Trad Gang

Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: longbow james on July 14, 2010, 12:47:00 PM

Title: Short Bows
Post by: longbow james on July 14, 2010, 12:47:00 PM
Hey all I am new to Trad Gang.

I am looking for a new short takedown recurve, some where in the 48" to 52" range, any sugestions!!

Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: COMPOUNDLESS IN CONCRETE on July 14, 2010, 12:50:00 PM
Cascade Archery has some.  They are a sponsor here.
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Stiks-n-Strings on July 14, 2010, 12:53:00 PM
Welcome to the Gang!
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: IronJohn on July 14, 2010, 01:32:00 PM
Fedora's Archery has them too............IJ
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Blackhawk on July 14, 2010, 02:06:00 PM
I second the idea for Cascade Archery's line of short bows.  Steve Gorr has perfected the market for 48-52" takedowns. (
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Longbowz on July 14, 2010, 02:12:00 PM

Black Widow PCH is another one.
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Jim's Mom on July 14, 2010, 02:19:00 PM
I recommend Cascade also. I have a Cascade Golden Hawk Mag with 52" and 48" limbs. Just got the 48" limbs recently from Blackhawk.
 I draw 27" and the 52" limbs are great. No finger pinch. The 48" limbs have just a little bit of stacking just before full draw and a little finger pinch.
 I have had a 52" Bear Kodiak Mag and a 48" Bear Super Mag. The Cascade in these lengths is far superior. The Cascade is also much quieter than the Bears.  
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Chester Thompson on July 14, 2010, 03:38:00 PM
Two Tracks Ambush

Chuck is a great guy to deal with.;f=1;t=086684#000000;f=1;t=077892#000000
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: longbow james on July 14, 2010, 04:15:00 PM
Thanks guy's for all the info!!!!! Also thanks for the welcome!
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Rick Butler on July 14, 2010, 04:38:00 PM
My son got a 50" Ambush from Two Tracks and loves it. Said he wanted something short for Hog hunting next Spring down at Ray's.  Seems he had a hard time gettin' thru the Palmettos and underbrush with his 66"er. Anyway that bow is a great shooter!
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Doug in MI on July 14, 2010, 05:23:00 PM
Check out the Annewakee Addiction recurves. They are a sponser here.
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Larry Surtees on July 14, 2010, 05:29:00 PM
52" Kwyk Styk
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Sean Butler on July 14, 2010, 06:49:00 PM
I love my ambush.  After i got back from comptons I put another 100 arrows through it.  I had a lot of groups i had to pull two at a time because the arrows were touching.
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Wal on July 14, 2010, 07:06:00 PM
I own a Cascade Golden Hawk 52' , love it, haven't had much experience with others as I tried one of these and thought it offered all I could ask.
So I bought one.

Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: longbow james on July 15, 2010, 10:17:00 AM
Thanks for all the input. I am still trying to decide.....LOL....any more sugestions?
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: AKCrazyhorse on July 15, 2010, 11:57:00 AM
Saluki makes a Damascus in 52" and a Turk in a 48".  Hard to beat the lines and performance of Lukas' short bows.
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: Bowwild on July 15, 2010, 12:03:00 PM
I don't have a recurve that short but if I were to buy one it would (from the ads and testimonials) be a Cascade.  My shortest recurve is an "A" handle Bear TD Supreme with #1 limbs--56" bow -- 53" when strung. I tried it in my ground blind (Double Bull Dark Horse) yesterday and it works great.  I have a short draw of 26 inches. So, I get buy with a shorter bow than average or tall folks.  However, I've always been fearful of bows shorter than 56" because of stacking and finger pinch. But, I haven't drawn a 48-54" bow so I could be fearful without cause. Good luck.
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: bolong on July 15, 2010, 12:51:00 PM
No expierence with short TD's but welcome to the gang!  :archer2:
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: stickbowguy on July 15, 2010, 03:57:00 PM
If you can find a Texas recurve static tip, I had one 50" and 58#@28 that was a realy fun bow to shoot. They are hard to find and most people dont want to give up what they have, but you can find them
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: JEFF B on July 15, 2010, 04:01:00 PM
welcome to the family you will love it here so much ya wont want to leave  :campfire:
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: David Mitchell on July 15, 2010, 07:14:00 PM
If I wanted a short recurve I would look no further than the Cascade.
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: wulf on July 15, 2010, 09:49:00 PM
I would suggest a Cascade Archery bow myself.  Steve Gorr is a proponent of short recurves and he makes some good ones.  Good luck.
Title: Re: Short Bows
Post by: David Mitchell on July 16, 2010, 08:08:00 AM
By the way, wulf, Steve's bows are actually made by Marc at Chekmate.  Excellent short bow.