Trad Gang

Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Nole on April 28, 2010, 10:41:00 PM

Title: Gobbler Still Alive
Post by: Nole on April 28, 2010, 10:41:00 PM
I thought I would share a brief story of my first shot at a gobbler with my Recurve.  Our birds have been real henned up here in South Georgia and every morning I hunt they fly down with hens and off they go.  So today I decided to try something different and hunt them in the afternoon.  I got to my blind, put out a B-Mobile strutter with a hen decoy and when I got settled in the blind one gobbled not 75 yards in front of me.  I called to him and he would come up to within forty yards strut a little and then move away.  This bird gobbled for an hour and a half and every time I called to him he would answer but B-Mobile had him scared and after a while he moved off.  I was really beginning to doubt why I put out the strutting decoy.

After a while of some light calling I saw movement to my right.  It was the King of the woods and probably the reason the other bird would not come.  The first bird probably thought that B-Mobile was this guy.  He came stomping in ready to fight.  His beard was easily 12 inches long and without a doubt the biggest bird I have ever seen.  I had my decoys at 12 yards and he got right up to the strutter.  I drew back, picked a spot and released.  My arrow barely missed him and I may have pulled the shot a little just because I was so excited and then the bird ran off.  I was pretty dejected feeling after missing but the hunt was awesome.  By far the best hunt I have had all year!

I have killed many turkeys with a shotgun but this was my first gobbler that I have shot at with my recurve.  I killed 3 deer and two hogs this past fall with traditional gear which was my first season with trad gear and I cannot wait to kill a gobbler wtih the bow.  I love this game!  Hopefully before our season ends I can share some pictures with you all.


Title: Re: Gobbler Still Alive
Post by: poison arrow on April 28, 2010, 10:48:00 PM
Good luck, make those shots count. Post the pictures when you get'em
Title: Re: Gobbler Still Alive
Post by: bolong on April 29, 2010, 12:53:00 PM
Keep after em and good luck!!
Title: Re: Gobbler Still Alive
Post by: fnshtr on April 29, 2010, 01:00:00 PM
Way to go! Just don't mmmmm... (hard to say). Get him the next time!!!

I use the jake decoy and have had good success with it... but like fishing, to catch the big one you need big bait!

I'll be watching for your success thread... soon.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Gobbler Still Alive
Post by: twitchstick on April 29, 2010, 01:13:00 PM
It's always nice to get them close. I don't think your the frist guy to miss,now you'll be ready for the next one.
Title: Re: Gobbler Still Alive
Post by: RC on April 29, 2010, 01:30:00 PM
Good hunt. Stay after`m and it`ll happen for ya.RC
Title: Re: Gobbler Still Alive
Post by: maineac on April 29, 2010, 08:54:00 PM
Sounds like a great hunt.  Stay after him.  An arrow is a lot less spooky than a gun, he will still be in the area.  Try just a couple of hen decoys.
Title: Re: Gobbler Still Alive
Post by: thunder1 on May 01, 2010, 09:48:00 AM
I missed a tom that was working a hen and they both split. The hen was back less than a half hour later and shortly after that the tom was back. Both staid just out of bow range. I was surprised that they came back in.