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Main Boards => The Bowyer's Bench => Topic started by: Honest Jon on February 09, 2025, 10:30:47 AM

Title: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Honest Jon on February 09, 2025, 10:30:47 AM
What is a Master Bowyer?  I see the term occasionally and without exception, it seems well-deserved.  Is there a certification program or what?
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Kirkll on February 09, 2025, 03:33:51 PM
This could turn out to be an interesting topic….

 In one sentence I think I’d describe a Master Bowyer as an individual who has the skill set to produce a well balanced bow out of just about any materials they work with, and understand the dynamics involved.

But…. I really don’t think one sentence can’t come close to describing the craftsmanship needed and involved , as well as the heart and soul that goes into the process.

There are so many details involved that require hands on experience with so many different materials, and different bow designs, that it seems endless.

The true master is in the eyes of the beholder….    Kirk
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Crooked Stic on February 09, 2025, 03:35:49 PM
I don't know if there is a certification. But Tim Mullins of Acadian Woods comes to mind when you say Master Bowyer.  There are several that good. Not knocking the Cnc guys but that's not hand crafted.
Also Big Jim Babcock comes to mind.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Longcruise on February 09, 2025, 03:41:48 PM
A "Master Bowyer" is any bowyer who chooses to call themself that and can convince a substantial number of consumers that it's true!  :laughing:
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Crooked Stic on February 09, 2025, 03:48:49 PM
You have master bowyers and garage ninnys.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Honest Jon on February 09, 2025, 04:14:28 PM
Mike Yancey came to mind for me.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Longcruise on February 09, 2025, 10:54:51 PM
The OP asked what is a Master, not who.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Kirkll on February 09, 2025, 11:03:15 PM
The OP asked what is a Master, not who.

He was the OP  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Longcruise on February 10, 2025, 11:07:29 AM
It seems to me that the esteemed members of "The Bench" are as qualified as any to decide what the qualifications are to be deemed a "Master Bowyer".  Maybe a committee should be formed to create a board to in turn dictate what is a Master Bowyer. 

Oh, wait, it's already been done!

They are taking applications regularly.  You too can be a Master.  All that's required is rigid conformity.   

Guilds have always been credited with maintaining high standards of their professional members  but they also made for a dominating force that demanded that members toe the line.  Conform.  To subordinate their career and creativity to a handful of self aggrandizing critics of their work.   "Enough of that innovation there!  Doesn't meet our standards!"

Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Kirkll on February 10, 2025, 12:02:33 PM
Being part of a guild that specializes in replicating historic copies of period archery components using regulated materials and methods used during that time, and then being judged by a selected group of craftsmen to maintain conformity of their standards, does NOT make said craftsman a Master bowyer….

I think is safe to say that every bowyer could  “Master”  a particular bow design using different types of materials. And many could be recognized as Master craftsmen with their skills of producing a fine finished product.

But when the term “ Master Bowyer”  is used, I think of bowyers with the skill set earned through experience building Asian horn bows from scratch, and splitting their own stave materials and shaping a functional well balanced bow from Osage or some other hardwood, but still have the skill set to build a laminated glass or carbon bow to perfection with a high level of performance.

 A guy that can do all of these things, and produce a work of functional art with a high level of craftsmanship and longevity…. These are the true Master Bowyers….

 I honestly believe they are very few and far between, and very few talented craftsmen will ever reach that level.     Kirk
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Bowjunkie on February 10, 2025, 12:25:57 PM
I basically agree with Kirk.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: algstick on February 10, 2025, 12:52:27 PM
I have come to believe that the term "Master Boyer" is better thought of as an unobtainable goal rather than a title, something to always strive for but never achieve. I think the greatest bowers of our time and the past would look at it in this way.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Kirkll on February 10, 2025, 01:53:56 PM
I have to agree on that analogy...

I  have worked my hands in wood for over 50 years now and considered myself a master craftsman a few times over the years ....But then i discovered another rabbit hole or specialty i hadn't worked with...I prided myself in my finish carpentry abilities, and being able to accomplish it with just hand tools alone when necessary. I spent 20 years accumulating and mastering different skills in the construction industry just trying to stay busy after my apprenticeship years. I worked with a mason and learned to lay stone, worked with tile and marble for a couple years too as a tile setter/ general contractor. i did all kinds of remolding of homes ,  finished flooring, and a bunch of custom cabinet work too. I  built many spiral stair cases and learned about bending and laminating those cork screw hand rails and fitting the various pieces together. And i build some cool furniture over the years too.

But.... Then i got introduced to building boats with a group of luthiers and highly skilled craftsmen for several years... Wow!  So much for my self proclaimed Master Craftsman status.  :banghead:  That boat building experience opened my eyes to some serious education in millwork and machinery i'd never used.
i had an opportunity to build a couple free standing spiral stair cases out of Teak from rough cut S2S stock.
THAT was an eye opener and a huge undertaking. i'd be willing to bet out of 100 so called master craftsmen only  a couple could even explain the procedure for such a project, much less build one...Most of my time at the ship yard i spent building radius top raised panel doors from scratch and installing them in the boats.

So at that time, i considered my time spent building boats as my masters degree in finished woodworking...

But Nooooooo.....

Then i started building bows, and studying the arts of building an acoustical guitar..... And after 15 years of building bows of my own designs, i'm not even close to Master bowyer status..... It's endless guys... You will never learn it all, much less master them all. We just don't live long enough to do that...Too many rabbit holes.....     Kirk
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Even on February 10, 2025, 05:13:18 PM
"It's endless guys... You will never learn it all, much less master them all. We just don't live long enough to do that...Too many rabbit holes....."

This may end up too "Zen", but this line in Kirk's post says a lot to me.

Most "Masters" are self defined, in my experience, which always makes me wonder. 

Anyone I have ever looked at and said to myself "I believe that is mastery", had exactly the same attitude Kirk expressed above.  They remain a student of whatever craft, perpetually, and any "Master" designation is given to them by a consensus of OTHER people.

Just my two cents.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Longcruise on February 10, 2025, 08:04:30 PM
"It's endless guys... You will never learn it all, much less master them all. We just don't live long enough to do that...Too many rabbit holes....."

This may end up too "Zen", but this line in Kirk's post says a lot to me.

Most "Masters" are self defined, in my experience, which always makes me wonder. 

Anyone I have ever looked at and said to myself "I believe that is mastery", had exactly the same attitude Kirk expressed above.  They remain a student of whatever craft, perpetually, and any "Master" designation is given to them by a consensus of OTHER people.

Just my two cents.

You put to words what I am thinking.  Or more accurately stated,  feeling.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: m&m on February 10, 2025, 08:27:32 PM
I’ve heard it takes 10000 hours to master a skill, so those of you who have put in the time are masters I suppose….
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Honest Jon on February 11, 2025, 04:02:07 AM
Some questions are posed to generate the exchange of ideas and discussion, as was this question when I originally posted it… guys did not disappoint! Enjoyed the replies thus far. Thank you for your comments.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Crooked Stic on February 11, 2025, 08:56:05 AM
10000 hours is 5 working years.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Kirkll on February 11, 2025, 11:56:33 AM
I’ve seen the same carpenters butchering wood for over 10 years…. So I guess that makes them a 2X master wood butcher eh. :biglaugh:
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Crooked Stic on February 11, 2025, 01:55:47 PM
Not really. I worked diesel engines 43 years and some right next to me still had trouble knowing the difference between a rachet and a Cresent wrench.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: kennym on February 11, 2025, 02:55:25 PM
Seen the same in construction Mike.

Some folks should just stick to fishing, ya know baiting hooks?  :laughing: :laughing:
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Kirkll on February 11, 2025, 04:08:58 PM
Seen the same in construction Mike.

Some folks should just stick to fishing, ya know baiting hooks?  :laughing: :laughing:

That would make them a Master Baiter. Eh?  :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: bownarra on February 12, 2025, 01:42:21 AM
Pretty simple - a through and extensive knowledge of all principles and materials used in the craft.
After 700 bows and 20 years I'd say I'm close haha.
but it isn't time behind the tools - it takes an inborn natural ability and affinity with the subject. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.....
Here in England when the bow was all important it was a 7 year apprenticeship to become a bowyer.
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Kirkll on February 12, 2025, 01:14:43 PM
Pretty simple - a through and extensive knowledge of all principles and materials used in the craft.
After 700 bows and 20 years I'd say I'm close haha.
but it isn't time behind the tools - it takes an inborn natural ability and affinity with the subject. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.....
Here in England when the bow was all important it was a 7 year apprenticeship to become a bowyer.

Have you got a web site or a photo album showing some of your work?  love to see it.   Kirk
Title: Re: What's a "Master Bowyer"?
Post by: Sant-Ravenhill on February 12, 2025, 08:29:25 PM
Loved reading this thread!