white vinegar, covered with a little more water and simmered for about 6 hours. This made an excellent bone broth. I strained the bones out and put the broth in the fridge. The next day I sauteed some carrots, onion and celery in bacon grease and then added the bone broth and the rest of the meat. Once this was simmering, I added some egg noodles and seasoning and made javi noodle soup. The soup really hit the spot on the cold winter days we were having.
It was surprising to me that the javelina would make such an excellent bone broth, but I will definitely be repeating this process in the future. And if I get one next year, I'll fry the liver in camp. Should go well with the wild donkey someone else said they were bringing!
Eh Heemmm...
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Hey Terry, you crock-potted that with the badger….right? :biglaugh:
Nah Ryan, not my kill, someone needs to fess up. :biglaugh:
Same person needs to fess up on #2....
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more hero pics coming, just waiting.....
Tom Branyon's DANDY jav.
Congratulations to all that attended LTR 2025; it was a fun read during a two day snow storm. It sounds like several records may have been set by new attendees. I am looking forward to making the trip after having a knee replacement surgery and being able to enjoy the challenges, everyone experienced. It would be interesting to see a tally of the equipment used, average bow weight, arrow wt. and such. Thanks for taking the time to tell your story.
Great job guys. Really enjoyed the thread.
Certainly, am hopeful that I too, may be fortunate enough share in this wonderful experience in 2026.
Really enjoyed this read, should have more free time next year, would like to do this again. Enjoyed the narratives and pics.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2: :campfire:
Ok Terry, fess up time, I shot the coon. He was under my feeder about an hour before dark. The approach I had to take on this stalk left me in the wide open from about 60 yards out with only a south Texas tree to hide behind. I slowed way down and became one with the ol' kalichi dirt and remembered to put toes down first and then heel as the late, great Fred Asbell teaches in his book "Stalking and Still Hunting". I closed to about fifteen yards and then went to my knees and crawled. At ten yards I stopped and watched this old coon eat my hog bait. I was feeling pretty proud of my greatly improved stalking abilities and had decided not to shoot. As I continued to watch him, I realized something. Pretty sure he's blind. Well that certainly explains my success in stalking him. At that point I decided to put him out of his misery. The Simmons Great White head zipped through shoulder to shoulder, and he made two big leaps for the sky and landed on his back with one final grunt/gasp.
Someone else needs to fess up on that second javi though, that one's not mine. I center punched the coon and the small javi but completely missed the two big javis I had shots at on day five. Go figure. At least I struck out swingin'. And I can't wait for round three! Ding ding!
Great stuff guys! This is the first thread i pull up every morning to get me jump started! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Where ya'll going?.... We ain't done!!!!
More hero pics coming!!!
"became one with the ol' kalichi dirt" LOVE IT!!!! :bigsmyl:
Mobb Boss #2....
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Story please .... :campfire:
People that are paying attention. The 2026 thread will be started soon. If you would like to join us, you'll need to pay attention and post to that thread.
All repeat offenders will have automatic first right of refutal. All other request will need to be from Tradgang members that actually participate in Tragang.
I already miss everyone and cannot wait for 2 thousand and six
I am responding to Terry's story request. The photo is of a javelina that I got during week two.
We were hunting at the Annex across the highway during week two. At about 2:00 PM I saw a group of javelinas pop out of the thick prickly pear cover and head toward me from the north down a dirt road with the wind at their backs. They were so close that all I could do was back into an adjacent dirt road and watch.
One of the javelinas broke away from the group and started hurrying toward my end of the road. He went past me and then looked back at the group and started going back to join them. I think he was getting nervous about being separated.
He didn't act like he knew I was on the other side of a bit of mesquite and prickly pear. Then he stopped. He was a good 18 or so yards away, but his vitals were in a window in the brush and I had a clear shot. I pulled back, picked a spot, and made the shot.
He was in high gear before the arrow got there and I thought I missed him because he moved so quickly at the sound of the string. It made sense to me since it was a long shot and he jumped so fast and ran into the brush.
Unbeknownst to me Terry was watching from a distance. He walked up to me and said that it sounded to him like a gut shot when the arrow hit the javelina. We looked around for the arrow and found it covered in blood. We followed the direction that the javelina went and saw a string of small intestine stuck to a low bit of brush -- a sure sign of a gut hit. Apparently the javelina got moving before the arrow got there, but did not move far enough to avoid the arrow completely.
We marked the spot and backed out of the brush. I decided we should wait two or so hours before taking up the trail again. At 4:00 PM we started to look for the javelina again. There was no blood trail, but there were clear tracks of him running in the dirt between the prickly pear and mesquite tangles. It was slow going.
We got to a little clearing and while looking for the next track in the dirt I heard Terry say, "Here is your javelina." He had not gone more than 30 yards or so.
The javelina was taking his last breaths and expired shortly after we saw him.
He turned out to be an average boar javelina -- not big, but not a juvenile either. That explained his willingness to separate from the group and his desire to reconnect with them when he got too far away. He was not old enough to be completely independent or solitary, but the desire to be away from the group was what got him in trouble.
When I skinned him I saw that the shot was behind his rib cage, and that his body cavity was full of blood. He jumped the string enough that shot was too far back, but the shot did make him bleed out internally.
I took the meat to Ruiz Custom Meats in Laredo and had it made into chorizo. I just had some this morning. I really love good chorizo and I am thankful that I got some this year.
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Great stuff, Joe.!!! And another great memory with you.!!!
Congrats Joe. Nice javi.
Way to go Joe! I'll bet that javi chorizo is good stuff! I'll have to keep that place in mind if I'm fortunate enough to get one next year.
It's 2:42 in the morning and I'm eating breakfast. I don't even know what's going on
Way to go Joe! Congratulations! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Probably ought to chime in. Another good time at Paradise Palms. Thanks Terry. Got to bring one home with me. It really doesn’t have too exciting of a story to it. We had two parallel roads with about 5 yards of prickly pear and mesquite between them. Corned the upwind road and was able to slip up and down the downwind side as the came and went through the day. After a few try’s I ended up 8-9 yards from one. The shot was just a little foward but did the job. After a short wait we tracked to the javi on a pretty nice blood trail. She made it 50ish yards.
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Way to go Nathan! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Well done, Nathan.
Thanks Joe, I like hearing stories I lived through. :jumper:
Great time had by all that's for sure.
I'll be rounding up the dates for next week soon as well as seeing who's coming back in 2026.