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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Arctic Hunter on February 12, 2025, 05:52:32 PM

Title: Input on bow length
Post by: Arctic Hunter on February 12, 2025, 05:52:32 PM
Looking for input on bow length. I shot 60” widow PSAs for years, and had good success with a 30.5” draw length. Sold them all after shoulder surgery, and now after a few years with wheels I’m looking to get another recurve. Thinking I might try going a little longer this time and a little heavier mass weight riser for a better hold and cleaner release. I shoot a pretty vertical bow and do a lot of crawling/shooting from my knees while spot and stalk hunting, so I’m a little hesitant to go to a 64” PMA. For the guys who are 30”+ draw, and have hunted with 62” and 64” PMAs, do you have a preference?

I’ve not had a lot of luck finding anything used, so I might end up just having to order one.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: stillhunter on February 13, 2025, 12:07:55 PM
A 60 inch bow is 62 inches with 1 inch tips so cut a 64 inch stick and kneel down and check your clearance.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: stillhunter on February 13, 2025, 12:13:56 PM
A friend and I were just discussing ordering bows with out trying it first. He ordered a high end widow and did not care for the style and sold it. Maybe you should  do a test drive before ordering. Only you can make the decision.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Terry Green on February 13, 2025, 12:41:01 PM
There are LOTS of bows out there that are 60"s that will accommodate your draw length.   :campfire:
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Wheels2 on February 13, 2025, 01:15:50 PM
Short of actually shooting several, you will be best served by following the recommendations of the bow maker.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: JamieR on February 14, 2025, 07:54:00 AM
artic hunter my draw length is around the same as yours. i didnt really care for the 60" psa limbs that came with my psa so i sold them and bought new 62" limbs. very happy with that setup. everyone is different but i generally perfer a longer bow over a shorter bow. if im more comfortable at full draw i will hold longer and make more accurate cleaner shots.

if you want to stay with a 60" bow consider the kb or psa 60" im a black widow fan

i have a 60" kb 42@28, 62" psa 50@28, ptf 62" 45@28, and a 64" plc 50@28
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: trad_bowhunter1965 on February 14, 2025, 11:10:25 AM
If you want to shoot a shorter bow, your draw length is not a problem a lot of great bowyers offer some short bows with long draw length some that come to mind are Centaur archery, Big Jim bow company, Dan Toelke just to name a few. I am not a fan of shorter bows not because of any issue other than just not a short bow guy.   
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: kennym on February 14, 2025, 11:15:21 AM
One thing to remember, shorter bows will generally have more finger pinch. Just the way it is.  I don't like it , so have been shooting a 64" . Bro has same 28" draw and shoots and loves a 54" D/R.

Different strokes I reckon...

Shoot before you buy if at all possible.

My .02 (with inflation that ain't much)
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Arctic Hunter on February 14, 2025, 10:37:28 PM
Thanks for the input everyone. I’m a widow guy. I’ve owned several bows over the years, but always went back to widows. I never had issues with stacking with a 60” PSA, but always felt like I had some finger pinch. I had a 62” older MA, but sold it after I had my first shoulder done, so I really never gave it a fair shot at getting used to it or hunting with it.

I’ll probably see if I can demo a 62” PMA unless I find a used one before Monday. Im probably just reading too much on the Internet.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on February 15, 2025, 08:31:43 PM
I don’t know much about the modern style bows. But I ground hunt with a 72” tip to tip bow and don’t have any real problems. A kneeling shot is doable but I can’t sit back on my heels without a solid cant on the bow. I can’t recommend a bow, but just wanted to comment that a long bow isn’t the end of the world for hunting. Just have to either accept more of a cant in some situation or that some positions you can’t shoot from.

Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Stumpkiller on February 15, 2025, 10:17:50 PM
I draw 30-1/2" and I really like the old Bob Lee Red Wing Hunters.  They are 58". 

My Damon/Howatt (Martin) Dreamcatcher is 60" and that for sure would accomidate you.

And, one of my very favorites, is a Browning Explorer (pre- I or II versions).  62" and a fairly heavy/massive riser.  Designed by Harry Drake and it is a bow I shoot the best of all.  Just a super solid platform.

Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Hud on February 16, 2025, 01:40:08 AM
The advantage, if there is one, the BW recurve handle and grip is forward of the line between between the limb fadeouts. This allows you to shoot a shorter bow for a given draw length because the string angle at the recurve is less. This avoids the string-finger pinch. IMO this is a benefit when shooting from a Portable blind, or tree stand or downhill while kneeing when the target is below you.  For example if you have a 30" draw length and a bowyer recommends a 64" bow, to reduce the string angle, finger pinch, or stacking common with a 60" bow; BW can make a PCH for a 30" draw length in a bow length of 54" to 58". Please verify before ordering.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: ESP on February 17, 2025, 12:02:24 PM
I have a honest 31.5” dl.  One of the smoothest bows I have ever owned was a 60” widow pch.   I would recommend that bow to any 30” plus draw length.  Just an option.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Arctic Hunter on February 17, 2025, 04:28:37 PM
I would love to be able to shoot a PCH. I got my wife a 40@28 PCH that I occasionally play with, but the sight window is just too short for me.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Tedd on February 17, 2025, 05:51:40 PM
A 60" BW PCH will do the job smoothly out to 31". I'd say it is amazing how they draw out that far. I've used it for 4 years with no stack, finger pinch or wear on the bottom finger. It is very comfortable in treestand and is a killing machine. But, I just got a new 60" BJ Mountain Monarch that is just as good at long draw and will probably probably retire the Black Widow. Both are very good bows. My Big Jim is prettier.

Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: 2wfstlhunting on February 19, 2025, 10:31:33 AM
It was my impression that BW had a try before you buy program?
A missed point here in addition to the draw length is the archers height, particularly from the knees up, in view of the mention that he does a lot of shooting from kneeling.  The length of the bow that can comfortably clear the ground or low vegetation will be effected by that measurement as would the vertical vs canted bow position.  Longer bow to avoid finger pinch might need to be canted to avoid ground contact.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Archie on February 19, 2025, 03:50:55 PM
The 60" Black Widow PCH was nice and smooth out to 30.5" for me.  My draw has shortened to 30" after breaking my shoulder a couple years ago, and I got my hands on the Cascade Archery bows in my signature and have been pleasantly surprised with how smooth they are out to 30".  They aren't really on the market anymore, although I know Steve is making a handful of bows every year and selling them.  I'd rather shoot a nice long, smooth bow, but the shorter bows are so much easier to maneuver.  As for finger pinch... the string angle on shorter bows is definitely noticeable, but I've adapted well to it and it's not bothering me at all.  On the contrary, I think it has helped me to stop putting too much drawing pressure on my ring finger.
Title: Re: Input on bow length
Post by: Arctic Hunter on February 19, 2025, 11:05:27 PM
It was my impression that BW had a try before you buy program?
A missed point here in addition to the draw length is the archers height, particularly from the knees up, in view of the mention that he does a lot of shooting from kneeling.  The length of the bow that can comfortably clear the ground or low vegetation will be effected by that measurement as would the vertical vs canted bow position.  Longer bow to avoid finger pinch might need to be canted to avoid ground contact.

Exactly why I’m hesitant to go to a 64” PMA. I don’t have a very long torso for my draw length. And I don’t really cant the bow much (maybe I should start…). 60” PSA didn’t stack on me, and seemed to work fine for a long time.  I actually kind of prefer the feel of a bow that stacks right past my draw length. But I would get more flyers than I thought I should have. And seemed to get a little finger pinch here and there. It was what I started with and I think I just got used to it. But since I’m starting back at square one without a bow, I think a 62” PMA is where I need to be. Heavier mass weight, and a little less string angle will hopefully make it more forgiving. I talked to Roger the other day about getting one to try. I’m just waiting for them to have a 62” PMA to demo. A used PMA is scarce these days. I was really curious if the guys who spot and stalk like I do found a 64” bow to be a hindrance.