Trad Gang

Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: SOLDIERII on February 13, 2025, 07:06:42 AM

Title: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: SOLDIERII on February 13, 2025, 07:06:42 AM
Greetings everyone, I've convinced myself I will only be using my recurves for hunting next season. I try to get to Canada every couple of years for black bear hunting. I've yet hunted there with my tradbow. I'm 61 years old and if I'm going to live this dream I better start! How many of you bear hunt with traditional equipment and what are your bow setups?
Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: dsmay on February 13, 2025, 08:36:50 AM
Started hunting with recurve 4 years ago and went last year to Manitoba. It was awesome experience, and I ended up shooting a good boar. I used a Black Widow PCH 50#@28 with Day-6 arrows and Iron Will Wide heads. I have another trip planned in 2027.
Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: Michael Guran on February 13, 2025, 08:49:10 AM
I think most people will tell you to use the same equipment you’d use for your deer set up. I shot this 400lb bear in New Brunswick with a 50lb ASL and wood arrow. He only made it about 60 yards
Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: J. Holden on February 13, 2025, 10:08:32 AM
I used my Two Tracks Ogenmaw for my first bear hunt.  Went just over the border into Ontario and hunted with Bear Paw Landing.  Both my son and I shot great bears.  My arrow passed through the bear and stopped on the offside shoulder.  He only went 20 yards and died.  That death moan is the eeriest thing I've ever heard in the woods.

-Jeremy :coffee:

Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: kopfjaeger on February 13, 2025, 11:20:03 AM
I've killed two black bears with traditional bows. Both were killed in New Brunswick Canada. One (pictured) was killed with a 65# Dick Robertson Montana Falcon takedown recurve, maple arrow with a Zwickey Delta broadhead. The second was killed with a 60# Bear Kodiak Takedown, maple arrow with a Bear Razorhead broadhead.
Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: MnFn on February 13, 2025, 11:24:41 PM
My first bear I shot with a 53# Blacktail recurve and Sitka Spruce with 160 two blade broadhead.
The second bear was much bigger and I shot him with a 48# Tall Tines recurve and a Surewood shaft w/160 two blade.

Both arrows completely passed through the chest and the bear went around fourty yards.
Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: Wolf1007 on February 14, 2025, 10:06:11 AM
Following! I am going on my second bear hunt and first with a tradbow this spring to New Brunswick. I am debating between a 53# Stalker or a 48# Widow. 3-blade VPA with a total arrow weight of around 525.
Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: mnbwhtr on February 14, 2025, 10:28:09 AM
All of my bears have been taken with trad bows, the last 2 were with a 50# Bear T/D and Bear razorheads. Complete pass throughs on both. Wolf your setup will be fine.
Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: Wolf1007 on February 14, 2025, 11:26:41 AM
Thanks! Havent decided which I am going with, so building arrows for both, double the fun!  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: Terry Green on February 14, 2025, 01:38:52 PM
60#@28Thunderstick MOAB. Zwickey Delta 4 Blades. 585 grain arrow.
Title: Re: Tradbow Black Bear Hunting
Post by: ozy clint on February 14, 2025, 09:43:54 PM
Alberta fall 2018. He walked past me at 10 yards. Ambushed him near some beehives that were getting raided.

Border Black Douglas 58#@28" 630gr arrows with a Magnus 1 head.