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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: stickgunner on January 15, 2012, 01:05:00 AM
Go Check JD Berry's new web site out at . He's got some great prices on his bows and the detail is out of this world.
look good... How do they shoot??
Jame's bows shoot just has nice has they look. After 30 years of building custom longbows James has master the art and craftmanship and is truly a master bowyer. James is a pleasure to talk to and really know's is stuff. You cann't go wrong with a J D Berry.
JD Berry's are darn fine bows. I have a Renaissance I almost sold, then I look at her, hold her, and shot her. Glad it is still on my bow rack.
They do look good and at $850 to $875 I'd expect them to look good. Dave
I have a new-to-me Pit Viper coming. Very excited to try it.
are all his bows shaped like a D section or any of them more radical like a moab or tomahawk,, also is there a noticable performace difference between the 400 dollar vs the 800 dollar bows?
i have three berrys bows. one taipan, and an argos,aswell as a vixen. and theres quite alot of difference in price in the last . his quality is standard comes with every bow. might not have as many woods in the riser. but they all have magnificent trapazoided limbs, that i can only imagine taking hours if not days. its not just a flat trapazoid. what i mean its nice and rounded not just set on a planer. i have been surprised at the quality from James since bow Number one. now on my third with my last being a vixen which is a lower cost model but one of my faveorites. the craftsmanship and quality as well as design are amazing.
@tajue 17 i dont believe he makes a radical r/d at the moment. hes been around along time im sure he has a form for one. and as far as performance there is no difference between the price ranges. just less pieces of wood
Hmm,,, well I'm really wondering about the argos compared to the scorpian but if they both shoot the same its tough but I do want a nice curves D style traditional look that has reflex/delfex,,,,, lets say 55@27 64-66" which one gets the voteif price wasn't an option??
if its a tie between would it be worth another hundred bucks to get the forward handle Taipan?
I do like his Prices and I like the wait time,,,, also how does it work with ordering do you call him and then send in a deposit because I didn't see an order form.
Hello Tajue, just give James a call, and he will be answer all of your questions. He usally will take your order then ask for a $100 down and the rest when the bow is completed. Jame's bows are a D style longbow with a reflex-delfex. Like I said before James is a pleasure to talk to and knows is stuff. Happy shooting.
Never shot a JD Berry bow before but I have been looking at them for some time . They look awesome and im sure they shoot that way also :thumbsup:
I picked up a Taipan, 54 at 27 inches from a Member here about two years ago. I am pretty much a confirmed recurve shooter for the past 55 years but this was one of the best purchases I've made. Sometimes you just need to go outside the box. It is also the lightest poundage bow I have but it shoots great.
I shot a Taipan a while back, a longer one. I don't think a longbow can be built more forgiving and accurate as that one was.
After a 6-1/2 month wait my new JD Berry Apollo forward handled longbow finally arrived. 62" and 48#@28. Yew core and trapezoid yew limbs. The bow was built from 72 individual pieces of exotic wood. Gorgeous arrow inlays on the limbs. Cocobola and brazilian walnut riser with double arcs and elk antler inlay. Elk antler overlay on the riser back and elk antler and bloodwood on the riser belly. Elk antler tip overlays on the trademark hook nocks. This bow is simply stunning. Draws smooth as butter and whisper quiet even without silencers. I was shocked at how fast it is. My last JD Berry Taipan was 52# and this one seems faster than that. Even the script work is unbelievable.
Berry bows are top quality. I have 3 Renaissance, 1 Appollo, 1 Argos (for my son) and 1 recurve. I am so pleased with the performacne, quality and the look.
The longbows are R/D design but are all D shape when strung. Renaissance shoots faster than Appollo. But Appollo seems to be more forgiving for me due to reverse handle. They all draw smoothly, shoot quiet and no handshock. Many guys in my club want me to sell them one of mine but I just don't want to part. In our club in the last 2 years members bought 15+ bows from James.
Anyone shoot the Pit Viper?
Tajue 17, this is James Berry. I will try to answer your questions the best i can so here we go. Each model is built on it's own form except the reverse handle, the Apollo and Taipan.
The two top models the limb laminations are balanced and the glass is tapered. " they tend to shoot sweeter". There is not a big difference
between the $400 and $800 model in preformance.
All JD Berry longbows are "D" shaped.
Give me a call I am not following your question on the D shape ref/def.
Heres my number 509-299-3029
I have a 26&1/4" draw , I like to heel the bow a bit, what length would you recommend for the Apollo.
Holy cow!!! Great seein' you here James!!!
Hi James,
Nice to see you here!
I am gonna brag about James Berry to you guys if thats okay. I was given the opportunity to build a bow with James for my up and coming Cape buff hunt this June. So I took full advantage of James offer. The bow turned out just beautiful. I will post pics later this week.It's a Vixen 68" #78@28". I can't tell you guys enough how great of a bowyer James is. If your looking to buying His Argos, do it.Your in good hands and you will get a great bow. My wife loves her Argos James made for her this past August.It shoots very nice and it spits her POC arrows out like lightening.Her bow is 60" #43@25" Heck, call him up you can't go wrong. James will treat you like Family. I will let you in on a little secret, Take mickydo french frys for his dog if you want past the gate. lol
Nice looking bow, Brian!
I have a 64" Pit Viper that was built for me in the early '90s ('93 or '94 - would have to dig out the paperwork), 65# @ 28". It is a wonderful narrow-limbed, deep-cored longbow; still going strong after all these years.
Originally posted by JDBerry:
Tajue 17, this is James Berry. I will try to answer your questions the best i can so here we go. Each model is built on it's own form except the reverse handle, the Apollo and Taipan.
The two top models the limb laminations are balanced and the glass is tapered. " they tend to shoot sweeter". There is not a big difference
between the $400 and $800 model in preformance.
All JD Berry longbows are "D" shaped.
Give me a call I am not following your question on the D shape ref/def.
Heres my number 509-299-3029
James, So your saying you registered on here and made your 1st post for me???? I knew I'd leave a mark here somehow before I faded away but I will be giving you a call this afternoon and thank yuo for posting and answering my question.
Originally posted by Iowa Tom L.:
I have a 64" Pit Viper that was built for me in the early '90s ('93 or '94 - would have to dig out the paperwork), 65# @ 28". It is a wonderful narrow-limbed, deep-cored longbow; still going strong after all these years.
Love to see it. Dig it out!
I havent called James because i dont like to bother bowyers while they are working! So i will ask here before i call.
The Taipan is the less expensive model of the Appollo right? So is the Argos the less expensive model of the Renaissance? And besides the more fancy woods and such is there a real difference in the performance???
And what about the Viper???
I called James and he really is a great guy to talk with!!! He talked to me about what i was wanting out of a bow, which makes a difference in how he does the limbs.
After that i ended up placeing my very FIRST order for a custom made bow !!!
I ordered an Argos that will be 70" long and 50# @ 29" and it should be ready in only 2 or at the most 3 months!
I am so dang excited!!!
james knows his bows thats for sure you will be happy with the bow. now the hard part ..... the waiting lol
Just started shooting again after about a 7 year layoff.I got into falconry and that takes up my whole hunting season now.
My youngest daughter(she's 8) just asked to start shooting a bow,so I broke all mine out a couple weeks ago. I shot them all the 1st day and stuck with my Berry Serpentine.I can't even remember when it was made for me.James if you're seeing this do you keep any records? What a beauty she is and shoots like a demon. Beautiful wood work and rock python backed. I sold alot of my bows since I stopped shooting.I had her up for sale,man I'm glad she didn't go!!! I think I'm going to order a Vixen now as well. Here's a pic of my Serpentine-
Python skin
Great looking bow Nick! JD told me the serial number is always the date he built it.
I just got my Argos and it is good to know that even after so many years your bow is still going strong!!!
Thanks,I tried to take a closeup of the wood work in it,but the pics don't do the work any justice. No serial number on it.Doesn't even have the length or draw weight marked. It's 62" and If I remember right it was about 60-62lbs@26"
Here's a close up,much better in person-