Trad Gang
Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Jwilliam on November 12, 2011, 03:49:00 PM
Nice :thumbsup:
Things finally came together for me the last morning of the PA archery season. This little guy came walking in at 10-12 yards, and I couldn't pass him up. :D Got both lungs and the top of the heart. :thumbsup:
I was shooting my 60" 52@28" Zipper SXT recurve, Beman MFX Classic 400's, and 150gr. 2-blade Magnus Stingers.
This was the first animal I have taken with a KME sharpened broadhead. I was really impressed.
I would like to thank Bill Dunn and Ron Swartz for there awesome products !!! :clapper:
CONGRATS BILL!!! great shot! TD.
What's that white stuff?
Congrats on a successful hunt.
Yes... nice shot! Congratulations!
Very nice job! Congratulations on your trophy.
Man that 150gr. Stinger did a job on him.
Way to go!!
:thumbsup: :archer:
Very nice,for a miniute I thought you spilled your cool aide walking to the stand.
Very nicely done. Shot placement looks to be spot on.
Originally posted by lpcjon2:
Very nice,for a miniute I thought you spilled your cool aide walking to the stand.
Nice man, wat to get it done.
Nice shot!!
The last day wasn't so kind to me.
Great shot! That's the kind of blood trail I like to follow! Congratulations!
Bernie Bjorklund
NC Iowa/SW Wisconsin
Man how did you follow that blood trail! :eek:
Way to go Bill!! Looks like you realy Zipped him. Guess your year was with alot of action and our little group did okay for itself.
I'll excpect a big story this week. :jumper: :jumper: :jumper:
I thought you used a Meat Cleaver on that one! Congrats.
Way to go sir! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Good shooting. That is sweet getting it on the last day of season.
nice shootin!!!
Well done, Bill! The season may be over, but this Winter, YOU eat!!!! Looks like a fine shot to seal the deal.
Way to go!
Great shot Bill!Congrats!!
Bill and Tracy
That blood trail doesn't need the snow. Nice job, good eating ahead.
Way to go. :bigsmyl:
nice shot , congrats :clapper:
Wow! No problem following that one. Congrats and great shot! Not a lot of meat on him but absolutely the best.
Now that's Drilled. Great shooting Bill and love that Zipper.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Nice job
Great shooting!
nice. congrats.
Thats awesome bud. Last minute deal sealing make your venison all the tastier.