Trad Gang
Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Hummer3T on January 24, 2012, 12:41:00 PM
Do others hunt out of a traditional cabin in the woods. I built this one over the past 6 years. It is stack log (cord wood) construction in filled between a post and beam frame. Lots of recycled and hand built parts, material from my land or the local area.
Lets see what others have build and/or are using.
More pictures of the build and final product below:
WOW!!!!! :clapper:
Now thats a cabin. :thumbsup:
I've posted this one plenty of times, but love showing what heaven on earth looks like to me.
I like this thread already!!!
My rustic deer hunting cabin at home:
On site, now permanent (1976 454, about 7mpg, both gas and oil):
This cabin isn't mine, but I have a key and unlimited access, it's the only place I hunt, and I'm the only bowhunter who has permission to hunt there. The pot-belly stove inside is real nice in the late season!
That is beautiful! Hummer3
*It's not all Trad...but I am converting my partners one guy at a time :)
*Looks pretty good on the front porch. Just wish I had a gobbler there hanging with it.
Good looking cabins you guys... Mine for now is a wall tent!!
Great looking cabins guys! Really gives me motivation to get started on mine. Already have a little 10 acre patch in MI I've been wanting to get going on.
Little Haven, the new bunkhouse net to the main cabin
Inside with gas lights and wood heat
I don't have a log cabin type camp but still enjoy it all year with the pond and woods.My grand kids have plenty room to explore,hunt,or fish.
This camp is a hunting club I belong to ,although I don't own it have access in hunting season.The white bulding is my bunkhouse (
Nice guys, keep them coming
All of them, so far, are very, very nice! This thread has just started I'm sure we're going to see a lot more beautiful places.
Ain't got much to show for 60 years but this is what Ma and I have to pass down to the kids.
There all bowhunters and this is the best place in the world to hang out. Best deer hunting in the state of Minnesota. Thank you God.
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Originally posted by Archie:
This cabin isn't mine, but I have a key and unlimited access, it's the only place I hunt, and I'm the only bowhunter who has permission to hunt there. The pot-belly stove inside is real nice in the late season!
ShrewHaven in the early evening from the back deck
Keep em coming! :campfire:
This is as good as it gets
Nice places.
Great looking camps, everyone. I can only dream...LOL
Cannot do pics,but mine is a log cabin and I sleep in it ever night and hunt in the woods behind our cabin.
Originally posted by Archie:
This cabin isn't mine, but I have a key and unlimited access, it's the only place I hunt, and I'm the only bowhunter who has permission to hunt there. The pot-belly stove inside is real nice in the late season!
I would agree, perfect! That can't be in Illinois, right?!
-Jeremy :coffee:
Mine moves around...
( Here is my hunting camp. Have been building it since the 70's. Most of the wood with exception of posts came from trees on the property (83 acres) here in the Yooper.
I cant afford to rent a port-a-pottie for a cabin guys are killen me
I am liking this thread!
This is the best I can do.
The aged, weathered wood of a log cabin gets me every time. I spent many years hunting out of this Adirondack in the National forest, sharing it with the mice who slowly, along with the weather, ate the chestnut logs away.
I have hunted there since 1986, and can understand the ache that one may have to hold a piece of country, to throw your heart unreservedly, headlong into a patch of woods, a section of mountain, a stretch of range. Something that would be in your psyche, your soul, when you were away, and calling. Open arms awaiting your return, that you may frolic together in youthful abandon like old friends.
Reunited old friends pick up the conversation where it left off, because they really have never been apart.
Killdeer :campfire:
What a great subject... thank you to all guys who sent in pictures....
Beautiful words Killy...and such truth in them sister. I am going to my cabin this weekend with my growing son. I will speak these words to him as we shed hunt and chase squirrels with our longbows :)
Keep those pics (and words) coming everyone. ALL of these are beautiful.
Back in the 70's I found this cabin just below timberline in the mountains near Red Lodge Montana while I was elk hunting. I had packed in a small tent but when I found this old cabin, it became home for almost two weeks.
I wished it's walls could talk.
Originally posted by Ron LaClair:
I wished it's walls could talk.
Ron, I couldn't agree more!
Here is the old home stead from my property, It was built in the early 40's when this area of the world was first opened up. I have never stayed in it, but might fix it up as a guest place. I have not done this due to a family of turkey vultures making this their home every spring and recently a family of cougars living there. I kind of think some times leaving things along for nature has more merit than trying to use or reuse.
My son and I built this little 12x16 cabin on our hunting property about 10 yrs ago.
My favorite place...
It's where I go to unwind and clean out
the "clutter" from my mind... It's magical how repeatedly watching the arc of an arrow in flight can do just that...
It's also where I hunt whitetails.
Enjoy the "tour"
Here is mine, Colorado Rockies. Simple but warm and dry. My Dad and I built it in the summer of 1995. Lots of good memories from that summer. I miss him.
Wow those are some nice ones. Ron awesome cabin and kadbow nice country. I enjoyed all so far from the tents and up. Its special to see these on this post, even with the cabin, I still tent hunt and enjoy that experience. Seeing these reminds me of different hunts from tenting to sleeping in the back of the truck to my cabin. My dad and brother have helped in every step of my build and that makes my cabin even more special, like many of you have eluded to about your builds.
Here's my hunting cabin. It's altitude is right at sea level!
It is not real spacious, but it has a great view of the ocean. Some wonderful sunsets and sunrises.
This is the transport to get the deer back to the cabin from the woods.
Can't wait til next season!
ShrewHaven as seen from Armstrong Creek
Bringing a deer into camp up the Armstrong
Mine is pretty humble, but thin walls let you hear the elk bugle as you drift off.
I guess this counts as my hunting cabin. But its also our full time residence. 625 SF on 20 acres surrounded by hundreds. Life is pretty good!
Mine is not as remote as some of these but it is still nice to get away to.
Ron Bushong, that is one sweet little cabin you have there. Was that a cabin kit? I din't see a chimney, how do you heat it?
Originally posted by swampdrummer:
I guess this counts as my hunting cabin. But its also our full time residence. 625 SF on 20 acres surrounded by hundreds. Life is pretty good!
Absolutely Perfect!!
This thread is great! I have been collecting materials for a few years to start building mine. Probably would have started it by now but haven't quite decided the size/design. I am using old wood and steel roofing and have windows from a house built in the 1800's. I want it to look like it's been around for a long time. This thread should help me to finalize my plans and hopefully start this summer.
"Stillhunt", Tioga County, PA
Try again
Originally posted by longbowben:
I figured you would get a pic up of our place posted. When we built this I never dreamed of the memories that would follow.
The walls on this place DO talk! Especially at night.
You guys are lucky to have cabins in areas that the lowlifes don't bother.
Where I live the backwoods meth heads would first steal every thing out of the cabin, then burn it down to collect any metal they could find to sell for scrap.
The above happened to a friend of mine a month or so ago in southern, middle Tennessee.
This is our sanctuary, the home of mushroom hunting, turkey hunting, canoeing, 4th of July family get-togethers and of course my favorite, deer hunting in the fall.
Thanks to all for sharing. Perhaps my favorite thread to date!
Amazing thread and the stories that are in those walls.
some great camps here. i'd love to hunt in all of them here is mine at 5 pines farm
Heaven on earth for me!
Looking to the loft
On a rare snow day looking across little lake
It's actually our fishing camp, but deer lease is 10 minutes away
Love the Yurt, now that's traditional. Cool spot too.
Here's mine surrounded by pure white snow! I also consider most of you family here and anyone is welcome to use mine but just bring a "BIG SHOVEL" the snow can get pretty deep at times like in this pic... :campfire:
Wow! Ya'll are huntin in style!. My hunting camp consists of a one-man tent or the bed of my truck. I'm a little jealous, but then again I can put my "cabin" anywhere.
Hummer3T you got a loader and there's no pool? What gives man?
Originally posted by Tom Leemans:
Hummer3T you got a loader and there's no pool? What gives man?
Up coming projects are first a road and then maybe a dam or dugout. The elk, deer, moose and bear would just muddy up a pool.
Love the beagle Ron. Don't trust my youngest one enough to let her off leash. I have faith the older one would come back, though she cut a coyote tract in the snow once and wouldn't so much as lift her head when I was screaming her name five feet behind her.
Great, loving dogs, but darn stubborn. Must be why I love em so much, I see so much of me in them, hehe.
Keefer, That's to funny!
Thanks for the invite keefer but looks to cold for me with all that snow and ya ain't even got a door or wender!!LOL !!
Originally posted by Eric Krewson:
You guys are lucky to have cabins in areas that the lowlifes don't bother.
Where I live the backwoods meth heads would first steal every thing out of the cabin, then burn it down to collect any metal they could find to sell for scrap.
The above happened to a friend of mine a month or so ago in southern, middle Tennessee.
That's so funny & true but so sad at the same time.
Originally posted by LITTLEBIGMAN:
some great camps here. i'd love to hunt in all of them here is mine at 5 pines farm
What the heck is that thing?..pretty cool actually.
There is some great stuff on this thread. I am hoping to get my log cabin started shortly. It will take some time but it is good to work towards a goal that will bring such a wonderful reward. I have the spot, I have the trees, now I just have to get my butt to work.
To all - keep the pictures coming. This is a great thread. Thanks for sharing. It put a spark back in my plans.
Hummer, you MUST get the turkey buzzard house redone, that is exactly what I want!
Cabins seem to take on a life of there own over the years. The stories of how this deck came to being built or how a window or a door was placed are all part of the history. In 1975 when we put the original foundation down we had no idea that our little get away would become three times the original size, have a well, solar panels to run lights and a bathroom with a flush toliet and shower. After adding the solar last year we just had to put in a back screened in deck so we could sit out there in the summer when the skeeters could eat you alive. Camp life sure is fun.
The last folks I let stay there Trashed the place and Stole my door and wenders! It ain't the Biggest cabin but we gots plans to add on another room or two...Now I got some more fishin to do and go invite a few more folk to stop and and see my cabin..I think I'll go send old DOC NOC an invitation! Tell ya all what I had the worst case of "Cabin Fever " today! :rolleyes:
This is my other Cabin but the family won't let me take it hunting.
That ain't no cabin
That's the Hilton in my neck of the woods :D
Ya big Stinker!! That PM invite got me hook line and sinker, Stinker! I'll get ya!
You sell your tin tent? Beats the bejabbers outa that 79' Apache hard side pop up of mine... I can't even stretch out in the pull out bed!!!
[Down in Shrew hollow by old Armstrong creek
sits a little log cabin with wood floors that squeek
In the evening the soft glow of gas lights are there
while outside there are whitetails, gray wolves and black bear
Up on the oak ridge the acorns are falling
the bucks they are grunting, the does they are calling
so we slip in our stand and we wait for a buck
if the wind is just right all we'll need is some luck
Now come hang up your buck on our deer hanging rail
then sit by the fire and tell us your tale
for the stories of hunting is why we come here
to hear the stories and to hunt for the great whitetail deer]
Doc Noc,
So far you weren't the only fish that took the bait...Lee Hoots, 1/4/ away Fred,Yohan and not sure about Raging Water Yet? If he got it he could possible be making a road trip to my house as we speak? I keep peaking out my window seeing if anyone of you are pulling in the drive to :goldtooth: :D :p I better head to work before I get another case of "CABIN FEVER"...
I gladly accept your hospitality. It would be an honor.
I will respond to the "Arrows" PM, this weekend. I have often thought of taking the same path.
Ron, thats a great photo. It looks like something you find in an old book of the past. And I like the ring leader sitting in the chair like a wise chief.
Originally posted by Keefer:
Tell ya what, Keith... I'd take a full set of Lincoln Logs in the round container with tin ends and make some money you bet! The hours we wiled away pretending they were everything from motorcycles, jeeps, submarines, airplanes with the roof material for wings, etc, etc... it was all we had "hand-me-down". Endless hours of enjoyment for sure. I sure wish I still had a full set! They bring big $$$! :)
Yea Doc Nock....Lincoln Logs and that Fort Apache set, hours spent on the living room floor...boy are we getting old. To the rest, great camps, keep the photos coming :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I think I passed "gettin old" in 2009! :(
Doc Noc,
After Old comes Mold...I guess ya just plain "Old Mold"...Hey I had a threat on my Log Home there..I was told by someone that when they see it they were going to stump it and Burn it down...Geeze Man I offer up me Cabin to my buddies and now they threaten me cause it ain't much space for them...I don't know what cabin pic I sent ya all cause I didn't have my reading glass's on when I was downloading my pics...I better go back and see what pic I sent you all...We did add new doors and winders and took that old fence down....Right comfy cabin once all that snow melted... :rolleyes:
O.k. now that I found my glass's this was the correct pic fella's..That last one was when it was under construction during the Blizzard of 2004....
My portable cabin, Other one ( log cabin on 50 acres ) is in Ontario, Canada, but I have no pictures of it on m ( camera.
Keefer, this is no cabin!!! What does your house look like? Cause compare to this, mine look like a shack!!!
My portable cabin and my followers, even has a wood burning stove and can fit 6-7 people with all my gear for a week in a rain storm. LOL
And my new ride to get around on warmer sunny days.
Here is mine.
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Not mine but I get to use it whenever I want, the picture is me and my Godson with his first Trad kill, it's a very special place and I am very lucky to have it.
I'm jealous! :) You guy's have some nice places to hunt out of.
I Love this Thread! :archer:
Yeah I'm jealous too. Love this thread.
Guyzer that just screams moose !
Awesome thread guys...
Thanks guys. You just made my day. After looking at all those pics, seems like bow season has started.
Here are some pics of our Huntcamp. It's about 50 miles from home. Good trout fishing, good grouse hunting, great black bear hunting and good moose (rifle) hunting. Best of all a great place to relax and fling a few arrows.,...Lloyd ( ( ( ( ( (
Nice Lloyd, whereabouts in Canada are you?
Gotta say this thread keeps getting better.
Hi Brian, I live in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. It borders with Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan. It's commonly called the hub of the Great Lakes :thumbsup:
Love this place, can't wait till spring turkey season!
I am starting a Cabin in Tennessee, so I have enjoyed this thread!!! Keep the pictures coming
Hello again everybody.Here is my cabin in the winter.
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Hey Guy, I like the last pic of your dog. :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :laughing: :laughing:
Hey Lloyd, it was not intend to turn out that way.
I don't think that's his good! :clapper:
That 5TH pic just "CRACKED ME UP"! :biglaugh:
I am only a guest when I stay here....
Central Adirondacks......
That just looks awesome there...Nice backwoods cabin I could spend many hours at...
Guyzer, really liken you setup. Very Cool!
This is my Dad's place where we hunt together.
Heres our camp and the barn which was just built with lumber taken off our land. This is my 65 acres of paradise. Took these pics this morning. (
Nice place , it must be paradise NO SNOW!
This is the best thread in a while. Keep it going guys. This is what makes a man keep going...... the dream.
Here are a couple pictures of our cabin from this weekend. Great thread, keep the pictures coming.
Keep it going guys.I like this thread.I think that we all have our own piece of HAVEN!!!
I just love it... Dream on... since it will never happen to me!!
Been a lot of places in this'un
This'un too (60 miles of dirt, and a 8 mile march, pretty sure we were the only humans within a 20 square mile area)
Love the lifestyle...
Another camp on a gated road at 6600' and 4 miles back.
Supertarps ROCK...
Guspup, what an awesome location!
Dan, a place to stay where the scenery changes every time you go out, can't get better than that. looks cozy too.
Daniel, that is the only WAY TO GO!!!
Just beautiful!!
Have some work to do on it yet, but this is it.
Some of you may have seen it at Denton hill, soon as spring comes I'll be spiffing it up a little, or should I say a lot.
This one was at Sawmill and whittingham and will be used to get further back into the woods.
Thats a sexy rig, could use some camo on the exterior.
I really love this thread. I have dreams of one day to be able to go out west and hunt out of a camper or cabin or even a tent. I have 3 young kids right now. But I can see us out hunting together one day.
Ipcjon, you might be right, I guess it will stick out a little.
Three Finger, that is something to really look forward to, you have a real happy experience in front of you, good luck.
Hey Ken,
I just picked up a 1968 globetrotter myself. Not near as nice looking as yours.
Being a big mirror, they are the perfect camo :-)
Here is my camp, southwest of Grayling Michigan, along the Manistee River. Just down the river from Freds "hunting grounds".
Ken, maybe you could get it camo dipped??
JASHU, that is one nice cabine you got.Nice dog too!
Originally posted by GUYZER:
JASHU, that is one nice cabine you got.Nice dog too!
Thank you, that photo was taken right after it was built. My friend Orion, the Labrador in the photo, passed away last fall at the age of 14. This is one of my favorite photos of him and I.
Originally posted by The Great Jashu:
Here is my camp, southwest of Grayling Michigan, along the Manistee River. Just down the river from Freds "hunting grounds".
That's awesome. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by The Great Jashu:
Here is my camp, southwest of Grayling Michigan, along the Manistee River. Just down the river from Freds "hunting grounds".
that is super cool!
JASHU, nice cabin, lots of trad hunting history around there.
Real Sorry about your friend Orion.
Guspup, mine needs some work also, soon as the spring comes I'll be real busy getting it ready for the up coming season.
Finished this little jewel in 2009. Deer camp is wherever I want to go that allows camping. Call it the "Dewdrop N"
It wants me to take it turkey hunting some kind of bad.
Sweet little trailer Duncan!
Love all the pics but Duncan can we see some inside pics PLEASE!
I'll have to post them tomorrow. Gotta hit the sack.
The interior is basically about the size of a queen size. Shelves front and rear with 2 small storage cabinets at the head of the bed.
The rear opens like a trunk lid and there is the galley. All you need is a pop up canopy in the rear and your set.
Not my cabin, but Schlaggerman is kind enough to share it with me. It's on property he owns in the northwoods of Wisconsin.
Nice looking cabin knobby!!
Originally posted by njloco:
This one was at Sawmill and whittingham and will be used to get further back into the woods.
Man, I thought I'd wrote a few checks to Patrick ;)
Can't wait to see if my tax return is big enough to buy a Ridgeline 5200 so I can leave my preagnant fat pig Mystery Ranch 6500 in the closet
Need some info on that little TP there dan, weight,dimensions, price......
OK its not a traditional cabin in the stationary sense but it has its roots in the 1920’s to the 1970’s and I bet a few trad hunters back in the day used teardrops to get closer to their hunting areas.
A closer shot of the galley
I thought I had a better pic of the inside
Here it is set up. You can see some of the bedding. I’ll have to take some better pics.
Google teardrop trailers. You will get some sites that show builds with tons of pics of different interiors and exteriors.
Originally posted by Duncan:
Wow. That's a cool little set up. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the pics Duncan. Awesome! Did you make it?
Originally posted by LC:
Thanks for the pics Duncan. Awesome! Did you make it?
Yes, I built it from scratch, but then I'm hardheaded. Should have bought some plans, I'm sure it would have been easier. I mostly cruised all the teardrop sites getting ideas and finding out where to get some of the specialty nouldings nd trim pieces. But it was a fun project. I just took longer to build in my spare time because there was alot of trial and error. Kind of like learning to build a self bow! :)
Originally posted by LC:
Thanks for the pics Duncan. Awesome! Did you make it?
Yes, I built it from scratch, but then I'm hardheaded. Should have bought some plans, I'm sure it would have been easier. I mostly cruised all the teardrop sites getting ideas and finding out where to get some of the specialty nouldings nd trim pieces. But it was a fun project. I just took longer to build in my spare time because there was alot of trial and error. Kind of like learning to build a self bow! :)
That little camper is pretty cool..... :thumbsup: How heavy is that camper?
Duncan, that is very cool. I love the configuration, great job.
That is one cool unit.
Here is our "cabin on wheels" -- a 31-foot Damon Hornet. My wife and I plan to build a cabin on our property in a few years, but this camper works well for the time being.
My home away from home in SW Missouri.
Very nice place, Buckster! I love the board and batten siding. Just what I'd want if I ever get to build one. :thumbsup:
Thanks Michael, you should see the inside. It has the usual Bobcat mount and a couple of nice deer mounts. But my Mom has really put some nice decorative touches to make it special.
She used a lot of old Southern nostalgia and classic antiques to make it homey. This picture was snapped before the steps up the front porch were installed, probably about 15 years ago.
Thanks guys.
Ron I have not taken it to the scales but I doubt it is over 1,000 lbs. My Ranger pulls it fine. I now know I could have made it lighter. But true to form, I over built it a little.
Jason, I like your set up. I've dreamed of getting a place of my own to take the teardrop, build a large shed for cooking and hanging out and using the teardrop for sleeping quarters until I can build a cabin.
TTT , must be some more out there!!!!!
Thanks, and that teardrop of yours looks amazing. I wish I would have thought of building of those years ago. I'd love to see more photos of it if you get the time.
Originally posted by Jason R. Wesbrock:
Thanks, and that teardrop of yours looks amazing. I wish I would have thought of building of those years ago. I'd love to see more photos of it if you get the time.
I know, I wish I had known about these teardrops 20 years ago when I hunted the Croatan with my uncle. It would have been much better than sleeping in the back of the truck shell.
I'll try to get some close ups of the interior posted.
nice looking cabin, what is the size of it?
My little camp near Naples NY.
Naples! That is in my neck of the woods, sort of. Grew up near Rochester and used to hunt down in Italy Valley when I was much younger. Hopefully we can meet up in a "local" trad shoot or something.
I love this thread!!!
Great thread guys...keep em coming.
TTT-Any more?
I am glad to see this come back up. :campfire:
Me too! Just wish I had one. Some really nice places you guys have!
I couldn't resist to bring this one up again. Here is my portable camp I got last year to sleep in comfort in Michigan's Upper peninsula.
way to cool b everyone thanks for showing us :thumbsup: :clapper:
Outstanding camp Mark! Hope to see a few more. Thanks for bringing this thread back!
I liv ( (¤t=190383_100341306713982_5771653_n_zpsa53e2ce3.jpg) e in the one I built.
This fall we'll break in my new place we call Bent Oak in SE KS. Just got the "Shabin" up and ready so anxious to start making memories. It's just big enough to have a place to hang our Shrews and comfortably swap stories....
The Shabin @ Bent Oak
First Class Facilities
Indian Springs Creek
This really doesn't concern hunting camps per se but my wife and I are considering building a log cabin for our permanant home. If anyone has any experience or tips I would certainly appreciate a P.M. or email.
This is mine,been keeping me busy the last ten yrs.
Originally posted by KSshrewman:
This fall we'll break in my new place we call Bent Oak in SE KS. Just got the "Shabin" up and ready so anxious to start making memories. It's just big enough to have a place to hang our Shrews and comfortably swap stories....
The Shabin @ Bent Oak
First Class Facilities
Indian Springs Creek
Awesome cabin!
Originally posted by Catskill Longbow:
Originally posted by KSshrewman:
This fall we'll break in my new place we call Bent Oak in SE KS. Just got the "Shabin" up and ready so anxious to start making memories. It's just big enough to have a place to hang our Shrews and comfortably swap stories....
The Shabin @ Bent Oak
First Class Facilities
Indian Springs Creek
Some REAL nice digs there ... some REAL NICE !!!
Here's a couple from the inside of my cabin that my buddy took from rifle opener last year. Oddly enough, I don't have any pictures of my place other than a couple I have in an insurance folder.
Due to break in's in the area, I did get an alarm system thru the phone lines. A shame, but a reality.
This is from the kitchen looking into the main room...
Here's from the kitchen looking up into the loft...
These are awesome! Keep em coming!
I really need to get some pictures of my families cabin on our land.
I'm honest and I'm jealous! Some nice hunting cabins for sure. Congrats to those who have them.
Originally posted by knobby:
Not my cabin, but Schlaggerman is kind enough to share it with me. It's on property he owns in the northwoods of Wisconsin.
:clapper: Very nice
Put this back up top.
Love the small cozy places.
ALL we need.
Gotta dump my high tax residence and get some land somewhere cheaper and build one of these cabins. Very Nice!
Well hunting and everything Michigan's U.P....
OK guys let me introduce myself - I am a professional cabinlookerafter.... I work for room/board and I look after your cabin during nights from Sep-Dec (time most cabins are vandalized). If interested shoot me a PM :-)
Originally posted by DaveT1963:
OK guys let me introduce myself - I am a professional cabinlookerafter.... I work for room/board and I look after your cabin during nights from Sep-Dec (time most cabins are vandalized). If interested shoot me a PM :-)
Lol. That's a good one !
Originally posted by twistedlim:
Well hunting and everything Michigan's U.P....
WOW!! That is amazing.
Wow, some of your cabins are amazing! Definitely envious fellas.
A few updates before I start or i should say hopefully finish this summer.
Picture of my land
a couple inside shots
And the views
Very nice places! :campfire:
For those interested
this cabin was done in traditional post and beam with stack log infill. It cost a little over $5000.00 for the entire build, mostly roofing and cement. Doors, windows, 3 " blue foam roof insulation, power box - wire, sinks, counter top, etc. are recycled, furniture is made or used stuff mostly old stuff from family and friends. wood is from local saw mills or off my land. Not out of reach, you just got to be invective, and like hard work and picking through junk.
Thanks for the inspiration. I have plans to do something similiar this summer. I am trying to at least get the shell up this year.
these are great!
I love pics of cabins! I dream and drool!
Very nice, I would be happy with land to hunt other than public.
"Motel 3" in Colorado.
Glare on pic is because it was taken out the window of our "real" cabin, our Mobile Suites fifth wheel. :D
TTT :campfire:
I love this thread!
Me too, love it!
My 'cabin' is a travel trailer, but I have a great friend who has several cabins that he lets me use whenever. All are surrounded by National Forest. It's a dirty job, but I try to help him out and use his cabins from time to time. Here's one of them:
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Here's another one:
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The view from yet another of his cabins;
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It's hard, but I'm trying to cope.
This is one of my favorite threads
Perfect timing to find this thread. Just got started on my first building on my property. It will be a two story barn, first floor for storage and living quarters on the second floor. I would like to build a separate cabin in the future, may use logs from the property, but until then this will do.
Just got the area for the foundation cleared, staked and squared up last weekend.
I plan on building the barn similar to this one:
More pics of the farm:
Only photo I have of the cabin on 45 acres my wife and I recently purchased in northern lower Michigan. It has been all work and no play fixing up the place so far. Hopefully that will change come October.
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Great thread , Love the cabins. Im still tenting .
Old Dry house that is used to hang our stick and string after a long bay in the wood.
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A shot from my stand in the late bow season, Northern Lower Michigan :)
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Birds eye view
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We go where the critters are (or aren't, as the case may be!). (
Well, I tried to post a photo of our little A-frame trailer, but no joy!
Great camps all. I don't have one, but dearly love looking at the pictures you've shared. Thank you! :campfire:
limbow i could sit all day up there with that view...just watching. man, that place is awesome!
Have to stay mobile in CO. Bout the time you might get the perfect hunt camp built the regs change and make buying or drawing a tag uncertain.
Nothing stops us from eating well!
Keep them coming please!!!!
I love this thread!
One word of advice to all. My father lived a long life and only expressed one regret: converting his hunting cabin to a permanent home.
I'm envious of all you guys with hunting cabins... Enjoy them to the max!
Heres my wife's new camp 70' from bank of the Mississippi River somewhere in the MS Delta.Its new but will get Traditional! She lets me bowhunt sometimes. :)
i called these turkeys over from Arkansas side one morning drinking coffee on the deck. :rolleyes:
Wow Joebuck, that is a beautiful place your wife has there! ;)
Here's mine on the banks of an oxbow off of the Wabash River between Indiana and Illinois.
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My son and I bought this little piece of heaven in West Va. In 1989
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Many , many memories here!
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Recent bowhunting success
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Upstairs bedroom
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recent addition of a back porch roof
No electricity, no phone service, don't want it!!
We pump water up the mountain to a 500 gal holdig tank. Awesome water pressure! Gas lights,gas hot water heater and gas radiant heat (if needed). We usually have the wood stove roaring.
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Hi Wayne.... Awesome camp!
Nice place Wayne........a lot of neat places!
I don't know how "traditional" it is but here's ours...
(http:// [url=] [img][/url] [/IMG]
(http:// [url=] [img][/url] [/IMG]
Neat places guys. did the Musk Ox get its name?
DarkTimber! When I was in college (1983) I was hunting along the river bottom and heard some dogs barking. I figured they were running a deer as I had some trouble with wild dogs in the area before (killed several). I got ready thinking that I might get a shot if they ran the deer by me. Sure enough I hear something coming and I look and see something. I had no idea what it was as it was really big and had a huge mane on it. I thought "that's a muskox". It wasn't a muskox in Indiana. It was a HUGE buck with a tangle of vines and brush tangled in its rack from being pushed by dogs. I didn't get the buck, but I did get one of the dogs. After the buch zoomed past I yelled at the dogs and they ran off. Iclimbed down and they came back. I shooed them away again. They came back a 3rd time and I yelled again. One raised its hackles and growled...wrong thing to do. A well placed arrow ended his deer chasing. That's why it's called the "Muskox Hunt Club".
Cool story Terry, thanks for sharing!!
arraflinger where in WV is your cabin?
Here's a picture of my parents cabin in SW Wisconsin. We spend a lot of time here and have made a lot of good memories in these hills.
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Thanks Jay for posting the picture! We've enjoyed a lot of great hunts from there! :thumbsup:
Bernie Bjorklund
NC Iowa/SW Wisconsin
Here's a couple pictures of mine. Haven't gotten much bow hunting in the last couple of seasons because I've spend most of my free time working on building it. It's finally "finished" and It was nice to be able to enjoy my first hunt out of it this season.
I think we'll call it "The Hard Way Hideout". It sits on the banks of the White River in the delta of Eastern Arkansas, right in the middle of more than 160,000 acres of National Wildlife Refuge that is some of the best deer and duck hunting in the state.
I've tried to build it out of mostly local materials. The board and batten siding is Cypress which was cut just a few miles up river. The interior walls are tongue and groove Southern Pine from South Arkansas and the floors are antique heart pine also from Arkansas.
I've gotten a lot of inspiration and ideas while building it from this post. I can't wait to start making memories here.
And finally, here is a pictures of the owner...I'm just the builder.
I love them all from the tent setups and very primitive to the nicest ones. I think it's the seclusion that attracts me most of all.
Dark Timber that's very nice! Do you have any interior pictures? Would love to see the interior.
Here is my place. I use to get to go only several times a year, however, now I have been full time. Lots of love and hard work. Almost all the timbers were cut from our lot and milled locally. ( ( :archer2:
Great thread! Many of us are very blessed!
Here is an outside view. (http://
Rick...I don't have any interior pics right now but I'll be going down again shortly and will snap a few and post them up when I do.
Archie; That's what I call a cabin,
I hope to be taking pictures soon. I just came to agreement on a hunting property in northern Michigan and there is a 450 square foot primitive cabin on it. Back to hunting the big woods, I can't wait.
new lean to
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dad's elk hanging on wall
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almost finished
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Some great pics of some really nice camps.
Up on the hill looking down on camp on family property in Western NY. Looks like the gangs all in.
Haven't made it back for family and deer season in 4 years now, too long.
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One of my favorite threads this time of year! There are some good ones here... any new ones or updates?
We are off grid and well into the woods, no running water or electricity...
It's always fun to look in a shed at hunting camp during the fall...
Great thread. Wish I had an idea how to post pic's here.
What a great thread.. Glad it came back up! James, I remember your cabin from your hurricane Sandy buck story... it's perfect!!
This is stagetek (Michael Griebl) piece of heaven on earth located in Split Rock,WI.
Very nice sir... I think I can smell the smoke...
Thanks Tim :)
Here is my cabin. Just got it done this summer. Put in a propane wall heater last weekend, still need a tank. It's on 160 acres of timber 1 1/2 hrs SW of St Louis. Hope to make some memories.
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100 yds from the cabin. I'm a lucky dog.
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Thanks again Jim. Really appreciate you posting my pic.
Almost done! Just needs log siding outside and V-Groove on inside, next month hopefully. 10X16 cabin on a 22x16 deck. Overlooking 4 ponds in 5 acre field next to deer woods.
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Hey awesome stuff . Lots of great post and thanks for sharing . Getting some ideas on my future cabin.
What a great thread. Just read all 17 pages and could have continued all day. :campfire:
I have a lot of clean up to do, but this is my new place. It sits on 100 acres of rolling oak ridges and I have 8 small food plots. I have a couple of more planned and some additional fruit trees for more variety.
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A couple of the summer visitors.
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I've really enjoyed this thread. A lot of memories being made.
Here's a great one from a while back. Ran into it by accident and thought I would bring it back up for others to see and add to!!
"I have hunted there since 1986, and can understand the ache that one may have to hold a piece of country, to throw your heart unreservedly, headlong into a patch of woods, a section of mountain, a stretch of range. Something that would be in your psyche, your soul, when you were away, and calling. Open arms awaiting your return, that you may frolic together in youthful abandon like old friends.
Reunited old friends pick up the conversation where it left off, because they really have never been apart." Killdeer {from page 2}
That's camp and I couldn't say it any better Killdeer! :campfire:
Outstanding cabins !!!
Wow Killdeer! We have a family cabin in the UP and this sentiment nails it. Thank-you.
I have hunted there since 1986, and can understand the ache that one may have to hold a piece of country, to throw your heart unreservedly, headlong into a patch of woods, a section of mountain, a stretch of range. Something that would be in your psyche, your soul, when you were away, and calling. Open arms awaiting your return, that you may frolic together in youthful abandon like old friends.
Reunited old friends pick up the conversation where it left off, because they really have never been apart.
Killdeer :campfire: [/QB][/QUOTE]
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Here is mine. Hoping to finish it this summer. It's situated on 3 acres that joins thousands of acres of National Forest in south western virginia.
What a great thread!!! Wish I could add... One day. As of now it would just be a picture of my boots.
Nice one, Nathan. A large covered deck sure makes a great outdoor "room".
A couple almost completed
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A couple during the build
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Nathan, that looks awesome, can't wait to see some finished pictures from the summer.
Hummer3T, those walls are incredible. I can only imagine the work that must have taken.
Great camps everyone, hopefully we'll get to see a bunch more. I could look at these types of threads for hours just daydreaming...
It one of those ideas that you take on and after 5 years of building you realize why you don't see very many houses made that way in the country. The old-timers must have had huge work bees.
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Nathan, I bet it's going to very nice when you finish. I hope you didn't forget to lock the door. :-)
Wish I knew how to post pictures, on this site. I have been working on mine since 2002. Located in northern mn I can be hunting in my stand in 10 min.
I was hoping to see more of these, been waiting...
Early bear/deer camp:
My camp on left during high water
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Wish I could establish a permanent camp!
As it is I pull my "cabin" behind me.
Starting my 5th year on an 800+ acre piece of heaven on earth in Southern Minnesota. We have a 100 year old farm house to stay at. Here's a photo tour of the property (this is a lease...I only wish I could call it my permanent home instead of only a temporary one!)
A welcome sight when coming in from a long day's hunt:
Daytime photos of the yard area, which is nearly a mile back on a dirt field road off a township gravel road.
Basic, but comfortable interior:
Seeing deer, turkeys, and other game and non-game wildlife right in the yard is just part of being there:
And outside the yard is 800 acres of fields, CRP, and hardwood forests that beckon and call like nowhere else I've been:
Hope you enjoyed the tour.
Wow, what a great place to spend the season.... :thumbsup:
Been working on this place in northern mn. Since 2002 hoping to retire there someday I do most of my hunting there.
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Enjoy threads like this.....thanks to all for sharing.
Sifting through pics to see what I could turn up. A blast from the past in Estill SC.
This little camper has been up and down the east coast hunting.
Thought I'd post an update on my cabin. Got the outside pretty much done. Hoping to get the inside far enough along to use by bow season.
(http:// [url=] [img][/url] [/IMG]
Beautiful place Nathan! :thumbsup:
awesone Nathan, looks great
I really love threads like this. I have a little cabin on 50 acres that my brothers and I bought in December. I'm in the process of fixing it up right now, so maybe I will have some pics to share sometime soon.
LOVE THIS THREAD, no matter the size, these places are paradise to me!
This thread never gets old, keeps me dreaming!!!
Jealousy has never been used when talking about my place. It has about had it, but so far keeps us dry and warm.
I've used it for about 10 years now, and I think I bought it for about $300, camo paint and all. Some people think I got took!! But it works.
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my little hangout....
Split Rock, WI. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
A view of the inside. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Probably my favorite thread on here. I read every page when this thread comes back up. This will happen one day for me. Great for ideas too.
Hummer, love your design and price range too. I just need the land first...
2 am in morning, full moon and fog, out the cabin window
These were posted on the cabin and camp thread started in Nov but now that pics on this thread have been revived I'll add to this older one.
Northeast VT
I like to keep it simply.
Snowtrekker EXP Basecamp 11x13. This will be my 6th season in this tent and couldn't be more happy with it. Light enough to pack miles into the wilderness and big enough when car camping to be the envy with a warm fire. Changed the game for me.
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Moose River early bow season camp in the Adirondack Mts in NY
BTW, the little single shot .410 gauge in the pic is to ward off bears that like to frequent the area!
Some tough fellas on here.
We don't rough it. (
Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
GCook, that's quite a conversation piece at your front door :biglaugh:
Posted a while back but Photo bucket held them captive.
Way back in the woods among the evergreens. Off the grid. 100 watt solar package for lights and radiant propane heater with 250 gal propane tank.
John- how does the solar package work for you?
Great pics everyone.
Tim B
Works great. It’s a 100 watt solar package from Harbor Freight. Panels go to solar charger(keeps from overcharging batteries) to two trolling motor batteries hooked up in tandem. Inverter takes dc from batteries and changes to ac. I have a heavy extension cord with two male ends. One in inverter and one plugged into cabin that goes straight to the fuse box that powers all the outlets. Power comes in as two legs of 60 which has two be wired to fuse box differently than 120. Confused even a lifelong electrician friend.
Runs lights, fans etc. Really everything I need but no ac. Need a 3500 generator for that.
A radiant direct vent propane heater (no blower) keeps the place toasty.
Some inside shots
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john im running two of those 100 watt solar chargers on 4 deep cycle batts. and a generator for ac and backup battery charging, pretty nice on a hot summer night to watch a good hunting video with cold ac blowing on you. and I have 20 lb. propane tank running two burner cook stove. and woodstove for heat.i do need a small fridg/freezer.
That’s a nice place! Doesn’t look like you’re roughing it too bad 😀
pretty comfy now, but I lived in that white tent for about 2 years every weekend,cooking coffee and food on an open fire. im amazed at how I kept warm by the fire all that time. :biglaugh: but they were some good meals.
Arrow30 that is a beautiful place
Thanks for the info John!
You and arrow 30 have some neat solar setups
Tim B
Bitch, bitch, bitch, 30. 😀
:biglaugh: ya I know.
Split Rock, WI. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
An engineering marvel, it is...
I remember back when I tented it. Still would on a mountain or wilderness hunt. But man have I gotten soft.
Hats off to you who do. Much tougher than I.
Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
Split Rock, WI.
I drive through the greater metropolis of Split Rock when I travel south to hunt near Waupaca.
Hammock camping is the way to rough it. Sleeping on the ground hurts.
Yooper...One stop sign, a dozen or so houses and a tavern. Perfect !
It’s been a nice gathering place for the family since ‘74.
I like the some of the neighbors...
This never gets old, let's see them!!!
I bought this Amish built log cabin this last summer and had it moved to my property by my3 acer lake. Plenty deer N good fishin. Inside is all log furniture, lights are kerosene lamps and wood stove for heat
I named the cabin after my late wife who I nicknamed Red Bird.
This wood stove keeps me plenty warm. The cabin is small but cozy for 1 or 2. and room for company
Very nice Ron, I like that! The inside especially has a great traditional look to it. Those green bottles will match some of your green longbows and wool :biglaugh:
Getting ready to head to Granger for four nights to chase hogs. Might even get some flurries.
I have trouble posting pictures, but i'll give it a try. This is obviously the inside. the next pix is the cabin from the outside.
Hmmm. That worked so I'l try another. Can't seem to post more than one pix on a post. My home away from home in the North Country.
Wudstix, might be chilly when the sun goes down :shaka: Go get'em!
Orion, very nice cabin :thumbsup:
I love it, thanks for sharing.
October, summer and inside. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
That's awesome, very nice place!! Like the setup outside as well
19-20 degrees was my limit with old set-up. Have new/better/more efficient sleeping mat and an over quilt, so will be good well below that. 30 is the prediction, so I'll be toasty. No worries about mosquitoes.
:coffee: :campfire: :archer2:
Yes sir, the lows are going to be 12,12 and 14 here in San Angelo Friday Saturday and Sunday, still good hunting weather for chasing pigs :shaka: Good Luck and enjoy!
Here's one more inside pix from a slightly different direction.
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Sweet, some of these cabins are nicer than my house.
:coffee: :campfire: :archer2: :biglaugh:
Shrew Haven 7 years ago on Discovering Outdoor TV show
Split Rock, WI. An improved version of the old cabin. Some tree damage, so a new steel roof and a porch. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Great looking cabins everyone! Here’s my buddy’s family cabin in northern Michigan that we’ve been going to for over 25 years. Unfortunately they sold it last year-a lot of good memories up there...
Great thread .. purchased land in northern WI a few years ago with places to build a cabin, so many good ideas from the pictures you attached. Thank you!!!
I enjoyed the videos gentlemen as I sit here locked down In the mess known as So Cal what I wouldn't give to be in the UP even though I've never been there.
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Friend, that's a very nice collection of antlers you have there.
As always, enjoyable thread with great idea's!!
Thanks again
Shrew Haven
The beginning of Shrew Haven, six men killed eight deer
I couldn’t go thru 18 pages and I think my place is there somewhere but they might be in photo bucket jail. So...on 167 acres 1 1/2 hours s w of St Louis. Off grid, solar package for lights, radiant propane heater, outhouse. About 15 ladder stands. It’s sweet.
Outdoor shower behind the cabin
Roy, That is a wonderful looking camp, I know you and your wife are feeling on top of the world right now. Wishing you many years of happy times there
Watch out for that night visiter :o
Thanks Ron, yes we are very excited...
We've been looking for 2.5 years now and this was our 6th trip up north looking at camps for sale.
Oh we will be expecting them to stroll bye...
Been wanting to post these for a while.....
Hmmm...?? :dunno:
Those wonderful camps will inspire a plethora of treasured memories.
Fixed your pictures for ya Chuck.
Cell phone pictures are notorious for sideways pictures.
Many thanks, Roy!!! Appreciate it Brother!! :notworthy:
Pictures of Tyler & I, are up on the mountain overlooking the West Branch Delaware River Valley.
My favorite place in the world!!! :archer:
I always love looking at this thread.
Roy - congrats on the new camp!!!
Tim B
Welcome Chuck and thanks Tim....
I love this post, keep them coming!
Hmmm...?? :dunno:
Beautiful spot up there Chuck. Great looking camp there. I flyfish up there often. Nothing like the West Branch area. If I see smoke risin' in the hills I'll know the coffee is on .. :wavey: Enjoy it!!
We should get together in the Spring, Dennis!! :thumbsup:
Turkey Season, is a fun time!!! Hunting in the morning, Fishing in the afternoon....
Yessir!! Thanks Chuck. Will keep in touch. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Up-graded from the green Sil Poly tarp to a Dyneema tarp, a lighter suspension and lighter hammock system. Tarp and straps weight 12 ounces, saved almost two pounds off total carry weight. Great set-up, and easy to move. Pics not from a hunting trip, but a 74 mile chunk of the Appalachian trail.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
Shrew Haven
The beginning of Shrew Haven, six men killed eight deer
I love buck pole pics. Looks like a ton of fun had.
I think this is my favorite thread! I really enjoy seeing other hunter's set-ups. I even found my go-to place back on page 12 that my son Jay posted for me. Keep them coming!
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Shrewhaven Lodge. A thirty year tradition on that property. Our current cabin has been there for 20 years after being trucked in by semi truck. The cabin was a University of Michigan research quarters built in the 1930’s. We purchased it for $3,000 and put a bunch of manual labor to reconfigure the inside (carefully removed closets and half walls to reuse original pine boards), put a metal roof on and relocate a classic wood stove that Ron LaClair had in his Archery Shoppe. The outside of the cabin was scraped, rechinked and sealed (3 day, four man project).
The investment of time and money was well worth it.
First off. Ron, what a great camp you have. That inside pix with the guys and the lamps etc should be made into a jig saw puzzle.
When I first moved to Alberta I had hoped to buy a parcel up north in Bear country and offer free hunts to fellow PBS members. Enter Alberta Professional Outfitters Society (APOS) and that idea ended w the hunter host program. Which took a few years to refine. Now it's 1-2 friends/family every other year.
Well I eventually managed a nice property which we developed over 10 yrs. Cleared it and built everything on it myself except for one old shed a friend gave me. It was only 20 acres but located in the middle of another 600+ acres belonging to various neighbors who all allowed me to hunt right out my back door.
While not exactly a cabin, it was my private little piece of heaven.
The house started off as a shop w a mobile home across the drive way from it. Eventually we added on and turned it into our Home.
Well I have no idea how that's happening. HELP! Preview is not working for me either.
The area we lived in has one of if not THE highest densities of Moose in Alberta. It was common to hear them coming from a "deer" stand by a neighbors fence wires being stretched as the clumsy buggers were trying to jump/cross over. When I guided for Ryk Visscher he used to tell clients on first day orientation that average good Moose habitat has 2-3 Moose per square mile. The area we hunted which included our property averaged 12-15 per square mile. I lived about 5 kms from a 25,000 acre+- bird sanctuary that allowed only deer hunting and Moose by draw.
Fourth of July old Glory comes out. Dog of a lifetime and shed hunting fanatic! I miss that guy!
Could never find any gold :goldtooth:
Stay tuned
My wife's Uncle Joe's camp on the left and my wife's Dad's camp on the right. Cooks Forest Pennsylvania. :campfire:
Hanging out.
As someone once said, peace work.
One I found of inside
Here's one more pix of the inside of my cabin as well. Spend a fair amount of time staring at that wall and reliving the hunts the racks represent.
Looking for this one.
Located on top of the mountain.
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My son and I purchased two plots (total of 27.5 acres) of land over the last two years. Did the driveway, landing and captured two springs for water on first plot. Bought a RV that had more rot then we thought, so we’re just using the RV frame. Started the build this past fall. The cabin / trailer will be done by 2022 bow hunting season. The following summer planning a enclosed front porch. My son picked the color, I told my wife I wanted a cabin but got a barn. lol
Looking good ! That colour will tone down and be perfect !
One I found of inside
Love that color phase bear? Where did you get it?
Not mine but a friends families that they've had for 4 generations. One of my favorite places to spend time. Try to hunt out of it at least once a year.
Most of the family thinks it’s a lake home.
This is a great thread.
this is where i stayed while building my cabin.
Entire cabin was built with trees from the UP of Michigan. Cedar, hemlock and pine.
Very nice, Vesty..
Ya got pictures of the inside?
Nice cabin Vesty.
:campfire: :coffee: :archer2:
Very nice cabin, this thread never gets old!!
I love this thread; I have looked through it many times.
You and me both!!!
I also have looked through and enjoyed this thread many times. I even found our cabin way back on page 12.
Here's an inside picture looking down from the loft. Notice our two spoiled Cavalier pups!
My picture didn't go through....
One more indoors picture from our loft.
Got an indoor shot today. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
nice lookin place Vesty :thumbsup:
Great places, all of them. Nothing better than a cabin in the woods !
Keeping this alive, I will post some updates. 20 pages later and still
Some additions solar system, running hot and cold water, and walk in freezer, all off grid. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
And the cabin...
Split Rock, WI. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
And...A daytime pic. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Hummer3T, Get rid of your FPE electrical panel, it is dangerous and a fire hazard. Or increase your insurance.
50 years experience electrician.
Home sweet home,in the oaks.
Best deer hunting in the state.
West central. Oaks swamps.
Deer heaven. Thank you Lord
I love this thread!! It's that time of year again... :archer: :campfire: :archer:
Work in progress. Shack on my river property in lower Michigan.
Around the shack and some of my best hunting buddy.
[ You are not allowed to view attachments ] I haul my Cabin
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Here is an updated photo. I had a steel roof and a porch added in 2019. A never ending labor of love. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Now fallen down. Good memories. It was 8 feet wide. One 2x4 wide. It was a bed, a foot and a half plus an upright gas drum(45gallon) long. I figure about 11-12 feet long, 8 feet wide. Three beds high on both sides. So 6 beds. Or two triple deckers. 9 of us stayed in that. 3 in one bed, next bunk down was two, then every bed after one each. If you shook too much, the snow would fall in on the bed. The piece on the left was an add on. And wasn’t there when I stayed there.
Sometimes this also…
Sometimes this also
Nice Vroomvroom, beautiful country as well.
Moose country
Didn't see where I had contributed on this thread prior - but my home is my hunting cabin in the woods. By design. I walk out my back door to hunt. I own a half-mile deep and have permission to hunt another 5 miles by 8 miles of woods uninterupted by roads or homes.
20 yard indoor range in my basement. Life is good.
Stumpkiller, that's the dream
Garage turned into a cabin on my property.
Nice, looks good!
JR, I fixed the picture. It was too big.
Thanks buddy.
The deer and the barbecue are really close together !!
Beautiful cabin !
Very nice, hunt from the front porch on the lazy days :)
Not mine, this is an off the grid cabin in the middle of the Adirondack mountains that I hunt out of each year. It’s on the south shore of Cranberry Lake. Awesome place!
Here is a pic of my camp in the Adirondack mountains. Great place but needs a lot of work. Good hunting here.
Nice looking camp, Ron!!! :thumbsup: Where'bouts is it?
Need's work? Looks to me like all it needs is a sleeping bag, and a campfire :campfire:
Chuck, it's in Benson, about 25 miles north of Rockwood. I put the porch roof on this past summer. Theres not much around there but quiet. Which I like. It does have electric. No cell phone coverage, which I really like!
If you run into Brother Ken, tell him I said hello!! :wavey:
I certainly will.
You guys have some nice cabins with beautiful views!
My old pics way back in this thread are probably in photo bucket prison.
Here’s some newer ones. Off grid on 167 acres in MO
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Great looking camp
Sold this place, kind of miss it now that it’s gone. It sat on 120 acres and I have a lot of good memories.
But this one, on a lake. Not much acreage, but lots of state ground.