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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Sambar on May 09, 2011, 09:52:00 PM
hi there im looking at getting a recurve, i have a 29" draw and dont want to spend to much on it i really like the look of the bear grizzly would it be ok to draw 29"? or any other sugestions in that price range.
I don't know what is available to you in Australia, but here I would spend an extra $75-100 and buy a Maddog 60" recurve.
Holm-Made, A river Runner is an excellent one piece bow and good customer service.Plus he is a sponsor here and heck of a nice guy!
They are all very nice looking bows, I have allways wanted a grizzly and havnt heard any bad things about them just not to shore if it will draw to 29" ok
It will easily handle 29" Sambar.
cool im just worried about a bit of string pinch as i shoot 3 fingers under is there anyone out there that has shot one 3 under?
Shipping a one piece bow to Australia will cost at least 125.00 US from the United States. At least that is the best price I found when I shipped to New Zealand. I think there is also some customs expenses at your end as well. Just so you know what your getting into. Chad
cheers mate i would prob be looking at buying local, i have also looked at the martin x200 witch would be a better bow for the money a martin x200 or a bear grizzly?
Have you contacted Mark Kimber up in Queensland Australia.....Huntsman recurve bows....Very well made bows...and very appealing to the eye....He makes some sure nuff beautiful recurve and longbows......There not cheap but a once in a life time bow
Yea they are a sexy looking bow the huntsman but I don't want to spend that much. looking for something in the 300 range that's why I think I have my eyes on the bear grizzly value for money I don't think I will find any better.
I shot my grizzly 3 under no finger pinch.The x-200 is a good bow also.
Mate, I love Martin bows and have owned a Hunter and a Hatfield T/D ... i have also owned a bunch of Bears over the years and the Grizzly is a great shooter and should handle 29". I'd take the grizzly over the X 200 everyday of the week ...
If possible try a Martin/Howatt Hunter ... brilliant bows that throw a heavy arrow really well .
Shipping to Oz for One piece bows is now often running $200 +
Cheers ben I will have to post some pics of me with my first pig and goat I got with your old hill I love that bow.
Heck yeah Bro !!!!
Pics man !
cant get my scanner to work as my pics are from my nice old SLR film camera and need to scan them onto the comp, ill take a look at it tomoz mate and hopefully post them up.