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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Shawn Leonard on February 28, 2007, 09:28:00 PM

Title: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on February 28, 2007, 09:28:00 PM
I just recieved my RER Arroya recurve today. I onlt had  achance to shoot 4 arrow thru it, but it smokes and arrow and was amazingly quiet with nothing on the string. It is 54"s and 52#s at 28"s. I can post pics. tomorrow, but if Frank sees this he may post a couple for me. I will keep this thread up for  afew days and let ya know what I think. I know it has the prettiest limb veneers I have evr seen, and I have to find out what they are. This was an in stock bow and the service was great. Should be a great turkey bow! Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: bjk on February 28, 2007, 09:37:00 PM
Enjoy it Bud...I've wanted to try one of those since they came on the scene...
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: ishiwannabe on February 28, 2007, 09:40:00 PM
I saw it first hand....beautiful. He didnt let me shoot it I can say it was very quiet...hardly a noise with nothing but the nock on the string.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: sticshooter on February 28, 2007, 09:55:00 PM
Here ya go Shawn.<><  (  (
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: larry on February 28, 2007, 09:59:00 PM
Shawn, let me know what you think of it after you've had it for awhile. I've got one on order, but don't think it's due till July...hmmm I better e-mail them and find out  lol.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on February 28, 2007, 10:04:00 PM
I just shot some more in the house. I know I cannot tell on arrow flight as I cannot see it. I am sure this is one of fastest bows I ever shot. I am shooting just shy of 10gpp. I am gonna bareshaft it tomorrow and se what it likes. I will keep ya updated, my shoulder hurts bad, so I cannot shoot too many arrows at a rip. Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Golden Hawk on February 28, 2007, 10:11:00 PM
Shawn If the pics Frank posted are the bow you have it has a Jatoba riser and quilted Sapelle(sp?)veneers. Looks just like the I got to shoot the day it came out of the form.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: vermonster13 on February 28, 2007, 10:15:00 PM
Going to be heck on them turkeys with that beauty
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: sticshooter on February 28, 2007, 10:18:00 PM
Shawn Just so ya know Austin (Kevin & Sue's son) drew that bow 31" and smoked arrows. That is the First 54" Arroyro made. Great looking bow shawn enjoy.<><
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on February 28, 2007, 10:24:00 PM
It is the first bow off the form, Kevin said it seems to be the fastest bow from that form and has not changed anything except made the grip a tad slimmer. I like it so far but have only put 20 arrows thru it. I will shot it a bit more tomorrow. Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Golden Hawk on February 28, 2007, 10:36:00 PM
That little sucker is fast Shawn. I shot it with a 550 grain arrow and my 28" draw at around 180-185 fps.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on February 28, 2007, 11:02:00 PM
I imagine at 9gpp. and a 28" draw it will do into the 190s. I may chrono it this weekend. I am not a speed freak, but if the bow is quiet, stable and shoots where I look than speed does not hurt. Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: BigRonHuntAlot on March 01, 2007, 06:53:00 AM
Sure is a purty bow.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: pappy on March 01, 2007, 07:01:00 AM
That's a fine looking bow,I had never seen one but looks like I will get to see them up close and meet the fine folks that make them in May.They called and want to make the Tennessee Classic.That is a long haul but I told them to come on.You know people in Wi.sure talks funny.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: mcgroundstalker on March 01, 2007, 07:19:00 AM
WOW!!!...That bow is a real beauty Shawn!...Good Luck with her...But at 54" she's taller then I am... :( ...

... mike ...
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shell on March 01, 2007, 08:24:00 AM
Hey Pappy,  What'cha talkin' 'bout us there for???

We're just-a cloggin' along up here in the snow, don't 'chya know....     ;)      :D  

We do have a bit of an accent of our own now, don't we?!
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Mark Fedrizzi on March 01, 2007, 05:28:00 PM
Shawn-- I have a 3pc--58" 50# at my draw---and it is one of the nicest I have placed my hands on---I put beaver silencers on it--real Quite---stable in the hand, and shoots very well---

This one may STAY with you a little while---

...I am curious as to the chrono numbers--as I am shooting around 9.5 GPP--not a speed freak either BUT this bow sure has some cast--and it helps..

   I cannot say enough about the service I got from Kevin and Sue (even sent a X-mas card)..

..We will be hearing a lot more about RER bows in the near future...

Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: sticshooter on March 01, 2007, 05:35:00 PM
Mark Kevin and Sue are great people thats for sure. Customers are #1 with them. Kevin works a full time job as does Sue and builds bows when he gets home. He always makes time to talk to customers.The man loves building bows. It's a Family business and I can tell ya they all take great pride in what they do. Pappy I know there looking forward to the Tenn classic. ><>
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on March 01, 2007, 08:20:00 PM
Well, I shot the snot out of it today. I am sure it did not do my shoulder any good either. I will say I was frustrated, I could not get anything I had to bareshaft, and I was playing with carbons and point weight a lot. I finally ended up with a carbonwood 3000 cut to 29.5"s and just shy of 200 grains up front. They fly like bullets and are 9gpp. I think I am gonna like this bow. I just have to quiet it down some, I mean it is quiet but I think I can make it quieter! Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: sticshooter on March 01, 2007, 08:35:00 PM
SOOOOO did we chrono it? Post a pic of it braced. It's looks great.<><
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on March 01, 2007, 08:58:00 PM
Nope, Iam bringing it with me tomorrow. I have to go about my shoulder. I may need surgery. I will chrono it than. Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: pappy on March 02, 2007, 05:51:00 AM
Shell ,yes yall do,but some folks say we do to.
Sticshooter I am looking forward to meeting them also.I have a special place all picked out for them where maybe it will be dry.No snow here for now,just rain.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: longbow357 on March 02, 2007, 07:22:00 AM
oh man - i cant wait to get my vortex!!!   :D

shawn - have you shot any vortex's?
if so - how do they compare to the arroyo?

i love my hybrid longbows, but this thread is really tempting me...........
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shell on March 02, 2007, 07:53:00 AM

As long the weather is sunny & hot, Sue will be happy!! Wish we could go too....they are wonderful people and friends (the whole family)!
One of those few and far between types  :)

Frank and I both love them very much & when we first met them, we felt as if we knew them forever. You're going to have a great time!!

Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on March 02, 2007, 06:47:00 PM
Well, I got back in fromthe doctors and I also chrono'ed the bow. With a 470 grain carbon arrow, which is basically 9gpp. it shot with a draw of 28"s 194,192,192 195,195 and 195. It was not to scientific, but I had guy make sure I drew it to the 28" mark everytime. After we were done, he said I may of drew it a tad more a few times. This bow is sweet, I am still having trouble getting an arrow to fly perfect though. Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Mark Fedrizzi on March 02, 2007, 07:51:00 PM
Shawn--how much did you play with the Brace height???  mine likes 7 1/8 to 7 1/4  --different bow than yours but if mine drops below 7" than the arrows start to kick...good luck...

also ---good luck with your shoulder--hope you do not need surgery-- I try too keep my practice sessions around 30 min. or less...
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on March 02, 2007, 09:24:00 PM
I played some and it is at 7.5"s right now. Mark, bad news is that I do need surgery. I have a tear in my labrial(sp?) and my rotator cuff. I go the 20th. of March, until than I am shooting as the doctor said I really cannot hurt it much worse. Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: pete p on March 03, 2007, 01:30:00 AM
that is one quick bow!  nice looker too
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: pete p on March 03, 2007, 01:34:00 AM
i too want to know the performance differences between the vortex and the arryo
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: bear1336 on March 03, 2007, 05:45:00 AM
I have a 58" 46lb @ 28 and it will smoke an arrow even at that draw weight.  Very smooth, stable and quite bow.  I have been shooting mine for a year now and it is one the finest bows I have ever owned.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Golden Hawk on March 03, 2007, 05:57:00 AM
I'm not sure of the chrono numbers but I know that my Vortex 52@28 is a very quick bow. I shoot heavy arrows in the 10 to 11 grains per pound of bow weight range. The same arrows I used the day I shot Shawns bow. Realisticly you should get about 185-190 with arrows in the 9 grain per pound range.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Mark Fedrizzi on March 03, 2007, 02:27:00 PM
....Shawn--good luck with your surgery--hope all goes well-------Mark
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Golden Hawk on March 03, 2007, 02:29:00 PM
Hope your surgery goes well. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on March 03, 2007, 03:52:00 PM
This chrono is dead on and as I said I drew it a bit beyond 28"s. I believe the 192 is dead nuts on. Kevin told me for some reason this bow, the first off the form was the fastest one of these bows he has made and I believe him. With the brace lower it was a bit quicker. I have played with this thing and arrows all day. I have finally found the perfect arrow flight and arrow. It is a carbonwood 3000 cut to 29.5"s and 175 grains up front. I finally settled on a BH of 8"s on the botton after tryni everything under the sun. I liked it at 7.25"s but everything I shot porpoised. I spoke to Frank(Sticshooter who had spoke to Kevin) and I tried again. I am more than happy now!! This is gonna be a great turkey bow!! Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: bayoulongbowman on March 03, 2007, 04:24:00 PM
Man almost missed this...nice bow that shoulder good bud!  :)
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: sticshooter on March 03, 2007, 07:13:00 PM
Shawn glad ya got it worked out. <><
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: maxwell on March 03, 2007, 09:04:00 PM
I have two Riversedge TD' recurves and  I very highly recommend
them.  I can't think of a thing I don't like.   Fast , beautiful woods, great people, I have another on order wasn't sure what to get maybe the arroyo is the ticket I know I won't be disappointed.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Scott S. on March 03, 2007, 11:47:00 PM
Beautiful bow, Shawn.  I may just end up with an Arroyo someday myself.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Stone Knife on March 04, 2007, 07:54:00 AM
Hey Shawn good luck with your surgery let us know how you make out. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: Shawn Leonard on March 04, 2007, 10:17:00 PM
To the top for a new sponsor. I am shooting this bow a lot as once I have the surgery I won't be able to for a while. I am paying for it, but doc said I could not really do much more damage. I put 200 arrows thru it today and I am hurtin' but this bow is a sweet shooter for sure! Shawn
Title: Re: New RER Arroyo
Post by: LAR43 on March 04, 2007, 11:19:00 PM
As Jim said, all the best with the surgery. Rehab it right & get back soon!
God Bless . .

Larry & Greg