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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: xia_emperor on May 23, 2007, 12:30:00 PM
Well I am right handed, but I hurt my shoulder, and so I decided to barrow a bow and shot left handed. At first it was very strange, but I started shooting well after my 50th arrow or so. The thing that through me off was the rest of the day I felt strange. the way I saw things, etc. anyone else have this happen? maybe lefties always feel this way and don't notice it. LOL!
I shoot both hands. Right handed left eye dom. Started shooting lefty a year ago I don't shoot left alot anymore it "clears' up my vision. I do know what you mean.
Left y's adapt quicker to right y's than right y's adapt to left y's. It's a right handed world.......stabow
i don't notice what you mean because i am a lefty. mabye i should try right handed sometime and see if i feel wierd.
I can only shoot a gun right handed, but can only shoot a bow left handed , dont know why?
Well Xia,
Welcomed to the world of leftys. We do feel weird most of the time, cause........well, we are.
I am a true ambidextrous shooter. I shoot equally as poor with both hands! The only thing I can think of is if you are right eyed, you got used to adjusting your point of aim after 50ish arrows and might have been walking a bit sideways like John Wayne afterwards.
I do everything left handed so don't notice anything odd. However, I do notice some differences from righties.
1. Lefties think different than righties. Not necessarily better but we take different paths to arrive at the same conclusion.
2. Lefties can usually use their right hand better than righties use their left. (Probably born of necessity in a right handed world.)
3. Lefties can learn by watching righties better than righties can learn by watching lefties.
4. More lefties can usually write backwards easier than righties. (Handy ability if you are taking notes at a meeting and don't want someone reading over your shoulder.)
I think shooting left helps me shoot better right. I don't feel any different, but it is fun. It's an excuse to own another bow.
I'm rh but left eye dominant, I shot lefty for a while and it did the same to me. Bret